Fig. 10.1
Posterior pole of a highly myopic individual. The optic disc is somewhat tilted. There is broad peri-papillary atrophy and macular pigmentary mottling
Another condition that affects the integrity of the retina and predisposes the patient to retinal and vitreous cavity bleeding is diabetic retinopathy. Patients with significant or active proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) (Fig. 10.2) with the aberrant and uncontrolled blood vessel growth along the posterior eye, are at high risk of bleeding with trauma as seen in Fig. 10.3a-c. Though there is no way of knowing whether a patient has PDR until you thoroughly examine the back of the eye, since the visual acuity may be very good; if there are vision complaints consistent with a retinal detachment in a diabetic patient, the physician’s suspicion should be high.

Fig. 10.2
New vessels (neovascularization) are seen to proliferate on the optic disc. These fine vessels are often missed on casual examination

Fig. 10.3
a Severe diabetic retinal neovascularization has led to massive preretinal hemorrhage. The white area is an opacification of the posterior hyaloid of the vitreous. Note also the tortuosity of the retinal vasculature due to hypoxia. b Early fluorescein angiographic image of the fundus in (a). There is hypofluorescence centrally due to blockage by blood. There is hyperfluorescence superiorly due to neovascularization elsewhere (NVE). c The fellow eye of the patient depicted in (a, b) shows fibrovascular proliferation and sparse neovascularization of the optic disc
Finally, lattice degeneration (Fig. 10.4) is another common condition that places people at higher risk of retinal detachment. Lattice degeneration is a common condition, takes many forms and is a disease where thinning in the peripheral retina appears to form a lattice like structure. These thin areas predispose to the development of holes, tears, and detachments after an increase in tension forces in the back of the eye [8]. However, as lattice degeneration is asymptomatic, patients presenting for trauma may not have been diagnosed with the disease. Instead, gathering a good history and performing a good eye exam will help determine the status of the retina. Many retinal detachments are due to lattice degeneration, but not all persons with lattice degeneration develop retinal detachment. In the setting of trauma, it is the trauma itself that leads to retinal detachments in areas of preexisting weakness (concept of locus minoris lesestencia).

Fig. 10.4
An area of lattice is seen to the left of a slit-like retinal break. The retina is detached as a result
So-called, “White without pressure” change (Fig. 10.5a, b) from zonal vitreous base traction on the retina predisposes to retinal tears with blunt eye trauma. This is a common phenomenon, more so in myopic eyes [9]. This condition is so-named because it appears whitened in contrast to the appearance of adjacent areas of retina. The predominant theory is that traction from the peripheral vitreous base area contributes to the appearance of the retina. These patients can be referred for outpatient monitoring with a retinal specialist. White without pressure predisposes to retinal tears in general and is more prevalent in moderate myopia and with trauma.

Fig. 10.5
a White without pressure vitreo-retinal change is depicted in the inferior portion of the photo. b White without pressure vitro-retinal change is depicted to the left of the photo
When examining the back of the eye, it is important to look at the vitreous space. Based on the history of the trauma, the presence of intraocular debris is an emergency and can require surgical intervention. In addition, the type of debris or foreign body will determine the severity of secondary damage inside the eye. This will be expounded upon in later sections.
The next step in evaluating posterior segment trauma should be looking for the presence of bleeding in the back of the eye. There are four major areas where bleeding can arise, each with their own distinct appearance and implications. Though trauma does not adhere to the patterns often described in text, recognizing bleeding patterns can help with triaging patients. Small, round dot-shaped hemorrhages are usually deep within the retina, and when seen in isolation, are not commonly associated with trauma (Fig. 10.6). Flame-shaped hemorrhages are created from the damage of vessels in the superficial retinal fiber layer and are more concerning. Large hemorrhages called boat-shaped preretinal hemorrhages (Fig. 10.3a) are areas of bleeding that have not (yet) broken into the vitreous cavity. Finally, vitreous hemorrhages can be especially worrisome as the murky blood can reduce the ability to examine the state of the posterior eye as seen in Fig. 10.7a, b. A vitreous hemorrhage should be considered due to a retinal tear until proven otherwise (i.e., it cannot be simply blamed on a systemic condition, such as diabetes mellitus and related retinopathy). By becoming comfortable with identifying these patterns of bleeding, the physician can get a better idea of the forces and concepts involved in the trauma and plan further examination and therapy.

Fig. 10.6
Deep retinal hemorrhages are depicted as hypofluorescence on the angiographic image

Fig. 10.7
a Mild vitreous hemorrhage and commotio retinae is shown. b Significant preretinal hemorrhage has broken into the vitreous cavity and become a vitreous hemorrhage. Severe commotio is seen as well
On examination, the presence of new visual field loss is very worrisome concerning retinal detachment. This can sometimes be ascertained, but of course not proven with finger counting in all four visual field quadrants with the eyes tested independently. Using an Amsler grid (straight line grid) (Fig. 10.8a), if the patient states they experience distortion or curving of the lines, this could indicate problems in the macular area as depicted in Fig. 10.8b. It is important to understand the process that leads to retinal detachment.

Fig. 10.8
a Amsler grid used for macular testing. b Abnormal Amsler grid test showing metamorphopsia (distortion)
In the posterior portion of the eye, the vitreous body is attached firmly to the retina and in the presence of traumatic tension forces, the vitreous pulls on the retina, potentially causing a hole or a tear and result in acute retinal detachments as seen in Figs. 10.9 and 10.10. This is called a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). An area of focal vitreous traction causes tears. Pieces of retina can avulse and come off, leaving small round holes called operculated holes. There can also be small tears in the far periphery of the retina usually in older individuals who have previously undergone cataract surgery. However, more worrisome are flap tears or horseshoe tears, which usually lead to RRD. This is because the vitreous gel remains attached to the flap, exerts anterior-posterior traction, and lets vitreous fluid pass underneath to detach the neurosensory retina. A large flap tear with subretinal fluid and low-bullous retinal detachment is seen in Fig. 10.11. These tears are usually located in the mid-periphery of the retina at the posterior aspect of the vitreous base and will certainly be missed with direct ophthalmoscopy or at the slit lamp. Ultrasound can also help identify tears in the periphery, but only by a very experienced ultrasound operator.

Fig. 10.9
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). A causative small round hole is seen to the right of the photo

Fig. 10.10
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). A double-horseshoe break is seen inferiorly

Fig. 10.11
A large horseshoe tear has caused detachment. Laser pexy hyperpigmented marks are seen below the detachment
Giant tears are those which involve three clock hours or more (Fig. 10.12). They are particularly tricky to manage surgically, requiring pars plana vitrectomy, use of perfluorocarbon liquid, and usually primary lensectomy for successful repair.

Fig. 10.12
A giant retinal tear is depicted
Retinal dialyses (Fig. 10.13a, b) are radial anterior slit tears, which are usually seen to occur inferiorly. They are seen in younger individuals and are concentric to the ora serrata. They are usually managed with scleral buckling if significant detachment is associated, but sometimes are just treated with observation, laser (as seen in this case) and/ or cryotherapy if pathology is more anterior.

Fig. 10.13
a Retinal dialysis seen. There is chorioretinal scarring anteriorly connoting chronicity. Some preretinal ochre-colored opacities in the vitreous is due to prior vitreous bleeding. b Retinal dialysis seen in (a) after laser treatment has been applied posteriorly
The management of retinal trauma can also vary dramatically depending on the state of the eye. Small retinal tears or detachments in the peripheral retina may not require a trip to the operating room. They may be treated in the eye clinic with laser or cryotherapy at the site of tears or minimal detachment to seal the area and prevent further damage. This will be discussed later.
In younger patients with traumatic detachments, scleral buckling is another commonly used technique (Fig. 10.14). By inserting a silicone band around and suturing the element(s) to the sclera, underneath Tenon’s capsule and the conjunctiva, the structural outer layers of the eye are imbricated/pushed toward the retina, returning the contact of the neuro-retinal tissue with the pigment epithelium; thus restoring the gross structural integrity and allowing proper vascular perfusion. External drainage of subretinal fluid is sometimes simultaneously performed using various means. Either cryotherapy or laser treatments at the time of scleral buckling surgery are also necessary to seal the areas of detachment, preventing recurrence. Laser treatment cannot be performed in areas of detached retina, so it is sometimes used in the acute postoperative period when the retina has reattached. Although its sealing-effect is more immediate, cryotherpy is more pro-inflammatory to the eye than is laser treatment.

Fig. 10.14
Appearance of a scleral buckle in place. Its appearance is blurred as it is elevated in relation to the normal retina posterior to it. The buckled area has a sclopteric appearance from cryotherapy
More severe retinal tears or detachments may require the injection of long acting gases such as sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) or perfluoropropane (C3F8) to tamponade the retina and push the neuronal film back onto the RPE. These gases work to potentiate the efficacy of laser and cryotherapy treatments by holding the retina in place while they heal together. Gas bubbles sometimes require strict postoperative positioning to ensure proper placement and tamponade, ranging from lying forward on their face, to their side, or remaining upright for several days depending on the location of the pathology. They cannot fly in an airplane or travel to elevated altitudes for any reason with the bubble in place. At higher altitudes (lower atmospheric pressures) and the resulting pressure elevation in the eye will cause severe pain and occlusion of the central retinal artery. Patients who may be unable to properly position are poor candidates for cryotherapy/gas treatments (and pneumatic retinopexy).
Silicone oil is an alternative treatment for severe traumatic detachment or extensive inferior-retinal detachment in patients who may not tolerate gas therapy. The silicone oil acts similarly as a tamponade to push the retina in place, with a shorter time needed for rigid positioning. In contrast, gas is a better tamponade than silicone oil, due to the surface tension intrinsic to a gas. However, with oil, patients may only require one day of lying in a particular position to help with reabsorption of subretinal fluid and may move about normally thereafter. Finally, silicone oil will probably require extraction at a later time, and a secondary procedure will present with its own inherent risks, whereas gas will always reabsorb spontaneously.
Trauma frequently causes inflammation, and thus it can trigger severe fibrous proliferation and scarring in the vitreous and further secondary damage. Coincident vitreous hemorrhage, anterior segment damage, lens damage, and retinal trauma almost always sets in motion a chain of inflammatory event that will usually leads to loss of the eye. For this reason, retinal surgeons often perform pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), which removes some or most of the vitreous body from the eye. This is done in order to cut out and remove sources of tension that pull the retina. Then the surgeon can reposition the retina back onto the underlying structures. Primary PPV is now preferred to scleral buckling in most cases. Luckily, people do not require vitreous humor to see. After the vitreous humor is removed from the posterior segment of the eye, aqueous humor will proceed to fill the space. Many of the procedures mentioned earlier require postoperative time in certain positional states that may not be tolerable for an older patient.
It is important to inform the patient that any damage to the retina results in a guarded prognosis. Patients may be left with permanent visual deficits. If these deficits are in the far periphery of the eye, patients may not notice a change in their vision and will be able to cope easily. However, if the damage is near or involves the macula, the deficit in central vision can be highly disabling, and may require significant coping skills and rehabilitation to manage their impairment.
The macula has the highest density of vision sensing neurons (cones) in the eye and is situated in the central area of the retina. These neurons aggregate and form the crux of a person’s central and color vision. Therefore, damage to the macula can be debilitating to a patient. As a very thin film of neurons in the back of the eye, the macula is susceptible to damage in numerous ways. Significant lasting and demonstrable anatomical and visual defects usually occur with significant trauma to the eye. The macula is highly susceptible to neuronal injury and to bleeding secondary to blunt trauma.
Foveal and macular photoreceptor and RPE damage is irreparable and even minor trauma, from a finger, a pencil, automobile airbag, paintball, soccer or tennis ball can lead to severe injury and be permanently blinding and disabling.
After injury, weakening or breaks in Bruch’s membrane of the choroid layer can trigger bleeding under the macula [10]. This is known as traumatic sub-macular hemorrhage and patients will notice a severe, sudden loss of their vision. Unfortunately, this condition has a poor prognosis as the blood pooling behind the macula is toxic to the tissues due to iron in the hemoglobin. Bleeding underneath the macula can also lead to neovascularization of choroid vessels, worsening the visual acuity. The trauma to the retina and the damage to the macular area can also lead to fibrosis [11].
The fundus exam reveals a red elevation under the macular area, varying in color based on chronicity. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) examination can also be performed to visualize the blood pooling underneath the macular region. Retinal specialists may then decide if patients require immediate surgical intervention. Patients with sub-macular hemorrhage can be treated with a combination of vitrectomy, gas tamponade, and injections of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) directly into the vitreous cavity [12]. The usage of recombinant t-PA (rt-PA) has been shown to have good outcomes in clearing the sub-macular bleed and has become more accepted as a viable form of treatment. An example of this treatment effect is seen in Fig. 10.15a, b.

Fig. 10.15
a Sub-macular hemorrhage. b Image of (a) after blood resorption. The eye was treated one day after injury with intravitreal t-PA injection, PPV and SF6 gas tamponade
This subretinal hemorrhage is very important to note as the changes from the accumulation of blood beneath the retina is toxic and will kill the cone photoreceptors. However, as it is not in the central visual area, patients may not notice changes in their central vision if there is a small area of subretinal bleeding. This damage is time sensitive as well. As the clot organizes, it takes on an ochre-yellow color seen in Fig. 10.16 [13]. The treatment of acute subretinal hemorrhage is the same as sub-macular hemorrhages, but it is important to follow these patients long term.

Fig. 10.16
Sub-acute sub-macular hemorrhage is seen. It has an ochre-yellow appearance
Cracks in the tissue of Bruch’s membrane that led to the bleed can cause slow degeneration of the vision, if they expand. These cracks can be spotted on examination as linear streaks in the subretinal space or as small spots of hyperpigmentation (known as Fuch’s spots in the case of myopia) (Fig. 10.17a, b) [14]. If these signs are spotted on exam, patients tend to have a poorer prognosis. They often exhibit a degree of associated subretinal fibrosis and scarring (Fig. 10.18a, b). They commonly spawn subretinal neovascular membranes later that also can cause significant bleeding under the retina (Fig. 10.19a, b, c). Choroidal ruptures tend to be circumlinear, can be multiple and are usually concentric in relation to the optic disc (Fig. 10.20a, b).

Fig. 10.17
a Fuch’s-like spot due to trauma. It is highlighted by severe commotio and retinal edema. b Late-phase angiographic appearance of (a) showing hyperfluorescence due to extensive dye leakage and pooling due to dye extravasation from injury

Fig. 10.18
a Bruchs membrane (lacquer) cracks with mild subretinal fibrosis. b Bruchs membrane cracks (lacquer) cracks with extensive subretinal fibrotic scarring reaction. The appearance of the optic disc is typical of buried optic disc drusen

Fig. 10.19
a Choroidal rupture with subretinal neovascular membrane. It has been recently treated with intravitreal injection of bevacizumab (Avastin) and is now quiescent. b Red-free photos (left eye) of (a). c Recirculation (mid-phase) angiographic image of (a, b). There is hyperfluorescence due to window defects in the areas of the Bruchs membrane/RPE defects. Late dye leakage (not shown) or occurrence of bleeding would indicate activity of the subretinal neovascular membrane

Fig. 10.20
a Multiple circumlinear choroidal ruptures at top right, associated deep-retinal hemorrhages, an area of retinal edema infero-temporal to the optic nerve and stellate maculopathy due to hypotony. b Angiographic frames of patient in (a). The top left is the red-free. Top right is the early arterial phase, showing hypofluorescence due to blockage of dye transmission due to blood. Bottom left is the laminar venous phase of the angiogram. Bottom right is the mid-phase of the angiogram showing hyperfluorescence due to leakage from the choroidal ruptures superiorly. Below the disc shows profuse leakage due to occult ruptures allowing dye extravasation
Holes in the macula can be created secondary to trauma from acute vitreous traction, with a hole forming in the neuronal layer responsible for central vision, one can expect the patient to complain of distortion in their central vision. Less severe holes may simply cause metamorphopsia, or distorted vision, with complaints of warped images [15]. The diagnosis of macular holes can be confirmed with a fundus exam. An older large traumatic hole in the macula is seen in Fig. 10.21. Smaller holes are harder to detect (Fig. 10.22). For physicians with access to optical coherence tomography (OCT), a near histopathologic-microscopic finding confirms the presence of the hole and the diagnosis (Fig. 10.23a, b). Fortunately, small macular holes like this, especially if the overlying vitreous (posterior hyaloid) is separated, can heal with close outpatient observation indicated. Eventually, the macula will seal and the patient’s vision will often return to some extent. However, if there is no spontaneous resolution over a period of time, Retinal surgeons can proceed to surgery and perform a pars plana vitrectomy and internal-limiting membrane peeling with gas tamponade to seal the hole.

Fig. 10.21
An older traumatic full-thickness macular hole is seen. There is chorioretinal hypertrophic scarring inferior to the nerve

Fig. 10.22
Color fundus photo of a small, traumatic macular hole. There is peri-papillary atrophy and mild tilting of the optic disc due to moderate myopia

Fig. 10.23
a, b OCT image of the new full-thickness, small macular hole in the right eye. The normal fellow eye is shown next to it for reference
Another common type of retinal damage is caused by shockwave damage from blunt trauma to the eye, also called commotio retinae or Berlin’e edema (Fig. 10.24). Commotio (which is anatomic commotion) to the macula generally only occurs in younger individuals where a posterior hyaloid–vitreous separation-detachment (PVD) does not yet exist. Shockwaves from traumatic impact are transmitted to the macula from the attachment of the vitreous triggering shearing of neuronal layers from the nerve fiber layer (Berlin’s edema) all the way down to the photoreceptor layer of the retina [16]. Milder shockwaves may cause poor visual acuity and may only partly resolve. Commotio retina can permanently damage the macula, affecting the ellipsoid (inner-outer segment) junction of the photoreceptors and also the underlying pigmented epithelium (Fig. 10.25a, b). More severe late macular (outer retinal) damage is shown in Fig. 10.26. In this latter instance, with no good treatment options, visual outcomes are quite poor. Ophthalmologists use OCT to look at the state of the layers of the retina and guide followup. Fortunately however, many patients with commotio will recover with time. Monitoring changes to the macular ellipsoid junctional zone and signs of atrophy/RPE hyperpigmentation can help physicians determine the prognosis.

Fig. 10.25
Late OCT image after severe macular commotio. There is disruption of the ellipsoid (IS-OS) layer and the outer nuclear layer. The vision is 20/40 in the damaged eye, with significant metamorphopsia. At right is the normal fellow eye for reference

Fig. 10.26
Severe outer retinal damage and RPE hypertrophic scarring seen on OCT. This patient was felt to have also suffered a traumatic macular hole which self-sealed. Vision is only CF
Before detailing the various types of vitreous damage that can occur, it is important to understand a fundamental concept of blunt injury to the eye. The eye is a globular structure encased in layers of tissues, each possessing a unique function. At the core of the eye, the vitreous jelly retains the shape and structure. However, these tissues are non-compressible liquids and thus will not deform and disperse energy when under impact. As the eye is situated in a closed and confined space, there is little leeway for impact energy to be absorbed by surrounding orbital fat or soft tissues. This becomes very important, as blunt force trauma will create damage through three mechanisms.
With blunt impact to the eye, there can be coup injuries, contre-coup injuries, and compressive injuries. Coup injuries are due to the direct impact of the injury to the eye. This more commonly affects the anterior segment of the eye as the structures are in direct contact on impact. Contre-coup injuries are due to the shockwave forces in the posterior segment as the eye stops short after impact. These injuries spread through the posterior pole and can result in tears, bleeds, holes, fracture in nearby structures, and commotio [17]. Finally, compressive injuries occur due to the deformation of the eye as it adjusts to the forces of impact. Like bouncing a rubber ball on the ground, the eye will compress and deform to an elliptical shape, then rebound and overcorrect. This will repeat and cycle until the entirety of the impact energy has dispersed. Unfortunately, this means the eye may suffer significant damage during the entire process. The damage from compressive injury can affect every tissue in the eye, from the lids and ocular surface, to the muscles, soft tissue, and blood vessels of the eye. In this chapter, the various effects of blunt injury on the posterior segment will be discussed in detail in the corresponding tissue sections.
The vitreous body is in the core of the eye, providing structural support with its thick gel composition. This gel is called vitreous humor and is strongly attached to the surrounding retina. As people age, this gel begins to liquefy and creates pockets with decreased structural support. This is called syneresis and can start from an early age. Liquefied pockets in the vitreous can often cause the perception of floaters in the eye and is a benign condition. However, in the elderly, this vitreous liquefaction can result in detachment of the vitreous from the retina. In traumatic situations, tension forces on the vitreous can cause pulling and result in damage to the thin film of the retina. Pockets of liquefied vitreous can pull away and increase the risk of developing traumatic vitreous detachment with resulting hemorrhage.
Vitreous hemorrhage occurs when the blood vessels in the posterior eye rupture, often from the shearing forces of blunt trauma. These mechanical forces damage the vessels or capillaries in the retina, and the blood spreads into the vitreous gel. As with all bleeding, the likelihood of occurrence increases with more severe trauma. Injuries severe enough to penetrate the eye will also likely have bleeding in the vitreous space. With injuries causing vitreous hemorrhages, patients can present with a constellation of symptoms.
Patients with only vitreous hemorrhage and no anterior eye injuries will typically present with painless vision loss. As the posterior eye does not possess somatic pain fibers, the complaint of painless visual deficits should trigger the worry that there is damage anywhere from the posterior eye to the visual cortex in the brain. Severe unilateral vision loss usually emanates from an ocular cause. Vitreous hemorrhage is associated with a variety of visual changes. Patients may see floaters, cobwebs, shadows, or a red hue in their visual field. Patients who are not initially bothered by these symptoms can have worsening of the symptoms overnight and wake the next morning with severe vision loss. As the patient lays supine, the blood tends to settle within the visual axis where light focuses on the retina, blocking a person’s vision. Therefore if the diagnosis of vitreous hemorrhage is made early, it is important to emphasize sleeping with the head elevated at least 30°, or even sleep sitting upright overnight. Due to the influence of gravity, this will allow pooling of blood toward the bottom of the eye, outside the visual axis. This will also allow for more efficacious followup examination by a retinal specialist.
In order to make the diagnosis of vitreous bleeding/hemorrhage, a fundus exam will reveal the presence of blood but will not connote implications or guide appropriate management. When examining the vitreous body, intravitreal-structures may impair the view. One common cause is asteroid hyalosis, caused by degenerative opacities that reflect light and look like asteroids in the night sky on exam seen in Fig. 10.27a, b. Old vitreous hemorrhage gives a similar appearance, called synchesis scintillans. This makes examining the fundus difficult and requires skill to look beyond the vitreous deposits and examine the underlying fundus (Fig. 10.28). However, the direct fundus exam does not include the peripheral retina and indirect ophthalmoscopy will be needed to detect peripheral tears. B-scan ultrasound of the eye can help supplement the initial exam. In contrast, if the patient has severe trauma with an open globe, the examination methods mentioned previously can probably be foregone in favor of an orbital and globe CT scan. Depending on the findings, patients can be managed outpatient, or require urgent surgical consultation.

Fig. 10.27
a Asteroid hyalosis in the vitreous is depicted. b Asteroid hyalosis

Fig. 10.28
Synchesis scintillans in the vitreous due to old vitreous hemorrhage
For patients with severe injuries resulting in open globes, they should be placed on surgical protocol and ophthalmology should be urgently consulted for possible urgent surgical interventions. In patients with structurally intact globes and blood obscuring the view of the retina, a B-scan ultrasound may be used to help rule out retinal detachment and allow for timely (<24 h) referral to retinal specialists for evaluation. Patients with less severe vitreous bleeding and visible tears in the retina should be referred for urgent consultation for possible retinal surgery. Finally, patients with small vitreous bleeding and good retinal visibility in all 360° on scleral depressed examination with the absence of tears can be comfortably sent to retinal specialists for outpatient management.
With trauma to the eye, patients can occasionally develop vitritis, which is an inflammatory reaction in the vitreous body severe enough to cause uveo-scleral transudation or swelling. In this scenario, the inflammatory cells and proteins migrate into the vitreous and condense, decreasing translucency. The vitreous becomes hazy and triggers blurred vision or spotty vision in the areas of inflammatory protein aggregates. Inflammation in the eye can cause blood vessel dilation and a red eye with photophobia. Patients with these symptoms may have multiple underlying conditions, and therefore require examination of their fundus. Any more than a trace amount cells in the vitreous is an emergency, as it may represent acute infection [18]. On exam, there may be clumps or debris in the vitreous that are mobile. In addition, the anterior eye exam may reveal the presence of hypopyon. This would increase the suspicion of post-traumatic endophthalmitis (Fig. 10.29) and is an ocular emergency (see also Endophthalmitis Sect. 10.9.

Fig. 10.29
B-scan ultrasound image of traumatic endophthalmitis with dense vitreous opacification and also retinal detachment. The retina remains attached at the optic disc in retinal detachments
There are a few other concerning traumatic conditions associated with the vitreous humor. However, they can be difficult to diagnose on exam. Both of these conditions require the ability to perform a scleral depressed fundus exam, which is much more difficult than the regular fundus exam. In addition, in order to perform a scleral depressed exam, there must be complete certainty that the globe is structurally intact. Otherwise, there is a risk that intraocular tissue will prolapse out with pressure. If there is certainty the globe is intact and the examiner is adept at performing the scleral depressed exam, it is important to examine the deep peripheral retina in all patients with ocular trauma. This type of definitive exam cannot be easily performed soon after trauma due to patient discomfort, but certainly must be repeated on subsequent examinations.
One rare traumatic condition is retinal/vitreous base dialysis (Fig. 10.30). The anterior edge of the tear occurs at the ora serrata, the junction of the peripheral retina with the ciliary body; the posterior edge of the tear occurs at the vitreous base [18]. As this region is located anteriorly and behind the iris, these tears can be easily missed. These tears can sometimes, but not always cause retinal detachments. Patients with retinal dialysis need evaluation by a retinal specialist though surgery is not always necessary. Isolated retinal dialyses with subretinal fluid are usually subtotal detachments and are usually treated best with cryotherapy and scleral buckling.

Fig. 10.30
A relatively posterior vitreous base dialysis is seen
The choroid layer of the eye is the main vascular component in the eye as a whole and to the posterior pole. The vessels are the main source of nutrients and oxygen to the retina, and thus damage will impact retinal integrity and vision.

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