Name of the drug
Mechanism of action
It is a prodrug bioactivated by katG present in MTB which causes inhibition of mycolic acid synthesis. Most potent bactericidal drug in ATT regimen [7]
Bactericidal against both dividing and dormant bacilli. Inhibits b-subunit of mycobacterial RNA polymerase
Its rapid onset of action is due to its lipophilic nature, which is responsible for its penetration into macrophages and its activity against non-replicating persisters [30]
Ethambutol a
Inhibits arabinogalactan synthesis in MTB cell wall [5]
It is also a prodrug, which gets bioactivated by an enzyme – pyrazinamidase – present in MTB; exact mechanism of action is not known [6]
As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol for an initial 2-month period and then ethambutol and pyrazinamide are stopped and other two drugs are continued up to 4–7 months [3]. Many studies have reported that ATT should be prescribed at least for 6 months and maximum for up to 12–15 months [5]. Duration of therapy becomes an issue when after the initiation of therapy poor clinical response is noted.
Monitoring of Response
In pulmonary tuberculosis and other forms of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, it is easy to monitor the response because of the availability of clinical specimens in the form of sputum and tissue specimens, respectively. However, in the case of ocular tuberculosis, as intraocular tissues are not easily available, response is analysed completely based on clinical evaluation. It is important to assess the therapeutic response to ATT and monitor ocular toxicity of these drugs without compromising on the therapeutic effect. In case of favourable response within 2 months, ATT for 6 months might be enough. Patients who do not respond to ATT even at 2–3 months might need second line of therapy or alternative treatment along with complete systemic re-evaluation by an infectious disease specialist [5]. The end point for the therapy is assessed by the ophthalmologist in terms of resolution of intraocular inflammation. In case of poor response, a severe form of disease or an alternate diagnosis should be considered. If there is no reduction in intraocular inflammation after the 2-month initiation phase, the utility of continuing ATT should be reassessed as the likelihood of intraocular tuberculosis is low. Gupta et al. referring to their unpublished data have demonstrated resolution of intraocular inflammation in nearly 95% of their patients after 6–15 months of treatment with four drug regimens [31]. There are clear-cut guidelines for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who are defaulters or previously treated cases who relapse in various tuberculosis control programmes all over the world. In case of intraocular tuberculosis, the role of restarting ATT in previously treated patients or in case of reactivation of previous lesions is not yet clear.
Side Effects of ATT Therapy [4, 5]
- 1.
Unspecified symptoms
- 2.
- 3.
Generalised weakness
- 4.
Reduced libido
- 5.
Hepatotoxicity associated with isoniazid and pyrazinamide
- 6.
Eighth nerve toxicity associated with streptomycin
- 7.
Optic neuritis – associated with ethambutol . However it has dose- and duration-dependent complication. It has to be used with caution in patients with renal insufficiency and in cases when dose is exceeding 15/mg/kg. It is recommended to check at least visual acuity and colour vision by physicians. It is also important to educate the patient regarding self-assessment of visual symptoms
- 8.
Neurotoxicity is seen with isoniazid – It can cause peripheral neuritis, insomnia, increased agitation, urinary retention and seizures (these side effects can be reduced by pyridoxine supplementation, as they occur due to relative pyridoxine deficiency)
All these side effects can lead to compliance issues. Poor compliance in turn leads to poor response to therapy, increased chances of recurrences and development of drug-resistant tuberculosis.
Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction
Paradoxical worsening of tuberculosis is a well-known entity especially in extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. The proposed mechanism of the reaction is the release of mycobacterial antigens after antitubercular treatment (ATT) and delayed hypersensitivity leading to worsening of clinical condition. Systemic manifestation of JRH includes fever, headache and sweating and is most commonly associated with treatment of syphilis, leptospiral infection and Lyme disease. Paradoxical reaction improves significantly after increasing the steroids to curb the inflammatory response [32].
Second-Line ATT
Roles of second-line ATT are as follows: Efficacy of fluoroquinolones (levofloxacin and moxifloxacin) against intracellular and dormant MTB is good. It prevents drug-resistant TB and shortens TB treatment when combined with existing anti-TB drugs (Table 6.2) [5, 6].
Table 6.2
Mechanism of action of second-line drugs
Drugs | Mechanism of action |
P-Aminosalicylic acid | Antimetabolite interfering with incorporation of para-aminobenzoic acid into folic acid acting as folate synthesis antagonist |
Cycloserine | Structural analogue of D-alanine and inhibits incorporation of D-alanine into peptidoglycan pentapeptide through inhibition of alanine racemase |
Clofazimine | Unknown but might involve DNA binding. Possesses direct antimycobacterial and immunosuppressive properties |
Amoxicillin and/or clavulanic acid | Amoxicillin inhibits cell wall synthesis. Clavulanic acid is a b-lactamase inhibitor |
Clarithromycin | Inhibition of protein synthesis through binding to 50S ribosomal RNA as aminoacyl translocation reactions and the formation of initiation complexes is blocked |
Rifabutin | Inhibits bacterial RNA synthesis by binding strongly to the b-subunit of bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase |
Thiacetazone | Not clearly elucidated |
Novel Drug Delivery System for Antitubercular Treatment
Nanotechnology-related rational drug delivery has improvised the therapeutic success and also has reduced the systemic toxicity and frequency of drug administration. In spite of emergence of newer antitubercular antibiotics , the real challenge is to target the intracellular pathogen. Most of the antibiotics are unable to actively pass through the cell membranes. Antitubercular drugs are loaded in the carrier system so that, once they get endocytosed by the phagocytic cells, they can prolong the release of the drugs and decrease the frequency of doses and drug toxicity (Table 6.3).
Table 6.3
Novel drugs delivery systems containing anti-TB drugs
Carrier | Drugs | Features |
Liposomes | Streptomycin, gentamycin, sparfloxacin, amikacin, clofazimine, isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, rifabutin, capreomycin | They are the most widely studied carrier They have macrophage-specific antibacterial drug delivery Conventional liposomes are carriers for passive drug delivery Lung-specific stealth liposomes/PEGylated liposomes contain O-stearoyl amylopectin (O-SAP) and monosialogangliosides/distearoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-poly(ethylene glycol) (DSPE-PEG) as targeting moiety for active targeted delivery of isoniazid and rifampicin. They achieve higher levels of accumulation in the lung and show reduced uptake and accumulation in the liver and spleen as compared to conventional liposomes |
Niosomes | Rifampicin | Micron-sized rifampicin-loaded niosomes contain Span 85 as surfactant |
Nanoparticles (NPs) and microparticle | Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, streptomycin, rifabutin, ofloxacin, moxifloxacin, ciprofloxacin | PBCA NPs-poly(n-butyl cyanoacrylate) and PIBCA NPs-poly(isobutylcyanoacrylate) are non-biodegradable and PLGNPs-poly (DL-lactide-co-glycolide) is biodegradable Alginate NPs are produced by ionotropic gelation Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) have good stability on nebulisation. These NPs are involved in passive drug delivery PLGNPs surface grafted with lectins are carriers for active targeted delivery of drugs. Lectins increase the intestinal mucoadhesion of nanoparticles and drug absorption and bioavailability |
Polymeric micelles | Rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide | These are submicroscopic aggregates of surfactant molecules resulting in liquid colloid. Micelles have improved antitubercular activity |
Dendrimers | Rifampicin | Dendrimers are carriers for active targeted delivery of drugs. They are low-molecular-weight macromolecules with well-defined, regular hyper-branched, three-dimensional structure. Mannose on the surface significantly reduces the haemolytic toxicity of nanocarriers and drug It also sustains the drug release. Surface modification improves the selective uptake of the drug-loaded nanocarriers by cells of immune system. |
Role of Steroids and Immunosuppressives
One of the main aims of therapy for intraocular tuberculosis is to control the intraocular inflammation for which oral steroids are mainstay of treatment. Gupta et al. showed superior clinical outcomes following concurrent treatment with steroids and anti-TB treatment in patients with uveitis in comparison to patients who received ATT alone [33]. When ocular tuberculosis is misdiagnosed as some other uveitic entity, inflammation may recur in spite of steroid therapy or ocular disease may worsen, as underlying tubercular aetiology is not taken care of. Antitubercular drugs decrease the microbial as well as antigen load by actively killing the microbes. The decrease in antigen load in turn leads to fewer chances of hypersensitivity and recurrences. Steroids are well known to modify the immune response and decrease the inflammation and chances of recurrences when given along with antitubercular drugs. However few studies have reported no role of corticosteroid treatment in tuberculous optic neuropathy [34], poorer visual outcome in cases of initiation of corticosteroids prior to ATT [8], reactivation of latent TB with concurrent use of ATT and corticosteroids [5] and higher rate treatment failure in patients on immunosuppressants [35].
Factor Associated with Poor Visual Outcome [5]
- 1.
African ethnicity
- 2.
Age > 50 years
- 3.
Female gender
- 4.
Longer duration of uveitis
- 5.
Delay in diagnosis (>500 days)
- 6.
Presence of intermediate uveitisStay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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