Fixation Disparity
Fixation disparity tests are measures of changes in ocular alignment in response to binocular vergence stimulation or accommodative stress or both.1 With fixation disparity testing, it is not necessary to assume that a measured latent neuromuscular bias (heterophoria) also exists and causes symptoms noted during binocular viewing. Residual misalignment can be directly measured, concurrent with assessment of the ability to adjust to induced external vergence and accommodative demands. This chapter discusses the issues involved in fixation disparity assessment, with an emphasis on clinically useful methods.
Fixation Disparity or Fixation Misalignment
Clinical research has demonstrated that parameters of fixation disparity testing are related to symptoms for some patients,2 and there are clinical reports that prism prescriptions3 or vision therapy4 procedures based on these measures will reduce or eliminate many of these symptoms. However, basic science research suggests that clinical measures of fixation disparity are made up of at least two components—a change in visual direction and an actual motor change that together constitute the fixation disparity seen clinically.5 A sensory factor could, in part, explain why prescriptions based on fixation disparity measures are not successful for all patients and might further explain why the fixation disparities of some patients are smaller than expected from the heterophoria finding.6
Given the clinical success (and improvement on previous techniques) that management based on fixation disparity measures enjoys, it seems imprudent to discount the clinical research concerning use of fixation disparity measures simply because fixation disparity tests measure the sum of separate sensory and motor components rather than simply assessing eye misalignment. However, thoughtful clinicians should remain aware of the fact that clinical fixation disparity measures probably represent sensory remapping as well as motor misalignment of the eyes. In the discussion that follows, fixation disparity will be deemed to include both the motor and the perceptual components of eye alignment measured under binocular conditions, without differentiating between them.
Analysis Approach for Fixation Disparity
Three analysis approaches have traditionally been used to determine whether reported symptoms are likely to be related to vergence or accommodative deficiencies: graphical analysis,7 analytical analysis,8 and normative analysis.9 Chapter 2 discussed and presented integrative analysis—a new method of binocular analysis that combines these previous techniques and also incorporates features of fixation disparity measures. In this light, assessment of fixation disparity per se is not the key issue. Rather, clinical fixation disparity measures are looked at as part of a group of findings, and decisions are made using this residual perceptual/motor misalignment as a basis for prescription of added lenses, prism, or vision therapy.
The important reason for including fixation disparity measures in binocular vision diagnosis is that many important accommodation and vergence interactions can only be adequately tested under binocular conditions. Binocular testing also provides a more accurate and complete picture of the interactions between binocular components than traditional systems, which compare various monocular (dissociated) measures. Binocular analysis also eliminates the necessity of assuming that any one component is the cause of binocular dysfunction. Fixation disparity curves measured at distance as well as near fixation distances represent the only clinical assessment of vergence and accommodative interactions under binocular conditions. The fixation disparity curve allows the clinician to assess the therapeutic effect of lens and prism combinations and helps determine an intervention strategy that develops optimal binocular responses.
During patient examinations, fusional vergence measurements are often performed at distance and near, using loose or rotary prisms in free space or through a phoropter, or both. Because fixation disparity measures assess ocular alignment through an extended range of prism powers, rotary prism measurement of vergence ranges through the phoropter can frequently be eliminated from the test sequence when forced vergence fixation disparity curves are measured. Loose prism measurements, which are presented in discrete steps, provide a useful indication of fusional ranges as well as recovery ability.
Forced Vergence Curve Parameters
Increasing amounts of prism can be used to change fusional vergence demand while fixation disparity is monitored. Graphic representation of the results portrays what has come to be called the forced vergence fixation disparity curve. As vergence demand is altered, the amount of fixation disparity may change. Usually, an increase in base-out prism increases exo-fixation disparity and an increase in base-in prism increases eso-fixation disparity.10 Curves with steep slopes, large associated phorias, and substantial fixation disparities are found more frequently when testing symptomatic patients.11 Asymptomatic patients usually have type I curves. Other curve types are frequently associated with patients who have large dissociated heterophorias (type II eso, type III exo) or unstable binocularity (type IV).6,12 Figure 15.1 illustrates distance and near-horizontal forced vergence fixation disparity curve types found in the examination of clinic populations.13
Most people adapt more to one type of lateral prism (base-in or base-out) than the other. These variations in adaptation determine the shape of the curve.14 Type I curves result from approximately equal adaptation to base-in and base-out prism stress. However, properly differentiating type I from type II curves often requires
that the base-out end of the range be carried to the full extent of the disparity (fusional) vergence range,15 so that fusional (disparity) convergence and fixation disparity relationships are fully evaluated. Type II curves originate from more adaptation to base-out prism and less adaptation through base-in prism. Persons who adapt more completely to base-in than base-out prism have more fixation disparity with base-out prism, and have a type III curve.
that the base-out end of the range be carried to the full extent of the disparity (fusional) vergence range,15 so that fusional (disparity) convergence and fixation disparity relationships are fully evaluated. Type II curves originate from more adaptation to base-out prism and less adaptation through base-in prism. Persons who adapt more completely to base-in than base-out prism have more fixation disparity with base-out prism, and have a type III curve.
![]() ▪ Figure 15.1 The four fixation disparity curve types, originally described by Ogle,1 are classified as types I through IV. Type I curves, which are present in about 55% of the population, are usually associated with asymptomatic patients. Other curve types are frequently associated with patients who have large dissociated heterophorias (type II eso, 30% of the population; type III exo, 10% of the population) or unstable binocularity (type IV). |
The associated phoria is defined as the amount of prism required to reduce fixation disparity to zero.6 The associated phoria (x-intercept, Fig. 15.2) is the point usually measured clinically. Figure 15.2 shows the location of the associated phoria plotted on a forced vergence fixation disparity graph. The magnitude of the associated phoria is generally significantly less than the dissociated phoria for exophoric patients and is often greater for esophoric patients.6 In addition, there are occasional patients who have paradoxical responses where, for example, an exophoric patient has an eso-associated phoria (see Chapter 16—Fig. 16.9).6 Associated phoria magnitude is influenced by proximal vergence and vergence adaptation.16,17 In addition to vergence adaptation, factors such as suppression and reduced peripheral fusion17 may influence the associated phoria magnitude by limiting responses to vergence stimuli in the peripheral retina.6,18
The associated phoria is determined at distance using a Mallett unit, American Optical (AO) vectographic chart, or Bernell lantern and neutralizing any reported misalignment of the lines with appropriate prism. The same concept applies to near testing, where the associated phoria can be determined using the AO near vectographic card, Borish card, or near the Mallett unit (Fig. 15.3).
The associated phoria is only one aspect of the fixation disparity curve. Although measurement of the associated vertical phoria is the method of choice for determination of vertical prism corrections (Chapter 14), the lateral associated phoria is not as clinically useful. To utilize fixation disparity assessment for prescription of horizontal prism, it is necessary to consider the lateral associated phoria along with other forced vergence
fixation disparity curve parameters (slope, curve type, and fixation disparity).3 Use of only the lateral associated phoria is not adequate, because there is then a tendency to overestimate needed prism corrections for patients with esodeviations.
fixation disparity curve parameters (slope, curve type, and fixation disparity).3 Use of only the lateral associated phoria is not adequate, because there is then a tendency to overestimate needed prism corrections for patients with esodeviations.
Indeed, for esophoric patients, it is often useful to start prism analysis through prism base-out equal to one-third of the distance esophoria. Thus, when there is distance esophoria of 6 Δ, a prism of 2 Δ base-out can be used as a starting prism, and the vergence ranges, distance associated phoria/fixation disparity, and stereopsis can be assessed to determine whether the prism is the appropriate amount. More normal vergence ranges, a zero-associated phoria, or improved stereopsis through the prism indicate that the chosen prism power is appropriate; often the patient will also report that distance visual acuity is more clear. Starting prism determination with one-third of the distance esophoria allows a more rapid clinical determination of the prism needed. The distance phoria is used because the near phoria is more influenced by the accommodative convergence to accommodation (AC/A) ratio, and added lenses are used to alter this relation, whereas the distance phoria can only be treated by prism or vision therapy.
Fixation disparities are small misalignments of the visual axis (usually less than 6 seconds of arc) under binocular conditions.13 Fixation disparity exists when images of a bifixated object are not on exactly corresponding points, but remain within the Panum area. The retinal images are seen singly, even though the foveas may have a misalignment of up to 30 seconds.10 The amount of misalignment (fixation disparity) is dependent on the size of the Panum area. When lenses or prism or both are added and the eyes maintain binocular fixation, there is frequently increasing misalignment of the visual axis (still maintained within the Panum area).6
The forced vergence fixation disparity curve is graphically represented by plotting the change in fixation disparity with change in lens or prism.6 The actual fixation disparity measurement, which is not generally measured clinically except by instruments designed for the purpose (such as the Disparometer, Woolf card, or Wesson card), is the point where the curve crosses the y-axis (Fig. 15.2). Typically the fixation disparity is in the same direction as the heterophoria1; however, there are patients (who are typically exophoric) who have paradoxical patterns where there is an eso-fixation disparity when fusing but an exo-dissociated phoria measured by cover test or Maddox rod (see Chapter 16, Fig. 16.8).
The slope, which can easily be determined using a forced vergence fixation disparity graph, can be estimated by calculating the change in fixation disparity between prism demands of 3 Δ base-out and 3 Δ base-in. When a patient has a flat fixation disparity curve, prism prescriptions based on shifting the CS (midpoint of the flattest portion) of the curve (Fig. 15.2) toward the y-axis are generally more successful in reducing symptoms, enhancing binocularity, and yielding lower prism prescriptions than those based on either dissociated or associated phoria measurements. These prescriptions optimize responses of vergence adaptation to convergence and divergence responses.14
Patients with steep curves can often be treated using vision therapy. When the curves do not flatten with vision therapy, the patient may be viewed as being resistant to the development of vergence adaptation.14 For these patients, prism can be prescribed, based on the associated phoria (prism to reduce fixation disparity to
zero). Measures of the CS of forced vergence fixation disparity curves, the fixation disparity, and the associated phoria allow analysis of tonic disturbances of vergence adaptation.
zero). Measures of the CS of forced vergence fixation disparity curves, the fixation disparity, and the associated phoria allow analysis of tonic disturbances of vergence adaptation.
Generation of the Forced Vergence Fixation Disparity Curve
Generating forced vergence curves requires measurement of fixation disparity as prism or lenses are interposed. The results, plotted graphically, constitute the forced vergence curve. Fixation disparity tests can be performed at distance and near and in all positions of gaze. The basic technique is similar for distance or near measurements regardless of the instrument used.
Associated Phoria Measurement
Vertical and horizontal associated phoria can be measured at distance and near, neutralizing any reported misalignment of the lines with appropriate prism, using the instruments listed in Table 15.1.
Fixation Disparity Curve and Associated Phoria Measurement
Vertical and horizontal fixation disparity curves and associated phoria can be measured at distance and near using several instruments. For distance, there is the Woolf carda; for near, the Disparometerb and the Wesson card.c The Wesson card is the most commonly used instrument for clinical measurement of fixation disparity curve parameters. The most affordable readily available clinical instrument is the Wesson card.
The Disparometer consists of two 1.5-degree circular targets, each containing two oppositely polarized lines (Fig. 15.4). The circle provides the fusion lock. The upper circle is used for vertical fixation disparity measurement; the left line is seen by the left eye. The lower circle allows analysis of horizontal deviations; the lower line is seen by the left eye. The letters surrounding the circles help provide accurate, stable accommodation, and modification of the instrument using thin strips of black tape on the plastic protector over sections of the nonius lines (Fig. 15.5) further aids in keeping accommodation at the plane of regard.14 Suppression is evident when there is disappearance of an entire line. To generate forced vergence fixation disparity curves at 40 cm using the Disparometer or Woolf or Wesson cards, use the steps below (pp. 405 to 410).3

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