Exogenous factors
Endogenous local conditions
Systemic factors
Contact lens wear
Lid disorders
Topical corticosteroids
1. Lagophthalmos
Topical antibiotics
2. Entropion
Blood dyscrasias
3. Ectropion
Collagen-vascular disease
Glaucoma medication
4. Blepharitis
Lacrimal disorders
1. Keratitis sicca
Diabetes mellitus
2. Dacryocystitis
Immune disorders
Conjunctival disorders
1. Vernal catarrh
Systemic steroids
2. Trachoma
Nutritional deficiency
3. Ocular pemphigoid
4. Stevens-Johnson syndrome
5. Xerophthalmia
Corneal disorders
1. Neurotrophic keratitis
2. Penetrating keratoplasty
3. Bullous keratopathy
4. Herpetic eye disease
7.3 Bacterial Keratitis
Bacterial keratitis is a devastating infection of the cornea that may lead to rapid insult and loss of vision. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are essential in minimizing the damage and improving the visual outcome. There are numerous bacteria that may cause bacterial keratitis. The most frequent causative organisms of bacterial keratitis include Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Other organisms that may cause bacterial keratitis include Moraxella, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacter, Serratia, Citrobacter, and Neisseria species. In rare cases of bacterial keratitis, multiple organisms may be isolated.
This section covers the clinical findings of bacterial keratitis, diagnostic workup, and management.
Patients with bacterial keratitis usually present with history of pain, redness, photophobia, tearing, irritation, foreign-body sensation, purulent discharge, and blepharospasm. Symptoms of lid swelling may be present.
7.3.1 Clinical Findings
Patients with bacterial keratitis present with hyperemia of the conjunctiva, ciliary injection, and purulent discharge. Biomicroscopy of the cornea reveals an epithelial defect with creamy-white infiltration surrounded by ground-glass appearance. The ulcer may be small or large. The cornea may show folds in Descemet’s membrane with edema and keratic precipitates found on the endothelium. The anterior chamber demonstrates varying degrees of cells and flare. Fibrin or hypopyon may be present. It is important to examine the stroma carefully to assess the amount of necrosis that may lead to thinning of the cornea. This is true in patients with Pseudomonas infection where thinning of the stroma may be marked and sometimes a descemetocele may form which carries a poor prognosis. The descemetocele may lead to corneal perforation and iris adhesion to the cornea. Central corneal ulcers are usually infectious in nature, while noninfectious infiltrates may appear as single or multiple peripheral corneal infiltration ulcer secondary to immune-mediated reactions. Marginal ulcers that extent to the center may be infectious in nature. Staphylococcus corneal ulcers are usually round, well circumscribed with an epithelial defect and corneal infiltration. In some patients with Staphylococcus ulcer, multiple deep stromal infiltrates may be seen together with small infiltrates adjacent to the corneal ulcer. The surrounding cornea may show minimal edema. Streptococcus pneumoniae may appear as serpiginous ulceration that moves across the cornea with infiltration. On the other hand, Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes an aggressive and fulminant corneal ulcer which is rapidly progressing and may lead to corneal perforation if not treated early. The corneal ulcer is usually extensive with necrosis and yellow-green purulent discharge adherent to the surface. The corneal surrounding of the ulcer shows edema with ground-glass appearance and loss of its transparency. A hypopyon is usually present. Certain bacterial ulcers are indolent and insidious in nature such as Moraxella, Nocardia, and nontuberculous Mycobacteria. The corneal ulcers show a localized epithelial defect with infiltration. The ulcer tends to be round or oval, and the cornea surrounding the ulcer appears to be relatively clear unlike cases with Pseudomonas corneal ulcer. In cases of traumatic penetrating corneal laceration, the patient may be infected with Bacillus species or Clostridium species which may produce gas in the anterior chamber or corneal stroma. On the other hand, Serratia marcescens corneal ulcer may produce red pigment that appears in the stroma.
7.3.2 Diagnostic Laboratory Investigation
Simple corneal ulcers should always be scraped for cytological evaluation with Gram and Giemsa stains and for cultures. The corneal scrapings should be performed at the area of corneal infiltration obtaining adequate specimens. Part of the scraping specimen is placed on two slides for Gram and Giemsa staining, and another specimen should be placed onto culture plates, blood agar, and chocolate agar. Other media may be used, as indicated, such as Löwestein-Jensen medium, cooked meat, or brain-heart infusion medium. Corneal cultures are obtained in the office utilizing topical anesthetic such as proparacaine 0.5 %, tetracaine 0.1 %, or benoxinate 0.4 %. The corneal scrapings are obtained with the slit-lamp magnification using either Kimura spatula or a 25 g needle. The scrapings should be done aggressively in the bed of the ulcer as well as the leading edge of the infiltrate. Mucopurulent discharge should be avoided. A wire lid speculum may be used to prevent blinking during the procedure. Thioglycolate medium is use for anaerobic cultures. If fungi are suspected, Sabouraud’s dextrose agar should be used. An additional slide may be prepared for periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) or Grocott-Gomori methenamine-silver nitrate stain. The corneal specimen should be cultured even in patients who are on antibiotics. Media with antibiotic removal device may be used. Molecular diagnostic techniques are available such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Molecular diagnostic tests may not be readily available in every institution but may prove to be helpful.
7.3.3 Management
Clinical severity of corneal ulcers is divided into three grades: mild, moderate, and severe. Mild corneal ulcers are those that are less than 2 mm in size, and the depth of the ulcer is less than 20 % or 100 μm of the corneal thickness. The infiltrates may be superficial next to the base of the ulcer. In cases with moderate corneal ulcers, the size of the ulcer is 2–5 mm, the depth of the ulcer is 20–50 % (100–275 μm) of the cornea, and the infiltrate is dense extending to the midstroma. In severe corneal ulcers, the ulcer size is more than 5 mm in size, the depth of the ulcer is more than 50 % (>275 μm) of corneal thickness, and the infiltration is dense reaching the deep layers of the corneal stroma. The sclera may be involved in patients with severe peripheral bacterial keratitis. After obtaining the corneal scrapings for culture and cytology, the patient should be started on combination of topical antibiotics to cover the most commonly encountered organisms while the patient is still in the office. The mainstay of treatment includes frequent aggressive administration of topical antibiotics. Certain antibiotics may have to be compounded and made available for the patient. Mild and moderate bacterial keratitis may be treated on an out-patient basis whereas patients with severe bacterial keratitis may have to be admitted to the hospital for the intensive in-patient management.
The patient should be treated with topical antibiotics every hour in addition to the pulse therapy which should be given three times a day and consists of one drop every minute for 5 min.
In moderate and severe corneal ulcers, treatment should be aggressive, and antibiotic eye drops should be administered every 15 min around the clock with an initial pulse therapy. It is of great importance to monitor the corneal thinning and stromal necrosis in cases of imminent perforations, shallowing of the anterior chamber, or sudden appearance of the hypopyon.
In patients with small perforations, tissue adhesive may be applied. In patients where there is rapid reepithelialization, it is recommended to re-scrape the cornea in order to increase the corneal penetration of the antimicrobial agents where the infiltration is persistent. Antibiotic therapy is modified when the culture is available. When the infiltration subsides and the epithelial defect heals, frequency of the antibiotics may be tapered. The size of the infiltration and the ulcer should be measured by slit beam. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and external photography are helpful. The size of the infiltration and the epithelial defect are recorded and followed up closely. The size of the epithelial defect is usually smaller than the infiltration. Cycloplegic agents such as cyclopentolate 0.1 % eye drops may be given twice daily to minimize pain and blepharospasm. Oral analgesics may be required in patients with severe ocular pain. It is always recommended not to patch the infected eye, but a plastic clear shield may be applied.
Patients may be started on empirical therapy consisting of tobramycin 14 mg/ml and vancomycin 50 mg/ml eye drops. These can be given 5 min apart initially in the first hour followed by every hour. A pulse topical therapy may be given every 1 min for 5 times 3 times daily. Commercially available fluoroquinolones such as gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin, and besifloxacin may be used as initial empiric therapy in mild cases. Ciprofloxacin is approved for use in bacterial keratitis and has demonstrated clinical efficacy and safety in a large clinical trial [2]. Ciprofloxacin is potent against Gram-negative organisms such as Pseudomonas but has limited efficacy against staphylococci and streptococci.
The treatment for bacterial keratitis is the topical administration of commercially available antibiotics or fortified compounded antibiotics. Increasing the concentration of antibiotic solutions creates a larger diffusion grading across the cornea, and this serves to increase the corneal penetration of the antibiotic. Subconjunctival or subtenon injection of antibiotics is occasionally used in patients with moderate to severe corneal ulcers, ulcers with imminent perforation, patients with scleral extension of the corneal ulcers, and patients with associated endophthalmitis. Subconjunctival injection may also be indicated in patients who are not compliant. Repeated injections must be administered to maintain appropriate drug loads.
Intravenous administration of antibiotics is rarely indicated in patients with bacterial keratitis. Neisseria species and Haemophilus species are treated with systemic as well as topical antibiotics because of the possibility of systemic infection, particularly, in the pediatric age group.
The severe inflammation associated with bacterial keratitis may lead to damage to the corneal tissue, and this inflammatory reaction should be taken into consideration. Topical corticosteroids are contraindicated in the initial therapy of bacterial keratitis but once the infection is under control and the epithelium has healed, corticosteroids may be used with care. Clinical trials have shown that topical corticosteroids given 2 days after initiation of topical antibiotic therapy did not worsen the course of the disease. Topical corticosteroids, however, may inhibit the immune mechanisms of the ocular surface leading to persistence of the infection. The risks and benefits of topical corticosteroids should be weighed carefully.
7.4 Viral Keratitis
There are many viruses that lead to keratitis in man. Both DNA and RNA viruses may cause keratitis. The severity of keratitis varies from mild superficial punctate epithelial keratitis with or without conjunctivitis to severe form of stromal keratitis leading to scarring and loss of vision. Viruses that cause keratitis include herpes virus and varicella-zoster virus, adenovirus, human immunodeficiency virus, smallpox, vaccinia, Molluscum contagiosum, measles, mumps virus, mucacin disease virus, enterovirus, rubella virus, flaviviridae and myxoviridae group of viruses (Table 7.2).
Table 7.2
Non-herpetic viral keratitis
Virus | Ocular manifestations | |
DNA viruses | ||
Adenovirus | Follicular conjunctivitis, epithelial keratitis, subepithelial nummular opacities | |
Small pox (variola virus) | Corneal ulcers, corneal perforation | Skin vesicles, scars fever, death |
Vaccinia virus | Corneal scars, keratitis, conjunctivitis blepharitis, superficial punctate keratitis (SPK) | Vesicles |
Molluscum contagiosum | Lid umbilicated lesion, follicular conjunctivitis | |
Papilloma virus | Limbal keratitis, conjunctival papilloma | Warts of lid margin |
RNA viruses | ||
Measles virus | SPK, conjunctivitis secondary to bacterial infections | Koplik’s spots |
Mumps virus | SPK, acute conjunctivitis | Dacryoadenitis |
New castle disease virus | SPK, follicular conjunctivitis | Parotiditis |
Enterovirus 70 virus | Subconjunctival hemorrhage | |
Coxsackie virus | Follicular conjunctivitis, subconjunctival hemorrhage | |
Rubella virus | Congenital cataract, retinopathy, microphthalmia, iris atrophy | |
Acquired follicular conjunctivitis, SPK | ||
Flaviviridae | ||
West Nile virus | Multifocal choroiditis, retinal vasculitis | |
Dengue virus | Chorioretinitis, vasculitis | |
Chikungunya virus | ||
Bunyaviridae | Subconjunctival hemorrhage | |
Rift Valley fever | Retinitis, retinal vasculitis, optic neuritis, optic atrophy retinal hemorrhages |
7.5 Herpes Keratitis
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and herpes zoster virus (HZV) are the most serious infections of the cornea that may lead to devastating complications and loss of vision. HSV is the most common infectious cause of unilateral visual loss from corneal disease [3]. Herpetic infections are common and afflict between 50 and 95 % of the population. HSV type 1 is transmitted by direct contact with infected secretions. Humans are the only known natural reservoir. The disease can be primary infection in an immunized individual or secondary disease due to recurrence of HSV which has been dormant in the trigeminal ganglion. Nearly 95 % of individuals older than 60 years of age harbor HSV in their trigeminal ganglia at autopsy. The majority of cases of herpetic infections are subclinical, and HSV has been isolated from tears and saliva of patients with no active disease [4]. Following a primary infection, the virus stays dormant in the trigeminal ganglion in cases of ocular surface infection. The ocular involvement is most commonly associated with type 1 HSV which causes disease in the distribution of the trigeminal ganglion: Herpes keratitis, Herpes labialis, and Herpes gingivostomatitis. HSV type 2, on the other hand, is associated with disease and in the distribution of the sacral ganglion leading to Herpes vulvovaginitis and Herpes progenitalis. Reports of HSV type 2 ocular disease have been shown in adults and suggest an oculogenital transmission of the virus. In neonates, HSV-2 is responsible for the 80 % of the herpetic infections. If the herpes virus is found in the birth canal, the risk of infection to a newborn is 40 %, and therefore, a cesarean section is preferable for delivery in such cases [5].
The most common manifestation of ocular herpes is herpetic keratitis. The newborn becomes susceptible to an infection with HSV at 6 months at the time of decline in maternal antibodies to the herpes virus. The initial episode of herpetic infection is referred to as primary infection and can occur between the ages of 1 and 5 years but is subclinical in the majority of cases. The primary infection may affect the eyelids, conjunctiva, and cornea presenting as lid swelling and edema with initial erythematous papular lesions progressing rapidly into vesicular eruptions and ulcerative stage 1. The conjunctiva may show follicular conjunctivitis, and the cornea reveals epithelial keratitis. The primary infection gives more severe symptoms than recurrent disease. The virus may be cultured from the conjunctiva. In patients who are immunologically compromised, a severe generalized infection may occur. Patients who are immunocompromised such as newborns, malnourished children, pregnant women in their last trimester, patients with atopic dermatitis, tuberculosis-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, ataxia-telangiectasia, leukemia or lymphoma, severe burns, and patients on systemic immunosuppressive agents are susceptible to severe herpetic infection. The site of the primary infection determines the pathway of viral spread and site of viral latency. The most common site for the establishment of the latent infection is the trigeminal ganglion. Latency of HSV in the corneal nerves has been suggested [6].
7.6 Epithelial Disease
Following the primary infection, HSV stays latent in the trigeminal and sacral ganglia. Certain triggers have been shown to reactivate the herpetic infection. These triggers include fever, sunlight, cold wind, surgery, infection, menstruation, stress, cutting the root of the ganglion, trauma, and immunosuppression. Recurrent ocular disease may lead to herpetic dermatitis of the lids which tend to recur in the same geographic location where vesicle ulcerates leaving an erythematous base. Recurrent conjunctivitis leads to hyperemia and sometimes chemosis of the conjunctiva. The most common form of recurrence of the ocular disease is the cornea. Recurrent herpetic keratitis may lead to epithelial dendrites, geographic ulceration, and stromal invasion of the cornea by herpes virus [7]. Recurrent herpetic stromal disease may lead to infiltration and edema of the corneal stroma leading to stromal necrosis and melting. In severe cases, stromal keratitis may be associated with uveitis. Trauma to the trigeminal nerve of the cornea may induce viral recurrences in the peripheral tissue. HSV reactivation occurs in 90 % of patients after trigeminal root section, but not after trauma to previously denervated tissue. Herpetic disease may lead to dendrite formation in the cornea and geographic epithelial ulceration which if treated early may lead to minimal superficial corneal haze. Scrapings of the dendrites may show intra- and intercellular edema of the corneal epithelium with necrosis in the area of ulceration. Multinucleated epithelial cells and intranuclear eosinophilic inclusions may be seen. Virus may be isolated on culture from the smears, and PCR is usually positive. In the postinfectious period, epithelial defect may become indolent and the ulceration showing poor tendency towards healing. Viral replication does not occur in such lesions. Abnormal tear film function and decreased corneal sensation as well as antiviral toxicity may contribute to the development persistent postinfectious epithelial defect. Disciform keratitis may occur in some patients with recurrent herpetic keratitis. This is immune reaction to viral antigen.
Histologically, one may find lymphocytes and plasma cells within the stromal edema but usually no live virus. In some cases, herpes simplex viral particles may be seen in the corneal endothelium in cases of endotheliitis. Patients typically have well-circumscribed stromal edema with minimal infiltration and keratic precipitates.
Corneal immune rings and interstitial keratitis are also seen in herpetic keratitis. Uveitis and trabeculitis may occur, and some patients with keratouveitis may have an increase in the intraocular pressure which can be acute or chronic (Table 7.3).
Herpes simplex virus |
Varicella-zoster virus |
Healing of epithelial defect |
Richner-Hanhart syndrome (tyrosinemia type II) |
Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (APS-1) |
Keratosis follicularis |
Thygeson’s superficial punctate keratitis |
Soft contact lens wear |
Patients with herpetic keratitis may present with unusual clinical presentation of peripheral corneal infiltration or a marginal ulcer. In these patients, differentiation from Staphylococcus marginal ulcer has to be made. Table 7.4 shows the differentiation between herpetic peripheral infiltration and staphylococcal peripheral infiltration [8].
Table 7.4
Differentiation between herpetic peripheral infiltration and staphylococcal peripheral infiltration
Herpetic peripheral infiltrate | Staphylococcal peripheral infiltrate | |
Pain and photophobia | − | + |
Early epithelial defect | + | – |
Lucid interval | − | + |
Decreased corneal sensation | + | − |
Blepharitis | − | + |
Cytology | Multinucleated cells | Polymorphonuclear cells |
The aftermath of interstitial herpetic keratitis is corneal scarring and vascularization with loss of vision. In patients who have been given topical steroids, secondary infection may occur or corneal descemetocele or perforation may ensue.
7.6.1 Laboratory Diagnosis
Corneal scrapings in corneal herpetic epithelial disease may be subjected to cytologic examination, PCR, culture, and electron microscopy. Giemsa-stained corneal scrapings may show multinucleated epithelial cells. Giemsa stain obscures nuclear details, and therefore, intranuclear inclusions typical of HSV infection cannot be seen. Specimens fixed with 95 % ethanol and stained with Papanicolaou (PA) method may demonstrate intranuclear inclusion bodies. Fluorescent antibody staining of the corneal scrapings can be done and may demonstrate the presence of herpetic antigens. Cultures taken from epithelial disease are usually positive, while cultures from geographic stromal or disciform lesions are much less likely to be positive. This denotes that the number of virus particles is low in such lesions. Cultures for bacteria and fungi should be obtained from patients with stromal infiltration where secondary infection is suspected.
7.6.2 Management of Epithelial Keratitis
The treatment epithelial dendrites or geographic corneal ulcers consists of applying topical anesthesia in the form of tetracaine 1 % or benoxinate 0.4 % and sweeping the epithelium with a sterile cotton applicator followed by topical application of acyclovir 3 % ophthalmic ointment 5 times daily or ganciclovir 0.15 % gel 5 times daily [9]. Antiviral therapy should be continued for a period of 7–10 days after. Antiviral agents such as idoxuridine, adenine arabinoside, and trifluridine are all toxic to the corneal epithelium and should be avoided [10]. An alternate therapy is trifluridine 1 % solution administered every 2 h. This dosage is used in the initial treatment period for 2–4 days and later decreased to 5 times daily. If there is lack of response or increase in the size of the ulcer, the therapy should be discontinued. Topical trifluridine may cause toxicity to the corneal epithelium.
7.7 Stromal Keratitis
In herpetic stromal keratitis, there is evidence of inflammatory response which requires the use of topical corticosteroids under antiviral coverage. Topical steroids can decrease the inflammation and minimize the damage to the stromal lamellae. At the same time, topical steroids may compromise the local immune response and may lead to viral replication. It is recognized from the study that delaying topical steroids did not have an adverse reaction on the corneal inflammation. It is, therefore, reasonable to start with antiviral agents initially and later add topical corticosteroids in the form of prednisolone acetate 1 % eye drops 4 times daily to be tapered over a period of 4–6 weeks [11, 12].
Patients with corneal thinning and perforation can complicate the stromal disease, and topical steroids may aggravate the corneal melting. It is, therefore, recommended to minimize the use of corticosteroids. One may shift from prednisolone acetate 1 % eye drops to fluorometholone 0.1 % eye drops to be used 3 or 4 times daily.
Soft contact lenses may promote epithelial healing and stop melting. If perforation occurs, cyanoacrylate glue may be used to seal small defect and reform the anterior chamber. Severe corneal scarring or corneal perforation may require tectonic graft or penetrating keratoplasty (PKP).
7.8 Disciform Keratitis
Disciform keratitis is an immune-mediated reaction to viral antigens [13]. The corneal epithelium is intact with central round corneal stromal infiltration and edema. Keratic precipitates may be present. Treatment of disciform keratitis includes topical prednisolone acetate 1 % eye drops 8 times daily for 3 days and later to be tapered to 4 times daily after 2–3 days. Steroids are given with appropriate topical or systemic antiviral therapy [13]. Topical therapy may consist of acyclovir 3 % ophthalmic ointment or ganciclovir 0.15 % gel. The corticosteroids and antiviral agents may later be tapered and adjusted according to the response of the corneal lesion. Disciform keratitis responds promptly to topical corticosteroids.
7.9 Penetrating Keratoplasty (PKP) in Herpetic Keratitis
Herpetic keratitis leads to upregulation of many cytokines and inflammatory response leading to upregulation of Class II antigens on the keratocytes and endothelial cell increasing the rate of graft rejection in patients undergoing PKP. The rate of rejection of the corneal graft in a patient with herpetic keratitis is high. Herpes virus in the trigeminal ganglion allows periodic shedding of the virus onto the cornea that may lead to recurrences of the herpetic disease in the corneal graft. Recurrence of herpetic keratitis in the corneal graft will increase the chances of corneal graft rejection because of the upregulation of many forms of cytokines and the expression of the HLA Class II antigen on the surface of the endothelial cells. It is estimated that 40–50 % of the corneal transplant cases may end up in corneal graft rejection. We have previously found out that preoperative oral valacyclovir at a dosage level of 500 mg orally twice daily for 2 days before the procedure and continued for up to 1 month after the procedure with topical ganciclovir 0.15 % gel given 4 times daily is safe and effective in the prevention of recurrences of herpetic disease in the corneal graft [14]. We had several cases that were kept on topical ganciclovir 0.15 % gel up to 2 years after the corneal transplantation with no evidence of recurrence or graft rejection [15]. Oral valacyclovir and topical ganciclovir 0.15 % are effective therapy for acute herpes simplex keratitis. Antiviral oral therapy and long-term prophylaxis is indicated in patients with keratitis and uveitis.
Herpetic keratitis is a recurrent disease, and prevention is essential in ameliorating the damage that occurs following recurrences of herpetic keratitis. Prophylactic therapy in herpetic keratitis consists of using valacyclovir 500 mg orally twice daily or topical ganciclovir 0.15 % gel twice daily. Sozen and associates [16] compared the efficacy of oral valacyclovir and topical acyclovir in the treatment of herpes simplex keratitis in a randomized prospective clinical trial. They found that systemic antiviral therapy is more effective in herpes simplex keratitis than topical acyclovir ointment.
7.10 Herpes Zoster Keratitis
Varicella-zoster virus is the cause of chicken pox and herpes zoster “shingles.” The virus (Herpesvirus varicellae) is a distinct virus related to Herpes virus family. Other members of the Herpes group include Herpes simplex, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). They are all morphologically similar and have icosahedral symmetry surrounding a spherical core of DNA. The initial infection of varicella-zoster virus leads to systemic varicella or chicken pox. Patient has a spontaneous recovery and sometimes the disease is asymptomatic. The virus remains latent in the body indefinitely and may reactivate later in life. Varicella occurs usually in childhood and is characterized disseminated cutaneous vesicular eruption that occurs after the onset of fever and flu-like illness.
7.11 Varicella Keratitis
Varicella-zoster virus may rarely cause keratitis in the primary form of the disease. It is characterized by conjunctivitis with watery discharge. A phlyctenule-like lesion may be seen at the limbus with punctate keratitis. Varicella may also cause dendritic keratitis [17]. The dendrites are fine linear and slightly elevated and nonulcerative. Disciform keratouveitis may occur occasionally [18].
7.11.1 Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
It is estimated that 20 % of unvaccinated adults develop disease at one time or another. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO) is much less common than varicella. It is postulated that with age there is decrease in the immunity to the varicella-zoster virus and this may lead to reactivation of the latent virus [19]. Other triggers to reactivation of latent varicella zoster are trauma, stress, systemic disease, surgery, immunosuppression, or disease such as leukemia and lymphoma.
Herpes zoster begins with a localized pain, tingling sensation, dysesthesia in the affected dermatome associated with fever and malaise. A cutaneous eruption occurs 3–4 days after with edematous and maculopapular eruption which becomes vesicular followed by ulceration and scarring [20]. The ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve is involved and lead to swelling of the lids, conjunctival hyperemia. Involvement of the tip of the nose also known as, Hutchinson’s sign, is evidence of nasociliary nerve distribution, and the ocular structures may be involved in 85 % of the cases. The cutaneous eruptions in Hutchinson’s sign are on the tip of the nose [21]. The side of the midportion of the nose may also be involved. It should be kept in mind that herpes simplex dermatitis may have a dermatomal distribution and should be in the differential diagnosis of HZO. Recurrences of HZO is extremely rare but has been reported. The possible ocular manifestations of HZO are numerous. Herpes zoster can cause blepharitis, canaliculitis, episcleritis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis, uveitis, retinal vasculitis, retinal necrosis, choroiditis, papillitis, and optic neuritis.
Herpes zoster keratitis may have variable ocular manifestations. The corneal epithelium shows punctate keratitis and fine with no terminal bulbs dendritic epithelial lesions and sometimes progress to geographic or neurotrophic corneal ulcerations. The corneal stroma may be involved showing disciform keratitis or nummular opacities. The nummular opacities are more frequently seen at the periphery. The lesions may cause corneal necrosis and melting, and corneal perforation may occur [22]. Lid corneal scarring and vascularization with lipid deposition in the cornea are seen. Zoster dendrites do not have terminal bulbs and are usually small, linear, and less ulcerative than herpetic keratitis caused by herpes simplex. The dendrites are softer and less branching than the herpes simplex dendrites. They tend to be small and in starfish configuration. Corneal sensation is diminished. Herpes zoster may cause disciform keratitis and sometimes keratouveitis [23]. The anterior uveitis may be associated with sector iris atrophy.

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