


Achalasia and esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction

Type I achalasia (classic)

Elevated median IRP (>15 mmHg)

100% failed peristalsis

DCI <100 mmHg

Type II achalasia (with esophageal compression)

Elevated median IRP (>15 mmHg)

100% failed peristalsis

Panesophageal pressurization on ≥20% of swallows

Type III achalasia (spastic achalasia)

Elevated median IRP (>15 mmHg)

No normal peristalsis

Premature spastic contractions with DCI >450 mmHg∗s∗cm on ≥20% of swallows

Esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction

Elevated median IRP (>15 mmHg)

Peristalsis present

Major disorders of peristalsis

Absent contractility

Normal median IRP

100% failed peristalsis

Distal esophageal spasm

Normal median IRP

≥20% premature contractions with DCI >450 mmHg∗s∗cm

Hypercontractile (jackhammer) esophagus

DCI >8000 mmHg∗s∗cm on at least two swallows

Minor disorders of peristalsis


Ineffective esophageal motility (IEM)

≥50% ineffective (failed or weak) swallows

Fragmented peristalsis

≥50% fragmented contractions with DCI >450 mmHg∗s∗cm

Adapted from Kahrilas et al. [10]

IRP integrated relaxation pressure, DCI distal contractile integral

Implementation of the Chicago Classification requires assessment with HRM. HRM uses a high number of sensors (often 36) spaced 1 cm apart to capture pressure-related events during swallow with high temporal and spatial fidelity [11, 12]. This is in contrast to traditional manometry which employed three to five widely spaced sensors, which may not capture all salient data regarding bolus propulsion. Data from HRM are presented as a three-dimensional spatiotemporal plot, with time on the x-axis, sensor location on the y-axis, and pressure represented by color (Fig. 34.1) [13]. Various parameters of interest can then be extracted, including local pressure maxima and minima, duration of pressure above or below baseline, and total pressure generated in a region of interest. Importantly, data are available along the length of the entire esophagus, and thus abnormalities can be characterized more completely (Fig. 34.2) [14].


Fig. 34.1

Sample normal high-resolution manometry (HRM) spatiotemporal plot. Time is on the x-axis, sensor position is on the y-axis (with upper esophageal sphincter at top of image and lower esophageal sphincter at bottom), and pressure represented by color. (From Kessing et al. [13], with permission)


Fig. 34.2

Sample high-resolution manometry (HRM) spatiotemporal plots showing typical appearance of different pathologies within the Chicago Classification. (From Rohof et al. [63], with permission)

Several HRM metrics are used in the Chicago Classification. These include integrated relaxation pressure (IRP), measured in mmHg, or the mean of the 4 s of maximal deglutitive relaxation in the 10 s window beginning at upper esophageal sphincter relaxation and distal contractile integral (DCI), measured in mmHg∗s∗cm, or the amplitude∗duration∗length of the distal esophageal contraction exceeding 20 mmHg from the transition zone to the proximal margin of the LES [10]. IRP serves to identify EGJ outflow obstruction, with elevated values in the presence of obstruction. DCI is a surrogate for distal esophageal contractile vigor, with hypercontractile disorders having elevated values and hypocontractile disorders having lower values.

There are several limitations relevant to application to children with dysphagia. Most importantly, there are no large normative datasets for esophageal HRM in children [15], and cutoffs for relevant manometric variables described in the Chicago Classification have not been thoroughly studied in the pediatric population [16]. Additionally, esophageal manometry, though low risk, is still an invasive test that requires cooperation by the patient. Effects of catheter size on data collection should also be investigated.


Presenting symptoms of esophageal dysmotility in children include dysphagia, pyrosis, chest discomfort, regurgitation, nausea, vomiting, chronic cough, and a change in feeding habits. More severe symptoms include malnutrition, weight loss, and recurrent pneumonia [17]. After starting solid food, children may also present with esophageal food impaction, which is characterized by acute onset of dysphagia, pain, and vomiting [18].

Associated Conditions

Esophageal dysmotility can occur primarily or secondarily in association with other disorders. Disorders commonly featuring esophageal dysmotility include eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), esophageal atresia (EA) with or without tracheoesophageal fistula, neurologic impairment, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Less common disorders associated with esophageal dysmotility include scleroderma and megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an immune-mediated antigen-driven disease featuring eosinophilic inflammation of the esophagus [19, 20]. The incidence in children is approximately 10 in 10,000 [19]. Children typically present with pyrosis, regurgitation, emesis, dysphagia, and food impaction [21]. Endoscopic findings include linear furrows, mucosal rings, strictures, and white plaques [22, 23]. Multiple motility abnormalities have been described in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) , including achalasia, delayed transit (Fig. 34.3), diffuse esophageal spasm, nutcracker esophagus, and tertiary contractions [24]. The pathophysiology of dysmotility in the setting of EoE is not well delineated. Potential mechanisms include eosinophilia causing the release of pro-fibrotic products including TGH-B, IL-13, IL-8, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) that cause tissue remodeling or eosinophils secreting cytotoxic products such as eosinophil peroxidase which may destroy esophageal intramural neurons [2527].


Fig. 34.3

Videofluoroscopy and esophagram showing poor progression of a food bolus. This patient had symptoms of an atypical nonproductive cough and globus. (ac) These images showed movement of the food bolus into the proximal esophagus where there was stasis and slow transit. The food bolus stayed in this position for 20 s. Her multidisciplinary endoscopy esophageal biopsies confirmed eosinophilic esophagitis, and her symptoms responded to treatment

Esophageal Atresia

Esophageal atresia with or without tracheoesophageal fistula is the most common congenital esophageal anomaly, with incidence ranging from 1 in 2500–4500 live births [28]. Survival has improved over the last several decades due to improvements in intensive care, anesthesia, nutritional support, respiratory support, and surgical techniques, to the point where mortality is primarily associated with those patients who have additional life-threatening comorbid anomalies [28]. Esophageal dysmotility is an important problem and the most common long-term issue for patients with esophageal atresia [29, 30]. Potential mechanisms underlying dysmotility include developmental neuronal defects, surgical trauma during repair of the atresia, and esophagitis [31]. These changes contribute to abnormalities including aperistalsis, isolated distal contractions, and pan-esophageal pressurization [32]. The dysmotility predisposes to gastroesophageal reflux disease, with consequent exposure of the esophageal mucosa to acid and corresponding inflammatory changes [33]. Thus, long-term follow-up is warranted with treatment targeted at decreasing acid exposure and inflammation as well as monitoring for complications of chronic acid exposure such as Barrett’s esophagus [34].

Neurologic Impairment

Children with neurologic impairment often experience feeding problems, in part related to esophageal dysmotility with gastroesophageal reflux disease [3537]. These children are also more likely to exhibit persistent issues following fundoplication compared to children without comorbid neurologic impairment, potentially secondary to ongoing prolonged LES relaxation or esophageal body spasticity [35, 38, 39].

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

There is considerable overlap in symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and esophageal dysmotility, with patients with each disorder commonly reporting dysphagia, chest discomfort, regurgitation, and pyrosis. Whether one disorder preceded the other temporally can be debated, but one can certainly perpetuate the other. Patients with esophageal dysmotility may have defective acid clearance, with the persistence of acid within the esophagus causing esophagitis which then further impairs esophageal motor function [31]. For those patients with symptoms of GERD who do not benefit from antacid therapy, additional evaluation with endoscopy and manometry is warranted to evaluate for alternative or comorbid diagnoses, including dysmotility and eosinophilic esophagitis [40].

Scleroderma and Systemic Sclerosis

Juvenile systemic scleroderma is a rare disorder, occurring in approximately three per one million children [41]. Esophageal dysmotility can occur in these children [42, 43]. Presenting symptoms may include dysphagia, regurgitation, and pyrosis [44], and patients may exhibit low-amplitude peristaltic contractions, tertiary contractions, and low LES resting pressure, with poor esophageal bolus clearance [45]. Use of steroids to treat the underlying disorder can help improve esophageal symptoms [45].

Megacystis-Microcolon-Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome (MMIHS)

MMIHS, or Berdon’s syndrome, is a rare smooth muscle myopathy resulting in an enlarged bladder, microcolon, and small intestine hypoperistalsis [46]. It was first described in 1976 [47], and less than 300 cases have been reported [48]. Both autosomal dominant inheritance and de novo mutations have been described [49]. A recent series of six patients with the disease identified normal LES resting tone and relaxation but absent esophageal peristalsis in all patients [46]. Though this is a rare disorder, esophageal dysmotility is reasonable to consider in any child presenting with dysphagia in the setting of an underlying myopathy.

Speech-Language Pathologist Approach

Esophageal motility problems are extremely challenging when working with pediatric dysphagia. While it can be tempting to remain focused on the oropharyngeal swallow, events below the upper esophageal sphincter are also an essential component of effective bolus passage. Children with esophageal dysmotility are at increased risk for aspiration, food refusal, and poor weight gain. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) states that speech-language pathologists should have knowledge and skills regarding the interrelationships of the oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal stages of swallowing, and “If esophageal screening is completed, describe any suspected anatomic and/or physiologic abnormalities of the esophagus which might impact the pharyngeal swallow, deferring to radiology for diagnostic statements” [50]. Thus, while we do not diagnose esophageal disorders, we are responsible for knowledge of typical and atypical esophageal structure and function and making appropriate referrals and recommendations for further evaluation.

Additionally, as we are treating increasingly complex infants and children, we are more likely to encounter esophageal dysmotility as sequelae of tracheoesophageal fistula, prematurity, neurologic conditions, and inflammatory conditions. Familiarity with the presentation and treatment of esophageal dysmotility is increasingly important. Speech-language pathologists should be aware of symptoms associated with dysmotility, as well as signs on clinical and instrumental evaluation, and know when to recommend further evaluation.


Symptoms of esophageal dysmotility in infants may include spitting up, vomiting, slow feeding, food refusal, fussiness, poor weight gain, and even failure to thrive. In toddlers and older children, it may manifest in vomiting, food refusal, slow eating, and regurgitation. Verbal children may report food sticking or pain or discomfort in their chest [17, 51]. Coughing after eating or when lying down can be a symptom as well. When these symptoms are reported, an esophageal issue should be considered. These patients may be referred for a videofluoroscopic swallow study. It should be noted that even when an esophagram is a part of the evaluation, the esophagram has poor sensitivity in identifying esophageal motility disorders, in comparison with manometry [52].


The videofluoroscopic swallow study is intended to evaluate the oropharyngeal swallow and the cervical esophagus, and as such is not the ideal test for evaluating esophageal dysmotility. Ideally, a barium esophagram will have been planned as part of the evaluation based on history and presentation, but in some cases, it is not, or the child is unwilling or unable to take adequate volumes to complete the esophagram. When esophageal dysfunction is suspected, an esophageal screening should be done.

Signs on videofluoroscopic swallow study can include the following: stasis at the UES or proximal esophagus, retrograde motion of the bolus, and even aspiration of contrast that did not pass through the esophagus. On esophageal screening or barium esophagram, tertiary esophageal contractions, limited or inconsistent passage of the bolus through the esophagus, retrograde movement, stacking of the food in the esophagus, a “nutcracker” appearance of the esophagus, or a “bird beak” appearance of the lower esophageal sphincter may be seen [53, 54].


While speech-language pathologists cannot directly treat esophageal dysmotility, we can educate patients and parents on the disorder and offer compensatory strategies. Compensatory strategies that may help with optimizing safe , efficient, and comfortable oral intake include the following:

  • Positional changes: upright feeding; remain upright after meals

  • Texture changes: thinning or mechanically altering solids to allow for easier passage and decreased stasis

  • Behavioral changes: recommending a liquid wash for solids if safe; recommending smaller, more frequent meals

  • Nonnutritive suck: especially when oral feeding is not a viable option, promoting nonnutritive sucking, maintaining interest in oral stimulation, and pre-feeding skills

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Apr 26, 2020 | Posted by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY | Comments Off on Dysmotility

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