The Pediatric Case History
Robert H. Duckman
Jessica Yang
The case history is an essential collection of data for any health care provider. The information collected will help direct the examination. This is especially true for the visual evaluation of the pediatric patient. Depending on the information gathered during the case history, the clinician starts to formulate a list of tests that need to be done, an order in which they should be done, and even diagnosis possibilities. Of course, this presupposes that the information is accurate. In general, I find that parents tend to be very good observers, but not necessarily accurate in their observations. For example, it is commonplace to have a parent report that “Johnny’s eyes cross.” But when asked which one crosses, they are unsure. When parents report that an eye crosses, they should be trusted until you can prove them wrong. The clinician who is working without a “good” case history (e.g., adopted children, children in foster placements, or a child who is visiting a relative and the relative is not sure about the historical information) is at a decided disadvantage and needs to do more to rule out various diagnoses. The case history becomes the road map for the examination.
As with any other patient coming in to have their eyes examined, the single most important question in the pediatric case history, and the first one to ask, is what is the chief complaint? What is (are) the problem(s) that you have noticed and what are your (the parents[s]) concerns? That is, “what is the reason(s) you are here?” Students will usually “jump the gun” in their questioning and start asking about the pregnancy, birthweight, and so on, which are urgently important, but not yet! Make sure you know and understand the real or perceived problem. This single piece of information provides a starting point and a direction in which to go. And, remember, whatever happens during the examination, you must always come back and address the parents’ primary concerns (i.e., the chief complaint). Once you have a clear picture of why the patient is in the office, you can continue with other aspects of the case history.
With children, it is best to mail the parent a patient information questionnaire, to be filled out at home by both parents and then returned before the examination. The reason this is a good idea is that it is difficult and time consuming to have one parent in the waiting room trying to fill out a questionnaire with the child crying or running around. At home, the parents can sit down after the children are asleep and respond to the questions jointly. Invariably, historical information with the joint input of both parents is more reliable, especially when more than one child is in the family and the facts can be confused so easily. Then, the history is returned to the doctor and reviewed by the doctor before
the examination visit. By doing this, the eye care professional can see what the chief complaint is, can review the child’s birth and medical history, try to come up with a group of possible diagnoses, and set up a strategy—a series of tests to be done and a prioritization of the order in which the tests should be done. This will maximize the very limited window of opportunity you will have when examining the child. Children, especially young ones, will attend to the testing and cooperate for a finite period of time. Once you exceed that period of time, not too much good information can be collected. If you use the beginning of the examination time with what could be a lengthy case history, you may limit how much useful time you will get with the child. Mailing a history form at the time the child is appointed and letting the parents know it is needed back before the examination time generally works well.
the examination visit. By doing this, the eye care professional can see what the chief complaint is, can review the child’s birth and medical history, try to come up with a group of possible diagnoses, and set up a strategy—a series of tests to be done and a prioritization of the order in which the tests should be done. This will maximize the very limited window of opportunity you will have when examining the child. Children, especially young ones, will attend to the testing and cooperate for a finite period of time. Once you exceed that period of time, not too much good information can be collected. If you use the beginning of the examination time with what could be a lengthy case history, you may limit how much useful time you will get with the child. Mailing a history form at the time the child is appointed and letting the parents know it is needed back before the examination time generally works well.
The history form mailed to the parent is best done in a checklist format whenever possible. The less you ask the parent to do, the more information you will get. Because many questions cannot be answered in a check-off configuration, allow space at the end of each section for the parent to annotate or explain. I used to utilize a seven-page case history where almost all the answers needed to be written and invariably, the first page was complete and each subsequent page had fewer and fewer questions answered. By the time I got to the last page, nothing was written. Changing to a check-off format history questionnaire has provided much more comprehensive information from parents on each patient.
At times when the history is mailed out, sent back to the office, and reviewed before the examination, unresolved issues remain. It may be necessary to further explore some of the information on the history at the examination visit, but it will take significantly less time than if the mail-in questionnaire had not been used. So, although fine-tuning of the history taken from the mailed questionnaire is necessary at times, it should not significantly jeopardize the examination, especially if there are appropriate stimuli in the examination room for the child. I can foresee in the very near future, putting the history form on the World Wide Web, and having parents send back an electronic history form. In this format, even the fine tuning can be done before the examination date.
My personal experience in working with children is that most present for vision evaluations for a specific problem. Although the number of parents bringing in children, especially infants and toddlers, for routine visual evaluations to make sure everything is okay, is growing, it is still the least frequent reason that they are brought in for examination.
The most frequent reasons that parents bring infants or toddlers in for eye examination include:
Strabismus, real or imagined (e.g., wide epicanthal folds or pseudoesotropia)
Nasolacrimal duct occlusion
Gets very close to things when looking at them
Consistent rubbing the eyes
Significant family eye history of vision problems
Second opinion
Failure on a preschool or school vision screening
Doing poorly in school; reading problems
Referred by an occupational therapist
Once you have probed the chief complaint, next direct your attention to the medical history.
The Medical History
The medical history, for the child, should be structured into three periods of time:
Prenatal—addresses the exposures during pregnancy
Perinatal—addresses the birthing of the child and associated complications
Postnatal—addresses the development of the child after birth.
All three periods are important because each provides information about risk factors or events to which the fetus or child was exposed, and the outcomes of these exposures.
Prenatal Period
The prenatal period starts with conception. Women, however, do not usually know that they are pregnant until several weeks, sometimes months, later. During this time period of ignorance, mothers often expose their babies to many things that are toxic and which, had they known they were pregnant, would have been eliminated from their lifestyle (e.g., smoking, drinking). It is unclear how much these toxins affect the fetus in the beginning weeks, but they can have a significant impact later on in the pregnancy.
Several types of exposure can have an effect on the pregnancy and the fetus. These include:
Toxic substances such as tobacco, alcohol, or drugs
Infectious agents such as toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus (CMV), syphilis, chickenpox
Genetic or congenital malformations such as Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, spina bifida, and so on
Metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, and poor maternal nutrition
Toxic Substances
The most common substances a pregnant woman exposes her unborn child to are tobacco and alcohol. These two substances, used very frequently in the United States and more frequently in other countries, are part of our lifestyle. We know that tobacco usage and alcohol endanger the viability of the fetus and most women will stop using both as soon as they learn they are pregnant. A significant time period can pass, however, before a woman is aware that she is pregnant—weeks or even months. During this time, some or a significant amount of exposure can occur to firsthand or secondhand smoke. Nicotine is a strong vasoconstrictor and decreases circulation to the fetus. Also, carbon monoxide bonds with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin, which reduces oxygen available to the fetus. What we do know about cigarette smoking and fetal development indicates that the child’s physical status and developmental integrity can be significantly compromised by exposure to these toxic substances.
Smoking and Pregnancy
Cigarette smoking has been shown to be harmful to the viability of pregnancy. It can lead to increased spontaneous abortion in the first trimester. In addition, the mother and fetus are at increased risk for premature placenta abruption, preterm delivery, decreased birthweight, and sudden infant death syndrome (1). Infants who are born to women who smoke during pregnancy weigh, on average, are 150 to 300 g less than those children born to nonsmokers. In addition, smoking mothers are twice as likely to have small for gestational age (SGA) babies as mothers who do not smoke (2). The effects that smoking has on fetal growth and preterm delivery increase with increasing age of the mother (3). The older the mother is, the greater the risk to the fetus is her smoking.
Cigarette smoke is known to contain carbon monoxide and nicotine (see above). These components of cigarettes seem to affect birthweight and shorten the term of the pregnancy. The chemical bonding of carbon monoxide to hemoglobin produces carboxyhemoglobin and this creates fetal hypoxia. Fetal hypoxia is associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (4). In addition, nicotine and carbon monoxide are strong vasoconstrictors and, therefore, will cause decreased blood flow to the fetus and increase maternal blood pressure and heart rate. Cigarette smoking decreases the appetite and, therefore, can decrease the amount of nutrients consumed by the pregnant woman. Cigarette smokers are less likely to consume micronutrient supplementation and more likely to consume alcohol and other substances that negatively interact with metabolism. Many other components of cigarette smoke (e.g., lead and cadmium) could cause damage to the fetus, but the effects of these are not known.
Alcohol and Pregnancy
The worst case scenario of fetal exposure to alcohol is fetal death. If the fetus does survive the alcohol consumption by the mother, especially if it occurs early in the pregnancy, the child is, however, at high risk for fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS is a very significant developmental problem. The changes produced by fetal exposure to alcohol are permanent and irreversible. FAS babies are always retarded and display
a myriad of physical and neurologic anomalies. Of all the causes of mental retardation, this is the most preventable form. No direct relationship exists between how much alcohol the pregnant woman consumes and the expression of FAS, but all FAS babies are born to mothers who have consumed significant amounts of alcohol during the pregnancy. It is estimated that approximately 50% of U.S. women drink socially and about half of all U.S. pregnancies are unplanned and, therefore, about 25% of all newborns have been exposed to some alcohol in early gestation (5). FAS in its full-blown form includes physical abnormalities of structure and size and mental retardation. The characteristics manifest in the FAS child depend on during which trimesters of pregnancy the alcohol abuse takes place. If the drinking is during all three trimesters, the expression affects the physical appearance, the physical size, and mental function. If the drinking starts in the second trimester, it usually affects only physical size and mental function with no abnormal physical features. And if the drinking is only during the third trimester, neither physical appearance nor size is affected but the mental function is. The physical findings most characteristic of babies with FAS include growth retardation for height and weight, which persists after birth by at least two standard deviations; central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction, including mental retardation, microcephaly, and hyperactivity (6). The Mayo Clinic’s web page (7) reports that drinking alcohol during any part of the pregnancy will expose the fetus to risk, but the most critical period and one in which the fetus is most susceptible is the first trimester. It is known that if the mother drinks, the alcohol crosses the placenta to the fetus. Therefore, if the mother drinks, the fetus drinks. The Centers for Disease Control (8) defines FAS as the severe end of a spectrum of effects that can occur when the fetus is exposed to alcohol in utero. As mentioned, fetal death is the most extreme expression of this developmental anomaly. FAS is characterized by abnormal facial features, and growth and CNS problems. Stromland (9) describes FAS to include possible vision impairment and ocular anomalies affecting all parts of the eye, including optic nerve hypoplasia, coloboma of the iris, and choroid, microcornea, cataract, and others. The expression on the physical features of the face characteristic of the child with FAS include telecanthus with shortened palpebral fissures, flat philtrum, short upturned nose, epicanthal folds, and ptosis (6). These children have very significant visual anomalies. FAS, however, is now considered a spectrum disorder and great variability is seen among the signs in different children. Two other terminologies used to describe children with problems relating to prenatal alcohol exposure and are alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) and alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD), which can include problems involving kidneys, heart, bones and hearing. Children with FAS and ARND can exhibit the following: poor coordination, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, developmental disabilities (e.g., speech and language delays), mental retardation or low IQ, and poor reasoning and judgment skills.
a myriad of physical and neurologic anomalies. Of all the causes of mental retardation, this is the most preventable form. No direct relationship exists between how much alcohol the pregnant woman consumes and the expression of FAS, but all FAS babies are born to mothers who have consumed significant amounts of alcohol during the pregnancy. It is estimated that approximately 50% of U.S. women drink socially and about half of all U.S. pregnancies are unplanned and, therefore, about 25% of all newborns have been exposed to some alcohol in early gestation (5). FAS in its full-blown form includes physical abnormalities of structure and size and mental retardation. The characteristics manifest in the FAS child depend on during which trimesters of pregnancy the alcohol abuse takes place. If the drinking is during all three trimesters, the expression affects the physical appearance, the physical size, and mental function. If the drinking starts in the second trimester, it usually affects only physical size and mental function with no abnormal physical features. And if the drinking is only during the third trimester, neither physical appearance nor size is affected but the mental function is. The physical findings most characteristic of babies with FAS include growth retardation for height and weight, which persists after birth by at least two standard deviations; central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction, including mental retardation, microcephaly, and hyperactivity (6). The Mayo Clinic’s web page (7) reports that drinking alcohol during any part of the pregnancy will expose the fetus to risk, but the most critical period and one in which the fetus is most susceptible is the first trimester. It is known that if the mother drinks, the alcohol crosses the placenta to the fetus. Therefore, if the mother drinks, the fetus drinks. The Centers for Disease Control (8) defines FAS as the severe end of a spectrum of effects that can occur when the fetus is exposed to alcohol in utero. As mentioned, fetal death is the most extreme expression of this developmental anomaly. FAS is characterized by abnormal facial features, and growth and CNS problems. Stromland (9) describes FAS to include possible vision impairment and ocular anomalies affecting all parts of the eye, including optic nerve hypoplasia, coloboma of the iris, and choroid, microcornea, cataract, and others. The expression on the physical features of the face characteristic of the child with FAS include telecanthus with shortened palpebral fissures, flat philtrum, short upturned nose, epicanthal folds, and ptosis (6). These children have very significant visual anomalies. FAS, however, is now considered a spectrum disorder and great variability is seen among the signs in different children. Two other terminologies used to describe children with problems relating to prenatal alcohol exposure and are alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) and alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD), which can include problems involving kidneys, heart, bones and hearing. Children with FAS and ARND can exhibit the following: poor coordination, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, developmental disabilities (e.g., speech and language delays), mental retardation or low IQ, and poor reasoning and judgment skills.
Infectious Agents
Many infectious agents can affect the fetus during pregnancy. Some of these effects are very significant, whereas others are not. All infectious agents cannot possibly be covered in this chapter. We therefore, will consider the ones that are more common and most important.
Rubella, more commonly known as German measles, is a mild childhood viral illness that can be devastating to the fetus if the mother is infected within the first trimester. Rubella was a much more serious threat in the past because no immunization was available. Since 1969, children started receiving immunization for rubella and, since that time, no major outbreak of rubella has occurred in the United States. Cases of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) still present clinically, however. The designation of CRS indicates significant impairment in the child, usually described as a triad including, but not limited to, congenital cataracts, deafness, and mental retardation. If the mother is infected later in the pregnancy the risk significantly decreases.
Chickenpox (Varicella) and Fifth Disease (PARVOVIRUS B19)
Relatively mild childhood viral illnesses that can harm the fetus in a pregnant woman who becomes infected include chickenpox (varicella) and fifth disease (parovirus B19). If the fetus becomes infected, it can be born with congenital varicella syndrome, which can include blindness, seizures, mental retardation, paralyzed limbs, and so on. The March of Dimes website (10) states that “a susceptible pregnant woman who is exposed to an infected household member is at about 90% risk of contracting chickenpox.” They also state, however, that only about 2% of infected mothers have babies with defects caused by the virus. As with other infectious conditions, the timing of the infection is important. Women who contract the varicella virus in the first half (20 weeks) of the pregnancy face a meaningful risk of having a child with a birth defect.
Fifth disease has a similar pattern of infection and defect. Fifth disease is the fifth in a series of rash-associated childhood illness including measles, scarlet fever, rubella, and fourth disease (origin of infection is unknown). Fifth disease is caused by parvovirus B19, which can cause serious anomalies to the fetus. The most serious of these is anemia, which can be sufficiently severe to abort the pregnancy. Again, the risks are much greater if infection is in the first 20 weeks of the pregnancy and then almost no risk thereafter.
Cytomegalovirus is a very common viral infection in the United States. Most people do not know they have it because no or very mild symptoms are present. It is estimated that by age 30 years, about 50% of all adults in the United States have been infected. If a pregnant woman becomes infected, she will almost always pass it on to the fetus. In some cases, this can result in very serious, possibly even life-threatening repercussions in the fetus (11,12). The range of manifestation of the cytomegaloviral infection in utero to the fetus can range from no involvement to death. The infected fetus may demonstrate low birthweight and deliver prematurely; neurologic involvement (seizures, microcephaly, hydrocephaly, mental retardation, developmental delay, learning disabilities) is frequently seen. Ocular findings are characteristically chorioretinal lesions, which obviously would affect visual function, dependent on the location of the lesions. The rate of intrauterine transmission of the CMV is directly related to gestational age of the fetus, with the rate of transmission increasing with increasing gestational age. Infected neonates can be born symptom-free and then develop some of the anomalies during the first 2 years.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
No apparent defects are caused to the fetus of a mother who is human immunodeficiency virus positive (HIV+). A high transmission rate is seen of the virus to the infant perinatally (during delivery). Drug therapy regimens may be used to decrease rates of perinatal transmission, which can cause problems to the fetus. In the middle 1990s, zidovudine was used in cases of pregnant HIV+ mothers and the transmission rate fell from 30% to 8%. The drug is, however, known to cause significant birth defects (13).
Toxoplasma gondii is a one-celled parasite that can sometimes cause devastating effects on the fetus if the mother becomes infected for the first time during the pregnancy. Toxoplasmosis, the disease caused by the parasite, can infect the developing fetus. It is one of a group of infections, contracted in utero that comprises the Torch Syndrome. TORCH is an acronym for toxoplasmosis, other agents, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex.
The severity of the involvement to the fetus is related to the timing of the maternal infection occurs. The earlier in the pregnancy the infection occurs, the more severe the expression of the infection (14). Toxoplasmosis can cause widespread damage to body organs such as the brain, liver, and spleen. Ocular findings include chorioretinal lesions, optic atrophy, cataract, and strabismus. The infecting agent forms cysts inside its host. These cysts remain in the host for a lifetime. Whenever the cysts rupture, a flare-up occurs.
Genetic and Congenital Anomalies
An almost unlimited number of genetic and congenital anomalies exist. We cannot address all, so we discuss the most common and frequently encountered in the general population. These include Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, and spina bifida. These all have their individual ocular manifestations: refractive errors, binocular dysfunctions, and ocular disease. A thorough case history enables us to manage the visual issues facing these special children. (See Chapter 25)
Down Syndrome
Chromosomal abnormalities happen in two ways. When an error occurs during the process of cell division, it can leave either the sperm or the egg cell with more or less than the normal 23 unpaired chromosomes. Another possibility is that the cells have a normal number of chromosomes but have a section of one chromosome that is deleted, duplicated, inverted, or transposed with a part of another chromosome. Very often, the embryonic product of these unions will not survive. In fact, up to 70% of first trimester miscarriages result from chromosomal abnormalities. Of surviving fetuses, the most common chromosomal abnormality is Down syndrome, which affects about 1 of 800 to 1000 live births (15). The possibility of having a baby with Down syndrome increases with maternal age; by age 40, mothers can expect a risk of 1 in 100. Down syndrome, also called trisomy 21, occurs when an individual has three copies of chromosome 21.
Current medical advances have increased survival rates of children with Down syndrome, despite many physical weaknesses, such as congenital heart defects, susceptibility to pneumonia, and acute leukemia resulting from an abnormal thymus gland. It is also associated with mental retardation; however, with early intervention and special education classes, children with Down syndrome may be able to function well in society.
Children with Down syndrome are easy to recognize. They have very distinguishing features such as: short stature, thick trunk, flat nasal bridge, protruding tongue, prominent epicanthal folds, and stubby fingers.
Ocular findings include oblique palpebral fissures (16,17), prominent epicanthal folds (17), Brushfield’s spots (17), iris hypoplasia (17), nasolacrimal drainage blockage (17,18), spoked vessel pattern at the optic nerve head (19), nystagmus (17,20), keratoconus (21), and cataracts (17,21,22). They often have blepharitis because of their dry skin (17). Most are hyperopic, but those with myopia have high degrees of it (9,16,17,20,23,24). Esotropia is also a common condition that affects those with Down syndrome (21,22,23).
Fragile X Syndrome
Fragile X syndrome is different from Down syndrome in that it is caused by an abnormality in a single gene and not an extra chromosome. Another difference is that it is inherited. In fact, it is the most common inherited form of mental retardation. It occurs more frequently in males than in females because it is an X-linked condition. It affects about 1 of 4000 males and 1 of 8000 females, equally in all racial and ethnic groups (25).
Children with fragile X syndrome have varying degrees of mental retardation. They often have developmental delays in all areas. Although they sometimes present with a long narrow face and large ears, they are often difficult to distinguish physically from other children.
Ocular characteristics include nystagmus, strabismus (with an equal incidence of exotropia and esotropia), accommodative insufficiency, convergence insufficiency, and no pattern of ocular health anomalies. Similar to Down syndrome, hyperopia is more common; however, those with myopia tend to manifest high refractive errors (26,27,28).
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to or developmental failure of the motor areas in the brain. It can be congenital or acquired. The United Cerebral Palsy Association estimates that it affects approximately 2 of every 1000 live births. Risk factors of congenital cerebral palsy include breech birth, low Apgar scores,
prematurity, nervous system malformations, infections, and maternal hyperthyroidism (29).
prematurity, nervous system malformations, infections, and maternal hyperthyroidism (29).
The four categories of cerebral palsy range from mild to severe in presentation. The ataxic type demonstrates intention tremor, decreased balance, and decreased depth perception. The athetoid or dyskinetic type shows uncontrolled, slow, writhing movements of the arms and legs. The spastic type is the most common, making up 70% to 80% of all cerebral palsy cases. This is the most severe presentation. Muscles are permanently contracted and hemiparetic tremors are present. The fourth category is the mixed type; this is usually a combination of the spastic and athetoid types. All types of cerebral palsy require physical, occupational, and speech therapy to aid in the development of motor and communication skills.
Individuals with cerebral palsy are more likely to have a hyperopic refractive error, but those who are myopic have higher refractive errors. Common ocular findings include strabismus, nystagmus, optic nerve atrophy, optic nerve colobomas, and ocular motor dysfunction. On occasion, a visual impairment may be caused by cortical defects. The more serious ocular manifestations tend to be seen in the spastic type of cerebral palsy (30).
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a nutrient-filled fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. It is produced in the ventricles, flows through the CNS, and is then absorbed into the bloodstream. Hydrocephalus occurs when CSF drainage is blocked. It can be a congenital or acquired condition and occurs in about 1 of every 500 children (31). The causes are not well defined. It can be a consequence of genetic inheritance or related to neural tube defects and prematurity. Treatment consists of the surgical placement of a shunt, which diverts the CSF to another part of the body, typically the abdominal cavity.
The most striking feature of hydrocephalus is the abnormally large head circumference. Generally, the child has a deficiency in cognitive and physical development. Many of these children benefit from rehabilitative therapies and educational assistance.
Individuals with hydrocephalus often exhibit strabismus and refractive errors. It has been found that 70% of shunt dysfunctions manifest ocular abnormalities related to increased intracranial pressure. Sudden onset of nystagmus, papilloedema, optic atrophy, or strabismus can indicate uncontrolled hydrocephalus (32,33).