Uveal Tract: Iris, Ciliary Body, and Choroid

Uveal Tract: Iris, Ciliary Body, and Choroid

Deborah Pavan-Langston

Anat Galor

Victor L. Perez

I. Normal anatomy and physiology

The middle vascular layer of the eye, the uveal tract, is composed of three portions: (i) iris, (ii) ciliary body, and (iii) choroid. The primary function of this tract is to supply nourishment to the ocular structures (see frontispiece).

  • The iris is the anterior extension of the ciliary body dividing the aqueous compartments into anterior and posterior chambers. The anterior surface of the iris consists of loosely structured stromal tissue of mesodermal origin lined posteriorly by a pigmented layer that extends from the pupillary margin of the iris back to the ciliary body. The pupil is the central iris aperture that changes in size to control the amount of light entering the eye. The pupillary sphincter muscle is supplied by the parasympathetic fibers of cranial nerve III, and the dilator pupillary muscle is supplied by the sympathetic nervous system (see Chapter 13).

  • The ciliary body is the posterior extension of the iris and contains the ciliary muscle, which functions in accommodation. The epithelium extending posteriorly from the iris becomes two distinct layers. The outer pigmented epithelial layer is continuous posteriorly with the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The inner nonpigmented epithelial layer of the ciliary body produces aqueous humor and extends posteriorly to become the sensory retina.

    • The aqueous humor from the ciliary body epithelium contributes to the maintenance of intraocular pressure (IOP) and supports the metabolism of the avascular lens and cornea. The composition of aqueous is approximately that of blood plasma with nearly all protein removed. Once secreted, the aqueous concentration is modified by water and chloride in the posterior chamber and by accumulation of lactic acid from the lens. The aqueous also contains proteins and peptides that regulate immune responses in the eye. The pressure of the eye depends on the rate of secretion of aqueous humor, which is approximately 1 to 2 μL/minute, and on the ease with which the aqueous passes through the trabecular meshwork to the canal of Schlemm and then into the aqueous veins.

    • Accommodation, or focusing of the lens, is a function of both the inner radial muscle lying posterior to the iris root and the outer longitudinal muscle running between scleral spur and choroid. Between these muscles run the oblique muscles of the ciliary body. Contraction of the round muscle shortens the diameter between the ciliary processes, allowing relaxation of tension on the lens capsule. The lens, by virtue of its own elasticity, tends to assume a more spherical shape, thus increasing its refractive power to focus on an object closer to the eye. Contraction of the longitudinal and oblique muscles has a similar effect. Conversely, relaxation of these three muscle bundles increases tension on the zonular fibers, thereby increasing tension on the elastic lens capsule to flatten the lens, causing the eye to become focused on a more distant object.

  • The choroid makes up the major portion of the uveal tract. It runs between retina and sclera from the ora serrata to the optic nerve. This vascular layer supplies nutrition to the external half of the retina and is composed primarily of an inner layer of capillaries known as choriocapillaris and externally by succeeding larger collecting veins (medium vessels—Sattler layer; outer large vessels—Haller layer). The choroid is thickest posteriorly (0.25 mm) and thin near the ora serrata (0.1 mm). The anterior uveal tract is fed primarily by long posterior ciliary arteries;
    the posterior uveal tract is fed primarily by short ciliary arteries, although there is free anastomosis between vessels. Bruch membrane is part of the choroid and lies between the choriocapillaris and the retinal rods and cones. Uveal melanocytes are scattered throughout the choroid, and their numbers account for variation in degree of choroidal pigmentation. The nerve supply to the choroid is from both short posterior and long anterior ciliary nerves.

II. Uveitis

  • Definition. Uveitis is a general term referring to inflammation of the uveal tract. It may be divided into iritis, cyclitis (ciliary body inflammation), iridocyclitis, and choroiditis, according to specific areas of the uveal tract involved. Although the term uveitis refers primarily to inflammation of this vascular structure, adjacent structures such as retina, vitreous, sclera, and cornea are also frequently involved secondarily in the inflammatory process.

  • Incidence. In a population of 100,000 people, over a period of 1 year, 15 individuals will develop uveitis. Uveitis afflicts 2.3 million people in the United States, with 45,000 cases reported each year. Uveitis is responsible for 10% of all blindness. Among patients with ocular inflammation, about 75% will have anterior uveitis (iritis, iridocyclitis), 8% intermediate uveitis (pars-planitis), and 17% posterior or panuveitis.

  • Demography

    • Age. Uveitis can affect patients of any age. Patients most commonly afflicted are 20 to 50 years old. In the young, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), congenital toxoplasmosis, toxocariasis, and intermediate uveitis are found. Even though in adults the most common type of uveitis is idiopathic in origin, other conditions such as sarcoidosis, HLA-B27-associated spondyloarthropathies, toxoplasmosis, and heterochromic uveitis are seen. There is a marked decrease in incidence in individuals older than 70 years of age. In the elderly patient, the most common forms of uveitis are masquerade syndromes, toxoplasmosis, and herpes zoster uveitis.

    • Sex. Forms of uveitis more common in men are sympathetic ophthalmia, due to a greater incidence of penetrating injury, sexually transmitted diseases, and acute anterior nongranulomatous uveitis secondary to systemic ankylosing spondylitis and Reiter syndrome. In women there is a greater incidence of chronic anterior uveitis of unknown etiology, toxoplasmosis, pauciarticular JIA, and the multifocal white dot syndromes.

    • Race. In the United States, toxoplasmosis and histoplasmosis are less common in African Americans than in whites. Sarcoid is more common in African Americans, and Behçet disease is more common in Japanese (not Americans of Japanese extraction).

    • Geographic location. Sympathetic ophthalmia is almost unheard of in the Southwest Pacific. Histoplasmosis is found almost exclusively in the Midwestern United States. Sarcoidosis is most common in Sweden and the South Atlantic and Gulf regions of the United States. Leprosy is found almost entirely in the subtropics. Behçet syndrome is found in the Mediterranean and Japan. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome is several hundred times more common in Japan than in the United States.

    • Social factors. Fungal endophthalmitis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are infectious uveitides seen more frequently in intravenous (i.v.) drug users, and AIDS and syphilitic ocular disease are seen more frequently in promiscuous heterosexuals, homosexual males, and their sexual contacts. In the era prior to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), nearly 30% of AIDS patients developed cytomegaloviral (CMV) chorioretinitis. With the advent of HAART, the prevelance of CMV chorioretinitis has substantially decreased.

    • Immunologic factors. The histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA) system in humans codes for the histocompatibility antigens on cell surfaces and allows the immune system to distinguish self from non-self antigens. The uveitis syndromes for which there is a strong HLA-disease association may be due to
      inherited genetic factors that control the expression of HLA antigens, immune responses, and possibly responses to endogenous inflammatory mediators (see Section V.C.5).

III. Signs and symptoms of uveitis

may be unilateral or bilateral, isolated attacks or repeated episodes, and acute or chronic. Autoimmune disease tends to be bilateral, whereas unilateral disease is often infectious. However, both etiologies can be bilateral or unilateral. Table 9.1 lists signs or symptoms of diagnostic significance in uveitis. Infectious and noninfectious uveitides may also be ruled out on the basis of location alone.

  • Granulomatous versus nongranulomatous uveitis. Although morphologic description is still of some value, the rigid division of uveitis into these two categories has become largely anachronistic. By the original definition, nongranulomatous uveitis was typically acute or chronic, located in the iris and ciliary body, and characterized by a cellular infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells that tended to form hypopyon and fine precipitates on the corneal endothelium, known as keratic precipitates (KPs). The etiology was thought to be noninfectious, such as in Fuchs heterochromic uveitis. Granulomatous uveitis was thought to be chronic and to involve any portion of the uveal tract, but with a predilection for the posterior area. It was typically characterized by nodular collections of epithelioid cells and giant cells surrounded by lymphocytes. The KPs were larger than those seen in nongranulomatous disease, greasy in appearance (mutton fat), and composed primarily of epithelioid cells and pigment. The etiology was thought to be infectious and due to such organisms as tuberculosis (TBC), toxoplasmosis, and spirochetes; however, granulomatous uveitis was also seen in noninfectious disease, such as sarcoidosis and sympathetic ophthalmia. It is now known that transitional forms of uveitis are not uncommon and that the basic pathology lies somewhere between the rigidly defined granulomatous and nongranulomatous uveitides. Nonetheless, the classification is often useful in orienting the physician toward workup and therapy.

  • Anterior uveitis clinical findings vary between the acute and chronic form. In acute nongranulomatous uveitis, there is an acute onset of ocular pain (a few days) with hyperemia, photophobia, and blurred vision, lasting 2 to 6 weeks. There is perilimbal flush caused by dilation of the radial vessels and frequently fine white KPs on the posterior corneal, inferiorly in a vertical or base-down pyramidal distribution. KPs can also be found in the trabecular meshwork. The pupil is miotic, and cells and flare are found in the anterior chamber with or without fibrin exudation. Posterior synechia formation between iris and lens may be present, but iris nodules (pupillary Koeppe and anterior iris Busacca) and vitreous haze are typically absent. However, in severe iritis, spillover cells may be present in the anterior vitreous. The disease course is acute and the prognosis is relatively good, although recurrences are common. More than 50% of cases are associated with HLA-B27. Chronic anterior uveitis is often insidious in onset and lasts longer than 3 months. Chronic iridocyclitis may be either nongranulomatous or granulomatous in character and usually is not associated with much hyperemia. In fact, in several forms the eyes may be white (JIA and Fuchs’ heterochromic iridocyclitis). Old KPs, iris stromal atrophy, posterior synechiae, and cataract formation are common findings. Diagnoses associated with chronic iridocyclitis are sarcoidosis and Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis.

  • Intermediate uveitis (pars-planitis) is usually bilateral, with patients presenting with signs and symptoms of blurred vision (macular edema), floaters, and little or no pain, photophobia, or anterior segment inflammation. Active inflammatory cells in the vitreous are white, round, and with equal distribution in the formed and liquid vitreous. Old vitreous cells are small, irregular, pigmented, and confined to the formed vitreous. The ora serrata is the site of vitritis and exudates that may progress to “snowbank” appearance, especially inferiorly. Progression of vitreous gel damage can result in membrane formation, with retinal traction and detachment. Multiple sclerosis and sarcoid are often associated. Twenty percent of children with uveitis have pars-planitis.

    TABLE 9.1 Signs and Symptoms of Possible Diagnostic Significance in Uveitis

    Sign or Symptom Possible Clinical Diseases
    Alopecia VKH, psoriasis, lupus, syphilis
    Arthritis Behçet, colitis, JIA, rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter, psoriasis, Lyme, Brucella, syphilis, Whipple disease, RP, lupus, sarcoid
    Cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis APMPPE, Behçet, sarcoid, VKH
    Cough, shortness of breath Sarcoid, tuberculosis, malignancy, Churg-Strauss syndrome, Wegener granulomatosis, systemic toxocara
    Diarrhea Crohn, ulcerative colitis, AIDS, Giardia, amoeba, Whipple disease
    Erythema nodosum Behçet, sarcoid, APMPPE, tuberculosis
    Epididymitis Polyarteritis nodosa, Behçet
    Genital ulcers Behçet, Reiter, syphilis
    Headaches Sarcoid, VKH, cryptococcus (AIDS), leptospirosis, tuberculosis, Lyme, VZV, CNS lymphoma, Whipple disease, systemic vasculitides, APMPPE
    “Healthy” Pars planitis, HSV, ocular histoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, toxocara, Fuchs heterochromia, birdshot retinochoroidopathy, sympathetic ophthalmia, serpiginous chorioretinitis
    Hematuria Lupus, polyarteritis nodosa, Wegener
    Immunosuppression CMV, HSV, VZV, AIDS, fungal (especially, Candida), parasitic (pneumocystitis, Toxoplasma), chorioretinitis, other opportunistic infections
    Lymphoid swelling AIDS, sarcoid, malignancy, tuberculosis
    Neurosensory deafness Sarcoid, VKH, Lyme, syphilis
    Oral ulcers Behçet, colitis, Crohn, Reiter, HSV
    Paresthesia, weakness Behçet, multiple sclerosis, leprosy sarcoid, malignancy, polyarteritis nodosa
    Psychosis VKH
    Salivary or lacrimal gland swelling Sarcoid
    Sacroiliitis Ankylosing spondylitis, colitis, Reiter
    Saddle nose Syphilis, Wegener, RP
    Sinusitis Sarcoid, Wegener, RP, Whipple, Churg-Strauss syndrome
    Skin nodules Sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, Behçet, leprosy
    Skin rash Behçet, HSV, psoriasis, RNA viral exanthem (mumps, measles, rubella), sarcoid, syphilis, VZV, systemic vasculitides (Kawasaki, polyarthritis nodosa)
    Systemic vasculitis Behçet, RP, sarcoid, Cogan, arthritis, Lyme, syphilis, malignancy, primary vasculitides
    Tracheal, nasal, or ear lobe pain RP
    Vitiligo, poliosis VKH, sympathetic uveitis, APMPPE
    AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; APMPPE, acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy; CMV, cytomegalovirus; CNS, central nervous system; HSV, herpes simplex virus; JRA, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; RP, relapsing polychondritis; VKH, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome; VZV, varicella-zoster virus.
    (Adapted from Nussenblatt R, Palestine A. Uveitis: Fundamentals and clinical practice. Chicago: Mosby-Year-Book, 1988:58; Opremcak EM. Uveitis: A clinical manual for ocular inflammation. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995:38; and Jones NP. Uveitis: An illustrated manual. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1998:38–40.)

  • Posterior uveitis. In disease limited entirely to the posterior segment of the eye, the onset may be acute, but is often more insidious with little or no pain, minimum photophobia and blurring of vision (unless the macular area is involved), and no perilimbal flush. Inflammation of the posterior segment can affect the sensory retina, retinal vasculature, the retinal pigmented epithelium, the choroid, and optic nerve. Retinitis is associated with yellowish-white thickening, with secondary hemorrhages and focal ischemia. Inflammation of the retinal vessels usually is segmental, seen as a perivascular whitish cuff or sheathing. Choroidal lesions may be diffuse, but tend to be focal patchy yellow-white areas of infiltrate with overlying vitritis. Because of the anatomic relationship between choroid and retina, a retinitis is also usually present, and resolution of the process results in a chorioretinal scar with a corresponding visual field scotoma. If the macula is not involved, central visual acuity may return to normal. Examples of diseases predominantly involving the choroid are sympathetic ophthalmia and Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH), often with exudative retinal detachment. Optic nerve pathology in uveitis can be due to direct inflammation, ischemia secondary to vasculitis, glaucoma, or papilledema caused by involvement of the central nervous system (CNS).

    Toxoplasmosis is a necrotizing retinitis with secondary inflammation in the choroid, as are the viral infections CMV, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, rubella, and rubeola. Behçet disease, however, is a retinitis with retinal vasculitis and only rarely has choroidal involvement. It is not, then, truly a uveitis, although it is almost always included in this ocular disease category.

  • Panuveitis may involve the entire uveal tract in any inflammatory type. Onset may be acute or insidious and the course variable, depending on etiology. The KPs, if present, tend to be large and greasy (mutton fat), and the pupils small and occasionally scarred down to the lens by posterior synechiae. In the anterior chamber, cells and flare are sometimes present, but not to the extent commonly seen with acute anterior uveitis. Iris nodules and vitreous haze are occasionally present. The course tends to be chronic, with a variable prognosis.

IV. Differential diagnosis of uveitis

It is first necessary to determine whether a lesion is an infection, inflammation, a tumor, a vascular process, or a degeneration. Although flare and cells in the anterior chamber are a hallmark of uveitis, they themselves are not diagnostic. Necrotic or metastatic tumors may produce an inflammatory response. Vitreous cellular debris may result from degenerative conditions such as retinitis pigmentosa or retinal detachment. Study of cells from the aqueous or vitreous or both may be diagnostic (see Chapter 1).

  • Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory condition of the mucous membrane overlying the sclera. In conjunctivitis, vision is generally not blurred and pupillary responses are normal. Moderate irritation, itching, and a watery or purulent discharge may be present. There is no notable photophobia or deep pain. Hyperemia is usually diffuse or may be confined to just the lateral and medial angles but is not primarily confined to the perilimbal area as in iritis. Papillae or follicles are found on the the palpebral conjunctivae.

  • Anterior scleritis, while not a disease of the retinal vasculature, may have a sufficiently intense inflammatory reaction to induce an anterior or intermediate uveitis in about 40% of patients (see Chapter 5). Posterior scleritis is also not a uveitis but may cause ocular pain, boggy conjunctiva, vitritis, and chorioretinal edema. Ultrasound will reveal the posterior scleral inflammatory process, indicating the need for systemic steroid therapy.

  • In acute angle-closure glaucoma the vision is markedly reduced, and pain may be so severe that the patient presents with nausea and vomiting. Attention may be incorrectly misdirected to the gastrointestinal tract and the red eye ignored as the source of this disturbance. The pupil is fixed in middilation at about 4 mm to 5 mm and nonreactive. The cornea is diffusely hazy. Occasionally, it may be difficult to differentiate angle-closure glaucoma from glaucoma secondary to uveitis. Gonioscopy of an eye with angle closure will reveal obstruction of the trabecular meshwork by iris, whereas an eye with acute glaucoma secondary to uveitis will have a normal open angle unless there has been extensive peripheral anterior
    synechia formation to the posterior cornea. In this latter case the scarring will be self-evident (see Chapter 10).

  • Retinoblastoma is seen in young children and characterized by pseudohypopyon with nodules in the iris as well as free-floating cells in the aqueous humor. The fundus should be carefully searched for retinal lesions. An x-ray of the globe revealing calcification scattered throughout the retinoblastic tumor is helpful in differentiating the disorder. Anterior chamber aspiration should be performed only if there is serious doubt concerning diagnosis (see Chapter 1 and Chapter 11).

  • Juvenile xanthogranuloma of the iris (nevoxanthoendothelioma) is characteristically associated with recurrent hyphema (blood in the anterior chamber), elevated IOP, and yellowish, poorly defined tumors. Therapy varies and includes local systemic corticosteroids, local irradiation, and excision. This disease is most commonly seen in the first year of life, but it may occur in adults. The physician should look for yellow tumors in the skin.

  • Malignant leukemias and lymphomas can masquerade as an anterior uveitis with iris involvement. Biopsy of involved iris tissue and anterior chamber aspiration aid in the diagnosis. Intraocular involvement of primary CNS lymphoma, which presents with a vitritis and occationally choroidal nodules, is another malignant masquerader. Occasionally, the diagnosis may be made by aqueous or vitreous tap, with the better yield being from vitrectomy. Malignancy should be suspected in individuals over 40 years of age, particularly those with neurologic manifestations.

  • Pigment “cells” in the anterior chamber may be confused with iritis. The anterior chamber should be graded for flare and cells before dilating drops, especially phenylephrine hydrochloride, are used, because the process of dilation may release cells into the aqueous that are actually benign pigment granules. This is most common in patients under the age of 40 years and in myopes. These cells are one-tenth the size of white cells and brownish in color. This benign pigment dust may also appear on the back of the cornea and is finer in appearance and more diffuse than that seen with leukocytic KPs. Other clinical signs of pigment dispersion include radial iris transillumination defects and a heavily pigmented trabecular meshwork.

  • Primary familial amyloidosis may present as globules that are slightly larger than inflammatory cells suspended in the anterior vitreous or as dense veillike opacities of wavy contour resembling glass wool. Protein electrophoresis and biopsy are indicated.

  • Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia frequently presents as an iridocyclitis. This condition may also simulate malignant melanoma. These pseudotumors respond to topical or systemic corticosteroid.

  • A chronic rhegmatogenous retinal detachment can present with a mild cellular reaction of the anterior chamber and vitreous. A thorough dilated fundoscopic examination clarifies the diagnosis.

V. Diagnostic tests in uveitis

The three stages of diagnosis are (i) integrate information, (ii) “name” the uveitis, and (iii) order indicated tests. Not all uveitides require an extensive workup, which should be guided based on findings in stages (a) and (b). For example, after a careful history, review of systems and physical examination (Table 9.1), “name” the uveitis (e.g., a nongranulomatous iridocyclitis with band keratopathy in both eyes of a 4-year-old girl with arthritis in one knee). These characteristics suggest JIA, thus the main test would be an antinuclear antibody (ANA), which is positive in 80% of patients with iridocyclitis in JIA. Laboratory testing is generally performed in cases of anterior uveitis that are recurrent, bilateral, chronic, or refractory to treatment. Cases of intermediate and posterior involvement should be evaluated with the appropriate laboratory tests as well. Patients with uveitis associated with symptoms or signs of a systemic disorder need to undergo diagnostic testing. Tests that should be considered are as follows (Table 9.2):

  • Blood tests used in the diagnosis of uveitis are numerous; the shotgun approach is rarely rewarding and very expensive. The tests should, therefore, be based on a high index of suspicion based on clinical findings and review of systems. All patients with uveitis should be evaluated with the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) and the Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody (FTA) tests to rule out syphilis.
    Lyme antibody testing should be conducted in Lyme endemic areas. Others tests should be ordered as guided by the history; all are listed in Table 9.3. The laboratory workup can be divided into three broad categories: (i) hematology/chemistry, (ii) special chemistry, and (iii) immunological tests.

    TABLE 9.2 Diagnostic Aids for Uveitis by Anatomic Classification

    Anterior Uveitis Intermediate Uveitis Posterior Uveitis
    Anergy skin tests Anergy skin tests Anergy skin tests
    Anterior chamber paracentesis Brain CT scan Antiviral antibodies
    Antiviral antibodies CBC Brain CT scan
    CBC Chest x-ray Cardiolipin antibodies
    Chest x-ray study Conjunctival biopsy CBC
    Conjunctival biopsy Complement (3, 4, CH50) Chest x-ray
    Complement (3, 4, CH50) CRP Chorioretinal biopsy
    CRP ESR Complement
    FTA-ABS Fluorescein angiography Doppler ultrasound
    Gallium scan Gallium scan Echography
    Hand x-ray studies Echography ERG/EOM
    HLA typing (HLA-B27) Laser interferometry ESR
    Immune complexes (Raji, C1q) Liver function tests Fluorescein angiography
    Lacrimal gland biopsy Lyme titers FTA-ABS
    Laser interferometry Lumbar puncture Gallium scan
    PPD MRI brain scan HIV testing
    RF PPD HLA typing (HLA-A29)
    Sacroiliac x-rays Stool evaluation Immune complexes
    Skin snips Toxocara titers Laser interferometry
    Stool evaluation Vitreal biopsy Liver function tests
    Lyme titers
    Lumbar puncture
    MRI brain scan
    Stool evaluation
    Toxocara titers
    Toxoplasmosis titers
    Visual evoked responses
    Vitreal biopsy
    ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; ANA, antinuclear antibodies; CBC, complete blood count; CRP, C-reactive protein; CT, computed tomography; EOM, electrooculogram; ERG, electroretinogram; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; FTA-ABS, fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HLA, human leucocyte antigen; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PPD, purified protein derivative; RF, rheumatoid factor.
    (Adapted from Nussenblatt R, Palestine A. Uveitis: Fundamentals and clinical practice. Chicago: Mosby-Year Book, 1988:58. Opremcak EM. Uveitis: A clinical manual for ocular inflammation, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995:38, and Foster CS, Vitale A. Diagnosis and treatment of Uveitis. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2002:94–95.)

    • Hematology–chemistry

      • A complete blood count (CBC) with differential should be ordered as part of the evaluation when leukemia, lymphoma, systemic infections, or systemic vasculitities are considered. Leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia can be seen in several systemic conditions; eosinophilia may indicate parasitic infestation or some systemic vasculitis (Wegener granulomatosis
        and Churg-Strauss syndrome). A CBC is indicated in patients who need systemic treatment of their ocular inflammation.

        TABLE 9.3 Relative Potency of Systemic Corticosteroids and Aqueous Penetration of Topical Preparations

        Drug Systemic Relative Potency Peak Aqueous Concentration (ng/mL) Relative Anti-inflammatory Effect
        Prednisolone acetate 1% 4 670 26
        Dexamethasone alcohol 0.1% 25 31 7
        Prednisolone sodium phosphate 0.5% 4 26 1
        Betamethasone sodium phosphate 0.1% 25 8 2

      • Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a nonspecific indication of systemic disease that may or may not be related to the ocular disease. Elevation of ESR represents an elevation of acute-phase reactant proteins. This test is problematic given its nonspecificity and is therefore of limited diagnostic value. It should be used to evaluate patients with symptoms suggestive of giant cell arteritis. Another representative test for the evaluation of acute-phase reactant products is the C-reactive protein.

      • Electrolytes and liver function tests are indicated to evaluate kidney and liver function and in patients who will need systemic treatment of their ocular inflammation.

      • Serum immunoglobulins and calcium can be elevated in sarcoidosis, as can urine calcium.

      • Although not a blood test, a urine analysis is performed to determine the presence of hematuria or proteinuria in cases where a vasculitic disorder is suspected.

    • Special chemistry

      • Angiotensin converting enzyme is often routinely drawn in cases of suspected sarcoid, yet it is not specific for this disease. Normal values in children are not known, and the diagnostic value is not established in the absence of other signs of sarcoid.

      • FTA-antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) and VDRL are the tests for syphilis. This condition can present in different forms of uveitis and should always be considered in the differential diagnosis and must be ruled out. The FTA-ABS test is the most sensitive test for syphilis. It becomes positive at the beginning of the disease and always remains positive. A VDRL test can be performed on patients with active or resolving infection. It is used to monitor efficacy of treatment.

      • Antibody titers against other infectious organisms. Elevated IgM antibodies indicate a recent infection, whereas detectable IgG antibodies represent previous exposure. A Toxoplasma fluorescent antibody or hemagglutination titer is considered positive at any level, even 1:1, and should be ordered in the setting of chorioretinitis. As Lyme disease can have various ocular manifestations, immunoglobulin IgG/IgM should be ordered in all patients who live in an endemic area. Other available serological tests for infectious organisms include Bartonella henselae IgG/IgM, Rickettsia typhi IgG/IgM, Toxocara IgG/IgM. These tests should only be ordered in patients with a consistent history and clinical examination. Serum antiviral titers (herpes simplex virus [HSV], varicella-zoster virus [VZV], CMV, Epstein-Barr virus [EBV], and others listed in Table 9.3) are often not helpful, as a single “positive” IgG test does not indicate whether a viral infection took place recently. A positive IgM does indicate a recent infection, as does increasing (two- to fourfold increase) IgG levels in sera drawn about 1 month apart. Again, these tests should be ordered only if indicated by pertinent positive data obtained in the history, review of systems, and physical exam.

    • Immunological tests

      • HLA testing is of significance when positive in a patient exhibiting signs of disease compatible with the appropriate known HLA immunogenetic test. HLA tests associated with specific ocular inflammatory states include

        • Acute anterior uveitis: HLA-B27, HLA-B8.

        • Ankylosing spondylitis: HLA-B27, HLA-B7.

        • Behçet disease: HLA-B51.

        • Birdshot retinopathy: HLA-A29.

        • Multiple sclerosis, uveitis and optic neuritis: DR2.

        • Ocular pemphigoid: HLA-B12, DQw7.

        • Presumed ocular histoplasmosis: HLA-B7, DR2.

        • Reiter syndrome: HLA-B27.

        • Rheumatoid arthritis: HLA-DR4.

        • Sympathetic ophthalmia: HLA-A11, DR4, Dw53.

        • VKH disease: DR4, Dw53, DQw3.

          HLA typing is now considered an important diagnostic test in determining the etiology of certain uveitides. The HLA system is the main human leukocyte isoantigen system. Human leukocyte antigens are present on most nucleated cells and comprise the major histocompatibility systems in humans. In practice, the blood lymphocyte is tested by cytotoxicity methods by incubation with antiserum complement. The genetic loci belonging to the system are designated by the loci A, B, C, and D. These alleles are designated by numbers. In practice, it is seen that HLA-B27 is commonly associated with iridocyclitis in ankylosing spondylitis. A patient with a positive HLA-B27 has a 35% chance of developing acute iritis, compared with a 7% chance for those with a negative HLA-B27. Patients with VKH syndrome have an increased frequency of positive HLA-BW22J, a unique Japanese antigen. HLA-B7 appears to predispose a patient to the development of histoplasmic maculopathy. This testing is generally done in university hospital centers.

      • Autoantibody production in connective tissue disorders can be evaluated by testing for ANAs, rheumatoid factor (RF), and other anti-extracted nuclear antigens such as anti-double-stranded DNA and anti-Ro/anti La (Sjögren syndrome). The presence of these antibodies is suggestive of an active autoimmune disorder; however, to make a specific diagnosis, a clinical correlation is needed. An ANA should be obtained in children with chronic anterior uveitis.

      • Anticardiolipin antibodies should be drawn in cases of retinal vascular occlusive disease, especially suspected lupus with vasculitis (see Chapter 8).

      • Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs) should be obtained to evaluate for vasculitic diseases such as Kawasaki, polyarteritis nodosa, and Wegener granulomatosis (p-ANCA is for polyarteritis nodosa; c-ANCA is for Wegener granulomatosis). Efficacy of treatment can be monitored using sequential ANCA titers.

      • Circulating immune complexes present in ocular inflammatory disease may be a secondary or protective reaction rather than a destructive primary cause of disease. A positive ANA is of diagnostic significance in JIA and systemic lupus erythematosus. Tests that are used to detect circulating immune complexes include C1q binding assay (IgM complexes) and Raji cell assay (IgG complexes).

      • Complement. Low levels of complement factors in serum will occur in infectious or autoimmune disorders where complement consumption is active. This can be determined by testing for CH50 total complement (50% total hemolyzing dose of complement), C3, C4, and properdin factor B serum levels.

      • Cytokines (interleukin-1 [IL-1], IL-2, IL-2R, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, and tumor necrosis factor [TNF]) are soluble proteins made by cells of the
        immune system (T cells, B cells, and macrophages) during an immune response. The detection of these cytokines and soluble receptors in the serum of patients with uveitis is another marker that can be used to assess active immunological activity. The lymphocyte transformation test may demonstrate T cell or cellular hypersensitivity to many antigens in the laboratory. At this juncture, these tests are not used clinically and are still being refined.

  • Radiographic and other imaging analyses. All patients with ocular inflammation need chest imaging, as saroidosis and TBC can have various ocular manifestations. Specific radiographic analyses include

    • Chest x-ray for sarcoidosis, TBC, Wegener granulomatosis, or malignancy.

    • Computed tomography (CT) scans of the chest and mediastinum can be more sensitive for sarcoidosis.

    • Gallium scans of the lungs, salivary, or lacrimal glands for sarcoidosis are less specific and therefore less helpful.

    • Sinus films (plain x-ray and CT scan) for orbital inflammatory disease are important in diagnosing diseases affecting the orbit and periocular tissue.

    • Sacroiliac and spinal x-rays for evidence of ankylosing spondylitis.

    • Hand, wrist, foot, and knee x-rays for arthritic changes of rheumatoid disease or Reiter syndrome.

    • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan and magnetic resonance angiography for early demyelinating lesions of multiple sclerosis, vasculitis of lupus, or other vasculitides with CNS manifestations.

    • Doppler ultrasonography for enhanced images of poorly visualized lesions of retina, choroid, and sclera.

  • Skin testing is less often used as a diagnostic tool in uveitis.

    • The tuberculin test is the most important skin test in uveitis. Even a very small area of reactive induration may be significant. The intermediate-strength purified protein derivative (PPD) should be used routinely (0.1 mL of 5 tuberculin units [TU]). A positive test is regarded as an indication of tuberculous disease unless the patient was vaccinated with bacille Calmette-Guérin previously. A positive PPD does not, however, rule out other etiologic factors, because it may be a coincidental finding. A negative response should be confirmed by performing a PPD using a 250-TU dose. A histoplasmin skin test is available for patients with suspected ocular histoplasmosis. It is not often used, as reactivation of quiescent ocular lesions may occur.

    • Anergy panel or hyporeactivity to skin testing is a phenomenon that can be seen in sarcoidosis, lepromatous leprosy, pars-planitis, and possibly herpes zoster or other immunocompromised patients. Subcutaneous injections of a panel of common antigens such as Candida and mumps are performed.

    • Older skin tests. The Kveim test for sarcoid is essentially obsolete. The Behçetin skin test for pathergy is rarely used currently; it appears to be effective primarily in Behçet disease patients from the Middle East, but not in the United States.

    • Systemic steroids taken every other day will not suppress skin test reactions. If, however, a patient is taking corticosteroids daily, the physician must not require much of a reaction for a positive response; the response may be drug suppressed altogether, or, rarely, anergy may be reversed by these drugs. Systemic cyclosporine may also suppress a positive skin test.

  • Fluorescein angiography may be of use in diagnosis and clinical follow-up of chorioretinitis secondary to toxoplasmosis, toxocariasis, and histoplasmosis, and as an invaluable aid in following the clinical course of the many changes seen in a variety of uveitis patients.

    • The most common fluorescein angiographic changes found in uveitis include

      • Cystoid macular edema.

      • Disk leakage.

      • Late staining of the retinal vasculature.

      • RPE disturbances.

      • Retinal capillary dropout, ischemia, and neovascularization.

      • Subretinal neovascular membranes.

    • Visual acuity impairment is correlated directly with increased macular thickening, but not with late-phase leakage as determined by angiography.

    • Indocyanine green (ICG) angiography for choroidal lesion evaluation.

  • Echography (ultrasound) is extremely useful in evaluating anterior and posterior disease, particularly when the view is obscured. Methods include anterior immersion technique and ultrasound biomicroscopy, and posterior A- and B-scans (see Chapter 1). This test is helpful in the evaluation of

    • Vitreal disorders: Hemorrhage versus inflammation, pars-planitis, retained lens fragments.

    • Optic disk edema and cupping.

    • Macular disease: Edema, exudative detachments.

    • Choroidal thickening: Uveal effusion, scleritis, Harada disease, sympathetic ophthalmia, and hypotony.

    • Masquerade syndromes: Lymphoma, diffuse melanoma, and benign lymphoid hyperplasia.

  • Other ophthalmic tests of use in uveitis are as follows:

    • Optical coherent tomography (OCT) is becoming a major tool in the evaluation of macular edema and other retinal lesions. OCT uses reflected light rays to produce cross-sectional images of the retina and early signs of disruption in retinal tissues can be detected and treated.

    • Laser interferometry is a useful predictor of which patients will do well with immunosuppressive therapy. Visual acuity measured by laser interferometry is often better than that measured by standard eye charts. The difference probably indicates potentially reversible macular disease. Thus, if a patient reads two lines better with laser testing than on the eye chart, one may predict about a two-line potential improvement with therapy with better than 80% accuracy.

    • The electroretinogram (ERG; local retinal damage) and the electrooculogram (EOG; RPE status assessed by corneal retinal potentials) will indicate the extent of widespread damage to the eye, but are not diagnostically specific (see Chapter 1).

  • Ocular tissue sampling can be extremely valuable in the diagnosis of a systemic disorder in patients with uveitis.

    • Conjunctival biopsy is useful in sarcoidosis only if there is an obvious lesion. Even if shown to be a granulomatous reaction, it may be hard to prove that it is not an old chalazion. In vasculitides and other immune-mediated processes, histological evaluation and immunofluorescence staining of the conjunctiva specimen can help to identify the presence of immune complex deposition, as well as inflammatory cells and vasculitis.

    • Anterior chamber aspiration. Cytology examination and antibody titers of the aqueous humor through a paracentesis may be of diagnostic assistance (see Chapter 1).

      • Cytology may vary depending on etiology. A small drop of aqueous is placed on a slide from the aspirating needle, fixed in absolute methanol for 10 minutes, and allowed to air-dry. The slide is stained with Giemsa solution for 1 hour and then rinsed with 95% ethanol and allowed to dry. Acute uveitis involving binding of complement to immune complexes (Behçet syndrome) may have an abundance of neutrophils. Lens-induced uveitis produces many macrophages as well as some neutrophils. In parasitic infections numerous eosinophils are present. Bacterial uveitis may reveal both organisms and multiple neutrophils. Gram staining should be performed on another single-drop slide preparation of aqueous to confirm the type of bacteria seen.

      • Local production of antibody resulting in higher intraocular than serum titers may be indicative of an active intraocular lesion such as toxoplasmosis, HSV, or VZV. A normal antibody coefficient is 1. A range of 2 to 7 is suggestive, and over 8 is diagnostic. These tests are done only in major medical centers.

    • Diagnostic pars plana vitrectomy can be extremely helpful in making the diagnosis of masquerade syndromes in patients with posterior uveitis and vitritis.

      • Cytology of vitreous fluid can be used to identify atypical or malignant cells in patients with intraocular lymphoma. The absence of malignant cells and the presence of inflammatory lymphocytes can be diagnostic of an inflammatory uveitis.

      • Flow cytometry analysis can be performed in vitreous cells from vitreous samples. Using fluorescent antibodies to cell surface markers, flow cytometry can identify a specific population of cells expressing such marker. Expression of kappa and lambda variable chains in B cells is representative of a monoclonal expansion typical of lymphoma. Flow cytometry can be used to identify kappa and lambda expression and confirm a diagnosis of intraocular lymphoma.

      • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) allows the detection of a small number of DNA fragments by exponential replication. By using specific DNA probes for certain microorganisms, PCR can locate the DNA fragment in the sample and allow its identification. This technique is extremely sensitive and is used more frequently to diagnose microbiological infections. PCR has been used in the diagnosis of intraocular infections caused by herpesviruses, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Toxocara gondii, and CMV.

      • Cytokines can also be measured in vitreous fluid. As in serum, they are representative of intraocular inflammatory disease. The presence of IL-10 (B-cell cytokine) can be suggestive of intraocular lymphoma.

  • Ancillary tests

    • Stool samples are of diagnostic value if parasitic disease is the suspected etiologic agent.

    • Lumbar puncture for cerebrospinal fluid cytology is indicated in cases of suspected VKH syndrome or intraocular neoplasm.

    • Skin snips are biopsy specimens used in making a diagnosis of onchocerciasis and vasculitic diseases. The snip should be taken from one or two of the skin nodules or purpuric lesions.

VI. Nonspecific treatment of uveitis

The main goal of the treatment in patients with intraocular inflammation is to down-modulate immune responses. Because the etiology of noninfectious uveitis is often unknown or no specific treatment is available despite specific diagnosis, nonspecific measures are frequently employed. These measures include topical and systemic corticosteroids, mydriatic–cycloplegics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), immunosuppressive drugs, and photocoagulation. The chronic use of topical or systemic steroid in the treatment of uveitis must be avoided in order to prevent the devastating ocular and systemic side effects. If intraocular inflammation cannot be controlled without the use of corticosteroids, then a stepladder approach should be strategized, beginning with NSAIDs, followed by immunosuppressive drugs as necessary.

  • Corticosteroids are very effective, not too difficult to administer, and not too expensive, and therefore are the most common agents used. These drugs reduce inflammation by (a) reduction of leukocytic and plasma exudation, (b) maintenance of cellular membrane integrity with inhibition of tissue swelling, (c) inhibition of lysozyme release from granulocytes and inhibition of phagocytosis, (d) increased stabilization of intracellular lysosomal membranes, and (e) suppression of circulating lymphocytes. Corticosteroids should be used with caution in uveitis secondary to an infectious process, particularly that of HSV, bacterial etiology, TBC, and toxoplasmosis, and they should never be used with fungus. The relative drug potency, the aqueous penetration, and relative ocular anti-inflammatory effect are listed in Table 9.3. Corticosteroids can be administered locally or systemically.

    • Local administration of corticosteroids can be very effective in the treatment of uveitis. Their action in suppressing inflammation in the eye is rapid and can spare the use of systemic medications.

      TABLE 9.4 Causes of Vasculitis

      Primary Systemic Vasculitis Secondary Vasculitides
      Small vessel vasculitis Infectious diseases
      Henoch-Schönlein purpura Viruses: human immunodeficiency virus, cytomegalovirus
      Wegener granulomatosis Bacteria: spirochaetales, mycobacteria, streptococci, whippeli
      Churg-Strauss syndrome Parasites: Ascaris
      Microscopic polyangiitis (microscopic polyarteritis) Fungi: Aspergillus
      Medium-seized vessel vasculitis Neoplasia
      Polyarteritis nodosa (classic polyarteritis) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
      Kawasaki disease Myeloproliferative diseases
      Large vessel vasculitis Solid tumors
      Giant cell (temporal) arteritis Atrial myxomas
      Takayasu arteritis Drug induced
      Antihypertensive (hydralazine)
      Antithyroid drugs (propylthiouracil, methimazole, carbamizole)
      Antibiotics (azithromycin, minocylcine)
      Atifibrotics (penicillamine)
      Leukotriene receptor antagonist (zafirlukast, montelukast, pranlukast)
      Autoimmune diseases with secondary vasculitis
      Rheumatoid vasculitis
      Adamantiades-Behçet disease
      Behçet disease
      Systemic lupus erythematosus
      Sjögren syndrome
      Ulcerative coliti
      Crohn disease
      Relapsing polychondritis
      Cogan syndrome

      • Topical corticosteroid administration. For an anterior iridocyclitis, the frequency of corticosteroid drops is dependent on the severity of the reaction. It is best to start with frequent drop administration (q1h) to gain control of the inflammation and taper down per the anterior chamber response. If the uveitis is posterior to the lens iris diaphragm, drops or ointments will not be adequate. Titration should be slow over many days to weeks and generally reduced by 50% at each step as the disease improves. The strongest ophthalmic corticosteroid drop preparations are dexamethasone phosphate 0.1%, dexamethasone alcohol 0.1%, prednisolone acetate 1%, and prednisolone phosphate 1%. However, lipophilic preparations, such as prednisolone acetate, will achieve higher intraocular concentrations due to their effective penetration through the corneal epithelium (Table 9.4). Of lesser strength and of great use in tapering or treating less severe anterior segment inflammation is fluorometholone 0.1%. A new family of topical steroids has been developed, the members of which have a higher affinity for steroid receptors on inflammatory cells, providing anti-inflammatory activity with fewer tendencies to cause an increase in IOP. Rimexolone (Vexol 1%) and loteprednol etabonate (Lotemax 1%, Alrex 0.2%) have
        been used successfully in the treatment of postsurgical inflammation after cataract surgery and in certain types of uveitis. Their role in the resolution of severe cases of intraocular inflammation remains to be investigated.

      • Periocular injection. Periocular injections are indicated to supplement therapy in severe iritis, vitritis, and macular edema when topical and systemic steroids are not sufficiently effective, in unilateral disease, in patients who cannot be trusted to take their medications, and during ocular surgery in patients with uveitis. Periocular injections minimize systemic effects of steroids with good therapeutic doses delivered to the target site. Injections in children often need to be administered under general anesthesia. Children should be monitored by a pediatrician for adrenal suppression and other adverse side effects. Because of the danger of intraocular injection, only an ophthalmologist should give such medication.

        Although depot medication remains in the periocular tissues for 6 to 8 weeks, its major effect is during the first week. One cc (40 mg) of methylprednisolone [Depomedrol] or triamcinolone [Kenelog] are commonly used. The injection is most safely made above the temporal subtenon area over the pars plana, over the peripheral retina, or back near the macular region, depending on the disease target. Topical anesthetics are necessary, but mixing injectable anesthetic with steroid increases volume and initial pain. Injection through the lower lid into the orbit floor can also be effectively performed. Postinjection oral analgesics can be given for the lingering discomfort. The frequency of these injections varies depending on the treatment indication, ranging from q1 month in patients with macular edema to q6 months in patients with pars planitis. IOP should be checked 2 to 4 weeks after an injection to evaluate for a “steroid response.”

    • Systemic corticosteroids. These are of use in noninfectious anterior uveitis not responding satisfactorily to topical drops alone and for posterior uveitis or panuveitis because these deeper uveal structures can only be reached by systemic administration of drug or by periocular injection (see Section VI.A.1 and 2). With the exception of concurrent systemic disease that demands systemic therapy or severe vision-threatening disease, children should be treated only with topical and/or periocular injections, because immunosuppressive agents have lifelong effects on growth and development. Systemic steroids, including periocular injection, should never be used in children without consultation with or the concomitant care of a pediatrician. Table 9.4 lists the relative dose potencies of commonly used corticosteroids.

      • When oral prednisone is needed for control of ocular inflammation, it should be started at a daily dose of 1 mg/kg (maximum 60 mg) for at least 7 days. Once inflammation is controlled, the daily dose is reduced by 10 mg every week until 40 mg/day. From 40 mg/day to 20/mg/day, the steroid dose is reduced by 5 mg every week. Thereafter, the dose is decreased in 2.5 mg increments every week. While this algorithm can serve as a guideline, the rapidity of tapering should be individualized, accounting for severity of inflammation, concomitant medical history, and length of time on oral corticosteroids. Patients with a long history of steroid use need a very slow tapering schedule to avoid precipitating an adrenal crisis. It is important to monitor the patient for signs suggestive of a flare-up. If a flare-up occurs, a substantial increase in the dosage should be prescribed (50% to 100%). Patients resistant to corticosteroid tapering should be considered for steroid-sparing therapy in order to avoid the development of steroid therapy complications.

      • I.v. methylprednisolone can be used in cases of site-threatening uveitides. Specific syndromes that often require this therapy include Behçet syndrome, VKH syndrome, and severe scleritis. The effects are rapid and dramatic but are also of brief duration. This form of treatment allows a fast control of the inflammatory process, and is supplemented with oral steroids and, if necessary, other forms of immunosuppression. Methylprednisolone is administered in dosages from 500 mg to 1 g. Pulse therapy can be used by repeating the dose at intervals of 24 hours, with a maximum of three doses.
        The i.v. infusion is done slowly during 1 to 2 hours with proper monitoring of the patient’s vital signs and clinical status.

    • Complications of corticosteroid therapy

      • Topical therapy. Potential side effects of topical therapy include temporary partial lid ptosis, pupillary mydriasis of 0.6 mm to 2 mm, increased IOP in approximately 30% of patients treated for 3 weeks or more, posterior subcapsular cataract formation that will not progress if corticosteroids are discontinued, bacterial or fungal superinfection secondary to suppression of cellular defense systems, and decreased wound healing.

      • Systemic and repeated periocular therapy. Complications of systemic or repeated periocular therapy are all of those described above, plus extraocular muscle fibrosis (periocular injection), Cushing syndrome, peptic ulcers when used concominantly with NSAIDs, systemic hypertension, sodium retention, hyperglycemia, psychosis, failure of growth, amenorrhea, aseptic joint necrosis, osteoporosis, myopathy, fluid retention, and Addison disease.

  • Mydriatic–cycloplegics are used to give comfort by relieving iris sphincter and ciliary muscle spasm and to prevent scarring between the pupillary border and anterior lens capsule (posterior synechiae). Atropine, the strongest mydriatic–cycloplegic, is used in a strength of 1%. It should be reserved for moderately severe to severe anterior uveitis and should be used one to two times daily. As uveitis lessens, the atropine dosage may be reduced or the patient placed on homatropine 5%. For mild to moderate anterior uveitis, homatropine 5% qd to bid will suffice to move the pupil. Bedtime use is beneficial in milder cases, because the pupil is mobilized primarily during sleep and iatrogenic presbyopia is not present during the day. Eyes with pupils that fail to dilate on atropine should have the lids taped shut between applications to increase the effect of the atropine. Phenylephrine 2.5% (in the absence of significant cardiovascular disease) and cocaine 4% applied to the ocular surface with a sterile Weck-cell by the ophthalmologist are also useful in mobilizing the otherwise scarred-down pupil. Atropine may complicate or precipitate urinary retention in patients with prostatism. Scopolamine 0.25% has almost the same cycloplegic strength as atropine and may be substituted in patients with urinary retention problems. Scopolamine itself, however, in very frequent doses may also aggravate this condition. Cyclopentolate may aggravate iritis because of its neutrophilic chemotactic effect; however, this has not been proven true in clinical experience.

  • NSAIDs. Oral NSAIDs act as nonselective inhibitors of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, inhibiting both the cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) isoenzymes. Cyclooxygenase catalyses the formation of prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and thromboxane from arachidonic acid. NSAIDs thereby block the formation of these local mediators of the inflammatory response. The prostaglandins are one of the many chemical mediators involved in the pathogenesis of uveitis; they are synthesized by the enzyme prostaglandin synthetase and found in all tissues of the eye. Prostaglandins cause a marked increase in protein content of the aqueous humor and mild smooth muscle contraction (pupillary miosis). Certain prostaglandins lower IOP, and others (E1 and E2) may increase it. The increased permeability of the ciliary epithelium may be a critical factor in inducing increased IOP secondary to prostaglandin release. All should be taken with meals.

    • Indications. There is no evidence that NSAIDs are effective as primary agents in intraocular inflammation, but they can be tried as steroid-sparing agents. They can be used as long-term therapy in patients with recurrent anterior uveitis, rheumatoid scleritis, or macular edema whose disease is initially controlled by steroid therapy. Diflunisal (Dolobid) 250 to 500 mg p.o. bid, diclotenac (Voltaren 50 mg p.o. bid), naproxen (Naprosyn) 250 to 500 mg p.o. bid, or indomethacin (Indocin) 50 mg p.o. bid to tid may allow a patient to reduce or even discontinue steroid therapy without reactivation of disease.

    • Toxicity includes gastric mucosal ulceration and liver and renal damage. Urine, stool, and blood monitoring should be done every few months.

    • Topical NSAIDs are equivocally effective in iritis but may have a steroid-sparing effect. They may also be successful in treatment of CME. Current agents include flurbiprofen 0.03% (Ocufen), suprofen 1% (Profenal), diclofenac 0.1% (Voltaren), ketorolac 0.5% (Acular), and nepafenec 0.1% (Nevanac). The last four drugs are used in dosages of three to four drops per day to treat CME (see Appendix A for U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA]–approved use).

  • Immunosuppressive agents. Immunosuppressive drugs usually should not be prescribed by a non–uveitis trained ophthalmologist alone, but in concert with an uveitis speciliast, rheumatologist, or primary care physician who is familiar with them and confident in their management. In making a decision as to which patient should receive immunosuppressive therapy, the physician must remember that the use of these drugs for non-neoplastic and non–life-threatening illness is a great clinical responsibility. To date there appear to have been very few severe complications from the combined regimen of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents, probably because of the lower dosages used and the better general health of the ophthalmic patients receiving them. Patients should be fully informed as to potential risks and benefits. A signed consent form or chart note to that effect is advisable.

    • Selection of patients involves choosing those who

      • Have diseases known to have poor prognosis with corticosteroid treatment alone (Wegener granulomatosis, polyarteritis nodosa, Behçet disease, serpiginous chorioretinopathy).

      • Fail to respond to one month of high-dose corticosteroids (60 mg/day) or have unacceptable side effects from steroids.

      • Have progressive vision-threatening disease.

      • Have adequate follow-up.

      • Are reliable about following instructions.

      • Are willing to undergo therapy with full knowledge of the possible deleterious side effects.

      • May potentially benefit from the use of the drugs.

      • Have no unequivocal contraindication, such as active TBC, toxoplasmosis, or other infectious process.

    • Five classes of immunosuppressive agents are used in ocular inflammatory disease: Alkylating agents, antimetabolites, T-cell inhibitors, antibiotics and biologics.

      • The alkylating agents, cyclophosphamide and chlorambucil, work by crosslinking a variety of molecules, including DNA, RNA, and proteins. DNA crosslinking impairs DNA replication and transcription, leading to either cell death or altered cell function. This leads to the suppression of lymphocyte T-cell (cell-mediated immunity) and, to a lesser extent, B-cell (antibodies) function.

        • Clinical indications are most commonly Behçet disease, Wegener granulomatosis, necrotizing scleritis associated with rheumatoid arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa, relapsing polychondritis, severe systemic lupus erythematosus, bullous pemphigoid, and malignancy. These medications can induce long-term remission in some patients with severe uveitis.

        • Cyclophosphamide dosage in adult patients starts at 150 to 200 mg/day (2 mg/kg/day) taken on an empty stomach in the morning and followed with hydration of 3 L of fluid daily. The aim of the therapy is to lower the lymphocyte count to 1 × 109 per L (normal 1.3 to 3.5 × 109 per L). The total white cell count should not fall below 3 × 109 per L. The white cell count and differential are obtained at baseline and then followed twice weekly for the first 2 to 3 weeks. Once stabilized, laboratory tests are performed q2 weeks. A urinalysis is obtainined q2 weeks as well, monitoring for microscopic hematuria.

        • Chlorambucil dosage is begun at 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg/day (usual dose 2 mg/day) and increased every 3 to 4 days to total dosage of 10 to 12 mg/day if there is no idiosyncratic reaction. The white cell count and differential are followed as for cyclophosphamide.

        • Adverse side effects of alkylating agents are uncontrolled leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, opportunistic infections, gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances, alopecia, jaundice, pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, renal toxicity, sterility, and testicular atrophy. Hemorrhagic cystitis is an indication for discontinuing the medication. An increased incidence of myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative malignancy in patients taking these drugs is debatable, especially at the lower doses used for the treatment of uveitis. Given the risk of developing opportunistic infections (e.g., pneumocystic pneumonia) on these medications, daily prophylaxis with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxaxole is recommended.

        • Chlorambucil or cyclophosphamide steroid management technique involves initial treatment with prednisone, 1 mg/kg/day, along with the cytotoxic drug at an appropriate dose. This treatment continues for about 1 month until the disease is suppressed, then steroids are tapered and stopped over 2 months. The cytotoxic drug dose is adjusted to keep the white blood cell count (WBC) at 3,000 to 4,000 per mL and continued for 1 year to induce remission before being stopped. Monitor the CBC and urinalysis (cyclophosphamide only) weekly until stable, then every 2 weeks.

      • The antimetabolite azathioprine interferes with purine metabolism, and methotrexate interferes with folate action; both functions are essential to nucleic acid synthesis. Mycophenolate mofetil (Cellcept) is a new antimetabolite that inhibits the enzyme inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase in activated T and B cells and blocks their production of guanine and thereby their function.

        • Antimetabolites are used as steroid-sparing agents in steroid-dependant chronic uveitides. Azathioprine has successfully been used in sympathetic ophthalmia, VKH syndrome, pars-planitis, and Behçet disease. Methotrexate is often the drug of choice in children with chronic uveitis, especially iridocyclitis. Cellcept has been used in the management of solid organ transplantation and has been found to be useful in the treatment of uveitis, specifically in birdshot chorioretinitis and multifocal choroiditis and panuveitis.

        • Azathioprine dosage is taken at doses ranging from 2 to 2.5 mg/kg/day. The usual dose range is 100 to 150 mg/day, taken all at once or divided into two doses.

        • Adverse side effects of azathioprine are uncontrolled leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hyperuricemia, and GI disturbances. GI disturbances are the most common cause of medication discontinuation, seen in 20% of patients.

        • Methotrexate is started at a dose of 10 mg p.o. or subcutaneous weekly. The dosage is escalated by 2.5 mg q4 to q6 weeks until a therapeutic response is noted and then maintained per hematologic, renal and hepatic monitoring q4 to q6 weeks. Maximum dose is 25 mg/week.

        • Adverse side effects of methotrexate include GI disturbances (most common), hepatic and renal toxicity, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, interstitial pneumonitis, and CNS toxicity.

        • Mycophenolate mofetil (Cellcept) is started at a dose of 1 g twice a day. The dosage can be increased to 1.5 g twice a day based on the therapeutic response and then maintained per hematologic, renal, and hepatic monitoring q4 to q6 weeks.

        • Adverse side effects of mycophenolate include GI disturbances (most common), hepatic and renal toxicity, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.

        • Hematologic monitoring for antimetabolites consists of monthly monitoring of hematologic, renal, and hepatic functions with a CBC and complete metabolic panel (CMP).

      • Cyclosporin A and Tacrolimus interfere with T-cell lymphocyte activation and interleukin activity.

        • T-cell inhibitors are also are used as steroid-sparing agents in steroid-dependant chronic uveitides. They have been used as treatment for posterior uveitides, including Behçet disease, birdshot chorioretinopathy, sarcoid, VKH, and sympathetic ophthalmia, and retinal vasculitis (noninfectious). T-cell inhibitors have also been used in anterior segment disease, including Mooren ulcer and to prevent rejection in high-risk corneal transplantation.

        • Cyclosporin A (Neoral, Sandimmune) dosage is 2.5 to 5 mg/kg/day given orally twice daily. Maximum dosage is 10 mg/kg/day.

        • Tacrolimus (Prograf) dosage is 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg/day given orally in twice daily dosing.

        • Adverse side effects are systemic hypertension (more common with cyclosporine), partially reversible renal toxicity, opportunistic infection, GI disturbances, breast tenderness, neurotoxicity, nausea, vomiting, hyperuricemia, gingival hyperplasia, and hepatotoxicity. Monitoring should include monthly blood tests for hematologic, renal, and liver toxicity (CBC and CMP) along with blood pressure monitoring.

      • The antibiotic dapsone may work by lysosomal stabilization (see Chapter 5).

      • Monoclonal antibody therapies are the newest agents used in the treatment of ocular inflammation. They target specific lymphocytes and proinflammatory cytokines that are important in immune responses. These include antibodies against TNFα (etanercept [Enbrel], infliximab [Remicaid], adalumimab [Humira]), IL-2 (dacluzimab [Zenapax]), and IL-1 (anakinra [Kineret]). The anti-TNFα agents are the most commonly used monoclonal antibodies in uveitis.

Jun 12, 2016 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Uveal Tract: Iris, Ciliary Body, and Choroid

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