
We thank Palanker and Blumenkranz for highlighting the importance of dosimetry when comparing efficacy of various laser methods. Furthermore, we appreciate their appropriate correction of our article indicating 50 microseconds, not 50 ms, as the laser-induced retinal damage threshold for transition from thermal denaturation to thermomechanical damage.

Since our article submission, 2 reports have offered evidence of improved pattern scan laser outcomes (versus those reported in the present study) with parameters that better approximate the burn area produced by Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy standard laser. As such, we echo the urging of Palanker and Blumenkranz to be vigilant about carefully considering laser parameters in treatment planning. As we noted in our discussion, when using the PASCAL system for panretinal photocoagulation, physicians need to be cognizant of the need for settings different than those used previously with the argon laser. Anecdotally, our diabetic patients currently enjoy favorable outcomes after relatively brief and pain-free PASCAL treatment sessions using adjusted parameters.

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Jan 12, 2017 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Reply

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