of health care for older adults with comorbidities, and advancing the shift in AR from treating hearing impairment to promoting health and improving quality of life for listeners and their partners as they participate in everyday activities.
Age-Related Hearing Loss Is Special
Most audiologic rehabilitation for adults focuses on the use of hearing aids, with recommendations regarding amplification being driven primarily by audiometric thresholds. Even though various diseases or genetic or environmental factors may cause hearing loss in adults, the etiology of sensorineural hearing loss is not often considered when rehabilitation is provided. It is reasonable to rely heavily on the audiogram, given that most sensorineural hearing loss involves damage to cochlear outer hair cells (OHC), with noise-induced hearing loss being a common example. Current knowledge of OHC pathology, its effects on perception, and many related rehabilitative issues can be generalized across etiologies that cause the same type of damage and across the adult age range because OHC damage is not age-specific. Of course, many older adults have sustained OHC damage over the course of their life, and a typical feature of ARHL is the elevation of high-frequency audiometric thresholds. Nevertheless, in ARHL, multiple structures in the cochlea and central auditory system can be damaged in ways that do not involve OHC damage and that are not typical in younger adults (Yamasoba et al., 2013). There is heterogeneity in the hearing abilities of older adults because different individuals may have sustained one or more types of damage to the auditory system. Importantly, some of these types of damage affect suprathreshold auditory processing, but such age-related auditory declines may not be obvious from the audiogram. It is important to understand the nature of age-related changes and their functional consequences if progress is to be made in tailoring rehabilitation to help individuals to prevent and overcome the unique difficulties that affect their communication function in everyday life (Gates & Mills, 2005).
Heterogeneity of Age-Related Hearing Loss and Variability in Everyday Communication
The elevation of audiometric high-frequency thresholds often seen in ARHL may be due to OHC damage; however, less precipitous high-frequency audiometric loss may result from a decrease in the endocochlear potential as a result of damage to the stria vascularis that supplies blood to the cochlea (Humes & Dubno, 2010; Mills, Schmeidt, Schulte, & Dubno, 2006). In addition, neural degeneration may occur. Notably, research in animals suggests permanent neural damage may be the consequence of cochlear synaptopathy (Liberman & Kujawa, 2017) and such damage may occur in the absence of changes in the audiogram (Pienkowski, 2017). There is growing interest in finding better clinical tests to differentiate subtypes of presbycusis because determining the specific type(s) of damage to the auditory system in individual cases may clarify, at least to some extent, why there is such variability in the ability of older adults to perceive speech in noise and to communicate in complex listening situations (Anderson & Kraus, 2010; Anderson, Pabery-Clark, White-Schwoch, & Kraus, 2012; Anderson, Parbery-Clark, Yi, & Kraus, 2011). It may even be possible in the future to tailor interventions better according to the subtype or combination of subtypes of presbycusis affecting older individuals.
It is not surprising that older adults with clinically significant hearing loss have problems in everyday communication situations, but even older adults who have nearly normal audiograms can experience significant communication problems. As early as the fourth decade of life, difficulties are first noticed in challenging listening environments where there is noise or when listeners converse in groups or engage in multiple simultaneous activities (Bergman, 1980; CHABA, 1988). In general, adults in their 60s or 70s, who have audiometric thresholds within normal clinical limits below 4 kHz and are considered to have normal hearing for their age (ISO, 2017), need about a 3- to 4-dB better signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to match the performance of younger adults on speech-in-noise tests (Smith, Pichora-Fuller, Wilson, & MacDonald, 2012).
More insight into age-specific difficulties can be gained by comparing the responses of younger, middle-aged, and older adults with normal hearing for their age (Banh, Singh, & Pichora-Fuller, 2012; Demeester et al., 2012) on self-report measures such as the Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ) (Gatehouse & Noble, 2004). As shown in Figures 26–1 and 26–2 (adapted from Banh et al., 2012), the responses of older adults on the SSQ are not well predicted from either the pure-tone average threshold or the SNR threshold at which listeners achieve 50% correct word recognition on the Words in Noise test (WIN) (Wilson, McArdle, & Smith, 2007). It seems that typical audiometric measures such as pure-tone thresholds or SNR thresholds are not sufficient to gauge all of the suprathreshold auditory abilities that may be important for successful listening in the everyday situations depicted in some of the questions on the SSQ.
Figure 26–1. Pure-tone average score as predictor for SSQ score. Note. Mean binaural pure-tone average (0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz; dB HL) plotted as a function of mean overall SSQ score for younger and older adults. Source: Banh, J., Singh, G., and Pichora-Fuller, M. K. (2012). Age Affects Responses on the Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ) for Adults with Minimal Audiometric Loss. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 23, 87. Copyright 2012 by the American Academy of Audiology. Reproduced with permission of the American Academy of Audiology.
Figure 26–2. SNR score as predictor for SSQ score. Note. Words-in-noise threshold (dB SNR) as a function of mean overall SSQ score for younger and older adults. Source: Banh, J., Singh, G., and Pichora-Fuller, M. K. (2012). Age Affects Responses on the Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ) for Adults with Minimal Audiometric Loss. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 23, 87. Copyright 2012 by the American Academy of Audiology. Reproduced with permission of the American Academy of Audiology.
Even in those with relatively good audiograms, age-related neural degeneration may manifest in declines in coding the monaural and binaural temporal properties of dynamic and complex sounds that are important for listening in everyday life. Experiments conducted in controlled laboratory conditions have shown that there are age-related differences on a range of psychoacoustic measures of suprathreshold auditory processing, especially measures of temporal processing (Fitzgibbons & Gordon-Salant, 2010; Füllgrabe, Moore, & Stone, 2014) and binaural processing (Eddins, Ozmeral, & Eddins, 2018). Laboratory experiments indicate that many older adults are not as able as younger adults to detect differences in the fundamental frequency of two talkers’ voices when they are presented monaurally, and declines in this auditory ability seem to be important in helping listeners to segregate a target voice from a competing voice. Furthermore, age-related declines in binaural processing may explain why it is more difficult for older adults to take advantage of the spatial separation between different sound sources in the complex auditory scenes encountered in everyday life (Pichora-Fuller, Alain, & Schneider, 2017). Indeed, using the Listening in Spatialized Noise-Sentence Test (LiSN-S) (Cameron, Glyde, & Dillon, 2011), older adults did not gain as much advantage as younger adults in using voice and spatial separation cues to understand speech in noise, and these age-related differences were attributable to both auditory and cognitive abilities (Besser, Festen, Goverts, Kramer, & Pichora-Fuller, 2015).
For most adults with cochlear pathology, the analytic approach to rehabilitation has been transformed over the last decade because advanced signal processing algorithms in hearing aids have increasingly improved the audibility of speech in quiet, and even in some noisy situations. Nevertheless, once audibility has been restored by sufficient amplification, older individuals vary in their ability to understand speech because of individual differences in auditory temporal and cognitive processing (Füllgrabe et al., 2014; Pichora-Fuller, 2003; Humes, 2007). These factors may also explain some of the variation in how well individual listeners learn to understand speech in noise when it is processed by hearing aids (Gatehouse, Naylor, & Elberling, 2006; Humes, 2003; Lunner & Sundewall-Thorén, 2007; Rudner, Foo, Rönnberg, & Lunner, 2009).
Research in cognitive science has provided new insights into how speech understanding can be altered when listening is challenged by a mismatch between the reduced abilities internal to an individual (e.g., ARHL) and the demands imposed by external conditions, such as environmental noise or multiple voices in a crowd (Mattys, Davis, Bradlow, & Scott, 2012). Perhaps even more importantly, progress has been made in realizing that the motivation, goals and strategies of individuals influence when and how they harness their residual auditory abilities and complement them with other sensory, cognitive, and social abilities to achieve participation in everyday life. When listening becomes effortful in challenging situations, an individual who is motivated to persist in participating (rather than giving up) may draw on a combination of internal auditory and cognitive resources to meet the demands imposed by demanding external listening conditions. An international expert group, following classical ideas from cognitive psychology (Kahneman, 1973), defined effort as the deliberate allocation of mental resources to overcome obstacles in goal pursuit when carrying out a task, with listening effort applying more specifically when tasks involve listening, as illustrated in the Framework for Understanding Effortful Listening (FUEL) (Pichora-Fuller et al., 2016). A framework like the FUEL provides a new way for rehabilitative audiologists to understanding how and when auditory processing and cognitive processing combine to affect listening in everyday situations that vary in the demands they impose on a listener with particular auditory and cognitive abilities. A better understanding of the aspects of central auditory and cognitive processing involved in speech understanding in adverse conditions should enable new rehabilitation interventions to be designed that are more tailored to meet the needs and goals of individual older adults and their listening lifestyles. Using this framework, audiologists will be poised to enter a new era of rehabilitation that complements amplification and signal-based solutions with a more synthetic cognitive approach that pivots on individuals’ personal and social goals. In the long term, this combined analytic-synthetic approach is expected to support compensatory brain reorganization, optimize social participation, and promote aging well.
Cognitive Aging in Healthy Older Adults
There is growing evidence that audition and cognition interact, even in healthy older communicators who have clinically normal or near-normal audiograms and no clinically significant cognitive impairment (Peelle, 2018; Pichora-Fuller et al., 2017; Schneider, Pichora-Fuller, & Daneman, 2010). Some aspects of cognition decline with age, but others may actually even continue to improve. In general, there are declines in the dynamic or fluid processing of information, whereas static or crystallized linguistic and world knowledge are well preserved in healthy aging (Cunningham, Clayton, & Overton, 1975; Hartshorne & Germine, 2015). Accordingly, older adults can often use knowledge and contextual support as strengths to compensate for weaknesses in rapid information processing (Pichora-Fuller, 2008, 2010). Age-related declines in cognitive processing that could affect communication include slower speed of information processing, reduced working memory, and difficulty dividing attention or attending to relevant information and inhibiting distraction (Pichora-Fuller & Singh, 2006).
In everyday activities, these three aspects of cognitive processing—working memory, attention, and speed of processing—may be highly interrelated. Working memory is a limited capacity system for temporarily storing and processing the information required to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning, reasoning, and comprehension. An individual’s working memory capacity, or span, is measured in terms of ability to simultaneously store and process information. For example, in the well-known working memory span task (Daneman & Carpenter, 1980; Pichora-Fuller, Schneider, & Daneman, 1995), after listening to or reading a set of sentences and performing some kind of judgment task after each sentence to ensure it has been comprehended (i.e., processed), the individual is asked to recall the sentence-final words for all of the sentences in the set (i.e., what has been stored). The number of sentences in the sets is increased and the working memory span is determined to be the largest set size for which the person can correctly recall a minimum specified proportion of the sentence-final words. The assumption is that, as the processing demands increase, there will be a corresponding decrease in how much can be stored in this limited capacity system; the working memory span is used to gauge the trade-off in the allocation of the limited capacity of working memory to processing versus storage. Working memory span can be used to compare different individuals when the task is held constant or to evaluate how the efficiency of processing shifts with variations in the task for a given individual (Pichora-Fuller, 2007).
It has been argued that there is an interface between working memory and attention insofar as complex working memory tasks reflect differences in how well individuals can (1) control attention to activate and keep the information relevant to the current goal or task available and (2) dampen or inhibit irrelevant information under conditions where there is risk of interference or distraction (Barrett, Tugade, & Engle, 2004; Engle, 2010). In general, speed of processing or the amount of time required to process information is assumed to reflect the amount of processing demanded by a task. If a task is easy and can be done very automatically without needing much control or effort, then it will impose a very low processing demand and take little time. In contrast, if a task is difficult and requires attentional control or effort, then the processing demand will be high and it will take more time to complete the task. Slowing of information processing is a hallmark of cognitive aging, but more specifically, it seems that perceptual processing speed accounts for much of the age-related variance in working memory capacity (Redick, Unsworth, Kelly, & Engle, 2012). In challenging conditions, the processing demand imposed by a task will require more attentional effort and performance will be slowed. These conditions include situations involving listening to speech in noise. It often takes more effort for an older person to listen in conditions with levels of noise that do not require similar effort on the part of younger listeners (Anderson, Gosselin, & Gagné, 2011). Of course, two of the most common complaints of older listeners or of people who are hard-of-hearing are that even if they can understand what has been said, it takes more effort and time for them when they have to follow ongoing speech.
Interactions Between Auditory and Cognitive Aging in Healthy Older Adults
On the one hand, age-related hearing problems can increase cognitive processing demand, thereby exacerbating what may seem to be age-related cognitive decline (Pichora-Fuller, 2007). For example, the extra effort required to concentrate when following speech in noise or during multitasking may consume working memory processing capacity with the result being that, even if words are correctly recognized, they may not be stored in memory or understood as well as if they had been heard in quiet (Pichora-Fuller et al., 1995). On the other hand, cognitive processing demands may contribute to the listening problems of older adults when there are multiple talkers or when attention may need to be divided between simultaneous tasks, such as conversing while driving a car or crossing a street using a walker. Thus, auditory and cognitive challenges can combine to make it much more difficult for listeners to function in everyday communication situations.
In contrast to the compounding of auditory and cognitive declines, there is also the possibility that there could be compensatory benefits from interactions between auditory and cognitive processing. Listeners with better hearing may be less vulnerable to cognitive overload and listeners with better cognition may be more successful than peers with lower cognition when it comes to attending in complex listening situations (Heyl & Wahl, 2012; Sörqvist, Stenfelt, & Rönnberg, 2012) or even when learning how to use fast-acting signal processing in hearing aids (Gatehouse et al., 2006; Humes, 2003; Lunner & Sundewall-Thorén, 2007; Rudner et al., 2009).
It is now widely accepted that the brain continues to be plastic over the course of adult development and aging (Grady, 2012). Much has been learned about how parts of the brain not traditionally considered to be involved in hearing contribute to the performance of complex listening tasks (Zatorre, 2007). Brain imaging and evoked-response potential (ERP) studies have shown that there are auditory-cognitive interactions during speech understanding, both in bottom-up and top-down processing, from the brain stem to the prefrontal cortex (Peelle, 2018; Peelle & Wingfield, 2016; Pichora-Fuller et al., 2017). As shown in Figure 26–3 (Peelle, 2018), when speech is acoustical degraded, various nonauditory cognitive areas are activated in addition to the core auditory speech areas of the brain.
Apart from shedding light on the mechanisms of auditory-cognitive interactions, recent advances in cognitive neuroscience have significant implications for rehabilitation. Brain imaging studies have shown that when younger and older adults perform perceptual or cognitive tasks at the same level of accuracy, there can be more widespread brain activation in older compared to younger brains. The increase in symmetric hemispheric activation (Cabeza, 2002) and the shift from posterior to anterior brain activation with aging (Davis, Dennis, Daselaar, Fleck, & Cabeza, 2008) has been interpreted as evidence of compensatory reorganization of brain networks in response to perceptual and cognitive declines, including impaired speech perception (Du, Buchsbaum, Grady, & Alain, 2016). According to the Cognitive Compensation Hypothesis, declining sensory and sensorimotor functions are compensated by higher-level cognitive and attentional processes (Li, Krampe, & Bondar, 2005). Furthermore, the Compensation-Related Utilization of Neural Circuits Hypothesis (CRUNCH) (Reuter-Lorenz & Cappell, 2008) proposes that additional brain regions are recruited by older adults when capacity limits are reached in a given task or combined tasks. Importantly, the success of compensation varies with the demands of the task. By recruiting more cognitive resources, older adults can succeed in conditions when tasks are relatively easy and younger adults do not incur a cognitive load or need to expend effort, but recruiting more resources may not enable them to overcome demands when tasks are more difficult (Rypma, Eldreth, & Rebbechi, 2007). By extension, the Scaffolding Theory of Aging and Cognition (STAC) (Park & Reuter-Lorenz, 2009) suggests that there is the potential to enhance such compensation by training.
Figure 26–3. SNR brain networks activated during listening to clear and degraded speech. Note. Illustration of brain networks involved in processing clear and degraded speech. When the acoustic signal is clear (represented by the upper spectrogram), a core speech network is engaged consisting of bilateral temporal cortex and often left inferior frontal gyrus. This core speech network supports acoustic, phonological, lexicosemantic, and basic syntactic processing. When speech is degraded (represented by the lower spectrogram), the core speech network is still engaged but is complemented by additional activity required to deal with the degraded speech signal. The additional regions engaged depend on the specific type of cognitive support required and will likely differ as a function of the specific acoustic challenge, task demands, and cognitive and auditory ability of an individual listener. Source: Peelle, J. E. (2018). Listening effort: How the cognitive consequences of acoustic challenge are reflected in brain and behavior. Ear and Hearing, 39(2), 210. Copyright 2017 by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Reproduced with permission of Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
The implication of this research in cognitive neuroscience is that new approaches to AR could facilitate compensatory brain reorganization as older listeners with hearing loss are engaged in relearning how to listen and comprehend speech using signals delivered by hearing technologies. Evidence of brain plasticity is very encouraging for rehabilitation professionals because it suggests that older adults can compensate by finding new ways to perform complex tasks successfully, such as listening to speech in noise (Peelle, Troiani, Wingfield, & Grossman, 2010). A recent systematic review and meta-analysis examined the results of nine studies in which cognitive outcomes were measured following auditory and cognitive training in adults with hearing loss; the overall certainty of the evidence of benefit based on these few preliminary studies was low for auditory training and very low for cognitive training, but a combined auditory-cognitive approach seemed to be the best (Lawrence et al., 2018). Insofar as a goal of new auditory-cognitive interventions would be to enhance cognitive compensation so that it can be deployed to overcome demands in a wider range of challenging listening situations, more research on combined auditory-cognitive interventions should be undertaken and evaluated in terms of a wider range of outcome measures to assess auditory, cognitive, communication and participation functioning in everyday life. Furthermore, combined auditory-cognitive interventions will likely be of even greater importance when older adults must contend with hearing loss in combination with clinically significant cognitive impairment.
Combined Auditory and Cognitive Impairments
Impairments in hearing and cognition both increase markedly with age, such that the majority of those over 75 years of age have hearing loss (Bainbridge & Wallhagen, 2014) and about 20% have mild cognitive impairment (MCI), with the rate of progression from MCI to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) being roughly 10% per year (Petersen et al., 2009). Since hearing impairment and cognitive impairment are both highly prevalent in older adults, dual impairments should be common.
Hearing loss is found in up to 90% of those who have dementia (Gold, Lightfoot, & Hnath-Chisolm, 1996) and it is more prevalent in those with dementia than in matched controls (Uhlmann, Larson, Rees, Koepsell, & Duckert, 1989). In addition to the relationships found between audiometric hearing loss and dementia, relationships have also been found between central auditory and cognitive impairments. For example, clinical cases diagnosed with MCI have worse performance on the dichotic digits tests compared to controls, and cases diagnosed with AD have worse performance than those with MCI (Idrizbegovic et al., 2011). Reduced cognitive executive functioning has been associated with performance on tests of CAP (Gates et al., 2010). Even more striking are epidemiological findings that audiometric thresholds (Lin et al., 2011; Lin et al., 2011, Lin et al., 2013) and scores on dichotic speech tests (Gates, Anderson, McCurry, Feeney, & Larson, 2011; Gates, Beiser, Rees, Agostino, & Wolf, 2002) are predictive of the future manifestation of dementia. A recent meta-analysis showed that the overall combined relative risk of people with hearing impairment to develop Alzheimer’s disease was almost five times greater compared to controls with normal hearing (Zheng et al., 2017). Based on one longitudinal study, the cognitive reduction associated with a 25-dB loss in hearing was calculated to be equivalent to the reduction associated with an increase of 7 years in age (Lin, 2011). In another study, hearing loss was associated with 10 out of 11 cognitive tests measuring speed of processing, executive function, memory, and global cognitive status (Harrison Bush, Lister, Lin, Betz, & Edwards, 2015). Importantly, hearing loss has been identified as the most potentially modifiable midlife risk factor for dementia based on a systematic review of factors contributing to dementia prevention, intervention, and care (Livingston et al., 2017).
Compensatory benefit from vision may modulate auditory-cognitive links in aging (Wettstein, Wahl, & Heyl, 2018). However, audiovisual processing can be compromised in people with hearing loss (Musacchia, Arum, Nicol, Garstecki, & Kraus, 2009). Notably, a 2015 report on the Global Burden of Disease estimated that hearing loss and vision loss, respectively, were the second and third most common impairments worldwide (Vos et al., 2016), and dual sensory (hearing and vision) loss affects about 20% of people over 80 years of age (Smith, Bennett, & Wilson, 2008). Compared to hearing loss alone, dual sensory loss is associated with an even greater likelihood for cognitive decline, functional decline, and even mortality (Brenowitz, Kaup, Lin, & Yaffe, 2019; Laforge, Spector, & Sternberg, 1992; Lin et al., 2004). At an exploratory workshop on “Sensory and Motor Dysfunctions in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease” convened by the National Institute on Aging in the USA, experts concluded that there was a meaningful interface among sensory, motor, and cognitive dysfunctions that warranted more research (Albers et al., 2015). The possibility that AR could modify the risk of dementia is a topic of active research (Deal et al., 2017). AR designed to address sensory-cognitive links in aging adults will need to consider vision as a potentially compensatory sensory modality or a potentially comorbid sensory loss that could increase risk of cognitive decline.
The explanation for the correlations between hearing and cognitive impairments remains to be determined (for a discussion, see Lin et al., 2013; Uchida et al., 2019). It is possible that central presbycusis and executive dysfunction may result from similar neurodegenerative processes (Gates et al., 2010) or even that age-related sensory declines drive cognitive declines (Humes, Busey, Craig, & Kewley-Port, 2013). Alternatively, the association between hearing impairment and cognitive impairment may be so strong because individuals with better hearing simply exhibit less apparent cognitive decline, even though their brains are changing in a way similar to those who have hearing loss. Or maybe those with better hearing experience slower cognitive decline because they are better able to maintain healthy active lifestyles that are cognitively stimulating, thereby slowing cognitive decline in line with the “use it or lose it” perspective. In any case, it seems clear that it is time for audiologists to become more involved in the diagnosis and management of cases in which hearing and cognitive health may both be in question. Some individuals may begin AR with clinically normal cognition and later develop cognitive impairments while others may already have cognitive impairments when AR begins.
New diagnostic guidelines for MCI and dementia were released in 2011 (Albert et al., 2011; McKhann et al., 2011), with an emphasis on the diagnostic reality that there is a continuum from normal age-related changes in cognition to advanced dementia. As new approaches to diagnosing and managing dementia emerge, there is an opportunity to develop best practices for how hearing should be factored in when cognitive tests are interpreted and recommendations for care are made by other health professions. For example, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (Nassreddine et al., 2005) is a cognitive screening test that is often used in primary care, but its accuracy may be reduced by hearing or vision impairments (Al-Yawer, Pichora-Fuller, & Phillips, 2019; Dupuis et al., 2015) or noisy test environments (Dupuis, Marchuk, & Pichora-Fuller, 2016). Within audiologic practice, in addition to the audiogram, it seems that there is value to incorporating central auditory testing (e.g., with dichotic digits or sentences) into assessment (Gates et al., 2011; Rosenhall, Hederstierna, & Idrizbegovic, 2011). New practice guidelines are also needed to inform audiologists as to the possible need to screen cognition to determine if referral to other health professionals is indicated. New partnerships with neuropsychologists and psychogeriatricians will be critical as audiologists develop more effective approaches to the rehabilitation of older adults with comorbid sensory and cognitive impairments (Dupuis, Reed, Bachmann, Lemke, & Pichora-Fuller, 2019). In particular, older adults with combined sensory and cognitive impairments who were receiving home care or residing in long-term care had greater functional difficulties in activities of daily living, less social engagement, increased loneliness, and reduced independence compared to those with only cognitive impairment (Guthrie et al., 2018). In general, AR should be a key component in health planning to promote aging well and to prevent older adults from becoming less active and socially isolated. With the anticipated rapid increase in cases of AD, there is great interest in promoting active lifestyles to stave off or slow down dementia (Fratiglioni, Paillard-Borg, & Winblad, 2004), but the role of ARHL in this endeavor remains to be determined (Pichora-Fuller, 2010).
Rehabilitation of Peripheral Versus Central Auditory and Cognitive Problems
The traditional basic audiometric evaluation is used as the first step in developing a rehabilitative plan and is most successful in defining the degree of hearing loss, rather than differentiating peripheral from central pathology. Individuals with audiometric hearing loss are approached as having primarily peripheral pathology; their rehabilitation usually focuses on hearing aid fitting. The prevalence of clinically significant hearing loss increases markedly with age (ISO, 2017). Using the screening criterion proposed recently in the United Kingdom (Davis et al., 2007), people whose pure-tone threshold at 3 kHz is in excess of 35 dB HL would be considered potential candidates for hearing aids. Accordingly, the majority of those 75 years of age or older would be referred for a hearing aid evaluation. Using the World Health Organization (WHO) grades of hearing impairment based on puretone averages (Stevens et al., 2013), about one-third of adults who are 65 years of age or older would be categorized as having disabling hearing loss defined as a better-ear four-frequency (0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz) pure-tone average exceeding 35 dB HL (WHO, 2013). With the aging of the population and the baby boom generation reaching retirement age, there will be a steadily increasing number of older adults who will seek help for hearing problems. Indeed, initial help seeking for age-related hearing problems occurs earlier now than it did a decade ago, with a shift in the average age of a first-time hearing aid user from about 70 to 63 years (Abrams & Kihm, 2015). The inaudibility of speech due to pure-tone hearing loss fully explains the speech-communication problems of about half of older adults, suggesting that amplification by hearing aids would be a good solution for their problems; however, other solutions would be needed to address the problems of the other half of the older adult population for whom audibility does not fully explain their speech-communication difficulties (Humes, 2019; Humes et al., 2019). Apart from audibility, the speech-communication difficulties of the other half of the older adult population may be attributable to age-related changes in auditory processing and/or cognition (Humes, Kidd, & Lenz, 2013). It is easy to overlook the more central auditory or cognitive factors that may contribute to the complaints of older listeners. Whether a person has peripheral auditory pathology or not, it is possible that there could be neural degeneration of a sort that would be considered to involve primarily CAP. To date, it is uncommon for older adults with good audiometric thresholds who have complaints about auditory functioning to be assessed for CAP disorders and, if any rehabilitation is provided, it usually involves technologies other than conventional hearing aids (e.g., FM), environmental modifications, listening training, and/or behavior change to manage challenging listening situations.
Recently, the American Academy of Audiology Task Force on Central Presbycusis published a report and in defining central presbycusis, the task force used “an historical narrow structural definition . . . focused on modality-specific changes to auditory portions of the central nervous system from above the cochlear nucleus to the auditory cortex” (Humes et al., 2012, p. 637). Using that definition, it was concluded that there was
insufficient evidence to confirm the existence of central presbycusis as an isolated entity. On the other hand, recent evidence has been accumulating in support of the existence of central presbycusis as a multifactorial condition that involves age- and/or disease-related changes in the auditory system and in the brain. (Humes et al., 2012, p. 636)
In contrast to the current view of cognitive neuroscience, the traditional audiologic view of CAP has relied on an anatomical framework and a perspective that has viewed an array of auditory functions as modular processes which could be delineated and assessed independently from each other (Pichora-Fuller & Singh, 2006). Crucially, the task force did point out that the definition they used was “in contrast to a broad functional definition of central presbycusis, one that might encompass any age-related changes in the central nervous system beyond the auditory periphery that might impact communication, including cognitive changes” (Humes et al., 2012, p. 637).
Rather than following the traditional approach based on defining peripheral auditory, central auditory, and cognitive processing problems as if they were mutually exclusive, rehabilitative audiologists may find a functional and integrative approach more useful. Such a framework is provided by the World Health Organization International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) (WHO, 2001, 2002) that has already been so influential in rehabilitative audiology (Humes et al., 2019; Stephens & Kramer, 2010; Worrall & Hickson, 2003). The ICF has functional health as its primary focus, thus emphasizing the importance of the interaction between an individual’s health conditions or status and the contextual factors around him/her. This more functional approach was taken in the recent Canadian Guidelines for Assessment and Management of Auditory Processing Disorder in Children and Adults (Millett et al., 2012). (Editors’ note: For further discussion of the ICF, the reader is referred to Chapter 3 of this text.)
Everyday Function and the WHO ICF
In order to understand the communication needs of older adults, rehabilitative audiologists must take a broad view that goes beyond the problems arising from hearing loss due to peripheral disorders and extends to central auditory and cognitive processing issues. Age-related auditory changes can occur at one or many levels from cochlea to cortex, and changes in the auditory system often co-occur with nonauditory changes that will affect communication functioning (Kiessling et al., 2003). Table 26–1 summarizes the peripheral auditory, central auditory, vision, cognitive, and general health factors and mechanisms that may underpin the functional problems of older adults. It also illustrates how these factors can affect the functions of hearing, listening, comprehending, and communicating that are relevant for AR (Kiessling et al., 2003). The functions are based on ICF concepts and were defined by the consensus group who developed the table.
Hearing was defined to be
essentially a passive function that provides access to the auditory world via the perception of sound. It concerns sensing the presence of sounds and discriminating the location, pitch, loudness and quality of sounds. In the ICF classification system, hearing is located in the impairment domain. (Kiessling et al., 2003, p. S93)
Cognition comes into play for listening, which was defined as
the process of hearing with intention and attention. Listening is an activity. People engage in hearing for a purpose. There is intent of the part of a listener to experience auditory stimuli, and listening requires the expenditure of effort. (Kiessling et al., 2003, p. S93)
Comprehending involves the connection between signal and meaning and was defined as
an activity undertaken beyond the processes of hearing and listening. Comprehending is the reception of information, meaning or intent. Often this takes place as part of discourse, although the concept is not necessarily limited to discourse. It is a uni-directional concept. (Kiessling et al., 2003, p. S93)
Communicating involves social interaction and was defined as requiring
the bi-directional transfer of information, meaning or intent between two or more people. Although non-verbal and non-auditory communication is possible, in the current context, communicating requires that both participants are hearing, listening and comprehending. Communication involves both activity and participation. (Kiessling et al., 2003, p. S93)
Rehabilitation should provide potential solutions for each of the four functions: hearing, listening, comprehending, and communicating. This chapter, however, will focus on the functions of listening, comprehension, and communicating, which must rely on a combination of peripheral auditory, central auditory, cognitive abilities. Selected research concerning auditory-cognitive interactions suggest new directions for rehabilitative audiology.
Ease of listening depends on an individual’s abilities, but also on the demands of the task(s) the person is trying to perform and how adverse the situation is in terms of noise and distraction. Research on working memory and attention could be applied in the rehabilitation process to address the need to improve ease of listening when task demands and adverse environments make it difficult.
Working Memory
As explained earlier, there are individual differences in working memory capacity and there are indications that these differences are related to speech-in-noise performance, listening effort, and success with hearing aids (Arehart, Souza, Baca, & Kates, 2013; Rudner & Lunner, 2013). Measures of working memory could be used when considering the selection of hearing aid processing options and/or in deciding who may need more training and support while learning to listen with a new hearing aid. Working memory may also become a new measure for evaluating the outcomes of hearing aid fittings and rehabilitation. Some researchers have chosen to measure reading rather than listening working memory span because they reasoned that the effects of hearing loss and increased auditory processing demands would be avoided if stimuli were presented visually; however, others have argued that it is important to measure auditory working memory span, especially if the purpose of the test is to determine if an intervention has beem effective in reducing listening effort (Besser, Koelewijn, Zekveld, Kramer, & Festen, 2013; Smith & Pichora-Fuller, 2015). In the auditory modality, measures of working memory span can be affected by the SNR or even the level of presentation of speech in quiet (Baldwin & Ash, 2011). Recall that even older listeners without clinically significant audiometric loss need about a 3 dB SNR advantage to match the word recognition accuracy of younger listeners. To achieve that the same level of performance in speech understanding as a younger listener, an older listener may be engaging brain networks in a compensatory fashion that requires more effort (Peelle, 2018). Even if a listener correctly recognizes words, as it becomes more effortful to listen, there should be a corresponding decrease in working memory span or the number of words that are recalled. If technology improves the quality of the signal or the SNR then listening effort should be reduced so that more of the words that were recognized should be remembered later and working memory span should increase. Similarly, if compensatory listening skills are honed by training, then listening effort should be reduced and there should also be an increase in how many words are remembered.
Table 26–1. Age-Related Changes in Hearing, Listening, Comprehending, and Communicating
Source: Kiessling, J., Pichora-Fuller, M. K., Gatehouse, S., Stephens, D., Arlinger, S., Chisolm, T., . . . von Wedel, H. A. B. (2003). Candidature for and delivery of audiological services: Special needs of older people. International Journal of Audiology, 42(Suppl. 2), S94–S95. Copyright 2004 of International Journal of Audiology by British Society of Audiology, International Society of Audiology, & Nordisk Audiologisk Selskab. Reproduced with permission of Taylor & Francis Inc.
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