“How great was the humiliation when one who stood beside me heard the distant sound of a shepherd’s pipe, and I heard nothing; or heard the shepherd singing, and I heard nothing. Such experiences brought me to the verge of despair; but little more and I should have put an end to my life. Art, art alone deterred me.”
Ludwig van Beethoven on slowly losing his hearing. (By the age of 46 he was completely deaf, possibly due to a mixture of nerve deafness and a degree of otosclerotic bony deafness)
16.1 Causes of Hearing Loss
16.2 Bedside Test for Hearing Loss
16.3 Presbycusis
Background: Progressive bilateral hearing loss that occurs primarily with age due to degeneration of inner ear sensory structures. This is the MCC of hearing loss.
Presentation: Hearing loss that is more pronounced in noisy environments.
2When I am talking to my mother on the phone, I always make sure that she is in a very quiet environment (e.g., TV is not on).
Workup: Audiometry will reveal hearing function more preserved at high frequencies.
16.4 Otitis Externa
16.4.1 Uncomplicated otitis externa
Background: Infection of external ear canal is commonly due to Pseudomonas (MCC), Staphylococcus epidermidis or Staphylococcus aureus.
Presentation: Ear pain and discharge. Patients may have mild low-grade fever, but there are usually no other systemic symptoms.
Physical exam findings: Tenderness while pulling the ear. External ear canal will appear edematous and red. Otosocopy will reveal normal tympanic membrane.
Management: Topical antiseptic or antibiotic (e.g., ciprofloxacin) ± topical steroids (for significant itching or inflammation).
16.4.2 Malignant (Necrotizing) Otitis Externa
Background: Think of this when patient with otitis externa has any of the following features:
Persistent foul-smelling discharge not responsive to general measures.
Granulation tissue in external canal.
Severe pain out of proportion to exam findings.
Microbiological cause: Same as in uncomplicated otitis externa.
Risk factor: Occurs particularly in patients who have underlying immunosuppression (e.g., HIV, uncontrolled diabetes, active malignancy).
Workup: NSIDx is computed tomography (CT) scan (presence of bony erosions distinguishes this from severe otitis externa).
Rx: Systemic antibiotics that should cover Pseudomonas (e.g., oral or IV ciprofloxacin depending upon severity).
16.5 Middle Ear Issues
Presentation (all middle-ear issues can present with conductive hearing loss) | Otoscopic findingsa | ||
Acute otitis media b | |||
Painful vesicles in TM (tympanic membrane) + red (erythematous) TM ± bulging TM | Rx is the same as above, as the causative organism is similar to acute otitis media. | ||
Serous otitis media (a.k.a. otitis media with effusion) This might be a complication of eustachian tube dysfunction or sequelae of acute otitis media. | |||
Chronic otitis media MC causes are Pseudomonas and S. aureus. | Recurrent or persistent ear discharge (major differentiating factor from acute otitis media is hx of > 6 weeks) | ||
Cholesteatoma (keratinized desquamated epithelial collection, with inflammatory and infectious component that can spread and destroy bones) May be primary (due to chronic eustachian tube dysfunction) or secondary (due to acquired TM perforation) | Presents similarly to chronic otitis media, but otoscopic findings are different | NSIM is CT to determine the extent of disease. | |
Eustachian tube dysfunction Look for hx of recent upper respiratory tract symptoms which can cause eustachian tube inflammation and edema. If persistent, look for secondary causes such as: | Fullness and pain in ear, worsened by chewing food. Audible pop might also be heard when the tube opens intermittently. | ||
aFor all middle ear issues the best initial test is pneumatic otoscopy. Decreased mobility on air insufflation is the most sensitive finding and can be present in all the following conditions. | |||
bRemember the MC bacterial cause of bronchitis and sinusitis; they are also the ones that commonly cause otitis media—they are St reptococcus pneumoniae, Hae mophilus influenzae, and Mo raxella catarrhalis. | |||
cAfter TM ruptures, patients may feel less pain as the pressure inside the middle ear cavity is released. | |||
dAbsence of external ear tenderness is the major differentiating factor in between uncomplicated otitis media and otitis externa. Both can have pus coming out of ear. |

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