Dorsal hump, asymmetric dorsum, broad tip, counter-rotated tip
A 29-year-old woman complained of nasal airway obstruction and desired correction of her bulbous and over-projected tip and removal of her dorsal hump (Fig. 3.1A–H).
Fig. 3.1 (A–D) Preoperative photos of patient.
Analysis of Preoperative Photos
Dorsal hump. Tip is counter-rotated and over-projected, which causes the nose to appear excessively long. The excessive convexity of the lateral crura contributes to a bulbous tip and external valve collapse where the lateral crura meet the accessory cartilages.
Interval from Surgery to Postoperative Photos
1 year
Fig. 3.1 (E–H) Postoperative photos of patient.
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