Department of Otlaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan
The author sought to achieve laryngeal reinnervation, with or without arytenoid adduction (AA), to treat severe breathy dysphonia caused by unilateral vocal fold paralysis. One surgical approach is primary reconstruction of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) immediately after extirpation of a thyroid or other malignant tumor. The RLN is reconstructed via direct suturing, interpolation of a free nerve graft between the severed stumps of the RLN, or transfer of the ansa cervicalis nerve (ACN). Another strategy features delayed reinnervation of the larynx in combination with AA. Nerve–muscle pedicle flap implantation into the thyroarytenoid muscle (a technique refined by the author) will also be described. This technique and nerve transfer involving the ACN both deliver excellent vocal function several months postoperatively. Laryngeal edema after AA attains its maximum extent on postoperative day (POD) 3 and then gradually (and significantly) subsides to POD 7. Both AA and type I thyroplasty negatively affect respiratory functioning, although no patient experienced dyspneic symptoms when performing daily activities.
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Laryngeal reinnervationThyroplastic surgerySurgical techniqueLaryngeal edemaRespiratory function5.1 Introduction
Many surgical methods including type I thyroplasty, intracordal injection, arytenoid adduction (AA), and combinations thereof have been used to treat breathy hoarseness caused by unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP). These methods aim to close the glottal gap and increase the thickness of the affected vocal fold. Chapter 1 identified several areas that are inadequately addressed by conventional phonosurgery, emphasizing the need to refine current surgical techniques. The thyroarytenoid (TA) muscle plays several important roles in adjusting the vertical thickness (the medial–inferior bulge) and in controlling the physical properties of the vocal fold. In particular, the TA muscle regulates the cover tension and stiffness of the entire vocal fold. Thus, recovery of TA muscle contraction may be indispensable, in combination with median localization of the vocal fold, to restore a normal voice.
Figure 5.1 shows that AA rotates the affected vocal fold to the median position and prevents abduction of this fold secondary to type C synkinesis (abduction during phonation caused by misdirected nerve regeneration (see Chap. 4, Sect. 4.3.2)). Reinnervation of the TA muscle restores the medial–inferior bulge, adjusts the overall tension, and stabilizes the median location of the fold, because of reinforcement of the TA muscle contraction during phonation. This chapter will describe the author’s experience regarding treatment of paralytic dysphonia, with the primary intent of recovery of normal voice. Reinnervation of the TA muscle, often combined with AA, was the mainstay of treatment. Perioperative complications and changes in respiratory functioning after phonosurgery will also be described.
Fig. 5.1
Unfavorable features of an affected vocal fold and the operative procedures used to correct them
5.2 The Basic Policy
Figure 5.2 is a flow chart outlining how the author selected an operative procedure for treatment of breathy dysphonia caused by UVFP. If a thyroid or other malignant neck tumor is to be extirpated, nerve reconstruction should be performed immediately after recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) resection. In such instances, the period from UVFP onset to RLN reconstruction is relatively short (often less than a few months), and excellent vocal outcomes may be expected, even in the absence of AA [1, 2]. In patients with persistent UVFP, nerve reconstruction is usually combined with AA for three principal reasons. The first reason is that facilitation of TA contraction during phonation, via reinnervation, affords a better voice than performance of AA alone or AA combined with medialization thyroplasty (intracordal injection or type I thyroplasty). The second reason is that combination therapy allows a patient to perceive voice improvement soon after surgery, although the voice is not normal at this time. This is important because the effects of reinnervation are not apparent for several months. The third reason is that even if reinnervation does not positively affect voice quality, conventional augmentation can still be undertaken.
Fig. 5.2
Selection of an operative procedure to treat breathy dysphonia caused by unilateral vocal fold paralysis. RLN recurrent laryngeal nerve, ACN ansa cervicalis nerve, NMP nerve–muscle flap implantation, AA arytenoid adduction, SH sternohyoid, Type I type I thyroplasty, Injection intracordal injection
When the ansa cervicalis nerve (ACN) and the sternohyoid (SH) muscle are both unavailable, conventional framework surgeries such as AA, with or without medialization thyroplasty, are performed. If the differences in the vertical positions and thicknesses of the two vocal folds are minimal during phonation, medialization laryngoplasty is indicated. Three-dimensional (3D) vocal fold configurations were assessed on the 3D computed tomographic images described in Chap. 4. If manual finger compression of the thyroid alae helps to improve the voice (Fig. 5.3) [3], the surgical outcome may well be favorable. In addition, this test helps the patient understand what the operation seeks to achieve.
Fig. 5.3
Manual compression test
5.3 Primary Reconstruction of the RLN
UVFP is often caused by invasion of the RLN by thyroid cancer or other malignant metastatic lesions of the neck. Furthermore, even if UVFP is not evident preoperatively, a tumor may be found, intraoperatively, to adhere firmly to the RLN, necessitating removal of the involved RLN region to ensure total cancer extirpation. The generally accepted management procedure for such patients who develop UVFP is the observation for several months after surgery; phonosurgical procedures are reserved for patients who desire voice improvement [4]. Breathy hoarseness improves after conventional phonosurgical treatments including intracordal injection, type I thyroplasty, AA, and combinations thereof, but voice quality does not attain a normal level, and long-term benefits cannot be guaranteed. Beginning in 1995, the author began to reconstruct severed RLNs immediately after extirpation of malignant lesions; the method is shown in Fig. 5.2.
5.3.1 Operative Procedures
The distal branch of the RLN is preserved to the maximal extent possible when a tumor invading the RLN is resected. When the nerve is transected at the entrance thereof to the larynx, the adductor branch of the RLN is identified by removing the inferior-posterior portion of the thyroid cartilage after disconnection of the cricothyroid joint. Because the adductor branch is thin, it is sometimes difficult to link the nerve stumps with three stitches. If both ends are appropriately fitted, one or two stitches may yield good postoperative vocal results. Direct suture of both stumps is technically and functionally possible only when the gap between the ends is less than 5 mm, because tension at the suture site is unacceptable. A free nerve graft is placed between the severed ends if direct anastomosis is not possible. A segment of the great auricular nerve (GAN) usually serves as such a graft (Fig. 5.4) because the graft surgical field is close to the RLN, and the GAN and RLN are of similar diameter. The third method is nerve transfer, in which the ACN is sutured to the peripheral end of the RLN when the other end of the RLN is unavailable for reconstruction. Nerve interposition is preferred to nerve transfer, because the motor supply to the intrinsic laryngeal muscles originates from the RLN and not the ACN. We believe that using the RLN as the regenerating nerve is better for restoring normal vocal function than other methods (including anastomosis with the ACN). In a few patients in whom the peripheral end of the RLN was unavailable for reconstruction, we performed nerve–muscle pedicle (NMP) flap implantation combined with AA. Figure 2.6 illustrates the methods used for laryngeal reinnervation.
Fig. 5.4
Nerve interposition between the severed ends of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN). A 39-year-old female underwent total thyroidectomy together with RLN resection 3 months after onset of left vocal fold paralysis. The red arrows indicate the suturing sites. GAN great auricular nerve
The superior root of the ACN is located dorsal to the anterior belly of the omohyoid (OH) muscle and anterior to the internal jugular vein. The ACN is followed caudally until that nerve branch enters the sternohyoid (SH) muscle after looping around the inferior root (Fig. 5.5). A main branch is utilized for anastomosis with the peripheral end of the RLN. This step is performed under microscopic guidance to ensure an exact fit between the cut ends of the nerve fibers; between two and four ties of 9-0 nylon thread are placed.
Fig. 5.5
Schematic drawing of the left ansa cervicalis nerve (ACN)
5.3.2 Subjects
Thirty-two patients underwent primary nerve reconstruction at the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Kumamoto University Hospital, between March 2000 and March 2014. Table 5.1 shows the clinical profiles of these patients. In 19 patients, the duration of UVFP prior to surgery ranged from 1 to 62 months (median: 3.5 months); thus, most patients underwent nerve reconstruction within a few months after onset of UVFP. The ACN was utilized for nerve transfer in 17 patients, and in 1 patient with uterine cancer metastasis, the ACN of the unaffected side was moved to anastomose with the contralateral peripheral RLN stump.
Table 5.1
Demographic data of patients who underwent immediate recurrent laryngeal nerve reconstruction
Gender | 9 males, 23 females |
Age | 18–86 years (60.4 ± 15.8) |
Affected side | Left: 16, right: 16 |
Causes of vocal fold paralysis | Thyroid cancer: 25 |
Metastatic cancer: 5 | |
(Esophageal cancer: 2, uterus/breast: 1 each) | |
Vagus tumor: 2 | |
Mediastinal tumor: 1 | |
Vocal fold paralysis before surgery | Present: 19 (7.9 ± 13.2, 3.5 months)a |
Absent: 12 | |
Unexplained: 1 | |
Nerve reconstruction | Nerve transfer: 17 |
Nerve interposition: 10 | |
Direct suture: 5 |
5.3.3 Assessment of Vocal Function
The vocal function of each patient was assessed in terms of aerodynamics, acoustic analysis, and auditory impression, both before surgery and 1, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. The parameters measured were maximum phonation time (MPT), mean airflow rate (MFR), jitter, shimmer, harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR), grade overall, greatness (using the GRBAS scale, which is an acronym for grade overall, rough, breathy, asthenic, and strained; 0 = normal, 1 = slight, 2 = moderate, 3 = extreme; see Sect. 4.2), and range of pitch. Auditory perceptual assessment using the GRBAS scale was conducted by three different listeners in random order. The mean values of G and B were recorded for each patient. Because the patients varied in terms of the presence or duration of UVFP prior to surgery, we examined vocal function after nerve reconstruction. The Mann–Whitney test was used for statistical analysis, and P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Table 5.2 shows the mean ranges of vocal function (except for jitter, shimmer, and HNR) of healthy Japanese men and women aged 50–59 years [5]. The normal ranges of acoustic parameters were taken from the manufacturer’s practical guide to the Multi-Dimensional Voice Program (Kay-Pentax).
Table 5.2
Normal ranges of vocal function
Male | Female | |
MPT (second) | 12.5–30.4 | 14.2–19.8 |
MFR (mL/s) | 113–262 | 99–173 |
Pitch range (semitone) | 18.2–28.6 | 18.7–30.4 |
Jitter | <1.04 % | |
Shimmer | <3.81 % | |
HNR | 7.2 dB< |
Temporal changes in the vocal functions of 22 patients, who underwent primary RLN reconstruction and who were followed-up over 12 months, are shown in Figs. 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, and 5.9. All vocal parameters exhibited continuous and significant improvement during the 12-month follow-up period. Although jitter and shimmer also significantly improved, the normal ranges of these parameters were not attained. However, all other parameters recovered to values within the normal ranges by 12 months after surgery.
Fig. 5.6
Maximum phonation time (MPT) and mean airflow rate (MFR) of 22 patients who underwent primary reconstruction of the recurrent laryngeal nerve and were followed-up over 12 months. The number in each bar indicates the average and the line above the bar the standard deviation
Fig. 5.7
Jitter, shimmer, and harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR) of 22 patients who underwent primary reconstruction of the recurrent laryngeal nerve and were followed-up over 12 months. The number in each bar indicates the average and the line above the bar the standard deviation
Fig. 5.8
G (grade overall) and B (breathiness) of 22 patients who underwent primary reconstruction of the recurrent laryngeal nerve and were followed-up over 12 months. The number in each bar indicates the average and the line above the bar the standard deviation
Fig. 5.9
The pitch range of 22 patients who underwent primary reconstruction of the recurrent laryngeal nerve and were followed-up over 12 months. The number in each bar indicates the average and the line above the bar the standard deviation
Generally, the sooner a functional connection is made between a regenerating axon and a muscle fiber, the more likely it is that the extent of functional recovery of the muscle will be close to normal. Currently, however, no definitive clinical data are available on how long it is acceptable to wait from onset of UVFP to nerve reconstruction ensuring functional recovery of the muscle. The longest such interval in the present series was 14 months in a patient who had thyroid papillary cancer (thus delaying reinnervation); vocal function recovered to normal over the 12-month follow-up period. Of the nine patients in the report by Maronian et al. [6] who underwent laryngeal reinnervation procedures, eight developed a normal or improved voice. The interval between UVFP onset and surgery exceeded 12 months in all but one case. The longest interval was 9 years, after which the voice was noted to have improved. Denervation usually causes a drastic reduction in muscle fiber numbers and, ultimately, the total loss thereof. However, the duration of atrophy of human intrinsic laryngeal muscles remains unclear, because this varies among muscles [7]. Further work is required to determine the longest duration from UVFP onset to reinnervation that allows successful RLN reconstruction.
Another concern is the unfavorable effect of long-lasting nerve compression. Two such cases were encountered in our present series. In both patients, the RLNs were flat at the site of tumor adhesion because of chronic compression. One patient underwent nerve transfer using the intact ACN and experienced excellent vocal function postoperatively. The other patient underwent direct anastomosis of the severed ends because the gap was less than 5 mm; limited improvement in vocal function was noted (MPT: 7.1 s, G: 1.3, B: 1.0). Endoneurial tubes within a macroscopically distorted nerve may also be distorted, resulting in suppression of nerve regeneration per se or growth of sprouting fibers into the endoneurial tubes. Although we only have little evidence, we believe that any portion of a nerve that has been flattened by tumor compression should be removed and nerve reconstruction should be performed to optimize functional recovery.
5.4 Delayed Reinnervation of the TA Muscle After Onset of UVFP
Those patients who suffer from breathy dysphonia caused by UVFP are indicated for phonosurgical treatment. An operative procedure was selected using the flow chart in Fig. 5.2.
5.4.1 Indication
Unless the ACN has been resected during prior surgery, reinnervation of the TA muscle is attempted together with AA. If the ACN cannot be bilaterally located because of the presence of cicatricial tissue, or if electrical stimulation of the ACN does not elicit SH muscle contraction, AA alone is performed, and type I thyroplasty or intracordal injection is scheduled for a later date.
5.4.2 Operative Procedures for TA Muscle Reinnervation Combined with AA Nerve–Muscle Pedicle Flap Implantation (Fig. 5.10) Combined with AA [8]
Fig. 5.10
Nerve–muscle pedicle (NMP) flap implantation. The flap is elevated cranially to attain the thyroid cartilage in a tension-free manner
A NMP flap supplies the nerve fibers that regenerate through the ACN into the target muscle; such regenerating fibers make functional connections with postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors (AchRs) within individual muscle fibers. In the human TA muscle, neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) are concentrated in a band around the mid-belly of the muscle [9]. Therefore, an NMP flap is best placed around this region so that the distance that regenerating nerve fibers must travel to reach the AchRs is minimized, and the maximum number of functional connections to NMJs may be established. As indicated in Fig. 5.11, the mid-portion of the window in the thyroid ala that is used for NMP flap implantation corresponds to the mid-belly of the TA muscle. The RLN branch enters the TA muscle just posterior to the mid-portion of the window.
Fig. 5.11
Relationship between the mid-portion of a window in the thyroid ala used for NMP flap implantation and the thyroarytenoid muscle (the left side of the larynx, the right side was resected to treat laryngeal cancer in a 57-year-old male). The mid-portion of the window is marked with blue pigment (crystal violet). The lower part of the left thyroid ala was removed
CT cricothyroid, LCA lateral cricoarytenoid, RLN recurrent laryngeal nerve, PS pyriform sinus, TA thyroarytenoid
General anesthesia with endotracheal intubation is induced. The patient lies in a supine position with a pillow under the shoulder. Generally, endotracheal tubes of inner diameters 6 and 7 mm are used for female and male patients, respectively. Employment of a relatively thin tube allows the vocal fold to adduct passively during the anteroinferior pull of the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage.
Skin Incision and Harvesting of the NMP Flap
An incision is made horizontally from the midline to the anterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle at the level of the inferior one-fourth of the thyroid cartilage. The skin incision is approximately 5 cm long for females and 6 cm long for males. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is dissected anteriorly, exposing the internal jugular vein, where the ACN (the superior root) and the branch thereof to the omohyoid muscle are identified. The omohyoid muscle is transected, and the ACN is followed until the nerve enters the SH muscle. Electrical stimulation is applied to confirm the presence of nerve fibers innervating the SH muscle. A relatively thick AC branch to the SH muscle is harvested together with a 3 × 3 mm piece of the muscle at the point of the entrance of the nerve into the muscle; this is the NMP flap. The flap is elevated with meticulous care, and the course of the nerve reversed cranially to ensure that the flap attains the mid-portion of the thyroid ala without application of any tension. The inferior root of the ACN nerve is usually preserved.
Arytenoid Adduction
AA is performed using the method by Isshiki et al. [10] When approaching the muscular process, hydrocortisone sodium succinate (500 mg) is administered intravenously over 40–60 min to minimize postoperative mucosal edema. We do not open the cricoarytenoid joint. Care is taken to preserve the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve and to avoid injury to the pyriform sinus mucosa. Opening of the paraglottic space and rotatory traction of the thyroid cartilage allow identification of the muscular process, via palpation along the posterior plate of the cricoid cartilage at a point approximately 1 cm cranially from the cricothyroid joint. Next, the muscular process is grasped with a pair of Adson forceps to confirm the passive mobility of the arytenoid. This step is necessary to estimate the degree of traction of the muscular process. Two 3-0 nylon threads are then placed through the muscular process and tied for later use.
Window Formation and Exposure of the TA Muscle Bundle
Figure 5.12 shows the location and design of the window in the thyroid ala. The window base is set 2–3 mm cranial to the lower edge of the thyroid ala. The medial edge is 5–7 mm distant from the midline, depending on the size of the thyroid ala, and the horizontal dimension of the window is 10 mm. The upper edge of the window is set 2 mm cranially from the estimated level of the vocal fold (Fig. 5.12, dotted line). The outer perichondrium is elevated and diamond-tip drills are used under microscopic guidance to create a window in which the inner perichondrium is intact. Next, that perichondrium is cut via electrocautery, with careful exposure of the TA muscle bundle to the maximal possible width, to establish sufficient contact between the NMP flap and the muscle (Fig. 5.13). A small pocket is created in the muscle at the point at which the NMP flap is sited.
Fig. 5.12
Location and design of the window in the left thyroid ala. The dotted line indicates the estimated level of the vocal fold
Fig. 5.13
Exposure of the thyroarytenoid (TA) muscle bundle through the window on the left side
Traction of the Muscular Process and NMP Flap Implantation
One of the nylon threads tied to the muscular process is introduced to the anterior surface of the thyroid ala, proceeding medially from the inferior tubercle. One end of the thread is passed through the lower edge of the window and the other is passed through the cricothyroid membrane. The second thread is likewise introduced, but in a slightly more medial position. The threads are used to pull the muscular process in a direction similar to that of the lateral cricoarytenoid (LCA) muscle, and are secured using a silicone shim.
The muscular region of the NMP flap is positioned in the window in a manner allowing the widest possible contact with the TA muscle and is secured to surrounding tissues using 8-0 nylon threads (Fig. 5.14, triangle). This step is crucial and is best performed under microscopic guidance. Subsequently, the window is covered with the outer perichondrium. Meticulous hemostasis is performed throughout the entire operation. A Penrose drain is placed in the wound; the drain is pointed toward the paraglottic space.
Fig. 5.14
Implantation of a nerve–muscle pedicle (NMP) flap on the left side. The triangle indicates an 8-0 nylon stitch between a piece of muscle and the inner perichondrium Nerve Transfer Utilizing the ACN, Combined with AA [11]
General anesthesia with endotracheal intubation is induced. The overall procedure is similar to NMP flap implantation combined with AA, and below, only the differences between the two procedures will be discussed.
The skin incisions (5.5–6.0 cm and 6.5–7.0 cm in length for female and male patients, respectively) are slightly longer than those created during NMP flap implantation combined with AA. After the ACN is identified and elevated from the surrounding tissues, the RLN is isolated in the tracheoesophageal groove following elevation of the posterior border of the ipsilateral thyroid lobe. Meticulous hemostasis is important at this stage, because many blood vessels are located around the thyroid lobe. Two 3-0 nylon threads are tied through the muscular process, as described in the previous section. Particular attention is devoted to avoid injury to the pyriform sinus mucosa and the anterior division of the RLN at the surface of the posterior cricoid lamina (where the nerve is particularly vulnerable).
The proximal end of the ACN is anastomosed to the distal stump of the RLN with three or four stitches of 9-0 nylon thread, under a surgical microscope. Subsequently, traction is applied to pull the muscular process toward the anterior surface of the thyroid ala; two small adjacent holes are made in the thyroid ala. The posterior hole is placed just anterior to the inferior tubercle, and the anterior hole is placed 3 mm distant from the first hole. Nylon threads are introduced to the anterior surface of the thyroid ala through the two holes. One end of each thread is passed through a thyroid ala hole, and the other end is passed through the cricothyroid membrane. Next, the threads are tied over two small pieces of silicone to form two adjacent knots, after application of appropriate traction. Finally, two drains are placed in the wound, and the skin closed.
5.4.3 Subjects
Forty-three UVFP patients with severe breathy dysphonia underwent NMP flap implantation combined with AA between July 2002 and April 2011. In total, 10 patients were excluded from analysis: 2 required perioperative tracheostomy, 1 experienced wound opening caused by postoperative bleeding, 2 developed local infections after surgery, and 5 were lost to follow-up within 1 year. Consequently, 33 patients were finally enrolled (16 males, 17 females, age range 28–82 years, median age 59.5 ± 13.2 years). The average duration of UVFP prior to surgery was 24.9 months (range 1–366 months, median 9.0 months). The follow-up period ranged from 12 to 84 months (mean 29.0 months, median 26.0 months). The causes of UVFP are listed in Table 5.3.
Table 5.3
Causes of vocal fold paralysis
Causes of vocal fold paralysis | Number of patients | |
Iatrogenic (postoperative) | 27 | |
Thyroid cancer | 9 | |
Aortic aneurysm | 7 | |
Thymus tumor | 2 | |
Cerebral aneurysm | 2 | |
Esophageal cancer | 2 | |
Lung cancer | 2 | |
Graves disease | 1 | |
Mediastinal tumor | 1 | |
Vagal schwannoma | 1 | |
Subarachnoid hemorrhage | 2 | |
Thyroid cancer | 1 | |
Pulmonary tuberculosis | 1 | |
Idiopathic | 2 | |
Total | 33 |
Eleven UVFP patients with severe breathy dysphonia underwent nerve transfer combined with AA between October 2001 and November 2008. The primary etiologies of UVFP were associated with previous surgeries to treat a basal meningioma (1), esophageal cancer (1), a right vertebral artery aneurysm (1), a neck tumor (1), a vagal schwannoma (1), an aortic aneurysm (3), and a mediastinal tumor (1). The remaining two patients had left bulbar palsy (Wallenberg syndrome) (one) and an idiopathic etiology (one). Three patients were excluded from analysis; two patients experienced wound opening caused by postoperative bleeding, and one patient developed a recurrence of esophageal cancer. Thus, the vocal functions of eight patients (four males and four females) were followed-up over 2 years. The time from onset of paralysis to surgery ranged from 6 to 52 months (mean 23.0 ± 16.5 months).
5.4.4 Assessment of Vocal Function
The Mann–Whitney test was used in statistical analysis and P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. NMP Flap Implantation Combined with AA
Of patients who underwent NMP flap implantation combined with AA, all postoperative voice parameters (measured at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months) significantly improved compared to the preoperative data. Moreover, all parameters except MFR and pitch range exhibited significant improvement during the 2-year follow-up period (Figs. 5.15, 5.16, 5.17, and 5.18).
Fig. 5.15
Maximum phonation time (MPT) and mean airflow rate (MFR) of 33 patients who underwent nerve–muscle pedicle flap (NMP) implantation combined with arytenoid adduction. The number in each bar indicates the average and the line above the bar the standard deviation
Fig. 5.16
Jitter, shimmer, and harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR) of 33 patients who underwent nerve–muscle pedicle flap (NMP) implantation combined with arytenoid adduction. The number in each bar indicates the average and the line above the bar the standard deviation