Laryngeal Framework Surgery (Laryngoplastic Phonosurgery)


Laryngeal Framework Surgery (Laryngoplastic Phonosurgery)

Steven M. Zeitels

Laryngeal framework surgery is typically performed for aerodynamic glottal incompetence that has resulted in dysphonia. Most commonly, it is done for vocal-fold paralysis or paresis. It may also be done for tissue loss from trauma or cancer resection. Neurological disorders can also be treated by laryngeal framework surgery, as can generalized vocal-fold atrophy.

♦ Preoperative Considerations

  • During the office evaluation, laryngeal stroboscopy is imperative for an accurate assessment of a variety of factors contributing to the dysphonia. Transoral telescopic stroboscopy is optimal for assessing the details of the anatomy and generalized pattern of glottal closure and vibration. Flexible fiberoptic stroboscopy provides for observing configurations of paralysis-induced compensation of the laryngeal and pharyngeal musculature because the tongue is not extruded.
  • The vocal fold with impaired mobility must be assessed for its position in the axial and vertical planes, as well as magnitude of denervation-related flaccidity. Care should also be taken to assess the glottis for mucosal lesions and surface pliability that may be related to routine phonotrauma. It is also very important to assess the range of motion of the contralateral arytenoid, especially with regard to its limits of abduction. This is critical information if one is to consider an arytenoid repositioning procedure.

♦ Surgical Technique

Jun 14, 2016 | Posted by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY | Comments Off on Laryngeal Framework Surgery (Laryngoplastic Phonosurgery)

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