Fig. 2.1
Oral phase of swallowing: (a) the bolus is held between the anterior end of the tongue and the hard palate during the initiation of the oral phase and (b) the bolus is propelled into the pharynx to trigger the pharyngeal phase
Process Model of Feeding
Stage I Transport [1, 7]
Once ingested, the food is carried by tongue movements to the postcanine region. The tongue then rotates laterally. This places the food onto the occlusal surface of lower teeth for the next stage of food processing.
Food Processing [1, 7]
This is the next immediate stage after stage 1 transport. The food is broken down into smaller particles by chewing and softened by salivary secretions to achieve a proper consistency to make it ready for bolus formation and swallow. Chewing continues until all of the food is prepared. As opposed to the oral preparatory phase during drinking of liquids, there is no sealing of the posterior oral cavity from the pharynx by contact of the posterior tongue with the soft palate during food processing. During food processing, cyclic movements of the tongue, soft palate, and jaw lead to an open passage between the oral cavity and pharynx. Food aroma reaches the nasal chemoreceptors by pumping of air into the nasal cavity by tongue and jaw movements. Vertical, mediolateral, and rotational tongue movements along with coordinated jaw and cheek movements keep the food on the occlusal surfaces of the lower teeth. Forward and downward movement of the tongue, during early to mid jaw opening, followed by backward movement of the tongue during late jaw opening prevents tongue bites during a normal swallow. Movement of the hyoid bone by its muscular attachments also controls the tongue and jaw mobility. Any weakness of the tongue, jaw, or cheek musculature can interfere with this stage.
Stage II Transport [1, 7]
Stage II transport is similar to the oral propulsive stage with a liquid bolus. The anterior end of the tongue comes into contact with the hard palate just behind the upper incisors. The area of tongue–palate contact gradually expands anteroposteriorly, squeezing the processed food posteriorly along the palate to the oropharynx. Stage II transport primarily occurs secondary to tongue movements and does not require gravity. The transported food accumulates on the pharyngeal surface of the tongue and in the valleculae, while the food remaining in the oral cavity is chewed and the size of the bolus in the oropharynx progressively enlarges. In normal individuals, the duration of bolus aggregation in the oropharynx while eating solid food varies from a fraction of a second to about 10 s [1, 7].
Pharyngeal Phase
This phase is composed of a series of sequential events for the passage of the food bolus from the pharynx to the esophagus along with protection of the airway and nasopharynx (Fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2
Pharyngeal phase of swallow: the soft palate is elevated and in contact with the pharyngeal wall. The laryngeal inlet is protected by the epiglottis. (a) Bolus in the vallecula and (b) the tongue base retracted posteriorly towards the pharyngeal wall
The passage of food bolus through the fauces was earlier thought to act as a sensory input to trigger the initiation of the pharyngeal stage [1, 9, 10]. The sensory input for the initiation of this reflex is carried by the vagus and the glossopharyngeal nerves to the swallowing center in the brainstem [10]. Variable bolus position at swallow initiation has been demonstrated by various studies, which have shown that bolus entry into the pharynx may occur before swallow initiation in healthy individuals when drinking liquids [1, 11, 12]. Food may enter the hypopharynx before a swallow, especially in case of food that contains both solid and liquid components [1]. Thus the trigger for swallow initiation may depend on multiple factors [12]. Also while eating solid food, the chewed bolus is aggregated in the oropharynx or valleculae before swallowing.
When the bolus enters the oropharynx, the nasopharynx is closed by elevation and contact of the soft palate with the lateral and posterior pharyngeal walls, thus preventing nasal regurgitation. This velopharyngeal closure, brought about by the levator palatine muscles also provides a surface to propel the bolus in a downward direction. The velopharyngeal closure is shortly followed by reflex closure of the laryngeal inlet. Closure of the true and false vocal cords occurs. The hyoid bone and larynx are pulled upward and forward due to suprahyoid and thyrohyoid muscle contraction, so that the larynx is covered by the tongue base [1, 7, 8, 10]. Backward movement of the epiglottis, probably thought to be due to hyolaryngeal elevation, pharyngeal constriction, bolus movement, and tongue base retraction covers the laryngeal inlet [13]. This results in apnea which may last from 0.5 to 1.5 s [1, 14, 15]. Retraction of the base tongue pushes the bolus against the pharyngeal walls. Sequential contraction of the constrictor muscles of the pharynx from above downward propels the bolus downward. The volume of the pharyngeal cavity reduces due to decrease in vertical pharyngeal length. The constrictor muscles contract involuntarily, but their actions are coordinated via the pharyngeal plexus [10]. The duration of this phase is about 1 s [10].
Esophageal Phase
The esophageal phase begins when the food bolus enters the esophagus. The esophagus is made up of smooth and striated muscle and is innervated by the esophageal plexus of nerves. The upper esophageal sphincter (UES) is in a state of constant contraction [16]. The UES opens up to allow the passage of the food bolus into the esophagus. Impaired UES opening can lead to food retention in the piriform sinuses and hypopharynx, increasing the risk of aspiration following a swallow. Factors responsible for the opening of the UES are [1]:
Cricopharyngeus muscle relaxation (usually prior to the arrival of the food bolus and UES opening)
Suprahyoid and thyrohyoid muscle contraction, which results in an anterior pull on the hyoid bone and the larynx, thus opening the UES
Mechanical pressure offered by the bolus
The lower esophageal sphincter, which is also contracted at rest [16] (which helps in prevention of gastric reflux), relaxes when the food bolus reaches it. The bolus is transported by a peristaltic wave through the lower esophageal sphincter into the stomach [10]. The peristalsis in the thoracic esophagus is “true peristalsis” regulated by the autonomic nervous system [1]. The peristaltic wave consists of an initial wave of relaxation that accommodates the bolus, followed by a wave of contraction that propels it [1]. This is further assisted by gravity when in an upright position [1]. During this phase, the soft palate is lowered by the relaxation of the tensor and levator palatine muscles, the hyoid drops down, the epiglottis goes back to its original position, and the laryngeal vestibule opens [8] (Fig. 2.3).

Fig. 2.3
Esophageal phase
A normal swallow requires coordination between mastication, respiration, and swallowing [1, 8, 10]. The process of swallowing is partially voluntary and partly involuntary. Centers in the brain are responsible for the voluntary control of swallowing. Bilateral areas in the primary sensory and motor cortex, in the prefrontal areas (anterior to the face region of the precentral gyrus, corresponding to Brodmann area 6), and in the parietal cortex are related to the voluntary initiation of swallowing [8]. The control of swallowing in humans is complex, with some areas being controlled bilaterally, while others are under unilateral control [8].
In addition to the mechanical sealing of the larynx during the pharyngeal phase of swallowing, respiration is also interrupted by the inhibition of the respiratory center in the brainstem [1, 17]. Swallowing of a liquid usually starts at the expiratory phase of respiration, and completion of swallow is followed by resumption of respiration in the expiratory phase. This acts as a protective mechanism, as it helps in clearing out any residues, thus preventing aspiration [1, 14, 15]. The respiratory rhythm is also altered during mastication of solid food. During swallowing of solid food, the apneic phase may be slightly longer [1].
The physiology of swallowing is a complex process involving coordination between various systems. Any abnormality in the swallowing pathway, anatomical or neural, can lead to swallowing dysfunction. Also, central neurological disorders can affect swallowing in the presence of an anatomically normal swallowing pathway. Aspiration pneumonia, malnutrition, etc., are some of the consequences of swallowing disorders. A detailed understanding of the factors controlling the swallowing mechanism with respect to its structure and neural control would help in diagnosing and treating swallowing disorders.
Esophageal Function Tests
Swallowing disorders may be due to numerous causes ranging from intrinsic, intramural, to extrinsic and motility disorders of the esophagus. A battery of tests may be required to diagnose esophageal causes of dysphagia. These tests include esophageal manometry, fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing, and esophageal ultrasound.
Esophageal Manometry
Esophageal manometry is used to measure the amplitude and coordination of esophageal muscle contraction and relaxation and activity of the upper and lower esophageal sphincters.
Indications [18]
Evaluation of nonobstructive dysphagia, especially when achalasia is suspected
During placement of intraluminal devices (e.g., pH probes) to accurately localize the lower esophageal sphincter for correct probe positioning
Preoperative assessment of patients being considered for antireflux surgery, if an alternative diagnosis, like achalasia, is being considered
Preoperative assessment of peristalsis in patients scheduled for antireflux surgery
Postoperative evaluation of dysphagia in patients who have undergone antireflux surgery or achalasia treatment
Esophageal manometry is not indicated for making or confirming a suspected diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
It should not be routinely used as the initial test for chest pain or other esophageal symptoms.
Suspected or known obstructive pathology (e.g., tumors).
Uncooperative patients.
Bleeding/clotting disorders.
The components of the manometry system are:
Esophageal manometry catheter (water perfusion or solid state)
Pressure transducers
Signal acquisition
Information storage devices (software, computer)
Lidocaine spray, viscous lidocaine, tapes, lubricating gel, syringes, etc.
The esophageal manometry catheter is a long, flexible tube that is placed in the patient’s esophagus with the distal tip lying in the stomach. The catheters can be made of a variety of plastic materials, most frequently polyvinyl chloride or silicone. The tip is slightly curved and may include a weighted distal metal tip to facilitate passage into the stomach.
The patient should not have anything to eat or drink at least 4 h prior to the procedure (diabetic patients should be NPO past midnight the night prior to the procedure). Regular medications can be taken with a small amount of water. While some medications may alter esophageal motility (e.g., antispasmodics, prokinetic agents, analgesics, sedatives), if the patient is taking them on a daily basis for a chronic condition, it makes sense to perform the study while the patient is on these medications, so as to factor in their systemic effects in the test results and decide on possible further therapy.
Pre-procedure Requirements
The patient should be nil by mouth for at least 4–6 h prior to the procedure. Regular medications can be taken with a small amount of water. Medications like calcium channel blockers, sedatives, antispasmodics, prokinetics, analgesics, etc., that may alter esophageal motility should be discontinued 24 h prior to the procedure. However if the patient has been taking these drugs on a long-term basis for certain chronic conditions, sometimes performing the test while the patient is on these medications may help in considering their effects on esophageal function so as to decide the further course of therapy.
Topical anesthesia with lidocaine spray and viscous lidocaine.
Lubricating jelly is applied to the tip of the catheter. A few minutes after the topical anesthesia is administered, with the patient in upright sitting position, the catheter is passed transnasally. The catheter will be at the level of the hypopharynx when about 12 cm of the length is passed. The patient is then asked to take small sips of water so as to relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and the catheter is slowly advanced further. The most distal transducer will show rise in pressure as the catheter passes the LES. The patient is then made supine and gastric baseline pressures are measured when the catheter enters the stomach. The patient is asked to take a deep breath. Intra-abdominal pressure readings go up with inspiration and decrease on expiration. The catheter is then slowly withdrawn, watching for increase in pressures, indicating its position at the LES.
Once the distal most transducer is in the LES, ten 5 ml water swallows are given to the patient at intervals of 20–30 s to evaluate the LES relaxation pattern and contraction of the distal esophageal smooth muscle. The catheter is then pulled out, 0.5 cm at a time, allowing the patient to take a few breaths between moves without swallowing. The proximal border of the LES is identified when the pressure pattern shows decrease with inspiration and increase on expiration indicating the thoracic position of the transducer. Once the area of maximal upper esophageal sphincter (UES) pressure is reached, the catheter is manipulated to place the most proximal transducer 1 cm below the UES. Five 5 ml water swallows are then administered to evaluate the contraction pattern of the proximal esophageal muscle.
The patient is then placed in an upright sitting position to evaluate the UES and the pharynx. The catheter is withdrawn slowly until the distal transducer is located at the UES with a drop in pressure when the transducer reaches the proximal portion of the UES. Six 5 ml water swallows are then administered. An M-shaped pressure configuration pattern is usually noticed at this time with each swallow as the UES elevates onto the transducer (first pressure spike), then relaxes (first pressure fall), closes (second pressure spike), and finally descends onto its original position (second pressure fall).
High-resolution manometry (HRM) is being used in recent times [19]. Conventional manometry requires multiple maneuvers to reposition the catheter at the LES. With HRM, there is no need to move the catheter as the 36-channeled catheter occupies the entire esophagus simultaneously. The UES, LES, and the rest of the esophagus can be assessed simultaneously with a single series of swallows with the catheter in a single, fixed position. As the channels in the conventional water-perfused catheters are widely spaced, findings may be missed at times. The water-perfused catheters are stationary at the LES; hence, during swallows, esophageal shortening may lead to proximal LES displacement, giving a false interpretation of LES relaxation. HRM gives color contours as against waveforms seen with conventional manometry. HRM catheters are less stiff and the technique is less cumbersome and quicker (as multiple manipulations and pull-through techniques are not required) [19].

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