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Infection remains a common cause of uveitis. Better diagnostic tests are helping to identify specific microbial agents as the cause of a number of uveitic conditions such as Whipple’s disease.
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Prompt diagnosis is critical so that appropriate antiinfective therapy can be started.
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Many diagnostic tests for infectious causes of uveitis mislead the clinician and lead to inappropriate therapy.
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Clinicians should know the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic tests ordered for infectious causes of uveitis. Clinicians must also know the pretest likelihood of disease to adequately interpret results (see Chapter 5 ).
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Ocular involvement from tuberculosis occurs in about 1–2% of patients but remains difficult to diagnose. Active tuberculosis can occur as a complication of immunusuppressive therapy with anti-cytokine therapy.
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Histoplasmosis is the fungal disease most commonly associated with uveitis.
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Risk factors for fungal infections of the eye include ocular surgery, immunosuppression, systemic mycotic infections, intravenous drug use, and ocular trauma.
The next two chapters will focus on uveitis caused by ocular infection due to bacteria or fungus. Although a number of infectious agents can invade the eye and lead to ocular inflammation, we will concentrate on the most common bacterial and fungal causes of uveitis, including leprosy, tuberculosis, syphilis, and other related spirochetal diseases, Lyme disease, relapsing fever, leptospirosis, brucellosis, candidal infections, and aspergillosis. The spirochetal diseases, as a group, are discussed in detail in Chapter 10 . Postsurgical bacterial and fungal endophthalmitis are also discussed in Chapter 18 .
Half a century ago, bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis and syphilis were thought to cause the majority of cases of uveitis. Even today, a number of infectious diseases remain important causes of uveitis. Because specific antimicrobial therapy can be curative and prevent long-term visual sequelae, early diagnosis of infectious causes of uveitis should be a priority for all practitioners. Further, as immunosuppressive therapy can exacerbate an underlying infection, leading to blindness and rarely even death, diagnosing and treating an infectious cause of uveitis can be both sight saving and life saving.
Infections may elicit a uveitis by a number of pathogenic mechanisms. Direct infection of ocular tissues usually leads to an inflammatory response manifested by signs and symptoms of uveitis. Injection of bacterial endotoxins at sites far from the eye will also elicit intraocular inflammation in the absence of ocular infection. Endotoxins generate a number of harmful biologic effects, including fever, hypotension, disseminated coagulation, and shock. In the same year that Murray Shear elucidated the basic structure of endotoxin, Ayo demonstrated that a single intravenous injection of endotoxin could induce ocular inflammation, and this inflammatory response was ascribed to ‘Schwartzman toxins.’ Although this endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) was easily elicited in dogs, cats, and rabbits, smaller laboratory animals were resistant to development of the disease. In 1980, Rosenbaum and colleagues demonstrated EIU in Lewis rats after intravenous, intraperitoneal, or intrafootpad injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and Forrester and colleagues showed EIU after intraocular LPS injection in Columbia–Sherman rats. More recently, EIU has also been described in C3H/HeN mice. EIU is now a useful animal model for the study of acute ocular inflammation and is characterized by iris hyperemia, miosis, increased aqueous humor protein concentration, and inflammatory cell infiltration into the anterior uvea and anterior chamber ( Fig. 9-1 ). Inflammatory cell infiltration into the vitreous in the area of the optic nerve head also occurs. As you will see in the chapter on anterior uveitis ( Chapter 19 ), uveitis can follow bacterial infections such as bacterial dysentery, and the mechanism of some of these occurrences may be the result of an immunologic response to endotoxin.

Leprosy was the first documented bacterial infection in humans. The etiologic agent of leprosy, Mycobacterium leprae , is a Gram-positive intracellular bacillus that was first identified by Hansen in 1874; however, the disease has been a scourge to society for thousands of years. It is found predominantly in the developing world, but it is estimated that from 10 to 15 million people have leprosy and that from 500 000 to 700 000 persons have been blinded by this condition. The organisms have a tropism for parts of the body with low temperatures, particularly organs of ectodermal origin such as skin, peripheral nerves, nasal mucosa, and the eye. The mode of transmission of leprosy remains unclear. Although most of the population is exposed to the bacillus in endemic areas, more than 90% are immune to the disease and do not develop symptoms. Leprosy is often divided into two major subtypes: tuberculoid and lepromatous. In patients with tuberculoid leprosy, the organism induces a strong cell-mediated immune response, and few organisms are found invading organ tissues. Little immunity follows the infection in patients with lepromatous leprosy, and a plethora of organisms are found throughout the body. Borderline forms of the disease also exist in some classification systems.
Clinical findings
From 50% to 70% of patients with leprosy have the tuberculoid form, which tends to be localized to the skin and nerves. The disease in these patients is characterized by granuloma formation and the absence of a large number of bacilli because of their active cell-mediated immune response. The skin test with lepromin is highly positive (Mitsuda reaction). The lepromatous form of the disease is characterized by a severe generalized condition with massive bacterial infection. In contrast to patients with tuberculoid leprosy, these patients have a poor cellular immune response, and macrophages are predominantly found on histologic examination. Intraocular inflammatory disease occurs more commonly in this form of leprosy. In addition, the severe disfiguring changes of the limbs and face are associated with lepromatous leprosy. In patients with borderline groupings of leprosy, a sudden shift to the lepromatous state can occur.
A list of the ocular complications of leprosy is given in Box 9-1 . In one study, over half of patients with multibacillary leprosy had ocular involvement. Structural damage to the eyelids, poor lid closure as a result of facial nerve involvement, and impaired corneal sensation often lead to exposure of the cornea. Loss of the temporal portion of the eyebrows (madarosis) is a typical finding and a stigma to those affected. It is important to remember, however, that trachoma can exist in the same population with leprosy and can compound the external disease in these patients. The keratitis associated with leprosy starts superiorly and first appears as subepithelial chalky infiltrates surrounded by gray stromal opacifications. Corneal exposure predisposes patients to development of corneal ulcers ( Fig. 9-2 ) that are often difficult to manage.
Prominent corneal nerves
Decreased corneal sensitivity
Blocked nasolacrimal ducts
Granulomatous anterior uveitis
Iris pearls
Iris atrophy
Facial nerve palsy (tuberculoid leprosy)
Exposure keratitis
Orbicularis oculi weakness
Trigeminal nerve involvement
Corneal anesthesia
Lid lesions and deformities (lepromatous leprosy)
Choroidal lesions

Intraocular inflammatory disease is a known complication of leprosy. In a retrospective study of 531 leprosy patients, 4% had iritis. The organisms can directly invade the iris and ciliary body, and chronic anterior uveitis is commonly seen in these patients. If the uveitis is not aggressively treated, cataract and hypotony frequently result. Less frequently, patients present with an acute anterior uveitis. In a study of 100 patients with leprosy in Brazil, 72 had ocular complications. Seventeen had a chronic anterior uveitis, whereas only two had an acute anterior uveitis. In a study in Nepal, 8% of patients with tuberculoid leprosy had uveitis, whereas 16% of patients with lepromatous leprosy had anterior chamber inflammatory disease. Spaide and colleagues found that uveitis was uncommon in leprosy patients in the United States, which possibly reflects the results of more aggressive treatment with antilepromatous and antiinflammatory agents. Granulomas form in the iris and appear as iris ‘pearls’ on the anterior surface ( Fig. 9-3 ). Iris atrophy also occurs in many patients ( Fig. 9-4 ).


Although less common, changes to the retina have been described in patients with leprosy. Patients with long-standing lepromatous leprosy can have large numbers of organisms that invade not only the anterior segment but also the adjoining peripheral pars plana and retina. Pars planitis has been reported in patients with leprosy. Chovet and colleagues demonstrated segmental vasculitis in the posterior pole on fluorescein angiography in patients with lepromatous disease. Blindness can occur from a number of the ocular complications of leprosy.
Immunology and pathology
Humans are the only natural host for M. leprae . After entering the host, the organism reproduces in mononuclear cells, particularly skin histiocytes. The doubling time for the organisms is extraordinarily long – about 20 days – and attempts to culture the organism in a cell-free environment have not been successful. Some work has centered on the use of the nine-banded armadillo as an experimental model. This animal has a low basal temperature that seems to permit large numbers of M. leprae to propagate.
The immune characteristics of patients with this disorder have been extensively studied. Imbalances in T cells, antigen-specific suppressor T cells, and defective production of monocyte-activating cytokines have all been described. CD4+ T cells predominate in tuberculoid lesions, but CD8+ T cells are almost exclusively found in lepromatous lesions. Family studies with HLA typing have suggested that there is an HLA-linked recessive gene that may predispose patients to the tuberculoid form of the disease.
The reactional states of leprosy have been divided into two categories: type I and type II. The type I reaction is also known as the reversal reaction and is a delayed hypersensitivity response directed against bacillary antigens. The type II reaction is also known as erythema nodosum leprosum and is an immune-complex reaction. Patients with the reversal reaction (type I) may be more likely to present with orbicularis oculi weakness and lagophthalmos.
Dapsone, rifampin, and clofazimine are the principal antileprosy agents used. The World Health Organization recommends multidrug treatment regimens because of the existence of dapsone-resistant strains of M. leprae . More aggressive therapy may be warranted in patients with multibacillary disease. The use of thalidomide has been useful in patients with recurring and persistant erythema nodosum leprosum. Attempts to develop a vaccine are currently under way. Ocular care of patients with leprosy requires careful management of the external disease, including surgical management of eyelid deformities and judicial use of ocular lubrication. If intraocular surgery is planned, great care must be taken to be sure that the eye has no active inflammation.
Guyton and Woods identified tuberculosis (TB) as the most common underlying disease in the vast majority of patients with granulomatous uveitis seen by them in the 1940s. It is now clear that many of these patients actually had other conditions, such as ocular histoplasmosis, that caused the uveitis. Although the rates of incidence, mortality, and morbidity from TB have declined since the 1940s, 25 000–30 000 new cases are still reported annually in the United States. For a time, reported cases of TB rose predominantly because of infection of patients with AIDS and immigration from endemic countries. However, 25 313 cases of TB (9.8 cases per 100 000 population) were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 1993, a 5.1% decrease from 1992. Since then, the number of cases has continuted to decline. In 2007, 13 293 cases of TB were reported in the United States. More recently, activated tuberculosis has been associated with the use of anti-cytokine therapy, including anti-TNF treatments. As patients with uveitis with associated autoimmune disease are more commonly treated with anti-TNF drugs, tuberculosis may again return as a more common cause of uveitis, even in the developing world.
Systemic disease
Infection in the United States is transmitted predominantly in aerosolized droplets. Most patients develop an asymptomatic, self-limited pneumonia that usually heals with granuloma formation. Sensitization develops 2–10 weeks after infection and is manifested by a positive skin test to an extract of the tuberculous bacillus (purified protein derivative, PPD). The granulomas usually calcify and remain inactive. However, onset of symptoms can occur after a breakdown of the patient’s immune system associated with age, disease, or the use of immunosuppressive therapy for other conditions.
Ocular disease
Ocular involvement occurs in about 1–2% of patients with TB. The ocular manifestations of TB are listed in Box 9-2 . TB can involve both the anterior and posterior segments of the eye as well as the ocular adnexa and orbit. In miliary TB tubercles can be seen in the choroid, giving the impression of a unifocal or multifocal choroiditis ( Fig. 9-5 ). There has been debate about whether at least some cases of serpiginous choroiditis may be caused by tuberculosis. , Choroidal tubercles have also been associated with the development of subretinal neovascularization. More rarely, tubercles occur in the anterior chamber and may elicit a severe inflammatory response ( Fig. 9-6 ). In addition, tubercle formation of the lids conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera have been reported. Granulomatous iritis is the inflammatory condition most often associated with TB. Coles wrote that TB should be suspected not only in cases of granulomatous uveitis but also in cases of intense nongranulomatous anterior uveitis of short duration, mild relapsing uveitis, or chronic smoldering inflammatory disease.
Tubercle formation of eyelids
Interstitial keratitis
Anterior uveitis
Choroidal granulomas
Posterior uveitis
Retinal vasculitis


Interstitial keratitis and phylactenular keratoconjunctivitis are common findings in patients with ocular TB; however, they are not thought to result from direct invasion of organisms but instead to represent an immunologic response to the mycobacteria. Eales’ disease, a disorder characterized by retinal vasculitis and vitreous hemorrhage, is also associated with TB (see Fig. 27-2, A and B ). Finally, optic nerve involvement and cataracts have also been reported in patients with ocular TB. , A number of infectious and noninfectious disorders may cause ocular disease similar to TB. For example, the retinal periphlebitis that results from TB can mimic the ocular disease associated with sarcoidosis and syphilis. Finally, an underlying immunosuppressive state, such as AIDS, should always be considered in patients with ocular TB.
The diagnosis of ocular TB is usually difficult to make. We have spent countless hours debating the diagnostic approach to patients with possible TB-associated uveitis. Definitive diagnosis requires the identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis organisms in ocular tissues or fluids, but samples are often difficult to obtain, and biopsy may be hard to justify in a patient who has only a small chance of having the disease. Patients with suspected ocular TB should have a systemic evaluation for evidence of the disease. A chest X-ray should be obtained and tuberculin skin tests performed. If the clinical findings support a diagnosis of TB, a complete course of antituberculosis therapy should be considered. In a study in Japanese patients with intraocular inflammation, 26 of 126 had a positive tuberculin skin test result. Ten of these 26 patients had clinical findings consistent with TB and had a favorable response to antituberculosis therapy.
An intermediate-strength tuberculin skin test should be used for most patients. However, if a patient has a history of TB or has had a positive PPD test result in the past, an intermediate-strength PPD may cause a severe dermatologic response and a lower-strength one should be used. The PPD test is not 100% sensitive or specific for the disease. One patient with numerous tubercle bacilli in the eye was reported to have a negative PPD test result and no systemic manifestations of disease. Importantly, a positive PPD test result in a patient with uveitis does not mean that the uveitis is caused by TB, because TB is a very rare cause of inflammatory eye disease. In fact, without other signs of TB, a positive PPD test result in a patient with uveitis is probably more misleading than helpful. Interferon-γ-release assays are new alternatives to the tuberculin skin test. These new assays, especially QuantiFERON-TB Gold, have excellent specificity and are unaffected by BCG vaccination.
Although many patients with ocular TB will have evidence of systemic disease, TB infection limited to specific organs, including the eye, may occur. Microscopic examination of ocular tissues or fluids may show bacilli; however, culture is more sensitive. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has also been used to diagnose TB infection, but in most laboratories this is currently only experimental.
Because of the development of treatment-resistant TB, recommended treatment regimens have become more aggressive. Previously the recommended treatment was regimens of isoniazid and ethambutol for 1.5 to 2 years. Since the late 1960s, however, a number of studies have demonstrated that short-course treatment regimens can be effective. Most regimens contain isoniazid and rifampin for 9 months. A third drug – ethambutol, streptomycin, or pyrazinamide – was usually added for the first 3 months to prevent resistance. Most regimens now include at least a 2-month course of four drugs, including isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol, followed by an additional 4 months of isoniazid and rifampin. Clearly, therapy should be administered by a practitioner well versed in the current treatment recommendations. ,
The difficult decision is whether antituberculous therapy is warranted for the patient with uveitis compatible with TB, no evidence of systemic disease, and a positive PPD test result. Schlaegel and Weber have recommended an isoniazid therapeutic test for these patients. This involves giving isoniazid at 300 mg/day and examining the patient every week. If ocular inflammation improves after 1–2 weeks of therapy, the patient is considered to have a positive test response. Schlaegel and Weber suggested that these patients should then receive a full course of therapy. There are several problems with this test, however. From a practical point of view, many patients with presumed tuberculous uveitis are concomitantly treated with corticosteroids, which makes it difficult to determine whether the antituberculous or the antiinflammatory therapy had the principal effect. The disease course may wax and wane; therefore, improvement may be due to the natural course of the disorder and be unrelated to antituberculous drugs. Importantly, a randomized double-masked study of isoniazid in the treatment of uveitis showed no significant difference between the treated and placebo groups. Our current recommendation is to treat patients with uveitis and a positive PPD test result only if there are other findings to support the diagnosis of TB. The addition of antitubercular therapy to corticosteroids in uveitis patients with underlying latent or manifest TB appears to reduce the recurrences of uveitis. Although hematogenous seeding of organisms from the lung is the most common mode of ocular infection, results on the chest X-ray may be normal, and disease is occasionally limited to a specific organ. A history of exposure to TB, a history of inadequately treated TB, a positive PPD test result with a large area of induration, or positive culture results all greatly increase the likelihood of disease. Once a decision to treat is made, the patient should receive at least two drugs for at least 3–6 months before a decision about efficacy is made.

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