Tube Versus Trabeculectomy IRIS Ⓡ Registry 1-Year Composite Outcome Analysis with Comparisons to the Randomized Controlled Trial


  • TVT IRIS Registry 1-year composite outcome results differ from those of the TVT RCT.

  • TVT IRIS Registry tube and trabeculectomy failure rates are not significantly different.

  • Trabeculectomy failure rates are not significantly different between the 2 TVT cohorts.

  • Tube failure rates are significantly higher in the TVT IRIS Registry than in the TVT RCT.

  • Reasons for failure rates may be non-Baerveldt tubes, greater severity, or differences in clinical practice.


This study compared 1-year results for the composite treatment outcome from the Tube Versus Trabeculectomy (TVT) randomized controlled trial (RCT) to those from an IRIS (Intelligent Research In Sight) Registry cohort of analogous eyes.


Retrospective clinical study with comparison to an RCT.


Subjects’ eyes in the IRIS Registry received either a glaucoma drainage implant (tube) or underwent trabeculectomy after a previous trabeculectomy and/or cataract extraction and had data for 1-year follow-up analyses.


Eyes were classified as failing if they had hypotony (intraocular pressure (IOP) ≤5 mm Hg) or inadequate IOP control (IOP >21 mm Hg or not reduced at least 20% below baseline) on 2 consecutive follow-up visits after 3 months, a reoperation for glaucoma, or no light perception vision and as successful otherwise. Failure risk was compared by treatment, demographic, and clinical variables and was compared to analogous failure risks from the TVT RCT.


The TVT IRIS Registry cohort included 419 eyes, 236 tube eyes (56.3%) and 183 trabeculectomy eyes (43.7%). In this cohort, there was no significant failure risk difference (12.3% for tube eyes and 16.4% for trabeculectomy eyes, P = 0.231). Comparing the studies, there was a significantly greater risk of failure in the TVT IRIS Registry tube eyes than in the TVT RCT tube eyes (3.8%; P <.001). Reasons for treatment failure included reoperations for glaucoma (none in the TVT RCT at 1 year).


Our results were different from those in the TVT RCT. Possible reasons include non-Baerveldt tubes, greater severity among tube eyes, and practice patterns that reflect real-world data, which are different than those in RCTs.

T The 1-year post-surgical treatment outcomes for the Tube Versus Trabeculectomy (TVT) randomized controlled trial (RCT), published in 2007, indicated a significantly greater risk of failure among eyes that received a trabeculectomy. The TVT RCT compared the safety and efficacy of a tube implantation, Baerveldt 350 glaucoma implant (BGI) (Johnson & Johnson Vision, Milpitas, California, USA) to trabeculectomy with mitomycin C “in eyes that had undergone previous filtering surgery, cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation, or both.” These results still represent the highest level of evidence available for treatment of glaucoma uncontrolled with maximum tolerated medical therapy in such eyes, when incisional glaucoma surgery is needed. Since publication of the TVT RCT results, there has been a shift in clinical practice toward a greater use of tubes and a reduced use of trabeculectomies when incisional glaucoma surgery is performed. There also has been a reduction in the number of glaucoma surgeries performed, , attributed to improved glaucoma medication options. A shift in clinical practice inevitably changes the clinical characteristics of the patients (or in this case, the eyes) who receive each treatment option, such as having a tube implantation or a trabeculectomy.

Several retrospective studies evaluated outcomes for either trabeculectomies or tubes, including procedures in eyes with previous incisional glaucoma surgery, and found widely different 1-year failure rates for BGIs, Ahmed glaucoma valves (AGVs), and/or trabeculectomies. , , Two RCTs comparing AGV and BGI tubes, the Ahmed Baerveldt Comparison (ABC) study and the Ahmed Versus Baerveldt (AVB) study, found lower 1-year failure rates with BGI tubes, , but only the AVB study showed a statistically significant difference.

This research was supported by a 2018 Research to Prevent Blindness/American Academy of Ophthalmology Award for IRIS (Intelligent Research in Sight) registry research grant to compare 1-year post-surgical results from the TVT RCT cohort with results from an IRIS Registry cohort. Although many investigators have questioned the feasibility of replicating an RCT with real-world data (RWD), , exploring clinical questions with RWD will increase as the availability, size, and quality of such datasets improve. The present study compared 1-year composite treatment outcomes after tube versus trabeculectomy surgery from the TVT RCT to data from a cohort of analogous eyes from the IRIS Registry database. No previous direct comparisons of RCT and big-RWD results were found. In addition, the 1-year treatment outcomes for tube eyes were compared to outcomes for trabeculectomy eyes in the TVT IRIS Registry cohort.



The primary purposes of this study were to assess the feasibility of replicating an RCT using electronic health record data and to compare treatment outcomes using large, retrospective RWD. Because IRIS Registry data are deidentified, no informed consent was required, and the University of Miami Institutional Review Board approved this study as exempt. This research conformed to all country, federal, or state laws and adhered to tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The TVT RCT is registered at (NCT00306852).

Patient Population, Data, and Eligibility Criteria

Study data were described in detail in the authors’ previous cohort selection and follow-up publication and are summarized here. IRIS Registry data were used to create a 1-year follow-up analysis cohort of 419 tube eyes (n = 236; 56.3%) and 183 trabeculectomy eyes (43.7%). Inclusion was based, as closely as possible, on the eligibility criteria of the TVT RCT (Supplemental Table 1). Supplemental Tables 2, 3, and 4 display baseline demographic and clinical characteristics by treatment groups of this TVT IRIS Registry 1-year follow-up cohort. Supplemental Table 1 contains the TVT RCT follow-up examination schedule and visit windows. The 1-week, 1-, 3-, and 6-month, and 1-year follow-up visits were designated using IRIS Registry data from the visit (within the window) closest to the TVT RCT scheduled follow-up time.


This TVT IRIS Registry research analyzed outcomes analogous to those of the TVT RCT (Supplemental Table 1). The primary composite treatment outcome was defined as 1) inadequate intraocular pressure (IOP) control (IOP >21 mm Hg or reduction <20% below baseline on 2 consecutive follow-up visits after 3 months); 2) hypotony (IOP ≤5 mm Hg on 2 consecutive follow-up visits after 3 months); 3) reoperation for glaucoma; or 4) no light perception (NLP) vision. Two secondary composite outcomes were defined by modifying only the inadequate IOP control criterion using lower IOP cutoff values (>17 mm Hg and >14 mm Hg, respectively). Inadequate IOP control and hypotony failures must have occurred at both the 6-month and 1-year follow-up visits. If that occurred, the failure date was considered to be the 6-month visit date. For failures based on a reoperation for glaucoma or NLP vision, the failure date was the date of the reoperation or date of first recorded NLP vision. , Reoperation for glaucoma included a cyclodestructive procedure or additional glaucoma surgery that required returning to the operating room. Lack of specificity for some Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes (American Medical Association, Washington, DC, USA; ) (66250 (repair or revision procedures on the anterior sclera of the eye); 66184 (revision of aqueous shunt to extraocular equatorial plate reservoir; without graft); and 66185 (revision with graft)) made it impossible to distinguish whether some eyes had a TVT RCT-defined reoperation or intervention. It was decided to classify these procedures as interventions. An eye that had not failed was classified as either a complete success (not on supplemental medical therapy) or a qualified success (on supplemental medical therapy) at the one-year follow-up visit.

Statistical Analysis

All eyes that had a 1-year follow-up visit and/or failed during the first year were included in these analyses. All results presented below are 1-year results, except as noted. The TVT IRIS Registry treatment groups were compared using independent sample t -tests for continuous variables and χ 2 , Fisher exact, or exact χ 2 tests for categorical variables. Risk factors for the composite treatment outcomes of success or failure were assessed using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and univariate, bivariate, and forward stepwise multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression. Inter-study comparisons of percentages used χ 2 tests for a specified proportion and for failure reasons used exact χ 2 tests. These statistical analyses were performed using SAS version 9.4 software (SAS, Cary, North Carolina, USA). Inter-study comparisons of cumulative probabilities of failure (CPFs) were performed with 1-sample z -tests using Excel version 1902 software (Microsoft, Redmond, Washington, USA). A P value <.050 was considered statistically significant.


Primary Composite Outcome Success and Failure

Table 1 presents the composite treatment outcomes of the TVT IRIS Registry cohort by treatment, unadjusted for follow-up time (except as noted). There was a higher percentage of failing trabeculectomy eyes (16.4%) than tube eyes (12.3%), but this difference was not statistically significant ( P = .231). Trabeculectomy eyes had a significantly higher percentage of complete successes (52.9%) rather than qualified successes compared to tube eyes (34.3%) ( P < .001). When the TVT IRIS Registry cohort was compared to the TVT RCT cohort, there were significant differences in the percentage of tube eyes that failed (TVT IRIS Registry: 12.3%; TVT RCT: 3.8%; P <.001) but not in the percentage of trabeculectomy eyes that failed (TVT IRIS Registry: 16.4%; TVT RCT: 13.0%; P = .172) ( Table 2 ). There was also a significant difference in the percentage of successful trabeculectomy eyes that were a complete success (TVT IRIS Registry = 52.9%; TVT RCT = 63.0%; P = .010) but not in the percentage of successful tube eyes that that were a complete success (TVT IRIS Registry = 34.3%; TVT RCT = 33.7%; P = .928), see Table 2 .

Table 1

One-Year Follow-up Composite Treatment Outcomes in the Tube Versus Trab IRIS Registry Study.

n (%)
All Eyes Tube Group Trab Group P Value
Outcomes for All Eyes in Analyses n = 419 n = 236 (56.3) n = 183 (43.7) χ Test
Primary Composite Treatment Outcome % Failure 59 (14.1) 29 (12.3) 30 (16.4) .231
% Success 360 (85.9) 207 (87.7) 153 (83.6)
Failure reason for unsuccessful eyes n = 59 29 (49.2) 30 (50.8)
Inadequate IOP control >21 mm Hg a 3 (5.1) 3 (10.3) 0 (0.0) .232 c
Inadequate IOP control not 20% below baseline a 21 (35.6) 9 (31.0) 12 (40.0)
Loss of light perception visual acuity 2 (3.4) 2 (6.9) 0 (0.0)
Reoperation for glaucoma 29 (49.2) 13 (44.8) 16 (53.3)
Persistent hypotony a 4 (6.8) 2 (6.9) 2 (6.7)
Type of reoperation for glaucoma CPT code n = 29 13 (44.8) 16 (55.2)
Eyes that that that failed due to a 66170 2 (6.9) 1 (7.7) 1 (6.3) .272 c
reoperation for glaucoma 66172 1 (3.5) 0 (0.0) 1 (6.3)
66179 2 (6.9) 0 (0.0) 2 (12.5)
66180 12 (41.4) 4 (30.8) 8 (50.0)
66710 12 (41.4) 8 (61.5) 4 (25.0)
Type of Reoperation for Glaucoma CPT Code n = 31 15 (48.4) 16 (51.6)
All eyes that had a 66170 2 (6.5) 1 (6.7) 1 (6.3) .263 c
reoperation for glaucoma 66172 1 (3.2) 0 (0.0) 1 (6.3)
66179 2 (6.5) 0 (0.0) 2 (12.5)
66180 13 (41.9) 5 (33.3) 8 (50.0)
66710 13 (41.9) 9 (60.0) 4 (25.0)
Successful Eyes n = 360 207 (57.5) 153 (42.5)
Definition of Treatment Success Qualified success 208 (57.8) 136 (65.7) 72 (47.1) <0.001 ***
Complete success 152 (42.2) 71 (34.3) 81 (52.9)
Cumulative probabilities of failure: primary and secondary composite treatment outcomes b
Definition of inadequate IOP control a n = 419 n = 236 n = 183 K-M test
IOP >21 mm Hg or not reduced 20% below baseline 16.4 19.3 .346
IOP >17 mm Hg or not reduced 20% below baseline 23.1 21.5 .747
IOP >14 mm Hg or not reduced 20% below baseline 38.5 35.8 .753

66170 = trabeculectomy ab externo in absence of previous surgery; 66172 = trabeculectomy (included injection of antifibrotic agent); 66179 = aqueous shunt to extraocular equatorial plate reservoir, external approach, without a graft; 66180 = aqueous shunt to extraocular equatorial plate reservoir, with a graft; 66710 = cyclophotocoagulation transscleral; Complete Success = not receiving supplemental medical therapy (qualified success means receiving supplemental medical therapy) at the 1-year follow-up visit; CPT = current procedural terminology; IOP = intraocular pressure; IRIS = Intelligent Research in Sight study; K-M = Kaplan-Meier log rank; mm Hg = millimeters of mercury; Trab = trabeculectomy; Tube = glaucoma drainage implant.

Table values are n (%).

* P ≤ .05, ** P ≤ .01, *** P < .001. All χ 2 tests, except as noted.

a Inadequate IOP control or hypotony criteria must have been present on 2 consecutive follow-up visits after 3 months for the eye to quality as a failure for inadequate IOP control or hypotony, respectively.

b Eyes with persistent hypotony (IOP <=5 mm Hg on two consecutive follow-up visits after three months), loss of light perception vision, or reoperation for glaucoma were classified as failures in all three analyses. These three analyses for the Cumulative Probabilities of Failure were adjusted for follow-up time.

c Exact χ 2 test.

Table 2

One-Year Follow-up Inter-Study Comparisons in the Tube versus Trab IRIS Registry Study

Outcome TVT IRIS Registry Cohort n (%) TVT RCT Alternate Study Cohort n (%) P Value
Inter-study comparisons with the complete 1-year follow-up analysis cohorts: primary composite outcome a
% Failed Tube 29 (12.3) TVT RCT: Tube 4 (3.8) <.001***
% Failed Trab 30 (16.4) TVT RCT: Trab 13 (13.0) .172
Inter-study comparisons with only the eyes that were successful a
% Complete success Tube 71 (34.3) TVT RCT: Tube 35 (33.7) .982
% Complete success Trab 81 (52.9) TVT RCT: Trab 63 (63.0) .010**
Inter-study comparisons in eyes that Failed b
Failure reason n = 59 n = 17
Inadequate IOP control c Both 24 (40.7) TVT RCT: Both 14 (82.4) .001**
Loss of light perception Both 2 (3.4) TVT RCT: Both 0 (0.0)
Reoperation for glaucoma Both 29 (49.2) TVT RCT: Both 0 (0.0)
Persistent hypotony d Both 4 (6.8) TVT RCT: Both 3 (17.7)
Failure reason n = 29 n = 4
Inadequate IOP control c Tube 12 (41.4) TVT RCT: Tube 4 (100) .207
Loss of light perception Tube 2 (6.9) TVT RCT: Tube 0 (0.0)
Reoperation for glaucoma Tube 13 (44.8) TVT RCT: Tube 0 (0.0)
Persistent hypotony d Tube 2 (6.9) TVT RCT: Tube 0 (0.0)
Failure reason n = 30 n = 13
Inadequate IOP control c Trab 12 (40.0) TVT RCT: Trab 10 (76.9) .003**
Loss of light perception Trab 0 (0.0) TVT RCT: Trab 0 (0.0)
Reoperation for glaucoma Trab 16 (53.3) TVT RCT: Trab 0 (0.0)
Persistent hypotony d Trab 2 (6.7) TVT RCT: Trab 3 (23.1)

Both = both Tube and Trab groups; Complete Success = not receiving supplemental medical therapy (qualified success means receiving supplemental medical therapy) at the 1-year follow- up visit; IOP = intraocular pressure; IRIS = Intelligent Research in Sight study; RCT = randomized controlled trial; Trab = trabeculectomy; Tube = glaucoma drainage implant; TVT = Tube versus Trab.

Table values are n (%)

* P ≤ .05, ** P ≤ .01, *** P ≤ .001.

a χ 2 tests for a specified proportion.

b Exact χ 2 tests.

c IOP >21 mm Hg or not reduced at least 20% below baseline on 2 consecutive follow-up visits after 3 months.

d IOP ≤ 5 mm Hg on 2 consecutive follow-up visits after 3 months.

For the TVT IRIS Registry cohort, the reasons for treatment failures are listed in Table 1 . The most common reason in both treatment groups was a reoperation for glaucoma (tube eyes n = 13 [44.8%]; trabeculectomy eyes n = 16 [53.3%]). There were 12 eyes in each group that failed with inadequately controlled IOP. Two of these eyes (both tube eyes) later required reoperation for glaucoma. There was no significant difference between treatment groups in the (1) distribution of reasons for failure ( P = .232) and type of reoperation for (2) eyes that failed because of a reoperation for glaucoma ( P = .272) and (3) all eyes that had a reoperation for glaucoma ( P = .263). The majority of reoperations for tube eyes were cyclophotocoagulation, while the majority for trabeculectomy eyes were tube shunt implantations (see Table 1 ).

Comparing the 2 TVT cohorts, for eyes that failed, there was a significant difference in the reasons for treatment failure ( P = .001, Table 2 ). In the TVT IRIS Registry, 29 eyes (49.2%) failed due to a reoperation for glaucoma, whereas in the TVT RCT, none failed for this reason. In the TVT RCT, the most common reason for failure was inadequate IOP control (n = 14; 82.4%). For the tube eyes, there was no significant difference between the 2 TVT cohorts in the reasons for treatment failure ( P = .207). This was possibly due to low power, because the TVT RCT had only 4 failing tube eyes. For the trabeculectomy eyes, there was a significant difference between the 2 TVT cohorts in the reasons for treatment failure ( P = .003, Table 2 ).

Primary and Secondary Composite Treatment Outcome Survival

The Figure displays the survival curves and Table 1 presents the CPFs for the treatment groups’ composite outcomes for each IOP cutoff value. For the primary composite treatment outcome (IOP cutoff >21 mm Hg), the CPF was 16.4% for tube eyes and 19.3% for trabeculectomy eyes ( P = .346) ( Figure 1 , A). When the IOP cutoff was >17 mm Hg, the CPF was 23.1% for tube eyes and 21.5% for trabeculectomy eyes ( P = .747) ( Figure 1 , B). When the IOP cutoff was >14 mm Hg, the CPF was 38.5% for tube eyes and 35.8% for trabeculectomy eyes ( P = .753) ( Figure 1 , C). Therefore, no significant differences were observed among treatment groups using this broad range of IOP cutoffs (>21 mm Hg, >17 mm Hg, and >14 mm Hg, respectively) to determine failure. In the TVT RCT, the CPFs were greater for the trabeculectomy eyes for all 3 IOP cutoffs. In a comparison between the TVT RCT cohort to the TVT IRIS Registry cohort, there were significant differences between the CPFs in the 2 studies for tube eyes at all IOP cutoffs (all P < .001), but for trabeculectomy eyes, the difference was significant only for an IOP cutoff of >14 mm Hg ( P = .027) (see Table 3 ).

Figure 1

Kaplan-Meier plots of the probability of failure in the Tube Versus Trabeculectomy IRIS Registry Study. A. (Left) With inadequate IOP control cutoff of IOP >21 mm Hg. B. (Middle) With inadequate IOP control cutoff of IOP >17 mm Hg. C. (Right) With inadequate IOP control cutoff of IOP >14 mm Hg. mm Hg = millimeters of mercury; IOP = intraocular pressure; IRIS = Intelligent Research In Sight.

Table 3

One-Year Follow-up Inter-Study Risk Factor Analysis Comparing the CPF in the TVT IRIS Registry Study to the TVT RCT

Compare the 2 TVT cohorts’ CPFs at one year
Variables Values Number of Eyes in TVT IRIS Registry Cohort TVT IRIS Registry CPF 95% CI of TVT IRIS Registry CPF TVT RCT CPF Difference in Studies’ CPFs P Value (difference in studies’ CPFs)
Treatment group Tube 236 16.4 (10.5–22.4) 3.9 12.5 <.001 ***
IOP >21 cutoff Trab 183 19.3 (13.0–25.5) 13.5 5.8 .071
Treatment group Tube 236 23.1 (17.1–29.1) 4.9 18.2 <.001 ***
IOP >17 cutoff Trab 183 21.5 (15.0–27.9) 16.7 4.8 .147
Treatment group Tube 236 38.5 (31.5–45.4) 11.9 26.6 <.001 ***
IOP >14 cutoff Trab 183 35.8 (28.3–43.3) 27.4 8.4 .027 *
Stratum Prev cat extraction 288 19.2 (13.6–24.7) 11.6 7.6 .007 **
Prev trab or comb proc a 131 14.5 (7.9–21.2) 6.3 8.3 .015 *
Age group <60 years 54 13.5 (3.3–23.6) 14.4 -0.9 .858
≥60–<70 years 105 19.6 (9.4–29.9) 12.1 7.5 .149
≥70–<80 years 184 19.2 (12.8–25.5) 6.9 12.3 .000 ***
≥80 years 76 14.3 (5.6–23.0) 2.4 11.9 .007 **
Gender Males 197 21.7 (14.4–29.0) 9 12.7 .001 ***
Females 222 14.3 (9.1–19.4) 8.3 6 .023 *
Race/ Ethnicity White 219 13.6 (8.6–18.5) 7.8 5.8 .024 *
Black 122 15.9 (8.4–23.3) 11.8 4.1 .285
Hispanic 40 25 (10.8–39.3) 3.7 21.3 .003 **
Asian b 9 70.8 (26.0–115.7) 0 70.8 .002 **
Other/Mixed b 29 23 (6.8–39.1) 0 23 .005 **
Diabetes mellitus NO 265 18.3 (13.2–23.5) 9.8 8.5 .001 **
YES 154 16.4 (8.7–24.1) 8.1 8.3 .034 *
Hypertension NO 128 19.4 (11.7–27.1) 7.9 11.5 .004 **
YES 291 17 (11.7–22.3) 9.6 7.4 .006 **
Lens status Phakic 98 17.3 (8.6–25.9) 9.5 7.8 .080
Pseudophakic c 321 17.8 (12.8–22.7) 8.4 9.4 .000 ***
Previous Intraocular Surgeries (PIS): total number groups 1 PIS 214 16.3 (10.7–21.8) 8.7 7.6 .008 **
2 PIS 139 18.9 (11.7–26.1) 7.5 11.4 .002 **
3+ PIS 66 21.1 (5.4–36.9) 12.5 8.6 .283
Last PIS: total months before baseline ≤6 months 120 16.9 (9.6–24.3) 13.3 3.6 .337
>6 months 299 18 (12.7–23.4) 8.5 9.5 .000 ***
Glaucoma type Primary 383 17.8 (13.2–22.4) 7.4 10.4 <.001 ***
Secondary 36 16.8 (3.3–30.2) 18.2 -1.4 .836
Baseline number of medications group 0–1 glaucoma meds 35 13.3 (1.1–25.6) 9.5 3.8 .538
2–3 glaucoma meds 133 12.9 (6.5–19.3) 8.2 4.7 .151
4–6 glaucoma meds 251 20.9 (14.7–27.1) 8.8 12.1 .000 ***
Baseline Intraocular Pressure group <23 mm Hg 163 28.3 (19.7–36.9) 12.2 16.1 .000 ***
23–26 mm Hg 84 13.1 (5.0–21.1) 4.8 8.3 .044 *
>26 mm Hg 172 10.1 (5.0–15.1) 8.1 2 .447
Baseline visual acuity group ≥20/30 80 16.1 (6.8–25.4) 8.8 7.3 .123
<20/30 – >20/200 281 17.7 (12.3–23.1) 9 8.7 .002 **
≤20/200 58 20.2 (8.9–31.4) 6.9 13.3 .021 *

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Jul 10, 2021 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Tube Versus Trabeculectomy IRIS Ⓡ Registry 1-Year Composite Outcome Analysis with Comparisons to the Randomized Controlled Trial

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