and Kim Leech2
ENT Specialist, Central Park Surgery, Leyland, Lancashire, UK
Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Central Park Surgery, Leyland, Lancashire, UK
Post-operativeBleedingInfectionPainHoarsenessSore throatPersistent painAdenoidectomy
After adenoidectomy, the patient may experience post-operative bleeding and pain.
Post-operative Bleeding
Bleeding after adenoidectomy surgery requires immediate hospitalization, with posterior nasal tamponade, if necessary.
Post-operative Pain
It is in general minimal. If otalgia, perform otoscopy to exclude ear infection.
Trans-tympanic Tubes
It is not uncommon for a GP to be consulted by parents alarmed by the appearance of ear discharge from the very same ear where a drainage tube, this being a grommet or a T-tube, had been positioned by the ENT specialist some weeks or months before. The discharge may follow an upper respiratory tract infection or a bath with subsequent infection due to contaminated water, for example, penetrated in the middle ear. It is reasonable to suggest topical antibiotic therapy as eardrops, or an oral antibiotic. The GP should be mindful of the ototoxicity of the aminoglycosides usually present in the eardrops. Eye drops with ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin may be very helpful in similar circumstances. There is no conclusive evidence that swimming is risky for the child with trans-tympanic drainage. It is preferable to avoid shampoo and conditioner in your ear (Fig. 6.1).