Primary Asian Blepharoplasty Results (Before and After)

The images presented in this chapter are intended to show a variety of cases solely for educational purposes. Individual outcomes are unique and no degree of certainty can be implied nor result guaranteed from the images shown here.

Case 1 (Figure 13-1 A–C)

(A, B) Young adult with average eyelid fissure opening and absent crease. (C) After placement of a medium (classic) parallel crease.

Case 2 (Figure 13-2 A, B)

(A) Young adult with multiple wrinkles and without any crease. (B) With slightly high-average crease height, nasally tapered shape.

Case 3 (Figure 13-3 A, B)

(A) Middle-aged woman with absent crease and some skin hooding. (B) Postoperative appearance: lower than average crease height, parallel shape crease.

Case 4 (Figure 13-4 A, B)

(A) Middle-aged woman with single lid, and triangular eyelid opening from lateral hooding. (B) After Asian blepharoplasty, with medium crease height, nasally tapered crease shape. Triangular fissure shape has been eliminated.

Case 5 (Figure 13-5 A, B)

(A) Young adult with absent crease. (B) Postoperative appearance: slightly higher than average crease height, parallel shape. Note that the medial upper fold remains despite the fact that the caruncles can be plainly seen.

Case 6 (Figure 13-6 A, B)

(A) Young adult with inconsistent crease and asymmetry; parallel right eyelid crease, nasally tapered shape over left eye. (B) Patient chose higher than average crease height and parallel shape.

Case 7 (Figure 13-7 A–C)

(A) Young man with absent crease, slightly triangular fissure on right eye, with a shielded look bilaterally. (B, C) Formation of a natural nasally tapered crease; the medial canthal fold is preserved.

Case 8 (Figure 13-8 A, B)

(A) Young man with absent crease on left eyelid. (B) Postoperative appearance: creation of a matching crease for the left upper lid.

Case 9 (Figure 13-9 A, B)

(A) Young man with absent crease and narrow palpebral fissure. (B) Postoperative appearance: creation of a parallel crease.

Case 10 (Figure 13-10 A, B)

(A) Young man with absent crease and slightly rectangular look. The eyelid is not droopy (eye muscle healthy, no ptosis). (B) Postoperative appearance: creation of a low parallel crease; at one month postoperative, with some healing to go.

Case 11 (Figure 13-11 A, B)

25 y.o. female for primary Asian blepharoplasty with asymmetry in eyelid opening sizes. Pre- and postoperative appearance.

Case 12 (Figure 13-12 A, B)

41 y.o. male. Pre- and postoperative appearance.

Case 13 (Figure 13-13 A, B)

37 y.o. male. Pre- and postoperative appearance.

Case 14 (Figure 13-14 A, B)

19 y.o. male. Pre- and postoperative appearance: lowering of right crease and addition of crease to LUL.

Case 15 (Figure 13-15 A, B)

27 y.o. female. Desires parallel crease. (A) Preoperative and (B) postoperative 10 days after.

Case 16 (Figure 13-16 A, B)

27 y.o. female. Desires parallel-shaped crease. Levator excursion of 13 mm right eye and 14 mm left eye was unchanged after the procedure. Pre- and postoperative appearance.

Case 17 (Figure 13-17 A, B)

28 y.o. female Caucasian with Asian features and heavy lids. Pre- and postoperative appearance.

Case 18 (Figure 13-18 A, B)

46 y.o. female. Pre- and postoperative appearance at one week only.

Case 19 (Figure 13-19 A–D)

24 y.o. female with right eyelid multiple wrinkles; the left side has shielding of a low-set nasally tapered crease. (A, B) Preoperative appearance. (C, D) The same patient after the procedure: both sides have a distinct nasally tapered crease.

Case 20 (Figure 13-20 A, B)

30 y.o. female. (A) Preoperative appearance and (B) postoperatively after one week, with some residual blood layering over corners of the lower eyelids, which always resolves.

Case 21 (Figure 13-21 A, B)

12 y.o. female with abnormally spongy tissues of RUL and absent crease. Surgical correction was performed for medical indications. Pre- and postoperative photo at one month show some residual fullness of that lid.

Case 22 (Figure 13-22 A, B)

35 y.o. female with wrinkled crease and crease asymmetry. Pre- and postoperative appearance.

Case 23 (Figure 13-23 A, B)

54 y.o. female. Pre- and postoperative appearance.

Jan 26, 2019 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Primary Asian Blepharoplasty Results (Before and After)

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