Combined Corneal Cross Linking and Other Procedures: Indications and Application Models

Fig. 4.1
Example of a decision tree or flowchart to help manage the treatment options for KC and post-LASIK ectasia. SimLC stands for simultaneous laser and cross linking, with “laser” being TG-PRK. ISCR stands for intrastromal corneal ring, including segments such as Intacs, Ferrara, and Keraring or full ring such as Myoring

As shown in the figure, the items in red are vision-enhancing procedures that can be combined with CXL for KC. Vision enhancement includes UDVA, CDVA, and quality of vision, and importantly, sometimes all are improved by a procedure and sometimes only one or two of these are improved. Some procedures may improve the quality of vision and the CDVA but may disimprove the UDVA.

Many use a rule of thumb regarding the vision (both UDVA and CDVA) as indicators of which procedure to use – assessing the patient’s ability to see in daily activities. This is assessed with and without the use of glasses or contact lenses. If the vision is satisfactory in terms of acuity and the quality is acceptable, then the desire is stabilization of the condition via CXL in the safest possible way. If the vision is 6/7.5 or 20/25 (0.8) or better, then it is appropriate to employ Epi-On CXL as a first line of treatment. If the vision is less than 0.8 then Epi-Off CXL can be considered. If the vision is worse than 6/12 or 20/40 (0.5) then adjunct approaches like topography-guided PRK (TG-PRK), ISCR or conductive keratoplasty (CK) in conjunction with CXL may be more suited.

Manifest refraction can be reliable in the early stage of KC, where the cornea is not too distorted. As the disease progresses, higher order aberrations increase, affecting both UDVA and CDVA, and the reliability of subjective refraction. In advanced cases, the spherocylindrical error is highly inconsistent and poorly reproducible [105]. In addition, the more significant the internal astigmatism, corneal astigmatism in the 3.0 mm central zone, and corneal aberrometric profile, the worse the CDVA [106], hence the need to determine the potential visual acuity (PVA) instead of CDVA.

The magnitude of refraction affects the choice of treatment. In cases of low refractive error, CXL alone (if indicated) may be sufficient, although it is not a refractive procedure. In moderate refractive error, CXL with PTK or TG-PRK, or ISCR implantation are good options. When the refractive error is high, combined treatments including PIOL implantation are options.

On the other hand, CDVA or PVA also have an impact on the decision. When the CDVA is impaired but the PVA is good, regularization of the cornea by CXL + PTK, CXL + TG-PRK, or ISCR implantation becomes the first step. While, when both are impaired, keratoplasty becomes the first choice.

Moreover, visual acuity has been shown to be a predictor of outcomes in some studies. While preoperative CDVA of 20/25 or better yields more complications after CXL [49], low visual acuity yields good results after ISCR implantation as many studies have shown that this option is more effective in advanced cases of KC [107114].

Take-Home Message

  • Treatment of ectatic corneal diseases depends on many parameters, such as age, gender, environment and geographic location, corneal transparency, the presence of Vogt’s striae, contact lens tolerance, progression, corneal thickness, maximum K (Kmax), uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), potential visual acuity (PVA), and refractive error.

  • Stage of ectatic corneal diseases depends not only on the disease itself, but also on the time of presentation. The latter depends on patient’s awareness, symmetry of the disease, dominant or nondominant eye affection, visual demands, and early referral from GPs and optometrists.

Treatment Models with Corneal Cross Linking

This section addresses the specific indications for the array of treatment options that are currently available. Some expert colleagues have kindly shared their experiences of how these procedures fit into their decision trees and how their decision-making process works.

The following will be addressed:

  • Transepithelial or “Epi-On” Corneal Cross Linking; by Kathryn M. Hatch and Jonathan Talamo

  • Accelerated Corneal Cross Linking Protocols; by Bradley Randleman

  • Excimer Laser and Refractive Surgery Combined with Corneal Cross Linking; by Anastasios John Kanellopoulos, George Asimellis, Hani Sakla, and Wassim Altroudi

  • Phototherapeutic Keratectomy Combined with Corneal Cross Linking; by Yaron S. Rabinowitz

  • Intrastromal Corneal Ring Segments Combined Corneal Cross Linking; by Aylin Kilic

  • Thermal Procedures Combined Corneal Cross Linking; by Arthur B. Cummings, Roy Scott Rubinfeld, Olivia Dryjski and Renato Ambrósio Junior.

  • Refractive Lens Exchange and Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation Combined Corneal Cross Linking; by Mohamed El-Kateb

  • Photorefractive Intrastromal Cross Linking; by Anastasios John Kanellopoulos and George Asimellis

  • Orthokeratology Combined Corneal Cross Linking; by Dale P. DeVore, Michael A. Ross and Bruce H. De Woolfson

Transepithelial or “Epi-On” Corneal Cross Linking

Plentiful evidence supports the utility of CXL for slowing or stopping progression of KC [103, 115127]. However, much remains to be learned about the relationship of delivery technique to the safety, efficacy, and both short and longer term stability of CXL. Riboflavin concentration, corneal thickness, intensity and duration of UV light exposure (both total exposure time and pulsed versus nonpulsed light), as well as the presence or absence of epithelium are all variables that must be considered when performing CXL.

Non-Invasive, Epi-On CXL, if done correctly, offers the benefits of CXL (slowing/stopping progression of KC, improvement of corneal shape, improved vision) with very minimal risk of vision loss. Nawaz et al [128] evaluated Epi-On CXL compared to Epi-Off CXL and found similar CDVA and topographic changes between the two groups. Two of the patients (10 %) in the Epi-Off CXL group, however, developed persistent stromal haze. Not surprisingly, Epi-On CXL group patients reported superior comfort post-procedure [128]. In addition to causing significant postoperative pain [128, 129], removal of the corneal epithelium is also associated with a longer recovery time before resuming contact lens usage and activities of daily living. Following Epi-On CXL, patients typically return to contact lenses within a week as compared to 1 month after Epi-Off CXL. While there can be discomfort during the first 24 h after Epi-On CXL, the majority of patients are fully functional and return to baseline levels of visual function after 1–2 days postoperatively. Additionally, as noted above, Epi-Off CXL increases the risk of complications, including pain, corneal haze, melt, infection, and endothelial decompensation [130134]. As such, there is great interest and enthusiasm amongst both patients and physicians for an Epi-On CXL approach.

Differences in riboflavin instillation techniques, including riboflavin loading time and technique, concentration of riboflavin, and parameters related to the light source may result in varied efficacy from either Epi-On or Epi-Off CXL. More precise ways to measure the concentration of riboflavin in the cornea prior to and during UV light application may be necessary to titrate the predictability of the location and magnitude of corneal strengthening for either CXL approach.

There are several unique technical considerations that are important when performing Epi-On CXL. Because intact epithelium can slow penetration of riboflavin into the corneal stroma, adequate stromal saturation of riboflavin through intact epithelium requires different techniques than with Epi-Off CXL. Loading times for Epi-On CXL can vary, depending on the concentration, pH and osmolarity of the riboflavin formulation and the presence or absence of excipient substances to enhance epithelial permeability, and may range from 15 min to 3 h. The CXLUSA Study Group (comprised of 17 centers nationwide across the USA) uses a patent pending proprietary riboflavin formulation and delivery system. The riboflavin formulation and non-iontophoretic transepitleial stromal loading system have been optimized for rapid, consistent, proprietary, patent pending penetration of corneal epithelium to achieve homogeneous transepithelial stromal loading. The unique proprietary riboflavin formulation has been shown in independent laboratory animal and human clinical trials to be unique in consistently achieving transepithelial stromal riboflavin loading [the 11th Intl CXL Congress, USA 2015; and Stulting’s Binkhorst Lecture, ASCRS 2016]. The average loading time using proprietary riboflavin 0.5 % with the proprietary loading system takes 15–20 min. Prior to these developments, transepithelial, consistent, homogeneous and reliable stromal loading using isotonic 0.1 % riboflavin, both with and without without numerous loading delivery systems used by investigators in the CXLUSA study took on average 40 min to 2 h. Other variables affecting stromal loading may be corneal thickness, steepness of the cone and any haze or scarring. An incomplete load due to a steep cone may require peripheral or sectorial loading. Other techniques, which have been described in the literature, enhancing penetration through intact epithelium include the use of topical anesthetics, iontophoresis [135], and benzalkonium chloride-EDTA (BAC-EDTA) riboflavin-UVA Epi-On [136]. The use of permeability enhancers may have an additive effect on epithelial riboflavin permeability and thereby increase riboflavin penetration into the corneal stroma [137, 138]. Some of these agents such as BAK-EDTA have been shown to act chemically as singlet oxygen quenchers thus potentially interfering with CXL [139].

The keys to adequate riboflavin loading prior to UV light application include homogeneity, or how even or uneven (patchy) the loading is, concentration (or density) of the loading. If patchy or incomplete loading is seen (Figs. 4.2 and 4.3, areas of poor loading seen by arrows), additional loading should be performed. An example of a homogeneous, adequately concentrated corneal stromal loading is seen in Fig. 4.4. Additionally, time should be allotted to allow clearance of riboflavin from the epithelium before proceeding to UV in order to minimize UV absorption by the epithelium (generally about 5 min is sufficient). Figure 4.5 illustrates adequate stromal loading with absence of riboflavin in the epithelium as evidenced by lack of autofluorescence in the presence of cobalt blue light. Given that the CXL treatment is targeted to stromal tissue, proceeding with UVA application is best performed when the corneal epithelium is clear, non-disrupted and free of visible riboflavin.


Fig. 4.2
Epi-On CXL. Patchy or incomplete loading. Slit lamp view


Fig. 4.3
Epi-On CXL. Patchy or incomplete loading. An autofluorescence view by cobalt-blue light


Fig. 4.4
Epi-On CXL. Homogenous concentrated load


Fig. 4.5
Epi-On CXL. Adequate stromal loading

As with any CXL approach, UV light can be applied continuously or “fractionated,” whereby the light is “pulsed” on and off. The pulsed-UV application is thought to allow oxygen levels in the cornea to recover, which should allow for more effective CXL [140, 141]. The irradiance (typically 3–4 mW) and diameter (9–12 mm) of the light are additional variables that likely affect outcome.

The CXLUSA Study Group is evaluating both Epi-On and Epi-Off CXL in nonrandomized cohorts. Eligible patients in the study must have one of the following conditions: forme fruste keratoconus (FFKC), post-LASIK ectasia, pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD), or fluctuating vision after radial keratotomy. Trattler and Rubinfeld (ISRS Refractive Surgery Subspecialty Day, November 13, 2015) evaluated UCVA, CDVA, and Kmax at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years in 381 eyes with average preoperative Kmax of 63.5 D and average thinnest corneal thickness (TCT) of 408 μm with Epi-On CXL using a proprietary system. At 6 months (n = 206), 1 year (n = 153), and 2 years (n = 62), average improvement in UCVA was 1.71, 2.26, and 2.65 lines, respectively. CDVA improved 0.68, 0.79, and 1.18 lines, at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years, respectively. There was noted to be 0.75 D, 1.18 D, and 1.23 D of flattening of Kmax at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years, respectively.

Following initial enthusiastic reports of efficacy with Epi-On CXL, long-term follow-up showed loss of effect in 19 % [142] and 23 % [143] of eyes between year 1 and year 2 postoperatively. Both of these studies utilized a commercially available riboflavin formulation containing tromethamine and EDTA to promote absorption, continuous UVA exposure at 3 mW/cm2, and continued application of riboflavin during UVA exposure. It is also noteworthy that these protocols did not include verification of riboflavin saturation by slit lamp examination before light exposure.

The CXLUSA Epi-ON protocol differs from that utilized in the studies reported by Caporossi’s and Soeters’ groups in several ways. First of all, the CXLUSA protocol requires slit lamp verification of adequate corneal stromal riboflavin saturation before light exposure, with an extended treatment time if saturation is not adequate. Second, the patent pending CXLUSA riboflavin formulation is completely different from the commercially available one that has been reported to lose effect long-term. Third, patented sponges are utilized to enhance riboflavin absorption under the CXL-USA protocol. Finally, the UVA light utilized by CXLUSA is more intense (4 mW/cm2 vs 3 mW/cm2) and pulsed to allow deeper oxygen penetration into the corneal stroma.

Interim 2-year analysis of Epi-On CXLUSA outcomes was recently reported to produce a 1-1 ½ Snellen line improvement in CDVA that is stable from year 1 to year 2 postoperatively, as shown in Figure 4.6


Fig. 4.6
Uncorrected and corrected visual acuities in a consistent cohort of eyes with keratoconus and ectasia after LASIK that underwent corneal crosslinking using the CXLUSA epi-on protocol and were followed for 24 months postoperatively.
[Stulting’s Binkhorst Lecture, ASCRS 2016].

Corneal hysteresis (CH) is another potential measure of corneal biomechanics that can be assessed after Epi-On CXL. De Bernardo et al [144] showed stabilization of patients with progressive KC at 6 months after Epi-On CXL with minimal change in CH, while Lombardo et al [145] showed a biomechanical strengthening effect on donor globe eyes with Epi-On CXL. Torricelli et al [136] showed that benzalkonium chloride-EDTA (BAC-EDTA) riboflavin-UVA Epi-On CXL statistically increased biomechanical corneal stiffening compared to the standard Epi-Off CXL treatment in a rabbit model.

Due to its atraumatic nature, Epi-On CXL is well tolerated by all age groups and varying degrees of disease and may a better option in specific type of cases. Young patients, including children as young as 9 years old, tolerate the procedure well with fast recovery. Young patients, however, need to be monitored carefully for progression, given risk of progression, and repeat Epi-On CXL or Epi-Off CXL treatments may need to be considered earlier in this population. Older patients (greater than age 35) as well as corneas with steep average keratometry (Kavg) can also benefit, as they may be slower to reepithelialize with Epi-Off CXL compared to other patients without such attributes. A study done by Koller et al [49] showed that preoperative Kmax greater than 58 D increased risk for continued progression after Epi-Off CXL, so these eyes specifically may be at higher risk for complications given slower reepithelialization. For this reason, in addition to the other types of cases listed here, these steep eyes (Kmax > 58) may be good candidates for an initial Epi-On CXL treatment. Additionally, eyes of patients of age greater than 35 undergoing Epi-Off CXL were found to have a clinically significant increased risk for complications after surgery (eyes losing 2 or more Snellen lines) [49]. Moreover, eyes that have undergone prior keratorefractive surgery including LASIK, RK, AK, or ISCR may be able to proceed more safely with Epi-On CXL. Including all the standard risks with Epi-Off CXL (mentioned previously), there may be increased risk for additional complications in these eyes such as LASIK flap-related complications including DLK, incision gaping post-RK or AK, or risk of melt over an ISCR.

Repeat CXL treatments may be necessary for stabilization of corneal ectasia in some cases, and variables such as loading time, UV light application, and strength may need to be varied depending on the severity of the condition. To date, there is no published results of repeat Epi-On treatments, but a secondary treatment could be considered as an option for eyes where added effect may be necessary, and in our experience do not increase the risk of posttreatment complications. Given the safety of Epi-On CXL, repeat treatments may become more mainstream if the technique gains popularity.

Despite the promise of Epi-On CXL, the literature supporting its use for treatment of corneal ectasia remains limited. There is no debate as to the superiority of Epi-On CXL from a safety perspective, but the data supporting efficacy and stability comparable to standard Epi-Off CXL are, to date, sparse. A study by Kocak et al [146] showed in a comparison study of Epi-On CXL to Epi-Off CXL that Epi-On CXL did not effectively halt progression of KC while Epi-Off CXL not only halted progression but improved corneal shape parameters [146]. Other studies also report KC parameter instability [142149], particularly in the pediatric population, where additional CXL was often required [142]. It is the opinion of these authors that many of the published studies yielding negative or mixed outcomes likely relate to inadequate riboflavin loading of corneal stroma and/or application of UV light without allowing riboflavin to clear from the corneal epithelium first. In fact, clinical experience has led these authors and many other investigators from the CXL-USA study group to conclude that the therapeutic index of Epi-On CXL is favorable enough to recommend it as first line treatment of keratectasia, followed by either repeat Epi-On or Epi-Off CXL if further progression is documented. Nevertheless, given the paucity of well-controlled long-term studies examining the stability of visual acuity, corneal shape, and biomechanics after Epi-On CXL, future research will be of critical importance to elicit the optimal clinical indications and treatment parameters.

One very promising future application of Epi-On CXL is the ability to administer selective treatment based on corneal topography and biomechanics to achieve controlled corneal shape modifications that can predictably improve corneal strength and optics simultaneously. It is proposed that the biomechanical change with ectatic corneas is focal in nature, rather than a uniform generalized weakening, and that the focal reduction in elastic modulus precipitates a cycle of biomechanical decompensation that is driven by asymmetry in these biomechanical properties [150]. Seven et al. [151] showed clinically significant reductions in astigmatism are possible with patterned CXL, and the magnitude of the effect was dependent on patient-specific geometry, effective stiffening pattern, and treatment orientation. Other novel approaches to measuring biomechanical changes from CXL will also be useful in our understanding of the effects of CXL or ISCR. Sinha et al [152] describe a unique module which uses topography to determine a patient-specific finite element model of an ectatic eye assuming hyperelastic properties. In this model [129], human eyes were studied and noted to have an increase in corneal elastic module after CXL, which could be correlated to changes in topography findings. This study emphasized the importance of patient-specific approaches including a possible topography-guided approach to CXL. Kanellopoulos and Asimellis [153] discuss a clinical novel application of topographically-customized CXL (both Epi-On and Epi-Off CXL) to attempt to achieve hyperopic refractive changes [153]. Such approaches are likely to succeed only once the significant variables of epithelial healing and resultant corneal stromal remodeling are no longer part of postoperative healing.

Take-Home Message

  • Epi-On CXL is safe and effective as it provides the benefits of CXL with very small risks of vision loss or complications.

  • Due to its atraumatic nature, Epi-On CXL is well tolerated by all age groups and varying degrees of disease.

  • The keys to adequate riboflavin loading for Epi-On CXL include homogeneity, or how even or uneven (patchy) the loading is, and concentration (or density) of the loading for Epi-On CXL. Loading times will vary.

  • More precise ways to measure the concentration of riboflavin in the cornea prior to and during UV light application may be necessary to titrate the predictability of the location and magnitude of corneal strengthening for Epi-On CXL.

  • Given the current paucity of well-controlled long-term studies with Epi-On CXL, continued research will be of critical importance to elicit the optimal clinical indications and treatment parameters.

  • A promising future application of Epi-On CXL is to administer selective CXL based on corneal topography and biomechanics.

Accelerated Corneal Cross Linking Protocols: An Evidence Based Analysis

Since the initial clinical reports on the efficacy of CXL for progressive KC and postoperative corneal ectasia [118, 120], tremendous international interest and research has surrounded this topic. To date there have been numerous proof-of-concept, basic science, and clinical reports from the Standard Protocol (commonly referred to as the Dresden Protocol) [118, 154161].

The Standard Protocol has clear efficacy and an acceptable safety profile. However, there are drawbacks to this protocol that have stimulated interest in modifications to either improve upon safety or efficacy, or to reduce treatment times, and ultimately to avoid epithelial removal for optimal treatments. Among these drawbacks, treatment time is a significant clinical issue. The Standard Protocol requires 30 min or more of riboflavin soak time followed by 30 min of treatment. If this treatment time could be reduced it could benefit clinical practice and patient tolerance of the procedure. This is especially important in younger patient population, who stand to gain the most from CXL.

The Bunson-Roscoe law of reciprocity, discussed below, implies that alterations to the Standard Protocol should yield equivalent results as long as the same total dose or irradiance is delivered. However, in biologic systems other factors play a role and may alter this otherwise fundamental principle.

In order to better understand the current state of CXL protocols, an examination of the literature must be undertaken to establish proof of concept, anatomic features of Standard and Accelerated protocols, and comparative clinical outcomes.

Accelerated Corneal Cross Linking: Proof-of-Concept

The Bunson-Roscoe law of reciprocity of photochemistry states that the photochemical effect of ultraviolet light is proportional to the total amount of energy delivered and should be equivalent for equivalent total doses regardless of the relative irradiation time and intensity for each protocol [162]. The Standard Protocol delivered 3 mW/cm2 of energy for 30 min, for a total energy dose (fluence) of 5.4 J/cm2. This treatment resulted in up to 70 % increase in cornea rigidity compared to controls using porcine and human cadaver eyes [154, 155].

A variety of variations on these parameters, all still with a total dose of 5.4 J/cm2, have been evaluated with mixed results. Wernli and colleagues found relative efficacy in treatment groups between 3 and 34 mW/cm2 but a rapid drop-off of efficacy beyond 45 mW/cm2 [163]. This group also found equivalent biomechanical responses, measured as a change in Young’s modulus compared to control eyes, for Standard (3 mW/cm2, 30 min) and rapid (10 mW/cm2, 9 min) treatment protocols [164]. However, Hammer and colleagues found a decreased stiffening effect with increasing UV-A intensity, also measured as comparative changes in Young’s modulus at 10 % strain. They found significant differences between 3 mW/cm2 vs. 9 mW/cm2, 3 mW/cm2 vs. 18 mW/cm2, and both 3 mW/cm2 and 9 mW/cm2 compared to the control group, while they found no difference between 18 mW/cm2 and the control group [165].

Using a different technique, scanning acoustic microscopy, Beshtawi and colleagues found no differences between 3 and 9 mW/cm2 protocols [166]. Using confocal microscopy, Touboul and colleagues compared corneal alterations after Standard, Accelerated (30 mW/cm2 for 3 min), and Epi-On protocols, and found similar alterations in the subbasal nerve plexus and anterior stromal keratocytes between Standard and Accelerated protocols but no evidence of changes after Epi-On approaches [167].

Corneal Stromal Demarcation Line After CXL

First reported by Seiler and Hafezi [168], the demarcation line evident after CXL with the Standard Protocol (Fig. 4.7) has been thought to represent the depth of CXL treatment and thereby serve as a surrogate of an efficient biomechanical impact. Aggregate analysis has found that this demarcation line is present in almost all cases after Standard Protocol CXL at a depth of approximately 300 μm [169173].


Fig. 4.7
Corneal demarcation line following CXL with the Standard Protocol. Note the prominent demarcation line at approximately 300 μm depth

In contrast to the Standard Protocol, the demarcation line is less dense, less uniform (Fig. 4.8), and demonstrably present in fewer cases after most other CXL protocols, including accelerated treatments and iontophoresis CXL [135, 173, 174]. In contrast, Kymionis and colleagues found no difference in the demarcation line between Standard CXL and a modified Accelerated Protocol (9 mW/cm2 for 14 min) [172].


Fig. 4.8
Corneal demarcation line following CXL with an Accelerated Protocol. The demarcation line is present but it is more faint and less deep, at approximately 220 μm

These relative differences between Standard CXL and iontophoresis correlate well with the perceived difference in efficacy between these approaches [135]. The relative similarity between Standard and Accelerated protocols could then signify relative similarity in efficacy. However, some have questioned the significance of the demarcation line, suggesting it is merely a marker of keratocyte perturbation rather than efficacy.

Clinical Outcomes for Accelerated CXL

Compared to the Standard Protocol, few studies exist reporting the outcomes after Accelerated CXL protocols. Further, there is little standardization as the protocols termed “accelerated.” Nevertheless, to date most publications have found equivalence between Standard and Accelerated outcomes.

Tomita and colleagues reported two separate cohorts with similar accelerated protocols (30 mW/cm2 for 3 min) [175, 176] but different riboflavin soak times (10 min [175] or 15 min [176]) and found all measured outcomes were similar to Standard Protocol outcomes. These equivalent measured outcomes included acuity (UDVA and CDVA), manifest refraction, keratometric readings, and corneal biomechanical responses measured with the ocular response analyzer (Reichert, Inc.) and dynamic Scheimpflug analyzer (Corvis ST, Oculus, Inc.). They also found no differences in endothelial cell counts.

Hashemian and colleagues recently reported 15 month follow-up of similar Standard and Accelerated (30 mW/cm2 for 3 min) protocols with similar equivalent outcomes between groups. They also found less decrease in anterior stromal keratocyte density with the Accelerated Protocol, and less disruption of the subbasal nerve plexus in the Accelerated group. Ozgurhan and colleagues also reported less subbasal nerve disruption with an Accelerated Protocol [177]. These findings imply that Accelerated treatment may have more rapid overall corneal recovery after CXL, which could improve safety profiles.

The Role of Oxygen in CXL and Its Significance to Accelerated CXL Protocols

Oxygen plays a fundamental role in the CXL reaction, and better understanding of this role will facilitate the development of optimized treatment protocols. Richoz and colleagues performed CXL on ex vivo porcine corneas in low-oxygen environments, and specimens treated under these conditions failed to show an increase in the biomechanical stability following CXL [178]. This indicates that oxygen is essential for the biomechanical part of the CXL process to occur, and that limitations in the corneal oxygen diffusion capacity will affect the CXL process.

These findings may help explain in part, in addition to reduced riboflavin penetration, why epithelium-on (Epi-On) treatment protocols fail to increase the biomechanical stiffness to levels that arrest KC progression, especially in pediatric patients [179, 180]. In order to compensate for the potential drop off of efficacy, a variety of mechanisms have been employed. These include altering the light source (pulsing, or turning it on and off) in an attempt to increase oxygen saturation [181], and modifying the parameters to increase overall irradiance to compensate for this potential drop in efficacy [172, 182]. The ultimate effect of these modifications remains to be determined, and longer follow-up with more eyes will be needed to validate these approaches.


The efficacy of CXL using the Standard Protocol is undisputed. As more elements of the CXL process are better understood, modifications to individual parameters may be able to improve efficacy, or maintain current efficacy while improving the overall treatment time and patient experience. There is reasonable proof of concept data that accelerated treatments can be efficacious; however, these findings are not unanimous. Demonstrable anatomic modifications are similar to Standard Protocol findings. Early results with accelerated treatment protocols are encouraging; however, significantly more data is necessary before equivalence can be stated, and better standardization of the nomenclature is needed to better quantify and compare various “accelerated” protocols to one another.

Take-Home Message

  • Accelerated protocols are attractive to physicians and patients to significantly reduce the total treatment time for CXL.

  • The Bunson-Roscoe law of reciprocity indicates that equivalence should be attainable for accelerated protocols as long as total dose of UV light is maintained.

  • Accelerated protocol clinical findings are less clear, with some groups finding similar outcomes and others reported less effect.

  • The role of oxygen is a likely driver for the CXL process, and its consumption may limit the ability to “accelerate” treatments beyond a certain point.

Excimer Laser and Refractive Surgery Combined with Corneal Cross Linking

CXL with riboflavin (a vitamin B2 molecule) and ultraviolet-A may nowadays be considered as an established option [183] for the management of progressive KC [184]. This is supported by more than 10 years of experience following the introduction of the technique by the Dresden Protocol [118, 185]. The procedure increases corneal resistance and inhibits progression of the ectatic disorder [186], which is applicable not only in KC, but also in the treatment of PMD [187] and induced post-LASIK ectasia [120].

CXL, although initially employed to arrest keratectasia, has recently been increasingly evaluated in regard to its optimal refractive outcome that may significantly affect the quality of everyday life. Several adjuvant treatments may combine with CXL to offer a far wider reach of options. TG-PRK, TE-PTK, ISCR implantation, and PIOL implantation are many of the refractive options that may be combined with CXL.

Topo-guided excimer ablation combined with CXL treatment has been among such options [4, 188]. A pioneering report presented significant clinical improvement of a keratoconic patient who underwent TG-PRK 1 year after CXL [4]. Variations in technique have revolved around procedure timing and sequencing, recommended maximum ablation depth, and the use of Mitomycin-C. We have shown that same-session partial TG-PRK followed by CXL is more effective than sequential CXL with delayed (6 months or more) PRK in achieving visual rehabilitation in keratoconic eyes [7]. Several other studies confirmed the safety and/or efficacy of the simultaneous TG-PRK followed by CXL in patients with KC and post-LASIK ectasia; long-term stability of this combined procedure has also been demonstrated [8, 9, 1315].

Our team in Athens has contributed many of the evolutionary steps of the initially introduced CXL technique:

  1. 1.

    Higher fluence


  2. 2.

    Use of dextran-free riboflavin solution


  3. 3.

    Combination of CXL with topography-guided excimer normalization of ectatic corneas (the Athens Protocol)


  4. 4.

    Prophylactic CXL in routine myopic and hyperopic LASIK


  5. 5.

    In situ CXL through a femtosecond laser created corneal pocket


  6. 6.

    Photorefractive intrastromal CXL (PiXL)


Specifically, we have introduced the concept of accelerated, high-fluence CXL in post-LASIK ectasia [189], as well as the utilization of prophylactic CXL in routine LASIK [190], and in situ femtosecond laser-assisted treatment of corneal ectasia [184], in attempting corneal deturgescence [191] in bullous keratopathy [192], and as a prophylactic intervention adjuvant to Boston keratoprosthesis surgery [193].

The Athens Protocol Procedure

The procedure known as the Athens Protocol (AP) [194] involves sequentially excimer-laser epithelial debridement (50 μm), partial topography-guided excimer-laser stromal ablation, and high-fluence UVA irradiation (10 mW/cm2) accelerated (10΄) CXL. Corneal topography data are derived from either the Alcon/WaveLight (WaveLight AG, Erlagen, Germany) Allegro Topolyzer Vario, a wide-cone Placido corneal topographer, or the Alcon/WaveLight Oculyzer, a Pentacam Scheimpflug imaging rotating camera (Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) [195]. The most recent evolution of the Athens Protocol involves employment of cyclorotation adjustment (afforded by recent developments in Vario topography and cyclorotation monitoring incorporated in the Alcon EX500 excimer laser), PTK-form 50 μm of fine debridement as a second step, enlargement of transition zone, and autologous serum postoperative regimen.

There is a large number of reports [183] regarding the effects of CXL with or without same-session excimer-ablation corneal normalization. There is general consensus that the intervention strengthens the cornea, helps arrest the ectasia progression and improves corneal keratometry, refraction, and visual acuity. The key question is the long-term stability of these induced changes. For example, is the cornea “inactive” after the intervention, and if not is there steepening or flattening, and/or thickening or thinning? These issues are even more applicable in the case of the Athens Protocol, due to the partial corneal-surface ablation; ablating a thin, ectatic cornea may sound unorthodox. However, the goal of the topography-guided ablation is to normalize the anterior cornea and thus help improve visual rehabilitation to a step beyond a simple CXL would provide. Figure 4.9 illustrates basic steps of the Athens Protocol procedure.


Fig. 4.9
Basic steps of the AP procedure

Early results [8] as well as anterior-segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) quantitative findings [196] are indicative of the long-term stability of the procedure [16]. We have investigated this over a large sample and follow-up time that permitted sensitive analysis with confident conclusion of postoperative efficacy [16]. We monitored visual acuity changes, and for the quantitative assessment we chose to standardize on one screening device, the Pentacam, and to focus on key parameters of visual acuity, keratometry, and pachymetry [197]. All these parameters reflect changes induced by the procedure and describe postoperative progression. We have further introduced two objective and sensitive anterior-surface indices, the index of height decentration (IHD), and the index of surface variance (ISV) which provide a more sensitive analysis than keratometry and visual function [198]. A smaller value of these indices is indication of cornea normalization: a lower IHD indicates a cone less steep and more central; a lower ISV a more regular anterior corneal surface.

Our results indicated that the apparent disadvantage of thinning the cornea is balanced by a documented long-term rehabilitating improvement and synergy from the CXL component. Based on our results, the Athens Protocol appears to result in postoperative improvement in visual acuity, measured by both UDVA and CDVA. Average gain/loss in visual acuity was consistently positive, starting from the first postoperative month, with gradual and continuous improvement towards the 3-years, by +0.20 for CDVA and +0.38 for the UDVA. These visual rehabilitation improvements appear to be superior to those reported in cases of simple CXL treatment [199].

Postoperatively, keratometry is reduced, on average by −5 %, at the 1-month visit, reaching to −8 % long term, and up to 3 years. This progressive potential for long-term flattening has been clinically observed in many cases over at least 10 years of experience. Peer-review reports on this matter have been rare and only recent [123, 200]. The two anterior-surface indices, IHD and ISV, also demonstrated postoperative improvement. Specifically, our data show ISV reduction by on average −16 % 1 month postoperatively and up to −24 % at the long-term. More “dramatic” IHD changes were observed: 1 month change was −32 %, followed by further reduction of −9 % (total −41 %) at the 3-year visit. Such changes in ISV and IHD have been reported only recently [201].

The initial more “drastic” change of the IHD can be justified by the chief objective of surface normalization, cone centering [7], which is noted even by the first month. The subsequent surface normalization, as also indicated by keratometric flattening, suggests further anterior-surface improvement. Figure 4.10 is an example of a case presentation of a 30-year old male patient subjected to the Athens Protocol procedure.


Fig. 4.10
A 30-year-old male patient subjected to the Athens Protocol procedure. Preoperatively, patient’s best correction was −1.00 S −2.75 C × 98; CDVA with this refraction was 0.65 decimal. Six-months postoperatively, the patient has just 1.50 D of myopia, with zero cylinder. His CDVA with this refraction is 1.0 decimal. Top, sagittal curvature data, preoperative (left), 3-month postoperative (center) and difference (right). Bottom, topometric comparison. Note the significant reduction occurring in all anterior-surface asymmetry indices, particularly in the index of height decentration (IHD) from 0.063 to 0.025

As expected by the fact that AP includes a partial stromal excimer ablation, there is reduction of postoperative corneal thickness, manifested by the TCT. Specifically, average TCT, as measured by the Pentacam, was reduced at 1 month by −97.96 μm, or −22 %. What seemed to be a “surprising” result is that the cornea appears to rebound, by gradually thickening, up to 3 years postoperatively, as indicated by an average of +16.57 μm, or +4 % in TCT. Postoperative corneal thickening after the 1 month “lowest thickness baseline” has also been discussed recently [202, 203]. In another recent report [204], the lowest TCT was noted at the 3-month interval. In that study, on 82 eyes (treated only with CXL), the average cornea thickened by +24 μm after 1 year, compared to the 3-month baseline. In our study, on 212 eyes treated with the AP procedure, the cornea thickening rate after the baseline first postoperative month was approximately half (+12 μm over the first year), in agreement with a recent publication [202]. It is possible, therefore, that stromal changes initiated by the CXL procedure are not just effective in halting ectasia, but are prompting corneal surface flattening and thickening, which appears to be longer-lasting than anticipated.

Lasik Combined with Corneal Cross Linking (LASIK-CXL)

A second application of CXL combined with a refractive procedure is that of prophylactic CXL application along with laser-assisted in situ keratomilleusis (LASIK), either myopic or hyperopic [205]. LASIK offers predictable and stable refractive and visual outcomes [206208]. However, specifically in moderate to high myopia (equal or more than −6.00 D in the least minus meridian of both eyes) [209, 210], there have been reports in the past indicating significant long-term regression development [211213]. The work by Alió et al [214] has reported that one in five, or specifically the compelling percentage of 20.8 % of high myopic cases required retreatment because of over-/undercorrection or regression. Our experience with high myopic LASIK corrections is suggestive of a slight (0.50 D) trend towards long-term postoperative corneal steepening [215]. We have been motivated, therefore, to attempt prophylactic in situ CXL on the stromal bed concurrent with the LASIK, particularly in high-myopic eyes with thin residual stroma and younger patients who may not yet have exhibited ectasia risk factors [216, 217]. The application aims to enhance corneal rigidity and thus reduce the likelihood of long-term myopic shift [190, 218, 219].

We have investigated up to 2 years postoperative refractive and stability results of 140 eyes subjected to femtosecond-laser myopic LASIK between two groups, a LASIK-CXL group and a stand-alone LASIK group [220]. The two groups in the study were by all other means matched: ablation zone, flap thickness, surgeon, lasers employed, and postoperative medication and treatment. The postoperative evaluation in the LASIK-CXL group did not indicate any clinical or topographic evidence of complications in comparison to the stand-alone group. Visual rehabilitation between the two groups, as expressed by CDVA and contrast sensitivity, was in similar levels in comparison to the stand-alone LASIK, without inducing any side effects or compromising visual safety. The refractive outcome, predictability, and stability were remarkable.

Comparison of the stability results between the two groups indicates that in the stand-alone LASIK there is a slight positive slope in the keratometric readings, both at the flat and steep meridian, which is suggestive of a mild progressive corneal steepening. The recorded changes correspond to +0.57 D for the flat meridian and +0.54 D for the steep meridian. The data shows a trend toward mild corneal steepening in the long-term postoperative period, similar to what we had previously reported [215]. There was no such trend of keratometric shift in the LASIK-CXL group (+0.03 D and +0.05 respectively), indicating the synergy of combination of CXL with LASIK as shown in Fig. 4.11.


Fig. 4.11
Keratometric stability: Top, LASIK-CXL, bottom, stand-alone LASIK

Aspects of Surgical Technique in LASIK-CXL

After the excimer laser ablation for the correction of refractive error, and with the flap folded onto itself and protected with a dry Wexel sponge, one drop of Vibex Rapid (Avedro Inc. Waltham, MA) consisting of 0.10 % saline-diluted riboflavin (very slightly hypotonic mixed with HPMC, a Dextran substitute) is placed on the exposed stromal bed for 60 s (Figs. 4.12 and 4.13).


Fig. 4.12
Following the flap making and excimer ablation, the open stroma is soaked with 0.1 % riboflavin solution for 60″, taking special care not to expose the inside surface of the flap to it


Fig. 4.13
Following the open stroma soaked with 0.1 % riboflavin solution for 60 s, a spear microsponge is used to absorb the excess solution from the stromal surface

Following stromal soaking, the flap was properly repositioned into place, the residual riboflavin irrigated; then UV-A fluence of 45 mW/cm2 is applied for 80 s to achieve cumulative dissipated energy 3.6 J/cm2, provided by the KXL system (Avedro Inc., Waltham, MA) as shown in Fig. 4.14. These settings have evolved over earlier variations of the technique, which involved fluence of 45 mW/cm2 for total energy of 2.4 J/cm2. The design of UV irradiation parameters (fluence and exposure time) is influenced by the following considerations: (a) providing about half of the full “treatment” energy in comparison to the traditional CXL protocol, (b) minimizing UVA-exposure in order to constrain CXL within the overlaying flap, and (c) minimizing flap dehydration and possible shrinkage. Figure 4.15 shows the basic steps of the LASIK-CXL procedure.


Fig. 4.14
The flap is repositioned as if the LASIK procedure would end, seen here with riboflavin orange tint within the stroma, exposure to 30 mW/cm2 for 80 s will take place now


Fig. 4.15
Basic steps of the LASIK-CXL procedure

In our surgical technique, it is important to avoid riboflavin immersion of the flap and its hinge. For this purpose, the flap is protected, while remaining in folded shape (see Fig. 4.12). The reason for this is to inhibit flap CXL. However, minimal riboflavin absorption and thus CXL will inevitably occur as a result of osmosis during the (however short) UVA exposure duration, as the flap is in contact with the riboflavin-soaked stroma. One has to consider the following aspects: A riboflavin-pre-soaked flap will strongly absorb UV-A (as it precedes the residual stroma along the illumination propagation path); however, it will not contribute any further to the corneal biomechanical stability, and may affect negatively the postrefractive outcome, given that a 110-μm thick flap has perhaps only a 60-μm stromal (collagen) content. CXL such a thin stromal layer may lead to undesirable stromal shrinking. On the collateral benefits, one has to mention that a “crosslinked” flap-stromal interface might positively affect flap adherence [221].

The superficial application of UV-A following the in situ application of riboflavin instillation was designed taking into account the following aspects:

  • CXL the underlying stroma increases flap dehydration and potential predisposition for striae, thus we have limited the flap intended thickness to 110 μm in LASIK-CXL cases (our hyperopic cases are planned for 135 μm).

  • CXL through the repositioned flap results in effective CXL of the anterior part of the underlying (residual) stroma. Although soaking of the flap with riboflavin is avoided, some inadvertent adherence between the inner surface of the flap and the underlying stroma may be facilitated by CXL and potentially eliminate the inadvertent space created between them, contrary to postmortem standard LASIK that has shown, by histopathology, a space filled with amorphous deposits.

  • CXL has well-known disinfecting, if not antimicrobial, activity; conducting the CXL through a repositioned flap reduces the chance of flap contamination by airborne microorganisms or fomites in the operating room environment and/or acts as an adjunct disinfectant.

Our theory behind the LASIK-CXL Athens technique has been time-proven both in large clinical studies as well as in the laboratory: our ex vivo LASIK-CXL work has confirmed that only the underlying stroma benefits from a CXL effect close to 120 % strengthening compared to control, though the contralateral and LASIK-CXL flaps do not demonstrate any CXL effect [222].

One aspect that needs consideration is the possibility of refractive flattening as a result of the CXL applied. Our clinical experience, as well as the peer-review literature, is suggestive of the continued progression of the CXL effect over time [16]. We have indicated that the long-term keratometry flattening progression in the fully crosslinked corneas is of the order of −0.30 D. One has to acknowledge the following two parameters that differentiate this finding when considering the LASIK-CXL:

  • The KC management cases were fundamentally unstable, ectatic corneas, whereas in the present work were healthy corneas.

  • The KC management cases received the “full energy” treatment (up to 6 J/cm2), whereas in the present work (LASIK-CXL) received only a “partial energy” treatment (2.4 or 3.6 J/cm2), corresponding to half of the Standard Protocol energy.

When one considers the above aspects, it may be estimated that the possibility of long-term keratometric flattening may well be restricted. Additional long-term studies are required to investigate this aspect.

Figure 4.16 shows a clinical example of this procedure.


Fig. 4.16
Postoperative month 1 image of a myopic LASIK cornea imaged by AS-OCT (RTvue, Optovue, USA) showing on the top cross-section image the LASIK flap interface with hyper-reflectivity illustrating the CXL effect, the lower left image is the total cornea thickness map, and the lower right image the epithelial map of the same LASIK-CXL cornea. This particular epithelial remodeling pattern appears to be unique for LASIK-CXL eyes and has been reported by our group

Guidelines in Topography-Guided PRK with Corneal Cross Linking [68, 188, 223227]

  1. (a)

    Inclusion criteria

    • Patients with ectatic corneal disorders

    • Maximum central ablation depth of no more than 50 μm at center

    • Expected post-op residual stromal thickness > 350 μm

    • Absence of other corneal pathological signs or scars

    • Patients should be informed of various popular options of treatment

    • Informed consent should be obtained from all patients


  2. (b)

    Clinical examination

    • Preoperative evaluation including general and ocular history assessment

    • Autorefractometry, autokeratometry, and IOP measurement

    • Eight valid and reliable corneal tomography images

    • Assessment of UDVA and CDVA

    • Manifest and cycloplegic refraction

    • Slitlamp examination of the anterior and posterior segments


  3. (c)

    Bear in mind:

    • The refraction in both eyes. In some advanced KC, this technique may induce a high refractive error that will probably cause an anisometropia, which may not be corrected by glasses, and you may need to shift the patient to contact lens or PIOLs.

    • The potential refractive effect of CXL that may induce hyperopic shift (flattening effect); therefore, the target post-op refraction should be within −1.0 D.

    • The coma effect. This may occur in case of overcorrection of astigmatism. This can be avoided by undercorrection of the full amount of astigmatism. This issue is more apparent in advanced cases of KC while it has a limited effect in mild to moderate cases.

    • The manifest refraction axis of astigmatism should be chosen rather than that manifested by the topo-refraction in case of less than 15° deference in access; otherwise, plano refraction is recommended and the profile will be just for regularization.

    • Up to 70 % of the amount of the astigmatism component can be treated, and if still there is enough corneal thickness some of the sphere component can be corrected, but remember to avoid ablating the cone apex as much as possible.

    • Small optical zone, such as 5.5 mm, is preferred to save tissue, but in case of small ablation depth, optical zone can be enlarged up to 6.5 mm for better visual performance.


  4. (d)

    Limitation of this technique

    • Epithelium irregular thickness. Epithelium thickness at cone apex may be as thin as less than 30 μm, compared to 50 μm in normal corneas. This may affect the treatment calculation plan, which usually considers epithelium thickness as a fixed number of 50 μm. This can be avoided by using the new methods of epithelial mapping and excluding it from the treatment plan.

    • Unpredictable refractive outcomes especially in advanced cases, in which one has to do the treatment without partial correction of the refractive error.

    • There is no preset K readings, or corneal thickness. The surgeon must be familiar with the software and do the calculation for each patient in their office before being able to offer the patient this type of treatment and to discus the potential refractive and visual outcomes.

    • It is an ablative procedure, so it has its limitations in terms of corneal thickness.


Figures 4.17, 4.18, and 4.19 are clinical examples of this type of treatment, in which the previous guidelines were applied. These examples show that this module of treatment can be considered as an effective vision corrective procedure in mild to moderate cases of KC.


Fig. 4.17
Case 1 of TG-PRK with CXL. There is a reduction of 6.0 D in K reading


Fig. 4.18
Case 2 of TG-PRK with CXL. There is a reduction of more than 7.0 D in K reading


Fig. 4.19
Case 3 of TG-PRK with CXL. There is a reduction of more than 5.0 D in K reading

Take-Home Message

  • At the 12-year mark of introducing the Athens Protocol, we have good evidence that: when combining a “frugal” partial in refractive power topography guided ectasia normalization along with higher fluence CXL, there is marked improvement in cornea symmetry, improvement of BCVA, and “deep” and “broad” CXL effect. Refractive error may show a myopic shift and most patients require spectacles and or contact lenses after, but invariably enjoy improved and stable visual function.

  • CXL combined with routine LASIK has proven as reported several times in ex vivo and in vivo studies, by our group as well, to stabilize the refractive effect in all hyperopic LASIK cases and also to stabilize the myopic shift in high, young myopes.

Corneal Cross Linking Using Excimer Laser PTK to Remove the Epithelium

Seiler and colleagues first introduced CXL to halt the progression of KC. That was approximately 15 years ago, after many years of intensive laboratory research, to demonstrate safety and efficacy [118, 154, 155, 158, 159]. Though not yet FDA approved in the United States, several studies from around the world have demonstrated encouraging results, not only in halting the progression of KC but in many instances there has also been an improvement in UDVA [125, 186, 228]. The original technique researched and described by Seiler and co-workers is an epithelium-off (Epi-Off) technique also known as the “Dresden technique” [118].

Dresden Technique

The original CXL procedure (commonly referred to as the “Dresden Protocol” [118]) involved anesthetizing the eye (for example with proxymetacain hydrochloride 0.5 % drops), removing the central 8–10 mm of the epithelium and applying a riboflavin solution (0.1 % riboflavin-5-phosphate and 20 % dextran T-500) to the corneal surface 30 min before irradiation and at 5 min intervals during the course of a 30 min exposure to 370 nm UVA with an irradiance of 3 mW/cm2.

After treatment, antibiotic eye drops are applied and a therapeutic soft contact lens with good oxygen transmissibility placed upon the eye to decrease pain without decreasing the quality of the regrowing epithelium. Application of topical antibiotics is required for 1 week after the operation and mild steroids may also be prescribed. Patients are usually pain-free within 5–7 days when the contact lens is removed [118, 154, 155, 158, 159, 228230]. Long-term follow-up of the “Dresden Protocols” have demonstrated that this technique is safe and effective [230].

Other Techniques

Since the introduction of the Dresden technique, there have been multiple variations of this technique with the following goals: to cut down the postoperative pain, decrease the treatment time, encourage earlier epithelial wound healing, and using it in combination with other surgical procedures such as ISCR [231], photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) [14], phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) [18], and most recently intrastromal channels created by a Femtosecond laser [232].

  1. (a)

    Epithelium-on (Epi-On) techniques

    The alternate treatment called the Epi-On technique has received a lot of recent attention [143]. In this technique, there is an attempt to penetrate the cornea with riboflavin while still preserving the epithelium in the hope of speeding up the healing time thus decreasing postoperative pain, reducing the time the epithelial wound is open thereby reducing the chance for infection, allowing much quicker visual rehabilitation and earlier resumption of rigid gas permeable (RGP) or hybrid contact lens wear. Within the subgroup of Epi-On techniques, there are many variations for keeping the epithelium on while still allowing for penetration of the riboflavin into the cornea.

    One group of doctors apply a proprietary riboflavin formulation which allows the riboflavin to penetrate the epithelium followed by irradiation of the cornea through the epithelium and claim that their results are just as good if not better than the original Dresden Protocol, though there are no long term published data which support this [18].

    Others merely mush up the epithelium with anesthetic drops which open up the tight junctions of the corneal epithelium thus allowing the riboflavin into the eye followed by irradiation through the epithelium [232]. One of the drawbacks of this technique is that it may take much longer for the riboflavin to adequately penetrate the cornea sufficiently for irradiation to commence. By some reports up to an hour or hour and a half compared to only 30 min for the original Dresden technique.

    Barriers to efficacy of this technique are that for adequate CXL to take place, you need three things: (1) adequate riboflavin penetration, (2) enough oxygen exposure, and (3) no barrier to UV light to penetrate the stroma [143]. The presently touted Epi-On technique is deficient in all three of these areas: (1) there is reduced riboflavin penetration; (2) because the epithelium is still intact, oxygen cannot adequately penetrate the cornea for an adequate CXL reaction to take place; and (3) the epithelium acts as a barrier to UV light, thus reducing its ability to adequately penetrate the eye. It is not surprising that Wollensak et al in laboratory experiments on human corneas that were treated with the Epi-On technique, using stress strain measurements demonstrated that this technique was only 20 % as effective as corneas treated with the originally described “Dresden technique” [148]. Additionally, there are no long term published data on this Epi-On technique that demonstrates that it is safe and efficacious.

    In a recent study by Al Fayez et al comparing the safety and efficacy of Epi-On CXL compared with Epi-Off CXL for progressive KC showed that with 3-year follow-up, Kmax decreased in the Epi-Off group with a mean of 2.4 D and no patient showed evidence of progression. In the Epi-On group, Kmax increased by a mean of 1.1 D, and 20 patients (55 %) showed progression of KC. They concluded that Epi-Off was significantly more effective than Epi-On CXL in halting the progression of KC (P < 0.0001).

    Our clinical experience mimics the conclusions drawn by Wollensak et al and Al Fayez et al about efficacy of the Epi-On vs. Epi-Off techniques. We find that many more patients seen in our clinic for retreatment after experiencing progression were originally treated with the Epi-On technique [233] (see Fig. 4.20). For the moment, we limit our rarely performed Epi-On treatments to patients with very thin corneas who do not meet the criteria for Epi-Off treatment: older patients who might need a less efficacious but still effective treatment and in rare cases of patients who are mentally challenged in whom this technique is much more patient friendly during the postoperative healing period [234]. Current research using Iontophoresis or intrastromal channels to get riboflavin into the stroma may allow for more user friendly and efficacious Epi-On CXL treatments [135, 232].


    Fig. 4.20
    Pre- and postoperative topography maps on a 16-year-old female who had Epi-On CXL treatment and progressed by 8 D in 1 year

    In our practice, we still believe that the Dresden Protocol is the most efficacious true and tried technique and this is what we offer them primarily. The purpose of this segment is to introduce a mild variation of the Dresden technique – removal of the epithelium with the PTK mode of the excimer laser. We believe this technique provides several advantages – such as better visual acuity and easier post-op contact lens fitting while not losing the efficacy of the originally described “Dresden technique” [235].


  2. (b)

    Excimer laser treatment on patients with keratoconus

    When the excimer laser was first introduced in clinical studies in the early 1990s, great care was taken to exclude patients with “early” KC from these studies and get clean data from patients with myopia and or regular astigmatism. After the excimer laser was introduced into clinical practice, the labeling of the laser as deemed by the FDA explicitly excluded patients with KC from undergoing excimer laser treatment. We know today that performing LASIK on patients with KC is clearly contraindicated since it may lead to post-LASIK ectasia with poor visual outcomes and very unhappy patients [236]. While we clearly believed early on that PRK was contraindicated in patients with KC, attitudes to this treatment are changing. Approximately 15 years ago, our clinic was referred several patients for consideration for corneal transplantation. These patients had either “early” or FFKC and were contact lens intolerant. We decided to perform a small study of 12 patients who elected to undergo combined PTK and PRK to treat their myopia and irregular astigmatism. We called this treatment “PRK Sm.” Sm stands for smoothing and is a technique first described by Paolo Vinciguera in which you apply 25 % Healon onto the center of the cornea and smooth it out with a wet Weck cell sponge. You continue doing this every 5 s until the PTK treatment is complete [237]. Figures 4.21 and 4.22 are pre- and post-PRK sm, respectively, showing a decrease in the SRI (surface irregularity index), as a result of the smoothing technique. All the patients treated in this study had at least 20/30 UDVA with the majority having 20/20 UDVA. All patients were under age 35. We have been following these patients now for 15 years and have not noticed any progressive corneal thinning. This lead us to conclude that you can safely do PRK on a select group of patients with KC as long as you limit the amount of tissue you remove.


    Fig. 4.21
    Corneal topography of a patient with mild KC showing central irregular astigmatism – see map on the right


    Fig. 4.22
    Corneal topography of same eye following the PRK same treatment. Note the improvement in central irregularity with smoothing of the corneal surface as confirmed by a decreased SRI index

    Subsequently, there have been several published studies from groups in Australia and in India of patients with KC who have had PRK with long term follow-up and no progression or worsening of their disease [238, 239].

    Alpins in Australia performed a study to examine the outcomes of photo-astigmatic refractive keratectomy using corneal and refractive parameters for myopia and astigmatism in eyes with FFKC and mild KC. Photo-astigmatic refractive keratectomy was performed with a VISX Star 1 or Star 2 laser in 45 eyes with FFKC or mild KC using the Alpins vector planning technique. Inclusion requirements were CDVA 20/40 or better, no slitlamp signs of KC, mean keratometry less than 50.00 diopters (D), and corneal and refractive stability for at least 2 years. Thirty-two eyes had follow-up of 5 years and 9 eyes, had follow-up of 10 years. Preoperatively, the mean refractive astigmatism was −1.39 DC ± 1.08 (SD) (range 0.45 to −5.04 DC) and the mean corneal astigmatism was 1.52 ± 1.18 D (range 0.35 to 4.75 D) by manual keratometry and 1.70 ± 1.42 D (range 0.32 to 5.32 D) by topography. Twelve months postoperatively, the mean refractive astigmatism was −0.43 ± 0.40 D and the mean corneal astigmatism was 1.05 ± 0.85 D by keratometry and 1.02 ± 0.83 D by topography. At 12 months, the UDVA was 20/20 or better in 56 % of eyes and 20/40 or better in all eyes. The CDVA was 20/20 or better in 89 % of eyes and 20/30 or better in all eyes. Seven eyes had a loss of CDVA, and 16 eyes had a gain. There were no cases of KC progression.

    Khakshoor et al performed a study to evaluate the long-term outcomes of PRK in patients with mild to moderate KC in patients older than 40 with residual central corneal thickness (CCT) of 400 μm or more. This prospective study was conducted in their Cornea Research Center, in Mashhad, Iran. Patients over 40 years old, with a grade I/II KC without progression in the last 2 years were recruited. Patients with a predicted postoperative CCT < 400 μm were excluded. PRK with tissue saving protocol was performed with Technolas 217 Z. Mitomycin-C was applied after ablation. The final\endpoints were refraction parameters the last follow-up visit (mean: 35 months). Paired t-test and chi-square were used for analysis. A total of 38 eyes of 21 patients were studied; 20 eyes (52.6 %) with a grade I and 18 eyes (47.4 %) with grade II KC. The mean UDVA, CDVA, manifest refraction spherical equivalent (MRSE), cylindrical power and keratometric readings were significantly improved at the final endpoint compared to preoperation measurements (P < 0.001). Two eyes (5 %) lost two lines of CDVA at the final visit. No case of ectasia occurred during the follow-up course. He concluded that PRK did not induce KC progression in patients older than 40 with a grade I/II KC. Residual CCT ≥ 450 μm seems to be sufficient to prevent ectasia.

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Aug 12, 2017 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Combined Corneal Cross Linking and Other Procedures: Indications and Application Models

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