Increase the amplitude of negative fusional vergence (NFV) and positive fusional vergence (PFV).
Decrease the latency of the fusional vergence response.
Increase the velocity of the fusional vergence response.
right. This forces the right eye to follow the target moving left and the left eye to follow the target moving right. If the target seen by the right eye is moved to the right, while the target seen by the left eye is moved to the left, divergence is stimulated.
![]() ▪ Figure 6.5 Scale at the bottom of a target indicating the prismatic demand at any given target separation. |
This type of target primarily stimulates peripheral fusion. Stimuli like the Clown and Spirangle vectograms shown in Figure 6.1 are considered central targets because there is more central detail and the lines and detail are finer than the Quoit vectogram.
state that there is a box on the lower left with “R” and “L” and that there are both vertical and horizontal lines (cross) on top of the Quoit (Fig. 6.6). If the patient does not voluntarily respond with these answers, ask leading questions to elicit this information.
Is the picture becoming larger or smaller?
Is the picture coming closer or moving farther away?
1. Tell the patient to separate the sheets to number 3 base-out and try to keep the Quoit single and clear.
2. Instruct the patient to take the pointer and point to the location at which he or she sees the Quoit floating. Make sure the patient sees one pointer and one Quoit. Stress to the patient the importance of the kinesthetic awareness or feeling of “looking close” and “crossing his (or her) eyes.”
3. Now ask the patient to put the pointer down and look away from the Quoit to a point farther away for several seconds and then to regain fusion. Have the patient hold fusion for 10 seconds, look away, and look back again. Instruct the patient to repeat this three times.
1. Changing fixation from the target to another point in space Ask the patient to fuse the vectogram, then look away for several seconds, and look back and regain fusion.
2. Breaking fusion by covering one eye After the patient has fused the vectogram, have him or her cover one eye for 5 to 10 seconds to break fusion. The patient then uncovers his or her eye and has to regain fusion.
3. Using loose prism or flip prism or lenses (Video 6.6)
(a) While the patient is fusing the vectogram target at a particular convergence or divergence demand, additional prism can be placed in front of the patient’s eyes to create a large change in vergence demand.
(b) Flip lenses can also be used to create a step vergence change in vergence demand. If +2.00 lenses are placed in front of a patient fusing 20 base-out, an additional convergence demand is generated. The exact demand is based on the accommodative convergence/accommodation (AC/A) ratio for the particular patient. The larger the AC/A ratio, the larger the vergence demand. For example, if the patient has an 8:1 AC/A ratio, the +2.00 lenses will force the patient to relax 2 D of accommodation to regain clarity. As a result, he or she will relax 16 Δ of accommodative convergence. To maintain single binocular vision, the patient will therefore have to use 16 Δ of PFV. Alternatively, the patient may not fully relax accommodation, thereby decreasing the amount of PFV necessary to maintain binocular vision. If this occurs, he or she will report one blurred target.
Another way to understand the effect of lenses on vergence demand is to visualize the planes of accommodation and vergence for the vectogram task as described in Chapter 5. When plus lenses are added, the plane of accommodation moves away from the patient while the plane of vergence remains in the same location. The effect is an increase in the distance between the two planes and an increase in convergence demand.
4. Setting up two different targets in a dual Polachrome illuminated trainer (Fig. 6.6) (Video 6.7) The one on top can be set at one convergence demand and the one on the bottom at a different convergence demand. Ask the patient to fuse the top target, hold it for 10 seconds, and then change fixation to the bottom target and hold fixation for 10 seconds. This procedure can be repeated several times and then the demands changed.
5. Use Polaroid flippers that are designed to switch from which eye sees the right slide and left slide as the Polaroids are flipped (Video 6.8). When the patient views the target through one side, the demand is in the convergence direction. When the glasses are flipped to the other side, the same target creates a divergence demand. Polaroid filters in flippers can also be used in a similar fashion.
The kinesthetic feeling of converging and diverging.
The ability to clear the target and regain binocular vision as quickly as possible as the vergence demand is increased.
The patient, not the therapist, should manipulate the targets.
The glasses and targets are not doing anything; rather, the changes are internal, occurring within the patient’s own visual system.
The importance of maintaining clarity when fusing.
Achieve 20 to 25 base-out and 10 to 15 base-in.
Alternate from 20 to 25 base-out to 10-15 base-in
Increase the amplitude of NFV and PFV.
Decrease the latency of the fusional vergence response.
Increase the velocity of the fusional vergence response.
Bernell variable tranaglypha (Series 500 and 600)
Dual Polachrome illuminated trainera
Horizontal holdera
Red/green glassesa
Red/green flip lensesa
510: Peripheral fusion
515: Peripheral fusion and stereopsis
520: Peripheral fusion and central target
601: Bunny
605: Spiral
606: Clown
607: Airport
610: Sport slide
series. Clinically, there is one important difference between the vectograms and the tranaglyphs. There have been reports of patients experiencing considerably more difficulty with tranaglyph-type targets. The use of red/green targets appears to create an obstacle to fusion, particularly for patients with moderate-to-severe suppression and with significant accommodative anomalies. A possible theoretical explanation for this difficulty has been suggested by Bogdanovich et al.1 They studied the properties of red/green anaglyphic materials and found that currently available glasses can induce significant inequalities in retinal illuminance. These inequalities may precipitate or exacerbate suppression tendencies. They also found problems with ghost images and lateral chromatic aberration that could affect binocular vision. The major disadvantage is that suppression is a more significant issue with tranaglyphs than with vectograms. Thus, it is highly recommended to use vectograms for office-based vision. The tranaglyphs become useful as a technique that can be sent home to reinforce office-based vision therapy once the patient’s binocular vision has improved enough to successfully use tranaglyphs.
Bernell nonvariable tranaglyphsa (Series 500)
Dual Polachrome illuminated trainer
Horizontal holder
Red/green glasses
Red/green flip lenses
many computer-assisted software programs being used by optometrists for both home- and office-based vision therapy.
Methods of changing stimulus parameters are slow and unreliable.
Traditional techniques often require an experienced doctor or technician to interpret patients’ responses and to use that information to alter stimulus conditions in order to improve binocular response.
With young children or with older patients who are not responding accurately for a variety of reasons, traditional techniques become difficult and unreliable to use. The child who “learns” the expected response and has a strong desire to please the therapist may “give the right response,” even though he or she is not achieving the desired objective.
For learning to occur, feedback should be accurate, immediate, consistent, and unbiased. With traditional therapy techniques, the feedback is often provided by the therapist. Vision therapy is often conducted with one therapist working with two or more patients at a time. The feedback may therefore not always be as consistent and immediate as desirable.
Increase the amplitude of NFV and PFV.
Decrease the latency of the fusional vergence response.
Increase the velocity of the fusional vergence response.
PC-compatible computer
50-in. large screen monitor
Computer Orthoptics VTS4 Liquid Crystal System software
Liquid crystal glasses
alternates left and right eye view at 60 Hz. This allows vivid color binocular targets to be presented to each eye with almost no ghosting. These glasses eliminate the problems associated with red/green and red/blue filters, such as poorer-quality fusion because of color rivalry, different accommodative demands from chromatic aberration, and chromostereopsis. The Computer Orthoptics VTS4 software is currently used with a 50-in. plasma screen television monitor and can also be used with a projector to create large peripheral targets and can be helpful in the initial stages of therapy or when working with a patient with a distance-related binocular vision disorder.
It is one of the few available techniques that utilize random dot stereopsis targets.
The liquid crystal technology tends to minimize suppression.
The method of changing stimulus parameters is fast and reliable. The vergence demand is automatically increased 1 Δ if the patient responds correctly, and it is reduced by 2 Δ if the response is incorrect.
Because the stimulus is a random dot stereopsis target, the patient can only perform the task if he or she is fusing appropriately. The procedure is therefore objective and does not depend on the patient’s ability to communicate about what he or she is seeing and experiencing. This makes this technique valuable for younger, less verbal children. The therapist is better able to manage the child who “learns” the expected response on other techniques and has the desire to please the therapist.
Feedback is accurate, immediate, consistent, and unbiased.
A patient can work independently on the computer, freeing the therapist to work with another patient.
Scoring is automatically done by the computer.
![]() ▪ Figure 6.11 A: Child working with the Computer Orthoptics Random Dot Stereopsis program. B: Patient’s view of the Computer Orthoptics Random Dot Stereopsis target. |