

9.1 Primary Open Angle Glaucoma


Usually asymptomatic until the later stages. Symptoms may include visual field defects. Tunnel vision and loss of central fixation typically do not occur until late in the disease.


  • Intraocular pressure (IOP): Although most patients will have an elevated IOP (normal range of 10 to 21 mm Hg), nearly half have an IOP of 21 mm Hg or lower at any one screening.

  • Gonioscopy: Normal-appearing, open anterior chamber angle on gonioscopic evaluation. No peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS).

  • Optic nerve: See Figure 9.1.1. Characteristic appearance includes loss of rim tissue (includes notching; increased and/or progressive narrowing most commonly inferiorly followed by superiorly, more rarely nasally or temporally), splinter or nerve fiber layer hemorrhage that crosses the disc margin (Drance hemorrhage), acquired pit, nerve fiber layer defect, cup/disc (C/D) asymmetry >0.2 in the absence of a cause (e.g., anisometropia, different nerve sizes), bayoneting (sharp angulation of the blood vessels as they exit the nerve), enlarged C/D ratio (>0.6; less specific), progressive enlargement of the cup, greater Disc Damage Likelihood Scale (DDLS) score (see Figure 9.1.2).

    Figure 9.1.1 Primary open angle glaucoma with advanced optic nerve cupping.

  • Visual fields: Characteristic visual field loss patterns include nasal step, paracentral scotoma, arcuate scotoma extending from the blind spot nasally (defects usually respect the horizontal midline or are greater in one hemifield than the other), altitudinal defect, or generalized depression (see Figure 9.1.3).

Other. Large fluctuations in IOP, inter-eye IOP asymmetry >5 mm Hg, beta-zone peripapillary atrophy, absence of microcystic corneal edema, no ocular inflammation.

Differential Diagnosis

If Anterior Chamber Angle Open on Gonioscopy:

  • Ocular hypertension: Normal optic nerve and visual field. SEE 9.3, OCULAR HYPERTENSION.

  • Physiologic optic nerve cupping: Static enlarged C/D ratio without rim notching or visual field loss. Usually normal IOP and large optic nerve (> about 2 mm). Often familial.

  • Secondary open angle glaucoma: Identifiable cause for open angle glaucoma including inflammatory, exfoliative, pigmentary, steroid-induced, angle recession, traumatic (as a result of direct injury, blood, or debris), and glaucoma related to increased episcleral venous pressure (e.g., Sturge–Weber syndrome, carotid–cavernous fistula), intraocular tumors, degenerated red blood cells (ghost cell glaucoma), lens-induced, degenerated photoreceptor outer segments following chronic rhegmatogenous
    retinal detachment (Schwartz–Matsuo syndrome), or developmental anterior segment abnormalities.

    Figure 9.1.2 Disc Damage Likelihood Scale.

  • Low tension glaucoma: Same as primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) except normal IOP. SEE 9.2, LOW TENSION PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA (NORMAL PRESSURE GLAUCOMA).

  • Previous glaucomatous damage (e.g., from steroids, uveitis, glaucomatocyclitic crisis, trauma) in which the inciting agent has been removed. Nerve appearance now static.

  • Optic atrophy: Characterized by disproportionally more optic nerve pallor than cupping. IOP usually normal unless a secondary or unrelated glaucoma is present. Color vision and central vision are often decreased. Causes include tumors of the optic nerve, chiasm, or tract; syphilis, ischemic optic neuropathy, drugs, retinal vascular or degenerative disease, others. Visual field defects that respect the vertical midline are typical of intracranial lesions localized at the chiasm or posterior to it.

  • Congenital optic nerve defects (e.g., tilted discs, colobomas, optic nerve pits): Visual field defects may be present but are static.

  • Optic nerve drusen: Optic nerves not usually cupped and drusen often visible. Visual field defects may remain stable or progress unrelated to IOP. The most frequent defects include arcuate defects or an enlarged blind spot. Characteristic calcified lesions can be seen on B-scan ultrasonography (US) (as well as on computed tomography [CT]). Autofluorescence can also highlight nerve drusen.

If Closed or Partially Closed Angle on Gonioscopy:

  • Chronic angle closure glaucoma (CACG): Shallow anterior chamber, episodic blurred vision or headache. PAS present on gonioscopy. SEE 9.5, CHRONIC ANGLE CLOSURE GLAUCOMA.


  • History: Presence of risk factors (family history of blindness or visual loss from glaucoma, older age, African descent, diabetes, myopia, hypertension, or hypotension)? Previous history of increased IOP, chronic steroid use, or ocular trauma? Refractive surgery including laser in
    situ keratomileusis (LASIK) in past (i.e., change in pachymetry)? Review of past medical history to determine appropriate therapy including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure, heart block or bradyarrhythmia, renal stones, allergies?

    Figure 9.1.3 Humphrey visual field (HVF) showing a superior arcuate defect or scotoma of the left eye.

  • Baseline glaucoma evaluation: All patients with suspected glaucoma of any type should have the following:

    • Complete ocular examination including visual acuity, pupillary assessment for a relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD), confrontational visual fields, slit lamp examination, applanation tonometry, gonioscopy, and dilated fundus examination (if the angle is open) with special attention to the optic nerve. Color vision testing is indicated if any suspicion of a neurologic disorder.

    • Baseline documentation of the optic nerves. May include meticulous drawings,
      stereoscopic disc photos, red-free photographs, and/or computerized image analysis (e.g., optical coherence tomography [OCT] or Heidelberg retina tomography [HRT]) (see Figure 9.1.4).

    • Formal visual field testing (e.g., Humphrey automated visual field). Goldmann visual field tests may be helpful in patients unable to take the automated tests adequately.

    • Measure central corneal thickness (CCT). Corneal thickness variations affect apparent IOP as measured with applanation tonometry. Average corneal thickness is 535 to 545 microns. Thinner corneas tend to underestimate IOP, whereas thicker corneas tend to overestimate IOP. Of note, the relationship between corneal thickness and measured IOP is not exactly linear. A thin CCT is an
      independent risk factor for the development of POAG.

      Figure 9.1.4 Optical coherence tomography of the optic nerve head (ONH) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness.

    • Evaluation for other causes of optic nerve damage should be considered when any of the following atypical features are present:

      • Optic nerve pallor out of proportion to the degree of cupping.

      • Visual field defects greater than expected based on amount of cupping.

      • Visual field patterns not typical of glaucoma (e.g., defects respecting the vertical midline, hemianopic defects, enlarged blind spot, central scotoma).

      • Unilateral progression despite equal IOP in both eyes.

      • Decreased visual acuity out of proportion to the amount of cupping or field loss.

      • Color vision loss, especially in the red–green axis.

        If any of these are present, further evaluation may include:

      • History: Acute episodes of eye pain or redness? Steroid use? Acute visual loss? Ocular trauma? Surgery, systemic trauma, heart attack, dialysis, or other event that may lead to hypotension?

      • Diurnal IOP curve consisting of multiple IOP checks during the course of the day.

      • Consider other laboratory work-up for nonglaucomatous optic neuropathy: Heavy metals, vitamin B12/folate, angiotensin-converting enzyme, antinuclear antibody, Lyme antibody, rapid plasma reagin (RPR) or Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), and fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) or treponemal-specific assay (e.g., MHA-TP). If giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a consideration, check erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and platelets (SEE 10.17, ARTERITIC ISCHEMIC OPTIC NEUROPATHY [GIANT CELL ARTERITIS]).

      • In cases where a neurologic disorder is suspected, obtain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and orbits with gadolinium and fat suppression if no contraindications present.

      • Check blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, lipid panel, and CBC (screening for anemia). Refer to an internist for a complete cardiovascular evaluation.


  • Patients are reexamined 4 to 6 weeks after starting a new β-blocker or prostaglandin or after ALT/SLT to evaluate efficacy. Topical CAIs, α-agonists, and miotics quickly reach a steady state, and a repeat examination may be performed at any time after 3 days.

  • Closer monitoring (e.g., 1 to 3 days) may be necessary when damage is severe and the IOP is high.

  • Once the IOP has been reduced adequately, patients are reevaluated in 3- to 6-month intervals for IOP and optic nerve checks.

  • Typically gonioscopy is performed annually, or more often as needed to assess angle anatomy.

  • Formal visual fields and optic nerve imaging (e.g., photographs, OCT, or HRT) are rechecked as needed, often about every 6 to 12 months. If IOP control is not thought to be adequate, visual fields may need to be repeated more often. Once stabilized, formal visual field testing can be repeated annually.

  • Dilated retinal examinations should be performed yearly.

  • If glaucomatous damage progresses, check patient compliance with medications before initiating additional therapy.

  • Patients must be questioned about side effects associated with their specific agent(s). They often do not associate eye drops with impotence, weight loss, lightheadedness, or other significant symptoms.


Kass MA, Heuer DK, Higginbotham EJ, et al. The Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study: A randomized trial determines that topical ocular hypotensive medication delays or prevents the onset of primary open angle glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol. 2002;120(6):701–713.

9.2 Low Tension Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (Normal Pressure Glaucoma)


POAG occurring in patients without IOP elevation.




Critical. SEE SIGNS IN 9.1, PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA, except IOP is consistently below 22 mm Hg. There appears to be a greater likelihood of optic disc hemorrhages. Some believe visual field defects are denser, more localized, and
closer to fixation. A dense nasal paracentral defect is typical.

Differential Diagnosis

NOTE: If optic nerve changes and atrophy are unrelated to IOP, it is imperative to investigate other potential etiologies of an optic neuropathy other than glaucoma.

  • POAG: IOP may be underestimated secondary to large diurnal fluctuations or thin corneas. SEE 9.1, PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA.

  • Shock-related optic neuropathy from previous episode of systemic hypotension (e.g., acute blood loss, myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery, arrhythmia). Visual field loss should not progress.

  • Intermittent IOP elevation (e.g., angle closure glaucoma, glaucomatocyclitic crisis).

  • Previous glaucomatous insult with severe IOP elevation that has subsequently resolved. Nonprogressive (e.g., traumatic glaucoma, steroid-induced glaucoma).

  • Nonglaucomatous optic neuropathy and others. SEE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS IN 9.1, PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA.


Controversial. Most investigators believe that IOP plays an important role in low tension POAG. Other proposed etiologies include vascular dysregulation (e.g., systemic or nocturnal hypotension, vasospasm, or loss of autoregulation), microischemic disease, accelerated apoptosis, and autoimmune disease.



  • History: Evidence of vasospasm (history of migraine or Raynaud phenomenon)? History of hypotensive crisis, anemia, or heart disease? Previous use of corticosteroids by any route? Trauma or uveitis in past? Has the vision loss been acute or chronic? GCA symptoms? Additional cardiovascular risk factors such as elevated cholesterol, hypertension, and systemic hypotension (including nocturnal “dippers” in the early morning hours)?

  • Check color plates.

  • Check gonioscopy to rule out angle closure, angle recession, or PAS.

  • Consider obtaining a diurnal curve of IOP measurements to help confirm the diagnosis.

  • Consider carotid dopplers to evaluate ocular blood flow. Check blood pressure (consider 24-hour automated blood pressure home monitor).

  • Consider CT or MRI to rule out compressive lesions of the optic nerve or chiasm.



9.3 Ocular Hypertension


Critical. Generally defined as IOP >21 on two or more visits. Normal-appearing, open anterior chamber angle with normal anatomy on gonioscopy. Apparently normal optic nerve and visual field.

Differential Diagnosis


  • Secondary open angle glaucoma. SEE 9.1, PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA.

  • CACG: PAS are present on gonioscopy with glaucomatous optic nerve and visual field changes. SEE 9.5, CHRONIC ANGLE CLOSURE GLAUCOMA.



  • If any abnormalities are present on formal visual field testing, consider repeat testing in 2 to 4 weeks to exclude the possibility of learning curve artifacts. If the defects are judged to be real, the diagnosis is glaucoma or ocular hypertension along with another pathology accounting for the field loss.

  • OCT and HRT may reveal glaucomatous optic nerve defects. These objective tests may show pathology earlier than visual field testing.


Close follow-up is required for patients being treated and observed. All patients should initially be followed similarly to POAG; SEE 9.1, PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA. If there is no progression in the first few years, monitoring frequency can be decreased to every 6 to 12 months. Stopping medication may be considered in patients who have been stable for several years to reassess the need for continued treatment.


Kass MA, Heuer DK, Higginbotham EJ, et al. The Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study: A randomized trial determines that topical ocular hypotensive medication delays or prevents the onset of POAG. Arch Ophthalmol. 2002;120:701–713.

9.4 Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma


Pain, blurred vision, colored halos around lights, frontal headache, nausea, and vomiting.


Critical. Closed angle in the involved eye, acutely increased IOP, microcystic corneal edema. Narrow or occludable angle in the fellow eye if of primary etiology.

Other. Conjunctival injection; fixed, mid-dilated pupil.

Etiology of Primary Angle Closure

  • Pupillary block: Apposition of the lens and the posterior iris at the pupil leads to blockage of aqueous humor flow from the posterior chamber to the anterior chamber. This mechanism leads to increased posterior chamber pressure, forward movement of the peripheral iris, and subsequent obstruction of the TM. Predisposed eyes have a narrow anterior chamber angle recess, anterior iris insertion of the iris root, or short axial length. Risk factors include increased age, East Asian descent, female gender, hyperopia, and family history.
    May be precipitated by topical mydriatics or, rarely, miotics, systemic anticholinergics (e.g., antihistamines and antidepressants), accommodation (e.g., reading), or dim illumination. Fellow eye has similar anatomy.

  • Angle crowding as a result of an abnormal iris configuration including high peripheral iris roll or plateau iris syndrome angle closure. SEE 9.13, PLATEAU IRIS.

Figure 9.4.1 Acute angle closure glaucoma with mid-dilated pupil, shallow anterior chamber, and corneal edema.

Etiology of Secondary Angle Closure

  • PAS pulling the angle closed: Causes include uveitis, inflammation, argon laser trabeculoplasty. SEE 9.5, CHRONIC ANGLE CLOSURE GLAUCOMA.

  • Neovascular or fibrovascular membrane pulling the angle closed: SEE 9.14, NEOVASCULAR GLAUCOMA.

  • Membrane obstructing the angle: Causes include endothelial membrane in iridocorneal endothelial syndrome (ICE) and posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy (PPMD), and epithelial membrane in epithelial downgrowth (often follows penetrating and nonpenetrating trauma). SEE 9.15, IRIDOCORNEAL ENDOTHELIAL SYNDROME.

  • Lens-induced narrow angles: Iris–TM contact as a result of a large lens (phacomorphic), small lens with anterior prolapse (e.g., microspherophakia), small eye (nanophthalmos), or zonular loss/weakness (e.g., trauma, advanced pseudoexfoliation, Marfan syndrome).

  • Aphakic or pseudophakic pupillary block: Iris bombé configuration secondary to occlusion of the pupil by the anterior vitreous or fibrous adhesions. May also occur with anterior chamber intraocular lenses.

  • Topiramate and sulfonamide-induced angle closure: Usually after increase in dose or within first 2 weeks of starting medication. Usually bilateral angle closure due to supraciliary effusion and ciliary body swelling with subsequent anterior rotation of the lens–iris diaphragm. Myopia is induced secondary to anterior displacement of ciliary body and lens along with lenticular swelling.

  • Choroidal swelling: Following extensive retinal laser surgery, placement of a tight encircling scleral buckle, retinal vein occlusion, and others.

  • Posterior segment tumor: Malignant melanoma, retinoblastoma, ciliary body tumors, and others. SEE 11.36, CHOROIDAL NEVUS AND MALIGNANT MELANOMA OF THE CHOROID.

  • Hemorrhagic choroidal detachment: SEE 11.27, CHOROIDAL EFFUSION/DETACHMENT.


  • Developmental abnormalities: Axenfeld–Rieger syndrome, Peters anomaly, persistent fetal vasculature, and others. SEE 8.12, DEVELOPMENTAL ANTERIOR SEGMENT AND LENS ANOMALIES/DYSGENESIS.

Differential Diagnosis of Acute IOP Increase With an Open Angle

  • Inflammatory open angle glaucoma: SEE 9.7, INFLAMMATORY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA.

  • Traumatic (hemolytic) glaucoma: Red blood cells in the anterior chamber. SEE 3.6, HYPHEMA AND MICROHYPHEMA.

  • Pigmentary glaucoma: Characteristic angle changes, (4+ posterior TM band); vertical pigment deposition on endothelium; pigment cells floating in the anterior chamber; radial iris transillumination defects (TIDs); pigment line on the posterior lens capsule or anterior hyaloid face. SEE 9.10, PIGMENT DISPERSION SYNDROME/PIGMENTARY GLAUCOMA.

  • Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma: Grayish-white flaky proteinaceous material deposited throughout anterior segment structures and TM (usually irregular pigment most prominent inferiorly). Classically occurs in patients of European descent. Iris TIDs along pupillary margin often present. SEE 9.11, PSEUDOEXFOLIATION SYNDROME/EXFOLIATIVE GLAUCOMA.

  • Glaucomatocyclitic crisis (Posner–Schlossman syndrome): Recurrent IOP spikes in one eye, mild cell, and flare with or without fine keratic precipitates (KP). SEE 9.8, GLAUCOMATOCYCLITIC CRISIS/POSNER–SCHLOSSMAN SYNDROME.

  • Retrobulbar hemorrhage or inflammation. SEE 3.10, TRAUMATIC RETROBULBAR HEMORRHAGE.

  • Carotid–cavernous fistula: SEE 7.7, MISCELLANEOUS ORBITAL DISEASES.


  • History: Risk factors including hyperopia or family history? Precipitating events such as being in dim illumination, receiving dilating drops? Retinal problem? Recent laser treatment or surgery? Medications (e.g., topical adrenergics or anticholinergics, oral topiramate, or sulfa medications)?

  • Slit lamp examination: Look for KP, posterior synechiae, iris atrophy or neovascularization (NV), a mid-dilated and sluggish pupil, a swollen lens, anterior chamber cells and flare or iridescent particles, and a shallow anterior chamber. Glaukomflecken (small anterior subcapsular lens opacities) and atrophy of the iris stroma indicate prior attacks. Always carefully examine the other eye and compare.

  • Measure IOP.

  • Gonioscopy of both anterior chamber angles. Corneal edema can be cleared by using topical hyperosmolar agents (e.g., glycerin). Gonioscopy of the involved eye after IOP reduction is essential in assessment of the persistence and extent of angle closure; also needed to evaluate for the presence of NV.

  • Careful examination of the fundus looking for signs of central retinal vein occlusion, hemorrhage, optic nerve cupping, or spontaneous arterial pulsations which may indicate an exacerbation of IOP elevation. If cupping is pronounced or if there are spontaneous arterial pulsations, treatment is more urgent.

  • When secondary angle closure glaucoma is suspected, B-scan US or US biomicroscopy (UBM) may be helpful.


After definitive treatment, patients are reevaluated in weeks to months initially, and then less frequently. Visual fields and stereo disc photographs are obtained for baseline purposes.


  • Cardiovascular status and electrolyte balance must be considered when contemplating osmotic agents, CAIs, and β-blockers.

  • The corneal appearance may worsen when the IOP decreases.

  • Worsening vision or spontaneous arterial pulsations are signs of increasing urgency for pressure reduction.

  • Since one-third to one-half of first-degree relatives may have occludable angles, patients should be counseled to alert relatives to the importance of screening.

  • Angle closure glaucoma may be seen without an increased IOP. The diagnosis should be suspected in a patient who had episodes of pain and reduced acuity and is noted to have:

    • An edematous, thickened cornea.

    • Normal or markedly asymmetric pressure in both eyes.

    • Shallow anterior chambers in both eyes.

    • Occludable anterior chamber angle in the fellow eye.

9.5 Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma


Usually asymptomatic, although patients with advanced disease may present with decreased vision or visual field loss. Intermittent eye pain, headaches, and blurry vision may occur.


Critical. Gonioscopy reveals broad bands of PAS in the angle. The PAS block visualization of the underlying structures of the angle. Glaucomatous optic nerve and visual field defects.

Other. Elevated IOP.


Prolonged acute angle closure glaucoma or multiple episodes of subclinical attacks of acute angle closure resulting in PAS, often in superior angle.

  • Previous uveitic glaucoma with development of PAS, often in inferior angle.

  • Regressed NV of the anterior chamber angle resulting in the development of PAS.

  • Previous laser to the TM (ALT), typically seen with small peaked PAS.

    Figure 9.5.1 Chronic angle closure glaucoma with peripheral anterior synechiae.

  • Previous flat anterior chamber from surgery, trauma, or hypotony that resulted in the development of PAS.

NOTE: While acute angle closure is less common in those of African descent, chronic angle closure is more commonly seen in these patients.


  • History: Presence of symptoms of previous episodes of acute angle closure? History of proliferative diabetic retinopathy, retinal vascular occlusion, or ocular ischemic syndrome? History of trauma, hypotony, uveitis, or laser treatment?

  • Complete baseline glaucoma evaluation. SEE 9.1, PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA.



9.6 Angle Recession Glaucoma


Usually asymptomatic. Late stages have visual field or acuity loss. A history of hyphema or trauma to the glaucomatous eye can often be elicited. Glaucoma due to the angle recession (not from the trauma that caused the angle recession) usually takes 10 to 20 years to develop. Typically unilateral.

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