14 IOL Dysphotopsias


14 IOL Dysphotopsias

Nick Mamalis and Kyle MacLean

14.1 Introduction

Dysphotopsias are visual phenomena that can occur following uncomplicated surgery to place an intraocular lens (IOL). There are two major categories of characteristic symptoms: negative dysphotopsias, such as dark shadows noted temporally, and positive dysphotopsias, such as areas of light, starbursts, streaks, or central flashes of light. An estimated 19 to 49% of patients will experience dysphotopsias after cataract surgery. 1 ,​ 2 ,​ 3 The majority of these patients will report spontaneous resolution of their symptoms.s. Literatur ,​ 5 For a minority, however, further intervention, including surgical intervention, will be required for complete resolution of symptoms. Dysphotopsias can be a particularly frustrating problem for surgeons because they generally occur after uncomplicated surgery. Slit-lamp exam after the surgery will likely reveal a well-centered posterior chamber IOL in the capsular bag with a normal capsulorhexis edge, normal pupil size, and normal corneal shape. Dysphotopsias are the most significant negative factor impacting patient satisfaction with such uncomplicated surgeries.s. Literatur

14.2 Negative Dysphotopsias

Negative dysphotopsia is the result of light not reaching particular peripheral areas of the retina. Patients will describe a dark shadow in their vision, often forming a crescent shape in the temporal visual field (Fig. 14.1). The visual effect created has been compared to wearing horse blinders. 7 Over 15% of cataract surgery patients will report seeing a temporal shadow the day after surgery. Approximately 71% of those patients reporting visual shadows the day after surgery will have complete, spontaneous resolution of their symptoms by the 2-month post-operative period. Persistent symptoms over years will occur in only 0.2 to 2.4% of patients.s. Literatur ,​ 5 Although negative dysphotopsia is now well recognized as a complication of cataract surgery, its cause has still not been firmly established.

Fig. 14.1 Patient drawings of temporal crescents described as negative dysphotopsias. (From Osher RH. Negative dysphotopsia: long-term study and possible explanation for transient symptoms. J Cataract Refract Surg 2008;34(10):1699–1707. Used with permission of the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.)

14.2.1 Etiology

Since the first description of negative dysphotopsia, published in the year 2000, 2 the exact cause has remained elusive. The symptoms are not correlated with age or visual function at the time of surgery. 8 It does not appear to occur after cataract surgery involving ciliary sulcus positioned posterior chamber IOLs or anterior chamber IOLs, but only after the more common capsular bag placement of the IOL. It has also not been reported after procedures that left the IOL malpositioned. Ray-tracing analysis suggests it may be related to the internal reflection of light and subsequent shadowing caused by the IOL. 9 There is no proven method of objective measurement of negative dysphotopsia. A Humphrey visual field test, for example, will show a normal examination. 7 Therefore, the diagnosis of negative dysphotopsia remains dependent on the patient’s subjective report postsurgery.

Corneal Edema

Osher has proposed that corneal edema can cause a transient negative dysphotopsia.s. Literatur ,​ 10 His survey of 250 patients found that, although just over 15% reported temporal shadowing on postoperative day 1, that number was greatly reduced within just a few weeks. The great majority of these patients appeared to experience a temporary or transient from of negative dysphotopsia. He postulated that the symptoms coincided well with the healing of the temporal corneal incision commonly used during cataract surgery. After the incision, the cornea will thicken and develop haziness from the corneal edema. A thicker and more opaque area of the temporal cornea then leads to blockage of light passage and a shadow effect in the temporal visual field. This same shadow effect was not observed in eyes receiving a superotemporal incision that was covered by the upper eyelid after surgery.

There have been case reports by other authors, however, that negative dysphotopsias can occur after cataract surgery even when only superior incisions have been used.s. Literatur The theory is also complicated by the fact that negative dysphotopsias have not been reported in patients after corneal surgeries, such as a penetrating keratoplasty or flaps during a laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) procedure, which could also induce corneal edema. The transient nature of most negative dysphotopsias with ultimate symptomatic resolution, therefore, may simply be the result of neuroadaptation.

Anatomical Factors

Several different anatomical optical features of patients reporting negative dysphotopsias have been implicated as predisposing factors to visual shadows, including corneal curvature, pseudophakic anterior chamber depth, IOL power, and axial length. 2 ,​ 12

Holladay et al 9 suggested that pupil size, the distance behind the pupil to the implant, and functional nasal retina that extends anterior to the region of shadowing caused by the IOL were all correlated with an increase in reported negative dysphotopsia after uncomplicated cataract surgery. It is proposed that all of these anatomical conditions increase the amount of retinal shadowing from an IOL placed within the capsular bag. This retinal shadow is thought to be related to IOL designs, IOL placement, or possibly the edge of the anterior capsulotomy.

IOL Design

Patients have reported negative dysphotopsias after implantation of many different IOL types and materials, including three-piece hydrophobic acrylic IOLs,s. Literatur one-piece hydrophobic acrylic IOLs, 13 one-piece yellow-tinted hydrophobic acrylic IOLs, 14 a hydrophilic acrylic IOL, 12 and a three-piece silicone IOLs. 15 ,​ 16 Some smaller studies have suggested that silicone lenses do not cause negative dysphotopsias as frequently as acrylic lenses due to the rounded IOL edge design, 3 but there have not been large studies to evaluate for a significant difference.

Holladay et al 9 explored the effect of the IOL edge design on light dispersal using ray-tracing models. They found that light passing through the IOL edge refracted, and different angles left an area behind the IOL devoid of any light penetration (Fig. 14.2). The area left in shadow was most pronounced in IOLs with sharp or squared edges. Round edges, such as those found in the silicone lenses tested, had a smaller area left in shadow behind the lenses. They proposed that the edge design of IOLs was the cause of chronic negative dysphotopsias. This supported the clinical observation in small studies that silicone lenses were less likely to cause chronic dysphotopsia. This claim has been disputed, however, because exchange of problematic IOLs with others of different material or edge design has not always been successful. 17

Fig. 14.2 Diagram showing a horizontal section of eye. The red ray just misses the intraocular lens (IOL) and is not refracted, whereas the blue ray is refracted by the anterior surface and then the posterior surface of the IOL. The dark region would appear as a shadow if it fell on functional retina. (From Holladay JT, Zhao H, Reisin CR. Negative dysphotopsia: the enigmatic penumbra. J Cataract Refract Surg 2012;38:1251–1265. Used with permission of the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.)

IOL Placement/Anterior Capsule

Masket and Fram 7 observed that covering the edges of the anterior capsulotomy created during cataract surgery with an IOL seems to alleviate the symptoms of negative dysphotopsias. It had been previously observed that IOL exchange within the capsular bag did not improve symptoms, but that IOL exchange with placement of the second IOL in the ciliary sulcus did alleviate symptoms. 12 Similarly, improvement of symptoms was observed with secondary piggyback IOL implantation on top of an IOL in the capsular bag, as well as reverse optic capture of the original IOL. All of these techniques place an IOL over the edges of the anterior capsulotomy. It has therefore been proposed that negative dysphotopsias may be the result of an abnormal reflection of light from the anterior capsulotomy edge and IOL surface to the peripheral retina. This theory would explain why negative dysphotopsias are not observed in anterior chamber or sulcus-fixated IOLs.

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