Activity Restriction Subscale (AR) |
a1. |
Because of your ear problem, you don’t swim or shower without protecting your ear: definitely true ___ true ___ don’t know ___ false ___ definitely false ___ |
a2. |
At the present time, how severe a limitation is the necessity to keep water out of your ears? very severe ___ severe ___ moderate ___ mild ___ very mild ___ none ___ |
a3. |
In the past 4 weeks, has your ear problem interfered with your social activities with friends, family or groups? all of the time ___ most of the time ___ a good bit of time ___ some of the time ___ a little of the time ___ none of the time ___ |
Symptom Subscale (ST) |
s1. |
Your hearing loss is: very severe ___ severe ___ moderate ___ mild ___ very mild ___ none ___ |
s2. |
Drainage from your ear is: very severe ___ severe ___ moderate ___ mild ___ very mild ___ none ___ |
s3. |
Pain from your ear is: very severe ___ severe ___ moderate ___ mild ___ very mild ___ none ___ |
s4. |
Odor from your ear is very bothersome to you and/or others: definitely true ___ true ___ don’t know ___ false ___ definitely false ___ |
s5. |
The hearing loss in your affected ear bothers you: all of the time ___ most of the time ___ a good bit of time ___ some of the time ___ a little of the time ___ none of the time ___ |
s6. |
In the past 6 months, please estimate the frequency that your affected ear has drained: constantly ___5 or more times, but not constantly ___ 3-4 times ___ 1-2 times ___ not at all ___ |
s7. |
The odor from your affected ear bothers you and/or others: all of the time ___ most of the time ___ a good bit of time ___ some of the time ___ a little of the time ___ none of the time ___ |
Medical Resource Utilization Subscale (MR) |
m1. |
In the past 6 months, how many separate times have you visited your doctor, specially about your ear problem? more than 6 times ___ 5-6 times ___ 3-4 times ___ 1-2 times ___ none ___ |
m2. |
In the past 6 months, how many separate times have you used oral antibiotics to treat your ear infection? more than 6 times ___ 5-6 times ___ 3-4 times ___ 1-2 times ___ none ___ |
m3. |
In the past 6 months, how many separate times have ear drops been necessary to treat your ear condition? more than 6 times ___ 5-6 times ___ 3-4 times ___1-2 times ___ none ___ |
Copyright © 1997 Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Outcomes Science, LLC. |