Step-by-Step Partial Cricotracheal Resection (PCTR)

Fig. 7.1
(a) Scalpel N°15 and 11, (b) needle driver, (c) surgical and anatomic forceps, (d) small curved mosquito forceps, (e) Kocher’s forceps, (f) Mayo, curved, and straight iris scissors, (g) suture threads 1, 0, 2–0, 3–0, 4–0, (h) Killian’s speculum, (i) small retractors, and (j) a suction cannula

7.3 Surgical Training Step-by-Step

Step 1 Skin Landmark Identification

Recognition of the main landmarks on the skin (Fig. 7.2) is probably the most simple and fundamental step in all surgical head and neck procedures. Identification by palpation of laryngeal framework in sheep animal model is quite similar to human. In order to start the procedure, it is useful to identify superficial landmarks (Fig. 7.2):


Fig. 7.2
Superficial landmark identification. HB hyoid bone, atrial cover by the muscles, ThC thyroid cartilage, Cr cricoid cartilage, Tr trachea

Step 2 Superficial Layer Dissection

Make a vertical incision about 13 cm in order to show the superficial fascia that covers muscles of the neck (Fig. 7.3). Incision could be performed with 10 or 15 blades.


Fig. 7.3
Skin incision. Superficial cervical fascia dissected and sutured with subcutaneous tissue. Below laryngeal’s structures covered by its fascia

In this step, the main goal is to elevate only a cutaneous and subcutaneous flap.

When all superficial fascia is exposed, the surgeon has to dissect it on the midline with surgical scissor or blade. After this, to allow a good exposition of the main structures below is useful to suture subcutaneous tissue at the lateral skin in its upper and lower part (Fig. 7.3).

Step 3 Laryngeal Framework Identification

When the dissection of the superficial layers is completed, it is important to identify the main structures of laryngeal framework and muscles surrounding it (Fig. 7.4).


Fig. 7.4
The larynx exposed with muscles surrounding it. MyH mylohyoid muscle; HB hyoid bone, partial cover by the muscles; StH sternohyoid muscle, ThC thyroid cartilage, Cr cricoid cartilage, Tr trachea

The anatomic difference between human and sheep is well described in anatomical chapter. Our goal is to perform a correct dissection plane by plane in order to respect and identify the structures.

Step 4 Infrahyoid Muscle Dissection

Infrahyoid muscles are retracted laterally, resulting in optimal exposure of the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage over its entire width.

It is useful to suture the bigger muscles to subcutaneous layer in order to maintain a wide surgical field. This step simulates the strap muscle dissection on the midline performed in the human procedure in order to expose the hyoid bone and trachea. Sheep thyroid has not an isthmus, so it is not necessary to split the thyroid gland on the midline (Fig. 7.5a).


Fig. 7.5
(a) Strap muscles dissected and mylohyoid muscle. (b) Thyroid gland dissected and trachea

Now, it is possible to identify all the landmarks (Fig. 7.5b):

  • MyH: mylohyoid muscle

  • StH: sternohyoid muscle

  • CrM: cricothyroid muscles

  • ThH: thyrohyoid muscles

  • StM: sternothyroid muscle

  • ThC: thyroid cartilage

  • Cr: cricoid cartilage

  • Tr: trachea

  • Thy: thyroid gland

Step 5 Dissection of the Trachea

The dissection of the trachea (Fig. 7.6) is done only anteriorly and slightly laterally without identifying the recurrent laryngeal nerves (RNLs). Surgical pearls to avoid RNLs injury are:

Aug 28, 2017 | Posted by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY | Comments Off on Step-by-Step Partial Cricotracheal Resection (PCTR)

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