Fig. 20.1
Stimuli used in Experiment 1. Listeners had to detect a 100-ms signal (grey line) embedded in a 100-ms masker. The masker + signal stimulus could be preceded by a synchronous precursor (top panel), an asynchronous precursor (bottom panel) or silence (not shown)
The masker consisted of a lower and an upper frequency band. These bands were composed of three pure tones each, and it was placed symmetrically around the signal frequency. The spacing between the three tones in each masker band was 100 cents (1 cent = 1/1,200 octave), while the distance between the signal and the masker components closest to it was 350 cents. The level of each masker component was 50 dB SPL. The signal was roved in frequency between 600 and 2,400 Hz. In order to investigate the effect of frequency region, we used three interleaved adaptive tracks estimating thresholds separately in a LOW (600–952 Hz), a MID (952–1,512 Hz) and a HIGH (1,512–2,400 Hz) frequency region. In each track, the level of the signal was initially set at 60 dB SPL and was then varied adaptively using a 2-down 1-up rule targeting the 70.7 % correct point on the psychometric function (Levitt 1971). Track selection was pseudorandom, with a maximum of three consecutive trials per track permitted. The step size was 4 dB for the first four turnpoints and 2 dB thereafter. A block of trials was terminated when at least 16 turnpoints per track had occurred.
Each trial began with the presentation of a copy of the signal, at 50 dB SPL, in order to eliminate uncertainty about the signal frequency. The first observation interval started 500 ms after the offset of this signal cue. There were three precursor types: SYNCH, ASYNCH and SILENT. In the SYNCH conditions, the precursor was an exact copy of the masker, except that its duration was 50 ms. It was presented five times before the test sound, with an ISI of 62.5 ms between precursor bursts. In the ASYNCH conditions, the components of each precursor burst, rather than being gated simultaneously, had a 12.5-ms onset asynchrony; there was no ISI between the precursor bursts. The order in which the six precursor components were successively gated in each ASYNCH burst was random. For both the SYNCH and the ASYNCH conditions, the time interval between the middle time point of the last precursor burst and the onset of the test sound was 256.25 ms. As a consequence, the ISI between the offset of the last precursor burst and the onset of the test sound was 231.25 ms in the SYNCH conditions and 200 ms in the ASYNCH conditions. In the SILENT conditions, the test sound was separated from the beginning of the observation interval by 793.75 ms of silence. All tones were gated with 10-ms raised-cosine ramps.
In the SYNCH and ASYNCH conditions, the precursor was presented either to the same ear as the test sound (“Ipsi”) or to the opposite ear (“Contra”), while the initial signal cue was always presented to the same ear as the test sound. Listeners completed twelve sessions. During each session, they completed one block of trials for each precursor type (SILENT, Ipsi SYNCH, Contra SYNCH, Ipsi ASYNCH and Contra ASYNCH); these five blocks were randomly ordered. The first two sessions were considered as practice sessions, and the final thresholds were computed as the arithmetic average of the remaining ten threshold estimates, for each precursor type and frequency region. The stimuli were presented via TDH-39 headphones fitted with audiocups that ensured no interaural crosstalk at the presentation levels we used.
2.2 Results
Figure 20.2 displays enhancement magnitude, defined as the difference in threshold between a given condition with a nonsilent precursor and the corresponding SILENT condition. Overall, enhancement magnitude was about 4 dB in the Ipsi case and 2 dB in the Contra case. Averaged across frequency regions, enhancement was significantly greater than zero for each precursor type [Ipsi SYNCH t(7) = 8.66, p < 0.001; Ipsi ASYNCH t(7) = 9.08, p < 0.001; Contra SYNCH t(7) = 4.65, p = 0.002; Contra ASYNCH t(7) = 3.72, p = 0.007]. Thus, some enhancement was obtained even when the precursor and test sounds were perceptually dissimilar and/or presented to opposite ears.

Fig. 20.2
Mean enhancement magnitude in Experiment 1 (± 1 s.e. of the mean)
The enhancement data were entered in a repeated-measures ANOVA with laterality (Ipsi vs. Contra), synchronicity (SYNCH vs. ASYNCH) and frequency region (LOW, MID or HIGH) as within-subject factors. The ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of laterality [F(1, 7) = 52.5, p < 0.001] and frequency region [F(2, 7) = 10.24, p = 0.002], but no main effect of synchronicity [F(1, 7) = 0.01, p = 0.92]. The interaction between laterality and synchronicity was significant [F(1, 7) = 9.64, p = 0.02], as well as the interaction between laterality and frequency region [F(2, 14) = 14.56, p < 0.001], while the other interactions were not. These results indicate that enhancement was overall stronger in the Ipsi than in the Contra conditions and that the effects of synchronicity and frequency region were dependent on the laterality factor.
In order to investigate these interactions, we performed separate ANOVAs for the Ipsi and Contra conditions. For the Ipsi conditions, there was no significant effect of synchronicity [p = 0.38], while the effect of frequency region was highly significant [F(2, 7) = 18.45, p < 0.001]. The interaction between synchronicity and frequency region was not significant [p = 0.75]. Follow-up t-tests (corrected with the Holm procedure) indicate that enhancement was significantly less strong in the LOW frequency region than in both the MID [t(7) = −4.99, p = 0.003 ] and the HIGH [t(7) = −5.35, p = 0.003] frequency regions, which did not significantly differ from each other [p = 0.2]. In the Contra conditions, as in the Ipsi conditions, there was no main effect of synchronicity [p = 0.27] and no significant interaction of synchronicity and frequency region [p = 0.44], but a significant main effect of frequency region [F(2,14) = 4.34, p = 0.03]. Follow-up t-tests indicate that enhancement was significantly less strong in the LOW region than in the MID region [t(7) = −3.22, p = 0.042]; the other contrasts were not significant.

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