Laser Floater Treatment (Vitreolysis)
I. Paul Singh
Like most providers, I downplayed floaters in the past because I felt there was nothing I could do. Now, after performing more than 5,000 laser-based floater treatments over the past seven years, I have come to appreciate the impact floaters can have on a patient’s daily functioning. They often return for their posttreatment visits with improvement in their daily life similar to post-cataract surgery patients; “I can drive again,” “I can read again,” “I can perform in the orchestra again.” It is clearly evident that, in symptomatic patients, the visual symptoms associated with floaters are a growing concern and warrant more than merely observation. Until I started treating floaters, I thought of floaters as just a nuisance and counseled patients to live with them. Because they are part of the normal aging process, I felt there was no need to address them. Indeed, I dismissed my floater patients as there was no safe, in-office treatment option. I’m sure many of you have also said these words to your patients, “Get used to them,” “They will eventually go away,” “They are normal and don’t harm you.” But have you stopped and thought: “Why are we so quick to dismiss these patients?”
In medicine, our decision to treat or not to treat has been based on the risk-benefit ratio involved with the treatment. Basically, the higher the risk, the more severe the symptoms must be before the surgeon is willing to perform the surgery. As technology has advanced and techniques have evolved, the risk profile of many treatments has improved. Not only does this offer obvious benefits for the patient, but it also allows treatment earlier in the disease process—and for patients who would have historically been ignored. For instance, the old paradigm of cataract surgery has changed. Today, our definition of “clinically significant” cataract has changed. A 20/40 cataract, once considered not suitable for treatment 20 years ago due to the risk and limitations of surgery, is now considered treatable. Advances in glaucoma procedures, and more specifically the advent of microinvasive surgery (MIGS), have changed the glaucoma treatment paradigm, with surgery now offered earlier in the disease process due to its enhanced safety profile. This, in turn, has redefined the patient type and the justification for surgery. Now, quality of life is a key definition of “uncontrolled glaucoma.” One would rarely consider a trabeculectomy for a patient with mild glaucoma on 1 or 2 medications, but with the advent of MIGS, the “ideal” patient for glaucoma surgery has changed. The same can be said for dry eye. Until recently, many of us ignored this
condition, minimizing its impact on daily functioning due to a lack of options to treat, or even to diagnose. Once new treatment options and diagnostic devices became available, we as a profession recognized the impact ocular surface disease has on patient quality of life, and as a result, more and more options are becoming available.
condition, minimizing its impact on daily functioning due to a lack of options to treat, or even to diagnose. Once new treatment options and diagnostic devices became available, we as a profession recognized the impact ocular surface disease has on patient quality of life, and as a result, more and more options are becoming available.
Historically, the only treatment offered for vitreous floaters was a pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). This procedure works well to eliminate the symptoms associated with floaters, but there are significant risks involved with the procedure, such as cataract formation and retinal detachment.1 Although recent advances in technology have improved the safety profile of vitrectomy, there is still the challenge of postoperative healing time, during which patients may be off of work for a few days to weeks and on eye drops for a few weeks to months. For many surgeon’s and patients, the overall risk and cost from a PPV is greater than the issues caused by floaters. Therefore, a majority of doctors decide to observe many of the common types of floaters, such as a Weiss ring or other solitary vitreous opacities. Unfortunately, these floaters can still negatively affect patient’s quality of life.
A study by Wagle et al. addressed the impairment on functional quality associated with floaters in 311 outpatients.2 The utility values of floaters were equal to age-related macular degeneration, and similar to glaucoma, mild angina, stroke, and asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This demonstrates that floaters do have a significant impact on quality of life, similar to other ocular and systemic diseases. Further, a study by Webb et al. found that floaters are very common in the general population, irrespective of age, race, gender, and eye color. In a review of 603 smartphone users, 76% (n = 458) indicated that they notice floaters, with 199 of these individuals citing noticeable vision impairment as a result of their floaters. Furthermore, myopes and hyperopes were 3.5 and 4.4 times more likely, respectively, to report moderate-to-severe floaters.3 A 2016 study by Garcia et al. showed that there was a 52.5% reduction in contrast sensitivity function following posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). In a survey of approximately 600 smartphone users, 33% of respondents reported that their floaters caused noticeable visual impairment.4
Now, with advances in laser technology, laser lenses, and new treatment protocols, the adverse event profile associated with laser-based floater treatment is favorable. It also offers the benefit of a simplified postoperative course. As a result, the definition of clinically significant vitreous opacity (CSVO) has changed: symptomology does not have to be as severe as that for a vitrectomy. Smaller floaters, such as Weiss rings and other types of floaters (amorphous clouds and strings), that were often considered to be not clinically significant to warrant surgery, are now able to be treated. We don’t have to minimize the impact of these floaters and tell patients to “just deal with it.”
It is important to note that laser floater treatment (LFT) is not intended to replace or compete with vitrectomy. The ideal patient for LFT is very different from that of a vitrectomy patient. These patients often have been told they are not good candidates for a vitrectomy. This can be the case in a phakic patient, or in patients with a smaller type floater.
LFT for symptomatic floaters, also known as vitreolysis, is actually not new. It was first introduced in 1993, when Tsai et al. described a series of patients undergoing Nd:YAG vitreolysis. It was later popularized by Dr. Karickhoff. Despite their work, which demonstrated good efficacy and safety, other older data sets, which suggested only modest efficacy and possible safety concerns, led many doctors to be skeptical about the procedure. It is important to note these older studies were using laser technology not optimized for LFT. Further, the treatment protocol was not optimized. For instance, Delaney et al. in 2002 published a study reporting 38.3% success using a non-randomized questionnaire. The study was performed using older Nd:YAG technology with average energy settings of 1.2 mJ. This energy is too low to vaporize and sufficiently reduce the size of the floater. A fear of complications and an overall lack of understanding of Nd:YAG laser delivery of energy have also contributed to the skepticism surrounding LFT. Colleagues often fear LFT will cause retinal detachment, inflammation, and other serious complications. Recent data based on new technology, and new protocols, addresses these fears. The reason for the variable outcomes in some earlier studies was due to the limitations of traditional Nd:YAG lasers. There were three main limiting factors when performing LFT with traditional Nd:YAG lasers: (1) Lack of visualization of the entire vitreous and necessary spatial awareness between lens and retina; (2) suboptimal power usage during the procedure thus limiting vaporization of the floater (3) inability to fire sufficient number of shots due to older cooling cavities and thus the instability and inconsistency of energy delivery through the entire procedure.
Patient selection is extremely important. Like any procedure, not all patients are good candidates or qualified for the procedure. First and foremost, I recommend performing the laser on symptomatic patients, those where the floaters are disabling to daily functioning (regardless of visual acuity on the Snellen chart) and do not resolve over time. For instance, patients often describe a Weiss ring not always affecting clarity of vision, but as distracting and thereby affecting reading and driving. In general, solitary opacities tend to have the best outcomes.
I pay attention to these key variables:
1. Patient symptoms—how long have they been present, are they disabling to daily functioning, where are the floaters coming from, and do they have a specific shape per patient perception?
2. Where in the vitreous is the floater?—if too close to the retina or lens, the patient may not be a good candidate. If close to the lens, especially in a pseudophakic patient, we may need to observe or limit the number of shots (usually less than 500 per session to prevent an IOP spike).
3. Size and density of the floater—if the floater is thin and more like a fibril, it may be difficult to laser. If the floaters are larger and denser, it may require higher number of shots and multiple sessions.
It is important for surgeon’s to know when to say no. Following are some key contraindication considerations:
If there is any active vitreoretinal pathology, address it first.
Relative contraindication is glaucoma—IOP spikes can happen from the procedure.
If the patient has a floater that is too close to the lens or too close to the retina, recommend observation. We want to keep at least 2 mm from the retina if possible. A clinical pearl: if the floater and the retina are in focus at the same time, it is too close.
If the patient has a recent PVD with symptoms of a floater or flashes, I recommend observation and repeat a dilated examination within three to six months. It is important to give patients time to neuroadapt before setting up for a laser.
I would suggest holding off on younger patients with thin strings or who have symptoms you cannot correlate with your clinical exam.
Those with large amounts of asteroid hyalosis or a vitreous full of opacities may be difficult to treat unless there is a consolidated clumping of calcium that can be broken up.
Patients with unreasonable expectations should be accounted for as well.
Key Informed Consent Adverse Events Listed as Follows:
IOP rise (immediate or delayed)
Pain/discomfort during and/or after the procedure (mostly from the contact lens)
Transient blurring of vision
Ineffectiveness of the procedure
Need for multiple sessions
Corneal haze/edema
Retinal hemorrhage
Retinal detachment
Lens opacity from hitting the lens
Informed consent should allow for a patient to attest the floaters are disabling to daily functioning, may require multiple sessions, and may not be able to be completely resolved.
Yes/No My floaters do affect my vision and daily functioning.
Yes/No I realize more than one treatment may be necessary to improve symptoms.
Yes/No I realize all symptoms may not be completely resolved even after multiple treatments.
Often, patients with cloud-like, more diffuse amorphous opacities tend to need multiple treatment sessions whereas those with a solitary opacity may have resolution of their symptoms after 1 to 2 treatment sessions.
Also, a description of the procedure should be included. For example, “The eye is dilated and anesthetized, a special contact lens is put in place, and the laser is focused through the pupil on individual floaters. The laser will be used to break up (fractionate) and/or vaporize the floaters in the vitreous (hollow space in the back of the eye) to reduce the impact of the floater on your vision. The laser doesn’t have the power to vaporize a large amount at one time therefore may require hundreds of shots.”
Potential alternative treatments, such as observation, dilating eye drops, or vitrectomy, should be listed. Risks and complications inherent to any laser procedure, including vitreolysis, include but are not limited to increased eye pressure, irritation or pain during or after the procedure, cataract formation, retinal hemorrhage, temporary blurring of vision, and ineffectiveness of the procedure.
Key Preoperative Considerations:
It is important to detail a thorough history of patient symptoms, onset, duration, and location. This history can be helpful when trying to correlate the symptoms to the clinical exam since many patients have multiple floaters on exam but are only bothered by a select few.
A full dilated examination, including an IOP check, is a must. It is important to rule out active retinal pathology and document location, size, and density of the floaters. It is also important to explain to the patients, although extremely rare, the risks of the procedure including increased IOP, retinal hemorrhage, hitting the lens, and retinal detachment.
Education and setting expectations are paramount: Explain the laser works by fractionating the floater into smaller pieces and then vaporizing those smaller pieces. The amount of vaporization per shot is extremely small and to prevent complications, such as IOP spikes, we limit the number of shots. Therefore, certain types of floaters, such as diffuse clouds and strings, may require multiple sessions over time to significantly reduce symptoms. Symptoms can vary postoperatively based on how the remaining floaters come back together.
Document floaters if possible, with a slit lamp picture, ultrasound, or fundus photograph. This allows a chance to educate the patient and help document for payors
if billing insurance. Can you see an opacity that could correlate to the patient’s symptoms? If not, then the procedure may not be warranted.
Document how close the floater is to the lens or retina. If the floater is seen without a 78- or 90-D lens, the floater is likely closer to the phakic lens (Figure 18.1). If too close to the lens, observation is usually recommended, especially early in the treating clinician’s experience with the procedure. Once more experienced, one can consider treating behind the floater to “loosen” the vitreous attachments in order to move the floater posteriorly. Conversely, if the floater can be seen in focus at the same time as the retina, observation is recommended, although one can consider treating anterior to the floater to move the floater away from the retina. You can have the patient look up and down during the exam to observe the behavior of the floater; there are times when the forces of eye movement bring the floater more anteriorly or posteriorly and may change your decision to treat.
Document if the floater is solitary or diffuse/amorphous. Consolidated and more solitary floaters tend to require less number of shots/sessions whereas more diffuse floaters require a greater number of shots and sessions (Fig. 18.2). In some cases, a vitrectomy might be a better option for the diffuse floaters.
Place dilating drops in the procedure eye (tropicamide 1% and phenylephrine 10% recommended).
At first, give yourself 20 to 30 minutes to perform the procedure. It takes time to feel comfortable “finding” the floater and feeling comfortable firing at a more rapid pace. For certain solitary types of floaters, the time can be as short as 5 minutes once you develop a high comfort level.
Ask the patient to describe where the floater resides in their visual field right before you start. Often times, they will draw their symptoms on a piece of paper. This allows you to focus your attention in the area where the symptomatic floater resides and treat the ones causing the patient’s symptoms (especially if they have multiple opacities in the vitreous).
The use of a lens is recommended to visualize the entire vitreous to the retina. Lenses help to stabilize the eye and help to manipulate the eye if needed to bring the floater in position, while also helping to focus and concentrate the laser energy. Try and use the new vitreous lenses available, such as the Volk—Singh MidVitreous lens (Fig. 18.3) or the Ocular Instruments—Karickhoff vitreous lenses (Fig. 18.4). Practice using them in the exam room during your consult to get used to the view you will expect to see when at the laser. The Karickhoff lenses come in an 18-, 21-, and 30-mm lens. The 21-mm lens seems to be used for a broad range of floater locations whereas we use the 30-mm lens to reach more peripherally located floaters due to the built-in prism.
A small amount of coupling agent should be instilled into the lens well. While 1% carboxymethylcellulose (Celluvisc) drops can be used, a gel formulation such as Genteal or Systane gel (both hypromellose 0.3%) has the advantage of better contact with the lens and less potential for air bubbles thus providing a better view through the lens and less irritating to the cornea.
Even if performing the treatment in one eye, consider applying a topical anesthetic (proparacaine or tetracaine) in both eyes to help decrease the blink reflex and potential for squeezing the non-procedure eye.
Visualization with the laser:
Visualization is key to performing LFT. Appreciating spatial context is crucial for safety and efficacy. Without the proper technology, it is very difficult to identify many of the symptomatic floaters and confirm a safe distance from the
posterior capsule and the retina. The illumination systems on traditional Nd:YAG lasers were not optimized to visualize and treat floaters in the middle or posterior vitreous. This is because Nd:YAG lasers have primarily been indicated for capsulotomies and laser peripheral iridotomy, procedures requiring visualization of the anterior chamber (AC) only. These Nd:YAG lasers utilize non-coaxial illumination towers, in which the illumination is coming from one pathway of the optical system and the laser and oculars are coming from a different optical pathway, converging at the posterior capsule (Fig. 18.5). Therefore, one could not see beyond a few millimeters from the posterior capsule. Thus, we were not able to identify many of the symptomatic floaters that reside in the middle-to-posterior vitreous (such as a Weiss ring). In addition, surgeon’s need to be able to determine where they are within the vitreous in relation to other ocular structures, such as the retina and lens. This limitation of visualization is a reason why some of the earlier studies demonstrated variable efficacy and safety; often they were only treating floaters right behind the lens.
posterior capsule and the retina. The illumination systems on traditional Nd:YAG lasers were not optimized to visualize and treat floaters in the middle or posterior vitreous. This is because Nd:YAG lasers have primarily been indicated for capsulotomies and laser peripheral iridotomy, procedures requiring visualization of the anterior chamber (AC) only. These Nd:YAG lasers utilize non-coaxial illumination towers, in which the illumination is coming from one pathway of the optical system and the laser and oculars are coming from a different optical pathway, converging at the posterior capsule (Fig. 18.5). Therefore, one could not see beyond a few millimeters from the posterior capsule. Thus, we were not able to identify many of the symptomatic floaters that reside in the middle-to-posterior vitreous (such as a Weiss ring). In addition, surgeon’s need to be able to determine where they are within the vitreous in relation to other ocular structures, such as the retina and lens. This limitation of visualization is a reason why some of the earlier studies demonstrated variable efficacy and safety; often they were only treating floaters right behind the lens.
Visualization: Coaxial Illumination
Due to the limitations of previous Nd:YAG lasers, new Nd:YAG laser illumination systems in the form of a flipping mirror system, known as True Coaxial Illumination or TCI (Ellex/Lumibird), a dual mirror system, known as the Smart V System
(Lumenis), and a similar system used by Lightmed have been developed. Also, using new mid-vitreous contact lenses, these illumination systems provide surgeon’s with full visualization of the entire vitreous from the lens to the retina. The TCI system achieves coaxial illumination by using a retractable, reflecting mirror designed to move out of the laser pathway during the treatment. The laser, the oculars, and the illumination tower use the same optical pathway, allowing for simultaneous visualization of both the retina and the floater (Fig. 18.6). This is important to prevent inadvertently hitting the retina. The dual mirror systems achieve a view from lens to retina by incorporating two converging light beams directed at 2 mirrors that converge the light to the retina.
(Lumenis), and a similar system used by Lightmed have been developed. Also, using new mid-vitreous contact lenses, these illumination systems provide surgeon’s with full visualization of the entire vitreous from the lens to the retina. The TCI system achieves coaxial illumination by using a retractable, reflecting mirror designed to move out of the laser pathway during the treatment. The laser, the oculars, and the illumination tower use the same optical pathway, allowing for simultaneous visualization of both the retina and the floater (Fig. 18.6). This is important to prevent inadvertently hitting the retina. The dual mirror systems achieve a view from lens to retina by incorporating two converging light beams directed at 2 mirrors that converge the light to the retina.
Both the flipping mirror and dual mirror systems enable titration of the red reflex by moving the slit lamp obliquely or off-axis, since the laser can fire at any position of the slit lamp. The TCI design does allow for slightly more titration with less “skip” areas than the dual mirror systems. For the illumination examples described in the rest of this chapter, we will be referring to the TCI design. For example, a floater in the middle of the vitreous that is seen using coaxial positioning with a full red reflex can occasionally have a lot of glare or too much light entering the eye (Fig. 18.7). In order to maximize the contrast in the vitreous to best visualize this type of floater, yet still have enough coaxial illumination to view where the retina is, we can titrate the degree of illumination by moving the slit lamp illumination tower slightly oblique, around 5° to 10°. This allows us to limit the amount of glare, while also maintaining enough illumination to know where we are in the middle or posterior vitreous. This technique is not possible with standard Nd:YAG lasers.

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