The pupillary opening appears to occupy a central location, but if carefully measured, it is actually situated slightly inferior and nasal to the center of the cornea. Thus, the pupil center may not correspond exactly to the optical axis defined by a target viewed in the distance and the fovea. The major functions of the pupil are outlined in Figure 25.1 and are summarized as follows.

First, pupil movement in response to changing light intensity aids in optimizing retinal illumination to maximize visual perception. In dim light, dilation of the pupil provides an immediate means for maximizing the number of photons reaching the retina, which in turn supplements the slower dark adaptive mechanisms involving retinal gain control at the photoreceptor and bipolar cell level. With exposure to bright light, pupil constriction can reduce retinal illumination by up to 1.5 log units within 0.5 seconds. Although this reduction in retinal illumination is only a portion of the 12 log unit range of light sensitivity of the retina, it provides an important and immediate means for light adaptation. Patients with a fixed immobile pupil are usually symptomatic during an abrupt change in illumination; they may be photophobic when they are subjected to sudden increases in light, and they may not be able to discern objects in their environment when they first enter dim lighting conditions. These symptoms are described by patients with an immobile pupil because compensatory retinal photoreceptor adaptation is not fast enough. This emphasizes the important role of the pupil in optimizing visual perception in a timely fashion over a wide range of lighting conditions of the environment.
Second, the diameter of the pupil can also contribute to improving (up to a point) the image quality of the retina when the steady-state pupil diameter is small. A small pupil reduces the degree of chromatic and spherical aberration. Part of the reason is that a smaller aperture size limits the light rays entering the optical system to the central cornea and lens, avoiding more peripheral portions of the cornea and lens, where aberrations are greater ( Box 25.1 ).
After refractive surgery, younger patients, who usually have larger pupils in dim light compared with older individuals, often experience bothersome symptoms of glare and image degradation, especially at night, as a result of optical aberrations.
The area of the pupil is large enough in these patients to exceed the corneal optical zone of refractive surgery. Most refractive surgeons attempt to address this problem by carefully measuring the pupil diameter in dim lighting conditions preoperatively and then adjusting the optical zone of corneal refractive surgery according to pupil diameter.
Topical drops that produce miosis may reduce pupil diameter enough in dim lighting conditions (without affecting accommodation) to alleviate the symptoms of aberration.
There is a limit to the beneficial optical effects of a small pupil because constriction beyond a certain diameter results in image degradation as a result of increased diffraction and reduction of retinal illumination below an optimal level. Therefore there exists an optimal range of pupil diameter for vision, and this size may vary somewhat, depending on the individual optical characteristics of a person’s eye.
Third, a small pupil increases the depth of focus of the eye’s optical system, similar to the known pinhole effect of camera lenses used for photography. When a subject views objects at near, not only the accommodation power of the eye changes but the near response of pupil contraction helps bring objects into better focus by increasing the depth of focus afforded by the smaller aperture size.
Besides the physiologic functions of the pupil explained earlier and outlined in Figure 25.1 , the pupil diameter and its movement under different conditions also provide an important indicator used for clinical assessment of a patient. The clinical aspects of pupil function ( Fig. 25.2 ) ( Box 25.2 ) consist of (1) pupil movement as an objective indicator of afferent input, (2) pupil diameter as an indicator of wakefulness, (3) pupil inequality as a reflection of autonomic nerve output to each iris, (4) the influence of pupil diameter on the optical properties of the eye, and (5) the pupil response to drugs as a means of monitoring pharmacologic effects.

The amount of transient pupil contraction to a light stimulus or the steady-state diameter of the pupil under constant illumination can reflect the health of the retina and optic nerve and may be used to detect disease.
The most common clinical test for assessing input asymmetry between the two eyes is the alternating light test, commonly referred to as the swinging flashlight test. As a light is alternated back and forth between the right and left eyes, the clinician observes the pupil movements in response to the light.
If the two eyes are matched with respect to retinal and optic nerve input, the pupil movements appear similar when either eye is stimulated. However, if one eye’s input has been diminished because of disease affecting the retina or optic nerve, the pupil responses to light shown in that eye become noticeably less during the alternating light test.
When this input asymmetry is observed during the alternating light test, it is called a relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD): RAPDs are discussed in greater length in a subsequent portion of this chapter.
Pupil diameter can also be used to determine the extent of midbrain supranuclear inhibition, which is also related to an individual’s state of wakefulness.
An excited, aroused person will have larger-diameter pupils because of the increase in central inhibition of the parasympathetic nerves innervating the iris sphincter, which originate in the midbrain, and the increase in sympathetic tone to the dilator muscle.
Conversely, a sleepy individual, a fatigued individual, or one under the influence of general anesthesia or narcotics will have smaller pupils as a result of central disinhibition at the level of the midbrain. Careful monitoring of the diameter of the pupil in this setting may be clinically useful for ascertaining the presence of sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, the level of anesthesia, or the presence of narcotics.
The extent of pupil dilation to sensory stimuli such as pain or sound may also serve as an objective indicator of how intact the sensory input is.
Inequality of the pupils, termed anisocoria , is another important clinical state of the pupils because it may represent autonomic nerve interruption to the iris from the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system, direct damage to the iris sphincter or dilator muscle, or pharmacologic exposure of the iris to mydriatic or miotic drugs. The clinical significance of anisocoria and the various causes of it are covered in more detail later in this chapter.
Large pupils may produce clinically significant visual symptoms in the form of aberrations in form and color of images, particularly at night or after dilating drops, when pupil diameter is largest. A large immobile pupil resulting from scarring, dilating drops, or damage to the iris sphincter muscle or its nerve supply may produce extreme sensitivity to light. This is because the normal function of the pupil in controlling retinal illumination is impaired.
The pupil may be used clinically as a pharmacologic indicator of peripheral or central drug effects. With topical delivery of drugs into each eye with eye drops, the sensitivity of the iris sphincter or dilator muscle can be compared between the two eyes because, under normal conditions, the two eyes should be matched in their response. Dilute concentrations of cholinergic or adrenergic drops, which normally cause little, if any, pupil response, may produce asymmetric exaggerated mydriasis (adrenergic, sympathomimetic drugs) or constriction (cholinergic, parasympathetic drugs) if the iris has been deprived of its nerve innervation for as little as a few days. In cases of unilateral oculosympathetic nerve damage, topical drugs such as cocaine or apraclonidine may be used to confirm the diagnosis. Once the diagnosis of an oculosympathetic lesion is confirmed, hydroxyamphetamine drops may be used a few days later to localize the lesion to the preganglionic or the postganglionic site along the sympathetic nervous system chain (covered in more detail later in this chapter). The pupil response to topical inhibitors of narcotics (naloxone) has also been used to study the effect of narcotic tolerance in addicted individuals. Pupillary responses to psychosensory stimuli has also been used in a laboratory setting to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of treatment in psychiatric disorders such as depression and schizophrenia and as an objective indicator of cognitive function.
In this chapter the physiology of the normal pupil is discussed, and examples of abnormalities of pupil function are also shown to apply knowledge of normal pupil physiology to understanding various pathologic states. The reader who is interested in pursuing these subjects in much greater detail is advised to consult the excellent book by Loewenfeld.
The neuronal pathway of the pupil light reflex and near pupil response
To understand the major factors that can affect the diameter and movement of the pupil to various stimuli, it is important to know the basic neuronal pathway for the pupil light reflex and near response. This is schematically depicted in Figure 25.3 . The pupil light reflex consists of three major divisions of neurons that integrate the light stimulus to produce a pupil contraction: (1) an afferent division, (2) an interneuron division, and (3) an efferent division.

The afferent division consists of retinal input from photoreceptors, bipolar neurons, and ganglion cells. Axons of retinal ganglion cells from each eye provide light input information that is conveyed by synapses to interneurons located in the pretectal olivary nucleus of the midbrain. In turn, these interneurons distribute pupil light input to neurons in the right and left Edinger–Westphal nuclei through crossed (decussating) and uncrossed (non-decussating) connections. From here, the neurons of the Edinger–Westphal nucleus send their preganglionic parasympathetic axons along the oculomotor nerve to synapse at the ciliary ganglion in each orbit. The neurons in the ciliary ganglion give rise to postganglionic parasympathetic axons that travel in the short ciliary nerves to the globe (suprachoroidal space), where they synapse with the iris sphincter muscle.
The pupil constriction to a near stimulus involves activation of neurons in the rostral brainstem that relay their signal to the same Edinger–Westphal neurons that are activated in the light reflex. Therefore the efferent pathway for the near pupil constriction is the same as for the light reflex, but the input pathway to the Edinger–Westphal nucleus differs.
The integration of the pupil light reflex and pupil near response, including the anatomy of the involved neurons, their receptive field properties, and their response to various attributes of light stimuli, has been recently reviewed. In the following sections, these neuronal pathways are summarized.
Afferent arm of the pupil light reflex
The neural integration of the pupil light reflex begins with the afferent pathway in the retina, consisting of the photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells. For many years, it was disputed whether it was the rods or cones that contribute to the pupil light reflex and whether these were the same photoreceptors as those contributing to visual perception. Extensive experimental and psychophysical work has shown that the neuronal pathways mediating the pupil light reflex and visual perception share the same photoreceptors. Until recently, it was thought that all photoreceptor input was shared by both conscious perception of light and the pupil light reflex. In previous studies, almost all changes in light input producing a change in visual perception also produced a comparable change in pupil size. In fact, in almost every way measured, the pupil responses to light parallel those of visual perception. For example, the wavelength-sensitivity profile of pupil threshold for a small transient contraction as the color of light is changed from blue to red exactly parallels the same wavelength-sensitivity profile of visual perception. The shift in sensitivity is also the same as the eye is changed from a condition of light adaptation to dark adaptation (Purkinje shift), providing further evidence that the same photoreceptors are used for both pupil and vision. Patients with various abnormalities of rods and cones can be shown to have the same deficits in color vision or lack of appropriate sensitivity change during dark adaptation when the results of visual threshold are compared with pupil threshold for small contractions to light stimuli. Both rods and cones contribute to the pupil light reflex, but to a different extent depending on the lighting conditions.
Under conditions of dark adaptation and in response to low-intensity lights, the pupil light reflex becomes a sensitive light meter and is mediated primarily by rods, giving rise to low-amplitude pupil contractions. However, with brighter light stimuli and under conditions of greater light adaptation, the cones dominate most of the transient pupil light contractions. Therefore the rods are primarily responsible for the pupil’s ability to give rise to small contractions in response to low-intensity lights under conditions of dark adaptation – they provide a high sensitivity to the pupil light reflex at low light levels, just as they do for visual perception. The cones provide the input responsible for the larger transient pupil contractions that are easily observed under direct clinical observation, occurring at suprathreshold levels of light, mainly under photopic conditions. Loewenfeld has summarized the extensive literature on this subject and her text should be consulted by the reader desiring a more complete discussion of this topic. It is also believed that the bipolar cells, which receive input from the photoreceptors, are the same neurons providing input to the pupil light reflex as those mediating visual perception.
Although it appears that the pupil and visual systems share rod and cone photoreceptor input, a number of interesting observations in recent years has revealed a previously unrecognized and important new aspect of light transduction through the pupil pathway.
New evidence in the last few years has shown that the rod and cone input to the pupil light reflex is mediated by a special class of retinal ganglion cells containing the primitive visual pigment melanopsin found in the retina of lower animals. Besides being activated by rod and cone input causing a transient pupil response, the melanopsin retinal ganglion cell is also directly sensitive to light, providing a sustained steady-state pupil constriction to light. This intrinsic, direct activation pathway of the melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells causes the cell to discharge in a sustained way and is directly proportional to steady-state light input, similar to a DC light meter, which does not show classical light adaptation properties. In genetically altered mice that completely lack functional rods and cones, it was discovered that a rather robust pupil light reflex was still present. This unexpected finding was followed by a series of studies to identify what retinal element could be contributing to the pupil light reflex in the absence of rod and cone input. Through clever labeling experiments, a specific ganglion cell was identified containing melanopsin, which was itself photosensitive, with a broad spectral peak centering on about 490 nm, which is blue light. These melanopsin ganglion cells have been found to project both to the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus and also to the pretectal nucleus (the site of the first midbrain interneuron synapse for the pupil light reflex pathway ( Box 25.3 )).
Activation properties of the melanopsin retinal ganglion cells via input from rods, cones or intrinsic light stimulus can be assessed in humans by recording pupil light reflexes at different wavelengths of light under scotopic and photopic states of retinal adaptation.
Application of the newly discovered physiology of the pupil light reflex may provide an objective clinical means of differentiating retinal from optic nerve disease and determining which class of photoreceptive neurons are being affected by disease.
Elegant electrophysiologic recordings coupled with the study of response properties of these ganglion cells have revealed that the melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells provide the midbrain pathway for the pupil light reflex and also provide light sensing information for the diurnal regulating areas of the hypothalamus that modulate the circadian rhythm. These melanopsin ganglion cells also receive rod and cone input to the pupil light reflex, but are also capable of transduction of light directly (under photopic conditions), without photoreceptor input, and may be responsible for providing more of steady-state light input to the brain. This helps to explain why some patients blind from photoreceptor loss still exhibit both a pupil light reaction to bright blue light and also maintain a circadian rhythm, while patients blind from optic nerve lesions (loss of melanopsin ganglion cell input) often lack a normal circadian rhythm.
As stated earlier, the melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells appear to mediate the classic midbrain pathway of the pupil light reflex. However, there is also evidence that ganglion cells conveying visual information to the occipital cortex may also play a role in modulation of pupil movement in response to different types of visual stimuli. For example, patients with isolated occipital infarcts have homonymous visual field defects that show corresponding pupil defects to small (2 degrees in diameter) focal lights presented to the same cortically blind visual field area. This phenomenon has been reported previously, but only recently has the correspondence between the shape characteristic of the homonymous pupil and visual field defect been fully appreciated. This correspondence provides compelling evidence for a role of cortical mediation of the pupil light reflex when small, focal light stimuli are used. In addition, the pupil has also been shown to respond to changes in complex stimuli such as spatial frequency, motion, and contrast, providing additional evidence for a higher-level cortical process that is capable of mediating pupil contractions to visual stimuli. Such evidence implies that other types of ganglion cells, in addition to the classic luminance responding cells that project to the midbrain, may also participate in the pupil reflex, perhaps the same ones that also mediate visual perception.
The interneuron arm of the pupil light reflex
The ganglion cell axons conveying light input to the classic pupil light reflex pathway segregate from the rest of the ganglion cell axons at the distal portion of the optic tract before the lateral geniculate nucleus. As in the visual input pathway, the pupil ganglion cell axons from the nasal retina (temporal field) decussate at the chiasm to the opposite side, and the axons from the temporal retina (nasal field) stay on the same side. Therefore pupil ganglion cell axons from homonymous areas of the visual field (temporal field from the contralateral eye and nasal field from the ipsilateral eye) distribute within the optic tract. From there, they travel in the brachium of the superior colliculus and synapse in the midbrain with the next neurons in the light reflex located at the olivary pretectal nucleus. These neurons represent interneurons because they serve to integrate the afferent input coming from the retina with the efferent output of the pupil light reflex exiting the midbrain.
The receptive field properties of the pretectal neurons have been elucidated in the awake primate. These interneurons are the way-station for the converging receptive field impulses of the retinal ganglion cells from the retina and are fewer in number, summating the ganglion cell input at this location. The receptive field of each pretectal neuron has been found to receive input from ganglion cells over a large area of retina (up to 20 degrees). Some of these neurons exhibit a “flat” response, firing equally well from input over its entire receptive field. However, another subset exhibits a “foveal-weighted” response, discharging at a higher frequency when a stimulus is placed near the center of the visual field (and receptive field of the neuron). This may partly explain why the pupil light reflex appears to be more sensitive to light coming from the center of the visual field.
Patients with a relatively small area of damage to their central visual field have also been found to show an obvious decrease in the pupil light reflex in the affected eye compared with the fellow eye, which may relate to the receptive field properties of the pretectal interneurons. The pretectal neurons discharge at a frequency that is linear to the log of intensity of the light stimulus given. However, not all of these neurons respond in the same range; it appears that some are more sensitive in different ranges of intensities, so together, there is an interneuron response covering at least a 4 log unit range of input. Neurons in the pretectum send crossed and uncrossed fibers, through the posterior commissure, to the small population of neurons comprising the paired Edinger–Westphal nuclei. This allows afferent input from the pretectal nucleus on each side to be distributed almost equally to the pupil efferent pathway originating in the Edinger–Westphal nucleus ( Box 25.4 ).
Damage to the posterior commissure from tumors compressing the dorsal midbrain from above (e.g. pinealomas) or from encephalitis (e.g. tertiary syphilis) may block the impulse pathway from the pretectal neurons to the Edinger–Westphal nucleus.
This situation can result in a loss of the pupil light reflex but spares the near pupil response (which originates from a more rostral location in the midbrain, before synapsing with the Edinger–Westphal nucleus), causing a light-near dissociation of the pupil.
The uncrossed pathway appears to have evolved during development of binocularity and stereovision. Animals with eyes located more to the side of the head (e.g. birds, rabbits) have almost completely crossed pathways with no significant uncrossed component. That is why shining a light in one eye of these animals produces an almost totally crossed input to the pretectum, which then sends an almost completely crossed output to the Edinger–Westphal nucleus. The result is that only the pupil of the eye being stimulated will contract. Cats are between birds and primates in this evolutionary respect, with approximately 70 percent of their pupil pathway crossed. Placing a pet cat so that one of its eyes points more toward a light produces a greater reaction of the pupil in the eye facing the light, causing an anisocoria. In humans, in whom the crossed and uncrossed pathways are almost equal, the direct and consensual pupil light reflex is equal. This is why illuminating one eye normally does not result in pupil inequality (anisocoria). Similarly, input deficits to one eye caused by damage to the retina or optic nerve should not normally produce an anisocoria in humans.
In some individuals the crossed pathway slightly exceeds the uncrossed pathway in both the retina and midbrain, leading to a slightly greater pupil response in the eye stimulated compared with the pupil contraction of the fellow eye, similar to cats, but not to the same extent. This consensual deficit, termed contraction anisocoria , is small and can usually be recognized only with the aid of pupillographic recordings.
The efferent arm of the pupil light reflex
The efferent arm of the pupil light reflex is diagrammatically summarized in Figure 25.4 , which also shows the site of common lesions along this pathway that may be encountered in clinical practice. The neurons in the Edinger–Westphal nucleus send preganglionic axons into the right and left fascicle of the oculomotor nerve (third nerve) to join the motor axons destined for the eye muscles, as well as the preganglionic accommodative fibers that originate in nearby nuclei. The right and left fascicles of the third nerve exit the midbrain through the subarachnoid space, where each continues as the third nerve toward the orbital apex ( Box 25.5 ).

The pupillary preganglionic fibers are located on the superior aspect of the oculomotor nerve as it exits the midbrain, but soon come to lie on the medial aspect.
This is the reason aneurysms of the circle of Willis that lie in this area, such as aneurysms of the posterior communicating artery, often cause pupillary efferent deficits early on, because of the medial location of the artery with respect to the oculomotor nerve.
After passing through the cavernous sinus to the orbital apex, the preganglionic pupillary fibers and accommodative fibers synapse in the ciliary ganglion (parasympathetic ganglion). A lesion at this site may produce an Adie’s pupil. From here, the last neurons in the chain, the postganglionic neurons, pass into the eye by way of the short ciliary nerves, located in the suprachoroidal space, where they distribute to the anterior segment of the eye to innervate the iris sphincter muscle. The postganglionic accommodative fibers, which outnumber the pupil fibers 30 : 1, supply the ciliary muscle within the ciliary body of the eye. The postganglionic pupillary neurons appear to innervate the iris sphincter muscle in a segmental distribution over approximately 20 clock-hour sections. This is why lesions of the ciliary ganglion, such as in Adie syndrome, usually cause a number of sectors of the iris sphincter to become acutely denervated, with loss of the pupil contraction only in these segments ( Box 25.6 ).
The postganglionic parasympathetic accommodative axons, which innervate the smooth muscle of the ciliary body, outnumber the postganglionic light reflex axons, which innervate the iris sphincter muscle in a ratio of 30 : 1.
Damage to the postganglionic parasympathetic axons can occur as a result of an Adie’s pupil or trauma or after orbital surgery. After acute injury, the surviving nerve cell bodies within the ciliary ganglion sprout axons and grow toward the ciliary body muscle and the iris sphincter after about 8 to 12 weeks.
Because the accommodative cell bodies outnumber the pupil light reflex cell bodies, almost all of the axonal sprouts reaching the iris sphincter muscle originate from the accommodative cell bodies. This reinnervation of the iris sphincter is therefore aberrant because the pupil sectors that were denervated still do not respond to light, but they now contract in response to activation of the accommodative neurons, hence producing a light-near dissociation of the pupil reflex.
The pupil near reflex and accommodation
When fixation of the eye is shifted from a far to a near object of interest, the eyes converge, the intraocular lenses accommodate, and both pupils constrict. This triad of ocular vergence, accommodation, and pupil contraction is called the near response . Despite many contentions in the literature claiming that this pupil constriction is exclusively dependent on either convergence or accommodation, clinical and experimental data indicate that any one of the three functions can be selectively abolished or elicited without affecting the others. These experimental and clinical observations have resulted in general agreement that the impulses that cause accommodation, convergence, and pupil constriction must arise from different cell groups within the oculomotor nucleus and travel by way of separate fibers to their effector muscles. Accommodation, convergence, and pupillary constriction are associated movements and are not tied to one another in the manner usually referred to by the term reflex. They are controlled, synchronized, and associated by supranuclear connections, but they are not caused by one another. The components of the near pupil reflex were recently summarized.
The miosis of the near response and the pupillary constriction to light have a single final common efferent pathway from the Edinger–Westphal nucleus to the iris sphincter by way of the ciliary ganglion. They primarily differ in the origin of the supranuclear pathways that are elicited by light and near that both converge on the Edinger–Westphal nucleus. With a near stimulus, such as accommodation, the pupil normally constricts even with no change in retinal luminance. It is important to realize that this near reflex of the pupil is mediated by the same efferent nerve pathway originating from the same neurons in the Edinger–Westphal nucleus that mediate the pupil light reflex. There does not appear to be a separate neuronal efferent pathway that mediates the near pupil constriction.
However, the supranuclear control over this response is different from the one mediating the light reflex. In the case of the light reflex, the supranuclear input comes from the pretectal nucleus, as described in the previous section. In the case of the near reflex involving accommodation, convergence, and miosis, the supranuclear input is thought to originate from cortical areas surrounding visual cortex and from cortical areas within the frontal eye fields. The cortical neurons providing input for the near reflex are thought to synapse at least once, before passing ventral toward the visceral neurons overlying the oculomotor complex in the midbrain. This is because a cortical lesion in this area does not produce atrophy within the oculomotor nuclear complex (it is at least one synapse removed). It is also important to realize that the near reflex consists of convergence of the eyes, accommodation, and pupil contraction, all of which should be thought of as co-movements and, as stated earlier, are not strictly dependent on one another. Any one of the three co-movements may occur in the absence of the others, as discussed by Loewenfeld. Because the supranuclear pathway for the near reflex passes ventral in the midbrain and the supranuclear pathway for the light reflex passes dorsal in the midbrain, the two systems may be differentially affected by disease processes ( Box 25.4 ).
The supranuclear neuronal input from a near visual task stimulates the pupil constrictor neurons located in the visceral part of the Edinger–Westphal nuclei. The same supranuclear neuronal input also stimulates the more numerous accommodative neurons, located nearby in the remaining visceral portion of the Edinger–Westphal nucleus. These preganglionic neurons give rise to accommodative axons that travel together with the pupil preganglionic light reflex neurons within the oculomotor nerve to synapse at the ciliary ganglion in the orbit (see previous section).
In summary, with a near stimulus, both the accommodative neurons (which mediate ciliary muscle contraction) and light reflex neurons (which mediate iris sphincter contraction) in the Edinger–Westphal visceral motor nuclei are stimulated from a supranuclear level. This gives rise to a separate neuronal output of accommodative and light reflex preganglionic neurons by way of the oculomotor nerve to the ciliary ganglion, which in turn gives off separate postganglionic innervation to the ciliary body and iris sphincter muscles. The preganglionic and postganglionic light reflex pathways make use of the same neurons to mediate pupil contraction to either near or light stimuli.
Pupil reflex dilation: central and peripheral nervous system integration
Normally, when the pupil dilates, two integrated processes take place: the iris sphincter relaxes, and the iris dilator contracts, helping actively pull the pupil open. Because the iris sphincter is stronger than the dilator muscle, pupil dilation does not readily occur until the sphincter muscle relaxes. Relaxation of the iris sphincter is accomplished by supranuclear inhibition of the Edinger–Westphal nucleus at a central nervous system level, most notably from the reticular activating formation in the brainstem. It appears from animal studies that this neuronal inhibitory pathway involves the central nervous system’s sympathetic class of neurons. These sympathetic neurons pass through the periaqueductal gray area and innervate the pupil efferent neurons at the Edinger–Westphal nucleus and at the synapse there is an α 2 -adrenergic receptor activation. When this central inhibition is active, the preganglionic parasympathetic output from the Edinger–Westphal nucleus is suppressed, resulting in a relative relaxation of the iris sphincter and pupil dilation. When this inhibition is inactive, such as during sleep, with anesthesia, or with narcotics, the preganglionic neurons fire at a high rate, causing miosis. The neurons of the Edinger–Westphal nucleus are unique in this respect because their baseline discharge frequency, without any input, is high. If all input to these neurons is disconnected, they fire at a high rate, which results in a sustained pupil contraction and miosis. This is why deep sleep or anesthesia, which reduces almost all inhibitory supranuclear input to the Edinger–Westphal nucleus, results in small pupils.
Alternatively, during a state of wakefulness, the supranuclear inhibition is active and the neurons of the Edinger–Westphal nucleus are suppressed, causing the pupils to become larger again. If a light stimulus is given at this point, a train of neuronal impulses from the retina and then the pretectal interneuron will arrive at the Edinger–Westphal nucleus, which momentarily overcomes this inhibition, causing the pupil to constrict. If the light is turned off or the retina begins to become light adapted, the supranuclear inhibition again dominates, causing a reflex dilation of the pupil.
Almost all of the conditions mentioned previously cause changes in pupil diameter resulting from the modulation of the neuronal output from the Edinger–Westphal nucleus. In addition, the same factors causing a reflex dilation of the pupil also result in an increase in output to the peripheral sympathetic nervous system innervating the iris dilator muscle. The sympathetic nerve activity can be thought of as a “turbo-charge” for pupil dilation. Peripheral sympathetic nerve activation is not a requirement for pupil dilation to occur (parasympathetic inhibition alone can accomplish that to some extent), but it greatly enhances the dynamics of pupil dilation in terms of speed and maximal pupil diameter attained.
The sympathetic outflow to the iris dilator muscle can be thought of as a paired three-neuron chain ( Fig. 25.5 ) on both the right and left side of the central and peripheral nervous system without decussations. The first neuron originates in the hypothalamus and descends through the brainstem on each side into the lateral column of the spinal cord, where it synapses at the cervicothoracic level of C7–T2. The second preganglionic neuron leaves this level of the spinal cord and travels over the apical pleura of the lung and into the spinal rami to synapse at the superior cervical ganglion at the level of the carotid artery bifurcation on the right and left side of the neck. The third neuron, the postganglionic neuron, follows a long course along the internal carotid artery into the head and orbit. As these neurons pass through the cavernous sinus, they are associated with the abducens and then the trigeminal nerve before entering the orbit and distributing to the iris dilator muscle via the long ciliary nerves.

In addition to the neuronal mechanisms involved in pupil dilation, humoral mechanisms also may contribute to pupil diameter. Circulating catecholamines in the blood (e.g. a bolus released from the adrenal glands) may act directly on the iris dilator muscle either through the bloodstream or, potentially, indirectly through the tears, resulting in mydriasis. Clinical conditions that influence the integration of the parasympathetic inhibition, sympathetic stimulation, and humoral release of neurotransmitters may take various forms and may affect the dynamics of reflex dilation in a characteristic manner that may be diagnostic of clinical conditions. This is revisited later in this chapter when pupil inequality and conditions that impede pupil dilation are discussed.
Other neuronal input to the iris
In addition to the autonomic nerves supplying the iris, sensory innervation to the iris is provided by the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. However, these sensory nerves may play an additional role in modulating pupil diameter. It is well known to cataract surgeons that mechanical and chemical irritation of the eye can cause a strong miotic response that is non-cholinergic and fails to reverse with autonomically acting drugs. In rabbits and cats the response seems to be caused by the release of substance P or closely related peptides from the sensory nerve endings, but in monkeys and humans, substance P has little or no miotic effect. Cholecystokinin (in nanomolar amounts) caused contraction of isolated iris sphincter from monkeys and humans. Intracameral injections in monkeys caused miosis that was not prevented by tetrodotoxin or indomethacin, indicating that the miosis was not caused by either stimulation of nerve endings or release of prostaglandins but by direct action on sphincter receptors. The cholecystokinin antagonist lorglumide caused competitive inhibition of the response.
Structure of the iris
Iris sphincter, iris dilator, and iris color
It is important to understand the structure of the iris and its histology to understand how the iris tissue accommodates changes in pupil diameter during contraction and dilation and how disorders of the iris tissue affect pupil movement. The iris can be divided into two main layers: the posterior leaf and the anterior leaf ( Fig. 25.6 ). The posterior iris leaf contains the dilator muscle, the sphincter muscle, and the posterior pigmented epithelium. From a front view of the iris, the dilator muscle is located circumferentially, in the midperiphery of the iris.

The sphincter muscle is located just inside the pupillary border; its circumference is made up of approximately 20 motor segments connected together but innervated individually by postganglionic branches of the ciliary nerve. In the normal iris these segments receive nerve excitation in a roughly simultaneous fashion, and the entire circumference contracts in concert. Both the dilator and sphincter muscles are derived embryologically from the anterior layer of the two layers of posterior pigmented epithelium.
The more superficial, anterior iris leaf consists of connective tissue stroma with cells, blood vessels, and nerves supplying the sphincter and dilator, but there is no epithelial layer in primate species. The different components of the posterior and anterior iris undergo structural alterations to accommodate changes in pupil diameter during contraction and dilation. These alterations in structure confer mechanical non-linearities influencing how much the pupil can constrict or dilate in response to changes in light or pharmacologic stimulus and was extensively studied by Loewenfeld.
The mechanical non-linearities are important because they impose limitations on the range of pupil diameter over which the extent of pupil movement can be used for assessing neuronal reflexes to light stimuli or near stimuli or for pharmacologic testing of the pupil. For example, a person with small, 3-mm diameter pupils in dim light would obviously not show as large a pupil contraction to a standard light stimulus compared with a person with 5-mm diameter pupils, but the retina and optic nerves of both persons may be completely normal. A similar situation would occur if one attempts to quantify the response to a topical miotic or mydriatic agent. Therefore, the structure of the iris can pose physical constraints on pupil movement in response to sensory stimuli or pharmacologic agents, and this should be considered carefully when comparing the response in different eyes.
The color of the iris is determined by its mesodermal and ectodermal components. In Caucasians, the stroma is relatively free of pigment at birth. The stroma absorbs the long wavelengths of light, allowing the shorter (blue) wavelengths to pass through to the pigmented epithelium, where they are reflected back, causing the iris to appear blue. If pigmentation does not develop in the anterior stromal layers, the iris remains blue throughout life. If the stroma becomes denser and contains significant numbers of melanosomes, the blue color gives way to gray. The accumulation of pigment in the iris melanocytes of individuals destined to have non-blue irides occurs during the first year of life and is dependent on sympathetic innervation of the melanocytes (derived from neural crest cells). Interruption of the oculosympathetic nerve supply to one eye during this time period usually results in heterochromia, with the denervated iris remaining blue. In a heavily pigmented iris, the fine pattern of iris vessels is hidden by pigment and the surface of the iris looks brown and velvety.
Properties of light and their effect on pupil movement
Properties of light stimulating the retina that affect the pupil response include intensity, duration, temporal frequency, area, perimetric location, state of retinal adaptation, wavelength, and spatial frequency. There is a wealth of information on how these properties of light stimuli affect the pupillary response with regard to latency and amplitude of movement. Loewenfeld has presented the most complete review of this topic in her book on the pupil, which should be consulted for a detailed literature review and for examples illustrating these different light effects. In general, the amplitude of pupil movement increases in proportion to the log light intensity of the stimulus, whereas the latency time of the pupil light reflex (time from stimulus onset to beginning of pupil contraction) becomes shorter ( Fig. 25.7 ). With increasing duration of light stimulus, the contraction amplitudes become greater and more prolonged. With long-duration light stimuli, after an initial contraction, the pupil may undergo oscillations (hippus) and undergo slow dilation, or ‘pupil escape,’ because of light adaptation ( Fig. 25.7 ). Table 25.1 summarizes the different light effects.

Stimulus property | Effect on pupillary light reflex |
Light intensity | Amplitude of contraction increases linearly over at least a 3 log unit range of stimulus intensity (stimulus under photopic conditions). The entire stimulus-response function resembles an ‘S’-shaped curve. Latency time, the time from stimulus onset to the start of pupil contraction (200–450 msec), becomes more prolonged with dimmer light stimuli (in the range of 20–40 msec further delay/log unit decrement of light intensity). |
State of light adaptation | In the dark-adapted state, the threshold light intensity needed to produce a pupil contraction becomes less as rods are brought into play. However, rods in the dark-adapted state do not produce as much increase in pupil contraction in response to increases in stimulus intensity, compared with cones in the mesopic and photopic states. |
Duration | When stimulus duration is shorter than 70 msec, there is a reciprocal relationship between the duration and intensity, which is required to produce a given pupil contraction amplitude. With longer-duration stimuli, the pupil contracts more, there is a shorter latency time (up to a point), and the pupillary contraction is more sustained; however, pupil escape (relative dilation) may occur as a result of light adaptation. |
Area | The pupillary light reflex shows much greater area summation properties than visual perception (for visual threshold of perception, summation is minimal with stimuli greater than 1 degree). With full-field Ganzfeld stimuli, the pupil threshold can be equal to visual threshold (or even smaller); with stimuli smaller than 1–2 degrees, visual threshold is usually more sensitive (by 0.5–1.0 log units). |
Perimetric location | Under dark adaptation, the fovea shows a decreased sensitivity compared with surrounding retinal areas because of the lack of rods here. In mesopic and photopic adaptation, the pupil responds greatest in the central field; the temporal field response is usually greater than the nasal field response. |
Spectral sensitivity | The wavelength sensitivity of the pupillary light reflex follows that of visual perception with a blue shift under dark adaptation and a peak sensitivity at green under photopic conditions. |
Temporal frequency | The normal pupil cannot move much faster than 4 Hz because of the relatively slow contraction of smooth muscle. Animals with striated iris muscle (pigeons) can easily follow a 10-Hz stimulus. At frequencies of 9–25 Hz, the steady-state pupil diameter increases, indicating loss of sensitivity in neuronal integration of light within this frequency range. |
Spatial frequency | When the change in average luminance across a stimulus patch is kept constant, the pupil undergoes small contractions when a sinusoidal grating is presented or when the grating bars are alternated between dark and light. The mechanism is thought to be independent of a luminance response. The greater the spatial frequency, the less the pupil contracts to the stimulus and this has been correlated with visual acuity. |
Motion | Recent evidence suggests that the pupil may respond to a motion stimulus even under isoluminant conditions. |

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