Pediatric Cataract Associated with Ocular and Systemic Anomalies

Pediatric Cataract Associated with Ocular and Systemic Anomalies

Rupal H. Trivedi

M. Edward Wilson

As ophthalmic surgeons are well aware, surgery in pediatric eyes can be challenging. Pediatric cataract surgery in eyes with additional ocular anomalies can be even more demanding. In addition, concomitant systemic disease may put a child at higher anesthesia risk (for anesthesia during surgery as well as any future examinations under anesthesia). Visual acuity outcomes may be reduced when the cataract is part of a systemic disease compared with children without a systemic syndrome.1 In this chapter, we discuss pediatric cataracts associated with ocular and systemic anomalies. We do not provide an exhaustive list of anomalies; instead, we review those anomalies where management or outcomes may differ from what would otherwise be expected and if they are not discussed as an individual chapter elsewhere in this book.


Alport syndrome is a hereditary nephritis accompanied by high-tone sensorineural deafness and distinctive ocular signs. It was first reported in the early 1900s (quoted in Ref.2). Guthrie described several cases of familial idiopathic hematuria and suggested maternal genetic transmittance.2 In 1927, Cecil A. Alport described three generations of a family with a combination of progressive hereditary nephritis and deafness. He linked the hematuria with the auditory defects and noted that the severity of the disease corresponded to gender.3 Many families were subsequently described, and the eponym Alport syndrome was coined in 1961. Anomalous basement membranes in the ocular, auditory, and renal systems cause the characteristic triad of abnormalities in patients with Alport syndrome (i.e., ocular signs, sensorineural deafness, and hereditary nephritis).

The ocular signs were initially discussed by Sohar.4 Anterior lenticonus is a distinctive feature, and its presence in any individual is highly suggestive of Alport syndrome. Anterior lenticonus is a rare bilateral condition wherein the anterior surface of the lens protrudes to assume a conical form. Usually, the raised portion consists of clear cortex, while the lens nucleus remains intact and undistorted. Therefore, the deformity is thought to originate in late intrauterine or postnatal life. It is less common than posterior lentiglobus.2 Anterior lenticonus is an important indicator of a poor systemic prognosis because of renal disease in Alport syndrome patients. Anterior lenticonus is more common in male than female patients with Alport syndrome.5 The inheritance is predominantly X linked (85%), although it can be autosomal recessive (10%) or autosomal dominant (5%).6 In addition to Alport syndrome, isolated cases of anterior lenticonus have also been reported, as well as a rare association with Lowe syndrome and Waardenburg syndrome.7

Clinical Features

When using a parallelepiped or optic section during slit-lamp biomicroscopy, the lenticonus is seen as an axial protrusion, often conical, within the pupillary zone of the lens. Minor degrees of lenticonus are difficult to detect but are suggested by a distinctive “oil drop” appearance (effect produced by oil globules in water) of the red reflex on slit-lamp examination. This is due to the fact that none of the rays from the fundus reaches the observer’s eye owing to prismatic reflection in the axial region.1 Examination with a retinoscope can sometimes detect anterior lenticonus even when it is difficult to see with the slit lamp.

Associated Ocular Findings

Refractive Error

Slowly progressing myopia and astigmatism may occur. Literature has reported the use of wavefront sensing to evaluate lenticular irregular astigmatism in eyes with lenticonus.8 The authors noted that irregular astigmatism induced by lenticonus is a relatively symmetrical, spherical-like aberration, in contrast to irregular astigmatism in typical kerato-conus, which is an asymmetrical, comma-like aberration.8

Corneal Abnormalities

Posterior polymorphous dystrophy (PPMD) and arcus juveniles are frequently encountered. Thickening of Descemet layer with later endothelial cell changes can lead to PPMD. It should be noted that certain corneal abnormalities can be observed in renal failure patients regardless of etiology. These include a white limbal girdle of Vogt and band keratopathy.2 Care must be taken to ensure a complete differential diagnosis of the etiology of the patient’s renal disease.


Iridocorneal adhesions and transparent membranes owing to PPMD result in an increased risk for glaucoma in these eyes.


Certain lens opacities are observed in patients with Alport syndrome. First, anterior subcapsular cortical cataracts can occur secondarily to lens capsule rupture of the anterior lenticonus. Spontaneous rupture can lead to a complete white total cataract. On careful inspection, these ruptures are usually preceded by small cracks and splits in the capsule visible at the slit lamp. We now recognize these changes as an impending lens rupture. Second, posterior subcapsular cataracts (PSCs) may appear because of steroid use with post-renal transplant therapy. Third, internal lenticonus may be seen as a posterior lamellar opacity with a posterior projection along the visual axis.5 Combined anterior lenticonus and posterior lentiglobus have been reported.9 Rarely, lens coloboma has been reported associated with Alport syndrome.10


Yellow-white to silver flecks within the macular and mid-peripheral regions of the retina can be seen.

Anterior Capsule and Lenticonus

Alport syndrome is caused by a genetic defect within one of the α chains of type IV collagen, a major constituent of basement membranes throughout the body.11 In the eye, it mainly affects the anterior capsule of the lens. Streeten et al.12 identified specific histologic structures that are affected in the crystalline lens capsule. They inferred that the appearance of the lens capsule lesion was similar to the Bowman capsule basement membrane defect in the renal system of Alport syndrome patients. The anterior lens capsule was noted to be one-third the normal thickness centrally and to be more fibrillar than usual, as well as to be associated with large numbers of partial capsular dehiscences containing fibrillar material and vacuoles. The pathologic thinning in eyes with lenticonus as well as the abnormal epithelial cells and fibers may allow bulging of the anterior capsule. Kato et al.11 also noted that the thickness of the anterior lens capsule was decreased, and there were many vertical capsular dehiscences localized in the inner part of the lens capsule. Besides the anatomical problems with the capsule, manipulation of the lens because of accommodation and normal growth causes added stress on the already weakened structure. Abnormal composition of α (IV) chains in the anterior lens capsule of a patient with anterior lenticonus caused by a mutation in the COL4A5 gene has been reported.13

The weakness in the anterior capsule can cause the capsule to rupture, with subsequent formation of an anterior subcapsular cortical cataract or a total white cataract. Traumatic and nontraumatic rupture of the lens capsule has been reported in the literature.14 In contrast, some reports have noted that the anterior capsule is not so fragile (when performing capsulectomy) in these eyes.15,16 These authors theorize that fragility and thinness may present in some patients only in the advanced stages of the disease.15,16


Cataract is a common late side effect of the radiation and steroid treatments used in bone marrow transplantation (BMT).21 Total dose and duration of corticosteroid therapy are the most important risk factors for development of cataract.22 Total-body irradiation has also been extensively studied as a cataract risk factor.22 Holmstrom et al.23 compared the frequency of cataract development in bone marrow-transplanted children who have been given either total-body irradiation or busulphan as conditioning treatment before BMT. The study confirms total-body irradiation as an etiologic factor for cataract (95%) and suggests that busulphan is also, but less frequently (21%), related to cataract development. The study also shows that cataracts in total-body irradiation-treated children developed earlier after BMT than in busulphan-treated children.23 PSC is the most common type of cataract. PSC typically appears within the first few years after BMT. Frisk et al.24 reported cataract after autologous BMT in children. The authors noted that all children who received total-body irradiation developed PSC (n = 29). Six patients (10 eyes) needed cataract surgery (median time 5 years after BMT, range, 4-9 years). We follow 3 children (6 eyes) in this group. Visual outcome is good in this cohort, as cataract typically develops slowly, bilaterally, and at a relatively older age.

Figure 41.3. The same eye as described in Figure 41.2. Note the total cataract following nontraumatic rupture of the anterior capsule. A: Low magnification. B: Higher magnification.


May 24, 2016 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Pediatric Cataract Associated with Ocular and Systemic Anomalies

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