7 Keratoprosthesis


7 Keratoprosthesis

Alexandra Z. Crawford, Bennie H. Jeng


Although cornea transplantation has evolved into a very successful procedure for restoring vision in the setting of corneal disorders, there are still many eyes with corneal diseases that are either not amenable to standard keratoplasty, or in which standard keratoplasty has repeatedly failed. In these instances, keratoprosthesis is potentially indicated, and various types of these devices have been conceived and developed. Currently, the Boston keratoprosthesis type I is the most commonly performed artificial cornea in the world. For those eyes which do not qualify for this device, a Boston keratoprosthesis type II, or even an osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis may be appropriate. While each of these devices are able to restore vision under the right circumstances, numerous complications can occur, and the surgeon must not only master the technical aspects of implanting the devices, but the surgeon must also be able to recognize and treat complications when they arise. In this chapter, indications, preoperative evaluation, patient selection, surgical techniques, postoperative management, and outcomes of each of these three types of keratoprosthesis will be discussed in detail. In addition, the gamut of complications that can occur, along with their management, will be presented.

7.1 Introduction

The field of keratoprosthesis (KPro) has expanded over the past decade, providing a treatment avenue for visual disability due to corneal opacification in eyes with a poor prognosis for corneal transplantation. Traditionally, KPro was considered a procedure of last resort; however, reports of favorable outcomes associated with a variety of indications have widened the applicability. 1 Advances in design, surgical technique, and improved perioperative care have resulted in improved outcomes and an exponential increase in utilization in recent years. As of December 2015, there have been over 11,000 type I Boston KPro implantations and about 200 type II Boston KPro implantations worldwide. 2

7.2 Types of Artificial Corneas

The first description of a KPro is attributed to the French surgeon Guillaume Pellier de Quengsy. During the French Revolution in 1789, he published the first monograph dedicated to ophthalmology. In this work, he suggested that a transparent material could be used to replace an opaque cornea to restore vision. The concept was further explored in the 19th century using a variety of materials, including glass, plastic, crystal, polymers, and hydrogel. Presently, the Boston KPro (type I and type II) and the osteoodonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) are the two most established KPro with widespread use in humans. 3 The Boston KPro type II device is a modified version of the type I device with an additional anterior nub designed for implantation through surgically closed eyelids. More recent incarnations of KPro include the KeraKlear and the MicroCornea. The AlphaCor has recently been discontinued after developing severe mid- and long-term complications. 3

7.3 Boston Keratoprosthesis Type I

The Boston KPro was first approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration in 1992 and is the most commonly implanted artificial cornea worldwide. 4 The most recent configuration is a collar button design, consisting of a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) front plate and an 8.5-mm perforated titanium backplate with a built-in locking component. The refractive portion is housed in the anterior plate. Donor corneal tissue is sandwiched between the anterior and posterior plates using a threadless “snap-together” design and is subsequently used to suture the device to the host eye (▶Fig. 7.1).

Fig. 7.1 Clinical photograph showing Boston keratoprosthesis (KPro) type 1 in situ in a patient. (This image is provided courtesy of Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, Chennai, India.)

Recent design modifications have been instrumental in improved outcomes. First, the addition of perforations in the backplate allowing diffusion of nutrients from the aqueous to the donor corneal stroma reduced the rate of corneal melt from 51 to 10%. 5 Second, a titanium locking c-ring was introduced to secure the unit and prevent intraocular disassembly. 6 More recently, the locking component has been incorporated into the backplate. Third, the threaded assembly was simplified with a threadless design to reduce trauma to the endothelium. The most recent design innovation is the substitution of a PMMA backplate to one machinated from titanium.

7.3.1 Patient Selection

Appropriate patient selection is pivotal to the success of KPro implantation. Important considerations include disease etiology, visual acuity of both the operative and fellow eye, visual potential, status of the ocular surface (in particular, the tear film), the presence of ongoing inflammation, forniceal depth, eyelid position, and concomitant ocular and systemic disease. 7 It is also crucial that potential candidates have insight into the severity of their condition with commensurate expectations and a commitment to intensive perioperative treatment and follow-up.

7.3.2 Indications

Previously reserved for patients with end-stage corneal opacification, the success of the Boston KPro has expanded the indications for the device in recent years. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines for the indications for the Boston KPro are provided in ▶Table 7.1. Preoperative diagnosis is traditionally stratified into three broad categories: (1) recurrent immunologic rejection, (2) chemical injury, and (3) autoimmune disease. 8 The device may be considered in the setting of failed corneal transplant, aniridia, ocular trauma including chemical injuries, herpes keratitis, neurotrophic corneas, corneal dystrophies, limbal stem cell deficiencies (LSCDs), and autoimmune conditions (ocular cicatricial pemphigoid and Stevens–Johnson syndrome [SJS]). 9 The most common indication for Boston KPro implantation is failed corneal graft; however, this category itself encompasses a variety of underlying pathologies. The Boston KPro can also be implanted in the context of a previously failed Boston KPro. The caveat is that the type I device must only be implanted in eyes with sufficient tear secretion and normal blinking. Moreover, there must be adequate fornices to support a contact lens postoperatively. Patients who do not fulfill these criteria may be candidates for the type II Boston KPro. Inappropriate patient selection may result in corneal melt, implant extrusion, perforation, and endophthalmitis, culminating in loss of the eye. 9

Table 7.1 NICE guidelines for indications for Boston keratoprosthesis (KPro) type I

NICE guidelines, January 2017

Boston KPro type I should only be used by surgeons specializing in the implantation of corneal grafts or KPro. Based on the indications for use, the device is likely to be used in people with severe corneal opacity:

  • Who have had at least one failed graft

  • In whom standard donor grafting is unlikely to be successful

  • Who need repeat PK but cannot have systemic immunosuppression

  • Who have high-risk features such as total limbal stem cell loss and deep corneal neovascularization, but whose blink and tear mechanisms are reasonably intact

  • Whose vision in the eye being considered for grafting is poorer than 6/60 (metric) and who have reduced vision of 6/12 in the opposite eye

The Boston KPro is not suitable for people with retinal detachment or advanced optic nerve cupping

Abbreviations: NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; PK, penetrating keratoplasty.

It is important to consider the likelihood of a successful device implantation. The Boston KPro exhibits a prognostic hierarchy defined by the underlying disease process, and this should be taken into account in the selection of candidates for implantation. 10 Poor ocular surface stability, whether from cicatrizing disease or LSCD, is associated with decreased device survival and increased rates of complications. 9 The presence of chronic inflammation is also a harbinger of complications and may lead to necrosis, melting, leaking, and infection. 9 Prognosis may be stratified by the underlying disease with noncicatrizing conditions and eyes with minimal preoperative inflammation having better long-term outcomes, and autoimmune conditions such as SJS and mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) having the worst outcomes. 10 The heightened risk of complications does not preclude the use of the device in these candidates with limited options for visual rehabilitation, provided there are reasonable ocular surface wetting and controlled inflammation. However, the surgeon should proceed cautiously with a customized management plan and the associated risks must be communicated with the patient.

The ideal timing of Boston KPro device introduction over a traditional keratoplasty is being evaluated in the literature. While it is universally accepted that the Boston KPro should be considered when there is a high likelihood of graft failure, a precise definition of what this means is more elusive. In general terms, this refers to patients with LSCD, extensive vascularization (more than two quadrants), a neurotrophic cornea, and/or multiple previous grafts.

To date, there are no prospective clinical trials directly comparing primary Boston KPro with conventional penetrating keratoplasty (PK), though an increasing body of evidence suggests that the Boston KPro may be more effective when performed earlier in the disease course rather than after multiple failed PKs. 11 , 12 Currently, no guidelines are available to recommend how many donor corneal transplants can be performed in an eye that has failed a corneal transplantation. 4 Furthermore, Boston KPro surgery may have a greater likelihood of maintaining visual improvement without the higher risk of postoperative glaucoma compared with repeat donor keratoplasty. 13 Moreover, there is evidence to suggest that eyes receiving a primary Boston KPro may have a visual advantage over eyes undergoing Boston KPro after a previously failed PK. 14

The role of Boston KPro implantation for unilateral visual impairment in the context of a healthy contralateral eye is controversial. 9 , 15 Proponents of surgery argue that KPro implantation may be justified by an improvement in binocular function. Implantation of the Boston KPro has been shown to result in useful binocular vision in greater than 90% of patients with good preoperative visual acuity (≥20/50) in the fellow eye. 16 However, it has not yet been determined whether this translates into an improvement in the quality of life. Although the 1958 British birth cohort study demonstrated that impaired stereoacuity in a general population is associated with a decreased vision-related quality of life, 17 this may be tempered by the travail involved with KPro implantation. The experience with keratoplasty provides a useful reference point. Postoperative improvement in visual acuity in the grafted eye has not been associated with an enhancement in visual function. 18 It is thought that visual function depends primarily on the vision in the better-seeing eye: a patient with good vision in the contralateral eye will have less room for improvement in visual function, even with a high level of improvement in visual acuity in the grafted eye. 18 Furthermore, patient dissatisfaction is more likely if the Snellen acuity in the grafted eye does not surpass the visual acuity in the fellow eye. 19 Therefore, the decision to proceed with surgery in this setting requires careful consideration of the patient’s visual needs, visual potential, and prognosis.

Patients with poor visual potential from concurrent ocular conditions are not suitable candidates for KPro. The presence of profound irreversible visual loss in the candidate’s eye from other disease etiologies such as retinal detachment, macular degeneration, advanced optic nerve cupping, and dense amblyopia are contraindications to Boston KPro implantation.

Boston KPro implantation is not recommended in the pediatric population as it is associated with a substantially higher rate of complications, higher chance of device failure, and worse visual outcomes than observed in adults. 20 While the device has the theoretical advantages over PK of rapid visual improvement without the risk of allograft rejection, the gravity of the potential complications is significant. 20 Furthermore, complications will occur over time. In addition to the anatomical differences between the pediatric and adult eye, congenital corneal opacifications are often associated with anterior segment anomalies, which impact on device implantation. The visual potential is often limited by the presence of concomitant glaucoma and amblyopia.

7.3.3 Preoperative Evaluation

Potential candidates for Boston KPro implantation must undergo comprehensive preoperative evaluation to assess their suitability for the device and to allow the formulation of a tailored perioperative management plan. Access to a multispecialist team familiar with the device is pivotal to success as patients often need care for glaucoma, retinal, and oculoplastic issues. Some patients may require multistep procedures to optimize ocular conditions before embarking on device implantation.

Oculoplastic consultation is warranted in the setting of eyelid malposition, poor eyelid closure, and/or lagophthalmos as exposure-related complications are established risk factors for device failure. 21 Eyelid reconstruction should be performed prior to device implantation. Temporary or permanent tarsorrhaphy may be considered at the time of Boston KPro type I implantation. While the placement of a tarsorrhaphy has been identified as an independent risk factor for device failure, tarsorrhaphy is thought to be a proxy for eyes at risk of exposure. 21 Forniceal depth must be sufficient to support a large bandage contact lens (BCL) postoperatively. Reconstruction of the fornices should be considered as a first-stage procedure in select patients in preparation for device implantation. Conjunctival scarring will also affect contact lens placement or placement of a GDD.

The status of the ocular surface is a key determinant of the success of the Boston KPro type I. Patients must have adequate aqueous tears to allow for device retention, and implantation is contraindicated in dry xerotic eyes. 9 Tear production can be measured with Schirmer testing, tear breakup time, osmolarity, and ocular surface staining. Punctal plugs and cautery may help improve ocular surface wetting.

Limbal stem cell function is often compromised in candidate eyes, particularly those with autoimmune conditions, ocular chemical burns, and aniridia. The presence of corneal conjunctivalization is regarded as the most reliable clinical finding in the diagnosis of LSCD. A positive impression cytology result can help confirm the diagnosis; however, a negative result does not exclude it. 22 LSCD is associated with an increased risk of persistent epithelial defects and the associated secondary complications of sterile corneal necrosis and corneal infiltrates. 1 Therefore, strategies for epithelial healing must be a part of the management plan in eyes with LSCD. Some patients may benefit from an ocular surface stem cell transplantation prior to KPro implantation.

Severe corneal opacification frequently precludes fundus examination, and in bilateral cases, assessment of pupillary reflexes. A careful review of the history will help identify the presence of significant optic nerve dysfunction, retinal pathology, and amblyopia. 7 Confrontational visual fields should be performed to ensure that the patient has light projection in all four quadrants. B-scan ultrasonography can aid in the evaluation of the lens status, vitreous, and retina if there is no view of the posterior segment. Ocular electrophysiology has a role in predicting visual potential. Candidates for KPro with normal preoperative electroretinograms (EGRs) and normal or subnormal flash visual evoked potentials (VEPs) demonstrate greater visual improvement than those with abnormal preoperative findings. 23

Glaucoma is a prevalent and significant cause of irreversible vision loss in Boston KPro type I recipients. 24 It is, therefore, vital to determine the adequacy of intraocular pressure (IOP) control preoperatively to determine the need for glaucoma surgery, either preoperatively or concurrently with device implantation. Important components of the evaluation include serial IOP measurements, the number and duration of topical antihypertensives, and history of previous glaucoma procedures or lasers. 7 Ocular coherence tomography (OCT) of the optic nerve and automated visual field testing should be attempted to quantify pre-exiting optic nerve damage, but are often prevented by media opacity and poor preoperative visual acuity. 7 The presence of peripheral anterior synechiae should be noted and angle anatomy evaluated with gonioscopy. Ideally, an anterior segment OCT should be performed to document the baseline angle configuration, in particular, the presence or absence of synechiae and angle closure.

The Boston KPro type I is available in either an aphakic or pseudophakic version. The pseudophakic version comes in a single standard power, whereas the aphakic version is customized over a range of dioptric powers to match the axial length in 0.5-mm increments. The axial length should be measured preoperatively by A-scan. In phakic eyes, the natural lens is removed with preservation of the posterior capsule and the eye left aphakic. In pseudophakic eyes, intraocular lens (IOL) stability and chamber depth should be assessed preoperatively. Anterior chamber or unstable lenses should be explanted. 7

7.3.4 Surgical Technique

The Boston KPro type I device is assembled with a donor corneal graft positioned between the front- and backplates. The corneal tissue is then used to suture the assembled device to the recipient bed in a similar fashion to PK.

Device Assembly

The donor cornea in the Boston KPro acts as a peripheral carrier and interface to facilitate suturing of the device to the host. In contrast to PK, optical clarity and a viable endothelium are not required in donor tissue procured for the use in Boston KPro implantation. Frozen tissue carriers demonstrate similar visual rehabilitation and complications rates as fresh tissue. Success has also been reported with the use of gamma-irradiated human corneal tissue. 25

The donor cornea is fashioned in a donut configuration using two concentric punches. The donor cornea is cut using 8.0- to 9.0-mm trephine and should aim to oversize the recipient trephination by 0.25 mm. The technique is the same as for PK.

The donor button is then placed endothelial side up on a sterile table in preparation for the inner trephination. A central corneal button is excised using a 3-mm handheld dermatological punch. The punch is carefully centered over the graft and twisted slowly while applying constant downward pressure.

The anterior plate of the device is placed anterior side down on a cushion of viscoelastic on a sterile table. The 3-mm central hole of the donor cornea is lowered over the stem of the front plate endothelial side up and gently secured in place. The backplate is then centered over the stem of the front plate, effectively sandwiching the donor cornea between the two plates. The threadless “snap-together” design obviates the need for rotational movements. The latest configuration of the device has a locking component incorporated into the backplate.

The final assembled device should be examined under the surgical microscope to verify that all components are correctly and securely aligned.

Preparation of the Recipient Bed

The recipient bed is prepared according to the same principles as standard PK. Ideally, the host trephination should successfully encompass the diseased cornea, but in practice, the size is limited by proximity to the anterior chamber angle. As previously mentioned, the recipient trephine should be 0.25 mm smaller than the selected diameter of the donor corneal button. If present, iridocorneal adhesions can be lysed. The device is secured to the recipient bed with multiple interrupted 9–0 or 10–0 nylon sutures (16–24), which are passed through the corneal donor button portion. All suture knots are buried. The graft–host junction should be watertight at the end of the procedure.

The procedure is performed either under general anesthesia or monitored intravenous anesthesia. Intravenous antibiotics are recommended at the time of surgery. At the completion of surgery, a large plano soft contact lens is placed on the eye.

Additional Procedures

The primary KPro surgery is often combined with other procedures, including lensectomy, IOL removal, iridoplasty, glaucoma filtration devices, and anterior chamber or pars plana vitrectomy.

  • Lens: If the patient is phakic, lensectomy is performed at the time of Boston KPro type I surgery, given the inevitable development of postoperative cataract and the complexity involved in removing a cataractous lens in the setting of a Boston KPro type I device. 26 A number of factors conspire towards cataract formation postoperatively, including surgical trauma, postoperative inflammation, and long-term topical steroid use. The posterior capsule is preserved and an aphakic KPro is implanted.

Stable posterior chamber IOLs may be left in situ, but unstable lenses and anterior chamber lenses should be explanted. Glued IOL can be combined with KPro (▶Fig. 7.2). An aphakic KPro is available for aphakic eyes. A thorough core vitrectomy must be performed in all eyes at risk of vitreous presentation.

Fig. 7.2 Type 1 Boston KPro performed in an eye with glued intraocular lens in situ. (This image is provided courtesy of Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, Chennai, India.)

  • Glaucoma drainage device: A preemptive approach to elevated IOPs should be considered as shunt placement at the time of Boston KPro placement has been associated with both lower rates of de novo glaucoma and secondary procedures to lower IOP, without an increased incidence of intraoperative or postoperative complications. 1 , 27

Pars plana placement of the tube accompanied by a complete vitrectomy is recommended to avoid crowding of the anterior chamber and occlusion of the glaucoma implant from either vitreous incarceration or progressive peripheral anterior synechiae. Furthermore, posterior placement optimizes contact lens fitting. The plate of the GDD is sutured in place prior to opening the eye (▶Fig. 7.3). After implantation of the Boston KPro, the glaucoma shunt is then introduced through the pars plana. Accurate placement of the device should be confirmed by direct visualization. A patch graft should be used to minimize the risk of tube exposure.

Fig. 7.3 Day 1 postoperative image of glaucoma drainage device (Ahmed valve) implantation along with type 1 Boston KPro in an eye with coexisting glaucoma and corneal decompensation. (This image is provided courtesy of Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, Chennai, India.)

  • Vitreoretinal Procedures: Pars plana vitrectomy may accompany Boston KPro implantation to decrease potential posterior segment complications, to accommodate pars plana glaucoma drainage implants, to remove possible platforms for retroprosthetic membranes (RPMs), and/or to reduce potentially proinflammatory material. 28 There is some evidence to suggest that aphakic eyes that undergo total pars plana vitrectomy have fewer postoperative complications such as glaucoma progression and RPM formation than eyes with partial pars plana or anterior vitrectomies. 28 It is postulated that the performance of a pars plana vitrectomy may lower the rates of endophthalmitis and the rates of epithelial downgrowth and subsequent retinal detachment. 27

7.3.5 Postoperative Management

Postoperative Evaluation

Implantation is the first phase of a lifelong relationship between the patient and the ophthalmologist. KPro eyes require a commitment to postoperative medication and closely monitored follow-up, ideally by a multidisciplinary team consisting of corneal, glaucoma, and retinal specialists. Patients must understand the commitment involved, and the requirement for intensive follow-up should guide patient selection. A generic follow-up regimen would include the day after surgery, 1 week after, 2 weeks after, 1 month after, then every 2 months for the first year, and quarterly thereafter. 9 In practice, the follow-up regimen will be influenced by postoperative events and must be customized according to requirements.

The visual acuity should be recorded at each visit and a thorough anterior segment examination should be performed. In particular, the examiner should look for signs of inflammation, RPM formation, corneal melt, wound leak, and epithelial defects. Early opacification of the fenestrations in the posterior plate is suggestive of chronic inflammation. When present, the GDD should be examined for signs of leak, vitreous incarceration, and conjunctival erosion. The position of the tube should be noted.

The position of the BCL should be evaluated. Protein deposits on the surface of the contact lens may necessitate lens replacement sooner than the suggested 3-month intervals.

The appearance of the optic nerve should be carefully documented at each visit. Baseline visual field and OCT of the optic nerve should be performed as soon as feasibly possible as the results may be affected by refractive and ocular media changes as well as glare after Boston KPro implantation. 29 These investigations should be performed more frequently than with standard glaucoma monitoring. Each examination should include an assessment of IOP, typically using digital palpation.

The posterior segment can be directly visualized with a 90- or 78-D lens. The feasibility of wide-field fundus photography through the Boston KPro has been demonstrated, with the best image quality acquired using the noncontact Optos imaging system. 30 OCT of the macula can be performed if cystoid macular edema or other pathology is suspected.

Where available, anterior segment OCT can be used to evaluate the anterior chamber and the configuration of the angle. Ultrasound biomicroscopy may be used to image glaucoma tube shunts, the posterior chamber IOL, and other structures behind the iris plane. 7 Advances in imaging techniques have enhanced our understanding of the interaction between the device and the host anatomy. 7

Postoperative Treatment

The mainstays of postoperative treatment are long-term prophylactic antibiotics, topical corticosteroids, and BCL wear. However, there are is no consensus regarding the specifics of the regimen. A suggested postoperative management regimen is provided in ▶Table 7.2.

Table 7.2 Postoperative management of eyes undergoing Boston KPro

Follow-up schedule

The day after surgery, 1 wk after, 2 wk after, 1 mo after, then every 2 mo for the first year, and quarterly thereafter

Postoperative medical management

  • Long-term antibiotic prophylaxis with topical fourth-generation fluoroquinolone four times a day (moxifloxacin 0.5% or gatifloxacin 0.3%)

  • Topical steroid used between four times daily and every 2 h, and tapered over 4–6 mo once inflammation is controlled (prednisolone acetate 1%)

  • Indefinite placement of a bandage contact lens

Supplementary treatments

  • A povidone-iodine rinse may be administered as often as every 6–8 wk, particularly in conjunction with contact lens exchange

  • Systemic doxycycline can be considered in eyes at risk of chronic inflammation

Special considerations

  • Patients with underlying autoimmune conditions should be managed in conjunction with a physician specializing in the condition and may require long-term systemic immunosuppression

  • Eyes with ocular surface compromise should be managed carefully with a low threshold for the introduction of preservative-free lubricating eye drops and autologous serum drops. Punctal plugs and/or cautery should also be considered. Efforts should be made to minimize the number of topical medications. Temporary or permanent tarsorrhaphies may be considered at the time of Boston KPro implantation

  • Antifungal prophylaxis may be considered in high-risk patients such as those living in endemic areas, agricultural workers, or patients with a history of fungal infection. A cyclical antifungal pulse may be administered every 6–8 wk

Boston KPro type I eyes are uniquely predisposed to infection. Fortunately, the introduction of long-term prophylactic topical antibiotics has resulted in a significant reduction in endophthalmitis. Indeed, one series reported a 75% decrease in the rate of endophthalmitis, following the widespread adoption of their use. 31 However, the optimal postoperative regimen is not universally agreed upon. Treatment schedules should provide coverage for both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. Typical regimens include a topical fourth-generation fluoroquinolone with or without topical vancomycin. Given that many Boston KPro eyes have a compromised ocular surface, consideration must be given to the toxic–therapeutic ratio. The treatment regimen is discussed in greater detail in the complications section.

Continuous soft contact lens wear has been shown to reduce the rate of postsurgical ocular surface complications after keratoprosthesis implantation. 32 Ocular surface complications are common in Boston KPro type I eyes and can result from surface irregularities, blink abnormalities, and evaporative forces. 32 Their sequelae include delle formation, epithelial defects, stromal thinning, sterile keratolysis with implant extrusion, perforation, aqueous leak, and infection. 33 A contact lens maintains hydration and helps protect the corneal tissue surrounding the anterior implant from desiccation, epithelial breakdown, and melt. 34 Furthermore, contact lenses can improve comfort and cosmesis and can also correct refractive errors (▶Fig. 7.4). However, continuous contact lens wear comes with its own attendant problems such as lens loss, protein deposits, inflammatory biofilms, chronic conjunctivitis, and infection. 34 Moreover, obtaining an adequate contact lens fit is often challenging in Boston KPro eyes and should be performed by a contact lens specialist. Lenses must be routinely changed, typically every 3 to 4 months; however, no consensus exists as to the ideal schedule.

Fig. 7.4 Type 1 Boston KPro with overlying soft bandage contact lens in optical slit section. (This image is provided courtesy of Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, Chennai, India.)

Chronic low-grade intraocular inflammation is a frequent complication, particularly in autoimmune conditions. 6 The sequelae of chronic inflammation include vitreous opacities, RPMs, epiretinal membranes (ERMs), cystoid macular edema, and angle closure glaucoma. Corticosteroids have been used since the inception of the device to prevent inflammation. Topical steroid drops, usually prednisolone acetate 1%, are used postoperatively between four times daily and every 2 hours and tapered over 4 to 6 months. The adverse effects of topical steroids are well established and include IOP elevation, diminished host defenses, and impaired wound healing. Therefore, efforts should be made to cease topical corticosteroids after 6 months in quiescent eyes; however, this is often prevented by the presence of inflammation. Peribulbar triamcinolone injections (20–40 mg) may be considered in circumstances where increased inflammation is suspected, such as the development of RPMs and opacification of the fenestrations in the posterior plate. Systemic doxycycline and topical progestational corticosteroids have also been used to reduce inflammation. 35

7.3.6 Complications

More than a decade of cumulative experience with postoperative complications affords insight into their prevention and management. 7 The most commonly reported postoperative complications are RPM, elevated IOP, persistent epithelial defect, and sterile stromal necrosis. 1 , 36 , 37 , 38 Infectious endophthalmitis is a significant cause of morbidity in Boston KPro type 1 eyes, but fortunately, declining rates have been observed. 37 Other less frequent complications include sterile vitritis, cystoid macular edema, retinal detachment, and vitreous hemorrhage. 36 While the common complications are well documented, variations in follow-up durations both between and within studies make it difficult to accurately assess the incidence of these complications. 1 Not surprisingly, the risk for complications appears to increase with longer follow-up. 39 Postoperative complications can be grouped into four categories: infection, melt/necrosis, glaucoma, and chronic inflammation (with resultant ERM formation, retinal detachment). 3


Glaucoma is the most common cause of failure to obtain and maintain visual acuity of ≥20/200. 1 The pathophysiology of glaucoma development and progression in Boston KPro type 1 eyes is complex and multifactorial. Many of the underlying conditions precipitating Boston KPro type 1 implantation (e.g., aniridia, chemical burns, or multiple previous surgeries) are themselves independently predisposed to glaucoma formation. Indeed, the reported incidence of pre-existing glaucoma in Boston KPro patients ranges from 33.3 to 89.3%. 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 Mechanical disruption of the iridocorneal angle at the time of implantation may further contribute to the risk. Postoperative factors include mechanical compromise and crowding of the iridocorneal angle by the Boston KPro backplate, peripheral anterior synechiae formation, clogging of the trabecular meshwork with cells and debris, intraocular inflammation, and prolonged corticosteroid use. 47

The management of glaucoma is complicated by the lack of a reliable method of IOP assessment in Boston KPro type 1 eyes. Scleral dynamics and intraocular fluid dynamics are altered by the KPro, rendering standard applanation and handheld tonometers inaccurate. IOP estimation by digital palpation is a commonly used method; however, it has many disadvantages, including intrinsic imprecision, lack of interexaminer repeatability, and variable alterations in the dynamics of the globe caused by the presence of device hardware. 24 Scleral pneumotonometry may have a role, but again, the Boston KPro type 1 backplate has the potential to interfere with scleral measurement. 48 The ideal device would provide a direct record of true IOP, independent of the cornea and sclera. Boston KPro investigators are in the early phases of developing a contactless IOP measurement sensor that is integrated into the optical stem of the Boston KPro device, a micro-optomechanical pressure system.

Given the absence of a reliable method of IOP assessment, frequent evaluation of optic nerve appearance and function is essential in maintaining a long-term vision. Direct visualization of the optic nerve should be supplemented with serial optic nerve head OCT and optic disk photographs. Serial threshold perimetry should be performed to monitor for visual field changes, but may not be possible in eyes with limited vision. Microperimetry maybe a good adjunct to standard perimetry in patients with fixation involvement. 24 In a small series, functional testing with visual fields was found to be more reliable than structural testing to monitor glaucomatous changes, but both can be useful after KPro implantation. 37 The latest Boston KPro type 1 design allows a maximal 95° angle of visual field in nonglaucomatous patients. 29 Anterior segment OCT may also be useful in evaluating angle structures.

The manufacturer of Boston KPro recommends a low IOP target (12 mmHg or less) in all eyes and consideration of prophylactic antiglaucoma medication in eyes without a preoperative diagnosis of glaucoma. 49 Clinicians should have a high index of suspicion for the development and/or progression of glaucoma. Topical glaucoma therapy may be initiated prior to surgical treatments; however, they may be less effective in Boston KPro type 1 eyes because of the reduced corneal surface available for drug penetration and the extensive damage to the outflow channels. Furthermore, the potentially cytotoxic effects of these topical medications may exacerbate an already compromised ocular surface. Clinicians should switch to preservative-free formulations where possible. Oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors have a role but are often limited by side effects.

The constellation of unreliable IOP measurement, poor response to topical antihypertensives, and the high prevalence and severity of glaucoma has led to a low threshold for performing glaucoma surgery, either preoperatively or concurrently with device implantation. 24 However, there is no consensus regarding the best sequence of KPro and GDD procedures. 24 , 50 GDD implantation prior to Boston KPro type 1 and post Boston KPro type 1 surgery is challenging due to poor visualization secondary to corneal opacification and the limited view through the optic, respectively. 50 Concurrent surgery has the advantage of allowing greater precision in the positioning of the GDD tube and allows the patency and function of the GDD to be accessed. 49 Furthermore, it obviates the increased risk and expense associated with two surgical procedures. Currently, the manufacturer of the Boston KPro recommends that a GDD is placed before or concurrently with Boston KPro implantation in all eyes with pre-existing glaucoma. 49 Glaucoma surgery performed prior to or concurrently with Boston KPro type 1 implantation has been shown to have significantly slower rates of postoperative cupping compared with eyes that received delayed surgical glaucoma treatment. 42 Furthermore, GDD placement at the time of Boston KPro implantation in eyes with pre-existing glaucoma is not associated with an increased incidence of postoperative complications. 49 , 51

The argument for empiric prophylactic placement of a glaucoma shunt is countered by the complications of overly aggressive surgery, including hypotony maculopathy and suprachoroidal hemorrhage. 52 Other complications include decreased best-corrected visual acuity, blockage of the tube, tube erosion with subsequent infection, and aqueous leak. Prior to transplant, Boston KPro type 1 candidates should be assessed by a glaucoma specialist. However, an effective glaucoma assessment is often limited by corneal opacification. The more pertinent discriminator may be: which patients are not at risk of increased IOP after KPro? The answer may be limited to those with existing and successful GDDs, pre-existing hypotony, or those with low-normal IOP and healthy optic nerves despite multiple intraocular procedures and a prolonged corticosteroid challenge. 52

Progression of glaucoma results in the need for glaucoma surgery in approximately 5 to 20% of eyes, following Boston KPro type 1 implantation. 37 , 42 , 43 , 53 , 54 , 55 Glaucoma surgery post Boston KPro is challenging as there is limited view through the optic, making accurate placement of the tube difficult. Both valved and nonvalved implants have been used with Boston KPro implants. Valved implants have the advantage of less frequent hypotony from overfiltration. Although nonvalved GDD can have more substantial IOP lowering effect than valved GDD, they require several weeks of hypertensive phase to prevent hypotony, which may allow for snuff out to occur.

Cyclodiode photocoagulation has been proposed as an alternative to a GDD as there is no permanent hardware and therefore avoids the risk of exposure and subsequent endophthalmitis. Furthermore, it is a good option if GDD implantation is not possible due to extensive conjunctival scarring. However, cyclodiode photocoagulation is often difficult to titrate, causes inflammation, and may require multiple treatment sessions for adequate IOP control. Excessive treatment can result in hypotony. The procedure can be performed trans-sclerally or endoscopically under direct visualization. A fiberoptic light for trans-scleral illumination can be used to facilitate identification of anatomical landmarks, but excessive scar tissue on the ocular surface may limit the utility of this technique.

Sterile Stromal Necrosis

Corneal melt is a serious complication that may threaten vision and undermine the structural integrity of the eye. Vision loss may arise secondary to device extrusion, endophthalmitis, aqueous leakage, hypotony, choroidal or retinal detachment, and choroidal hemorrhage. 56 Nutritional deprivation and ocular surface desiccation have been implicated in the etiology of corneal melt. 57 Strategies to address these issues include the addition of small fenestrations in the backplate of the device and the use of a BCL, respectively. Other risk factors for corneal melt include RPM formation, persistent epithelial defects, contact lens intolerance, underlying inflammation, conjunctival deficiency, and previous infectious keratitis. The rate of sterile corneal melting has been reported in various case series to range from 0 to 25.9%. 21 , 38 , 39 , 45 , 58

In the absence of aqueous leakage, conservative treatment measures include proper fitting of a BCL and/or lateral tarsorrhaphy to improve ocular surface wetting. 56 Topical or oral matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors, such as tetracyclines or medroxyprogesterone, and intravitreal infliximab can be considered. 56 Topical steroid use should be minimized. Surgical techniques to manage corneal melt include cyanoacrylate tissue glue for focal melts, amniotic membrane grafts, suture closure of leaks, lamellar patch graft, Boston KPro removal with replacement with either PK or secondary Boston KPro, and Boston KPro removal with reassembly onto a new cornea for implantation. 57


Postoperative infections are a serious complication with the potential to compromise device retention and visual outcomes after KPro implantation. The proportion of patients developing microbial keratitis after KPro surgery ranges from 0 to 17%, with more recent studies suggesting a declining incidence secondary to improved postoperative care. 36 Microbial keratitis typically presents with an opacity below the edge of the KPro adjacent to the optical stem. 59 Cases of microbial keratitis are treated with intensive topical antibiotic therapy with fortified vancomycin (25 mg/mL) and fortified ceftazidime (50 mg/mL), fortified tobramycin (16 mg/mL), or a fourth-generation fluoroquinolone. The antibiotic regimen should be adjusted on the basis of the identification of the bacterial isolate, the susceptibility profile, and the clinical course. If a fungal isolate is identified, intensive topical therapy should be initiated with topical amphotericin B (1.5–5.0 mg/mL) and voriconazole (10 mg/mL). Device explantation is indicated if there are concerns about intraocular extension or evidence of microbial contamination of the device. 35 Endophthalmitis most often progresses consecutive to microbial keratitis. 59

The rate of endophthalmitis is one of the highest among ophthalmic surgical procedures with a reported incidence of 2.7% per patient-year. 60 In the three series on long-term follow-up of Boston KPro, endophthalmitis developed in 0, 1 12.5 39 and 15.5% of eyes. 38 The device bridges the nonsterile ocular surface and the sterile anterior chamber, providing a portal for the ingress of pathogens. The lack of biointegration of the device further contributes to the risk of endophthalmitis. While the placement of a soft BCL is necessary to maintain ocular surface hydration, the BCL can act as a fomite, further increasing the risk of infection.

Epithelial defects are a common pathway for infection, particularly when they arise at the graft device junction. 35 Eyes with a background of ocular surface disease are also at an increased risk of infection. 35 The rate of infection is higher in eyes with SJS and ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, moderate in chemical burns, and low in noncicatrizing disease. 61 Other risk factors for infection include drainage blebs, GDDs, and recent intraocular procedures. Exposure of GDD tubes is another high-risk factor that mandates surgical repair, whenever possible. 35

Long-term prophylactic topical antibiotics have been instrumental in reducing rates of endophthalmitis in Boston KPro eyes. However, there is no consensus on the specific regimen. Cases of infectious endophthalmitis in Boston KPro eyes are most commonly secondary to gram-positive organisms, in particular, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococci pneumoniae, and other Streptococci species. This observation prompted the addition of topical vancomycin to the antibiotic regimen, which reduced the proportion of cases developing endophthalmitis considerably. However, vancomycin may encourage the selection of gram-negative infections and topical vancomycin for long-term antibiotic prophylaxis has been shown to be associated with an increased incidence of endophthalmitis secondary to gram-negative organisms. 38 It has been suggested that vancomycin itself may alter conjunctival barrier function in KPro cases. 62 Furthermore, fungal infections have emerged in Boston KPro eyes, following the introduction of broad-spectrum antibiotic prophylaxis and therapeutic contact lenses (▶Fig. 7.5). 62 Two studies that reported zero cases of endophthalmitis both used a fourth-generation fluoroquinolone (moxifloxacin 0.5% or gatifloxacin 0.3%) for prophylaxis. 1 , 58 The authors postulated that the reason for the absence of endophthalmitis in their series was likely “myriad but may in part be due to the decision not to use topical prophylactic vancomycin.” 1

Fig. 7.5 Fungal keratitis secondary to Candida species in an eye with type 1 Boston KPro.

Empiric antifungal prophylaxis is not recommended considering the low rates of fungal infections and that fungal colonization does not predict infection. 62 In climates where fungal keratitis is endemic, short cycles of an antifungal agent are recommended. Natamycin 5% or compounded amphotericin 0.15% may be given twice daily for 1 week every 2 to 3 months. 7 Antimicrobial management may be augmented with a fornix rinse with 5% povidone-iodine at regular follow-up visits, particularly in conjunction with contact lens replacement or cleaning.

Bacterial endophthalmitis typically presents with a sudden onset of severe eye pain accompanied by an acute reduction in vision. In contrast, fungal endophthalmitis may follow a more indolent course. Suspected cases of endophthalmitis mandate immediate evaluation and treatment. A diagnostic vitreous tap is performed followed by the intravitreal injection of vancomycin (1 mg/0.1 mL) and either ceftazidime (2.25 mg/0.1 mL) or amikacin (0.4 mg/0.1 mL). In cases of suspected fungal endophthalmitis, an intravitreal injection with amphotericin (5 µg/0.1 mL) and voriconazole (100 µg/0.1 mL) is performed. Urgent referral to a vitreoretinal surgeon for consideration of a pars plana vitrectomy is essential. Successful microbiologic and tectonic management of the globe may require removal of the graft and replacement with either another Boston KPro or PK.

Despite immediate and aggressive treatment, the final visual outcomes are often poor, especially when the presenting vision is hand movements (HM) or worse. 35 The outcome is influenced by the causative organism with S. epidermidis associated with better outcomes compared with S. aureus and S. pneumoniae. 61

Sterile Vitritis

The classical paradigm for sterile vitritis in KPro describes cases of vitritis associated with sudden painless vision loss with full visual recovery upon treatment with periocular corticosteroids. 59 However, sterile vitritis may also present with significant eye pain and may not experience a full recovery of visual acuity despite treatment. 59 It has a wide spectrum of presentation and may mimic infectious endophthalmitis. The etiology remains unclear and is likely multifactorial. Proposed mechanisms include periprosthetic sterile tissue melt, microbial cell wall or nucleic acid triggering noninfectious inflammation, and systemic immune response. 63 Sterile vitritis, is a diagnosis of exclusion and a vitreous biopsy, followed by intravitreal antibiotics is the standard of care when the clinical picture suggests infectious endophthalmitis. 63 If vitreous cultures are negative and there is no improvement in clinical course, topical or sub-Tenon injection of corticosteroid can be considered. 59 The condition may have a protracted course despite corticosteroid treatment and full recovery of baseline visual acuity is not certain. 63

Retroprosthetic Membranes

RPM formation is the most common complication after Boston KPro implantation (▶Fig. 7.6), though the reported incidence varies widely from 1 to 65%. 36 It is unclear why the range is so extreme. RPMs have been associated with a constellation of vision-threatening postoperative complications such as retinal detachment, corneal donor carrier graft melt through the inhibition of nutrient delivery, glaucoma via progressive angle closure, and chronic hypotony secondary to tractional ciliary body membranes. 64

Fig. 7.6 Retroprosthetic membrane formation and opacification of the posterior plate fenestrations in an eye with Boston KPro type I.

Eyes receiving KPro for infectious keratitis and aniridia are at the highest risk of RPM development. 65 IOLs have been implicated in the formation of contractile intraocular membranes leading to the aniridic fibrosis syndrome and may further act as a platform for RPM formation. 66 , 67 Therefore, it may be necessary to limit the amount of intraocular hardware in eyes with an increased risk of RPM formation. 64

Treatment for RPM may include observation when mild, or removal when visually significant with either neodymium–yttrium-aluminum-garnet (N-YAG) laser membranotomy or pars plana vitrectomy. 9 Surgical membranectomy is indicated when the RPM is too thick for YAG or vascularized.

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May 10, 2020 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on 7 Keratoprosthesis

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