Ectopia Lentis

Ectopia Lentis

Rupal H. Trivedi

M. Edward Wilson

Ectopia lentis (EL) refers to the displacement of the lens away from its position in the center of the visual axis (Figs. 37.1, 37.2, 37.3). When the lens is displaced but remains attached to the ciliary processes by some portion of the zonule, it is referred to as being subluxated (Figs. 37.1, 37.2, 37.3). The term subluxated implies a partial or incomplete dislocation and is the preferred term rather than “subluxed.” The term “dislocation” is reserved for situations where there is complete disruption of all zonular attachments and free movement of the lens in the eye. In some patients, the zonule loosens in all quadrants equally, producing high myopia and phacodonesis without the edge of the lens coming into view. This phenomenon is usually also included in the concept of subluxation.

Even without development of cataract, EL often induces large refractive errors and anisometropia. In addition, movement of the dislocated lens can cause an intermittent phakic or aphakic visual axis, leading to marked visual disturbances. Such visual disturbances in a child undergoing visual development can result in amblyopia. Close follow-up is needed when young children have significant EL so that amblyopia can be prevented with glasses correction or amblyopia therapy can be started. Many of these lenses may remain centered long enough to allow the child to develop and maintain normal vision well beyond the amblyogenic years when timing of intervention is less critical.

EL can be hereditary or acquired, and trauma is the most common cause of acquired EL. A Danish national study on nontraumatic EL reported an estimated prevalence rate of 6.4/100,000. In 69% of the cases, nosologic classification was possible; identified etiologies and associations were 68.2% Marfan syndrome (MFS), 21.2% EL et pupillae, 8% simple dominant EL, 1.1% homocystinuria, 0.7% sulfite oxidase deficiency, and 0.7% Weill-Marchesani syndrome (WMS).1

The zonular fibers connect the ciliary process to the equatorial region of the lens and suspend the lens in a centered position behind the iris and pupil. Zonular fibers (all fibers together are referred to as the zonule) are rich in fibrillin, which in turn is rich in cysteine and extensively disulfide bonded. The zonule is hence disrupted in MFS, where abnormalities of fibrillin-1 cause the clinical manifestations of the MFS as well as diseases of sulfate metabolism such as homocystinuria and sulfite oxidase deficiency.2 During aging, zonular fibers become more fragile, and concomitantly, an increased risk for ocular pathologies is observed. The difference between young and old zonules is likely due to modifications in the structure of microfibrils. Older eyes have fewer fibers than do young ones, suggesting slow turnover, and these fibers are also more brittle.3

Management of EL is challenging. In addition to the optical and visual challenges presented by subluxation of the lens, the potential associated systemic conditions are of major concern, the diagnosis of which may be lifesaving.4


A. Genetic EL without systemic manifestation

Simple EL: Simple EL occurs either as a congenital disorder or as a spontaneous disorder of late onset. Both are inherited in the majority of cases as autosomal dominant conditions without associated systemic abnormalities. Recessive inheritance is rare, usually occurring in families in which consanguinity has been documented. The ocular anomaly in simple EL is usually manifested as a bilateral, symmetric, upward, and temporal displacement of the lens.5

EL et pupillae: EL et pupillae is an autosomal recessive condition that is not associated with cardiovascular or skeletal features of MFS. This purely ocular disease is characterized by combined anomalies of the lens with pupillary displacement. The condition is usually bilateral, commonly not symmetrical but with the lenses and pupils displaced in opposite directions from each other. The pupils are characteristically oval or slit shaped and ectopic, and they may dilate poorly.
There are usually remnants of the pupillary membrane and subtle signs of anterior segment dysgenesis. In EL et pupillae, the lenses can be displaced in any direction, and zonules are generally stretched but may be disrupted. Glaucoma and retinal detachment (RD) are not uncommon and can occur spontaneously or following lens extraction.

Figure 37.1. Subluxated lens. (Courtesy Dr. Abhay Vasavada, Ahmedabad, India.)

B. Systemic disorders commonly associated with EL:

Marfan syndrome: MFS occurs in approximately 4 to 6 per 100,000 births.4 It is an autosomal dominant disorder without apparent racial or ethnic predisposition. Mutations of fibrillin gene FBN1 on chromosome 15 have been isolated, producing skeletal, cardiac, and ocular abnormalities.4 The recently revised Ghent criteria for MFS puts more weight on EL as a cardinal clinical feature. In the absence of any family history, the presence of EL and aortic root aneurysm is sufficient for unequivocal diagnosis of MFS.6 The most prominent ocular features of MFS are myopia and EL. However, since myopia is quite a common finding in the general population, the Ghent criteria have given less importance to it in the systemic score of MFS.6

Figure 37.2. Subluxated lens in a 14-year-old child.

Figure 37.3. Bilateral subluxation in a 5-year-old child with MFS.

EL occurs in 50% to 80% of patients with MFS. It is almost always bilateral and symmetrical. The amount of dislocation can be stable from early childhood, or it may worsen gradually. Dislocation of the lens in MFS is most typically upward and temporal, but deviation in any direction may occur. Increased globe length and corneal flattening are seen in MFS, but they have unclear specificity.

Weill-Marchesani syndrome: WMS is a connective tissue disorder characterized by abnormalities of the lens of the eye, proportionate short stature, brachydactyly, and joint stiffness. The ocular problems, typically recognized in childhood, include microspherophakia (small spherical lens), myopia secondary to the abnormal shape of the lens, EL, and glaucoma (due to tendency of lens to move into the pupillary space, leading to pupillary block). Although lenticular abnormalities may be absent in MFS, and homocystinuria, the presence of microspherophakia is considered a prerequisite for the diagnosis of WMS. Total dislocation into the anterior chamber is uncommon but may occur.

Homocystinuria: Affecting approximately 1 per 200,000 births, this inborn error of amino acid metabolism is more common in some ethnic groups (e.g., Ireland).6 Untreated, EL develops in 90% of affected individuals, most commonly in later childhood or early adulthood. The disorder is characterized by variable intellectual disability, EL and/or severe myopia, skeletal abnormalities, and a tendency for thromboembolic events. Overlap with MFS can be extensive and includes an asthenic (long and lean) body habitus, pectus deformity, scoliosis, mitral valve prolapse, highly arched palate, hernia, and EL. The appearance of zonular remnants may help differentiate patients with homocystinuria from those with MFS. Unlike simply elongated zonules of MFS, the lens zonules in homocystinuria are markedly abnormal and broken. Subluxation is typically inferiorly or nasally (57%), and complete dislocation into the anterior chamber or vitreous cavity can occur in up to 32% of cases in some series. The lens in homocystinuria is much more mobile than in the MFS. Typical treatment consists of a low-methionine and high-cysteine diet with supplemental pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which may prevent or delay mental retardation and lens subluxation if initiated early in life.4 Patients with homocystinuria have an increased risk of life-threatening thromboembolic events, especially with general anesthesia.

Other disorders: EL has also been described in hyperly-sinemia, sulfite oxidase deficiency, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Crouzon syndrome, Refsum syndrome, and scleroderma.5


Traumatic EL can occur following blunt trauma to the head, orbit, or eye. Frequently, a high-energy projectile such as a BB gun, golf ball, or baseball is involved. Associated injuries are common and may include iris trauma, sphincter tears, angle recession, hyphema, vitreous hemorrhage, and choroidal rupture. Lens dislocation from apparently minor trauma should raise the question of possible underlying systemic disorders.



EL may cause marked reduction in visual acuity (VA), which varies with the type and degree of dislocation and presence of other ocular abnormalities.5 The major symptom of EL is decreased VA because the progressive subluxation of the lens can cause frequent refractive changes and highly irregular astigmatism. Intermittent phakic and aphakic visual axes due to movement of the subluxated lens can also occur. Thus, the optical defocus caused by severe astigmatism and frequent aphakic condition can cause amblyopia. Monocular diplopia also can occur. Displacement of the lens into the anterior chamber can induce acute angle-closure glaucoma. Displacement into the vitreous cavity may cause lens protein-induced uveitis, vitreoretinal traction, and RD. At times, a dislocated lens can remain for years without causing any complications.

May 24, 2016 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Ectopia Lentis

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