Alternatives to LASIK Refractive Surgery
Lawrence Gans
▪ Introduction
Excimer laser refractive surgery, and LASIK in particular, is the most popular refractive procedure worldwide. However, alternate procedures are available for favorably modifying the refractive properties of the eye, and when laser vision correction is not appropriate, these procedures become valuable tools for the refractive surgeon. This chapter is an introduction to help the reader understand the role that these alternatives can play in helping the patient achieve better uncorrected vision.
▪ Surface Ablation: PRK/ASA/LASEK/Epi-LASIK
The various names for keratorefractive surface ablation with the excimer laser are derived from the technique used to handle the epithelial layer. The first FDA-approved refractive surgery procedure using the excimer laser was photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). This procedure involves the mechanical removal of the epithelium followed by excimer ablation of the underlying surface stroma. Although the mechanical removal was initially done with a blade, a battery-operated rotating brush was developed to facilitate epithelial removal (See Video 5). Later, the use of dilute ethanol (20%), or isopropyl alcohol (35% to 70%) was introduced to facilitate mechanical epithelial removal. The alcohol pretreatment effectively loosens the adhesion of the basal epithelial cells so the layer can be gently swept aside. An alternate technique uses the excimer laser to partially remove the epithelium prior to the refractive ablation. This requires the mechanical removal of the remaining epithelium from the ablation zone and was, therefore, termed laser-scrape.
Surface ablation, in the early years of laser vision correction, was performed with broadbeam lasers and lacked the more recent advances of medications to control postsurgical discomfort, and medications like mitomycin-C to reduce the potential for stromal haze with deeper ablations. That led many surgeons to rename the procedure advanced surface ablation (ASA) to differentiate the more modern technique.
With any technique that involves the removal of the epithelium, there is associated postoperative discomfort and delay of vision recovery until the epithelial layer is healed and optically smooth. In the hopes that preserving the epithelium and returning it to the surface following the laser ablation would minimize the soreness and hasten the visual recovery, techniques were developed that allowed the epithelial surface to be lifted as a sheet and then replaced over the treated surface. When this is performed with chemical loosening of the epithelium and mechanical lifting of the flap, it is called LASEK (laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy). When it is performed using an epithelial keratome, it is known as Epi-LASIK. The epithelial keratome uses an oscillating blunt dissector to separate the sheet of epithelium from Bowman layer. The advantage of retaining the epithelial flap for either pain control or more rapid visual rehabilitation has been difficult to scientifically establish, and it is no longer a popular common practice.
Several advantages make surface ablation an important alternative to LASIK. The longterm postoperative results of surface ablation surgery are comparable to those of LASIK, particularly for myopic corrections of ≤ —5.00 diopters (D). Because no stromal flap is created, risks such as striae, flap displacement, loss of suction during flap creation, diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK), and epithelial ingrowth are eliminated. This is also true of the risk of flap segmentation or wound disruption problems, which can occur after LASIK in post-radial keratotomy or penetrating keratoplasty patients.
Laser refractive surgery is increasingly being performed to modify the refractive results from lens implantation. As premium lens implantation becomes more popular, patients’ expectations for perfect refractive results necessitate that surgeons have the capability to use the excimer laser to correct astigmatism or unintended spherical refractive error. Surface ablation avoids concern that the microkeratome or femtosecond laser could disturb the cataract incision or limbal relaxing incision during flap creation.
An important advantage of PRK is that more stromal tissue is available for safe laser ablation. If a typical LASIK flap measures 100 to 160 µm in thickness including the 50- to 60-µm epithelial layer, a surface procedure can be performed with an additional 40 to 100 µm of stromal tissue available for ablation. This is particularly helpful in treating patients with relatively thin corneas or patients with higher myopic refractive errors. Because customized wavefront-based LASIK surgery requires the ablation of more stromal tissue, surface ablation may be needed in order to leave sufficient residual stromal bed thickness.
Less severe and less prolonged dry eye problems are encountered after surface treatment, which is advantageous in patients who have preexisting tear film problems. When there is no suction ring to raise the intraocular pressure, there is less concern for ischemic complications to the optic nerve, and this may be more suitable for patients with risk factors for glaucoma or other optic nerve diseases. A suction ring cannot be used on a patient with a filtering bleb, while surface ablation might be safely performed in this circumstance.
The cost per case is considerably lower for surface ablation procedures than for LASIK performed with either the microkeratome or femtosecond laser.
The three major disadvantages of surface ablation are postoperative discomfort, slow visual rehabilitation, and the risk of stromal scarring. The removal of surface epithelium by any technique is associated with postoperative pain. This can range from mild to severe and may last for several days until the epithelium has healed. Pain can be minimized with bandage contact lenses topical cycloplegics, oral analgesics, cold compresses, oral and topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and even dilute topical anesthetics. Immediately following surface ablation, the vision can be quite good with uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) in the range of 20/30 to 20/60. As the epithelium heals during the next few days and the central optical zone becomes rough and irregular, the vision becomes hazier. The initial epithelial layer is somewhat thickened, but gradually smooths out to achieve better optical quality in the subsequent weeks after surgery. The UCVA after the first week is typically 20/30 to 20/40 and may take a few weeks to achieve 20/20 or better visual acuity. Retreatment should not be considered for 6 months after PRK, because of the time necessary for complete healing and refractive stability to occur.
Stromal scarring in the form of reticular haze occurs with increasing frequency and severity with myopic corrections above —5.00 D and ≥75-µm ablation depth, and was generally more common with broad-beam laser procedures. It is less frequent with modern spot lasers but can still occur with higher corrections. The haze usually peaks between 1 and 3 months. Several measures can minimize the incidence and severity of this scarring even at higher corrections. These include intraoperative application of topical mitomycin-C after ablation, lowering the cornea temperature with chilled balanced salt solution (BSS) after the ablation, the use of oral ascorbic acid (1,000 mg daily), reducing sunlight exposure after surgery, and the use of a topical steroid for at least a month following surgery. Prolonged topical steroid use should be monitored as it
increases the risk of IOP elevation that can become quite severe. Of the various modalities used to prevent postoperative haze the use of mitomycin-C, 0.2 mg/cc is most effective and has become routine for many surgeons performing surface ablation procedures (see Chapter 13 for a more detailed discussion). Enhancements after surface surgery require the patient to go through the same process with discomfort and slow return of useful vision. During the enhancement procedure, the surgeon should be prepared for greater epithelial adhesion and a rougher appearance of the stroma within the previous ablation zone.
increases the risk of IOP elevation that can become quite severe. Of the various modalities used to prevent postoperative haze the use of mitomycin-C, 0.2 mg/cc is most effective and has become routine for many surgeons performing surface ablation procedures (see Chapter 13 for a more detailed discussion). Enhancements after surface surgery require the patient to go through the same process with discomfort and slow return of useful vision. During the enhancement procedure, the surgeon should be prepared for greater epithelial adhesion and a rougher appearance of the stroma within the previous ablation zone.
The technique for ASA involves loosening the epithelial cells with alcohol solution applied to the corneal surface within a circular well of the desired diameter or by placing a round cellulose sponge dampened with the solution on the surface (See Videos 6-9). The time of contact with the alcohol varies from 15 to 45 seconds depending on the alcohol concentration used, and the condition of the epithelium. Longer contact time may be required to loosen epithelium for enhancement of a previous surface ablation. Limiting the duration of alcohol contact with the epithelium, removing the alcohol, and copiously irrigating the corneal surface with BSS will minimize stromal penetration and possible toxicity. If a rotating epithelial brush is used (See Video 5), the alcohol solution is not required. If an epithelial flap is to be prepared, the edges are bluntly dissected centrally to create an intact epithelial layer that is reflected away from the treatment zone. The laser ablation is performed. For procedures with ablation depths >75 µm, mitomycin-C 0.2 mg/cc on a cellulose sponge can then be applied to the stromal surface for 12 to 30 seconds. The surface is irrigated again with chilled BSS. A bandage contact lens is placed on the cornea and the procedure is complete.
Various oral analgesics (e.g., celecoxib, gabapentin, and pregabalin) are commonly prescribed for use beginning the day prior to surgery and continuing for 1 to 2 days after surgery to help minimize discomfort. Cold compresses can be used as well. Oral ascorbic acid 1,000 mg/day, if used, is begun the day of surgery and is continued for 1 month. Topical antibiotic and steroid eye drops are used four times daily. The antibiotic can be discontinued once the epithelium is healed, but the steroid is continued for at least 1 month. The bandage contact lens is removed when the epithelium is intact, usually on the fourth postoperative day.
Bilateral simultaneous surgery is commonly performed, but the patient must be thoroughly prepared preoperatively for the visual disability that will likely occur during the first week after surgery. Many patients will, therefore, opt for sequential surgery, which is less convenient but reduces the transient visual disability that occurs during the first postoperative week.
▪ Incisional Procedures
Astigmatic keratotomy (AK) is an extension of the relaxing incision procedure long used by corneal transplant surgeons to correct postkeratoplasty astigmatism. Straight or arcuate tangential incisions are made in the steep meridian to cause an axial change in the astigmatism. The number and pattern of these incisions, along with their distance from the visual axis, determine the amount of correction obtained. In addition to flattening the steep meridian, these incisions also produce a steepening in the orthogonal meridian (90 degrees away), resulting in what is termed coupling. The ratio of the amount of flattening in the steep meridian where the incision is placed to the amount of steepening in the orthogonal meridian is termed the coupling ratio. The coupling ratio varies with the type of incision produced and is an important predictor of the spherical equivalent change that will result from the astigmatic surgery. A coupling ratio of 1:1 will have no change in the spherical equivalent. For example, an eye that begins at -4.00 + 4.00 × 90° (spherical equivalent of -2.00 D) and undergoes successful AK should end up at approximately —2.00 D. Short and straight tangential incisions tend to produce less orthogonal steepening than do longer or arcuate incisions.
The procedure (See Video 10) is performed with a thin diamond blade that has a rectangular or trapezoidal tip with cutting edges at the base and the sides to allow the knife to slide predictably at the same depth along the curved circumference of the cornea. The guarded edge is set with a micrometer or is set at a fixed length to produce an incision 90% to 95% of the corneal pachymetry for midperipheral incisions (AK), and arbitrarily at 600 µm for limbal relaxing incisions (LRIs). The 3 and 9 o’clock limbus is marked at the slit lamp so that adjustment for intraoperative cyclotorsion movements can be made. The steep meridian is confirmed with intraoperative keratoscopy or a Mendez gauge, and the incision track is marked on the corneal surface. Incisions are commonly performed in pairs with one on either side of the visual axis and both centered on the steep meridian. The incisions are generally made at the edge of a 7-mm optical zone to minimize visual symptoms, but can be made at a smaller optical zone for greater amounts of correction.
Astigmatic keratotomy can correct mild to moderate cylinder reliably with few objectionable symptoms. When performed at the time of cataract surgery with a standard lens implant, the LRI procedure helps produce an emmetropic result for patients with corneal astigmatism. When the attempted correction exceeds 2 D, the number of incisions and the need to be closer to the optical zone result in objectionable visual symptoms. LRI is an effective way to treat low degrees of post-LASIK mixed astigmatism. Because of the coupling effect, both the sphere and the cylinder are corrected. This can be done without incurring the risk of flap re-lift or the expense of excimer laser retreatment (see Chapter 10).
Radial keratotomy (RK) was the first surgical procedure widely performed in the United States for the correction of myopia. The early popularity of this procedure led to the evolution of refractive surgery as a means to reduce or eliminate the need for corrective lenses. The procedure has largely been abandoned because of the short- and long-term corneal instability encountered, particularly when larger degrees of correction are attempted. It is important to understand the fundamentals of this procedure, because these patients present to the refractive surgeon and the cataract surgeon with progressive symptoms that require management.
Radial incisions in the peripheral cornea correct myopia by producing a peripheral bulge and central flattening of the anterior refractive surface. This central corneal flattening was used to correct mild to moderate degrees of myopia. The amount of correction could change throughout the day possibly related to diurnal variations in intraocular pressure. By altering the length and number of incisions created, the surgeon attempted to control the amount of refractive correction produced.
A wide range of factors influenced the effectiveness of the surgery. These included the age of the patient (older patients experience greater effects for the same amount of surgery), gender (some have said women experience greater effects), the depth, and the incision profile at the central end of the incision. The surgeon would select the number of incisions and the optical zone, which is the clear, unincised area of central cornea, based on the characteristics of the particular eye. RK surgeons developed personal nomograms to help produce consistent results with their individual technique. Radial keratotomy has the potential to correct myopia from —0.50 to as high as —8.00 D or more, but in practice it was only useful up to about —4.00 D, after which disturbing visual symptoms interfered with the refractive correction.
The surgery was performed with the patient recumbent. Topical anesthesia was applied and the patient instructed to fixate on a target. An ink mark was made with an optical zone marker to delineate the optical zone centered on the entrance pupil of the eye. The surgeon would stabilize the globe with a forceps or fixation ring and create the incisions using a guarded diamond knife blade. The exposed portion of the blade was set with a micrometer to ideally create incisions that were 85% to 95% of the corneal thickness as determined by pachymetry. Commonly four to eight radial incisions were created.
Radial keratotomy has several inherent side effects that make photoablative surgery much more desirable. The incisions weaken the peripheral cornea to cause the bending that flattens the central curvature to correct myopia. From morning to evening that bending may vary to produce the diurnal fluctuation mentioned earlier. It is not uncommon for RK patients to be relatively hyperopic in the morning and more myopic by evening. The fluctuations increase with higher attempted corrections using more numerous and longer incisions. The incisions can heal with epithelial plugs growing into the depths of the incisions. Some incisions may not be created perpendicular to the corneal surface. In each of these situations, the incisions can become opaque, resulting in glare. In the avascular cornea, these incisions are never completely healed and can split open with ocular trauma, during penetrating keratoplasty or during LASIK flap creation. Infection, if it occurs near an RK wound, can rapidly progress toward the posterior stroma.
One of the most disturbing aftereffects of RK is the long-term instability, with some eyes becoming significantly hyperopic in future years. Former RK patients are presenting to refractive surgeons for correction of progressive hyperopia. LASIK can be done if the incisions are fine, that is, without large epithelial plugs. A microkeratome flap that requires no dissection would be preferred over a femtosecond laser flap because the necessary dissection might open the fragile RK wounds. PRK • is another option (See Video 8), but it can result in haze. Mitomycin-C 0.2 mg/cc solution applied to the treatment zone after the PRK ablation can reduce this risk (see Chapter 13). Conductive keratoplasty is not recommended for consecutive hyperopia after RK. Intraocular lens (IOL) procedures such as refractive lens exchange are additional alternatives. Despite the hyperopic correction, the risk of retinal detachment in these previously myopic patients must be considered if clear lens exchange is planned. Irregular astigmatism and continued progressive effect make some of these patients difficult to treat.
▪ Thermal Procedures
The use of heat to change the shape of the cornea is more than 100 years old, but only recent advances in technology have allowed the controlled application of heat to predictably change the corneal shape without causing necrosis and scarring. The goal is to apply heat to the mid-peripheral cornea to induce shrinking, which secondarily steepens the central cornea, correcting hyperopia.
Conductive keratoplasty (CK) is a non-laser procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to create the thermal shrinking of collagen that alters the corneal contour. RF energy can be controlled very precisely to produce a safe, predictable effect in the tissue. The View-Point CK System (Refractec, Inc., Irvine, CA) is relatively inexpensive and includes the RF generator with an eyelid speculum and probe tip to perform the surgery. The probe, or Keratoplast, has a metal tip that is 90 µm wide and has a guard that allows exposure of 450 µm to penetrate the corneal stroma. The RF energy pulse moves from the exposed portion of the metal tip inserted into the corneal stroma and passes through the tissue back into the eyelid speculum that acts as the return path for the current to the generator box. The resistance of the tissue to the passage of the RF energy produces the heat that causes a column of contraction around the Keratoplast extending posteriorly to reach a depth of 450 µm.
CK is performed in the office with topical anesthesia. A corneal marker defines a pattern of eight spots in a series of rings with diameters of 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 mm centered on the entrance pupil. The number of rings used for treatment defines the intended correction. The surgeon inserts the Keratoplast at each spot on the cornea and depresses a foot pedal to get the CK unit to deliver the energy. It typically takes about 2 minutes to perform each ring.
CK is capable of inducing up to 3 D of increased power to the cornea. This procedure can be used for the correction of a corresponding amount of hyperopia, or to induce correction

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