The world is governed more by appearances than by realities. – Daniel Webster Begin with the four Ls: lymph nodes, lacrimal system, lids, and lashes. Lymphatics from the lateral conjunctiva drain to the preauricular nodes just anterior to the ear. The nasal conjunctiva drains to the submandibular nodes (Fig. 148). Enlarged or tender nodes help to distinguish infectious from allergic lid and conjunctival inflammations. Fig 148 Lymph drainage. With each blink (once every 4 seconds) acting as a lacrimal pump, tears are moved nasally, where they enter the puncta and flow through the canaliculus, lacrimal sac, and the nasolacrimal duct (NLD) into the nose (Fig. 149). All eye drops are more effective and if instilled in the lateral eye and have less systemic side effects if patients press on the puncta and close the eyes for 60 seconds. This minimizes flow into the nose (Figs 150 and 151). Fig 149 Lacrimal system. Fig 150 Patients administer one drop by holding the bottle like a pencil with one hand while the other hand pulls lower lid down as they look up. It is even easier if the patient lies down to stabilize the head, but some prefer to look in a mirror. Fig 151 After administering the drop, have the patient push on the upper and lower punctum for 60 seconds. This minimizes systemic side effects from the drug entering the nose and maximizes eye contact. Ask patients to show you their technique. The picture demonstrates the correct technique on the left side. The tear film is made up of an outer oily component, a middle watery layer, and a deep mucous layer (Fig. 152). A decrease in the oily, mucous, or watery tear could cause symptoms such as dryness, stinging, grittiness, sore eyes, blurry vision, and tearing from irritations. Dry eye disease (DED) is reported to affect 5% of the general population, 9% of menopausal women, and 34% of the elderly. With most external eye infections, the tear film is highly infectious. In AIDS, only bloody tears are so far considered infectious. In any case, wash your hands between patient examinations. Fig 152 Tear film. The oily, superficial layer is secreted by the meibomian glands in the upper and lower lids (Fig. 153) and prevents desiccation and lubricates the eyelids as they pass over the globe. Dysfunction of these glands occurs in almost half of Americans and often manifests with a toothpaste‐like discharge (Fig. 154) with occasional infection, referred to as posterior blepharitis. It is the most common reason for dry eye disease. In my practice, not a day goes by without seeing patients with blepharitis. Fig 154 Meibomian glands in both the upper and lower lid that normally secrete a clear, oily meibum. In this case, the glands are dysfunctional with a white, pasty discharge. Source: Courtesy of Michael Lemp, MD. Watery tears provide anti‐infective defenses, wash away debris, and smooth surface irregularities. Seventy percent is tonically secreted by the accessory lacrimal glands of Krause and Wolfring in the conjunctiva (Fig. 149). The lacrimal glands’ (Fig. 149) contribution to watery tears is mostly a reflex response to emotion and ocular irritations. The corneal reflex arc has the trigeminal nerve (CN V) as its afferent pathway and the facial nerve as the efferent branch. Damage to the sensory CN V nerves can cause dry eye and other ocular surface changes (neurotrophic keratitis). It may result from LASIK and PRK surgery, diabetes, and herpes simplex or zoster keratitis. Damage to the efferent CN VII, as in Bell’s palsy, causes desiccation due to incomplete blink reflex and inability to close the eye completely, especially at night. Corneal sensitivity (CN V) may be tested by touching a sterile cotton tip applicator to each eye and comparing blink reflexes. A wide variety of medications reduce watery tear production. They include diuretics and beta‐blockers used to treat blood pressure, tranquilizers, antidepressants, antihistamines, anti‐Parkinson disease drugs, bladder anti‐spasmotics, and gastroprotective and gastric motility agents. A decrease in the watery or mucous component could be due to aging or inflammation associated with systemic autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren’s disease (dry eye, dry mouth, and arthritis). The resulting inflammatory ocular surface epithelial disease is called keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Fifty percent of Sjögren’s patients have rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, both of which may also cause dry eye independent of Sjögren’s. All three of these autoimmune diseases are often treated with hydroxychloroquine. Fig 153 There are 35 meibomian glands in the upper lid and 25 in the lower lid. Their dysfunction is the most common reason for dry eye and ocular surface infections. They are demonstrated with transillumination of lid margin (meibography) showing meibomian glands: (A) normal; (B) localized dropout; (C) severe dropout. Source: Courtesy of LipiView II with DMI, TearScience. Mucous is secreted by goblet cells which account for 5–20% of the conjunctival cells. The mucous traps exfoliated cells, bacteria, and other foreign bodies and washes them into the nose. Goblet cells decrease after menopause; or from any condition that damages the conjunctiva, such as Stevens–Johnson syndrome (Fig. 10), ocular pemphigoid (Fig. 303 and 304), trachoma (Fig. 308), alkali burns (Figs 254 and 255), or vitamin A deficiency (Fig. 155). The latter could cause dysfunction of the conjunctival epithelial cells (Fig. 240) reducing both tears and mucous. Vitamin A deficiency could be due to poor diet or malabsorption which is surging due to the popularity of gastric bypass surgery used to treat obesity. Loss of vision from vitamin A deficiency may result from desiccation of the cornea due to dryness or from decreased function of the rod receptors in the retina, which requires this vitamin to produce the visual pigment rhodopsin. Paradoxically, excess vitamin A is toxic and can cause elevated intracranial pressure with loss of vision (Figs 475–478). Fig 155 A white Bitot’s spot (↑) is due to conjunctival keratinization from vitamin A deficiency. These lesions appear in the perilimbal area. Source: Ahad, M., Puri, P., Chua, C. et al. Bitot’s spots following hemicolectomy. Eye, Vol. 17, pp. 671–673 (2003). Dry eye may cause intermittent haziness of the cornea resulting in transient blurring of vision. This blur must be distinguished from the transient ischemic attacks (TIAs—ministrokes) especially in seniors who may be predisposed to both conditions. The diagnosis of DED may be confirmed by seeing punctate haziness of corneal epithelial cells (Figs 156, 248, and 249) and fluorescein staining of underlying stroma when illuminated by cobalt blue light. The integrity of the tear film layer is estimated by testing tear breakup time (TBUT) (Fig. 156). The Schirmer test measures tears on the surface of the eye. A drop of anesthetic is instilled, and a strip of folded filter paper is placed on the surface of the conjunctiva (Fig. 157). Less than 10 mm of moist paper in 5 minutes is presumptive of a dry eye. Patients with dry eye have an abnormal Schirmer test 21% of the time, corneal staining with fluorescein 50% of the time, conjunctival staining with lissamine green, and an abnormal TBUT in 60% of cases. Lissamine green specifically stains devitalized conjunctival epithelium (Fig. 158). Fig 156 Tear breakup time (TBUT). (A) Fluorescein placed on a normal cornea and observed with cobalt blue light has a uniform appearance. (B) With the lids held open, the pattern may abnormally break up before 10 seconds. Source: Courtesy of Elliot Davidoff, MD. Fig 157 Schirmer test. Fig 158 Lissamine green stain of devitalized conjunctival epithelial cells. The density of stain increases in dry eye and is usually in the interpalpebral area. Source: Courtesy of Eric Donnenfeld, MD, NYU Medical Center. Dry eye is treated in the daytime with artificial tears and at night with ointments. There are many on the market and vary mostly by their viscosity, cost, and whether they have preservatives. Viscous agents, especially ointments, maximize duration of action but interfere with vision and are therefore preferred during sleep. Symptoms of dry eye are more common in eyes that do not close at night, as with lagophthalmos (Fig. 251); Bell’s palsy (Fig. 111); Grave’s disease (Figs 1 and 177); and ectropion (Fig. 174). It is further aggravated by those with sleep apnea due to chronic obstructive lung disease using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) that might blow on their eye. Unfortunately, the effect of lubricating drops may last less than an hour, often leading to excessive use. Benzalkonium chloride (BAK)—the most common preservative in most eye drops—could cause surface toxicity, especially in glaucoma patients using other drops. Preservative‐free (PF) drops in individual ampules are then indicated. If annoying symptoms persist, the puncta may be closed with absorbable or permanent punctal plugs (Figs 159 and 160). If temporary plugs are shown to improve chronic symptoms, the puncta may be permanently closed with a cautery. Room humidifiers may be tried, and oral flaxseed oil (1000 mg BID) may increase meibomian gland secretions. Computer use and reading suppress blinking, and desiccation of surface tears aggravates DED. Intentional blinking during computer use should be encouraged. Restasis (cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) or Xiidra (lifitegrast) eye drops reduce inflammation of tear producing cells and either can be used twice a day to increase tear production by suppressing lymphocyte T‐cell‐induced inflammation. Low dose steroid eye drops, such as fluorometholone (FML, 0.19%) are infrequently added. DED may cause corneal changes, resulting in fluctuating vision. It is critical to document its presence before corneal refractive or cataract surgery, which could aggravate the condition and thus cause patient disgruntlement. The intermittent blurring should not be confused with circulatory disturbances in older patients. Fig 159 Punctal plug. Problems include 40% loss of plugs, 9% epiphora, and 10% ocular irritation, especially from the inability to flush toxic and inflammatory chemicals from the surface of the eye. Source: Courtesy of Eagle Vision. Fig 160 Absorbable punctal plugs—no larger than a grain of rice—may be inserted deeper into the tear duct preventing extrusion. Source: Courtesy of FCI Ophthalmics. Tearing is a very common complaint and is often minor enough so as not to require the workup and treatment discussed below. There are two causes of tearing (epiphora): Fig 161 (A) Fluorescein in both eyes. (B) Obstruction prevents exit of dye in left eye. Once increased tear production is ruled out as the cause of tearing, an evaluation is made of the patency of the ducts leading into the nose. An obstruction is presumed if fluorescein dye placed on the conjunctiva (Fig. 161) disappears slowly and asymmetrically from one eye, or runs over the lid onto the cheek. This could be due to horizontal laxity of the lower lid which decreases the pumping action of the blink reflex, or an everted puncta, as occurs in an ectropion (Fig. 174), in which case the tear lake is not in contact with the punctal orifice. Either can often be corrected by surgically tightening the lower lid with a full‐thickness wedge resection. Fig 162 (A) Punctal probe. (B) Punctum dilator. (C) Pigtail probe. The puncta may become narrowed due to aging, topical drugs, trauma, and infections, especially from blepharitis. The puncta and canaliculi can be dilated with progressively wider‐diameter punctal probes (Fig. 162). If the lumen is still inadequate, a snip incision can widen the puncta. If still unsuccessful, a self‐retaining bicanalicular stent (Fig. 163) can be inserted in the office with topical anesthetic and left in place for 3 months. If epiphora is primarily due to canalicular failure, a Pyrex glass tube may be permanently inserted, creating a fistula from the conjunctiva to the nasal cavity. Traumatic laceration of the canaliculus can be repaired using a pigtail probe (Figs 162C and 164). The probe is passed through the upper puncta toward the laceration. A silicone tube is threaded onto it and is withdrawn. The probe is then passed through the lower puncta and the other end of the silicone tube is threaded onto it and is withdrawn, forming a continuous lumen to heal over the tube. Fig 163 Bicanalicular stent for puncta stenosis or canalicular constriction. Source: Courtesy of FCI Ophthalmics. Fig 164 Repair of canalicular tear. Rarely, the canaliculus can be obstructed due to an Actinomyces israelii infection. In this case, incise the canaliculus and remove sand‐like concretions. This bacterium is sensitive to penicillin and sulfa drugs. In adults, obstructions result from chronic nasal inflammation. In infants, the distal opening of this duct in the nose—called the valve of Hasner—fails to open at birth, in 1 of 9 newborns. Although 90% spontaneously open by 1 year of age, repeated infections may mandate treatment at 6–12 months. In these infants, the puncta may be irrigated and/or probed to the nose (Figs 165 and 166). The same technique can be used in adults. If it is still narrowed, a balloon catheter may be used to widen the passage (Fig. 167), and/or a silicone stent may be inserted through the puncta, canaliculus, and the NLD into the nose and left in place for 2–4 months.
Chapter 4
External structures
Lymph nodes
Lacrimal system
Tearing (epiphora)
Tearing due to failure of drainage system
Failure of the tear to reach the puncta
Obstruction at the puncta or canaliculus
Tearing due to NLD obstructions

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