Macular Telangiectasia

Fig. 17.1
Stages of macular telangiectasia type 2. (a) Stage 1. No or only subtle changes on funduscopy (left). Leakage in fluorescein angiography, late phase (middle picture: early phase, right picture: late phase). The SD-OCT shows an interruption of the ellipsoid zone (arrows) and intraretinal cystoid spaces (asterisk). (b) Stage 2. There is a peculiar graying of the retina seen on funduscopy. (c) Stage 3. The arrow indicates a “right-angled venule.” OCT shows slight thickening of the inner retina, which is not always seen. (d) Stage 4 is characterized by pigment plaques. In this case, crystalline deposits are also seen. The pigment plaques are seen as hyperreflective changes in SD-OCT and are related to outer retinal atrophy (arrows)

In patients with MacTel type 2, all disease manifestations are usually most pronounced and most obvious temporal to the foveal center. Within the same area, retinal function is most affected (paracentral scotoma).

MacTel type 2 shows a unique depletion of the macular pigment in the central retina (Charbel Issa et al. 2008c, 2009b; Helb et al. 2008), resulting in increased reflectivity on confocal blue reflectance imaging and an increased fundus autofluorescence signal due to reduced absorption of the excitation light (Charbel Issa et al. 2008c, 2013).

17.3 Optical Coherence Tomography

High-resolution optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been proven very useful for the diagnosis of MacTel type 2 and for the follow-up of affected patients. Even patients without any obvious funduscopic changes can be identified using OCT. In recent years, several features have been identified that characterize MacTel type 2 and rarely occur in other diseases (Charbel Issa et al. 2012; Gaudric et al. 2006).

The characteristic findings on OCT imaging may be present in various combinations. The changes are usually most prominent temporal to the foveal center. Larger longitudinal studies exploring the natural history on OCT imaging are still lacking. However, based on exemplary case studies, clinical experience, and the correlation with other imaging techniques and functional parameters, a time course of alterations may be suggested (Fig. 17.2).


Fig. 17.2
Spectral domain OCT findings in patients with MacTel type 2. The optic nerve head is always to the left side in each of these horizontal scans through the foveal center. (a) Normal retina. (b) An asymmetric foveal contour may occur very early in the disease. (c) Hyperreflectivity within the inner retinal layers due to capillary leakage may also be an early finding. (df) Hyporeflective cavities within the inner foveal layers may remain without marked functional loss. There is some discontinuity of the highly reflective line above the retinal pigment epithelium and thinning of the outer nuclear layer mainly centrally and temporal to the foveal center. (g) Hyporeflective cavities within the outer retina. (h) Collapse of such outer retinal cavities. (i, j) Atrophic outer retina with hyperreflective pigment plaques. (k) The inner retinal layers appear to detach from the inner limiting membrane. (l) A lamellar macular hole may develop after disruption of the inner limiting membrane. (m, n) Localized complete atrophy of the outer retina with reactive pigment epithelial proliferation (Reprinted from Charbel Issa et al. (2013) with permission from Elsevier)

The earliest subtle changes on OCT imaging may include temporal enlargement of the foveal pit (Fig. 17.2b), which then appears asymmetric with its thinnest sector temporal to the anatomic foveal center (Gillies et al. 2009; Charbel Issa 2016). This minor structural alteration appears to be due to changes in the outer nuclear/Henle’s fiber layer thickness. However, if capillary leakage occurs within the same area, this asymmetric thinning may disappear due to a slight thickening mainly within the inner retinal layers (Fig. 17.2c). Such vascular leakage may be associated with a slightly increased reflectivity of inner neurosensory layers.

Within the inner retina, hyporeflective cavities (Fig. 17.2d–f) may develop which are usually located in the foveal pit with a predilection for the temporal slope. These atrophic hyporeflective spaces may have the appearance on funduscopy of a lamellar macular hole (“pseudo-lamellar macular hole”). In contrast to other diseases such as diabetic maculopathy or Irvine-Gass syndrome, there is no angiographic leakage and pooling of fluorescein dye into the hyporeflective cavities in MacTel type 2 (Koizumi et al. 2006), and there is no similar neurosensory thickening. The hyporeflective cavities in MacTel type 2 were shown to have a reflectivity different from exudative macular cysts (Barthelmes et al. 2008). These differences suggest that atrophy, as may be found in retinal dystrophies, rather than exudation leads to the formation of these cavities in MacTel type 2. While outer retinal cavities appear to be due to tissue loss in the photoreceptor layer (see below), inner hyporeflective cavities might also result from loss of structural integrity with a pathophysiology similar to that seen in X-linked retinoschisis or retinitis pigmentosa. As well, detachment of the foveolar neurosensory retina from the inner limiting membrane may result in a foveal hyporeflective cavity and an apparent flattening of the foveal pit, especially in presence of additional thinning of the paracentral retina (Fig. 17.2f). Inner hyporeflective cavities may decrease with disease progression, possibly due to loss of supporting structures, surrounding atrophy and sometimes decreasing leakage.

Another sign that is considered characteristic of the disease is the disruption of the line now attributed to the ellipsoid zone. This sign may occur relatively early but is also observed in later disease stages. Discontinuity of this highly reflective line usually starts temporal to the foveola and is one of the most frequent findings in MacTel type 2 on OCT imaging. Modeling of 2-dimensional en face views (Fig. 17.3) at the level of the inner segment-outer segment border from densely recorded B-scans has been shown to reveal the extent of loss of this structural alteration (Sallo et al. 2012a, b). In a recent follow-up study, reappearance of a previously disrupted ellipsoid zone was shown in areas with preserved external limiting membrane. It was concluded that the latter might be a good prognostic factor (Wang et al. 2015).


Fig. 17.3
“En face” view of OCT volume scans. The left image shows the correspondent fundus autofluorescence, the black box marks the position of the volume scan. The dotted line indicates the position of the B-scan shown in the middle and right image. The asterisk marks the foveal center. The arrow marks the retinal plane the position of the en-face image. The middle images are aligned parallel to the inner limiting membrane to show the inner retinal layers. There is a round hole centered on the foveola. The right images are aligned parallel the RPE band and show the topographic distribution of the disruption of the line representing the ellipsoid zone of the photoreceptors. In patient (a), the area of altered reflectivity within the ellipsoid zone corresponds to the entire retinal area affected by disease, whereas in patient (b), this area is more confined to an area centered temporal to the foveola (Reprinted from Charbel Issa et al. (2013) with permission from Elsevier)

In few eyes, accumulation of subretinal debris appears evident within the foveal area. The histopathological correlate was suggested to be degenerated photoreceptor elements that have lipofuscin-like autofluorescent properties, possibly explaining increased foveal autofluorescence and the funduscopic appearance of a yellowish foveal spot that is apparent in a small subset of eyes (Cherepanoff et al. 2012).

With disease progression, atrophy of the outer neurosensory retina, i.e., the photoreceptor layer, becomes increasingly prevalent (Fig. 17.2g–n). Possibly depending on the integrity of supporting structures, outer hyporeflective cavities may develop (Fig. 17.2g–h) and increase within the photoreceptor layer, then subsequently collapse leading to apposition of inner retinal layers onto the pigment epithelium (Fig. 17.2j–n). Such apposition often occurs without the intermediate stage of cavitation within the photoreceptor layer.

Hyperreflective intraretinal lesions (Fig. 17.2i) are usually associated with pigment plaques. They may first appear as slightly prominent hyperreflective elevation within areas of photoreceptor atrophy, progressing into the retinal tissue. Larger lesions may present as a flat hyperreflective structure in the inner retinal layer, masking features of the underlying tissue. Secondary neovascular complexes may present as a hyperreflective lesion on OCT images. In these cases the lesion typically is located in or external to the outer neurosensory retinal layers.

Quantitative analysis of OCT data showed decreased thickness of the central neurosensory retina in most studies, likely due to thinning mainly within the photoreceptor layer (Krivosic et al. 2009). Characteristic retinal thickness maps are shown in Fig. 17.4 that highlight asymmetry of the foveal depression, loss of retinal contour, and a general thinning of the macular area secondary to outer retinal atrophy. It has been pointed out that apparent normal or slightly increased macular thickness may occur due to the low-grade macular edema superimposed on the atrophic neurosensory retina (Charbel Issa et al. 2008a, b). Increased macular thickness measurements may be found in MacTel type 2 eyes with marked capillary leakage and only little atrophy, in eyes with foveal detachment, pronounced pigment proliferation (Gaudric et al. 2006) or neovascular membranes.


Fig. 17.4
Retinal thickness maps in an age-matched normal control (a) and patients with MacTel type 2 (bf), representing the phenotypic variability. The B-scan underneath each thickness map was recorded through the foveal center (marked by an asterisk). Overall, there is an asymmetry of the foveal depression, a loss of retinal contour, and a general thinning of the macular area. In later disease stages, there is pronounced retinal thinning due to outer retinal atrophy (Reprinted from Charbel Issa et al. (2013) with permission from Elsevier)

Choroidal thickness was also assessed in patients with MacTel type 2 using enhanced depth OCT imaging and is still controversial. Chhablani et al. found no different subfoveal choroidal thickness than in healthy controls (Chhablani et al. 2014), whereas a Nunes et al. (Nunes et al. 2015) suggested a thicker subfoveal choroid in patients with MacTel type 2.

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Jul 12, 2017 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Macular Telangiectasia

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