A number of retinal abnormalities are limited to the pediatric setting. These include congenital and hereditary abnormalities. While many of these disorders are reviewed in Chapter 2 , this pediatric chapter will include those disorders that more typically present in the congenital or infantile stage. Images of pediatric retinal conditions, many of them rare in nature, constitute an essential tool in our armamentarium to educate young pediatric ophthalmologists and retina specialists to more skillfully diagnose and manage these challenging patients. Certain findings represent risk factors for sight-threatening events in their natural course; others may simply affect visual acuity and field.
Congenital Abnormalities
A variety of congenital abnormalities may be seen by the pediatric retinal physician. They include anomalies and abnormalities of the retinal vasculature, the optic nerve, and choroid.
Retinopathy of Prematurity
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a retinal vascular disorder that affects severely premature babies, resulting from incomplete peripheral vascularization at birth followed by abnormal vascularization in the subsequent weeks to months. Abnormal proliferation of blood vessels can lead to fibrovascular networks that exert traction on the retina and may progress to retinal detachment and blindness in the most advanced cases. There are many risk factors for the development of ROP, which include low birth weight, low gestational age, supplemental oxygen therapy, and a possible genetic component. Screening guidelines vary in different parts of the world based upon the characteristics of the premature population and practice patterns of neonatal intensive care units. In the United States, retinal screening is recommended for all babies weighing 1500 grams and/or born before 30 weeks gestational age. In general, the smaller and more premature the baby, the higher the risk for developing ROP. Treatment in the United States, when deemed necessary, consists of panretinal photocoagulation to the areas of avascular retina; however, ROP regresses without treatment in over 90% of cases. More recently intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy has been suggested as primary treatment or as a supplement to laser therapy. Multiple studies have demonstrated efficacy in inducing regression of neovascularization especially in more advanced disease. However the optimal treatment indications, timing, dosage, and follow-up are yet to be determined and therefore this treatment remains off-label in the United States.
Stage I
In stage I, there is a fine, thin demarcation line between the vascular and avascular region in the peripheral retina. The junction is flat.
Stage II
In stage II, a broad, thick ridge clearly separates the vascular from the avascular retina.
Stage III
In stage III, neovascularization is present on the posterior edge of the ridge, which has an indistinct, velvety appearance and a ragged border.
Stage IV-A
In stage IV-A, there is a subtotal retinal detachment beginning at the fibrovascular ridge. The retina is under traction anteriorly, beginning at the ridge, and the fovea is uninvolved. Subretinal fluid may also be seen.
Stage IV-B
In Stage IV-B a subtotal retinal detachment is present but the fovea is involved.
Stage V
In stage V-A, there is a total retinal detachment that may eventually evolve into the shape of an open funnel seen below in the left image. Stage V-B is classified as a closed funnel, seen below in the right image.
Plus Disease
Plus disease is characterized by arteriolar tortuosity and venous engorgement in the posterior pole and indicates an especially aggressive form of ischemic disease with a poor prognosis and the need for early aggressive treatment. Iris vascular engorgement, pupillary rigidity, and vitreous haze may also be part of this classification; the latter is a poor prognostic finding.
Spectrum of ROP
ROP “Popcorn Lesions”
ROP and Fibrous Scarring
Persistent Fetal Vasculature Syndrome (Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous)
During embryogenesis, the developing structures of the eye are fed by the hyaloid artery, which emerges from the optic nerve head and extends to a network of vessels surrounding the lens collectively referred to as the tunica vasculosa lentis. This fetal vascular system typically regresses by apoptotic mechanisms; however, in some patients it fails to involute, resulting in persistent vascular elements in the posterior segment. This is termed persistent fetal vasculature syndrome (PFVS).
PFVS has a spectrum of presentations depending upon the extent of involution of the hyaloid artery and tunica vasculosa lentis. The retrolental fibrovascular tissue may obstruct the visual axis or cause early cataract. Contraction of the hyaloid fibrovascular remnants can lead to recurrent retinal and vitreous hemorrhages and even tractional retinal detachments. PFVS may also be associated with a variable degree of retinal dysplasia, optic nerve hypoplasia, and fibrovascular proliferation.
PFVS is typically unilateral. When bilateral PFVS is present, the possibility of Norrie disease must be ruled out, as it may mimic PFVS, but with more severe hemorrhagic and dysplastic retinal manifestations.
Chorioretinal Coloboma
Coloboma may involve many ocular structures including the iris, lens, ciliary body, retina, choroid, or optic nerve and result from incomplete fusion of the embryonic fissure. Chorioretinal coloboma are most often located in the inferonasal quadrant as this is the last sector of the embryonic fissure to close during embryogenesis. Size and location of the coloboma can vary and accordingly visual acuity ranges from normal to no light perception depending upon the extent of the lesion and involvement of the optic nerve and macula. Occasionally, chorioretinal coloboma can produce a white pupil (leukocoria) on ophthalmoscopy that may simulate a mass lesion such as a retinoblastoma. Patients with chorioretinal coloboma are at risk of various complications throughout life including rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and choroidal neovascular membrane formation. Macular schisis and detachment may complicate optic nerve coloboma and other congenital optic disc anomalies and this entity is comprehensively reviewed in Chapter 15 . Chorioretinal colobomas may be isolated or can be associated with a number of systemic syndromes including fetal alcohol syndrome, infections (e.g. congenital rubella syndrome), and various genetic syndromes including CHARGE syndrome (coloboma, heart abnormalities, anal atresia, renal abnormalities, genitourinary abnormalities, ear anomalies) associated with CHD7 mutation and papillorenal syndrome (PAX2 mutation), characterized by optic nerve or chorioretinal coloboma in association with congenital kidney disease.
Congenital Folds
Congenital retinal fold is a rare abnormality consisting of an anomalous fold of retina and associated vessels coursing through the posterior segment from the optic disc to the ora serrata. It is often associated with disorders of the peripheral retinal vasculature such as ROP, familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR), incontinentia pigmenti, and Norrie disease. It therefore may not represent a separate clinical entity, but instead may exist as part of the spectrum of these diseases. It should, however, be differentiated from a glial mass and from persistent fetal vasculature. In the absence of other ocular disorders and when associated with hyperopia, posterior microphthalmos syndrome should be excluded. Congenital folds are most often found bilaterally and symmetrically and may be associated with visual dysfunction and nystagmus.
Congenital Systemic Disorders
This group of disorders arises due to genetic mutations typically involving tumor suppressor genes that result in the development of benign and/or malignant tumors, which classically involve the brain, skin, and eye. Retinal lesions can be the important clue to the diagnosis of the systemic condition that can be fatal if left untreated. Phakomatoses often present during the pediatric years, although lesions may be acquired during the lifetime of the patient. While many of these retinal lesions are more comprehensively discussed in the oncology chapter ( Chapter 8 ), we will briefly review the salient retinal and systemic features in this chapter as these findings are not entirely uncommon in the pediatric population.
Neurofibromatosis Type I
Neurofibromatosis type I (NF1) is an autosomal dominant disease caused by mutation in the NF1 gene on chromosome 17q11.2. NF1 occurs in approximately 1 in 3000 live births, and 50% of cases are secondary to spontaneous mutation. The NF1 gene normally functions as a tumor suppressor, and mutation leads to abnormal proliferation of multiple neural tissues. Diagnosis is based upon the presence of some combination of axillary or inguinal freckling, optic glioma, Lisch nodules, cutaneous neurofibromas, plexiform neurofibromas, certain osseous lesions, and the presence of a first-degree relative with NF1. The most common ophthalmologic finding is the presence of iris Lisch nodules, which affect nearly all patients by the age of 20 years old. More recently choroidal hamartomas consisting of abnormal proliferations of Schwann cells have been described in 78 to 100% of NF1 patients. These lesions are best seen with enhanced depth optical coherence tomography or infrared imaging.
Neurofibromatosis Type 2
Neurofibromatosis type 2 is a rare hereditary phakomatosis caused by mutation in the NF2 tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 22. It is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner but approximately 50% of cases result from de novo mutations. Clinically, the disease is characterized by bilateral vestibular schwannomas, multiple central nervous system tumors, and several ocular abnormalities, the most frequent of which is posterior subscapular cataract. Posterior manifestations include combined hamartoma of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium and epiretinal membrane (ERM). The ERMs that complicate NF2 may appear similar to the typical ERM of inflammatory etiology, or may have a distinct, scaphoid appearance with edges curled up toward the vitreous. There may be a correlation with the presence of ERM and severity of the systemic disease.
Combined Hamartoma of the Retina and RPE
A hamartoma of the retina may present to the pediatric retinal physician with its characteristic vitreoretinal interface disturbance, prominent retinal vessels, and variably reactive pigment epithelium.
Arterial–Venous Malformations (Wyburn Mason Syndrome)
Wyburn Mason syndrome is a rare, nonhereditary phakomatosis consisting of arterial–venous malformations (AVM) of the retina, ipsilateral central nervous system, and face. Retinal angiomas are typically asymptomatic and inert and do not affect vision unless the retinal vascular abnormality is extensive or involves the macula. Rarely leakage and exudation and hemorrhage may develop. Reports of retinal ischemia resulting from retinal arterial shunting exist. Of greater concern are the potential complications of intracranial (typically involving the midbrain) and intraorbital lesions, which if present, may result in compressive optic neuropathy, hemiplegia, or even death from intracranial hemorrhage.