Developments in Ocular Oncology

Fig. 10.1

Choroidal melanoma successfully treated with an eccentrically placed ruthenium plaque (a) before treatment, and (b) months after treatment. The tumoricidal radiation dose extends beyond the visible choroidal atrophy

Trans-scleral local resection of choroidal melanomas involves removal of the tumour en bloc through a scleral trapdoor. This operation is not widely performed, because of technical difficulty and because of the need for hypotensive anesthesia (Fig. 10.2). In expert hands, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment has become less common with the development of surgical techniques for preventing retinal tears and preserving the pars plana epithelium [30]. Local tumor recurrence has become rarer with adjunctive brachytherapy if this is administered with a 25 mm ruthenium applicator. The author has found that iris conservation during iridocyclectomy are improved by administering meiotics instead of mydriatics before surgery and by excising the tumor postero-anteriorly or circumferentially instead of antero-posteriorly [31]. With endoresection, the tumour is removed piecemeal with a vitreous cutter that is passed through the retina, preventing recurrence with adjunctive laser therapy and, in some cases, radiotherapy. Long-term studies of endoresection of choroidal melanoma have reported good rates of local tumor control [32]; however, some authors continue to advocate neoadjuvant radiotherapy [33]. With trans-retinal endoresection of choroidal melanoma, the most important development is the use of heavy liquid instead of air to flatten the retina, this change being prompted by a fatal case of air embolism, which occurred because of the escape of air through a vortex vein [34].


Fig. 10.2

Choroidal melanoma (a) before and (b) after trans-scleral local resection (also known as ‘exoresection’)

In some centers, proton beam radiotherapy has replaced resection and plaque radiotherapy for iris melanoma [35, 36]. Proton beam radiotherapy for more posterior uveal melanomas has changed little in recent years, except in patients whose upper eyelid margin cannot be fully retracted out of the radiation field. These cases are now treated by trans-palpebral proton beam radiotherapy, administered through the closed eyelid to avoid irradiating the lid margin, hence preventing keratinization of the palpebral conjunctiva, which causes painful keratopathy [37]. Proton beam radiotherapy is becoming more widely available as less expensive technology is developed.

There is growing use of stereotactic radiotherapy as an alternative to proton beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy, and several authors have reported good results with this modality [38].

After radiotherapy, many eyes develop macular edema and exudative retinal detachment, with some also developing iris neovascularization and neovascular glaucoma [39]. Several years ago, the author found that these complications can be treated by photoablation or excision of the irradiated tumor, coining the term ‘toxic tumor syndrome’ for this condition (Fig. 10.3) [39, 40]. Others have reported successful prevention and treatment for less severe disease with intraocular injections of steroids or anti-angiogenic agents, especially in patients who do not have extensive loss of macular vascularity on optical coherence tomography angiography [4143].


Fig. 10.3

Successful treatment of toxic tumour syndrome by endoresection. (a) choroidal melanoma with extensive retinal detachment and (b) post-operative result, with a flat retina

Detection and Diagnosis

Any opportunities for conserving the eye and vision, and perhaps preventing metastasis are enhanced by early treatment, when the tumor is still small. Ocular oncologists have a wide range of imaging modalities to differentiate choroidal nevi from melanomas [44]; however, these facilities are not widely available in the community. The author has devised the acronym, MOLES (M, mushroom shape; O, orange pigment; L, large size; E, enlargement; and S, subretinal fluid) to distinguish choroidal nevi from melanomas and this is currently under evaluation. He has also developed an online atlas, which organizes tumors according to their location in the eye and their color in the hope of enabling practitioners to diagnose conditions they never knew existed (www.​oculonco.​com).

Quality of Life

A study on more than 1400 patients suggests that irrespective of type of treatment (i.e., enucleation or radiotherapy), quality of life after treatment for choroidal melanoma is not significantly worse than the general population, once factors such as general health, social support and employment are taken into account [45]. There is scope for studies evaluating quality of life in patients who have developed severe radiation-induced ocular morbidity to help predict which patients do better after primary enucleation.

Further Studies

Clinical trials are under way to evaluate photodynamic therapy for choroidal melanoma using intravitreal injections of AU-011, which consists of a phthalocyanine photosensitizer conjugated with a novel recombinant papillomavirus-like particle [46]. Improved methods for detecting circulating tumor cells and DNA in the blood are raising hopes for ‘liquid biopsy’, which if successful would avoid the need for invasive sampling of intraocular tumors [47, 48]. As mentioned, various forms of systemic adjuvant therapy for patients with high-risk melanoma are under evaluation. These include Vorinostat, a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, as well as immune checkpoint inhibitors, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and autologous dendritic cell vaccines [17]. Studies on germline BAP1 mutation in patients with uveal melanoma are in progress following the discovery that some of these tumors develop as part of the BAP1 tumor predisposition syndrome, which also causes renal cancer, cutaneous melanoma, mesothelioma and other tumors [49, 50].



A major advance in the treatment of retinoblastoma is intravitreal chemotherapy for eyes with vitreous seeds, which respond poorly to other forms of therapy [51]. This has greatly improved chances of ocular conservation in patients with advanced disease. Tumor seeding into extraocular tissues is prevented by a variety of measures, such as using fine needle to inject the drug into the eye and administering cryotherapy to the injection site on withdrawing the needle from the eye. A system for classifying vitreous seeds has been developed (i.e., dust, spheres, clouds), which helps to predict the efficacy of intra-vitreal chemotherapy [51]. There has also been progress in intra-arterial chemotherapy, with improvements in technique and the use of drugs other than melphalan, such as topotecan [52]. There is ongoing debate as to how intra-arterial and systemic therapy compare with respect to preventing pineoblastoma and metastatic disease.


There are several classification systems for retinoblastoma, the Reese-Ellsworth method having become less relevant since external beam radiotherapy was superseded by chemotherapy. The most widely used is the International Retinoblastoma Classification (IRC), which categorizes retinoblastomas according to size, extent, proximity to disc and fovea, seeding and secondary effects; however, different versions of the IRC exist [53]. The TNM staging system has recently undergone several refinements, one of which defines heritability of the disease. A limitation of current staging systems is that they classify whole eyes and not individual tumors in eyes harboring multiple lesions. There is a need for improved documentation so that classification systems can evolve in response to advances in imaging and treatment [54].

Genetic Analysis

Advances in genetic techniques makes it possible to identify RB1 mutations that were previously undetectable [55]. This improved sensitivity has enhanced the detection of mosicism. A relatively recent discovery is that some retinoblastomas develop with high levels of MYC amplification in the absence of detectable RB1, these tumors occurring unilaterally and tending to be highly aggressive, presenting at a median age of 4 months [56].


Pineoblastoma is the most common cause of death in the first decade of life in countries with high-quality care. Survival rates have improved greatly with the development of aggressive treatment protocols if started early so that patients with germline retinoblastoma now undergo screening with 6-monthly brain MRI until the age of around 5 years. In later life, mortality occurs because of osteosarcomas and other second malignant neoplasms, especially in patients who have received external beam radiotherapy, which is why this modality has been abandoned. Early results suggest that proton beam radiotherapy does not cause second malignant neoplasms, but further studies are needed [57].

There is a need for greater efforts to detect second cancers earlier. There is also a need for improved awareness of the late physical and emotional effects of retinoblastoma and its treatment so that these problems can be addressed in a timely manner.

Uveal Metastases

The epidemiology of uveal metastasis is changing with improvements in therapy and longer survival times [58].


The diagnosis of choroidal metastases has become easier with optical coherence tomography, which shows the surface of these tumors to have a characteristic ‘lumpy-bumpy’ appearance (Fig. 10.4) [59]. Diagnosis has also been enhanced by improvements in tumor biopsy and immunohistochemistry. In some centers, biopsy is performed without delay, to confirm the diagnosis and to seek clues to the location of the primary tumor, if this is not already known [60]. In other centers, intraocular tumor biopsy is performed only as a last resort, if systemic investigations are uninformative.


Fig. 10.4

Inferotemporal choroidal metastasis in the left eye. (a) color photograph showing amelanotic tumor. (b) Optical coherence tomography (OCT) showing a lumpy appearance


Previously, patients underwent immediate radiotherapy whereas now there is now a growing tendency to administer this form of treatment only if systemic therapy fails to control the ocular tumor [61].

Drug-Induced Ocular Disease

Novel anti-cancer therapies have resulted in a wide variety of adverse effects. Examples include: blepharitis, poliosis, eyelash trichomegaly, conjunctivitis and keratopathy from cetuximab, a monoclonal antibody that targets epidermal growth factor receptor; uveitis and vein occlusion from vemurafenib, a BRAF inhibitor; conjunctivitis, scleritis and uveitis from ipilimumab, an anti-CLTA-4 monoclonal antibody, which enhances T-cell responses against cancer cells; uveitis from nivolumab and pembrolizumab, which are anti-PD-1/PD-L1 monoclonal antibodies; and serous retinal detachment and retinal vein occlusion from trametinib, a MEK inhibitor [6264]. The management of patients with these adverse effects is an expanding role in ocular oncology as is indeed the case with paraneoplastic syndromes, such as bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation (BDUMP), cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR) and vitrelliform maculopathy, to mention but a few.

Retinal Lymphoma


This terms ‘vitreoretinal lymphoma’ and ‘retinal lymphoma’ have replaced ‘primary intraocular lymphoma (PIOL)’, because intraocular lymphomas comprise both retinal lymphomas, which are aggressive and highly lethal because of CNS involvement, as well as indolent uveal lymphomas, which are associated with a very good survival probability [65]. Retinal lymphoma is becoming more common.


Ocular assessment has improved thanks to optical coherence tomography, which demonstrates lymphoma deposits between the retinal pigment epithelium and Bruch’s membrane [66]. Another useful development is fundus autofluorescence imaging, with hyper-autofluorescence indicating active disease and hypo-autofluorescence corresponding to areas of inactive RPE atrophy (Fig. 10.5) [67]. Vitreous biopsy often fails to detect lymphoma cells, because these are so fragile, but diagnosis can still be achieved by detecting immunoglobulin heavy chain rearrangements, measuring interleukin-10 protein levels, detecting myeloid differentiation primary response 88 (MYD88) L265P mutation and measuring levels of particular microRNAs [68, 69]. It can be difficult to differentiate lymphoma from uveitis, but this task has become easier with the development of metagenomic deep sequencing, which detects any non-human DNA, also identifying the species of any infectious organism [70].


Fig. 10.5

Fundus autofluorescence imaging in retinal lymphoma showing hyper-fluorescent sub-RPE lymphoma deposits and hypofluorescent, atrophic RPE scars. (a) color photograph and (b) autofluorescence image


In many centers, the standard treatment for retinal lymphoma consists of ocular radiotherapy or intra-vitreal methotrexate and/or rituximab injections [71]. Encouraging results have recently been reported with intravitreal melphalan injections, which need to be administered less frequently than methotrexate [72]. Although ocular therapy suppresses the intraocular disease, it does not prevent mortality from central nervous system disease. Some studies have concluded that systemic therapy does not prolong survival [73]; however, the author and associates have achieved encouraging ocular and systemic outcomes with systemic chemotherapy combined with maintenance therapy using immunomodulators. These include lenalidomide, which is effective only in activated B-cell (ABC) lymphoma subtype, and CC-122, which also induces regression of the germinal center B-cell lymphoma subtype [74, 75]. The author and associates have found that systemic therapy is relatively ineffective for vitreous infiltrates unless combined with ‘therapeutic vitrectomy’ [76].

Conjunctival Melanoma

There is some evidence that the incidence of conjunctival melanoma is increasing [77].

Grading and Staging

As with other ocular tumors, such as uveal melanoma and retinoblastoma, the Tumor, Node, Metastasis (TNM) staging of conjunctival melanomas has been refined. One significant improvement is the incorporation of in-situ melanoma in this classification (Tis). A scoring system has been developed to grade conjunctival melanocytic intra-epithelial neoplasia (otherwise known as primary acquired melanosis [PAM] with atypia) more objectively according to the density of melanoma cells in the epithelium and the degree of cellular atypia [78]. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is reported to improve prognostication but has yet to be accepted widely [79].


Many centers continue to treat invasive conjunctival melanoma by excision with wide margins, adjunctive cryotherapy, and amniotic membrane grafting [80]; however, the author prefers excision with narrow safety margins and wound closure by primary intention without grafting, administering adjunctive radiotherapy and, in patients with diffuse intra-epithelial disease, adjunctive mitomycin C drops [81]. The author has found that comfort and compliance are improved by prescribing this topical chemotherapy for only 1 week per month for 4 months, instead of two 14-day courses over 6 weeks, as originally recommended. Successful treatment with interferon alpha-2a has also been reported [82, 83].

BRAF mutation is found in about 40% of conjunctival melanomas, many of which are responsive to systemic treatment with a BRAF inhibitor, such as vemurafenib (Zelboraf) [84, 85]. As with cutaneous melanoma, metastases from conjunctival melanoma can respond to systemic treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors [86, 87].

Conjunctival Carcinoma

Conjunctival squamous intra-epithelial neoplasias and invasive carcinomas are common, especially in hot, sunny climates [88].


The development of optical coherence tomography has made it easier to differentiate CISN/CCIN from other conditions; however, most surgeons continue to perform biopsy to establish the diagnosis [89].


Invasive conjunctival carcinomas are treated by excision, with adjunctive cryotherapy or radiotherapy. In many centers, the preferred treatment for primary or secondary in-situ disease is topical interferon, administered 4 times per day continuously for 3–6 months [90]. The author has achieved good results with 5-FU drops, administered four times daily for only 4 days a month for 4 months [91]. The 5-FU drops are less expensive than interferon and do not require refrigeration.

Other Developments

Increasingly, patients with ocular malignancy are being treated at specialist ocular oncology centers. This is because of the need for specialized equipment and expertise, and also because of a greater awareness of the need for holistic care, best provided by experienced multidisciplinary teams, which address psychological and general health issues in addition to treating the ocular tumor. Patients’ expectations are increasing so that they are dissatisfied if they are not adequately informed of all the risks and benefits of every management option, in a caring manner, and if the emotional support they receive is deficient. The Internet has led to the formation of patient advocacy groups so that patients and their families are better informed about their condition and the standards of care being delivered in different centers.


Patients expect their local, non-specialist ophthalmologist to be knowledgeable about their disease when their tumor is first detected and during long-term follow up after completion of their treatment at an ocular oncology center. It is hoped that the present update will be helpful in this respect.

Apr 25, 2020 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Developments in Ocular Oncology

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