Fundus findings of serpiginous choroiditis in active phase. Note the creamy yellow lesions emanating from peripapillary choroid
Classic serpiginous choroiditis can be subdivided into either juxtapapillary serpiginous or macular serpiginous choroiditis, depending on the main area of geographic lesion. Infectious choroiditis from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, herpesvirus, or Treponema pallidum can mimic serpiginous choroiditis, and these infectious choroiditis are known as serpiginous-like and multifocal serpiginoid choroiditis (Nazari Khanamiri and Rao 2013). This chapter will focus on the classic serpiginous choroiditis.
Epidemiology and Clinical Features
The prevalence of SC is rare, and reported cases in literature ranges from 0% to 5.4% of posterior uveitis with the highest reported cases in India. (Biswas et al. 1996; McCannel et al. 1996; Nazari Khanamiri and Rao 2013) SC has been traditionally reported as a disease of otherwise healthy Caucasians; the high reported percentage of cases in India may represent the tuberculosis variant of multifocal serpiginous choroiditis. Patients with SC are usually otherwise healthy, middle-aged, in fifth to sixth decade, although the age range can vary widely from 11 to 70 years (Abrez et al. 2007; Nazari Khanamiri and Rao 2013). There is a slight gender predilection for males (Abrez et al. 2007).
Serpiginous choroiditis is typically bilateral, but patients may present asymmetrically. Patients may complain of blurred vision or small central or paracentral scotoma. They may be asymptomatic before foveal involvement. The average time between presentation in one eye and onset in the other eye may be up to 5 years (Chisholm et al. 1976).

Color fundus photograph shows right (a) and left (b) eyes with classic juxtapapillary serpiginous choroiditis in chronic phase emanation from peripapillary choroid and RPE damage affecting the macula

Progression of serpiginous choroiditis in a 76-year-old Caucasian woman from December 2001 (top), March 2004 (middle), to April 2008 (bottom). The choroiditis extends in a juxtapapillary fashion, extending from the leading edge of a lesion. This patient has been reported in part in cited references (Nazari Khanamiri and Rao 2013 with permission)

(a) Macular variant of serpiginous choroiditis with the yellow, creamy lesions clustered in jigsaw-like pattern in the macula. (b) Fundus of the same patient in chronic phase. Note the RPE atrophy clustered around the macula in chronic phase
The etiology of serpiginous choroiditis is unknown; possible etiologies may be autoimmune, infectious, vascular, or degenerative (Mirza and Jampol 2006). There is no consistent HLA association with SC, although there appears to be a higher frequency of HLA-B7, HLA-A2, HLA-B8, and HLA-Dw3 (Laatikainen and Erkkila 1981). Broekhuyse and colleagues also found an immune response to retinal S antigen but not to opsin, in SC (Broekhuyse et al. 1988). Given that clinical and imaging studies localize the inflammatory disease of SC to choroid and RPE, the sensitivity to retinal S antigen may be a secondary effect due to extensive damage of retina by serpiginous choroiditis. In histopathology of serpiginous lesion, there is extensive loss of RPE with loss of overlying retina and monocular cell infiltrate in choriocapillaris (Wu et al. 1989). SC responds remarkably well to anti-inflammatory effects of steroids and immune-suppressive therapy. It has been hypothesized that SC is an autoimmune and organ-specific disease of the eye (Nazari Khanamiri and Rao 2013).
Imaging and Ancillary Diagnostic Tools
Fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography support the diagnosis and management of SC. Progression can be followed with fundus autofluorescence imaging. Choroidal neovascularization, RPE changes, and atrophy can be followed with optical coherence tomography (OCT). Newer studies like microperimetry and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A) are gaining importance in the management of the disease.
Fluorescein Angiography

Fluorescein angiography of early phase demonstrating hypofluorescent, ill-defined lesions in the macula and superior to optic disc

Fluorescein angiography of a 65-year-old Caucasian female with serpiginous choroiditis affecting the macula. Right eye vision is 20/30, left eye is count fingers at 4 ft. Top fundus photo of right eye (left panel) shows peripapillary atrophy superiorly. Fluorescein angiography in early phase (middle left) shows RPE atrophy and late phase shows hyperfluorescent staining around the edge of the lesion (bottom left). Left eye (right panel) fundus photo shows peripapillary lesion with large macular lesion extending from the peripapillary lesion. Early phase (middle right) of fluorescein angiography shows some blockage, and late phase (bottom right) shows hyperfluorescence especially at the superotemporal edge of the lesion

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