Herpetic Keratitis and Iritis

History of Present Illness (HPI)

A 39-year-old man with no significant past medical history complains of 2 days of tearing, light sensitivity, and blurry vision in his left eye (OS). It started first with some foreign body sensation and has progressed since then. His other eye is fine. He denies getting anything in the eye or being hit in the eye and denies contact lens use.


Vision 20/20 20/40+
IOP 12 25
Lids and lashes: Normal Normal
Sclera/conjunctiva: White and quiet Trace injection
Cornea: Clear See Fig. 9.1
AC: Deep and quiet 1+ white cell
Iris: Flat Flat
Lens: Clear Clear
Anterior vitreous: Clear Clear

Dilated Fundus Examination (DFE)

Nerve: Normal, cup-to-disc (c/d) 0.3 Normal, c/d 0.3
Macula: Good foveal reflex Good foveal reflex
Vessels: Normal caliber and course Normal caliber and course
Periphery: Unremarkable Unremarkable

Fig. 9.1

Color slit lamp photograph of the left eye under normal illumination shows a particularly long dendriform lesion on the corneal epithelium nasal and superior to the visual axis. A few stellate keratic precipitates (KPs) were noted, which are less well visualized in this image.

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Apr 3, 2021 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Herpetic Keratitis and Iritis

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