Femtosecond Laser Flap Creation

Femtosecond Laser Flap Creation

Paul J. Bryar

David R. Hardten

Michael Vrabec

The femtosecond laser represents a significant advance in the field of refractive surgery. Mechanical microkeratomes were the only instruments available for flap creation in the early days of LASIK. In 2001, the FDA approved the first femtosecond laser for the LASIK flap. The use of the femtosecond laser has steadily increased since then. By 2010, over 50% of the LASIK procedures in the United States were performed with the femtosecond laser. Significant improvements in femtosecond technology have occurred over the last decade. In addition to flap creation, the lasers can be used to create channels for intrastromal rings, and can be used for keratoplasty and cataract surgery. IntraLase Corporation of Irvine, California, developed the first commercially available femtosecond laser. Lasers that are FDA approved and currently in use at this time include: Abbott Medical Optics IntraLase FS and iFS, Alcon WaveLight FS200, Carl Zeiss Meditec VisuMax, Technolas Perfect Vision 520F, and Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems Femto LDV.

▪ Laser Physics

The femtosecond laser is a focusable infrared laser similar to the Nd-YAG (neodymium-yttrium-aluminum-garnet) laser used for the posterior capsulotomy procedure; however, this laser delivers ultrashort laser pulses, firing in the femtosecond duration range (100 × 10-15 second). The advantage of a femtosecond laser is that the extremely short laser pulse of focused energy causes minimal thermal damage or disruption in adjacent tissues. This adjacent disruption in the corneal stroma has been measured and extends out on the order of 1 µm. The femtosecond laser pulse vaporizes small amounts of tissue by the process of photodisruption. The vaporized tissue forms an intrastromal cavitation bubble of microplasma, which is composed of water and carbon dioxide. Focusing the laser energy at a specified tissue depth and placing successive laser spots in close proximity to one another, multiple bubbles are created in a lamellar corneal dissection plane. Some lasers create the dissection plane using a raster (zigzag) line pattern, while others use a spiral pattern. The laser-controlled software can be programmed by the surgeon to create lamellar, axial (side cut), or pocket cuts in a wide range of depths and diameters. Typically after the lamellar cut has been completed, the side cut is created with a series of vertically placed spots along the flap edge.

Significant advances have been made with femtosecond technology over the last decade. First generation femtosecond lasers had repetition rates of approximately 15 kHz, and flap creation could take 60 to 90 seconds. Some current generation lasers operate in the 150 to 200 kHz range and have flap creation time of <10 seconds. Other lasers such as the Ziemer Femto LDV use very high pulse rate in the MHz range with lower energy per pulse. Despite the differences in laser dynamics and parameters from one laser to another, there
are basic principles and practices that are applicable to all femtosecond lasers. The rest of the chapter will focus on the important clinical concepts that can be applied to any femtosecond laser platform used for LASIK flap creation.

▪ Advantages & Disadvantages of Femtosecond Lasers

The selection of candidates for LASIK with a femtosecond laser is similar in many respects to that for the blade microkeratome. First and foremost is patient safety, followed by the ability to meet patient expectations. However, femtosecond technology may expand the limits of candidacy for LASIK surgery. The advantages and disadvantages of the femtosecond laser for flap creation are summarized in Table 5.1.

Various studies have demonstrated that when compared to mechanical microkeratomes, femtosecond lasers create flaps with more predictable thickness. Femtosecond lasers can also create thinner flaps. The ability to create thinner flaps combined with tighter variance between expected and actual flap thickness may allow more patients with relatively thin corneas or highly myopic patients to undergo the procedure. Intraoperative pachymetry in such cases is still recommended prior to excimer ablation to ensure adequate residual stromal bed thickness.

TABLE 5.1 Summary of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Femtosecond Laser Flap Creation



Greater predictability of flap thickness; ability to create thinner flaps

High cost

Greater predictability of flap diameter

Need to acquire new skills

Flap creation independent of corneal contour or corneal diameter

Increased risk of inflammation (DLK)

Reduced incidence of button hole, partial flap, and intraoperative abrasion

TLSS or Good Acuity Plus Photosensitivity (GAPP); also Peripheral light spectrum phenomenon/Rainbow glare

Ability to retreat in the event of a suction break

OBL may interfere with excimer ablation

Epithelial sloughing of the flap is unlikely

Rarely intracameral bubbles can interfere with laser tracking, delaying surgery

Increased flap adherence long term reduces risk of traumatic flap displacement

Increased flap adherence makes flap lift for retreatment long term more difficult

Less bleeding from corneal neovascularization

Not suited to LASIK after RK or PK due to increased flap manipulation and potential wound disruption

Creation of a more planar flap

Femtosecond lasers also create more predictable flap diameters and shapes compared to flaps created with a microkeratome. With a mechanical microkeratome, patients with steeper corneas are at a higher risk for a buttonhole flap or a wider than anticipated flap diameter. Patients with flat corneas are at a higher risk for free flap or a smaller than anticipated flap diameter. With femtosecond lasers, the above mentioned complications are unlikely to occur even in patients with contours at the upper and lower ends of the normal range. Patients with smaller corneas can be treated with less risk of invading the sclera, because of the ability to better adjust flap diameter. Additionally, femtosecond lasers create flaps with a more desirable planar configuration and uniform thickness. Flaps created with a microkeratome have a meniscus shape with the flap periphery being thicker than the center (see Fig. 5.1). Most blade microkeratomes create thinner flaps on the second eye when the same blade is used for both eyes. They also create thinner flaps in thinner corneas and thicker flaps in thicker corneas. This is not the case with the femtosecond laser.

Femtosecond lasers are capable of creating more predictable and desirable side-cut
profiles. With mechanical microkeratomes, the side-cut angle is more tapered or sloped. Femtosecond lasers allow the surgeon to specify the side-cut angle. The side-cut angle range varies with different laser manufacturers, but vertical, near-vertical, or reverse beveled angles can be created (refer to Fig. 5.1).

FIGURE 5.1 Mechanical microkeratomes cut a flap with a sloping side-cut angle and some cut a flap with a meniscus contour, i.e. thicker in the periphery and thinner in the center (A). In contrast, femtosecond lasers create a planar flap with an angled side cut (B), a perpendicular side cut (C), or a reversed beveled side cut (D).

Proposed mechanisms of epithelial ingrowth include a defect or gap at the flap margin facilitating epithelial migration under the flap, as well as seeding of the stromal bed during the microkeratome pass. Because sidecut angles created with the femtosecond laser are more vertical, the epithelium is less likely to migrate beneath the flap. This may explain the reduced likelihood of significant epithelial ingrowth following LASIK surgery using the femtosecond laser.

The angle on the side cut theoretically may make the flap more resistant to displacement soon after surgery, and now can be varied over a wide range, with some potential strength advantages to an inverted side cut that has an angle of more than 90 degrees. The flap is definitely more resistant to displacement 1 year after surgery; in fact, it may be difficult to lift the flap for retreatment.

▪ Femtosecond Laser Parameters

The surgeon has control over many of the flap parameters. Each type of laser has a particular range of adjustable parameters that can be manipulated by the surgeon. Despite the differences between lasers, an understanding of the common parameters and their impact on flap creation is necessary for a surgeon to optimize the femtosecond laser settings. The important parameters are flap thickness, bed energy, spot size and separation, flap diameter, hinge location, pocket profile, and side-cut angle/energy. It is wise to heed the recommendations of the representatives of the laser manufacturer and other more experienced surgeons when adjusting settings. As the surgeon gains more intraoperative experience, for example, trouble lifting the flap, and postoperative experience, such as inflammation or associated photophobia, fine-tuning adjustments can be made with various parameters to minimize side effects and facilitate flap creation. A summary of some of the parameters for current generation lasers is in Table 5.2.


The surgeon can specify the flap thickness within the parameters of the given laser. The actual thickness of laser-made flaps measured by OCT or subtraction pachymetry comes closer to the intended thickness than does the thickness of flaps made with a microkeratome. It remains helpful intraoperatively to measure the stromal bed after the flap lift in order to calculate the anticipated post-ablation residual stromal bed.


In general, the goal is to create a flap that is easy to lift using the lowest amount of energy. Insufficient energy will result in a flap that is harder to lift and possibly increase the chance of flap striae or flap tear. Excessive energy will increase the likelihood of postoperative inflammation, for example, diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK) or Transient Light Sensitivity Syndrome (TLSS). The power of each spot can be adjusted and must be specifically set for
each individual laser. Spot separation is the space between each laser spot that will create a cavitation bubble. Some lasers also permit the surgeon to specify the space between each line of laser spots created during the raster pattern treatment. Smaller spot separation or line separation will result in more laser spots being delivered during the procedure. Therefore, either an increase in bed energy or a decrease in spot or line separation will lead to more energy being delivered during the procedure. Conversely, a decrease in bed energy or increase in spot or line separation will lead to reduced energy being delivered during the procedure. Once power settings and spot or line separation are at desirable levels, they are usually not adjusted for each patient.

TABLE 5.2 Summary of Parameters of Various Currently Available Femtosecond Lasers Expand Transient Light Sensitivity Syndrome (TLSS)

Alcon WaveLight FS200

AMO IntraLase iFS

Carl Zeiss Meditec VisuMax

Technolas Perfect Vision 520F

Ziemer Femto LDV

Pulse rate

200 kHz

150 kHz

500 kHz

80 kHz


Side-cut angle (degrees)





28 (fixed)

Cone-cornea interface







300 fs

600-800 fs

220-580 fs

500-700 fs

200-350 fs


1,050 nm

1,053 nm

1,043 nm

1,053 nm

1,045 nm

Pulse energy

0.1-2.4 mJ

800-1,000 nJ

180-220 nJ

650-2,500 nJ

<100 nJ

Laser type






Ablation pattern






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Jul 20, 2016 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Femtosecond Laser Flap Creation

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