Nasal Valve Deficiency: a New Proposal to Classify Deformity and Apply Surgical Repair Based on Four Anatomical Planes
Charles East
Defining the flow-limiting segments in the nose (valve) was originally proposed by Mink. The arbitrary division into internal and external nasal valves is commonly referred to in the surgical literature, and a large range of surgical innovations have been proposed to rectify deficiencies reducing nasal airflow. However, defining exactly what is meant by these areas, both in a static and dynamic form and an appropriate link with clinical correlation, has led to some confusion as to which technique(s) to apply in individual functional problems. Part of the problem rests with inconsistent anatomical diagnosis in defining the clinical area of insufficiency given the considerable variations in form, shape, strength, and dynamic stability of the nose from the nostril margin to the bony pyriform aperture. For many years, nasal function was linked directly to the septum or inferior turbinates; however, the area of interest in the airway is the region in the nose covering 2 to 3 cm from the external nares controlled by hard fixed tissue structures, mucosal changes, and a variably dynamic lateral side-wall (cartilages and musculocutaneous structures) together with clearly defined ligaments. Descriptions of the lateral wall into zones have been published previously by Tsao whose article proposes/adds a more complete method of assessment.
Recent publications point out the benefit of recreating stability in the valve region as the majority of surgical procedures weaken or destroy its various elements leading to insufficiency and a reduction in function.
This chapter does not intend to comprehensively itemize the correct treatments rather I hope to provide a more reliable method of assessment and documentation based on the principle of four planes of the valve beginning at the nostril margin and considering medial and lateral contributions to the flow-limiting segment. The proposal is based on anatomic descriptions, which have clinical relevance and encompass the entire region from medial to lateral, floor to roof of the flow-limiting segment of the nose.
The proposal is to consider the flow-limiting segments from the clinical viewpoint by classifying medial structures and lateral wall structures from anterior to posterior. The basis for this is to link the known fixed structures, which can be altered to increase the cross-sectional area and the variable or dynamic predominantly lateral nasal wall structure that may require augmenting or strengthening.
In addition to the medial and lateral wall of the nasal vestibule, there is also a floor composed of the sill of the vestibular/premaxilla skin and in the upper mid third, there is a vaulted roof formed by the natural Y-shaped widening of the dorsal septum as it blends with the superior aspect of each upper lateral cartilage. The forms,
variations, and pathologies of the nasal septum have been exhaustively described. Its physiologic role in the support of the upper lateral cartilages and perpendicular plate form a fixed tripod of the nose. On top of this, there is the floating tripod consisting of the lower lateral cartilages, accessory cartilages, and the variable scroll cartilages, which maintains the relations between the upper and lower lateral cartilages—the intercartilaginous junction.
variations, and pathologies of the nasal septum have been exhaustively described. Its physiologic role in the support of the upper lateral cartilages and perpendicular plate form a fixed tripod of the nose. On top of this, there is the floating tripod consisting of the lower lateral cartilages, accessory cartilages, and the variable scroll cartilages, which maintains the relations between the upper and lower lateral cartilages—the intercartilaginous junction.
The lateral wall deserves more scrutiny as it is composed of variable and incomplete cartilages, mucosal spaces, ligaments, muscles, and skin that has significantly different properties between the middle and the lower third of the nose. The tough tela subcutanea cutis is the main support of the lateral alar rim/lobule after the “turn point” of the lower lateral crus. The role of the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) extensions within the nose whereby ligamentous and muscular attachments connect the SMAS to the deeper tissues of the cartilaginous framework have a significant support role as seen by the dysfunction created from facial palsy and the laxity with aging. The transversalis nasi muscle and its extensions form the lateral scroll ligaments; the pyriform ligament attaches around the posterior margin of the lateral crus. The dilator nasi and dilator nasi anterior along with the Pitanguy ligament are the main musculoligamentous support structures, with at least three of these often being disrupted during rhinoplasty surgery.
It is often deformities relating to the lateral wall, which are responsible for the functional failure of septoplasty in functional surgery excluding, of course, the mucosal nasal respiratory diseases. In any evaluation of the dysfunctional nose, it is vital to differentiate between the structural (fixed and dynamic) elements and the mucosal diseases (rhinitis, nasal polyps) although they may often coincide but the treatment of each is separate. Clinical examination therefore should involve a combination of direct, both pre- and postdecongestion, endoscopic, and often radiologic investigation. Having a reliable systematic classification of medial, lateral, and mucosal deformities will then allow correct application of the numerous valve procedures described on a rational basis, but tailored to individual needs.
Form and function are much related. A symmetric, adequately projected, and supported lower two-thirds of the nasal skeleton is likely to produce a balanced nasal airway limited only by the resistance provided by the isthmus. Saddled, twisted, deviated noses do not work well, and the converse of abnormally large and turbulent airflow from excessive removal of intranasal structures (radical sub mucus resection (SMR), inferior turbinectomy, middle turbinectomy) produces an equally disabling “empty nose syndrome.” Clinical tests such as peak nasal inspiratory flow are limited by the collapsibility of the nasal sidewall, dimensions of the pyriform aperture, and the position of the nasal septum, but are probably the best clinical correlate with the patient’s perception of function.
I propose four separate planes for clinically defining areas for the flow-limiting segment beginning at the nostril (see Fig. 14.1).
Plane 1: The medial crus, nasal sill, and margin of the ala rim
Plane 2: The leading edge of the nasal septum (caudal), the nasal tip domes, the corpus of the lateral crus, and the tela of the alar
Plane 3: The upper lateral and lower lateral junctional region, the triangular part of the valve angle (the valve angle), the lateral mucosal space, pyriform ligament, lower lateral part of the pyriform aperture, and mucosa anterior to the head of the inferior turbinate
Plane 4: The chondroethmoid junction of the septum, the “spread angle” (upper middle third vault), central upper lateral cartilage, and bone of the midpyriform aperture including the bony head of the turbinate
Clinical Relevance
Based on the anatomical description, the flow-limiting segments can be classified into four basic planes detailing medial and lateral abnormalities.
Plane 1—The medial elements consist of skin and medial crus with its footplate; the floor is determined by the sill width, the alar/facial insertion point. The lateral wall is determined by the turn point of the lateral crus and the thickness of the Tela subcutanea cutis—the condensation of collagen fibers with sebaceous elements and muscle fibers that produce the form of the lateral alar lobule and give it rigidity.
Plane 2—Determined medially by the caudal end of the septum, the septal angles, membranous septum, and position of the nasal spine. Laterally, it is defined by the domes of the lower cartilages, the form and shape of the corpus of the lateral crus, the strength of the pyriform ligament, the dilator nasi muscle, and levator labii alaeque nasi muscle.
Plane 3—Medially, there is the central part of the quadrangular cartilage, the septal turbinate, and the vomer crest. Laterally, there is the upper lateral/lower lateral cartilage junction (with the accessory cartilages), the lateral mucosal space and associated pyriform bone (Webster triangle), and the transversalis nasi muscle with the lateral scroll ligament (Fig. 14.2).
Plane 4—Medially, there is the chondroethmoid junction (bifid, pneumatized), spread part (trapezoid) valve angle, the upper lateral attachment to the pyriform aperture, and the head of the inferior turbinate.
Deformities of the dorsum invariably reflect a displacement of the dorsal septum. Obvious sidewall asymmetry may be seen at rest particularly in the middle third of the nose. Alar pinching, abnormal curvature or position of the tip (ptosis), and caudal displacement of the cartilaginous septum are common deformities in the tip. Fixed obstructions in the nose produce a constant block. This may be reflected in the positions a patient prefers during sleep to maintain an airway, but dynamic collapse will usually be evident on increased nasal airflow.
Using this classification, with a combination of a direct, modified Cottle maneuver, endoscopic and radiologic (CBCT) investigation, deformities can be classified in the flow-limiting segment. For example, a caudal septal deformity in the left airway and a collapsed upper lateral cartilage with impingement on the septum would be area 2 medial left and area 3 right lateral. In this way, each nostril and valve can be separately categorized in a three-dimensional manner relevant to the technique required.

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