Fig. 1.1
From chromosome to protein
As mentioned earlier, the expression of a gene in an organism is called a phenotype . If one copy of the gene is required for the phenotypic trait to be expressed (heterozygous state), the gene is termed dominant. If two copies of a gene are required for phenotypic expression (homozygous state), the gene is called recessive.
The chromosomes that determine the sex of the individual are the X and the Y chromosome. Genetically, an individual with an X and a Y (an XY individual) will be male, and an individual with two X chromosomes (an XX individual) will be female. Mutations expressed in an allele on the X chromosome are usually more severe in males than females, because males have only one copy of the X chromosome, while females have two copies. In other words, when females have a mutation involving one allele on one X chromosome, the paired allele on the other X chromosome may produce enough of its product if not mutated, whereas an XY individual does not have an additional copy of the X chromosome in reserve. Rare variations of the genetic constitution exist with some individuals having an XXY or XXXY genome. These individuals are phenotypically male due to the presence of the Y chromosome , with extra copies of the X chromosome.
The translation of genetic code into functional products is quite complex and beyond the scope of this introductory chapter. In summary, start and stop codons regulate the transcription of a gene, and various forms of RNA are involved in this process (tRNA for translational RNA, mRNA for messenger RNA, etc.), in addition to other types of interactive genes. A gene will not entirely get translated into a protein; exons are those stretches of a gene that are ultimately expressed in a protein , and introns are those intervening genetic sequences that are removed before protein translation. Roughly 25–38% of the total DNA is spanned by genes; however only 1.1–1.4% of DNA consists of exons. The function of the rest of human DNA is yet unknown and is an area of active research.
Two important sets of genes that deserve a brief mention are suppressor and anti-suppressor genes [6]. A suppressor gene’s function is to suppress the phenotypic expression of another gene. An anti-suppressor’s function is to suppress the suppressor gene. The interaction and balance are extremely complex, yet exquisitely elegant. It should be noted that many genes are solely expressed, or activated, in certain tissue types. Thus a mutated gene will only cause disease in a particular tissue in which it is producing the product or diseased protein. One of the most studied cancers to date is retinoblastoma. The expression of retinoblastomas is due to the inactivation of a tumor suppressor gene affecting the retina [6–8]. Normal function of the suppressor gene is to inhibit the retinoblastoma gene from functioning. Loss of this suppressive factor allows the retinoblastoma gene to become active and produce a tumor.
Genetic changes that cause an abnormal phenotype in an individual are termed “pathogenic variants ” and are also called mutations; these affect the gene in which they are found. Other changes will have no effect at all and are termed “benign variants ” or polymorphisms . It can be very difficult to predict how some variants are going to affect the patient’s phenotype, and these are termed “variants of uncertain significance.” Additional functional studies on the particular variant may determine if it is pathogenic or benign. Generally, variants that are found in exons are more likely to be pathogenic if they result in a codon that translates into a different amino acid or a stop codon that truncates the protein product.
Another way to categorize variants of genetic changes is by structure. Point mutations change just one nucleotide, but can cause either a missense or nonsense variant. A missense variant changes just one codon in the sequence and may be tolerated by the gene or not. A nonsense mutation is very often pathogenic as it causes a premature stop codon to be inserted and prevents translation of the rest of the protein. Frameshift mutations are also often pathogenic, as they result from the addition or subtraction of nucleotides in such a way that the reading frame of the rest of the gene is disrupted, resulting in incorrect amino acids in the protein product. A splice site mutation results in insertion, deletion, or changes in the number of nucleotides in the specific site at which splicing of RNA takes place and can change the way the exons assemble. Inheritance patterns should be taken into account when interpreting each variant. Mutations that are not found in the parents are termed spontaneous or de novo and are more likely to cause sporadic disease. A database of variant alleles, collected from both affected and healthy individuals, allows an estimate of the allele frequency in the population. This measure allows for some prediction about the pathogenicity of a variant, as common variants are unlikely to cause rare diseases.
Genes and Environmental Influences
Environmental factors play an important role in genetics, but it is very difficult to determine how much of a disorder is due to genetic error and how much of it is due to environmental influences. For instance, monozygotic twins originate from a single fertilized egg and therefore contain virtually the same genetic makeup. However, if these genetically identical individuals are raised in different environments, they become different individuals with different medical conditions. These differences would be mainly due to environmental factors and not genetic differences. Conversely, just as two genetically identical individuals may develop differently in different environments, genetically different individuals may develop similarly in the same environment.
The timing of an environmental influence or insult plays a significant role on its effect to an individual. Environmental factors that have no influence on one developmental stage may cause drastic results in a different stage. A developing embryo is typically sensitive to temperature and toxins during embryogenesis (3–8 weeks of gestational age), whereas these influences may have little or no effect at all later on. A mature organism is the consequence of the sum and timing of these genetic and environmental interactions.
Genotype and Phenotype
The term genotype describes the genetic constitution of an individual organism or the complete set of genes inherited by that individual. The phenotype of an individual is the set of observable characteristics resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment [5].
Penetrance and Expressivity
Penetrance is the probability that a specific gene will have any phenotypic expression at all. When calculating penetrance, the phenotype is considered either present or absent, regardless of varying clinical presentations. It is empirically calculated by dividing the number of people who have both the genotype and phenotype by the total number of people with the genotype alone. When the gene is expressed, but the phenotype differs in individuals with the same genotype, the phenotype has variable expressivity. Many disorders demonstrate variability in the spectrum and severity of abnormalities. For example, in neurofibromatosis type I, every person with an NF1 pathogenic mutation will show symptoms, but the manifestation and severity will differ from person to person.
Anatomy of the Human Genome
The human genome typically consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes : 22 paired autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes (X and Y chromosomes). Genetic material is stored in the form of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and this message is relayed when the DNA is transcribed to ribonucleic acid (RNA). RNA in turn is translated into the functional products, the polypeptides, or proteins. The building blocks or monomers of DNA and RNA are the nucleotides. There are four nucleotides in DNA , two purines, adenine (A) and guanine (G), and two pyrimidines, thymine (T) and cytosine (C). The formation and operation of the entire human body are encoded by the sequence of these four nucleotides. There is additional genetic material in the mitochondria, which is not part of these 23 pairs of chromosomes.
The information contained in the DNA is translated by the genetic code. The genetic code consists of three adjacent nucleotide bases. The adjacent nucleotides together are called a codon. Each codon corresponds to a particular amino acid. For example, if cytosine, guanine, and adenine were sequential nucleotides (CGA), the corresponding codon corresponds to the amino acid arginine. Three letters summarize each of the 20 amino acids. A series of codons produces a sequence of amino acids that constitute the genetic message. This sequence in turn may translate into the polypeptide chain of a protein molecule. This collection of codons that are transcribed together in a coordinated manner is called a gene ; humans have about 20,000 genes.
A specific location on a chromosome is called a locus, which provides the chromosomal address of a gene. Since there are two copies of each of the 23 chromosomes, there are two copies of each gene (an exception is the X and Y chromosomes in males). Variations of the same gene are called alleles. If the two alleles present on each of the two chromosomes are identical, they are homozygous; if the alleles are different, they are heterozygous. Most genes are very complex and comprise multiple alleles for a specific locus.
Modes of Inheritance
With the rapid expansion of the knowledge on genetic disorders, it is essential to have a fundamental understanding of the common inheritance patterns. This helps the clinician have an improved understanding of the disease and therefore more accurately counsel families with regard to diagnosis, prognosis, and recurrence risk. Failure to inform the patient of the inheritance risks has been the cause of much litigation [9–12]. One of the most effective ways of presenting genetic information about a family is through a pedigree. A pedigree usually involves at least three generations back from the patient (proband) and includes information on the age, health, relationships, and previous genetic testing in the family. Using pedigrees allows for patterns consistent with common modes of inheritances to be easily demonstrated (see Fig. 1.2 for common pedigree symbols).

Fig. 1.2
Standard pedigree nomenclature . © 2016 American Academy of Ophthalmology
Autosomal Dominant Inheritance
In autosomal dominant inheritance, offspring who are affected can either be the first in their family (if the mutation is de novo) or can have an affected parent who carries at least one copy of the affected gene (while the other parent has two normal alleles) (Fig. 1.3). If a child’s parent is a carrier, then they would have a 50% chance of receiving the affected parent’s abnormal allele, termed A, and a 50% chance of receiving the normal allele, a. The other allele, obtained from the normal parent, would be normal. Therefore, the overall risk of disease for each pregnancy would be 50%. Statistically, each pregnancy is an independent event unaffected by previous pregnancies.

Fig. 1.3
Autosomal dominant inheritance with one parent affected. (a) Diagram (Illustration from Genetic Counseling Aids, 6th Edition, Copyright 2013, permission for use granted by Greenwood Genetic Center). (b) Punnett square showing possible combinations of alleles; affected (Aa), unaffected (AA)
An example of an autosomal dominant disorder is neurofibromatosis type I [13, 14]. This disease occurs in approximately one in 4000 births. There is a very high spontaneous or new mutation (de novo) rate [15]. Thus, when seeing an affected individual for the first time, the possibility that the disorder is due to a new mutation must be considered. That is, there might not always be a family history. If the proband is affected with a de novo mutation, then they have the chance to pass it on in their future pregnancies (50% per pregnancy), but the risk of disease to their siblings is low (<1%, not zero due to the possibility of germline mosaicism).
Another example of an autosomal dominant condition is BPES (blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome) (Fig. 1.4).

Fig. 1.4
Pedigree for family with BPES illustrates an example of autosomal dominant inheritance
Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
In autosomal recessive disorders , the affected individuals are homozygous for the mutant gene (Fig. 1.5, aa). Typically one mutant allele is acquired from each parent. Both unaffected parents of an affected individual are heterozygote carriers of the disease (Fig. 1.5, Aa). Therefore, the offspring’s risk of inheriting two mutant alleles, one from each parent, is one in four (25%). Males and females are equally affected.

Fig. 1.5
Autosomal recessive inheritance with both parents carriers. (a) Diagram (Illustration from Genetic Counseling Aids, 6th Edition, Copyright 2013, permission for use granted by Greenwood Genetic Center). (b) Punnett square showing possible combinations of alleles; affected (aa), unaffected (Aa, aa)
If a carrier (Aa) mates with an affected individual (aa), 50% of the offspring would be carriers and 50% would manifest the mutation (Fig. 1.6). Without close examination of the family pedigree, this could be confused with autosomal dominant transmission.

Fig. 1.6
Autosomal recessive inheritance with one parent affected and one parent a carrier for the same disease. (a) Diagram (Illustration from Genetic Counseling Aids, 6th Edition, Copyright 2013, permission for use granted by Greenwood Genetic Center). (b) Punnett square showing possible combinations of alleles; carrier (Aa) and affected (aa)
If a carrier of the recessive disease (phenotypically normal and heterozygous for the mutation, Rr) had offspring with a genetically normal individual (RR), all the offspring would be phenotypically normal, but 50% of the individuals would be carriers of the disease (Fig. 1.7).

Fig. 1.7
Autosomal recessive inheritance with one parent a carrier and the other not a carrier and unaffected. (a) Diagram (Illustration from Genetic Counseling Aids, 6th Edition, Copyright 2013, permission for use granted by Greenwood Genetic Center). (b) Punnett square showing possible combinations of alleles; all individuals are unaffected, carrier (Aa) or noncarrier (AA)
If two affected individuals (rr) have offspring, 100% of the offspring will have the disorder (Fig. 1.8).