Retinal Photoreceptor Ellipsoid Zone Integrity in Diabetic Macular Edema

Fig. 9.1
SD-OCT showing intact inner segment ellipsoid zone (red arrow)

Using ultrahigh resolution SD-OCT images of human foveal cone photoreceptors, Fernandez et al. in 2008 identified the ellipsoid and myoid segments of the inner segment of photoreceptors. Spaide and Curcio in 2011 studied a model drawing of the outer retina (drawn to scale) based on published histology and concluded that the second band initially ascribed as inner segment-outer segment (IS-OS) junction of photoreceptor was essentially the EZ of the photoreceptor (Srinivasan et al. 2006). Lu et al. in 2012 seconded this concept by using an anatomical model of the outer retina from the leopard frog to correlate the second band to EZ.

With the cellular level resolution obtained by SD-OCT, multivariate analysis demonstrated a statistically significant relationship between visual acuity and percentage disruption of EZ. Recently, a significant correlation between macular thickness parameter and disruption of EZ with increasing severity of diabetic retinopathy has also been documented (Saxena et al. 2015).

9.2 Classification Systems for Ellipsoid Zone Disruption

  1. A.

    Maheshwary et al. evaluated the EZ on horizontal and vertical scans of SD-OCT images in patients with DME. Disruption of EZ within 500 microns of the fovea was assessed and graded from 0 to 2 as follows:

    • Grade 0: Intact EZ

    • Grade 1: Focal EZ disruption of 200 microns or less in length

    • Grade 2: EZ disruption greater than 200 microns in length


A statistically significant correlation between percentage disruption of the EZ and visual acuity was found. A convincing trend suggesting a decrease in visual acuity with increasing macular volume was documented. Percentage disruption of the EZ was recognized as an important predictor of visual acuity among DME patients (Maheshwary et al. 2010).

  1. B.

    Jain et al. gave the grading system of disruption of ELM and EZ in patients with diabetic retinopathy. The occurrence of disruption of the ELM prior to disruption of the photoreceptor EZ was pointed out for the first time. This was based on the grounds of work done by Omri et al. in 2010, who lay emphasis on ELM being considered as a third retinal barrier. They reported that the RPE cell barrier junctions and ELM share common proteins like occludin. Decrease in the content of occludin at the level of ELM along with swelling of Muller cells is responsible for cyst formation in DME. The shortening of the photoreceptor EZ was documented to be a secondary consequence of the fragmented ELM by Mehalow et al. in 2003.


EZ and ELM band disruption were graded as follows (Jain et al. 2013):

  • Grade 0: No disruption of ELM and EZ

  • Grade 1: ELM disruption, intact EZ

  • Grade 2: Both ELM and EZ disrupted

Several studies have concluded that the status of ELM and EZ is closely associated with visual acuity in diabetic retinopathy (Chhablani et al. 2012; Ito et al. 2013; Ko et al. 2004; Otani et al. 2010; Shin et al. 2012). Yamauchi et al. proposed that the origin of the EZ and ELM was related to the biological activities of the photoreceptor cells. They studied the ELM and EZ in brown Norwegian rats and found that the EZ and ELM disappeared after euthanasia (Yamauchi et al. 2011). Increase in the level of severity of diabetic retinopathy results in decreased biological activity of the ELM and EZ, which in turn results in the disruption of these layers and a decrease in visual acuity.

  1. C.

    Sharma et al. put forward a simplified, comprehensive, and physician-friendly approach to grading EZ disruption based on OCT imaging of macula:

    • Grade 0: Intact EZ

    • Grade 1: Focal disruption (localized, subfoveal EZ disruption)

    • Grade 2: Global disruption (generalized EZ disruption throughout the macular cube)


The grade of subfoveal ELM and EZ disruption was associated with an increase in the severity of diabetic retinopathy and a decrease in visual acuity (Fig. 9.2). Global EZ disruption was associated with marked decrease in visual acuity as compared to “focal” disruption (Sharma et al. 2014).


Fig. 9.2
SD-OCT showing (a) focal and (b) global disruption of inner segment ellipsoid zone with corresponding retinal thickness segmentation maps

Although the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy is not completely understood, several risk factors have been established. These include poor glycemic control, dyslipidemia, alteration in levels of serum urea, and serum creatinine (Ashakiran et al. 2010; Bloomgarden 2007). A number of interconnecting biochemical pathways have been proposed as potential links between hyperglycemia and diabetic retinopathy. These include increased expression of biomolecules such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), accelerated formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) like N-carboxy methyl lysine (N-CML), increase in oxidative stress markers, and leukostasis (Moore et al. 2003; Murata et al. 1995; Sebekova et al. 2002; Zong et al. 2011). VEGF is known to induce retinal expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in turn initiating retinal leukocyte adhesion and blood-retinal barrier breakdown (Lu et al. 1999). Studies have documented a strong correlation between disruption of EZ and increase in levels of these biomolecules in diabetic retinopathy. A positive association between increasing serum levels of N-CML, VEGF, and ICAM and disruption of EZ has been reported by Saxena et al. in 2014. Disruption of EZ and ELM has been documented to have a positive association with serum levels of VEGF and ICAM by Jain et al. in 2013. Recently, a significant association between disruption of ELM and EZ with increased levels of serum cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides has also been determined (Jain et al. 2015). Sharma et al. in 2015 ascertained a significant correlation between increased severity of retinopathy and increase in oxidative stress. Oxidative stress was indicated by an increase in lipid peroxidase, decrease in glutathione, and increase in nitrosative stress parameters. These studies have increased the understanding of the structural and functional alterations of the retina in diabetic retinopathy.

  1. D.

    Helmy et al. put forward a new classification system for DME, utilizing the ratio between the vertical height of the largest macular cyst and the maximum measured macular thickness, as observed on OCT imaging (Helmy and Atta Allah 2013). The four classification groups were as follows:

    • CME I – Cysts less than 30 % of macular thickness

    • CME II – Cysts between 30 and 60 % of macular thickness

    • CME III – Cysts between 60 and 90 % of macular thickness

    • CME IV – Cyst more than 90 % of macular thickness


Each grade was then subdivided according to certain morphologic features using labels “A,” “B,” “C,” and “D.”

  • A – Cysts without any disruption to the ELM or EZ

  • B – Cysts with ELM disruption

  • C – Cysts with EZ disruption

  • D – Cysts with disruption of both ELM and EZ

Presence of hyperreflective foci in the outer retinal layers from the ELM to the RPE within the 1 mm of fovea was designated with “+” signs. These hyperreflective foci represent tiny intraretinal protein and/or lipid deposits (Bolz et al. 2009). Inclusion of hyperreflective foci provide valuable information on the degree of blood-retinal barrier breakdown and its influence on visual acuity.

  1. E.

    Another classification system was proposed to overcome the limitation of variability in the reflectivity levels of continuous EZ seen on SD-OCT. For this, transverse length of each disrupted EZ was quantified. Classifications were as follows:

    • Intact line – highly reflective and continuous line (physiologic)

    • Faint line – presence of a continuous line with lower reflectivity (less than half of the OCT reflectivity of the RPE)

    • Disrupted line – absent or discontinuous line


SD-OCT reflectivity of the ELM band was similarly analyzed. Relatively homogeneous and continuous ELM bands were described as intact. Absent or discontinuous ELM bands were described as disrupted (Murakami et al. 2012).

9.3 Integrity of Ellipsoid Zone and Pharmacological/Surgical Intervention

Few interventional studies have evaluated the role of the integrity of ELM and EZ on SD-OCT as a prognostic factor for visual outcome post-pharmacologic and surgical intervention. A statistically significant association was found between visual acuity and intact ELM and EZ post-pars plana vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peel for DME (Yanyali et al. 2011).

Restoration of EZ and ELM was evaluated in patients with DME who were successfully treated with intravitreal triamcinolone. The integrity of EZ was found to correlate well with final visual acuity post-intervention. On multivariate analysis, the mean length of disrupted EZ and ELM band showed greater correlation to visual acuity than the length of either disrupted EZ or ELM band taken alone. The initial visual acuity (prior to treatment) and photoreceptor status both were found to assist in predicting the posttreatment recovery of EZ and subsequent visual recovery (Shin et al. 2012).

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