Developments in Cataract Surgery


Light source (wavelength)

Example biometers


Blue-light emitting diode (475 nm)

Oculus Pentacam AXL


Semiconductor diode laser (780 nm)

Zeiss IOL Master 500

Nidek AL-scan


Superluminescent diode laser (820 nm)

Haag-Streit Lenstar LS 900

Topcon Aladdin/Aladdin LT

Ziemer Galilei G6


Superluminescent diode laser (830 nm)

Optopol Revo NX


Rapidly tuned laser with longer wavelength (1050–1060 nm)

Zeiss IOL Master 700

Movu Argos

Tomey OA-2000

Heidelberg Engineering Anterion

Abbreviations: LCOR low-coherence optical reflectometry, OCT optical coherence tomography, PCI partial coherence interferometry, SS-OCT swept source-OCT


Fig. 3.1

Biometry of a patient with dense posterior subcapsular cataract in a commercially available optical coherence tomography device (Revo NX, Optopol Technology Sp. z o.o., Zawiercie, Poland). Although the visualization in the lower and temporal part of the macula is hampered (lower parts of the retinal images), axial length measurements can be obtained

IOL Calculation Formulas

The earliest IOL calculation formula was proposed over 50 years ago by Fedorov et al. [27]. First generation formulas were based on a thin-lens paraxial approximation, omitting factors such as lens thickness, corneal thickness or IOL design. Second generation formulas (regression formulas) decoupled eye as an optical system and were purely based on statistical analysis of refractive outcomes. The main improvement of third generation formulas was based on the assumption that the effective lens position is not a constant, but a function of axial length and corneal power. The goal of fourth generation formulas was to develop a universal calculation method giving the best outcome in all eyes despite axial length. Fifth generation formulas consider even more input parameters including gender or race to achieve a higher level of customization [28].

Recently, Koch et al. presented a different classification of IOL calculation formulas using a logical approach [29]. The reason for creating the new classification were difficulties with categorizing new formulas that employ ray tracing or artificial intelligence. The first proposed group is historical/refraction based formula, which include early attempts to calculate IOL power i.e. 18.0 Dpsh + 1.25 × preoperative spherical equivalent. Regression formulas, such as SRK or SRK II, do not rely on theoretical optics, but on analysis of previous data. The most numerous are vergence formulas. They rely on Gaussian optic and the assumption that the image vergence is equal to the sum of object and lens vergence. Certain formulas with the variables required for IOL calculation are presented in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2

IOL calculation formulas



Logical approach classification

Variables required








SRK-I, Binkhorst I






SRK-II, Binkhorst II






Holladay 1












Hoffer Q






Holladay 2



































Barrett Universal II










Abbreviations: AI artificial intelligence formulas, AL axial length, K keratometry, ACD anterior chamber depth, LT Lens thickness, RxPre preoperative refraction, WTW horizontal corneal white-to-white diameter, V vergence formulas

*Within the traditional classification it is difficult to categorize new IOL calculation formulas

Similarly to regression-based, artificial intelligence formulas use huge databases and a sophisticated statistical model to find relationship between not evident approaches; these include the Clarke neuronal network or Hill-RBF formula (radial basis function) [29, 30]. Another approach for improving the accuracy of IOL calculation is the application of ray-tracing analysis. Ray-tracing is method for calculation of every single ray passing through the optical system, and the refraction of rays at each optical surface is calculated using Snell’s law. A map of corneal power achieved in topography or tomography can be transformed into an array of individual measurements representing a polygonal shape. Ray-tracing is employed to analyze the optical properties of every element of the eye in order to establish the performance of the entire optical system. Particularly in eyes after refractive surgery it might help to solve the issue of higher-order aberrations of the cornea by selecting a particular design of an IOL. Software applied for IOL calculation include Okulix or Phacooptics (Olsen).

When choosing the formula for IOL calculation the performance depending on the axial length of the eye should be taken into account (Table 3.3). The Haigis can be considered as the first choice for most routine cases [31]. It possesses rather small postoperative median absolute error and can be used with eyes of all axial lengths. For eyes under 22 mm in axial length the Hoffer Q formula should be applied for comparative assessment. The SRK-T formula manifests a lower predictive accuracy in short eyes; for that reason it should be employed for comparative purposes only in eyes over 22 mm of axial length. The Holladay I formula might be the second choice for eyes with axial length of 22–26 mm. The Holladay II takes into account the disparities in the anterior segment by adding the corneal white-to-white diameter and lens thickness, and might facilitate estimating the effective lens position. It shows benefits in eyes under 22 mm of axial length.

Table 3.3

The preferred IOL calculation formula based on the axial length of the eye

Axial length

<22 mm

22–24.5 mm

24.5–26 mm

>26 mm

All lengths

1st choice formula

Hoffer Q, Haigis

SRK-T, Haigis

SRK-T, Haigis

SRK-T, Haigis

Barrett Universal II, Hill-RBF

2nd choice formula

Holladay II




A notable percentage of patients undergoing PCS demonstrate corneal astigmatism. In a study by Hoffmann more than 36% of eyes had astigmatism 1 D or greater, while over 8% over 2 D or more [32]. For toric IOLs calculations manufacturers commonly provide an online calculator which employs the formerly presented formulae, but has incorporated IOL models and constants (e.g. Alcon, Bausch and Lomb, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Sifi). Also the Berdahl and Hardten calculator should be mentioned, as it allows to assess if the residual astigmatism after surgery is a result of toric IOL misalignment [33].


Achieving an accurate refractive target is desired in contemporary PCS. Employing optical biometry and proper IOL calculation formulas allows achieving ≤0.5 D of the refractive target in 79.1% of eyes, while ≤1.0 D in 97.2% of cases [34]. Interestingly, the interocular axial length difference influences the refractive outcome. The odds ratio (OR) of having a refractive outcome >0.5 D is 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8, for interocular axial length difference of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mm, respectively [34]. If the interocular axial length differences is 0.2 mm or more it would be advised to remeasure with the same device or, if possible, use another device to confirm the axial length [35]. Myopic patients have a lower chance of achieving the refractive target than non-myopic individuals (OR 1.9) [34].

Han and McGhee emphasized that in the current patient-focussed climate it becomes difficult to establish a clear definition of a complication in contemporary cataract surgery [36]. Thirty years ago a postoperative best correct visual acuity of 6/12 (20/40) might have been considered as a good outcome. Currently, in the era of postoperative visual acuity of 6/6 (20/20) and ±0.5 D of emmetropia, such a result could be considered a complication. With proper preoperative assessment and allocation of high-risk phacoemulsification procedures to experienced surgeons it is possible to reduce the rate of intraoperative complications by 40% and the rate of posterior capsule tear from 2.6 to 0.6% [37]. Within the Auckland Cataract Study the proposed stratification system risk factors for intraoperative complications included cataracts with no fundus view, pseudoexfoliation, phacodonesis, oral alpha-receptor antagonist intake, high ametropia, posterior capsule cataract or plaque or corneal scarring [37]. Moreover, it was proposed that patients after prior vitrectomy or with only one eye should be operated by experienced surgeons only.

IOL Types

IOLs were introduced by Sir Harold Ridley, and the first successful IOL implantation was performed in the 1950 [38]. IOLs can be divided based on the material they are made of. Silicone lenses composed of polyorganosiloxane materials, with high refractive indices, were the first available foldable IOLs. Acrylic lenses can be made of rigid polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), foldable hydrophilic or hydrophobic acrylic materials [39]. Addition of a blue-light filtering chromofore or UV-protection is employed in some IOL models.

The IOL design basically mirrors the intended location of IOL implantation. Posterior chamber lenses can be placed in the capsular bag, in the ciliary sulcus, or fixated to the iris. Single-piece IOLs may be open loop or overall plate lenses (Fig. 3.2ab). Three-piece IOLs have haptic components made of PMMA, polypropylene, polyimide or polyvinylidene fluoride (Fig. 3.2c). In general, IOLs placed in the sulcus should have rounded optic edge and thinner haptics to prevent irritating the posterior part of iris, larger size of more than 13–14 mm (depending on the size of the eye) and a three-piece design. Sulcus placement of standard one-piece IOLs should be avoided as it increases the risk of postoperative complications, including pigment dispersion, uveitis–glaucoma–hyphema syndrome, and recurrent vitreous hemorrhages. On the other hand, IOLs implanted in the capsular bag should have a squared, truncated posterior optic edge to prevent lens epithelial cell migration and posterior capsule opacification [40]. Anterior chamber IOLs can be placed in the anterior chamber angle (open-loop design is preferred) or fixated to the iris (iris-claw IOLs).


Fig. 3.2

IOL designs . (a) A single-piece hydrophobic acrylic toric IOL (Bausch+Lomb EnVista Toric). (b) A single-piece hydrophilic acrylic IOL for micro-incisional cataract surgery—designed for a 1.8 mm incision size (Bausch + Lomb Akreos AO60). (c) A three-piece IOL with silicone optic anda haptics made of polymethylmethacrylate (Bausch + Lomb SofPort). (d) An accommodating IOL designed for in-the-bag implantation (Bausch + Lomb Crystalens AO)

Based on the optical properties IOLs can be divided into monofocal IOLs or multifocal/accommodating IOLs . Both monofocal and multifocal IOLs might have a spherical power, or toric in order to compensate astigmatism. The positive spherical aberration of the cornea can be compensated by aspheric design IOLs, having negative or zero spherical aberration to improve the patient’s quality of vision. In order to achieve multifocality or an extended depth-of-field different optical principles are employed. A diffractive IOL generates multifocality making use of light interference and is independent of pupil size. It incorporates a pattern consisting of a series of annular concentric grooves less than one micron in depth, which are engraved around the optical axis on either the front or the back surface of a lens (the echelette technology). The refractive design allows to achieve depth of focus with light refraction on the IOL surfaces based on Snell’s law. The optical power decreases continuously from the center to the periphery of the lens creating an infinite number of focal points and is derived from the smooth hyperbolic shape of its optics. The performance of refractive design IOLs is dependent on pupil size and IOL centration. Other optical concepts such as the pinhole effect [41] or light sword optical element [42] might be employed. Accommodating IOLs may change their curvature, or have a fixed-power presenting axial shift in order to restore accommodation (Fig. 3.2d) [43].

Ametropia following cataract surgery can be treated by performing a corneal refractive enhancement. Secondary piggyback IOLs are designed for secondary implantation in the ciliary sulcus to correct pseudophakic ametropias or pseudophakic lack of accommodation. Another potential option for avoiding pseudophakic ametropia is implantation of Light Adjustable Lens (LAL). A technology developed by Calhoun Vision Inc. involves implantation of a three-piece light-adjustable silicone IOL with silicone macrometrs containing an ultraviolet (UV) light-activated photo initiator [44]. Postoperatively, the IOL power can be adjusted by exposure to a customizable UV light profile resulting in polymerization of the IOL macromers. Clinical studies confirmed the safety of this technology to corneal endothelial cells [45] and to the retina [46].

Glaucoma and Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery alone results in a modest reduction of intraocular pressure [47, 48]. The reduction is proportional to preoperative IOP and ranges from 8.5 mmHg in eyes with preoperative IOP of 23–29 mmHg to 1.7 mmHg in eyes with IOP 5–14 mmHg [49]. The decrease in IOP is attributed to the increase in anterior chamber depth, flattening of the iris diaphragm, and subsequent extension of the trabecular meshwork. These changes are particularly advantageous in patients with angle-closure glaucoma. In open-angle glaucoma although IOP parameters improve after cataract surgery, glaucomatous visual field decay does not slow compared to rates measured during the progression of cataract [50]. Another option that should be considered in glaucoma patients is conjunction of PCS with endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation, trabecular micro-bypass stent, ab interno trabeculectomy, and canaloplasty [51]. These procedures are associated with a lower risk of surgical complications, however, are less effective than trabeculectomy.

Many antiglaucoma agents were reported to cause pseudophakic cystoid macular edema (PCME). Particularly prostaglandins—often the first line of treatment for IOP lowering—were believed to increase the risk of PCME [52, 53]. Miyake et al. presented findings suggesting that the preservatives used in these pharmaceutical cause increases synthesis of prostaglandins, intensifies postoperative inflammation and results PCME [54]. Nevertheless, more recently no association between prostaglandin analogue administration and PCME was reported [55]. It might be concluded that there is no evidence to discontinue antiglaucoma medications during cataract surgery and the risk associated with IOP elevation might be greater than disadvantages associated with their use.

AMD and Cataract Surgery

The Beaver Dam Eye Study presented that having undergone PCS before baseline examination was associated with age-related maculopathy and the exudative age-related macular degeneration [56]. Some newer studies confirmed cataract surgery as being a risk factor for AMD [5759], while other reported conflicting results [6063]. The Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews revealed that it is not possible to draw reliable conclusions from the available data as to whether cataract surgery is beneficial or harmful in people with AMD after 12 months [64]. It was concluded that in general cataract surgery provides short-term improvement in best corrected visual acuity in AMD patients compared to patients with no surgery. It is unclear whether the timing of surgery has an effect on long-term outcomes in AMD [64]. As in vivo studies demonstrated that blue light (430 nm wavelength) is harmful to retinal pigment epithelium cells, some authors believe that the protective effect of UV-blocking and blue-blocking IOLs might be greater than solely UV-blocking IOLs [65]. Nevertheless, the application of blue-blocking IOLs in not based on clinical evidence, as there are no studies truly confirming significant photoprotection [66].

Visual rehabilitation is necessary in patients with advanced AMD. Usually spectacles, magnifying glasses or electronic devices are used as visual aids. For several years specially designed intraocular implants have become an appealing alternative to extraocular aids. The possible options include implantable macular telescope, an IOL-VIP System, Lipshitz macular implant (for capsular bag or sulcus fixation), Fresnel Prism IOL, iolAMD or Scharioth Macula Lens [67]. However, the results so far were variable, and the available studies focused mainly on short-term outcomes [68].

Importantly, cataract surgery after previous intravitreal therapy is associated with a higher likelihood of posterior capsule rupture (PVR); 10 or more previous injections is associated with a 2.59 higher likelihood of PCR [69].

Combined Surgeries (Efficacy vs Safety)

The efficacy and safety of combined phacoemulsification and vitrectomy was reported in several surgical indications, including macular hole, macular pucker, and in diabetic patients. A combined procedure eliminates the need for two operations and enables faster visual rehabilitation. Another rationale for this approach is that vitrectomy itself is known to induce cataract. For example, in a study by Jackson et al. 51.8% of phakic patients after vitrectomy with gas tamponade developed cataract requiring PCS in the following 6 months [70]. Lens opacification is associated with increased retrolental oxygen levels, particularly in extended vitrectomy with surgical posterior vitreous detachment and anterior vitreous removal [71]. The increased risk of intraoperative complications during PCS in vitrectomized eyes is well known, and might be associated with lens touch during vitrectomy, zonular dehiscence or intraoperative miosis [7275]. The absence of vitreous support might also result in increased anterior depth and a disparity between fluid inflow and outflow during phacoemulsification or irrigation/aspiration [7678].

Combined phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation and keratoplasty is known as the triple procedure. It is a safe and effective approach in patients with coexisting cataract and corneal pathologies [79]. A significant problem in the triple procedure is an unacceptable postoperative refractive error. It is a concern both in penetrating keratoplasty (where some suggest PCS after suture removal due to the refractive change associated with their removal) and lamellar keratoplasties. In deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty a large proportion of the stroma is replaced giving uncertainty of postoperative refraction, while in endothelial keratoplasties the cornea is preoperatively swollen due to endothelial dysfunction altering its optical power.

In cases of visually significant cataract and co-existent glaucoma, combined surgery (phacotrabeculectomy) can be considered. Filtration surgery presents a high risk of intraoperative bleeding, in contrary to PCS alone [80]. With that, there is evidence that long-term IOP is lowered by combined glaucoma and cataract surgery, however, giving a smaller effect than trabeculectomy alone [81, 82]. This might be possibly due to inflammation related to phacoemulsification. On the other hand, some studies presented that PCS performed after trabeculectomy might reduce the function of a filtering bleb in some eyes [83, 84]. In patients with angle-closure glaucoma, PCS alone might be an effective treatment [85]. Interestingly, combined cataract surgery (with corneal, glaucoma or vitreoretinal procedures) has a higher incidence of acute postoperative endophthalmitis than stand-alone PCS (0.149% vs. 0.102%, respectively).

Settings (Ambulatory or Hospitalization, Operating Theater or in Office)

Currently, almost all cataract surgeries are performed in outpatient settings. These include a hospital-based outpatient departments or a standalone ambulatory surgical centers. The Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews found cost savings associated with same-day discharge cataract surgery versus in-patient cataract surgery, however, the evidence regarding postoperative complications was inconclusive because the effect estimates were imprecise [86]. Some patients may still require an operative room or in-patient setting, intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia, and particularly complex cataract cases, or in individuals with severe comorbidities.

Recently, safety and effectiveness of PCS performed in an office-based minor procedure room in a series of 21,501 eyes was presented [87]; it was efficient for surgeon, as well as comfortable for the patient [85]. Another study conferred the safety of outpatient cataract surgery without presence or a dedicated access to anaesthetic service [88]. The monitoring was limited to blood pressure and plethysmography pre- and intraoperatively. Although office-based surgery is presently not reimbursed by Medicare, such relocation of the procedure might occur in future as it is cost-effective.

Anesthesia (Topical vs Peribulbar vs Retrobulbar vs General)

The majority of cataract surgeries are performed under local anesthesia. General anesthesia should be considered in pediatric patients and for adults having difficulties with cooperation during surgery due to head tremor, deafness, mental retardation, neck or back problems, claustrophobia.

Retrobulbar anesthesia is performed by injecting the anesthetic drug to the intraconal space behind the eye [89]. In peribulbar anesthesia the drug is injected to the extraconal space, and diffuses between the intra- and extracone space to achieve anesthetic effect. Peribulbar and retrobulbar anaesthesia for cataract surgery show similar akinesia and pain control in cataract surgery [90]. However, the need for additional injections of local anaesthetic is greater with peribulbar anaesthesia. Another option is sub-Tenon anesthesia which involves creating a conjunctival buttonhole, blunt dissection of the Tenon’s space and introduction of anesthetic to the subtenonian space.

Topical anesthesia may be preferred in phacoemulsification due to lower complication rates. Nevertheless, PCS under topical anesthesia may not be a completely painless procedure [91]. In these cases another option is additional intracameral anesthetic administration during the surgery.

Difficult Cases: Increased Risk of Complications

Preoperative definition which eyes poses a potential risk of complications is critical, as in these eyes proper planning of the surgery is the key to success. Anatomic difficulties including deep set eyes or a protruding brow might impede surgical manipulations and proper instrument fitting it the operative field. Another group of challenges are high ametropias. Small hyperopic eyes make it difficult to perform intraocular manipulations, have increased chance of irid injury, cyclodialysis or fluid misdirection syndrome [92]. In deep myopic eyes the nucleus can be very large and the anterior chamber very deep. These patients also have a lower risk of accurate IOL power prediction [34]. Corneal opacities or scarring impede proper visualization of the operative field, which is particularly important during the capsulotomy [93]. Hard, dense or hypermature cataracts might be difficult to remove with phacoemulsification, and in these cases extracapsular extraction might be required. Eyes with pseudoexfoliation, with subluxated or dislocated lens (due to very mature lens, trauma, of Marfan’s syndrome) have an increased chance of zonular dialysis, and might require supplementary means to fixate the lens. Eyes with small pupils, bound down pupil, floppy iris syndrome or a posterior pole cataract present an increased risk for intraoperative complications. General health problems including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or dementia might impede proper patient positioning and cooperation [92].

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommends that one IOL should be in the theater, an additional identical one should be in stock, and an alternative IOL (anterior chamber (AC)-IOL, sulcus IOL or iris-claw IOL) in case the lens needs to be changed if there are complications during surgery [20]. Additional accessories such as pupil expansion rings, iris hooks or capsular tension rings should be in stock.

Bilateral Operation

The principle of immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS) is to treat each eye as an individual and autonomous surgery during the same session in the operating theater. Each eye requires a change of draping, gloves, gowns and instruments [94]. Some authors recommend that instruments should come from disparate sterilization cycles, while viscoelastics or irrigation fluids from different companies or, at least, have different lots [95]. With these precautions employed, the greatest potential risk of ISBCS—bilateral endophthalmitis—has never been reported.

ISBCS is comparable with delayed sequential bilateral cataract surgery (when the second eye is operated on days to weeks later) in long-term patient satisfaction, visual acuity and complication rates [96]. A significant advantage of ISBCS is faster visual rehabilitation [97]. This approach is also cost-effective: it requires fewer hospital visits, allows faster return to work and only one pair of glasses. ISBCS is an ideal solution for patients requiring general anaesthesia, in order to eliminate the risks associated with a second intervention [98].

An argument commonly picked up by its opponents is the problem of anisometropia. In delayed sequential cataract surgery it is possible to adjust the IOL power of the second eye based on the postoperative results of the surgery. Nevertheless, with the advances of optical biometry, and due to the fact after simultaneous surgery, the errors are minor and symmetrical, ISBCS does not cause anisometropia.

Intraoperative Considerations

Intracapsular vs Extracapsular Cataract Extraction

Intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) involves removal of the opaque lens with the capsule in one piece. Samuel Sharp (1709–1778) was he first to perform intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE). His report was presented to the Royal Society of London and subsequently published in the Philosophical Transactions [99]. A significant problem encountered during ICCE was zonular resistance, which needed to be overcome while releasing the lens. This was augmented with the development of the erisophake—a special cup with suction apparatus introduced into the anterior chamber—in order to hold firmly the lens with its capsule [100]. Alpha chymotrypsin could have been applied for enzymatic zonulolysis to augment lens liberation [101, 102]. Krwawicz proposed utilizing low temperatures with a cryoextractor which firmly attached to the lens capsule and subcapsular masses [103]. Cryoextraction cataract surgery led to a substantial progress in ophthalmology by reducing the number of complications, particularly capsule rupture, and resulted in achieving better outcome compared to other methods. Nevertheless, disadvantages of ICCE included large incision size and relatively high rate complication rate including vitreous loss, retinal detachment, endothelial cell damage or cystoid macular edema [104]. Another problem in ICCE is the lack of the lense capsule, which limits the possible options for IOL implantation.

Extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) involves removing the opaque lens, while leaving it’s elastic capsule. Jacques Daviel (1693–1762) is believed to be the first to perform ECCE and presented this method in 1752 to the French Academy of Surgery [105]. Sushruta (600 BCE) might be considered as the a precursor of ECCE, however, he only described a paracentesis, and some extraocular evacuation of cortical masses, but not a large enough incision which could enable the extraction of the entire lens, as it is usually required in a classic ECCE [106]. Currently, most cataract surgeries attempt to preserve the lens capsule. The modification of ECCE, manual small incision cataract surgery (MSICS) is the most commonly employed form of ECCE, particularly in the developing world [107]. The principal feature of MSICS is hydrodissection and hydrodelineation of lens lamella, followed by hydroexpression of core nucleus into the anterior chamber [108]. An advantage of the procedure is that is does not require an ophthalmic viscoelastic device nor complex instrumentation. The Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews presented that the number of complications in both MSICS and phacoemulsification are low [109]. Another conclusion was that removing cataract by phacoemulsification may result in better uncorrected visual acuity in the short term (up to 3 months after surgery) compared to MSICS, but similar best-corrected visual acuity. MSICS is faster, less expensive and less technology-dependent than phacoemulsification. It may be a convenient option in eyes with mature cataract in the developing world [110].

The main difference between ICCE and ECCE (particularly with preserved intact capsule) is the complication rate. ICCE presents more wound-related complications due to larger incision size than ECCE. With that, due to breaking the anterior hyaloid membrane, ICCE more commonly induces posterior vitreous detachments, macular edema and macular holes [111]. Primarily ICCE gained popularity in the twentieth century as, particularly with the cryoextractor, it was easy to completely remove the lens. Later on, due to higher complication rates of ICCE than ECCE , it was completely replaced by extracapsular methods.


A critical advancement in cataract surgery was introduction of phacoemulsification by Charles Kelman in 1967 [112]. As it was possible to divide and remove the lens within the eye, this portended the upcoming of the “small-incision cataract surgery”. Phacoemulsification allows exceptional anterior chamber control as the incision is significantly reduced in size and is tightly sealed around the handpiece. IOP can be held within normal range with improved anterior chamber maintenance, reducing the likelihood of suprachoroidal or expulsive hemorrhage [113]. The decrease in wound size supports omission of corneal suturing, leading to less induced astigmatism and faster visual recovery. Finally, it is possible to significantly reduce the complication rates. Disadvantages of phacoemulsification include a steep learning curve, high reliability on the phacoemulsification unit and cost related to purchasing and maintaining it. The size of the IOLs for some time impeded the decrease in incision diameter, as is was necessary to extend the initial cut in order to implant an IOL [38].

Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery (FLACS)

Femtosecond lasers employ infrared light of the wavelength of 1053 nm and operate at high energy levels and very short, femtosecond range, pulses. The initial results of using femtosecond lasers for cataract surgery were presented in 2009 [114]. FLACS has raised a lot of hope as a mean to improve cataract surgery. The reported benefits included increased precision of the anterior capsulotomy, improved wound architecture and reduced ultrasound power during phacoemulsification (leading to a lower endothelial cell loss and collateral tissue damage). FLACS was proposed as a safe alternative for patients with Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy [115]. Nevertheless, in a recent study it was presented that FLACS does not lower the rate of corneal decompensation in eyes with mild to moderate Fuchs dystrophy [116].

Disadvantages of FLACS include mainly the price of the surgery, and that it is not cost-effective [117]. Another issue is the prevalence of PCME, which was shown to be higher in FLACS than in conventional PCS. This might be attributed to increased aqueous humor prostaglandin levels, possible due to increased surgical trauma caused by the laser to ocular tissue [118]. The main trigger for prostaglandin release was anterior capsulotomy [119], and the application of topical NSAIDs preoperatively could prevent this increase [120]. Another drawback is the potential of FLACS-specific intraoperative complications, such as anterior radial tears, capsular tags, suction break or pupillary constriction. The Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews did not determine the superiority of laser-assisted cataract surgery compared to standard manual phacoemulsification [121].

Micro-incisional Cataract Surgery (MICS)

MICS is a modification of a standard cataract surgery with the approach of a minimally invasive procedure. Coaxial or biaxial methods are employed, although with the smallest possible incision. MICS with the final incision of 1.6–1.8 mm for IOL implantation is believed to improve the visual and surgical outcome, and reduce the risk of associated complications [122]. In a biaxial procedure the steepest corneal meridian is marked and two incisions are executed 90° apart from each other. Currently, 19 G (1/1.1 mm) and 21 G (0.7 mm) instrumentation is employed for MICS. A relatively wider incisions should be made to enable unhampered manipulations within the AC: a 1.2 mm internally and 1.4 mm externally for 19 G tools, and 1-mm for 21 G. One of the incisions should be located in the positive meridian of the cornea—it will be enlarged for IOL implantation. Another approach is to create another, third incision for IOL implantation in the positive meridian shortly before IOL introduction into the eye. As a result of small incision size the continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis has to be carried out with a bent capsulotomy needle or 23-gauge vitrectomy-style micro-incisional capsulorhexis forceps. Cortical cleaving hydrodissection should be performed in two distal quadrants. Particularly in refractive lens exchange the use of specially designed symmetrical prechoppers such as Alió-Scimitar MICS (Katena Inc., Denville, NJ) might yield cutting the nucleus in half without placing any asymmetrical pressure on the zonules, and using high values of fluidics [123].

Following emulsification of the nuclear segments, the cortical material remaining in the capsular bag is removed with irrigation/aspiration. Separation of irrigation and aspiration in two independent handpieces prevents generating vortex currents at the end of the phaco-tip. Another advantage of the bimanual technique is the feasibility to remove the sub-incisional cortex without switching handpieces. It is worth highlighting that MICS presents outstanding AC stability. One of the reasons is that the irrigation handpiece is constantly within the AC. As well, the impermeability of two smaller incisions is greater than with a larger incision. Accordingly, the incidence of intraocular hypotony and the risk of AC collapse or posterior vitreous detachment during surgery declines considerably.

The value of MICS is that it can be performed with most phacoemulsification platforms. The parameters favour fluidics with high levels of irrigation/aspiration pressure, rather than phaco power. As a consequence of fast reaction and great flexibility, a Venturi pump system may be recommended. Standard infusion tools could be insufficient regarding hydrodynamics, hence particular MICS high-inflow tools should be employed. The major disadvantage of bimanual phacoemulsification lies in the current limitations of the IOL technology.

Wound Construction

Currently cataract surgery employs CCI or scleral incisions, and their classification is presented in Table 3.4. Superiorly placed scleral tunnel incisions are used mainly in MSICS and by beginning cataract surgeons. Scleral incisions induce significantly less astigmatic change compared to CCI, which constitutes a significant advantage of this approach [124]. Creating a scleral incision is more challenging and time consuming compared to a CCI, and peribulbar or retrobulbar anesthesia is required. Proper tunnel incision architecture, at least 1–2 mm into the clear cornea, has self-sealing wound properties. Disadvantages of scleral incisions is occasional requirement of cautery, as the conjunctiva is highly vascular. If the initial groove is too superficial, a thin scleral flap will be prone to tearing or lacerations. If the initial groove is too deep, the anterior chamber might be penetrated too early. When the corneal part of the tunnel is performed too anteriorly, the visualisation will be hampered due to striae when the phaco tip is tilted down. Ballooning of the conjunctiva might impede access to the tunnell and require an additional cut.

Table 3.4

Classification of scleral and corneal tunnel incisions

Scleral tunnel incisions

Conjunctival flap architecture

Limbal-based flap


Fornix-based flap


Based on scleral groove shape

Smile incision

Following the limbus


Straight incision

Straight line


Frown incision

Curve opposite to the limbus


Blumental side cut

Straight line with sides receding from limbus


Chevron ‘v’ incision

V-incision, sides receding from the limbus

Corneal tunnel incisions

Based on external incision location

Clear corneal incision

Entry anterior to conjunctival insertion


Limbal corneal incision

Entry through the conjunctiva and limbus


Scleral corneal incision

Entry posterior to the limbus

Based on architecture

Single plane

No groove


Shallow groove

Below 400 μm


Deep groove

Over 400 μm

Primarily CCIs were criticized because of presumed increased risk of endophthalmitis due to uncertain sealability and poor wound healing (Fig. 3.3). Thus CCIs were indicated only in patients with pre-existing filtering blebs, taking anticoagulants [125], with blood coagulation disorders or cicatrizing diseases i.e., ocular cicatricial pemphigoid or Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Afterwards, as CCI can be performed under topical anesthesia, they became more and more commonly used. In general, regional blocks presented increased risk of complications compared to topical anesthesia. Other advantages of CCIs include ease of approach to the incision site, preservation of options for future filtering surgeries, increased stability in refractive results (neutralization of the forces from lid blink and gravity), no need for bridle sutures and the location of the lateral canthal angle under the incision which facilitates drainage. A disadvantage of CCI is the induction of astigmatism. In general, the main incision should be located in the steep meridian of the cornea, particularly if the corneal astigmatism is higher than 0.50 cylindrical diopter. Interestingly, the CCI-induced astigmatism significantly differences among surgeons. In a study conducted by Ernest et al. all of the surgeons have performed CCIs in the same manner and using identical surgical tools, the surgically induced astigmatism differed double-fold (mean induced astigmatism from 0.38 to 0.88 D depending on surgeon) [126]. Furthermore, the location of the incision influences the size of astigmatism. Incisions performed in the nasal quadrant induce significantly higher astigmatism than the temporal ones [127, 128]. Although clear corneal and scleral incisions might engender complications by nature of their architecture and location, some complications are unique to CCI. If the conjunctiva is unintentionally incised at the time of creating a CCI, ballooning of the conjunctiva can develop which may compromise visualization of anterior structures. If this develops, the use of a suction catheter is usually required by the assistant to aid in visualization. Early entry into the anterior chamber might result in an incision of insufficient length to be self sealing, increased tendency for iris prolapse, and requires placing a suture at the conclusion of the procedure. Late entry may result in a long corneal tunnel, so that the phacoemulsification tip would create striae in the cornea and hamper visualization of the anterior chamber. Manipulation of the phacoemulsification handpiece intraoperatively may result in tearing of the roof of the CCI, particularly at the edges, compromising the ability to self-seal, or occasionally resulting in minor detachment or scrolling of Descemet’s membrane. Incisional burns similarly compromise self-sealability, result in corneal edema and severe induced astigmatism [129]. In addition, manipulations in the proximity of the wound can cause epithelial abrasion.


Fig. 3.3

Artist’s interpretation of cross-section view of clear corneal incisions. (a) A single plane incision. (b) The modified incision by making a shallow, perpendicular groove before incising the cornea. (c) A deepened perpendicular groove, which was believed to lead to greater stability

Intraoperative Complications

The overall complication rates in PCS are presented in Table 3.5. PCR is the most common a potentially serious complication of PCS. It is associated with the risk of dropped nucleus, vitreous loss, difficulties in placement of the IOL, and postoperative complications such as retinal detachment or PCME. Risk indicators for PCR are brunescent/white cataract (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 2.99), pseudoexfoliation syndrome/phacodonesis (AOR 2.92), no fundus view during surgery (AOR 2.46), diabetic retinopathy (AOR 1.63), doxazosin intake (AOR 1.51), axial length equal or greater than 26.0 mm (AOR 1.47), small pupil size (AOR 1.45) as well as inability to lie flat (AOR 1.27), presence of glaucoma (AOR 1.3) and surgery performed by trainees (AOR 3.73, when comparing to senior house officer) [131]. The cause of PCR usually involves touching the posterior capsule with surgical instruments, and may occur at any stage of the surgery. Particularly patients with congenital posterior polar cataract are at risk of PCR, and in these cases hydrodelineation rather than hydrodissection should be performed [132].

Table 3.5

Intraoperative cataract surgery complication rates in selected studies


CND dataset (n = 55,567) (%) [130]

UKHS dataset (n = 20,070) (%) [130]

Posterior capsule rupture with or without vitreous loss



Iris damage from phaco



Zonular dialysis



IOL complications (decentration, IOL in the vitreous, lens exchange required)



Phaco wound burn



Nuclear fragment into the vitreous/dropped nucleus



Corneal epithelial abrasion



Vitreous in the anterior chamber



Choroidal/suprachoroidal haemorrhage






Abbreviations: IOL intraocular lens, UKSH United Kingdom Specialist Hospitals, CND United Kingdom Cataract National Dataset

When dealing with PCR it is critical to remove the vitreous from the wound and anterior chamber [20]. This should be employed with a vitreous cutter in order to minimize any traction on the retina. All the lens fragments and soft lens matter should be removed, both from the posterior chamber and vitreous cavity. As visualization of the vitreous body might be difficult, the use of triamcinolone for staining is recommended.

A small pupil makes PCS technically challenging, and usually a stepwise approach for pupil dilation is recommended. If poor dilation is surmised, mydriasis might be achieved preoperative application of atropine, which is strongest mydriatic agent. In these cases atropine sulfate 1% is applied three times for 1–3 days before surgery. Additionally, intracameral sympathomimetics agents (e.g. epinephrine in a 1:2500 dilution) might be administered intraoperatively [133]. The mydriatic effect might be also achieved with intracameral preservative-free lidocaine 1% [134, 135]. Lidocaine might be combined with sympathomimetics and/or tropicamide. Such a preparation for intracameral administration is available commercially (Mydrane, Thea Pharmaceuticals, Clermont-Ferrand, France). In moderate to severe cases the use of iris expansion rings or iris hooks might be necessary.

Intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) is a condition that significantly increases the risk of complications. IFIS is associated with a higher rate of surgical complications, especially when the condition is not recognized or anticipated [136]. The relationship between IFIS and the systemic use of α-blockers, particularly tamsulosin, was reported almost 10 years ago [137]. Importantly, discontinuation of tamsulosin prior to PCS does not decrease the severity of IFIS [138]. IFIS can be prevented and treated by maintaining proper mydriasis and restraining the iris from prolapsing during cataract surgery [139]. Proper wound construction is critical, and the tunnel should be slightly longer and more anteriorly-situated than in normal cases. Lower vacuum and aspiration would be recommended for surgery and repeated injections of a viscoelastic agent.

Pseudoexfoliation syndrome (XFS) is an age-related disorder in which abnormal fibrillar extracellular material is produced and accumulates in several ocular tissues. No symptoms are usually associated with XFS, however, individuals have a risk of increased IOP, glaucoma, and poor pupil dilation. With that, it was reported that XFS cases might manifest zonular instability [140]. Thus, XFS eyes present an increased risk of dropping the nucleus or nucleus fragment, zonular dialysis, phacodonesis or lens sublutaxion.

Retained Lens Fragments and Nucleus Luxation

Retained lens material is a rare complication of PCS, however, was reported in up to 0.8% of patients having undergone resident performed PCS [141]. The presence of retained lens fragments may result in postoperative inflammation, secondary glaucoma, corneal edema, PCME or rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. As these complication might result in long-term visual impairment, proper management plays a great role in the final visual outcome.

Small amounts of cortical material may become absorbed without surgery. In cases with large cortical parts or fragments of the nucleus, such material should be removed with pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). Small pieces of the nucleus can be removed with a vitrectomy handpiece alone, while harder nuclear material should be removed with a phacoemulsification instrument within the posterior segment [142]. Treatment is theoretically possible during the same surgery with conversion from PCS to pars plana vitrectomy while the patient is still draped. However, such treatment has some disadvantages. Firstly, the anesthesia for vitrectomy and cataract surgery is different. Some studies identified a substantially increased risk of intraoperative bleeding during PPV, thus discontinuation of antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants could be considered for vitrectomy (but is not usually done in PCS) [12]. In some countries it is infrequent for cataract surgeons to perform PPV. A vitreoretinal surgeon might not be available immediately at the same setting, and even if so he might be reluctant to perform immediate surgery in a patients with whom he does not have a professional relationship. Not all phacoemulsification devices are enabled to perform PPV or phacofragmentation, and endoillumination might be required in these cases. Importantly, efforts to retrieve lens fragments without proper posterior segment instrumentation might result in complex retinal detachment and should be discouraged [143].

If performing immediate PPV is not possible, it is advocated to remove lens fragments from the anterior chamber and capsular bag, place the IOL (into the capsular bag, or alternatively to the sulcus or anterior chamber) and suture the corneal incision [144]. Subsequently, it is postulated that PPV should be performed up to 7 days after PCS [145]. Histopathologic investigations of vitreous specimens obtained during PPV revealed that lens-induced inflammation increases with time that retained lens material remains in the eye [146]. No macrophages, phacolytic cells, neutrophils and multinucleated giant cells were present if vitrectomy was performed with 3 days after PCS. Clinically, a delayed interval between PCS and PPV results in higher retinal detachment rate [147], poorer visual outcome, and a higher risk of developing persistent glaucoma [145]. Contrarily, some other studies did not find an association between time of intervention and final outcome [148, 149]. In a publication by Scott et al. 44% of patients had a final visual acuity of 20/40 and worse, and the main cause of visual impairment was cystoid macular edema [148].

Posterior Capsulotomy

Performing a primary surgical capsulotomy is an option for eyes having a high risk of developing significant posterior capsule opacification (PCO). This should be considered in pediatric cataracts and particularly in patients under 6 years of age [150], as well as in adults undergoing combined vitrectomy and cataract surgery [151]. Similarly, posterior capsulotomy might be performed in eyes having a dense PCO discovered intraoperatively [152]. Posterior capsulotomy is also postulated in refractive lens exchange in young patients, however, no long-term studies confirmed the safety in this cohort [153]. Opening the posterior capsule might be supplemented with vitreous staining with preservative-free triamcinolone acetonide and anterior vitrectomy.

Dropless Cataract Surgery

As topical antibiotics are difficult to instill and their effect is dependent on patient compliance, dropless cataract surgery might be a viable option [154]. In a study by An et al. 92.6% of patients after PCS demonstrated improper eye drop administration technique, including missing the eye, instilling an incorrect amount of drops, contaminating the bottle, or failing to wash hands before instillation [155]. Consequences of poor compliance can affect both the patient (in cases of complications) and the society (by development of antibiotic resistance). TriMoxi (Imprimis Pharmaceuticals) is a single use suspension containing 15 mg/mL of triamcinolone and 1 mg/mL of moxifloxacin. Another formulation, TriMoxiVanc, adds 10 mg/mL of vancomycin to the compound. At the conclusion of surgery 0.2 mL of the suspension is introduced into the posterior chamber through a transzonular injection. A disadvantage of this approach is the reduction of “the wow factor”, as the visible drug affects the vision for up to 3–7 days after surgery. Over time, a dropless approach might become universally preferred over topical post-cataract prophylaxis.

Postoperative Complications

Postoperative Follow Ups

The timing of postoperative examinations should be adjusted to ensure the expeditious recognition and management of complications in order to optimize the final outcome of surgery. The frequency of postoperative complications in recent studies is presented in Table 3.6.
Apr 25, 2020 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Developments in Cataract Surgery

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