Surgery : Part III


Surgery : Part III

Key Points

  • Intradural frontal lobe manipulation and external facial incisions are avoided by this approach.

  • The frontonasal osteotomies can be varied according to the site, extent, and type of underlying disease.

  • Medial canthal refixation is necessary and is an extremely important point in the reconstruction.

  • Exact repositioning of the nasofrontal segment is required.

Craniofacial Resection


It became increasingly recognized in the latter part of the last century that the poor prognosis associated with malignant tumors of the nose and paranasal sinuses was engendered by local recurrence as a consequence of inadequate resection. The realization that every tumor affecting the inferior surface of the cribriform plate and the roof of the ethmoid theoretically had spread intracranially, led to the development of the craniofacial approach, which offered access to the area and a more rational resection depending on anatomical considerations. Additionally, disease involving the orbit intraperiosteally or extending through the roof of the orbit into the anterior cranial fossa would also be better assessed and resected. As a consequence, the combined anterior craniofacial procedure has become well established. The operation was originally described in 195428 and was subsequently developed most notably by Ketcham, Smith, Van Buren, and colleagues.29

There has been considerable evolution of the technique used in our unit since 1978 but it has resulted in an operation that satisfies oncological criteria while being associated with a low morbidity and excellent cosmesis. A variety of neurosurgical techniques are used and the procedure is most commonly undertaken nowadays by a combined team of surgeons, but in our unit the procedure has been primarily otolaryngological and undertaken by only three ENT/head and neck surgeons over a thirty-year period.

Anatomy and Spread

The anatomical relationship of the roof of the nasal cavity and ethmoid complex is well seen in the coronal section shown in Fig. 19.22. The figure shows the narrow cribriform plate compared with the adjacent ethmoid roof. Tumors arising in the nose and sinuses can spread quickly through the thin, bony boundaries and preexisting holes of the olfactory plate into the anterior cranial fossa and orbit, and while dura and orbital periosteum resist disease for a remarkably long time, brain and orbital contents are eventually involved.

Disease can escape through the posteromedial orbital wall into the optic canal or posterolaterally into the sphenoid pterygoid palatine fossa and middle cranial fossa, or bilaterally from one side of the ethmoid to the other via the septum. The ability to excise the whole ethmoid block with an osteotomy that encompasses the roofs of both ethmoid and cribriform plate regions, passing through the frontal sinus anteriorly and the sphenoid posteriorly, was an obvious and significant oncological advance (Figs. 19.23 and 19.24).

Coronal midfacial section showing the thin orbital walls, ethmoid roofs, and cribriform plate that separate nose and sinus tumors from these important prognostic areas.

Key Points

  • Tumors arising in the nose and sinuses can potentially spread quickly through their thin bony boundaries and preexisting holes in the skull base.

Surgical Technique

Two techniques have predominantly been used in our unit. In younger patients for the last two decades, we have favored a midfacial degloving procedure combined with a coronal scalp incision (Fig. 19.25). In older patients we have used an extension of the Moure lateral rhinotomy incision, which allows rapid access and gives an excellent cosmetic result. This is used on the side of the lesion, being extended vertically onto the forehead along the line of the vertical skin crease just lateral to the midline as far as the hairline (Fig. 19.26a, b).

Drawing demonstrating the view through our shield-shaped anterior window craniotomy, the osteotomies encompassing the entire ethmoid block, cribriform plate, additional medial orbital roof, and planum sphenoidale as necessary depending on the extent of the disease.
Drawing showing the sagittal view of the lines of resection in a standard craniofacial procedure. Further bone and soft tissue removal may obviously be required for more extensive disease.

Extended Lateral Rhinotomy Incision

After bilateral temporary tarsorrhaphies and skin infiltration with epinephrine (1 in 200,000), an extended lateral rhinotomy incision is made. The soft tissues are dissected off the underlying facial bones with careful preservation of the periosteum (Fig. 19.26c). Full access to the anterior cranial fossa is effected via a “shield-shaped” window craniotomy that has miniplates placed initially to allow exact replacement following its removal and completion of the excisional part of the operative procedure. This small craniotomy bone flap is ~2.5 cm × 2.5 cm with the inferior point based over the frontal sinuses but not involving the supraorbital ridge (Fig. 19.26d). The bone flap is defined using a high-speed 2 mm rosehead drill. The bone, including the posterior wall of the frontal sinus, is drilled almost to dura and when sufficiently thin it can be fractured outward using a small curved elevator resulting in minimal trauma to the dura (Fig. 19.26e).

The dura is elevated over a wide front bilaterally and falls back posteriorly, obviating the need for any significant retraction on the frontal lobes even when progressing posteriorly onto the planum sphenoidale. Releasing the dura laterally from the frontal bone is key to this part of the procedure. The initial dissection toward the cribriform plate and ethmoidal roof proceeds extradurally to allow assessment of the degree of dural invasion by tumor (Fig. 19.26f), but an incision through the dura anterosuperiorly often becomes necessary to assess the extent of invasion through the dura and involvement of the olfactory bulbs, tracts, and adjacent frontal lobe (Fig. 19.26g). This allows assessment and decision making with regard to safe margins, excision of tumor, and placement of the osteotomies in the anterior cranial fossa floor (Fig. 19.26h).

Postoperative photograph showing the healed coronal scalp incision. It is important to angle the incision through the scalp in line with the hair follicles to minimize subsequent alopecia along the line of the incision and to place it sufficiently posteriorly to the existing hairline, bearing in mind subsequent male-pattern baldness.

The dissection is performed under the operating microscope, which gives excellent illumination and magnification of the entire orbital roofs, ethmoidal block, and cribriform plate area extending posteriorly to the posterior extent of the planum sphenoidale. Frontal lobe tissue is protected by 10 cm × 2 cm moistened neurosurgical patties and the anterior and posterior ethmoidal vessels are clearly defined and bipolar coagulated or clipped as appropriate (Fig. 19.26i).

Shrinkage of the brain is facilitated by deliberate hyperventilation to produce a pCO2 of 2.7 to 3.3 kPa (20 to 25 mm Hg). A head up tilt of 15 to 20° and hypertension of 70 to 90 mm Hg systolic pressure is also used and, if insufficient, intravenous mannitol may be added (rarely required). The wide lateral freeing of the dura over the orbital plates facilitates the dura moving posteriorly and often placement of two or three 10 cm × 2 cm moistened neurosurgical patties is all that is required to allow excellent visualization of the floor of the anterior cranial fossa without any form of additional brain retraction.

a, b Operative photographs showing placement of the extended lateral rhinotomy incision. Note that the vertical portion on the forehead is along the line of the natural skin crease, which is lateral to the exact midline, and the use of bilateral horizontal mattress tarsorrhaphies. Also note that in this patient it was not necessary to completely detach the right alar margin. Both these points improve the ultimate cosmetic result. c Through the opened incision, an initial intranasal evaluation of this high-grade adenocarcinoma showed involvement of the right nasal bone, requiring resection, which was confirmed by subsequent histological analysis. Skin and periosteum are held back by four-pronged self-retaining retractor. Note the small horizontal scratch marks in the skin creases to assist accurate skin closure at the end of the procedure. d A view of the same patient looking from superior to inferior. Note the initial resection of right nasal bone, right lamina papyracea, and the medial part of the supraorbital ridge adjacent to the trochlea. The anterior shield-shaped window has been outlined and 1.7-mm miniplates have been fitted and drilled prior to removal of the window. e Anterior craniotomy removed. Note the moistened neurosurgical patties overlying the dura. f Evaluation showed tumor in the right frontal sinus and extensive involvement of the right orbital periosteum. The posterior wall of the frontal sinus has been resected and the orbital periosteum over a wide area will be sent for histological analysis. g An anterosuperior incision in the dura allows intradural inspection confirming disease involving the dura over the right medial orbital roof, ethmoid roof, right cribriform niche, and olfactory bulb. The photograph shows the wide exposure possible through the shield-shaped craniotomy and the beginning of the dural division along the lateral border of the left ethmoidal roof. h The involved area of dura has now been outlined around its whole extent with adequate margins, checked by frozen section. Both olfactory tracts have been divided. i A further view just prior to commencement of anterior cranial floor osteotomies. Note that other than three neurosurgical patties overlying the dura and frontal lobes, no form of permanent retraction has been used at any time during the procedure. j The view following completion of the anterior cranial fossa floor osteotomies and removal of the entire central specimen and tumor. Note the extensive removal of orbital periosteum. k On this view, the edges of the dural excision are being inspected and the adjacent frontal lobe had not been involved by disease but the entire roof of the sphenoid sinus on both sides has been removed and the entire mucosa has been stripped. There was invasive disease in the right sphenoid sinus. l A further view showing clearance of the sphenoid sinus and clearance of the posterior nasal cavity onto the basisphenoid with particular attention being paid to the pterygomaxillary fissure on the right side to be sure that disease had not entered at this point. Note also clearance of the medial orbital wall almost to its apex. Access to the superomedial canal could have been obtained if necessary. m A view of the right medial aspect of the orbit to show the extensive removal of orbital periosteum. A frozen section confirmed extensive invasion of the external aspect of the periosteum but not invasion through the full thickness into the intraorbital contents. Thus the decision was made to graft this area and preserve the orbit. n Dural defect closed with fascia lata underlay technique and fibrin glue. o Split-thickness skin graft overlying dura. p Fascia lata repair to the right medial orbit. q Additional split-thickness skin graft to the right medial orbital repair. Grafts are covered with gelatin sponge soaked in Sofradex antibiotic drops (framycetin sulfate, gramicidin, dexamethasone). r The craniofacial cavity lightly packed with 5-cm ribbon gauze soaked with Whitehead′s varnish (compound iodoform varnish). s The anterior window osteotomy replaced. t The patient following right medial canthopexy and skin closure.

En bloc removal of both ethmoidal complexes, cribriform plate, and the superior aspect of the nasal septum can now be performed via the osteotomies. The cranial osteotomy is outlined with a 2 mm rosehead burr to encompass both ethmoids and the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus. Anteriorly, they are completed with a fissure burr through the frontonasal ducts into the orbit thus uniting intra- and extracranial cuts (Fig. 19.26j).

The specimen is freed by dividing the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid from the rest of the septum and delivered via the facial approach. Depending on the extent of disease, additional resection of overlying skin, nasal bones, frontal sinuses, orbital walls and contents, maxilla, pterygopalatine fossa, infratemporal fossa, dura, and brain may be undertaken, under frozen-section control where appropriate (Fig. 19.26k).

Accurate evaluation of orbital involvement is possible as the procedure gives excellent visualization of the posterior extent of the medial orbital wall (Fig. 19.26l). In cases in which the medial bony wall of the orbit has been breached but the periosteum is intact, the compromised area of the periosteum can be resected (Fig. 19.26m).

The dural defect is repaired with fascia lata in an underlay manner, placed between brain and remaining dura and carefully sutured or glued to give a cerebrospinal fluid–proof repair (Fig. 19.26n). A thin split-thickness skin graft is applied to this inferiorly and held in place with tissue glue (Fig. 19.26o). The resected area of periosteum is grafted with a fascia lata and split-thickness skin graft, preserving the globe and its musculature. Contraction of the graft results in remarkably little disturbance of ocular function (Fig. 19.26p).

A layer of absorbable gelatin sponge soaked in Sofradex (framycetin sulfate, gramicidin, and dexamethasone) ear drops is placed over any skin-grafted areas (Fig. 19.26q) and the whole cavity packed with 5-cm ribbon gauze soaked in Whitehead′s varnish (Fig. 19.26r). The shield of frontal bone is microplated back into position (Fig. 19.26s) and the periosteum and skin are closed in three layers (Fig. 19.26t).

Patients with very advanced disease may require additional modifications at closure, including median forehead and glabellar skin flaps to cover defects due to resection of involved skin over the nasal bones, or additional temporalis muscle flaps after removal of superolateral aspect of the orbit for extensive neoplasms. Occasional free flaps with microvascular anastomosis are necessary if there is an extensive area of the skull base necrosed by a tumor or previous radical radiotherapy. Iliac bone grafts may be used to replace significant quantities of bone resected frontonasally for extensive frontal sinus involvement. A moderate pressure scalp bandage is applied for 24 hours and the patients are kept lying at 30° for 3 to 4 days postoperatively. The Whitehead′s varnish packing is removed under general anesthesia 10 days after operation, at which time the cavity may be inspected. In older patients the cosmetic result of the procedure is satisfactory (Fig. 19.27).

Clinical photograph of a patient 5 years after extended right lateral rhinotomy incision for craniofacial resection.

Key Points

  • The craniofacial operation was a significant oncological advance.

  • Dura is elevated from the bone on a wide front, particularly laterally.

  • Involved orbital periosteum may be resected and grafted if significant intraorbital invasion is absent.

  • Frozen section control with an experienced pathologist is beneficial.

  • Moistened neurosurgical patties and controlled hyperventilation and hypertension obviate the need for brain retraction.

  • Excellent light and magnification are provided by the operating microscope.

Complications and Morbidity

In 2006, we published a 25-year experience of craniofacial resection for tumors of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and skull base, presenting the analysis of 308 patients.30 Table 19.8 shows the complications in our series associated with craniofacial resection. Overall, the complications of this surgery remain low, with most of the more serious ones occurring in the early part of the series in older patients. Many of the long-term complications such as epiphora, diplopia, and serous otitis media have been managed with relative ease. Patients are commenced on phenytoin 100 mg twice daily, 48 hours prior to surgery, which they continue postoperatively for 2 months. Prophylactic antibiotics (cefuroxime axetil 750 mg 8-hourly and metronidazole 500 mg 8-hourly) are given intravenously with the premedication and for 48 hours perioperatively. They are then continued orally until removal of the nasal pack 10 days later.

Results of Craniofacial Surgery

Table 19.9 shows the malignant and benign histology of the craniofacial patients. Malignant conditions predominate in this series but virtually every histological type occurring in this area has been encountered by us. The most common was adenocarcinoma (62 cases) followed by olfactory neuroblastoma (56 cases), squamous cell carcinoma (34 cases), and chondrosarcoma (24 cases). Malignant conditions predominated (84%) but included in the benign group were a small number of extensive nonneoplastic conditions that necessitated radical treatment by craniofacial surgery.

Craniofacial resection: complications in personal series






No sequelae



1 controlled by embolization, 1 death

Air embolism



Decreased vision


3 recovery, 1 permanent




1 partial recovery, 1 death




Pulmonary embolism


1 death, 1 recovery




CSF leak


4 repaired, 4 spontaneous recovery

Aerocele (pneumoencephalocele)



Frontal abscess/encephalitis


2 death, 2 recovery

Bone necrosis/fistula


Recovery after repair



Anticonvulsant control



7 DCR, 2 Jones tube



Repair or spontaneous recovery

Serous otitis media






Pituitary deficiency


Replacement therapy

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; DCR, dacryocystorhinostomy.

Although it is difficult to assess the exact site of origin of the larger tumors, most tumors in our series arose in the ethmoid or nasal cavity or were determined as antroethmoid when the disease was extensive in these areas.

Only half of the patients (49%) had received no previous treatment at the point of referral for craniofacial resection and the rest had received surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or a combination thereof. However, there was no statistical difference in survival between those who had undergone previous treatment, more notably some form of surgery, before the craniofacial resection and those who had not (p = 0.20). Forty percent of our patients were given additional treatment following craniofacial surgery and revision craniofacial resection was performed in 6.5% of cases between a total of one and six times for recurrent disease. Five percent of our patients underwent subsequent neck dissection, in two cases bilateral.

Craniofacial resection: personal series by histopathology

Benign histopathologies



Fibro-osseous disease


Phycomycetes granuloma




Reparative granuloma


















Cholesterol granuloma






Pleomorphic adenoma






Malignant histopathologies



Olfactory neuroblastoma


Squamous cell carcinoma




Adenoid cystic carcinoma




Malignant melanoma


Cylindrical cell carcinoma


Primitive neuroblastoma




Osteogenic sarcoma






Malignant fibrous histiocytoma




Spindle cell carcinoma




Alveolar soft part sarcoma


Malignant schwannoma


Mucoepidermoid carcinoma


Ewing′s sarcoma






Note: Some of these pathologies have changed their nomenclature since the WHO classification in 2005 that is used elsewhere in this book.

The Orbit

All tissue removed in our craniofacial resection series was submitted for detailed histopathology and patients were stratified according to orbital and intracranial involvement as these were felt, early on, to be important factors affecting survival. No orbital involvement was found in 187 of the 308 patients (56%). Fifty-three patients (17%) underwent orbital clearance at the time of craniofacial resection and 50 (16%) underwent resection of orbital periosteum with preservation of the eye. Five of these individuals subsequently underwent secondary orbital clearance 5 months to 4 years later. Thus, the overall number of patients in our series requiring orbital clearance was 63 (20.5%).

Seventy-three patients (24%) had dural involvement and 17% had frontal lobe infiltration. A mean hospital stay was 14 days and the average operating time for the entire procedure was 3.3 hours.

Long-Term Follow-Up

The mean follow-up period of our 25-year study was 63 months and the actuarial disease-free survival for malignant tumors was 59% at 5 years, 40% at 10 years, and 33% at 15 years. For benign tumors, the actuarial disease-free survival was 92% at 5 years, falling to 82% at 10 years and 76% at 15 years. A disease-free survival for the larger cohorts of individual histologies is shown in Table 19.10. Multivariate analysis employing the Cox regression method identified brain involvement, type of malignancy, and orbital involvement as the three significant prognostic factors in our group as a whole. As in an earlier evaluation of this cohort, our strategy of resection of orbital periosteum with preservation of the eye in selected cases was supported by a statistically improved prognosis as compared with those undergoing orbital clearance. The 50 patients undergoing resection of orbital periosteum would initially have undergone an orbital clearance at the time of the craniofacial resection but only five of these patients subsequently lost the eye and without an apparent effect on prognosis (Fig. 19.28).

Craniofacial resection: survival in whole group and individual histologies in personal series



No of patients

5 years (%)

10 years (%)

15 years (%)





















Olfactory neuroblastoma





Squamous cell carcinoma










Adenoid cystic carcinoma





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