Fig. 9.1
Infection and tumor spread. (a) Axial view: routes of infection and tumor spread from the paranasal sinuses to the orbit, brain, and cavernous sinus. (b) Coronal view: route of spread upward from frontal sinus cavity through posterior bony wall to the dura or brain parenchyma
Nasal Examination
Nasal examination in children can be performed with simple tools available to most clinicians. The child is seated on a chair or the lap of a parent, while the skin and vestibule of the nose are inspected for presence of drainage, adequate airflow, or excoriations and skin irritations. Simply tilting the head up and gently lifting the tip of the nose upward with the examiners thumb and using a penlight will usually give an adequate view of the inferior turbinate and anterior septum (Fig. 9.2). An otoscope with a speculum may be used to view the region of the anterior nasal cavity for masses, signs of crusting, bleeding, and suspected foreign bodies.

Fig. 9.2
Anterior nasal exam. (a) Anterior nasal exam performed with headlight. Note the polyp growing from the left nasal cavity. (b) Examination performed with large ear speculum
An examiner may also use oxymetazoline spray prior to examination to shrink the engorged nasal turbinates. After 5–10 min, the vasoconstriction is complete, and a more detailed anterior examination is possible. Vasoconstriction with resulting reduction in turbinate size and decreased bleeding are critical factors in successful intraoperative endoscopic office examination procedures. Nasal endoscopy using a small fiber-optic scope allows for the evaluation of areas of the nose and pharynx that are not seen on anterior rhinoscopy alone. The use of topical 4% lidocaine in addition to oxymetazoline can facilitate this exam. A medical allergy history should be reviewed prior to the application of the lidocaine.
While general anesthesia facilitates surgery and examination, it increases blood flow to the nasal cavities. Precise local infiltration of lidocaine and epinephrine is, therefore, essential in minimizing blood loss for enhanced visualization during surgery. Key points of this technique include injecting the multiple areas illustrated, keeping the beveled edge below the nasal mucosa, observing blanching, and reinserting the needle if the agent begins to leak out into the nasal cavity (Fig. 9.3).

Fig. 9.3
Lateral nasal wall. Lateral nasal wall with usual sites of injection for endoscopic surgical procedures (*). Large arrow shows usual course of nasolacrimal duct
The ostiomeatal complex (OMC) and associated maxillary sinus ostium are illustrated in Fig. 9.4. This region lies lateral to the middle turbinate. The nasolacrimal duct is anterior to the ostium of the maxillary sinus.

Fig. 9.4
Coronal view of the ostium. (a) Coronal view of the ostium of the maxillary sinus. Insert shows a probe entering and enlarging the sinus ostium. Region of maxillary, ethmoid, and frontal sinus drainage termed the OMC (*). (b) Coronal CT scan showing maxillary ostia and relation to the middle turbinates
Ophthalmic Complications of Sinusitis
Pediatric Acute Rhinosinusitis Complicated by Orbital Infection
Children may have less specific complaints of facial pain and headache associated with acute or chronic sinusitis than adults. Nasal symptoms of purulent discharge, congestion, and associated chronic cough with high fever or if lasting more than 10 days may indicate a sinus infection [4]. The ethmoid and maxillary sinuses are commonly affected in pediatric sinusitis. Infection may spread to the eye from the ethmoid sinus through the thin and permeable lamina papyracea (so named for its paper-thin nature) that separates these two compartments. Once infection breaches this bone, the periosteum and the orbital septum with which it is continuous anteriorly serve as the next barrier in protecting the eye. Additionally, the absence of valves within nasal and ophthalmic veins may permit hematogenous spread of infection within these compartments as well as intracranially. Chandler et al. have described the clinical stages of inflammatory lesions encountered in the orbit [5]. This classification provides a description of the progression of infection to the eye from the ethmoid sinuses (Table 9.1).
Table 9.1
Classification scheme devised by Chandler et al. to describe the progression of orbital involvement by complicated acute rhinosinusitis
Group I | Preseptal cellulitis |
Group II | Postseptal (orbital) cellulitis |
Group III | Subperiosteal abscess |
Group IV | Orbital abscess |
Group V | Cavernous sinus thrombosis |
Children with facial infections, trauma, and prolonged intubation in the intensive care setting are also at risk for orbital infections [6]. Severe blunt facial trauma with fractures extending into the skull base may expose the contents of the orbit and cranium to sinus mucosa. Penetrating and lacerating injuries from bites or foreign objects around the orbit and maxilla may become infected.
Periorbital Cellulitis and Subperiosteal Orbital Abscess
Preseptal cellulitis in children 6–18 months of age usually follows a recent URI. If diagnosed promptly, this condition may be treated with outpatient antibiotics in compliant families. Subperiosteal orbital abscess (SPOA) is less common and requires inpatient admission for medical and possible surgical therapy [7, 8].
The diagnosis of periorbital or orbital infections is based on the practitioner’s index of suspicion and the general condition of the child. Proptosis, chemosis, loss of visual acuity, and restriction of ocular movement may be present with cellulitis, abscess, and cavernous sinus thrombosis. Infectious processes can threaten vision by direct extension, through pressure on the optic nerve and optic chiasm, or by direct extension into the cavernous sinus, which contains cranial nerves 3, 4, 6, and trigeminal V2 and V3 [9]. Figure 9.5 is a magnetic resonance image (MRI) revealing inflammation of the right side of the sphenoid sinus. Despite the lack of lateral extension noted on this scan, the patient experienced loss of sensation along the ipsilateral V2 and V3 branches. Progressive cranial nerve involvement, seizures, mental obtundation, hemiparesis, and meningeal signs may occur in conjunction with orbital infections and signal an ominous intracranial extension.

Fig. 9.5
A 16-year-old girl with left sphenoid sinusitis (*), left-sided V2 and V3 hypesthesia, and decreased visual acuity. Note the proximity of the sinus inflammation and the cavernous sinus (arrows)
CT scans may be used as an adjunctive diagnostic procedure in children who present with equivocal symptoms or have had minimal therapeutic benefit from medical therapy. With suspected periorbital abscess or intracranial progression, CT with contrast provides accurate anatomical information for the surgical team by localizing both periorbital and intracranial pathologies. MRI with fat suppression techniques is less desirable than CT because of the lack of bone detail, but it does have some advantage in differentiating cellulitis and abscess. MRI is also superior to CT in detecting cerebritis and dural inflammation (Fig. 9.6) [10].

Fig. 9.6
Frontal sinus . (a) CT scan of the frontal sinus with complete opacification of the sinus. (b) MRI of the same patient showing intracranial abscess and cerebritis
While many consider the CT scan to be the “gold standard” in diagnosing subperiosteal abscesses, CT findings may be equivocal despite moderate-to-severe clinical findings. The timing of CT scanning may influence these results. An immature abscess may be diagnosed as a subperiosteal phlegmon in the very early course of treatment [11].
Medical Management
The presence of subperiosteal abscess is not in itself an absolute indication for surgery, and multiple studies have reported that some patients with this condition can be successfully treated with medicine alone [12, 13]. The initiation of broad spectrum antibiotics as early as possible is necessary to reduce the morbidity and possible mortality of this condition [14]. Studies of bacteriology of acute pediatric sinusitis show that these infections are often polymicrobial, with Streptococcal species, Haemophilus influenza, Moraxella catarrhalis, and anaerobes frequently cultured [15]. Initiating antibiotics with coverage of β-lactamase-producing or penicillin-resistant bacterial strains, such as ceftriaxone or ampicillin-sulbactam in addition to covering anaerobes with metronidazole or clindamycin, is recommended. Decongestants, both topical oxymetazoline and systemic pseudoephedrine, are sometimes used to promote sinus drainage. Vigilant ophthalmologic and neurologic examinations are essential over the first 24 h of hospitalization in patients to observe for changes in visual acuity or motility [16].
Surgical Management
Prompt drainage should be considered if the patient’s condition worsens or is not apparently improved with antibiotic therapy over an observation period of 24–36 h. The indications for immediate surgical management of periorbital abscesses are:
Exploration is, therefore, based on the general condition of the patient and may be recommended in children with equivocal CT scans but who exhibit worsening orbital symptoms (Figs. 9.6 and 9.7). Various authors have reported that patients are more likely to fail a trial of medical management for SPOA if they present with significant proptosis (>2 mm), are older (≥9 years), have large abscesses (width >4 mm), have elevated intraocular pressure (>20 mmHg), chemosis, or gaze restriction [17–19]. In a review article of the available literature, Bedwell and Choi recommended prompt surgery as the primary treatment modality for patients with impaired visual acuity, elevated IOP, ophthalmoplegia, proptosis ≥5 mm, and abscess width >10 mm [13]. Patients with less severe findings may improve with conservative management.

Fig. 9.7
Periorbital abscess . (a) MRI axial view of the orbit showing periorbital abscess (*). (b) Same patient coronal view. (c) Photo of patient with periorbital abscess
Surgical drainage of SPOA can be accomplished via either an endoscopic or open approach and sometimes necessitates a combination of the two. The majority can be drained via an endoscopic approach. In these procedures, the maxillary sinus is drained via removal of the uncinate process. The anterior and posterior ethmoid sinuses are then opened allowing drainage of what is likely the primary site of infection. If there is an obvious dehiscence in the lamina papyracea in continuity with the infected ethmoid, the procedure can be deemed complete at this point. Otherwise, the lamina can be opened to evacuate the SPOA into the nose. The use of image guidance, which correlates intraoperative surgical landmarks to the patient’s preoperative CT data, can be used to enhance safety and accuracy [20]. Endoscopic drainage may be difficult when the surgeon encounters limitations to surgical exposure secondary to severe intranasal cellulitis, edema, and bleeding brought about by the acute sinusitis. Also, the child’s nasal cavities are smaller, further limiting the visual workspace and increasing the possible risks of intracranial and orbital injury. Pre- or intraoperative use of dexamethasone, reverse Trendelenburg positioning, and meticulous hemostasis through topical vasoconstrictive agents all may aid in facilitating safe endoscopic surgery. Nevertheless, in cases where surgical access is difficult or when the abscess is in a more superior location, an open approach may be necessary. The Lynch incision offers an excellent external approach to the orbit, the ipsilateral ethmoid, and frontal sinuses (Fig. 9.8). During this procedure, the lamina papyracea is opened widely to offer drainage of the abscess into the ethmoid sinuses. The ethmoid and other affected sinuses should be opened and able to drain into the nasal cavity. A rubber band drain is placed in the external incision and removed in 2–3 days. Intracranial, orbital, and sinus infectious processes should be treated during the same setting for optimal recovery [21–23].

Fig. 9.8
Lynch incision. (a) A Lynch incision may be made midway between the medial canthus and nasal dorsum. Z-plasty is recommended to decrease scar retraction. Note previous burr hole site. (b) Patient undergoing frontal sinus trephine through a Lynch incision. Thick purulent material is suctioned from sinus cavity (*)
Indications for Exploration and Drainage of Periorbital Abscess
Evidence of intracranial involvement
Visual acuity less than 20/60
Worsening visual acuity
Worsening ocular motility
Failure to clinically improve after 36–48 h
Immunocompromised patients
Fungal Sinusitis
Invasive fungal sinusitis may also be included in the category of inflammatory and highly destructive periorbital lesions. Immunocompromised children, including diabetic and transplant patients, are at risk for a fulminant destructive fungal infection from aspergillus, rhizopus, and mucormycosis [24]. These children require prompt diagnosis, systemic antifungal agents, and appropriate debridement of the avascular nasal and sinus tissue [25]. Progressive visual disturbances and particularly blindness are ominous signs of skull base fungal invasion.
Noninvasive fungal sinusitis, such as fungal ball or allergic fungal rhinosinusitis, can sometimes cause expansion of the orbit with resulting proptosis and facial disfigurement (Fig. 9.9). Wide ventilation of involved sinuses, coupled with meticulous removal of fungal elements and eosinophilic mucin, is the treatment of choice. Follow-up should consist of periodic sinus CT examinations with repeat endoscopies.

Fig. 9.9
Coronal CT scan of a 12-year-old girl with allergic fungal rhinosinusitis with compression of the orbit and consequent proptosis. Note areas of hyperattenuation that are characteristic of the presence of noninvasive fungal elements
The use of systemic antifungal agents and long-term steroid therapy is controversial [24–26]. The long-term use of oral steroids in children with fungal sinusitis is problematic. The risks of long-term oral steroid therapy include increased capillary fragility, myopathy, disruption of the adrenopituitary axis, gastric bleeding, and premature closure of the epiphyseal growth plates. Topical nasal steroids may increase the risk of nasal hemorrhage and worsen preexisting glaucoma.
Tumors and Congenital Masses
Physical Exam and History
Pathological findings associated with tumors and expanding intranasal masses of the upper airway and surrounding structures of the orbit may lead the physician to obtain an otolaryngology consultation. The nasal exam in the office, emergency department, or intensive care unit should begin with observation of alar and midnasal symmetry, dorsum swelling, or a protruding nasal mass. Airflow reduction from a nasopharyngeal or paranasal sinus mass may produce mouth breathing, hyponasal speech, snoring, and sometimes sleep apnea. Nasal endoscopy is advised in the workup of abnormal masses causing obstruction (Fig. 9.10). Signs of serious pathology include reduced visual acuity, trismus, hypesthesia of the cheek, and swelling of the nose, face, and orbital rim [27]. Orbital findings such as chemosis, proptosis, and/or extraocular muscle immobility may occur during the process of extension of tumor from the nose and paranasal sinuses into the orbit [28]. Children may not exhibit orbital symptoms for an extended period of time if the tumor originates in the deeper parts of the skull base or nasal cavities. Unilateral chronic rhinorrhea should be considered to be a sign of nasal tumor or foreign body until proven otherwise.

Fig. 9.10
Nasal endoscopic view of an osteoma involving the right middle meatus and medial orbital wall
Pediatric epistaxis may have various causes such as local inflammation and trauma of the normal nasal and sinus vasculature or angioblastic growth and necrosis of various tumors, such as juvenile angiofibromas. Systemic causes may include a blood dyscrasia or hereditary conditions such as hereditary telangiectasia [29].
After careful history and physical examination have been performed, management of the pediatric patient with a suspected orbital or skull base lesion should be directed toward obtaining appropriate radiologic imaging studies. Due to the vascularity associated with certain tumors and the possibility of direct intracranial extension, imaging must be performed prior to any surgical intervention, including biopsy. The combination of both high-resolution CT and MRI is ideal in imaging the bony and soft tissue details of nasal tumors. CT is ideal for evaluating bone erosion, and MRI is the ideal modality to differentiate benign sinus obstruction with inspissated mucus from tumor. Both examinations are useful in identifying tumor type, extension, and vascularity [30].
Neoplastic Lesions and Anatomic Location
Various benign and malignant tumors may originate outside of the orbit but grow to invade the orbit and its contents.
Tumor Types and Anatomical Location
Sinus tumors
Fibrous dysplasia
McCune Albright syndrome
Juvenile active ossifying fibroma
Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy
Eosinophilic granuloma/histiocytosis x
Nasal tumors