Intraoperative bleeding during endoscopic sinus surgery poses an additional dimension to an already technically challenging surgical approach because of the narrow sinonasal surgical field, single working hand, and the use of endoscopic instruments. Poor visualization is one of the most important factors that increase the risk of intraoperative complications such as inadvertent injury to major vessels and nerves, and incomplete surgery. This article provide a logical approach to improving the surgical field, minimizing risk of inadvertent vascular injury, and managing intraoperative bleeding.
Key learning points
At the end of this article, the reader will:
- •
Apply key perioperative preventive strategies to minimize bleeding during sinus surgery.
- •
Critically assess named vessels that may be at risk of injury during sinonasal surgery.
- •
Understand the rational application of local vasoconstrictors.
- •
Understand the effects of relevant hemodynamic parameters during general anesthesia on the surgical field.
- •
Apply a logical approach in the management of intraoperative bleeding.
- •
Apply a rational approach in the management of suspected orbital compartment syndrome caused by anterior ethmoid artery bleed.
- •
Management of expected bleeding
- ○
Microvascular circulation: mucosa, bone, vascular tumors
- ○
- •
Management of inadvertent vascular injury
- ○
Macrovascular circulation: named vessels
- ○
Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) is considered to be a moderate bleeding risk surgery. Bleeding is anticipated during sinonasal surgery when treating inflammatory and vascular disorders, and is due in part to the inherently rich blood supply derived from the external and internal carotid arteries in this region. Expected surgical bleeding is encountered from mucosa, bone and vascular tumors, such as juvenile angiofibroma and metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
- •
To improve intraoperative surgical field and visualization
- ○
Avoid injury (vascular, cerebrospinal fluid leak, orbital)
- ○
Allow completion of the surgical procedure
- ○
- •
Minimize bleeding associated comorbidities
- ○
Nausea, emesis and aspiration
- ○
Significant blood loss, hypoxia and blood transfusion
- ○
- •
Prevent the need for nasal packing and related complications
- •
Prevent postoperative complications and improve healing
- ○
Hematoma and bleeding
- ○
Adhesions and scarring
- ○
Adequate hemostasis of the microvascular and macrovascular circulation is needed during endoscopic or open sinus surgery, performed under local or general anesthesia, to accomplish the surgical goals and avoid complications. A thorough risk assessment is required to prevent excessive bleeding. Correct assessment of the source of the bleeding, and a detailed knowledge of surgical vascular anatomy and of hemostatic techniques, is necessary to successfully manage intraoperative bleeding.
- •
- ○
Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, eosinophilic mucus chronic rhinosinusitis (EMCRS), allergic fungal rhinosinusitis (AFRS)
- ○
Rhinitis medicamentosa
- ○
Infection, subperiosteal abscess
- ○
Thyroid eye disease for example, Graves ophthalmopathy
- ○
Immunopathology; for example, Sarcoidosis, Wegener granulomatosis, Churg-Strauss disease
- ○
Vascular tumors (juvenile angiofibroma, metastatic renal cell carcinoma)
- ○
- •
Prior surgery, radiotherapy
- •
- ○
Morbid obesity, hypertension
- ○
Chronic alcohol, liver, kidney disease
- ○
- ○
Coagulopathies (congenital or acquired)
- ○
- •
Incorrect diagnosis
- ○
Internal carotid artery aneurysm, vascular tumor
- ○
- •
Unfavorable vascular and sinonasal anatomy
- ○
Ethmoidal arteries (anterior, posterior, and sometimes middle)
- ○
Internal carotid artery
- ○
Onodi cell
- ○
Sphenoid sinus septations
- ○
- •
Previous sinonasal surgery
- ○
Bone dehiscence, scarring, altered or absent anatomic landmarks
- ○
- •
Surgical mistakes
- •
Management of expected bleeding
- ○
Microvascular circulation: mucosa, bone, vascular tumors
- ○
- •
Management of inadvertent vascular injury
- ○
Macrovascular circulation: named vessels
- ○
Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) is considered to be a moderate bleeding risk surgery. Bleeding is anticipated during sinonasal surgery when treating inflammatory and vascular disorders, and is due in part to the inherently rich blood supply derived from the external and internal carotid arteries in this region. Expected surgical bleeding is encountered from mucosa, bone and vascular tumors, such as juvenile angiofibroma and metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
- •
To improve intraoperative surgical field and visualization
- ○
Avoid injury (vascular, cerebrospinal fluid leak, orbital)
- ○
Allow completion of the surgical procedure
- ○
- •
Minimize bleeding associated comorbidities
- ○
Nausea, emesis and aspiration
- ○
Significant blood loss, hypoxia and blood transfusion
- ○
- •
Prevent the need for nasal packing and related complications
- •
Prevent postoperative complications and improve healing
- ○
Hematoma and bleeding
- ○
Adhesions and scarring
- ○
Adequate hemostasis of the microvascular and macrovascular circulation is needed during endoscopic or open sinus surgery, performed under local or general anesthesia, to accomplish the surgical goals and avoid complications. A thorough risk assessment is required to prevent excessive bleeding. Correct assessment of the source of the bleeding, and a detailed knowledge of surgical vascular anatomy and of hemostatic techniques, is necessary to successfully manage intraoperative bleeding.
- •
- ○
Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, eosinophilic mucus chronic rhinosinusitis (EMCRS), allergic fungal rhinosinusitis (AFRS)
- ○
Rhinitis medicamentosa
- ○
Infection, subperiosteal abscess
- ○
Thyroid eye disease for example, Graves ophthalmopathy
- ○
Immunopathology; for example, Sarcoidosis, Wegener granulomatosis, Churg-Strauss disease
- ○
Vascular tumors (juvenile angiofibroma, metastatic renal cell carcinoma)
- ○
- •
Prior surgery, radiotherapy
- •
- ○
Morbid obesity, hypertension
- ○
Chronic alcohol, liver, kidney disease
- ○
- ○
Coagulopathies (congenital or acquired)
- ○
- •
Incorrect diagnosis
- ○
Internal carotid artery aneurysm, vascular tumor
- ○
- •
Unfavorable vascular and sinonasal anatomy
- ○
Ethmoidal arteries (anterior, posterior, and sometimes middle)
- ○
Internal carotid artery
- ○
Onodi cell
- ○
Sphenoid sinus septations
- ○
- •
Previous sinonasal surgery
- ○
Bone dehiscence, scarring, altered or absent anatomic landmarks
- ○
- •
Surgical mistakes
Approach to hemostasis in sinus surgery
- •
Prevention of excessive bleeding
- ○
Preoperative strategies
- ○
Intraoperative strategies
- ○
- •
Management of intraoperative bleeding
- •
Management of postoperative bleeding
Significant intraoperative bleeding can be minimized by preventive measures preoperatively, intraoperatively, and postoperatively. When bleeding is encountered, either intraoperatively or postoperatively, the surgeon has to be prepared to be able to manage this effectively.
Bleeding prevention: preoperative
- •
Assessment and treatment of comorbid patient factors (see Tassler A, Kaye R: Preoperative assessment of risk factors , in this issue)
- •
Timely cessation of medications that increase the risk of bleeding (see McKean E: Quality control approach to anticoagulants and transfusion , in this issue)
- •
Minimize sinonasal inflammatory and vascular burden
- ○
Role of preoperative glucocorticosteroids (GCs)
- ○
Vascular tumors and preoperative embolization
- ○
- •
Thoroughly examine clinically relevant vascular anatomy on patient’s sinus computed tomography (CT) scans
For a comprehensive review on the assessment and management of patient comorbid risk factors and medications, please see articles elsewhere in this issue (see Tassler A, Kaye R: Preoperative assessment of risk factors , in this issue; and McKean E: Quality control approach to anticoagulants and transfusion , in this issue). It should be noted that herbal supplements, in particular the 4 Gs (ginseng, garlic, ginger, and gingko biloba), also affect platelet function and should be stopped 10 days (based on the half-life of platelets) before surgery. Saw palmetto and high doses of vitamin E and omega-3 can increase bleeding risk as well.
Rhinitis medicamentosa should be recognized preoperatively and the offending topical decongestant discontinued as soon as possible. To minimize rebound congestion patients should be started on topical saline and corticosteroids. Chronic topical exposure to sympathomimetics (eg, phenylephrine) or imidazolines (eg, oxymetazoline, xylometazoline) causes dysregulation of vascular tone, thus intraoperative topical vasoconstrictors are ineffective in controlling the microvascular circulation. In such situations, tranexamic acid (TXA) (1 mg during induction), which acts to reduce clot breakdown, can be used.
Adequate perioperative management of hypertension is imperative to achieve optimum intraoperative conditions. The risk of surgical bleeding is estimated to increase 1.5-fold with aspirin but for most procedures the severity of bleeding is not increased. In this study, the mean estimated blood loss during ESS in patients on aspirin was slightly higher than in controls, especially when more sinuses were opened. It is generally possible to safely perform ESS in patients on aspirin by using other strategies to manage the surgical field.
Because of the risks associated with a bloody field during ESS and no known reversible agents for aspirin, it is advisable to cease aspirin 10 days earlier. Before stopping aspirin, the risk of doing so needs to be discussed with the patient’s cardiologist or primary care physician because 10% of acute cardiovascular events are preceded by aspirin withdrawal. In at-risk patients, the average time intervals from aspirin cessation to acute stroke and acute coronary syndrome are 14·3 and 8·5 days respectively.
For emergency reversal of the effect of aspirin, donor platelet infusion is effective. In otherwise healthy aspirin-treated individuals, desmopressin (desamino- d -arginine vasopressin [DDAVP]) has been shown to reduce bleeding time, and may be considered intraoperatively in selected situations. However, it is contraindicated in patients at cardiovascular risk and there are no data to support the efficacy of DDAVP in this group.
- •
- ○
GCs minimize sinonasal inflammatory and vascular burden, thereby improving the surgical field
- ○
- •
- ○
Topical intranasal GC
- ○
From 5 to 10 days of prednisolone or other oral GC
- ○
Single preoperative dose of oral GC
- ○
- •
In nasal polyps, there is a trend toward reduced blood loss
- •
Some evidence that a single preoperative dose may be sufficient to improve surgical field
At present there are insufficient data to make strong recommendations on routine GC use in ESS to improve the surgical field. Despite the limitations of study design and control groups (patient selection, disorder, type of anesthesia, or vasoconstrictor use), there seems to be a trend toward a beneficial effect of preoperative GC in reducing the amount of blood loss during ESS for nasal polyps.
In patients with nasal polyps, a single preoperative dose of 1 mg/kg prednisolone compared with 5 days of therapy may be just as effective in reducing blood loss during ESS. However, a control group without any treatment was not used for comparison. In contrast, a recent randomized controlled study showed no significant hemostatic benefit of preoperative GC. It remains to be seen whether the addition of preoperative GC has a significant benefit in the presence of other hemostatic preventive strategies (eg, adequate patient positioning and general anesthesia conditions). Note also that many anesthetists administer a single dose of dexamethasone during induction for its beneficial effects on perioperative nausea and vomiting, but it may also have an independent positive effect on the surgical field.
- •
Not used for routine sinus surgery or inflammatory disorders
- •
Reserved for vascular tumors such as angiofibroma
- •
Internal maxillary artery: endoscopic transpterygoid, infratemporal fossa approaches
- •
Persistent bleeding postembolization: likely caused by internal carotid artery contribution to a vascular tumor, inherent tumor vascularity (eg, metastatic renal cell carcinoma)
- •
Ensure the images belong to the correct patient
- •
Examine the most recent, high-resolution, fine-cut sinus CT scans
- •
Examine different planes: coronal, axial, and sagittal
- •
Systematic assessment
- ○
C ribriform plate: depth, symmetry, slope, dehiscence
- ○
L amina papyracea: dehiscence
- ○
O nodi cell: if present, relationship to optic nerve, internal carotid artery, dehiscence
- ○
S phenoid sinus: pneumatization, septations, dehiscence
- ○
S kull base: dehiscence, slope (examine sagittal plane)
- ○
E thmoidal arteries: position (skull base or pedicle), symmetry
- ○
D iagnosis: confirm clinical with radiological characteristics
- ○
Potential vascular hazards can be identified preoperatively by examining high-resolution sinus CT scans systematically. Note that the right and left sides may be asymmetrical. Breaching its boundaries during ESS not only risks serious complications and vascular injury but causes bleeding from surrounding tissues, orbital fat, and dura.
A suggested approach is described, starting off with coronal sections to examine the relationship of the cribriform plate to the frontal recess and ethmoid sinuses, including lateral lamella.
The lamina papyracea can be followed posteriorly into the sphenoid sinus and from the skull base to the level of the roof of the maxillary sinus to look for bone dehiscence in both axial and coronal planes.
Next, determine whether the ethmoid arteries are against the skull base or running within a pedicle suspended below the skull base. This anatomy is best identified on a coronal scan and confirmed with sagittal images. The anterior ethmoid artery (AEA) is more likely to be on a pedicle than the posterior ethmoid arteries. In some patients there is a middle ethmoid artery.
Follow the posterior ethmoid cells and examine their relationship with the sphenoid sinuses. If the posterior ethmoid pneumatization extends beyond the sphenoid sinus (demarcated inferiorly by the choanal roof), it is most likely an Onodi cell, hence closely related to the optic nerve, and in some cases the internal carotid artery (ICA).
The sphenoid sinus should be assessed for the extent of pneumatization, dehiscence, and configuration of the intersinus septum. If the septum is lateralized, it often attaches to bone overlying the ICA. Care needs to be taken when taking down the septum and avoid through-biting instruments and twisting maneuvers closer to its posterior attachment. Here also, the relationship of the pituitary gland and ICA within the sphenoid sinuses can be examined. Determine whether the course of the ICA is predictable or aberrant, and look for vascular malformations, aneurysms, bone dehiscence, and relationship to the posterior ethmoid sinus.
The shape or slope of the skull base can be appreciated on sagittal images. The skull base may be high within the sphenoid sinus, low toward ethmoid sinuses, and high again at the frontal recess and anterior ethmoid sinuses. The extent of low ethmoid skull base can be evaluated in comparison with the adjacent orbital roof height on coronal scans.
In addition, reconfirm that the radiological characteristics are in keeping with the clinical diagnosis. Presence of skull base dehiscence should prompt further assessment with MRI and or CT/MR angiogram to exclude the possibility of disorders such as a vascular tumor (angiofibroma), ICA aneurysm, or meningoencephalocele.
Bleeding prevention: intraoperative
- •
Patient position
- •
Local vasoconstriction
- •
General anesthetic technique
- •
- •
Surgical technique
Patient Position
- •
Reverse Trendelenburg position
- •
Minimum of 10° head elevation to show a benefit in the surgical field
- •
Achieve a balance between improved surgical field and cerebral perfusion pressure
- •
Aim for 10° to 20° head elevation
Studies addressing this issue consistently show a reduced blood loss and better surgical field with an elevated head position. A reverse Trendelenburg position can achieve this by reducing venous pressure and mucosal blood flow. The surgical field improves during ESS with a 10° tilt, and the blood flow at the head of the inferior turbinate reduces by 38% with a 20° tilt. Cerebral perfusion and blood flow are preserved with up to 20° to 30° of head elevation. The level of tilt is often underestimated without objective measure. It is advisable to check with a clinometer (available on most handheld mobile devices) while the patient is positioned to appreciate the extent of tilt required to achieve 10° to 20°.
Local Vasoconstrictors
Local agents are widely used in ESS for mucosal vasoconstriction, reduced bleeding, and decongestion. Most surgeons use a combination of local injection and topical application of vasoconstrictors on pledgets within the nose. Although, for injection, usually varying concentrations of adrenaline mixed with a local anesthetic is most commonly used, the choice of topical vasoconstrictor varies considerably between surgeons worldwide.
- •
Allow time to exert its effects
- •
Atraumatic manner
- •
Topical application sites (with pledgets (cottonoids, neuropatties or pieces of gauze))
- ○
Root of middle turbinate/middle meatus (sphenopalatine artery)
- ○
Sphenoid rostrum (posterior septal artery)
- ○
Anterior nasal cavity (working area, mucosal decongestion)
- ○
Anterior floor of nose (greater palatine artery at incisive foramen)
- ○
- •
Injection/infiltration site options include:
- ○
- ○
Inferior turbinate
- ○
Anterior buttress (axilla) of middle turbinate
- ○
Above axilla of middle turbinate (anterior ethmoid branches)
- ○
Root of middle turbinate (sphenopalatine artery)
- ○
Sphenoid rostrum (posterior septal artery)
- ○
Greater palatine canal via the oral cavity (greater palatine artery, internal maxillary artery within the pterygopalatine fossa)
- ○
Key factors in the efficacy of local vasoconstrictors are to allow time for its action, usually 15 minutes, with peak effect ∼30 minutes, and an atraumatic technique. If applied soon after induction, it can work while the ESS setup is performed. In addition to the agent used, the sites of vasoconstrictor application should be considered, bearing in mind the hemostatic goals. It is reasonable to suggest that, where possible, vasoconstrictor application should target the major vascular supply to the sinonasal cavities.
- •
Middle turbinate anterior buttress injection
- ○
Bupivacaine 0.25%, 1:200,000 adrenaline
- ○
No significant benefit in surgical field or blood loss
- ○
- •
Middle turbinate, lateral nasal wall, agger nasi region, sphenopalatine foramen
- ○
Adrenaline 1:100,000
- ○
No significant benefit in surgical field or blood loss
- ○
- •
Greater palatine canal injection (via oral cavity)
- ○
Bupivacaine solution (2 mL of 0.5%) injection for compressive effects
- ▪
Reduction of 4.7% in inferior turbinate blood flow
- ▪
- ○
Xylocaine 1%, 1:100,000 adrenaline
- ▪
No significant benefit in surgical field or blood loss
- ▪
- ○
Not recommended for routine ESS for this purpose
- ○
May have a role in the surgical management of unilateral epistaxis from the sphenopalatine region (posterior epistaxis)
- ○

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