Emily D. Cole, BS; Eduardo A. Novais, MD; and Nadia K. Waheed, MD, MPH
Diabetic retinopathy affects more than 90 million people worldwide and is the most frequent cause of legal blindness among working-age individuals in developed countries.1–3 Although diabetes mellitus may cause vision loss by several means including optic neuropathy, cataract formation, macular ischemia, and proliferative retinopathy, diabetic macular edema (DME) is the most common reason for moderate visual loss in diabetes.2,4
The pathogenesis of DME is multifactorial and may include contributing factors such as mechanical traction, upregulation and downregulation of a variety of cytokines including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and inflammation.5 Hyperglycemia leads to high intracellular levels of glucose, formation of free radicals, and protein kinase C activation,6 which in turn leads to disruption of the blood-retinal barrier and increased accumulation of fluid into the retina.7–10 Other influential factors include hypoxia, altered blood flow, and retinal ischemia.
The Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) group established level-one guidelines for the use of macular laser photocoagulation to treat patients with clinically significant DME.11 In the ETDRS, focal photocoagulation reduced the risk of moderate visual acuity loss (defined as a loss of 15 or more letters) by approximately 50%, from 24% to 12%, after 3 years.12 However, these clinical laser treatment guidelines were established before the use of adjunctive pharmacologic agents.
In the past decade, novel pharmacologic therapies have shifted treatment paradigms away from laser photocoagulation. Of these, intravitreal anti-VEGF agents are the most widely used and have shown substantial improvements both in visual and anatomic outcomes (Figure 9-1).13–19 However, one of the main drawbacks of anti-VEGF therapy is its short duration of action, requiring many patients to undergo repeated intravitreal injections.20
Figure 9-1. Optical coherence tomography of a 33-year-old woman with diabetic macular edema pre- and post-intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). (A) Pre-anti-VEGF intraocular injection, there are cystic structures extending from the outer nuclear layer to the inner nuclear layer and focal areas of hyper-reflective hard exudates throughout the external plexiform layers. (B) Post-anti-VEGF intraocular injection, there is a significant reduction in the size and number of intraretinal cysts. The focal areas of hyper-reflective hard exudates are still present but to a lesser degree. (Reprinted with permission from Dr. Gabriel Andrade.)
Corticosteroid Treatments for Diabetic Macular Edema
Inflammatory factors have been associated with macular edema of different etiologies. Intraocular corticosteroids have been used as adjunctive or alternative treatments for DME, and work by inhibiting inflammatory cytokines and decreasing vascular permeability.5,21 Intravitreal triamcinolone was evaluated previously as a treatment for DME in a randomized trial conducted by the Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network (DRCR.net).22 Although the data suggested that intravitreal triamcinolone was superior to observation in the ETDRS, it was not superior to focal/grid photocoagulation.23 The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) later approved a dexamethasone intravitreal implant (Ozurdex) for treating DME, in addition to macular edema associated with noninfectious posterior uveitis and retinal vein occlusion. This sustained-release formulation was designed to release dexamethasone for up to 6 months, eliminating the need for monthly injections.24 Functional and anatomic improvements with Ozurdex have been reported in several case series of patients with persistent DME.25–27 However, steroid-related adverse events such as cataract formation and increased intraocular pressure, as well as migration of implants into the anterior chamber requiring surgical removal, can complicate treatment.28
Figure 9-2. Color fundus imaging and optical coherence tomography of a 53-year-old diabetic woman with clinically significant macular edema pre- and post-intravitreal anti-vascular endothelium growth factor (VEGF). (A) Pre-anti-VEGF intraocular injection. Color fundus photography shows hard exudates associated with retinal thickening within 500 μm of the center of the fovea (arrows), microaneurysms, cotton wool spots, and dot hemorrhages. (B) Post-anti-VEGF intraocular injection. Retinal thickening is decreased and there is partial regression of intraretinal exudates (arrows). (C) Optical coherence tomography B-scan pre- and (D) post-anti-VEGF intraocular injection show partial regression of intraretinal exudates (arrows) and decrease in size and number of intraretinal cysts (asterisks).
Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Agents for the Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema
VEGF blockade can be achieved by targeting extracellular anti-VEGF, inhibiting VEGF receptor expression, or via antibodies that bind to the VEGF molecule to prevent receptor binding. There are multiple agents used in the management of DME. Currently, ranibizumab, bevacizumab, and aflibercept are the most commonly used.29–34 Ocular imaging, including color fundus photography, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and more recently OCT angiography, has been useful in the management of DME (Figures 9-2 and 9-3) and deciding when to treat with these anti-VEGF agents.
Figure 9-3. Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) of a 74-year-old male with diabetic macular edema pre- and post-intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). (A1) Pretreatment OCTA segmented at the superficial plexus shows areas of ischemia (white asterisk), microaneurysms (yellow arrow), and parafoveal areas of capillary flow impairment. (B1) Post-treatment OCTA segmented at the superficial plexus shows improvement of ischemia (white asterisk) and the microaneurysms previously seen are no longer visible (yellow arrow). (A2) Pre-treatment OCTA segmented at the deep plexus shows areas of diabetic macular edema that appear as cystoid, dark areas that correspond to cysts easily seen on the corresponding structural en face OCT (A3 and A4). The yellow asterisk corresponds to an area of decreased flow. (B2) Post-treatment OCTA segmented at the deep plexus shows improvement of ischemia (yellow asterisk) and decrease in size and number of intraretinal cysts on the corresponding structural en face OCT (B3 and B4). (A5) Corresponding OCT B-scan shows intra- and subretinal fluid. The white arrows correspond to the same intraretinal cyst on structural en face OCT (A4). (B5) Post-injection OCT B-scan, the cysts are markedly reduced in size, which is most apparent on the structural en face OCT B-scan (B4).
Pegaptanib, the first anti-VEGF agent approved for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is a 28-nucleotide aptamer that binds to and inactivates the extracellular VEGF165 isomer. It has an intermediate level of diffusion ability and heparin binding ability, which corresponds to the ability to bind to cell surfaces and basement membranes.30 It has been associated with improved visual outcomes and a reduction in mean central subfoveal thickness (CST) in patients with DME, with a comparable safety profile when compared to sham.35
In 2005, a phase II randomized trial compared multiple concentrations of pegaptanib to sham treatment for DME. The 0.3 mg group had significantly greater gains in visual acuity (VA), a reduction in the mean CST, and fewer patients requiring laser compared to sham.35 The subsequent phase II/III trial also demonstrated benefit of pegaptanib over sham, with 36.8% of patients receiving pegaptanib gaining more than 10 letters compared to 19.7% in the sham group at week 54. At all points within the 2-year follow-up, the change in mean VA from baseline was significantly greater in patients treated with pegaptanib than sham. This study also looked at longer-term safety of the drug and found that the sham and treated groups had similar numbers of adverse events and frequency of discontinuation.36 Today, pegaptanib is rarely used in clinical practice because the comparative efficacy of the drug is lower than other available treatment options.
Ranibizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody fragment derived from bevacizumab, a full-length humanized antibody. It binds all isoforms of VEGF-A and active proteolytic fragments and was designed for better penetration into the retina because of its smaller size. It was first approved for the treatment of neovascular AMD and has also been extensively studied in clinical trials for the treatment of DME.37–39
The READ-2 study provided early evidence that ranibizumab was effective in the treatment of DME, and that combining focal and grid laser with ranibizumab may decrease the frequency of injections needed to control edema for at least 2 years. The READ-3 studies compared 2 different doses of ranibizumab (0.5 mg and 2 mg), and demonstrated that a higher dose did not show significant benefits over a 6-month period.19,40,41 The RIDE and RISE studies were 2 identical phase III multicenter studies that led to the approval of 0.3 mg ranibizumab by the FDA for DME. Both studies showed that a significantly higher number of patients with center-involved DME treated with 0.3 mg ranibizumab gained 15 or more letters at month 24 compared to those treated with sham. These results were equivalent to those seen with 0.5 mg ranibizumab, thus leading to the approval of the lower dose. Treated patients also required fewer macular laser procedures. Improvements in macular edema on OCT as well as the degree of retinopathy were also found to improve. In the extension phase of both studies, patients could cross over from the sham group into the monthly treatment arm, creating a delayed treatment initiation group. These patients gained VA but not to the degree of those treated with early initiation of ranibizumab therapy.42,43 This demonstrated that intraocular anti-VEGF treatment should be initiated early to maximize visual acuity outcomes.
The DRCR.net performed a randomized clinical trial comparing ranibizumab with prompt or deferred laser and found that ranibizumab combined with both prompt or deferred laser had greater VA gains than laser alone. Similar gains in VA were also seen in pseudophakic eyes treated with triamcinolone. In the expanded 2-year follow-up, compared to sham, the mean change in the VA letter score from baseline was 3.7 letters greater in the ranibizumab plus prompt laser group, 5.8 letters greater in the ranibizumab plus deferred laser group, and 1.5 letters less in the triamcinolone plus prompt laser group. This difference in the steroid-treated group was found to be due to the development of cataract, which was more frequent in the triamcinolone plus prompt laser group. Forty percent of the eyes in both ranibizumab groups still had central macular edema after 2 years.44,45
The RESTORE and REVEAL studies were phase III trials that demonstrated ranibizumab was superior to laser therapy alone. In the 3-year extension of the RESTORE study, ranibizumab improved VA and decreased CST on OCT on a pro re nata (PRN), or as-needed, treatment regimen.17,46,47 The REVEAL study compared ranibizumab to laser in an Asian population, and found that ranibizumab monotherapy or ranibizumab combined with laser had superior VA improvements over laser treatment alone.48 Furthermore, there was not an increased rate of ocular or nonocular severe adverse events compared to sham in the RESOLVE trial.18
Recently, Protocol T from the DRCR.net compared the effectiveness of ranibizumab, aflibercept, and bevacizumab for center-involved DME over 2 years. All 3 groups showed improvement in VA, decreased frequency of visits, and decreased requirement of laser photocoagulation after 2 years. In the first year, aflibercept was found to be associated with greater gains in VA compared to the other 2 agents when baseline vision was 20/50 or worse. In eyes with baseline vision better than 20/50, there was no difference in visual acuity gains over 1 or 2 years although patients treated with bevacizumab were less likely to have OCT findings of less than 250 μm CST.49,50
Bevacizumab is one of the most widely used anti-VEGF agents because of its low cost compared to the other agents. It is a full-length humanized antibody that is active against all isoforms of VEGF-A and competitively inhibits them in the extracellular space. It is FDA approved for the treatment of metastatic colon cancer but is used off-label for the treatment of AMD, DME, and several other ocular diseases. Michels et al51 initially proposed the use of bevacizumab as an intravitreal treatment for neovascular AMD in 2005, when they noticed VA improvement in patients treated with systemic bevacizumab for metastatic colorectal cancer.51
Protocol H of the DRCR.net was a short-term pilot study designed to evaluate the short-term effects of bevacizumab (1.25 mg and 2.5 mg) compared to focal laser. There was a significant reduction in CST in both treatment groups over 3 weeks but no significant difference in functional or anatomic outcomes between the groups. However, the initial positive response to patients treated with bevacizumab was also seen in the focal laser group after 3 weeks. Data from this study provided limited early evidence that bevacizumab may be beneficial in some eyes with DME.52
Subsequent work by Ahmadiah, Faghihi, and Soheilian built on the DRCR.net findings and explored the combination of bevacizumab and triamcinolone. None of the studies found strong evidence that the addition of triamcinolone led to improved functional or visual outcomes. In a 2-year follow-up study comparing bevacizumab, bevacizumab plus triamcinolone, and macular photocoagulation, no significant differences in visual outcomes among the 3 groups were noted.53–57
The Bevacizumab or Laser Therapy (BOLT) trial was a randomized, controlled trial over 2 years that compared intravitreal bevacizumab to macular laser therapy in patients with a history of macular laser. After one year, patients treated with bevacizumab had significantly better VA, gained a mean of 8.6 letters compared to a loss of 0.5 letters in the laser-treated arm, and had no serious adverse events noted after 12 months. This prospective study supported the long-term use of bevacizumab for DME.58
Protocol T also found similar rates of serious adverse events, hospitalizations, and ocular adverse events between the anti-VEGF agents. Although a post hoc analysis showed a higher frequency of cardiac and vascular disorders in the ranibizumab group, this was thought to be secondary to other confounding factors and not to be of clinical significance.59 Moreover, several other studies have failed to reproduce this difference in adverse events between the various different anti-VEGF agents.
Aflibercept is a recombinant fusion protein that acts as a decoy receptor and binds VEGF-A, VEGF-B, and placental growth factor. It binds with much higher affinity than ranibizumab and bevacizumab. Also originally used as a chemotherapy agent, it has since been FDA approved for ocular use in DME, neovascular AMD, and macular edema due to retinal vein occlusion.16,60–62
The DA VINCI study was a phase II trial that demonstrated aflibercept to be superior to macular laser treatment for DME over a 24-week period. The study compared multiple dosages and dosing regimens and found that in all dosing groups, VA was significantly improved and there were greater reductions in retinal thickness compared with laser treatment. The study was not powered to detect differences between the dosage groups, but all showed superiority to laser.63,64
The VIVID and VISTA studies were 2 identical phase III trials that led to the approval of aflibercept by the FDA for the treatment of DME. In these studies, eyes were randomized to receive 2 mg aflibercept every 4 weeks, 2 mg aflibercept every 8 weeks after 5 initial monthly doses, or macular laser. The 1-year and 100-week follow-up demonstrated that aflibercept was more effective compared to laser. At month 12, the mean change in VA (+12.5 vs +0.2 letters) and CST values (−185.9 vs −73.3 μm) were significantly greater with aflibercept compared to laser therapy. The mean change in VA improvement was noted through the 100-week follow-up (+11.3 vs +0.8 letters), suggesting the drug was still effective with long-term administration. The only adverse event noted in these studies over the long-term follow-up was the development of cataract.65
The results from Protocol T suggested the importance of baseline visual acuity when comparing the 3 agents. In the first year, aflibercept was found to be associated with greater gains in VA compared to the other 2 agents when baseline vision was 20/50 or worse. In eyes with baseline vision better than 20/50, there was no difference in VA gains over 2 years. Patients treated with aflibercept, however, were less likely to require subsequent laser photocoagulation.49,50,66 Results from Protocol T have sparked debate regarding which agent should be used to initiate treatment in patients with VA less than 20/50 and the role of bevacizumab and ranibizumab nonresponders in driving the results. One option is to initiate treatment with bevacizumab and subsequently switch to aflibercept if there is no treatment response. Another option is to initiate treatment with aflibercept then continue with a hybrid of multiple agents for more long-term treatment. Currently, there is no clear evidence-based recommendation on the best anti-VEGF to use.
The development of anti-VEGF agents has revolutionized the treatment of vision-threatening chorioretinal diseases such as DME and neovascular AMD. Prior to this, laser photocoagulation was the main treatment option and visual outcomes were not as promising. Today, anti-VEGF agents are often the first-line treatment of choice for clinicians with a better visual prognosis with treatment. Current treatment paradigms vary; some treat on a monthly basis until stable, then continue on an as-needed basis, while others use a treat-and-extend approach. OCT is used extensively to quantify the macular edema and assess the success or failure of anti-VEGF therapy in these eyes. Although most studies investigated monthly treatment regimens for DME, this can be costly and often imposes an unrealistic burden on the patient, their families, and society. However, the DRCR.net PRN protocols provide good evidence that aggressive treatment, especially at the initiation, can lead to a good prognosis and reduced need for treatment after 1 to 2 years of aggressive “initiation” treatment. Moreover, there is emerging evidence that treatment for DME with anti-VEGF therapy may be disease modifying, with a regression of diabetic retinopathy in patients treated with anti-VEGF agents.67 This has led to a label change with the approval of ranibizumab and aflibercept for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy in the setting of DME. Anti-VEGF agents are now being studied in combination with other agents to try to increase the treatment interval and duration of action of these medications. Newer delivery systems are also being studied that would allow for slow release of the agent, requiring fewer invasive procedures and reducing side effects associated with intravitreal injections.
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