The sellar region is a tiny anatomic compartment in which many lesions and developmental diseases can be found. If pituitary adenomas represent most of the sellar mass, it is important to recognize other pathologic conditions before any surgical procedure, because the optimal treatment may differ considerably from one lesion to another. A careful clinical evaluation followed by neuroimaging studies and an endocrinologic and ophtalmologic workup will lead, in most cases, to a diagnosis with near certainty. This article provides an overview of sellar diseases with emphasis on their most useful characteristics for clinical practice.
Key points
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Sellar conditions, dominated by pituitary adenomas, is extremely rich.
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Clinical symptoms are mainly visual and endocrine.
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Neuroimaging associated with careful clinical evaluation and adequate endocrinologic biochemical workup allows the diagnosis of most lesions preoperatively.
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Intrasellar aneurysm is rare but needs to be ruled out before any surgery to prevent dramatic bleeding.
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MRI and angio–computed tomography are needed for preoperative planning and intraoperative navigation.
ACTH | Adrenocorticotropic hormone |
CSF | Cerebrospinal fluid |
CPs | Craniopharyngiomas |
CT | Computed tomography |
DI | Diabetes insipidious |
GH | Growth hormone |
ICA | Internal carotid artery |
Ki-67 LI | Ki-67 labeling index |
MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging |
PAs | Pituitary adenomas |
PRL | Prolactin |
RCCs | Rathke’s Cleft Cysts |
TSH | Thyroid-stimulating hormone |
vHL | von Hipple-Lindau disease |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WI | Weighted Imaging |
The sellar region is located in the central portion of the skull base, behind the posterior wall of the sphenoid sinus and between both cavernous sinuses. The pituitary gland formed by the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary) and the neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary), lies in the sella turcica. Suprasellar growth is the main axis of extension of sellar tumors. The medial wall of the cavernous sinus that separates the pituitary fossa from the cavernous sinus is weak so that sellar tumors frequently infiltrate the cavernous sinus. Tumors of the pituitary gland and sellar region account for approximately 10% to 15% of all brain tumors and a large variety of neoplastic, inflammatory, vascular, or developmental lesions can be found in this region. Most tumors are pituitary adenomas (PAs) (9%) ( Table 1 ).
Neoplastic | Pituitary | Benign | Pituitary adenoma |
Malignant | Pituitary carcinoma | ||
Low-grade malignancy | Pituicytoma | ||
Nonpituitary tumors | Usually benign | Craniopharyngioma | |
Meningioma | |||
Lipoma | |||
Schwannoma | |||
Gangliocytoma | |||
Hemangioblastoma | |||
Low-grade malignancy | Chordoma | ||
Chondrosarcoma/chondroma | |||
Langherans’ cell histiocytosis | |||
Solitary fibrous tumors | |||
Plasmacytoma | |||
Malignant | Gliomas | ||
Germ cell tumor | |||
Primary Pituitary Lymphoma/leukemia | |||
Pituitary metastasis | |||
Other (melanoma) | |||
Nonneoplastic | Developmental lesions | RCC | |
Epidermoid/dermoid cysts | |||
Arachnoid cyst | |||
Infectious, Inflammatory | Infectious | Pituitary abscess | |
Pseudotumor tuberculosis | |||
Mycoses | |||
Immune | Hypophysitis | ||
Granulomatous | Sarcoidosis | ||
Wegener | |||
Vascular lesions | Aneurysms | ||
Carotido cavernous fistula | |||
Cavernous sinus thrombosis |
However, other diagnoses should be excluded before surgery because the optimal therapeutic strategy may vary significantly from one lesion to another.
It is crucial, in a case of a sellar lesion, to perform first a complete diagnostic workup including endocrinologic, ophthalmologic, and neurologic assessments and neuroimaging studies.
In most cases, these studies will lead to a diagnosis of near certainty, preoperatively, but in some cases, a biopsy is still necessary to define the optimum treatment strategy before a more complex surgery that may not be required.
Most often, sellar and parasellar tumors require a multidisciplinary approach including endocrinologic care, surgery, radiation therapy, or primary medical treatment. For those lesions that have a high risk of recurrence, long-term follow-up, based mainly on regular ophthalmologic and endocrinologic examinations and MRI, is required. This article provides an overview of sellar diseases with emphasis on their most useful characteristics to clinical practice.
The sellar region is located in the central portion of the skull base, behind the posterior wall of the sphenoid sinus and between both cavernous sinuses. The pituitary gland formed by the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary) and the neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary), lies in the sella turcica. Suprasellar growth is the main axis of extension of sellar tumors. The medial wall of the cavernous sinus that separates the pituitary fossa from the cavernous sinus is weak so that sellar tumors frequently infiltrate the cavernous sinus. Tumors of the pituitary gland and sellar region account for approximately 10% to 15% of all brain tumors and a large variety of neoplastic, inflammatory, vascular, or developmental lesions can be found in this region. Most tumors are pituitary adenomas (PAs) (9%) ( Table 1 ).
Neoplastic | Pituitary | Benign | Pituitary adenoma |
Malignant | Pituitary carcinoma | ||
Low-grade malignancy | Pituicytoma | ||
Nonpituitary tumors | Usually benign | Craniopharyngioma | |
Meningioma | |||
Lipoma | |||
Schwannoma | |||
Gangliocytoma | |||
Hemangioblastoma | |||
Low-grade malignancy | Chordoma | ||
Chondrosarcoma/chondroma | |||
Langherans’ cell histiocytosis | |||
Solitary fibrous tumors | |||
Plasmacytoma | |||
Malignant | Gliomas | ||
Germ cell tumor | |||
Primary Pituitary Lymphoma/leukemia | |||
Pituitary metastasis | |||
Other (melanoma) | |||
Nonneoplastic | Developmental lesions | RCC | |
Epidermoid/dermoid cysts | |||
Arachnoid cyst | |||
Infectious, Inflammatory | Infectious | Pituitary abscess | |
Pseudotumor tuberculosis | |||
Mycoses | |||
Immune | Hypophysitis | ||
Granulomatous | Sarcoidosis | ||
Wegener | |||
Vascular lesions | Aneurysms | ||
Carotido cavernous fistula | |||
Cavernous sinus thrombosis |
However, other diagnoses should be excluded before surgery because the optimal therapeutic strategy may vary significantly from one lesion to another.
It is crucial, in a case of a sellar lesion, to perform first a complete diagnostic workup including endocrinologic, ophthalmologic, and neurologic assessments and neuroimaging studies.
In most cases, these studies will lead to a diagnosis of near certainty, preoperatively, but in some cases, a biopsy is still necessary to define the optimum treatment strategy before a more complex surgery that may not be required.
Most often, sellar and parasellar tumors require a multidisciplinary approach including endocrinologic care, surgery, radiation therapy, or primary medical treatment. For those lesions that have a high risk of recurrence, long-term follow-up, based mainly on regular ophthalmologic and endocrinologic examinations and MRI, is required. This article provides an overview of sellar diseases with emphasis on their most useful characteristics to clinical practice.
Embryology of the pituitary gland
The pituitary gland, located in the sella turcica is composed of 2 distinct parts, the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary) and the neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary), which differ in terms of embryologic development, anatomy, and function. The 2 lobes have entirely separate embryonic origins, which later become structurally and functionally linked. The pituitary gland has both an ectodermic and neuroectodermic origin. A small sliver of tissue, the intermediate lobe, separates both lobes.
The pituitary differentiation, under the control of a complex cascade of signaling and transcription processes, occurs during the first trimester of gestation and finally results in the juxtaposition and interaction of the oral ectoderm forming Rathke’s pouch, an upward invagination of the roof of the stomodaeum, and the neural ectoderm of the diencephalon, which bulges downward to form the infundibulum.
Once in contact, both layers will proliferate. The cells of Rathke’s pouch differentiate into the endocrine cells of the anterior pituitary. Rathke’s pouch loses its connection with the roof of the primitive mouth and comes to lie anterior to the infundibulum and wrap around the pituitary stalk. It gives rise to pars distalis, pars tuberalis, and pars intermedia. The infundibulum gives rise to the pituitary stalk and the posthypophysis.
A network of blood vessels, the hypophyseal portal system, functionally links the anterior lobe to the hypothalamus and posterior lobe of the pituitary.
Anatomical boundaries of the pituitary fossa
The anterior wall and the floor of pituitary fossa are formed by a bony wall that corresponds to the sellar prominence of the posterior wall of the sphenoid sinus. It is covered by a thin layer of periosteum. Superiorly, the anterior wall of the sella turcica continues with the tuberculum sellae. Laterally, the tuberculum sellae continues with the posterior edge of the optic strut. Above the tuberculum sellae is the chiasmatic sulcus. The chiasmatic sulcus is bounded posteriorly by the tuberculum sellae and anteriorly by the chiasmatic ridge, which forms the posterior border of the planum sphenoidale. The shape of the tuberculum sellae, chiasmatic sulcus, and optic strut is highly variable and correlates with the shape of the prominence and recess that are identified exocranially on the posterior wall of the sphenoid sinus.
The ceiling of the pituitary fossa is formed by the diaphragma sellae that covers the pituitary gland. It has a central opening for the pituitary stalk. The diaphragma sellae is also highly variable in terms of thickness and size of the central opening. Those variations may also influence to some extent, the superior extension of sellar lesion, especially the macroadenomas ( Fig. 1 ).
The medial wall of the cavernous sinus, which separates the cavernous sinuses from the pituitary fossa, has been the subject of numerous studies and controversies. Some investigators state that there is no true medial wall and that it is only composed of a glandular capsule and of some connective tissue continuous with the supportive connective tissue of the cavernous sinus. This may account for the well-known extension of PAs and other sellar lesions in the posterior aspect of the cavernous sinus. Histologic examination of this region supports those findings indicating that the pituitary gland and PAs are separated from the lateral sellar compartment, the so-called cavernous sinus , by a thin layer of loose connective tissue ( Fig. 2 ).
The internal carotid artery (ICA) is in close contact with the pituitary gland. The position and the trajectory of the ICA along the lateral aspect of the pituitary gland are also highly variable and should be carefully evaluated on preoperative angiographic dedicated examinations.
The posterior wall of the pituitary fossa is formed by the dorsum sellae. The posterior clinoid processes form the superolateral margin of the dorsum sellae.
Signs and symptoms related to sellar lesions
The clinical symptomatology may be very rich and is primarily dependent on the hormones secretory active status (or nonsecretory) of the lesion, its effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, its growth rate, and its upper extension toward the visual pathways and lateral extension toward the cavernous sinus.
Symptoms related to sellar regions are classified into 3 main categories: ophthalmologic, endocrine, and neurologic symptoms.
Sellar lesions may also be discovered on a routine computed tomography (CT) scan or MRI performed for another reason in a patient without any signs or symptoms of pituitary disease. The prevalence of these so-called pituitary incidentalomas estimated from autopsic series is 9.3% (range, 1.5%–26.7%). Imaging series based on MRI, however, showed a prevalence of asymptomatic pituitary macroadenomas between 0.1% and 0.3%.
Endocrine Symptoms
Endocrine symptoms are related to the hormone-secreting aspect of the primary lesion or the compression or invasion of the pituitary gland or pituitary stalk.
Any of the different types of hormones produced by the hypophysis can be secreted in excess leading to a typical hypersecretory syndrome:
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Prolactin (PRL)-secreting adenoma produce the typical amenorrhea–galactorrhea syndrome in women and decreased libido, impotence, gynecomastia and hypogonadism in men. Osteoporosis concerns both sex.
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Growth hormone (GH)-secreting adenomas cause acromegaly (or gigantism before puberty).
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Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-secreting adenomas are the main cause of Cushing’s disease.
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Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)-secreting adenomas are rare and lead to hyperthyroidism.
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Luteinizing hormone– and follicle-stimulating hormone–secreting adenomas are particular and account for most nonfunctioning PAs. They are diagnosed by immunochemistry, and they rarely secrete active gonadotropin hormones that result in increased sex hormone levels. Anterior pituitary insufficiency caused by mass effect on the normal pituitary gland is much more frequent.
Hypersecreting symptoms related to multiple hormones may explained either by a reversible transdifferentiation or a proliferation of more than one type of secreting cell.
Nonfunctioning tumors (adenomas or nonpituitary tumors), on the other hand, usually present with symptoms related to mass effect. Pituitary insufficiency is frequent and a deficiency of at least one axis is present in 60% to 85% of nonfunctioning PAs.
Mild hyperprolactinemia typically related to stalk disconnection is a common feature and usually not associated with clinically hyperprolactinema-related symptoms. Diabetes insipidus at the time of presentation is highly suggestive of nonpituitary lesion.
Neurological Symptoms
Headache is a common symptom of sellar lesions with an incidence varying from 33% to 76%. Headache characteristics are highly variable in terms of location and intensity. Headache can affect the frontal region but also the orbital, retro-orbital, and temporal regions. Bilateral headache is frequent. They are usually described as chronic, but acute headaches might occur in case of pituitary apoplexy, for example, Headache is supposed to be related to stretching and displacement of intracranial pain-sensitive structures located in blood vessels (internal carotid artery), cranial nerves (trigeminal nerve and ganglion), and dura mater (cavernous sinus lateral wall, medial wall and diaphragm sellae). Other mechanisms, such as inflammation and meningeal irritation, may also be involved. Raised intracranial pressure, most often caused by obstructive hydrocephalus, may be another mechanism of headache. In such cases, papilledema owing to optic disc swelling caused by increased intracranial pressure is easily diagnosed with the help of ophthalmoscopy. Nausea and vomiting are also classical accompanying symptoms of increased intracranial pressure.
Other neurologic symptoms are less common and are usually related to large or giant lesions with intracranial extension far beyond the limit of the sella. Anosmia may be encountered for lesions compressing the olfactory tracts. Cognitive deficit may be explained by compression of the frontal lobes (frontal syndrome) or masse effect on the temporal lobes (memory impairment).
Upward extension toward the hypothalamus may also produce hypothalamic obesity caused by the disruption of the control of appetite.
Visual Symptoms
Visual loss is a common presenting symptom and related to the proximity of the optic nerve, chiasma, and optic tracts. A detailed neuro-ophthalmologic examination including ophthalmoscopy, visual acuity, and visual field testing (automatic static or Goldman perimetry) is needed. Lesions compressing the cisternal portion of the optic nerve and chiasma can produce a variety of visual field defects including central visual field loss or peripheral visual field loss. Visual acuity is decreased in the case of central visual field loss. The most typical presentation is bitemporal hemianopia. However, junctional scotoma, quadranopsia, or unilateral temporal scotoma may be seen depending on the site and extent of the compression.
Visual loss is usually progressive for slow-growing lesions leading to insidious visual loss and to delayed diagnosis. Rare acute visual loss can occur in the case of acute optic nerve compression, such as of pituitary apoplexia, for example.
Diplopia may occur in the case of abducens nerve palsy related to increased intracranial pressure. Other causes of diplopia are direct compression of the cranial nerves VI, IV, or III by a lesion invading the cavernous sinus or by the acute compression of the cavernous sinus itself in case of pituitary apoplexia. Facial pain or facial numbness caused by trigeminal ganglion or to V1, V2, or V3 irritation is rare for sellar lesion. Such symptoms, diplopia and facial pain, may attest to the presence of an aggressive tumor with a significant size that extends beyond the limit of the sella.
Neuroradiology provides to the surgeons crucial information regarding the nature of the lesion and its relationships to neurovascular structures, its epicenter, and its extension into the surrounding tissues. MRI stands as the primary diagnostic tool for the diagnosis and assessment of sellar and parasellar lesions. However, CT scan can be a useful complement. It may show some calcifications (craniopharyngiomas [CPs], meningioma, chordoma, aneurysm) and bony erosion or destruction (floor of the sellae, clivus).
In preparation for surgery, it is also useful to study the bony anatomy and its relationship with the tumor and important structures, such as the internal carotid artery. CT angiography helps to rule out life-threatening diagnoses, such as sellar aneurysm, preoperatively and to study more precisely the shape and trajectory of the paracavernous segment of the ICA. Cerebral angiography and extracranial imaging studies must be considered for specific etiologies (aneurysm, hypophysitis, malignant tumor, metastasis).
Biological workup
In all patients with sellar tumors, the pituitary function should be evaluated with a complete biochemical workup (gonadal, adrenal, and thyroid function and PRL and GH secretion). Specific stimulation and suppression tests for pituitary hormones are required in selected cases to evaluate some pituitary hypersecretion or pituitary deficiency.
Neoplastic lesions
Pituitary Lesions
Anterior pituitary lesions
Benign lesions
Hyperplasia is defined as a cell proliferation of one or more specific anterior pituitary cell types induced by a known stimulus. It is a process that stops when the stimulus is removed. Pituitary hyperplasia is classified as primary (idiopathic) or secondary hyperplasia in the case of absent or negative feedback stimulation accompanying end-organ failure (particularly primary hypothyroidism). Hyperplasia can be physiologic, for example, when lactotroph cells proliferate during pregnancy, or pathologic, as when induced by an excess of hypophysiotropic hormones. It may cause clinical endocrine syndrome, such as acromegaly or Cushing disease. Hyperplasia appears as a pituitary enlargement on MRI and can be clinically indistinguishable from adenomas. A complete endocrinologic evaluation should be performed. The suppression of the promoting factors is usually sufficient. Close follow-up is required.
PAs are the most common intracranial neoplasm with a population prevalence of 0.1% and autopsy prevalence of around 15%. Most PAs are sporadic. Rare hereditary conditions, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, are associated with the development of PAs. PAs are composed of adenohypophyseal cells. Any kind of cell types encountered in the adenohypophysis may be found in PAs.
According to their size, PAs are classified into microadenomas (<1 cm in diameter), macroadenomas (>1 cm), and giant adenomas (>4 cm) ( Fig. 3 ). Clinically, PAs are classified as functioning adenomas and nonfunctioning adenomas. Approximately 65% of adenomas secrete hormones (PRL, 48%; GH, 10%; ACTH, 6%; thyrotropin-releasing hormone, 1%) causing hypersecretory syndromes. In addition to the hypersecretion syndromes, large tumor with compression of the surrounding normal pituitary tissue can alter the production of other hormones.
Functioning adenomas
Prolactinomas are the most frequent functioning PAs. Most of the microprolactinomas are diagnosed in women during the reproductive period and present with oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, galactorrhea, and infertility. In men and elderly women, prolactinomas are mostly macroadenomas and present with visual symptoms. Impotence and decreased libido are common in men but are usually not the revealing complaint. Most patients presenting with prolactinomas are usually given medical treatment. Therefore, surgery for prolactinomas is considerably reduced, and the candidates for surgery are those patients who did not respond to medical treatment, experienced major adverse effects induced by all of the available dopaminergic agonists, or have persistent masse effects requiring surgery. Prolactinomas resistant to dopaminergic agonists are good candidates for surgery and if complete resection is not achievable, hormonal control helps with surgical debulking. It has also been reported that patients undergoing surgery for a prolactinomas that have been exposed to bromocriptine are more likely to be fibrous during surgery than those in an untreated patient. This was not observed for patients previously exposed to cabergoline. Curative surgical resection as a primary mode of treatment for small lesions when complete resection can be easily achieved has recently gained attention as an alternative to lifelong dopamine agonist treatment.
GH-secreting adenomas account for about 20% of PAs. Acromegaly affects both sexes similarly, and the mean age at diagnosis is 40 to 45 years. Because the symptoms are slowly progressive, the dysmorphic syndrome is usually recognized quite late by the patient and his relatives (swelling of the hands and feet is often an early feature, protrusion of the brow and lower jaw, enlarged nose and inferior lip, wide spacing of the teeth). Therefore, most patients have a macroadenoma at the time of diagnosis, and visual symptoms may also be present. The biochemical workup shows high serum GH and insulinlike growth factor levels. In about 30% to 50% of patients, there is a cosecretion of PRL resulting in associated symptoms of hyperprolactinemia. Surgery is considered the first-line treatment when the tumor is resectable, especially in cases of well-circumscribed adenomas. Severe associated comorbidities associated with severe acromegaly (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, severe sleep apnea) should be ruled out carefully preoperatively, as they may increase the surgical risk. Preoperative treatment with somatostatin receptor ligands may be considered to reduce this risk. When total resection is unlikely, the best treatment strategy is significant debulking if possible followed by medical treatment. Medical treatment options include somatostatin receptor ligands, dopamine agonist, and GH receptor antagonist. Radiation therapy is indicated in case of residual mass after surgery and if the medical treatment is unsuccessful or not tolerated.
ACTH-secreting adenomas associated with Cushing disease represent approximately 10% to 15% of all adenomas. Cushing disease has a peak incidence between the ages of 30 and 40 years and tends to be more frequent in women. Most ACTH-secreting adenomas are microadenomas, and approximately 15% are invasive at the time of surgery. Ectopic PA tissue causing Cushing’s disease is rare but a potential cause for surgical failure. Microadenomas and ectopic adenomas may be extremely difficult to locate on MRI. On the other hand, any lesion that harbors the radiologic features of a microadenoma is not necessarily endocrinologically active. Indeed, as previously mentioned, the prevalence of incidentalomas is high. In complex cases, bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling is sometimes required. High-resolution functional imaging along with with high-resolution morphologic MRI improve the detection of intrasellar or ectopic microadenomas.
TSH-secreting adenomas are the least frequent PAs. Clinically, they may present with hyperthyroidism, but they can also arise in the setting of hypothyroidism or in clinically euthyroid patients. Most TSH-secreting adenomas are invasive macroadenomas.
Nonfunctioning adenomas
Approximately one-third of PAs are not associated with clinical evidence of hormone hypersecretion. However, most nonfunctioning PAs are actually gonadotropin-secreting adenomas. They present rarely with clinical evidence of hormone excess and are considered silent adenomas. In 10% of nonfunctioning PAs, immunostaining is negative. Exceptionally, nonfunctioning PAs may be positive for GH, PRL, TSH, or ACTH despite no secretion being identified clinically; such cases are known as silent somatotroph , lactotroph , thyrotroph , or corticotroph adenomas.
Nonfunctioning PAs, because they have usually reached a significant size at the time of diagnosis, most often present with visual symptoms and signs of hypopituitarism ( Fig. 4 ). Hypopituitarism is related to the compression caused by the adenoma on the normal pituitary the function of which is secondarily impaired. At time of diagnosis, 60% to 85% of patients present at least 1 pituitary deficiency. They also sometimes present with mild hyperprolactinemia caused by pituitary stalk compression.
Surgery is required in cases of visual disorders. Hypopituitarism may be an indication for surgery, but recovery is uncertain (30%) and surgery by itself carries a risk of hypopituitarism of 5% to 10 %. Careful follow-up is advocated for incidentalomas.
To evaluate the risk of recurrence or progression, it is advocated to test 3 proliferation markers: proliferation index assessed on Ki-67 antibody, mitotic activity, and p53 expression. Recent studies have found that a Ki-67 greater than 3% predicts recurrence/progression with high specificity (89%). However, even in cases of recurrent tumors, the Ki-67 may be low so it is recommended to test the 3 proliferative markers.
Pituitary apoplexy
Pituitary apoplexy is a serious acute complication of PAs, most often nonfunctioning. They usually present with acute symptoms characterized by a sudden onset of headache. It is frequently associated with nausea and vomiting. Visual symptoms such as diplopia, ptosis, visual acuity, and visual field impairment are also common manifestations of pituitary apoplexy. Decreased consciousness may also occur.
The incidence of pituitary apoplexy is probably around 2% of all surgically treated patients with pituitary adenoma. The etiology is an infarct in a pre-existing lesion, usually a macroadenoma, followed by hemorrhage or necrosis. Promoting factors may be low blood pressure (cardiac surgery, myocardial infarction, trauma with shock) with an increased demand of the lesion or treatments (anticoagulants, dopamine agonists), and it has been described as the consequence of stimulation test of pituitary hormones.
MRI is highly sensitive for the detection of acute or old hemorrhage ( Fig. 5 ). Subarachnoid hemorrhage may also be seen. Angiographic MRI should be performed to rule out any associated aneurysm (differential diagnosis) or vasospasm of the anterior communicating complex.
Pituitary apoplexy is frequently associated with hypopituitarism, and hydrocortisone replacement should be initiated immediately after diagnosis. Although surgery was historically advocated by most neurosurgeons, conservative treatment is becoming more popular and is now advocated in cases of mild stable or long-standing visual symptoms or isolated occulomotor palsy, together with adequate endocrinologic management and close clinical and ophthalmologic follow-up. Early surgical decompression should be considered in cases of visual status worsening.
Atypical adenomas
Tumors that show histologic features suggestive of aggressive clinical behavior, a Ki-67 labeling index (LI) greater than 3%, and extensive nuclear p53 positivity on immunohistochemial staining are considered atypical adenomas. In such cases, a close follow-up after surgery is highly recommended. The proliferative marker Ki-67 (MIB-1) has been used to distinguish aggressive tumors but some controversies remain about its real prognosis value. Several studies have shown a correlation between the Ki-67 LI and the invasiveness of pituitary carcinomas, and it seems that some of the controversies come from the various criteria used to defined invasiveness. In a study of 159 patients from Pizarro and colleagues, the Ki-67 index was not significantly different in adenomas infiltrating the cavernous sinus, which supports the hypothesis that the medial wall of the cavernous sinus is a weak barrier. Although the Ki-67 LI does not seem to provide independent information to predict tumor recurrence, it does seem to provide valuable prognostic information, and in the case of high Ki-67 labeling index, a closer follow-up is advocated. However, new markers are certainly needed to help clinicians.
Malignant lesions: primary pituitary carcinomas
Pituitary carcinomas are rare, accounting for less than 1% of all pituitary neoplasms. The diagnosis of pituitary carcinoma requires the demonstration of distant metastasis ( Fig. 6 ). Most of them are functionally active and most produce ACTH and PRL. Usually the initial course cannot be distinguishable from the one of a benign pituitary adenoma. Multiple local recurrences and finally metastatic dissemination usually occur later in the course of the condition. Only rarely do patients present with metastases concurrent with the initial sellar tumor. On the contrary to metastatic pituitary carcinoma, primary pituitary carcinomas generally do not impair pituitary endocrine function. The latency between the diagnosis of a PA and the diagnosis of metastasis ranges from a few months to almost 20 years. It seems to be shorter for PRL-producing tumors than for ACTH-producing lesions. Once the diagnosis is made, the survival is poor, and 66% of patients die within 1 year. Standard morphologic features associated with malignancy (hypercellularity, nuclear and cellular pleomorphism, increased mitotic activity, necrosis, and dural/osseous invasion) are commonly present but are not necessarily diagnostic of carcinoma. Ki-67 labeling indices are quite variable and show considerable overlap with common PAs; however, they are often higher, and it may help to alert the clinicians about the possibility of a pituitary carcinomas. Treatment strategies include dopamine agonists for PRL-secreting tumors, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy (Temozolomide) but are only palliative.