Key Features
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Presbyopia starts affecting people around 40 years of age.
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Its surgical correction may be performed at the cornea, lens, or sclera.
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Corneal procedures like monovision have good visual outcomes, but some stereopsis may be lost.
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Multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) have a high rate of spectacle independence, but the appearance of glare and halos are an important drawback.
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Not all commercially available accommodative IOLs have proved to really restore accommodation.
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Surgical correction of presbyopia with the restoration of accommodation is still a challenge for all refractive surgeons.
Presbyopia is an age-related condition characterized by the loss of accommodation, enabling the patient not to perform near visual tasks, decreasing the quality of life.
Its correction remains a challenge for the refractive surgeons; although many procedures to restore near vision are available, not all of them really restore accommodation (with the exception of some accommodative IOLs).
Accommodation is the change of power of the crystalline lens that allows us to change the point of focus from far to near.
During accommodation, there is a contraction of the ciliary muscle, which releases the zonular tension, allowing the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lens to increase in curvature, increasing the optical power of the lens (Helmholtz theory).
This is accompanied by the accommodative triad: accommodation, convergence, and miosis, and there is also an increase in negative aberration of the eye.
Most of the presbyopia treatments induce pseudo-accommodation, which improves near vision through multifocality or increasing the depth of field, not by a change of the optical power of the eye sustained by the active action of the ciliary body.
Presbyopia can be corrected at the cornea, lens, or sclera or treated with topical medication; all therapeutic options come with pros and cons.
In this chapter, we will discuss all of the current treatment options for presbyopia correction.
Presbyopia Correction at the Corneal Level
Correction at the cornea can be achieved by monovision, presby-LASIK, and corneal inlays.
Correction with monovision was first described in 1958 by Westsmith with contact lenses wearers.
It can be achieved through contact lenses, LASIK, or pseudo-phakia.
In monovision, an intended anisometropia is induced in order to provide near and distance vision. Usually, the nondominant eye is corrected for near vision and the dominant eye for far vision. This is because monovision depends on interocular blur suppression, and an assumption exists that it is easier to suppress blur in the nondominant eye. However, pseudo-phakic crossed monovision (nondominant eye is corrected for far and the dominant eye for near vision) has had similar outcomes to conventional monovision.
There is a correlation between the degree of anisometropia and the improvement of near and intermediate distance acuity; the greater the anisometropia, the better the near visual outcome. At the same time, the greater the anisometropia, the greater the loss of stereopsis. Also, an increased time for neuroadaptation is required, and a major risk for monofixation syndrome (loss of foveal fusion which manifests as a facultative absolute scotoma in the fovea of the nonfixating eye) exists. Thus, the anisometropia should not be more than 1.5 diopters (D) because it has been reported for good spectacle independence in patients with minimonovision, in which the target for the nondominant eye is −1.00 to −1.25 D and that for the dominant eye is plano. In this way, stereopsis is maintained.
Patient selection is important as in every other surgical procedure, and monovision is generally contraindicated for the following patients: airplane pilots, truck or taxi drivers, and patients with strong ocular dominance, strabismus, or exophoria of more than 10 . 0 Δ.
Good near and distance outcomes have been reported for LASIK monovision. Spectacles for night driving were used in only 16.2% of patients, and there was a slight decrease in contrast sensitivity and stereopsis ( Table 3.10.1 ).
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Good far and near outcomes | Reduction of stereopsis |
Reversible | Slight reduction in contrast sensitivity |
Easy to perform surgically | Not all patients are good candidates |
Asthenopia |
Pseudo-phakic monovision has a success rate of approximately 80%, and the advantage over multifocal IOLs is the lower cost. Although the rate of spectacle independence is higher with multifocal IOLs, they induce more dysphotopsia.
Monovision is one of the most popular presbyopia treatments among refractive surgeons; it also offers the possibility of reversal in case of patient dissatisfaction. LASIK monovision is ideal for presbyopic patients over 40 years of age, and in pseudo-phakic monovision for patients with cataract in whom a multifocal or accommodative IOL is contraindicated.
Presby-LASIK is a surgical technique that employs the principles of LASIK to create a multifocal corneal surface.
There are three main types of multifocal corneal excimer laser profiles: (1) multifocal transition profile (no longer in use because it induced significant levels of vertical coma), (2) central presby-LASIK, and (3) peripheral presby-LASIK ( Fig. 3.10.1 ). The principles of each algorithm are based on the dioptric power of refractive error and presbyopia correction calculation, corneal asphericity quotient (Q-value), and changes in higher-order spherical aberrations or optical and transition zone manipulation.

Central Presby-LASIK
This technique was first described by Ruiz in 1996. It creates a hyperpositive area for the near vision at the center, and the periphery is left for far vision.
It is pupil dependent, and an advantage is that it can be performed at the center of the cornea in myopic and hyperopic profiles as well as in emmetropes with minimal corneal excision. Adequate centration is crucial for having a controllable result.
Its main limitation is the lack of adequate alignment among the line of sight, the central pupil, and the corneal vertex, which leads to the induction of coma aberrations.
These are the platforms available for central presby-LASIK:
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AMO VISX hyperopia–presbyopia multifocal approach steepens the central zone to improve near vision and the peripheral zone for distance vision. It is for hyperopic patients with astigmatism up to +4.00 D and –2.00 D.
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SUPRACOR (Technolas Perfect Vision GmbH, Munich, Germany) is an aberration-optimized presbyopic algorithm. The SUPRACOR creates a hyperpositive area in the central 3.0 mm zone, and the treatment targets 0.50 D of myopia in both eyes. It treats hyperopic presbyopia and minimizes the aberrations normally induced during treatment.
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PresbyMAX (SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH, Kleinostheim, Germany, Dr Jorge Alió’s trademark) is based on the creation of a biaspheric multifocal corneal surface with a central hyperpositive area to achieve +0.75 to +2.50 D of near vision correction, surrounded by an area in which the ablation is calculated to correct the distance refractive error. It can be performed in hyperopes and myopes.
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In peripheral presby-LASIK, the center of the cornea is left for distance and the periphery is ablated in a way that a negative peripheral asphericity is created to increase the depth of field.
However, when positive spherical aberration is present, if the pupil becomes miotic, the refraction of the eye experiences a shift toward positive spherical values.
One of its disadvantages is that when it is used in association with myopic correction, it is necessary to remove a significant amount of corneal tissue. This is why it is mainly done in hyperopes. It also requires an efficient excimer laser beam profile that can compensate for the loss of energy that happens while the peripheral cornea is ablated. This is one of the main difficulties in targeting specifically high negative asphericity values with this technique. A relatively flatter central cornea and more highly curved corneal midperiphery were described by Avalos (PARM technique), and a proprietary peripheral presby-LASIK algorithm was described and patented by Tamayo.
Laser Blended Vision
This technique combines a low degree of asphericity and micromonovision in the near eye to achieve good near and distance vision. A sphericity between −0.58 and −0.70 is created to increase the depth of field.
Reinstein et al. reported good visual outcomes with this technique, achieving binocular visual acuity of 20/20 at distance and J3 at near in 99% of patients. These hybrid techniques combine the best features of the multifocal cornea and monovision, achieving good visual outcomes.
The rates of spectacle independence with central presby-LASIK vary from 72% to 93%. A loss of corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) of at least one line has been reported with central and peripheral presby-LASIK.
The main disadvantage of presby-LASIK is the lack of long-term results (beyond 3-year outcomes), and having a multifocal cornea can be a limitation for further multifocal IOL implantation.
Intracorneal Inlays
Historical Background
In 1964 Barraquer developed keratophakia, a lamellar refractive procedure in which an alloplastic lenticule is placed at the interface of the free corneal cap and the stromal bed. The difficulty of the surgical procedure and the unpredictability of the refractive results meant that few surgeons adopted keratophakia.
Early corneal implants were made of polymethylmethacrylate or polysulfone, and although they corrected the refractive error, they produced corneal necrosis and implant extrusion. Nowadays, the material used in corneal inlays allow sufficient nutrient flow; a very important feature because interruption of the nutrient flow can cause loss of transparency, corneal thinning, epithelial and stromal decompensation, and melting. The permeability of the hydrogel material used in the inlays is similar to that of the corneal stroma, allowing to some extent the exchange of nutrients such as glucose and oxygen.
Corneal inlays have several advantages: There is no need to remove corneal tissue, the surgical technique is relatively easy and minimally invasive, and the inlays are all removable.
There are three types of corneal inlays :
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Corneal reshaping inlays
They enhance near and intermediate vision through a multifocal effect. There’s a reshape of the anterior curvature of the cornea (hyperprolate region of increased power).
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Refractive inlays
An alteration of the refractive index occurs with a bifocal optic.
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Small aperture inlays
There is an improvement of depth of focus.
The inlays are implanted in the nondominant eye within a corneal pocket made by a femtosecond laser or under a stromal flap (the pocket is preferred because it might decrease the incidence of dry eye). The depth depends on the inlay. Inlays that alter the curvature of the cornea are implanted more superficially; inlays with small aperture or those that have a different index of refraction are implanted deeper to avoid changes in the cornea curvature and to allow a proper diffusion of nutrients in the corneal stroma. The inlays must be centered on the first Purkinje reflex.
There are currently four corneal inlays available on the market:
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KAMRA Vision (AcuFocus Inc., Irvine, CA, USA). Small aperture inlay.
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Raindrop (ReVision Optics Inc., Lake Forest, CA, USA). Corneal reshaping inlay.
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Flexivue Microlens (Presbia Cooperatief U.A., Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Refractive inlay.
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Icolens (Neoptics AG, Hünenberg, Switzerland). Refractive inlay.
Corneal Reshaping Inlay
Formerly known as the PresbyLens or Vue + lens (ReVision Optics, Lake Forest, CA, USA), it’s made of biocompatible hydrogel material and 80% water. It has a thickness of 10 µm at the periphery and 32 µm at the center; the diameter is 2 mm ( Fig. 3.10.2 ). The inlay is permeable, allowing the passage of nutrients and oxygen. It reshapes the anterior central corneal surface, creating a hyperprolate region, resulting in a multifocal cornea. It has no refractive power.

It should be placed in the nondominant eye at a minimum depth of 150 µm with a residual stromal bed thickness of 300 µm and has to be aligned over the center of the light-constricted pupil. The central corneal thickness of the eye should be 500 µm or thicker. After the inlay is positioned over the center of the pupil, it has to dry for 30 seconds before the flap is repositioned.
Barragan et al. reported the results of a 1-year follow up using the Raindrop inlay in emmetropic presbyopes. In their study, 100% of eyes achieved an uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA) of 0.2 logMAR or better in the operative eye, and binocularly, 100% of patients achieved an UNVA of 0.18 logMAR or better. No eye lost two or more lines of corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) or corrected near visual acuity (CNVA).
Yoo et al. measured the corneal and optical aberrations in 22 emmetropic presbyopes with a mean addition power of +1.97 ± 0.30 D. All patients gained monocular and binocular UNVA. For a 4-mm pupil size, significant increases occurred in total root mean square (RMS), coma-like RMS, and spherical-like RMS. Overall, 82% of the patients were satisfied or very satisfied with their near vision, and 13.6% reported that they needed glasses for near vision more often after surgery than before surgery. Moreover, 37% of patients reported glare. They concluded that the procedure can induce higher-order aberrations (HOA) but had moderate effects on the entire optical system.
In a study by Alió et al., increases in spherical aberrations, coma, and total HOA were reported with the implantation of hydrogel inlays.
Whitman et al. reported the clinical outcomes with the Raindrop inlay in patients with emmetropic presbyopia. In total, 340 patients completed a 1-year follow-up, and on average, they had an improvement in UNVA of five lines and in uncorrected intermediate visual acuity (UIVA) of 2.5 lines. However, the uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) decreased by 1.2 lines. Contrast sensitivity loss occurred at the highest spatial frequencies with no loss of binocularly. Eighteen inlays were replaced because of decentration, and 11 were explanted (five patients were dissatisfied with their vision, two had inlay misalignment, two had epithelial ingrowth, one had visual symptoms associated with decreased visual acuity, and 1 had recurrent central corneal haze that failed to respond to topical treatment).
Refractive Inlays
Presbia Flexivue Microlens
The Presvia Flexivue Microlens, a transparent hydrophilic concave–convex disc made of a clear copolymer of hydroxyethylmethacrylate and methylmethacrylate with an ultraviolet blocker. It has a diameter of 3.2 mm and a thickness of 15–20 µm, depending on the additional power. The central 1.8 mm diameter of the disc is plano in power, and the peripheral zone has an add power, ranging from +1.25 D–3.00 D in 0.25-D increments. At the center, there is an opening of 0.15 mm that facilitates the transfer of nutrients and oxygen through the cornea ( Fig. 3.10.3 ). It has a refractive power of 1.4583 and a light transmission of 95% at a wavelength above 410 nm.

During distance vision, light rays pass through the central zone of the inlay that does not have refractive power (plano), so they will be sharply focused on the retina. Light rays that pass through the refractive peripheral zone will focus in front of the retina.
During near vision, rays passing through the central zone of the inlay will focus behind the retina, and those passing through the peripheral refractive zone of the inlay will be focused on the retina. The rays passing through the peripheral clear cornea will be blocked by the pupil.
It is implanted in the nondominant eye. The corneal pocket is within a depth of 280–300 µm and is centered over the patient’s visual axis based on the first Purkinje reflex. The corneal inlay power is calculated by decreasing the preoperative CNVA manifest refraction SE by 0.25 D.
Limnopoulou et al. reported in their 1-year follow-up study a UNVA of 20/32 or better in 75% of operated eyes; the UDVA decreased significantly in the operated eye from 20/20 to 20/50, but binocular UDVA was not significantly altered. HOA increased and contrast sensitivity decreased in the operated eye. They included 47 emmetropic presbyopes between 45 and 60 years old. No removals of the inlay and no intra- or postoperative complications occurred.
Malandrini et al. performed a 36-month follow-up study in 26 eyes, and the mean preoperative UNVA and UDVA were 0.76 logMAR and 0.00 logMAR, respectively, compared with 0.10 logMAR and 0.15 logMAR, postoperatively. Overall, 62% of the eyes lost more than 1 line of UDVA, and 19% lost more than two lines of UDVA. Also, 8% of the eyes lost more than 1 line of CDVA at 36 months. The mean spherical aberration increased after surgery. Explantation was performed in six eyes because of reduced UDVA, halos, and glare; 6 months after explantation, the CDVA in all cases had returned to preoperative levels.
Icolens (Neoptics AG)
This corneal inlay is made of a copolymer of hydroxyethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate. It has a bifocal design with a peripheral positive refractive zone for near vision and a central zone for distance vision. It has a diameter of 3 mm, a peripheral thickness of 15 µm, and a central 0.15 mm hole for nutrient flow ( Fig. 3.10.4 ).

Baily et al. reported the results of the Icolens 12 months after implantation. The inlay was implanted in the nondominant eye of emmetropic patients through a corneal pocket created by femtosecond laser at a depth of 290 µm; 52 patients were included. The UNVA improved from N18/N24 preoperatively to N8 postoperatively, with 100% of patients having N16 or better, and nine patients having N5 or better. The mean UDVA in the surgical eye worsened significantly from 0.05±0.12 logMAR preoperatively to 0.22±0.15 logMAR postoperatively. There was a loss of CDVA, with 77% of the patients losing more than one line (they believe this was secondary to a neuro-optical phenomenon related to the implant). Seven inlays were removed because of inadequate centration, three secondary to ambiguous ocular dominance, and one because the patient had unrealistic expectation, for a total of 11 inlays removed.
Small Aperture Inlays
The KAMRA inlay (AcuFocus Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) is the most widely used corneal inlay, with nearly 20,000 inlays implanted worldwide. It is made of polyvinylidene fluoride. The latest design (ACI 7000PDT) has a 3.8-mm diameter with a central 1.6-mm aperture and a thickness of 5 µm. It has 8400 microperforations ranging in diameter from 5 to 11 µm to allow nutritional flow through the cornea. It also has nanoparticles of carbon, which has a light transmission of 5%. Because it is an opaque inlay, it may be visible in light-colored eyes ( Fig. 3.10.5 ).

The KAMRA inlay improves near vision by increasing the depth of focus through the principle of small aperture optics. It is implanted in the nondominant eye in a lamellar pocket that is 200–220 µm. Its implantation does not cause scotomas in the visual field. It allows a normal visualization of the central and peripheral fundus and a good quality of central and peripheral imaging and optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. However, annular shadows visible on the GDx VCC scans have been reported.
The inlay has evolved over the years, with the same artificial aperture of 3.8-mm outer diameter and 1.6-mm inner diameter. Table 3.10.2 describes the inlay characteristics.
Characteristic | ACI7000 (First One) | ACI7000T | ACI7000PDT (Latest) |
Thickness | 10 µm | 5 µm | 5 µm |
Holes | 1600 | 1600 | 8400 |
Diameter | 25 µm | 25 µm | 5–11 µm |
Tomita et al. evaluated the outcomes of KAMRA inlay implantation and simultaneous LASIK in hyperopic, myopic, and emmetropic patients. With a 6-month follow-up, they concluded that the procedure was safe and improved distance and near visual acuity. However, postoperative symptoms like halos, glare, and night-vision disturbances were observed.
Igras et al. reported a 1-year follow-up of combined LASIK and KAMRA inlay implantation. Of 132 patients evaluated, 85% were hypermetropic, 11% emmetropic, and 4% myopic. By 12 months, 97% of patients had J3 or better UNVA. Also, 6.3% of patients lost one line of CDVA in the implanted eye, and none lost two or more lines compared with their preoperative VA. Two inlays were explanted, one due to poor night vision and one secondary to persistent hyperopic shift and corneal haze. They concluded that a significant improvement occurred in near visual acuity with a slight compromise in uncorrected monocular distance visual acuity in the implanted eye without a binocular effect on the UDVA.
Seyeddain et al. performed a 3-year follow-up with 32 emmetropic presbyopic patients and reported that although there were significant gains in UNVA and UIVA, 28.3% of patients lost one line of CDVA.
Dexl et al. described iron corneal deposits after implantation of the AcuFocus corneal inlay (ACI 7000) in 18 eyes (56%), but these deposits did not have any influence on distance, near, uncorrected, or corrected visual acuity ( Fig. 3.10.6 ).

Alió et al. reported that after removal of the KAMRA inlay, the topography and aberrometry were not permanently affected, and more than 60% of the patients had a CNVA, CDVA, UNVA, and UDVA similar to their preoperative values. The study involved 10 eyes and had a follow-up of 6 months after the inlay removal. The reason for removal in eight eyes was subjective dissatisfaction with visual symptoms (glare, starburst, blurry vision, and halos). One case was related to an inadvertent thin flap, and the other was related to insufficient near vision.
Abbouda et al. analyzed the corneal tissue appearance 6 months after KAMRA inlay implantation by confocal microscopy; the study included 12 eyes in which one of three models of the KAMRA inlay had been implanted. The epithelial layers appeared normal in all patients. A low grade of keratocyte activation was found in all patients. Few patients had an elevated number of activated keratocytes, and they had a reduction in UNVA (needed reading glasses), CNVA, and CDVA. The UDVA was not affected. Subbasal nerve plexus was detected in 10 patients, and the branch pattern was found in eight patients. Four patients had the inlay explanted, the main reason being subjective dissatisfaction with visual symptoms and poor vision. All of them had a donut appearance at the slit-lamp examination. None of the patients had refractive postoperative changes. They concluded that the corneal tolerance to the inlay is good and that it modifies the normal structure of the corneal layer without associated complications.
Keratocyte activation is an important variable for the refractive outcome after KAMRA inlay implantation; flap thickness depth, low laser energy cut, and topical corticosteriod treatment are helpful to avoid it.
Lin et al. compared the contrast sensitivity before and after implantation of the KAMRA inlay in 507 patients. They reported that postoperatively contrast sensitivity was mildly reduced monocularly but not binocularly, and that it remained within the normative ranges.
This inlay can be implanted also in patients with previous cataract surgery who have a monofocal IOL, as reported by Huseynova et al. They implanted the KAMRA inlay in 13 pseudo-phakic patients with a monofocal IOL. Four patients had LASIK at the time of the inlay implantation. There was no change in mean UDVA after the inlay implantation, and the mean UNVA improved by five lines. Three eyes lost two lines, and one eye lost one line of UDVA. Two eyes lost two lines, and one eye lost one line of CDVA ( Table 3.10.3 , Table 3.10.4 , Fig. 3.10.7 ).
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Inlay | Material | Type of Inlay | Measurements | Mechanism of Action |
Raindrop | Biocompatible hydrogel 80% water | Corneal reshaping inlay | Thickness of 10 µm at the periphery and 32 µm at the center Diameter: 2 mm | Reshapes the anterior corneal, creating a hyperprolate region → multifocal cornea |
Flexivue | Clear copolymer of hydroxyethylmethacrylate and methylmethacrylate with an ultraviolet blocker | Refractive inlay | Thickness: 15–20 µm Diameter: 3 mm | The central 1.8 mm diameter of the disc is plano in power (for distance vision), and the peripheral zone has an add power ranging from +1.25 D–3.0 D in 0.25 D increments (for near vision) |
Icolens | Copolymer of hydroxyethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate | Refractive inlay | Thickness: 15 µm Diameter: 3 mm | Bifocal design Central zone for distance and peripheral positive refractive zone for near |
KAMRA | Polyvinylidene fluoride, nanoparticles of carbon | Small aperture inlay | Thickness: 5 µm Diameter: 3.8 mm | Increases the depth of focus through the principle of small aperture optics |

Presbyopic IOLs
Correction of presbyopia with premium IOLs has been the best option, because they provide good distance and near visual outcomes and spectacle independence. However, perfection has not been achieved with these IOLs, which can be divided in two main groups, multifocal IOLs and accommodative IOLs.
Multifocal IOLs
The perfect multifocal IOL must provide excellent near, intermediate, and distance visual acuity; should not produce photic phenomena; and should be pupil independent. The design has to be aspherical and able to be implanted through a small incision to allow the performance of micro incision cataract surgery (<2 mm). Sadly, there is no single multifocal IOL that can provide all these factors at the same time.
The aim of these IOLs is to provide patients with spectacle independence for both near and distance vision through the division of the incoming light into two or more foci independently of capsular mechanics and ciliary body function.
Multifocal IOLs can be divided based on their design as rotationally symmetrical IOLs (which can be further divided as: diffractive, refractive, or a combined design) and rotationally asymmetrical IOLs (also called varifocal IOLs).
Rotationally Symmetrical
Diffractive IOLs.
These IOLs have in them surface rings that form a discontinued optical density, so when the light particles encounter these rings, it is directed toward two focal points (near and distance; light changes direction and slows down when encountering an edge of discontinuity [principle of diffraction]) or three foci (near, intermediate, and distance) in case of the trifocal IOLs.
Diffractive IOLs can be categorized as apodized and nonapodized. The term apodization is derived from the Greek words for “cutting off the feet.” The apodized IOLs have a gradual decrease in diffractive step heights from the center to the periphery to create a smooth transition of light between the focal points. Under myopic conditions (when the pupil is on mydriasis), the light is more focused to the distant point.
These are the most commonly implanted multifocal IOLs.
The steps on the nonapodized IOLs have a uniform height from the center to the periphery, so the light is equally distributed in both focal points independently of the pupil size.
The extended range of vision IOLs is also diffractive, and they provide near vision by the correction of achromatic and spherical aberrations.
Refractive IOLs.
These IOLs have concentric zones of different dioptric power to achieve multifocality. They are pupil dependent and may be affected by decentration.
Rotationally Asymmetrical IOLs (Varifocal)
These are characterized by an inferior segmental near add. The IOL has a larger section for distance vision and a smaller reading segment, with only one transition zone. The near add varies from +1.5 D to +3.00 D, depending on the patient’s visual needs.
Patient Selection Criteria
Adequate patient selection is the most important part in implanting a multifocal IOL. We must know the patient’s visual expectations and make sure that we can fulfill them by selection of the correct IOL, because depending on the IOL design, the patient can have better near or intermediate distance vision. Also, patients’ expectations have to be realistic, and we have to inform them of the visual side effects that they may experience with the multifocal IOLs (glare, halos) and that a process of neuroadaptation exists that takes a couple of months.
The correct IOL power calculation is crucial, and emmetropia should be the target. It has been reported that the cause of 20% of cases of multifocal IOL explantation is incorrect IOL power.
Astigmatism correction is mandatory for a good performance of the multifocal IOL. Patients with irregular astigmatism are not good candidates for a multifocal IOL because its correction is not easy or predictable.
Patients with corneal abnormalities like central scars and Fuchs’ dystrophy are not suitable candidates for multifocal IOL implantation.
Because many of the multifocal IOLs are pupil dependent, an adequate function before and after surgery is needed. Therefore, if a patient has a very small pupil diameter that needs surgical manipulation, the surgeon should be very careful to not damage the iris sphincter. Patients with larger pupils may experience glare and halos after multifocal IOL implantation. Identification of zonular weakness during surgery is very important, as decentration or tilt of the multifocal IOL can have a detrimental effect on the visual acuity. This can be prevented by the implantation of a capsular tension ring.
Any macular alteration must be recognized before implantation of a multifocal IOL, especially if the patient has these predisposing factors: male gender, former or current smoker, and history of heart disease. A macular disease is a relative contraindication for the implantation of a multifocal IOL because these patients have a reduced contrast sensibility that can be worsened by a multifocal IOL. Thus the macula should be evaluated with either a macular function test or OCT.
Retinal diseases like Stargardt and retinitis pigmentosa are absolute contraindications for multifocal IOL implantation. Other diseases like diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and epiretinal membranes have a decreased contrast sensitivity that may be worsened by the multifocal IOL. Glaucoma is a relative contraindication for the use of multifocal IOLs. If the patient has an early glaucoma or controlled ocular hypertension, a multifocal IOL can be implanted, but IOL implantation should be avoided in patients with progressive and advanced glaucoma.
There are many multifocal IOLs available on the market; we will discuss the most popular ones.
AcrySof Restor SN6AD3 (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.)
Apodized diffractive and refractive technologies
Type: One-piece multifocal IOL
Material: hydrophobic acrylic
Filter: UV and blue light
Pupil dependent: No
Optic diameter: 6 mm
Overall diameter: 13 mm
Refractive index: 1.47
Power range: +6.00 to +34.00 D
Near addition at lens plane: +4.00 D
Incision size: >2.2 mm
In bright light with constricted pupils, the lens sends light energy to near and distant focal points; in low light with dilated pupils, the apodized diffractive lens sends a greater amount of energy to distance vision to minimize visual disturbances ( Fig. 3.10.8 ).

Lentis Mplus LS-313 (Oculentis GmbH)
Type: one piece, refractive rotationally asymmetrical multifocal IOL (varifocal)
Material: HydroSmart acrylate copolymer with hydrophobic surface
Optic diameter: 6.0 mm
Overall diameter: 11.0 mm
Refractive index: 1.46
Addition at IOL plane: +3.00 D
Addition at spectacle plane: +2.5 D
Diopter range: Mplus: +15.00 D to +25.00 D in 0.5 D steps, Mplus X: −10.00 D to +1.00 D in 1.0 D steps, and from +0.00 D to +36.00 D in 0.5 D steps
Incision size: 2.6 mm
360° continuous square optic and haptic edge ( Fig. 3.10.9 )
Fig. 3.10.9
Lentis Mplus LS-313 IOL.
(Image on the left from Alió J, Pikkel J. Multifocal intraocular lenses. The art and the practice. 1st ed. Editorial Springer; Switzerland 2014. Image on the right from .)
Pupil-independent IOL
Light in the near vision zone is refracted to the near focus, and the rest is refracted to the far focus.
Light hitting the transition area of the embedded sector is reflected away from the optical axis to prevent superposition of interference or diffraction.
The position of the near segment does not have a detrimental effect on the visual performance, although the manufacturer recommends an inferior placement.
Symfony (Abbott Medical Optics, Inc.)
Type: diffractive nonapodized achromatic
Material: UV-blocking hydrophobic acrylic
Optic diameter: 6 mm
Overall diameter: 13 mm
Power range: +5.00 D to +34.00 D in 0.50 D increments
Refractive index: 1.47

This IOL elongates the focus and corrects the corneal chromatic and spherical aberration using an achromatic technology also known as “extended range of vision.”
The chromatic aberrations have a detrimental effect on vision because they reduce contrast vision and induce blur.
The improvement of both aberrations increases the retinal image quality with a better tolerance of decentration and without sacrificing the depth of field.
It provides better near, intermediate, and distance vision than aspherical monofocal IOLs, and in contrast to multifocal IOLs, it does not induce aberrations to extend the depth of focus.
Because it provides an elongated focal area rather than various focal points, halos are not as common as with the multifocal IOLs. In fact, one study reported that 90% of patients in whom a Symfony IOL was implanted reported no or mild halos or photic phenomena, and the visual results were better than those obtained with a rotationally asymmetrical multifocal IOL or an apodized diffractive IOL.
AT LISA tri 839 MP (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG)
Type: one-piece trifocal diffractive aspherical IOL
Material: hydrophilic acrylic 25% with hydrophobic surface
Optic diameter: 6 mm
Overall diameter: 11 mm
Power range: from plano to +32.00 D in 0.5 D increments
Near addition at the IOL plane: +3.33 D for near vision, +1.66 D for intermediate vision
Incision size: 1.8 mm.
Asphericity: −0.18 µm.

Fine Vision Micro F (Physiol)
Type: one-piece trifocal
Optic: diffractive anterior surface, aspherical posterior surface
Material: 25% hydrophilic acrylic
Optic diameter: 6.15 mm
Overall diameter: 10.75 mm
Power range: +10.00 D to +35.00 D in 0.5 D increments
Near addition at spectacle plane: +1.75 D intermediate vision, +3.5 D near vision
Incision size: >1.8 mm
Asphericity: −0.11 µm
Pupil-dependent IOL

Panoptix (Alcon)
Type: one piece, aspherical
Material: hydrophobic, ultraviolet- and blue light–filtering acrylate/methacrylate copolymer
Optic diameter: 6.0 mm
Overall diameter: 13.0 mm

Light distribution is 25% to near (40 cm), 25% to intermediate (60 cm), and 50% to distance vision.
There is a more physiological transition from different distances because of an advanced optical technology, so the light from the first focal point is diffracted to the distance focus. This helps to create a fourth focal point at 1.20 m, making this IOL a quadrafocal IOL, although it acts as a trifocal IOL.
Based on laboratory simulations, the performances in image quality, photic phenomena, and resolution are equivalent between the Panoptix IOL and the AT LISA tri 839MP and FineVision Micro F trifocal IOL.
Clinical Outcomes and Quality of Life
Carballo-Alvarez et al. evaluated visual outcomes 3 months after bilateral implantation of the FineVision trifocal IOL. They reported adequate near, intermediate, and far vision, with satisfactory contrast sensitivity and no significant photic phenomena.
A comparison between the FineVision trifocal and the Restor IOL reported similar refractive outcomes, reading speeds, and patient satisfaction, although the intermediate distance in the defocus curve was better in the trifocal IOL group. Spectacle independence was achieved in 80% of the patients with the trifocal IOL and in 50% of the patients with the bifocal IOL.
Similar outcomes were reported by a study comparing the Restor IOL with the AT LISA tri. The latter gave better intermediate visual acuity, whereas near and distance visual acuity were good with both IOLs. The Quality of Vision questionnaire showed similar visual disturbances between the two groups.
A comparison of the visual outcomes and intraocular optical quality between the Lentis Mplus and the Restor IOL reported that the UNVA and distance-corrected near visual acuity (DCNVA) were better with the Lentis Mplus, although this IOL significantly induced HOA. The intermediate VA and the photopic contrast sensitivity were better with the Restor IOL.
Patient satisfaction with multifocal and toric multifocal IOLs is very good, ranging from 93% to 95%.
The most common visual symptoms of multifocal IOLs are glare and halos. These phenomena are secondary to the light division into two or more foci that happens with a multifocal IOL; the light in the out-of-focus image reduces the contrast of the in-focus image.
Other symptoms include starbursts, shadows, and negative and positive dysphotopsia. A decrease in contrast sensitivity has been reported also. Multifocal aspherical IOLs have been developed to improve these visual phenomena. A meta-analysis compared the visual outcomes between aspherical and spherical multifocal IOLs, and aspherical multifocal IOLs achieved better image quality than spherical multifocal IOLs and also had less spherical aberrations.
Although no multifocal IOL design exists without night vision disturbances, patients may adapt to them in a 6-month period through a process of neuroadaptation, which is faster with fully diffractive IOLs because the pupil does not affect the visual outcome.
Posterior capsule opacification is the most common complication after cataract surgery. A study compared the ND:YAG capsulotomy rates after the implantation of the FineVision Micro F and AT LISA tri 839MP trifocal IOLs, and the ND:YAG capsulotomy rate was significantly higher with the AT LISA tri 839MP IOL, although both IOLs had the same incidence of posterior cystoid macular edema.
It is important to note that not every patient is going to adapt to the multifocality and visual side effects, and some may want an IOL exchange (photopic phenomena and waxy vision can only be treated by IOL exchange). Kamiya et al. reported the reasons for multifocal IOL explantation. The principal reason, accounting for 36% of all cases, was decreased contrast sensitivity; of these, 34% was for photopic phenomenon, 32% for unknown origin, including neuroadaptation failure, 20% for incorrect IOL power, 14% for preoperative excessive expectation, 4% IOL decentration, and 4% for anisometropia. It is important to note that 70% of the eyes from which the multifocal IOL was explanted had an UDVA of 20/20 or better, which means that the side effects of multifocal IOLs can be really disturbing for the patient ( Table 3.10.5 ). See Table 3.10.6 for a review on Multifocal IOLs.
Complications Following Multifocal IOL Surgery |
IOL Name * | Manufacturer | Near Addition (D) | Pupil Independent (Yes/No) | Aspheric (Yes/No) |
Refractive (concentric rings) | ||||
Array (SA40N) | Abbott Medical Optics | +3.50 | No | No |
M-flex (580F, 630F) | Rayner Ltd. | +3.00, +4.00 | No | Yes |
M-flex T (588F, 638F) (toric) | Rayner Ltd. | +3.00, +4.00 | No | Yes |
PA154N | Allergan | +3.50 | No | No |
PY-60MV | Hoya | +3.00 | No | No |
TrueVista 68STUV | Storz | +4.00 | No | No |
ReZoom (NXG1) | Abbott Medical Optics | +3.50 | No | No |
SFX MV1 | Hoya | +2.25 | No | No |
UV360M4-07 | Ioptex Research, Inc. | +4.00 | No | No |
Refractive (sector shaped) | ||||
LENTIS Mplus (LS-312 MF15) | Oculentis GmbH | +1.50 | Yes | Yes |
LENTIS Mplus (LS-312 MF30, LS-313 MF30) | Oculentis GmbH | +3.00 | Yes | Yes |
LENTIS Mplus (LU-313 MF30) | Oculentis GmbH | +3.00 | Yes | Yes |
LENTIS Mplus toric (LU-313 MF30T) | Oculentis GmbH | +3.00 | Yes | Yes |
LENTIS Mplus X (LS-313 MF30) | Oculentis GmbH | +3.00 | Yes | Yes |
SBL-3 | Lenstec | +3.00 | Yes | Yes |
Diffractive | ||||
Acri.Twin (733D, 737D) | Acri.Tech/Carl Zeiss Meditec | +4.00 | Yes | Yes |
AcriviaReviol (BB MF 613, BB MFM 611) | VSY Biotechnology | +3.75 | Yes | Yes |
CeeOn 811E | Pharmacia | +4.00 | Yes | No |
Diffractiva-aA | Dr. Schmidt | +3.50 | Yes | No |
OptiVis | Aaren Scientific | +2.80 | No | Yes |
Tecnis (ZM900, ZM001, ZMA00, ZMB00) | Abbott Medical Optics | +4.00 | Yes | Yes |
Tecnis ZMT (toric) | Abbott Medical Optics | +4.00 | Yes | Yes |
Diffractive, trifocal | ||||
FineVision | Physiol | +1.75, +3.50 | No | Yes |
AT Lisa tri 839MP | Carl Zeiss Meditec | +1.66, +3.33 | Yes | No |
Hybrid refractive diffractive | ||||
AT Lisa (801, 802, 809M) former | Carl Zeiss Meditec | +3.75 | Yes | Yes |
Acri.Lisa (376D, 536D, 366D) | ||||
AT Lisa toric (909M) former | Carl Zeiss Meditec | +3.75 | Yes | Yes |
Acri.Lisa (466TD) (toric) | ||||
ReSTOR (SA60D3, SN60D3, MN60D3) | Alcon Laboratories | +4.00 | No | Yes |
ReSTOR (SN6AD1, SN6AD2, SN6AD3) | Alcon Laboratories | +3.00, +2.50, +4.00 | No | Yes |
ReSTOR (SND1T2/3/4/5) (toric) | Alcon Laboratories | +3.00 | No | Yes |
* Intraocular lens names are listed as spelled by the manufacturer and not per journal style.
Accommodating IOLs
Accommodating IOLs have been designed to mimic physiological accommodation and avoid the optical side effects of multifocal IOLs.
IOLs proposed to restore accommodation have initially been designed to do so by enabling a forward movement of the optic component during an accommodation effort.
These IOLs employ one of three basic approaches to restore accommodation:
- 1.
Change in axial position
- •
Single optic
- ○
The accommodative effect is dependent on IOL power, so it provides limited near vision.
- ▪
- ▪
- ▪
- ▪
- ○
- •
Dual optic
- ○
They consist of a mobile front optic and a stationary rear optic that are interconnected with spring-type haptics.
- ▪
- ▪
- ○
- •
- 2.
Change in shape or curvature
- •
- •
- •
- 3.
Change in refractive index or power
- •
- •
For the newest accommodating IOLs, researchers have found the sulcus instead of the capsular bag to be the ideal place to provide a real accommodative outcome. Capsular contraction has shown to be a major problem for accommodating IOLs implanted in the capsular bag. An asymmetrical capsular contraction causes the plate haptics to vault in opposite directions (Z-syndrome, Fig. 3.10.14 ), inducing astigmatism, even >1 D of lenticular astigmatism. Although this capsular contraction can be treated by an Nd:YAG laser capsulectomy, some patients may need an IOL exchange.

Here we review some of the most popular and recently introduced accommodating IOLs:
IOLs With Change in Axial Position, Single Optic
Crystalens HD (Bauch & Lomb)
This IOL was designed by Dr J. Stuart Cumming and was the first accommodating IOL approved by the FDA.
Type: biconvex single-optic
Material: biocompatible third generation silicone (Biosil)
Refractive index: 1.428
Two sizes are available depending on the required power: 12.0 mm (HD520) for 10.00–16.50 D and 11.5 mm (HD500) for 17.00–33.00 D.
The center is biaspheric to increase the depth of focus, so it provides better near and intermediate focus.
It has a double mechanism to improve near visual: (1) axial movement of the optic and (2) variation of the radius of curvature of the anterior surface ( Fig. 3.10.15 ).
Fig. 3.10.15
Crystalens IOL.
(Image from Alió JL, Plaza-Puche AB, Montalban R, Javaloy J. Visual outcomes with a single-optic accommodating intraocular lens and a low-addition-power rotational asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens. J Cataract Refract Surg 2012;38:978–85.)
A study comparing the visual outcomes between the Crystalens HD and the Lentis M-Plus showed the latter achieved better DCNVA, and no significant differences occurred in postoperative UNVA or CNVA between the groups. The near add was reduced significantly after surgery in both groups, with a lower near-add power in the Lentis M-Plus group. Regarding optical quality, a significantly larger amount of IOL tilt existed in the Lentis M-Plus group, but the difference in mean ocular HOA was not statistically significant. The Crystalens HD had significantly better contrast sensitivity results under photopic conditions at all spatial frequencies. They concluded that both IOLs had limitations in providing complete near-vision outcomes.
With ray-tracing aberrometry, it was shown that the Crystalens accommodative power was lower than 0.4 D.
Commercially available: Yes
1CU (Human Optics AG)
Type: one-piece biconvex
Material: hydrophilic acrylic
Optic diameter: 5.5 mm
Total diameter: 9.8 mm
Mechanism of action: anterior movement of the optic; four haptics for the transduction of the ciliary muscle contraction
Saiki et al. performed a 4-year follow-up of patients who received the 1CU IOL and reported that the amplitude of accommodation was not enough to provide good near vision. One possibility for the lack of accommodation is the contraction of the capsule.
Not commercially available; it has been discontinued
Tetraflex (Lenstec Inc)
Type: one-piece IOL
Material: hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA)
Optic diameter: 5.75 mm
Overall diameter: 11.5 mm
Refractive index: 1.46
Incision size: 2.5–3.0 mm
Mechanism of action: Increase in HOA with accommodative effort rather than forward movement within the capsular bag as was the original proposed action ( Fig. 3.10.16 ).
Fig. 3.10.16
Tetraflex IOL.
(Image from Wolffsohn JS1, Davies LN, Gupta N, et al. Mechanism of action of the tetraflex accommodative intraocular lens. J Refract Surg 2010;26:858–62.)
Commercially available: Yes, although the results have been contradictory.
IOLs With Change in Axial Position, Dual Optic
Synchrony (Visiogen Inc.)
Type: one-piece dual optic
Material: silicone
Power range: +16.00 D to +28.00 D in 0.5 D steps

A comparison of the visual and ocular performances between the Crystalens HD and the Synchrony IOL was made by Alió et al. No statistically significant differences occurred in UDVA, CDVA, and near or intermediate visual outcomes between the two IOLs. Reading acuity and reading speed were similar in both groups. Contrast sensitivity was significantly better in patients who received the Synchrony IOL. HOA were higher in the Crystalens HD group. Both IOLs had limitations in providing adequate near visual outcomes.
Bohórquez et al. evaluated reading ability at 1 and 2 years after the implantation of the Synchrony IOL. The reading speed, mean reading acuity, and mean critical print size were significantly better by 2 years postoperatively. They concluded that these results were a consequence of true accommodation, although the reasons for the improved reading skills at 2 years postoperatively were not fully clear.
Commercially available: No, it has been discontinued
IOLs With Change in Shape or Curvature
FluidVision (Powervision, Inc).
This IOL has an overall diameter of 10.0 mm and an optic diameter of 6.0 mm. It is made of acrylic material; the haptics and interior of the optic are filled with silicone oil. During accommodation, the silicon oil is pushed into the optic through fluid channels that connect the haptics to the optic. This inflates the lens, which increases the dioptric power for near vision. When the eye focuses at far, fluid flows from the optic body back into the haptics, flattening the lens and decreasing the dioptric power.
In a pilot study, Roux reported a subjective accommodation of 2.5 D. The lens is implanted through a 4-mm incision; the results of this study have not been published yet.
Commercially available: No, still in trials.
Nulens (DynaCurve).
This IOL consists of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) haptics, a PMMA anterior reference plane that provides distance vision correction, a small chamber that contains a solid silicone gel, and a posterior piston with an aperture in the center ( Fig. 3.10.18 ).
Mechanism of action: The piston is pressed, making the flexible gel bulge and resulting in an increase or decrease in IOL optical power.
It is inserted at the sulcus and must be implanted through a limbal incision of 9 mm.
It can provide up to 10.00 D of accommodation, improving near visual acuity without compromising DVA.
Commercially available: No

IOL With Change in Refractive Index or Power
Lumina (Akkolens).
This IOL consists of two optical elements, each having an elastic U-shaped loop with a spring function, and nonelastic connections to the main body of the lens ( Fig. 3.10.19 ).

The optics are aspherical, The anterior one has a power of 5.0 D, and the power of the posterior one depends on the required correction of the eye (10–25 D).
It must be implanted at the sulcus, and its size is customized based on the sulcus to sulcus diameter, as measured by OCT at the 12 o’clock meridian.
During accommodation, the IOL is compressed by the contraction of the ciliary muscle, and the optics move in opposite directions, increasing the optical power of the lens. When the muscle relaxes, the springs force the elements back to their original state, decreasing the optical power.
It has been proven through subjective and objective methods that the Lumina IOL improves near, intermediate, and far vision without affecting contrast sensitivity and with an accommodative power between 1.5 and 6.0 D.
The long-term effectiveness of accommodating IOL implantation for presbyopia treatment still has to be demonstrated ( Fig. 3.10.20 ).

Other Treatments
Scleral Expansion Bands
This treatment is based on Schachar’s theory of accommodation, which states that presbyopia is secondary to an increase in the lens diameter, which causes a reduction in the space between the lens and the ciliary body such that upon contraction the zonules can no longer exert their effect on the lens due to a loss of tension.
The Refocus Group is conducting a phase III study of a new scleral implant surgery. Four PMMA segments are inserted in scleral tunnels at a depth of 400 µm, 4 mm from the limbus to restore accommodation. Preliminary reports indicate good uncorrected near and intermediate vision without compromise of distance vision. Primary outcomes are still pending.
Topical Treatment
This is an emerging topic that is under clinical evaluation; the mechanism of action is through ciliary body stimulation, miosis, and lens softening.
FOV Tears
A topical treatment is available for the correction of near vision, with scientific evidence reporting a gain of two to three lines of UCVA. The ophthalmic solution contains pilocarpine, phenylephrine, polyethylene glycol, nepafenac, pheniramine, and naphazoline, and this combination stimulates the contraction of the ciliary body and maintains a physiological pupil diameter. FOV tears are commercially available in some Latin American countries.
Liquid Vision
This is a combination of aceclidine (parasympathomimetic) and tropicamide. Its mechanism of action is through a pinhole effect. The pilot study reported a gain of more than three lines of near vision. It is being tested in a phase IIb trial.
EV06 (Encore Vision)
An increment of the lens elasticity may be achieved by topical treatment with lipoic acid choline ester 1.5% (EV06, Encore Vision), which reduces the lens protein disulfides.
The lens disulfide bonds that form between the crystalline proteins are broken down because of the dihydrolipoic acid (a reduced active agent of lipoic acid), thus increasing the lens elasticity. A phase I/II study has shown good outcomes.
Correction with monovision was first described in 1958 by Westsmith with contact lenses wearers.
It can be achieved through contact lenses, LASIK, or pseudo-phakia.
In monovision, an intended anisometropia is induced in order to provide near and distance vision. Usually, the nondominant eye is corrected for near vision and the dominant eye for far vision. This is because monovision depends on interocular blur suppression, and an assumption exists that it is easier to suppress blur in the nondominant eye. However, pseudo-phakic crossed monovision (nondominant eye is corrected for far and the dominant eye for near vision) has had similar outcomes to conventional monovision.
There is a correlation between the degree of anisometropia and the improvement of near and intermediate distance acuity; the greater the anisometropia, the better the near visual outcome. At the same time, the greater the anisometropia, the greater the loss of stereopsis. Also, an increased time for neuroadaptation is required, and a major risk for monofixation syndrome (loss of foveal fusion which manifests as a facultative absolute scotoma in the fovea of the nonfixating eye) exists. Thus, the anisometropia should not be more than 1.5 diopters (D) because it has been reported for good spectacle independence in patients with minimonovision, in which the target for the nondominant eye is −1.00 to −1.25 D and that for the dominant eye is plano. In this way, stereopsis is maintained.
Patient selection is important as in every other surgical procedure, and monovision is generally contraindicated for the following patients: airplane pilots, truck or taxi drivers, and patients with strong ocular dominance, strabismus, or exophoria of more than 10 . 0 Δ.
Good near and distance outcomes have been reported for LASIK monovision. Spectacles for night driving were used in only 16.2% of patients, and there was a slight decrease in contrast sensitivity and stereopsis ( Table 3.10.1 ).
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Good far and near outcomes | Reduction of stereopsis |
Reversible | Slight reduction in contrast sensitivity |
Easy to perform surgically | Not all patients are good candidates |
Asthenopia |
Pseudo-phakic monovision has a success rate of approximately 80%, and the advantage over multifocal IOLs is the lower cost. Although the rate of spectacle independence is higher with multifocal IOLs, they induce more dysphotopsia.
Monovision is one of the most popular presbyopia treatments among refractive surgeons; it also offers the possibility of reversal in case of patient dissatisfaction. LASIK monovision is ideal for presbyopic patients over 40 years of age, and in pseudo-phakic monovision for patients with cataract in whom a multifocal or accommodative IOL is contraindicated.
Presby-LASIK is a surgical technique that employs the principles of LASIK to create a multifocal corneal surface.
There are three main types of multifocal corneal excimer laser profiles: (1) multifocal transition profile (no longer in use because it induced significant levels of vertical coma), (2) central presby-LASIK, and (3) peripheral presby-LASIK ( Fig. 3.10.1 ). The principles of each algorithm are based on the dioptric power of refractive error and presbyopia correction calculation, corneal asphericity quotient (Q-value), and changes in higher-order spherical aberrations or optical and transition zone manipulation.

Central Presby-LASIK
This technique was first described by Ruiz in 1996. It creates a hyperpositive area for the near vision at the center, and the periphery is left for far vision.
It is pupil dependent, and an advantage is that it can be performed at the center of the cornea in myopic and hyperopic profiles as well as in emmetropes with minimal corneal excision. Adequate centration is crucial for having a controllable result.
Its main limitation is the lack of adequate alignment among the line of sight, the central pupil, and the corneal vertex, which leads to the induction of coma aberrations.
These are the platforms available for central presby-LASIK:
- •
AMO VISX hyperopia–presbyopia multifocal approach steepens the central zone to improve near vision and the peripheral zone for distance vision. It is for hyperopic patients with astigmatism up to +4.00 D and –2.00 D.
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SUPRACOR (Technolas Perfect Vision GmbH, Munich, Germany) is an aberration-optimized presbyopic algorithm. The SUPRACOR creates a hyperpositive area in the central 3.0 mm zone, and the treatment targets 0.50 D of myopia in both eyes. It treats hyperopic presbyopia and minimizes the aberrations normally induced during treatment.
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PresbyMAX (SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH, Kleinostheim, Germany, Dr Jorge Alió’s trademark) is based on the creation of a biaspheric multifocal corneal surface with a central hyperpositive area to achieve +0.75 to +2.50 D of near vision correction, surrounded by an area in which the ablation is calculated to correct the distance refractive error. It can be performed in hyperopes and myopes.
- •
In peripheral presby-LASIK, the center of the cornea is left for distance and the periphery is ablated in a way that a negative peripheral asphericity is created to increase the depth of field.
However, when positive spherical aberration is present, if the pupil becomes miotic, the refraction of the eye experiences a shift toward positive spherical values.
One of its disadvantages is that when it is used in association with myopic correction, it is necessary to remove a significant amount of corneal tissue. This is why it is mainly done in hyperopes. It also requires an efficient excimer laser beam profile that can compensate for the loss of energy that happens while the peripheral cornea is ablated. This is one of the main difficulties in targeting specifically high negative asphericity values with this technique. A relatively flatter central cornea and more highly curved corneal midperiphery were described by Avalos (PARM technique), and a proprietary peripheral presby-LASIK algorithm was described and patented by Tamayo.
Central Presby-LASIK
This technique was first described by Ruiz in 1996. It creates a hyperpositive area for the near vision at the center, and the periphery is left for far vision.
It is pupil dependent, and an advantage is that it can be performed at the center of the cornea in myopic and hyperopic profiles as well as in emmetropes with minimal corneal excision. Adequate centration is crucial for having a controllable result.
Its main limitation is the lack of adequate alignment among the line of sight, the central pupil, and the corneal vertex, which leads to the induction of coma aberrations.
These are the platforms available for central presby-LASIK:
- •
AMO VISX hyperopia–presbyopia multifocal approach steepens the central zone to improve near vision and the peripheral zone for distance vision. It is for hyperopic patients with astigmatism up to +4.00 D and –2.00 D.
- •
SUPRACOR (Technolas Perfect Vision GmbH, Munich, Germany) is an aberration-optimized presbyopic algorithm. The SUPRACOR creates a hyperpositive area in the central 3.0 mm zone, and the treatment targets 0.50 D of myopia in both eyes. It treats hyperopic presbyopia and minimizes the aberrations normally induced during treatment.
- •
PresbyMAX (SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH, Kleinostheim, Germany, Dr Jorge Alió’s trademark) is based on the creation of a biaspheric multifocal corneal surface with a central hyperpositive area to achieve +0.75 to +2.50 D of near vision correction, surrounded by an area in which the ablation is calculated to correct the distance refractive error. It can be performed in hyperopes and myopes.
- •
In peripheral presby-LASIK, the center of the cornea is left for distance and the periphery is ablated in a way that a negative peripheral asphericity is created to increase the depth of field.
However, when positive spherical aberration is present, if the pupil becomes miotic, the refraction of the eye experiences a shift toward positive spherical values.
One of its disadvantages is that when it is used in association with myopic correction, it is necessary to remove a significant amount of corneal tissue. This is why it is mainly done in hyperopes. It also requires an efficient excimer laser beam profile that can compensate for the loss of energy that happens while the peripheral cornea is ablated. This is one of the main difficulties in targeting specifically high negative asphericity values with this technique. A relatively flatter central cornea and more highly curved corneal midperiphery were described by Avalos (PARM technique), and a proprietary peripheral presby-LASIK algorithm was described and patented by Tamayo.
Laser Blended Vision
This technique combines a low degree of asphericity and micromonovision in the near eye to achieve good near and distance vision. A sphericity between −0.58 and −0.70 is created to increase the depth of field.
Reinstein et al. reported good visual outcomes with this technique, achieving binocular visual acuity of 20/20 at distance and J3 at near in 99% of patients. These hybrid techniques combine the best features of the multifocal cornea and monovision, achieving good visual outcomes.
The rates of spectacle independence with central presby-LASIK vary from 72% to 93%. A loss of corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) of at least one line has been reported with central and peripheral presby-LASIK.
The main disadvantage of presby-LASIK is the lack of long-term results (beyond 3-year outcomes), and having a multifocal cornea can be a limitation for further multifocal IOL implantation.
Intracorneal Inlays
Historical Background
In 1964 Barraquer developed keratophakia, a lamellar refractive procedure in which an alloplastic lenticule is placed at the interface of the free corneal cap and the stromal bed. The difficulty of the surgical procedure and the unpredictability of the refractive results meant that few surgeons adopted keratophakia.
Early corneal implants were made of polymethylmethacrylate or polysulfone, and although they corrected the refractive error, they produced corneal necrosis and implant extrusion. Nowadays, the material used in corneal inlays allow sufficient nutrient flow; a very important feature because interruption of the nutrient flow can cause loss of transparency, corneal thinning, epithelial and stromal decompensation, and melting. The permeability of the hydrogel material used in the inlays is similar to that of the corneal stroma, allowing to some extent the exchange of nutrients such as glucose and oxygen.
Corneal inlays have several advantages: There is no need to remove corneal tissue, the surgical technique is relatively easy and minimally invasive, and the inlays are all removable.
There are three types of corneal inlays :
- •
Corneal reshaping inlays
They enhance near and intermediate vision through a multifocal effect. There’s a reshape of the anterior curvature of the cornea (hyperprolate region of increased power).
- •
Refractive inlays
An alteration of the refractive index occurs with a bifocal optic.
- •
Small aperture inlays
There is an improvement of depth of focus.
The inlays are implanted in the nondominant eye within a corneal pocket made by a femtosecond laser or under a stromal flap (the pocket is preferred because it might decrease the incidence of dry eye). The depth depends on the inlay. Inlays that alter the curvature of the cornea are implanted more superficially; inlays with small aperture or those that have a different index of refraction are implanted deeper to avoid changes in the cornea curvature and to allow a proper diffusion of nutrients in the corneal stroma. The inlays must be centered on the first Purkinje reflex.
There are currently four corneal inlays available on the market:
- •
KAMRA Vision (AcuFocus Inc., Irvine, CA, USA). Small aperture inlay.
- •
Raindrop (ReVision Optics Inc., Lake Forest, CA, USA). Corneal reshaping inlay.
- •
Flexivue Microlens (Presbia Cooperatief U.A., Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Refractive inlay.
- •
Icolens (Neoptics AG, Hünenberg, Switzerland). Refractive inlay.
Corneal Reshaping Inlay
Formerly known as the PresbyLens or Vue + lens (ReVision Optics, Lake Forest, CA, USA), it’s made of biocompatible hydrogel material and 80% water. It has a thickness of 10 µm at the periphery and 32 µm at the center; the diameter is 2 mm ( Fig. 3.10.2 ). The inlay is permeable, allowing the passage of nutrients and oxygen. It reshapes the anterior central corneal surface, creating a hyperprolate region, resulting in a multifocal cornea. It has no refractive power.

It should be placed in the nondominant eye at a minimum depth of 150 µm with a residual stromal bed thickness of 300 µm and has to be aligned over the center of the light-constricted pupil. The central corneal thickness of the eye should be 500 µm or thicker. After the inlay is positioned over the center of the pupil, it has to dry for 30 seconds before the flap is repositioned.
Barragan et al. reported the results of a 1-year follow up using the Raindrop inlay in emmetropic presbyopes. In their study, 100% of eyes achieved an uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA) of 0.2 logMAR or better in the operative eye, and binocularly, 100% of patients achieved an UNVA of 0.18 logMAR or better. No eye lost two or more lines of corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) or corrected near visual acuity (CNVA).
Yoo et al. measured the corneal and optical aberrations in 22 emmetropic presbyopes with a mean addition power of +1.97 ± 0.30 D. All patients gained monocular and binocular UNVA. For a 4-mm pupil size, significant increases occurred in total root mean square (RMS), coma-like RMS, and spherical-like RMS. Overall, 82% of the patients were satisfied or very satisfied with their near vision, and 13.6% reported that they needed glasses for near vision more often after surgery than before surgery. Moreover, 37% of patients reported glare. They concluded that the procedure can induce higher-order aberrations (HOA) but had moderate effects on the entire optical system.
In a study by Alió et al., increases in spherical aberrations, coma, and total HOA were reported with the implantation of hydrogel inlays.
Whitman et al. reported the clinical outcomes with the Raindrop inlay in patients with emmetropic presbyopia. In total, 340 patients completed a 1-year follow-up, and on average, they had an improvement in UNVA of five lines and in uncorrected intermediate visual acuity (UIVA) of 2.5 lines. However, the uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) decreased by 1.2 lines. Contrast sensitivity loss occurred at the highest spatial frequencies with no loss of binocularly. Eighteen inlays were replaced because of decentration, and 11 were explanted (five patients were dissatisfied with their vision, two had inlay misalignment, two had epithelial ingrowth, one had visual symptoms associated with decreased visual acuity, and 1 had recurrent central corneal haze that failed to respond to topical treatment).
Refractive Inlays
Presbia Flexivue Microlens
The Presvia Flexivue Microlens, a transparent hydrophilic concave–convex disc made of a clear copolymer of hydroxyethylmethacrylate and methylmethacrylate with an ultraviolet blocker. It has a diameter of 3.2 mm and a thickness of 15–20 µm, depending on the additional power. The central 1.8 mm diameter of the disc is plano in power, and the peripheral zone has an add power, ranging from +1.25 D–3.00 D in 0.25-D increments. At the center, there is an opening of 0.15 mm that facilitates the transfer of nutrients and oxygen through the cornea ( Fig. 3.10.3 ). It has a refractive power of 1.4583 and a light transmission of 95% at a wavelength above 410 nm.

During distance vision, light rays pass through the central zone of the inlay that does not have refractive power (plano), so they will be sharply focused on the retina. Light rays that pass through the refractive peripheral zone will focus in front of the retina.
During near vision, rays passing through the central zone of the inlay will focus behind the retina, and those passing through the peripheral refractive zone of the inlay will be focused on the retina. The rays passing through the peripheral clear cornea will be blocked by the pupil.
It is implanted in the nondominant eye. The corneal pocket is within a depth of 280–300 µm and is centered over the patient’s visual axis based on the first Purkinje reflex. The corneal inlay power is calculated by decreasing the preoperative CNVA manifest refraction SE by 0.25 D.
Limnopoulou et al. reported in their 1-year follow-up study a UNVA of 20/32 or better in 75% of operated eyes; the UDVA decreased significantly in the operated eye from 20/20 to 20/50, but binocular UDVA was not significantly altered. HOA increased and contrast sensitivity decreased in the operated eye. They included 47 emmetropic presbyopes between 45 and 60 years old. No removals of the inlay and no intra- or postoperative complications occurred.
Malandrini et al. performed a 36-month follow-up study in 26 eyes, and the mean preoperative UNVA and UDVA were 0.76 logMAR and 0.00 logMAR, respectively, compared with 0.10 logMAR and 0.15 logMAR, postoperatively. Overall, 62% of the eyes lost more than 1 line of UDVA, and 19% lost more than two lines of UDVA. Also, 8% of the eyes lost more than 1 line of CDVA at 36 months. The mean spherical aberration increased after surgery. Explantation was performed in six eyes because of reduced UDVA, halos, and glare; 6 months after explantation, the CDVA in all cases had returned to preoperative levels.
Icolens (Neoptics AG)
This corneal inlay is made of a copolymer of hydroxyethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate. It has a bifocal design with a peripheral positive refractive zone for near vision and a central zone for distance vision. It has a diameter of 3 mm, a peripheral thickness of 15 µm, and a central 0.15 mm hole for nutrient flow ( Fig. 3.10.4 ).

Baily et al. reported the results of the Icolens 12 months after implantation. The inlay was implanted in the nondominant eye of emmetropic patients through a corneal pocket created by femtosecond laser at a depth of 290 µm; 52 patients were included. The UNVA improved from N18/N24 preoperatively to N8 postoperatively, with 100% of patients having N16 or better, and nine patients having N5 or better. The mean UDVA in the surgical eye worsened significantly from 0.05±0.12 logMAR preoperatively to 0.22±0.15 logMAR postoperatively. There was a loss of CDVA, with 77% of the patients losing more than one line (they believe this was secondary to a neuro-optical phenomenon related to the implant). Seven inlays were removed because of inadequate centration, three secondary to ambiguous ocular dominance, and one because the patient had unrealistic expectation, for a total of 11 inlays removed.
Small Aperture Inlays
The KAMRA inlay (AcuFocus Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) is the most widely used corneal inlay, with nearly 20,000 inlays implanted worldwide. It is made of polyvinylidene fluoride. The latest design (ACI 7000PDT) has a 3.8-mm diameter with a central 1.6-mm aperture and a thickness of 5 µm. It has 8400 microperforations ranging in diameter from 5 to 11 µm to allow nutritional flow through the cornea. It also has nanoparticles of carbon, which has a light transmission of 5%. Because it is an opaque inlay, it may be visible in light-colored eyes ( Fig. 3.10.5 ).

The KAMRA inlay improves near vision by increasing the depth of focus through the principle of small aperture optics. It is implanted in the nondominant eye in a lamellar pocket that is 200–220 µm. Its implantation does not cause scotomas in the visual field. It allows a normal visualization of the central and peripheral fundus and a good quality of central and peripheral imaging and optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. However, annular shadows visible on the GDx VCC scans have been reported.
The inlay has evolved over the years, with the same artificial aperture of 3.8-mm outer diameter and 1.6-mm inner diameter. Table 3.10.2 describes the inlay characteristics.
Characteristic | ACI7000 (First One) | ACI7000T | ACI7000PDT (Latest) |
Thickness | 10 µm | 5 µm | 5 µm |
Holes | 1600 | 1600 | 8400 |
Diameter | 25 µm | 25 µm | 5–11 µm |
Tomita et al. evaluated the outcomes of KAMRA inlay implantation and simultaneous LASIK in hyperopic, myopic, and emmetropic patients. With a 6-month follow-up, they concluded that the procedure was safe and improved distance and near visual acuity. However, postoperative symptoms like halos, glare, and night-vision disturbances were observed.
Igras et al. reported a 1-year follow-up of combined LASIK and KAMRA inlay implantation. Of 132 patients evaluated, 85% were hypermetropic, 11% emmetropic, and 4% myopic. By 12 months, 97% of patients had J3 or better UNVA. Also, 6.3% of patients lost one line of CDVA in the implanted eye, and none lost two or more lines compared with their preoperative VA. Two inlays were explanted, one due to poor night vision and one secondary to persistent hyperopic shift and corneal haze. They concluded that a significant improvement occurred in near visual acuity with a slight compromise in uncorrected monocular distance visual acuity in the implanted eye without a binocular effect on the UDVA.
Seyeddain et al. performed a 3-year follow-up with 32 emmetropic presbyopic patients and reported that although there were significant gains in UNVA and UIVA, 28.3% of patients lost one line of CDVA.
Dexl et al. described iron corneal deposits after implantation of the AcuFocus corneal inlay (ACI 7000) in 18 eyes (56%), but these deposits did not have any influence on distance, near, uncorrected, or corrected visual acuity ( Fig. 3.10.6 ).

Alió et al. reported that after removal of the KAMRA inlay, the topography and aberrometry were not permanently affected, and more than 60% of the patients had a CNVA, CDVA, UNVA, and UDVA similar to their preoperative values. The study involved 10 eyes and had a follow-up of 6 months after the inlay removal. The reason for removal in eight eyes was subjective dissatisfaction with visual symptoms (glare, starburst, blurry vision, and halos). One case was related to an inadvertent thin flap, and the other was related to insufficient near vision.
Abbouda et al. analyzed the corneal tissue appearance 6 months after KAMRA inlay implantation by confocal microscopy; the study included 12 eyes in which one of three models of the KAMRA inlay had been implanted. The epithelial layers appeared normal in all patients. A low grade of keratocyte activation was found in all patients. Few patients had an elevated number of activated keratocytes, and they had a reduction in UNVA (needed reading glasses), CNVA, and CDVA. The UDVA was not affected. Subbasal nerve plexus was detected in 10 patients, and the branch pattern was found in eight patients. Four patients had the inlay explanted, the main reason being subjective dissatisfaction with visual symptoms and poor vision. All of them had a donut appearance at the slit-lamp examination. None of the patients had refractive postoperative changes. They concluded that the corneal tolerance to the inlay is good and that it modifies the normal structure of the corneal layer without associated complications.
Keratocyte activation is an important variable for the refractive outcome after KAMRA inlay implantation; flap thickness depth, low laser energy cut, and topical corticosteriod treatment are helpful to avoid it.
Lin et al. compared the contrast sensitivity before and after implantation of the KAMRA inlay in 507 patients. They reported that postoperatively contrast sensitivity was mildly reduced monocularly but not binocularly, and that it remained within the normative ranges.
This inlay can be implanted also in patients with previous cataract surgery who have a monofocal IOL, as reported by Huseynova et al. They implanted the KAMRA inlay in 13 pseudo-phakic patients with a monofocal IOL. Four patients had LASIK at the time of the inlay implantation. There was no change in mean UDVA after the inlay implantation, and the mean UNVA improved by five lines. Three eyes lost two lines, and one eye lost one line of UDVA. Two eyes lost two lines, and one eye lost one line of CDVA ( Table 3.10.3 , Table 3.10.4 , Fig. 3.10.7 ).
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Inlay | Material | Type of Inlay | Measurements | Mechanism of Action |
Raindrop | Biocompatible hydrogel 80% water | Corneal reshaping inlay | Thickness of 10 µm at the periphery and 32 µm at the center Diameter: 2 mm | Reshapes the anterior corneal, creating a hyperprolate region → multifocal cornea |
Flexivue | Clear copolymer of hydroxyethylmethacrylate and methylmethacrylate with an ultraviolet blocker | Refractive inlay | Thickness: 15–20 µm Diameter: 3 mm | The central 1.8 mm diameter of the disc is plano in power (for distance vision), and the peripheral zone has an add power ranging from +1.25 D–3.0 D in 0.25 D increments (for near vision) |
Icolens | Copolymer of hydroxyethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate | Refractive inlay | Thickness: 15 µm Diameter: 3 mm | Bifocal design Central zone for distance and peripheral positive refractive zone for near |
KAMRA | Polyvinylidene fluoride, nanoparticles of carbon | Small aperture inlay | Thickness: 5 µm Diameter: 3.8 mm | Increases the depth of focus through the principle of small aperture optics |

Intracorneal Inlays
Historical Background
In 1964 Barraquer developed keratophakia, a lamellar refractive procedure in which an alloplastic lenticule is placed at the interface of the free corneal cap and the stromal bed. The difficulty of the surgical procedure and the unpredictability of the refractive results meant that few surgeons adopted keratophakia.
Early corneal implants were made of polymethylmethacrylate or polysulfone, and although they corrected the refractive error, they produced corneal necrosis and implant extrusion. Nowadays, the material used in corneal inlays allow sufficient nutrient flow; a very important feature because interruption of the nutrient flow can cause loss of transparency, corneal thinning, epithelial and stromal decompensation, and melting. The permeability of the hydrogel material used in the inlays is similar to that of the corneal stroma, allowing to some extent the exchange of nutrients such as glucose and oxygen.
Corneal inlays have several advantages: There is no need to remove corneal tissue, the surgical technique is relatively easy and minimally invasive, and the inlays are all removable.
There are three types of corneal inlays :
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Corneal reshaping inlays
They enhance near and intermediate vision through a multifocal effect. There’s a reshape of the anterior curvature of the cornea (hyperprolate region of increased power).
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Refractive inlays
An alteration of the refractive index occurs with a bifocal optic.
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Small aperture inlays
There is an improvement of depth of focus.
The inlays are implanted in the nondominant eye within a corneal pocket made by a femtosecond laser or under a stromal flap (the pocket is preferred because it might decrease the incidence of dry eye). The depth depends on the inlay. Inlays that alter the curvature of the cornea are implanted more superficially; inlays with small aperture or those that have a different index of refraction are implanted deeper to avoid changes in the cornea curvature and to allow a proper diffusion of nutrients in the corneal stroma. The inlays must be centered on the first Purkinje reflex.
There are currently four corneal inlays available on the market:
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KAMRA Vision (AcuFocus Inc., Irvine, CA, USA). Small aperture inlay.
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Raindrop (ReVision Optics Inc., Lake Forest, CA, USA). Corneal reshaping inlay.
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Flexivue Microlens (Presbia Cooperatief U.A., Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Refractive inlay.
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Icolens (Neoptics AG, Hünenberg, Switzerland). Refractive inlay.
Historical Background
In 1964 Barraquer developed keratophakia, a lamellar refractive procedure in which an alloplastic lenticule is placed at the interface of the free corneal cap and the stromal bed. The difficulty of the surgical procedure and the unpredictability of the refractive results meant that few surgeons adopted keratophakia.
Early corneal implants were made of polymethylmethacrylate or polysulfone, and although they corrected the refractive error, they produced corneal necrosis and implant extrusion. Nowadays, the material used in corneal inlays allow sufficient nutrient flow; a very important feature because interruption of the nutrient flow can cause loss of transparency, corneal thinning, epithelial and stromal decompensation, and melting. The permeability of the hydrogel material used in the inlays is similar to that of the corneal stroma, allowing to some extent the exchange of nutrients such as glucose and oxygen.
Corneal inlays have several advantages: There is no need to remove corneal tissue, the surgical technique is relatively easy and minimally invasive, and the inlays are all removable.
There are three types of corneal inlays :
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Corneal reshaping inlays
They enhance near and intermediate vision through a multifocal effect. There’s a reshape of the anterior curvature of the cornea (hyperprolate region of increased power).
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Refractive inlays
An alteration of the refractive index occurs with a bifocal optic.
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Small aperture inlays
There is an improvement of depth of focus.
The inlays are implanted in the nondominant eye within a corneal pocket made by a femtosecond laser or under a stromal flap (the pocket is preferred because it might decrease the incidence of dry eye). The depth depends on the inlay. Inlays that alter the curvature of the cornea are implanted more superficially; inlays with small aperture or those that have a different index of refraction are implanted deeper to avoid changes in the cornea curvature and to allow a proper diffusion of nutrients in the corneal stroma. The inlays must be centered on the first Purkinje reflex.
There are currently four corneal inlays available on the market:
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KAMRA Vision (AcuFocus Inc., Irvine, CA, USA). Small aperture inlay.
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Raindrop (ReVision Optics Inc., Lake Forest, CA, USA). Corneal reshaping inlay.
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Flexivue Microlens (Presbia Cooperatief U.A., Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Refractive inlay.
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Icolens (Neoptics AG, Hünenberg, Switzerland). Refractive inlay.

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