Neck Dissection Levels IV and V


Neck Dissection Levels IV and V

Preliminary Considerations and Recommended Approaches

  • Level IV dissection is possible by gaining the same access as recommended for levels I to III; please be aware of the thoracic duct on the left side as there is limited access in the caudal region.

  • The horizontal access to levels I to III generally allows two variations for extended access to level IV and V nodes: MacFee and a modified Schobinger approach (Fig. 2.27).

  • Irradiated neck: the MacFee approach leads to less wound healing disturbances.

  • Modified Schobinger incision: better access to the posterior triangle and the complete course of the accessory nerve.

  • Modified Schobinger incision: angle of the cranioposterior tip has to be at least 90°; therefore, take care that the posterior incision for the level I to III dissection is not extended cranially to the mastoid/ear lobe region—otherwise, tip necrosis may occur. Downward incision follows the anterior border of the trapezius muscle.

  • Recommendation: use modified Schobinger approach, but discuss MacFee incision in irradiated patients and patients with a short neck.

MacFee incision and modified Schobinger approach to levels IV and V.

Relevant Anatomy for Level V Dissection

  • The leading landmark for dissection of level V is the greater auricular nerve.

  • The most severe malpractice that can occur during dissection of level V is injury of the SAN.

  • Location of the SAN: 1 cm cranial of the point where the greater auricular nerve fades away behind the posterior border of the SCM muscle (Fig. 2.28).

Anatomy of the lateral posterior triangle (landmarks: SCM muscle, trapezius muscle, clavicle), shown on anatomic torso model (SOMSO, Coburg, Germany).
Anatomy of the lateral posterior triangle after removal of the SCM muscle, shown on anatomic torso model (SOMSO).

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Jun 15, 2020 | Posted by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY | Comments Off on Neck Dissection Levels IV and V

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