The purposes of this study are to report the efficacy of the endoscopic approach for juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) and to compare its related intra- and postoperative complications with findings from traditional approaches in the literatures. This study is a retrospective report of 47 cases of JNA that were treated with nasal endoscopic surgery between 1998 and 2005. According to the staging system by Radkowski et al ( Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 1996;122:122–129), the staging of the included patients were the following: 21 in stages IA to IIB, 22 in IIC, 3 in IIIA, and 1 in IIIB. Five patients were embolized before surgery. The mean blood hemorrhage in embolized patients was 770 mL, whereas in nonembolized patients, it was 1403.6 mL. In the follow-up period (mean, 2.5 years), the recurrence was found in 9 patients (19.1%), and mean time of recurrence was 17 months after surgery. The rupture of cavernous sinus occurred in 2 cases with no mortality. The mean hospital stay was 3.1 days in all cases and 1.8 days in embolized patients. The findings of this study demonstrate that endoscopic resection of JNA is a safe and effective technique because of decrease in blood loss, hospitalization, and recurrence rate, especially in tumors that are not extended through intracranial space. It is therefore strongly recommended that this modality is implemented as the first surgical step for tumors with stages I to IIIA of the Radkowski’s staging system.
Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a histologically benign tumor or tumor-like lesion that has local invasions. It is a vascularized lesion without any capsule. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is almost always seen in males, and its peak age is around the adolescence age groups. Although this tumor is the most common benign neoplasm of the nasopharynx, some existing reports indicate the presence of angiofibroma in nasal septum, middle turbinate, hard palate, and alveolar ridge . It is responsible for less than 0.05 percent of all head and neck tumors . The tumor usually originates from the superior border of the sphenopalatine foramen, which is formed by the junction of the trifurcation of palatine bone, horizontal wing of vomer, and the roof of pterygoid plates . The origin of the tumor is of the greatest importance because it elucidates its pattern of distribution. In addition, it affects the surgical approach by which it will be managed. Initially, the tumor grows in the submucosal plane of the nasopharyngeal roof, reaching the septum and posterior aspect of nasal space, creating a mass that may cause nasal airway obstruction. As the tumor grows, the anterior face of sphenoid sinus is affected and becomes invaded by the tumor. Angiofibroma may laterally extend to the pterygomaxillary fissure and cause bowing of the posterior wall of the maxillary sinus. Further, it may involve the infratemporal fossa and middle cranial fossa. The simultaneous involvement of bilateral sphenopalatine foramen by JNA is also reported . The diagnosis of JNA is essentially based on clinical and radiologic examination . During initial evaluation, computed tomography (CT) scan with and without contrast reliably assesses tumor extensions. Magnetic resonance imaging studies, however, may be more accurate than CT in assessing the intracranial extensions. The preoperative angiography is also helpful for the evaluation of feeding vessels and also allows embolization of these vessels. Although radiotherapy, hormone therapy, cryotherapy, electrocoagulation have all been recommended in the literature, surgery remains the treatment of choice for JNA . The conventional surgical approaches including transpalatal, lateral rhinotomy, midfacial degloving, transmandibular, transhyoid, with or without extensions such as the upper lip split or concomitant craniotomy and infratemporal fossa approaches, have been examined. The management of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma has always been regarded as a formidable challenge to endoscopic surgeons as well as head and neck surgeons . Kamel et al , in 1996, described transnasal endoscopic approach for the limited angiofibroma lesions. In that study, the eligible tumors for endoscopic surgery were limited to tumors of nasopharynx, nasal cavity, ethmoid, and sphenoid sinuses. Based upon the recent findings reported in the literature, not only is endonasal surgery combined with a preoperative embolization of the arterial supply suggested for small- and middle-size JNAs, but it is also used for large tumors extending to the pterygopalatine fossa and medial aspect of the infratemporal fossa. Note that minimal intracranial extension is not an absolute contraindication . The endoscopic resection provides several advantages over more traditional surgical techniques, which include the avoidance of facial incisions and plating of the maxilla and the minimization of bone removal. These maneuvers may result in facial growth asymmetry when performed on adolescents. The endoscopes permit a multiangle and magnified view of the tumor and surrounding structures . The purposes of this study are to report the efficacy of the endoscopic approach for JNA at all stages of Radkowski’s classification (see Table 1 ) and to compare the related intra- and postoperative complications with findings from similar studies and other approaches in the literatures. This study is a retrospective report of 47 cases of JNA that were treated with nasal endoscopic surgery for a given period, as discussed in the following sections.
Stage | Description |
IA | Involvement limited to the nose and/or nasopharynx |
IB | Extension into one or more sinuses |
IIA | Minimal extension into the pterygopalatine fossa |
IIB | Occupation of the entire pterygopalatine fossa with or without erosion of the orbital apex |
IIC | Involvement of the infratemporal fossa with or without extension to the cheek or posterior to the pterygoid plates |
IIIA | Erosion of the skull base (the middle cranial fossa/base of the pterygoids); minimal intracranial extension |
IIIB | Erosion of the skull base; extensive intracranial extension with or without cavernous sinus invasion |
Materials and methods
Between August 1998 and May 2005, 47 patients with JNA who had undergone exclusive endoscopic surgery or endoscopic-assisted surgery at the Tertiary Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of Amiralam hospital were studied.
At first, patients with JNA in various stages were selected; however, once a patient with a significant bleeding in stage IIIB was encountered, similar patients with advanced intracranial involvement were referred for radiotherapy.
Neurosurgeons were always present when patients of stage IIIA or IIIB tumors were being operated on.
All patients who underwent JNA endoscopic surgery were evaluated endoscopically in 2 weeks after surgery, then monthly, for the first 6 months, and annually afterward. An annual CT scan evaluation had begun since the third month postoperation. The mean follow-up period for each patient was about 2.5 years, and all subjects were examined with both endoscopic techniques and CT scan, as noted earlier. If an unusual situation was encountered during endoscopy while these patients were observed for recurrence, the findings were confirmed with a contrast-enhanced CT-scan imaging. The diagnosis of JNA was based on the clinical manifestations and the data obtained from CT scan imaging ( Fig. 1 ), and sometimes with or without magnetic resonance imaging.
Among 47 patients who were included in our study, 31 (66%) cases were primarily treated (see Table 2 ), but the remaining 16 (34%) cases were treated secondarily in our center (see Table 3 ), which were previously operated on, using conventional or endoscopic methods.
Patient | Age | Symptoms and signs | Tumor location | Tumor stage ⁎ | Cranial nerve injury | Hospitalization days | Follow-up (mo) | Embolization | Intraoperative bleeding (mL) | Transfused blood (U) | Tumor recurrence |
1 | 12 | NO + E | Left | IB | – | 5 | 70 | − | 750 | 1 | − |
2 | 14 | NO + E | Left | IB | – | 2 | 65 | + | 1250 | 3 | + |
3 | 18 | NO + E | Left | IB | – | 1 | 70 | + | 300 | – | − |
4 | 19 | NO + E | Left | IB | – | 1 | 52 | − | 1500 | 4 | − |
5 | 17 | NO | Right | IIA | – | 7 | 29 | − | 2500 | 8 | + |
6 | 10 | E | Right | IIIA | – | 3 | 62 | − | 1500 | 4 | − |
7 | 15 | NO | Left | IIB | – | 4 | 18 | − | 2500 | 8 | − |
8 | 22 | NO + E | Left | IIA | VNP | 1 | 72 | − | 300 | – | − |
9 | 14 | NO | Left | IIC | – | 1 | 24 | − | 3000 | 10 | − |
10 | 13 | NO | Left | IIC | – | 2 | 17 | + | 1000 | 2 | − |
11 | 20 | NO | Left | IB | AION | 2 | 54 | − | 1000 | 2 | − |
12 | 17 | E | Right | IIA | AION | 1 | 55 | − | 1000 | 2 | + |
13 | 19 | NO + E | Left | IA | – | 1 | 24 | − | 300 | – | − |
14 | 20 | NO | Left | IB | – | 2 | 48 | + | 300 | – | − |
15 | 19 | NO + E | Left | IIIA | II, III, VI | 17 | 23 | − | 4500 | 16 | + |
16 | 19 | NO + E | Left | IB | – | 2 | 24 | − | 300 | – | − |
17 | 20 | E | Right | IA | – | 3 | 24 | − | 300 | – | − |
18 | 14 | NO + E | Right | IIC | – | 3 | 21 | − | 1000 | 2 | − |
19 | 14 | NO + E | Left | IIC | – | 2 | 26 | + | 1000 | 2 | − |
20 | 16 | NO + E | Left | IIC | – | 2 | 40 | − | 1000 | 2 | − |
21 | 20 | NO | Left | IIC | – | 3 | 9 | − | 300 | – | − |
22 | 22 | NO + E | Right | IIA | – | 2 | 14 | − | 300 | – | − |
23 | 21 | NO | Bilateral | IA | – | 1 | 3 | − | 300 | – | + |
24 | 10 | NO + E | Left | IIC | – | 3 | 12 | − | 750 | 1 | − |
25 | 12 | NO + E + H | Left | IIC | VNP | 4 | 7 | − | 300 | – | − |
26 | 18 | NO + E | Left | IIC | – | 2 | 60 | − | 1250 | 3 | + |
27 | 14 | NO + E | Left | IB | – | 2 | 43 | − | 300 | – | – |
28 | 15 | NO + E | Right | IIC | – | 3 | 41 | − | 1000 | 2 | − |
29 | 24 | E | Left | IIC | – | 2 | 3 | − | 1000 | 2 | − |
30 | 21 | NO + E + PND | Left | IIC | – | 2 | 15 | − | 4500 | 16 | − |
31 | 20 | E | Left | IB | – | 3 | 26 | − | 300 | – | − |
Patient | Age | Symptoms and signs | Tumor location | Tumor stage ⁎ | Cranial nerve injury | Hospitalization days | Follow-up (mo) | Embolization | Intraoperative bleeding (mL) | Transfused blood (U) | Tumor recurrence |
1 | 37 | NO + E + P + VL | Right | IIIB | – | 8 | 14 | – | 8500 | 32 | – |
2 | 15 | NO | Left | IB | – | 3 | 74 | – | 300 | – | – |
3 | 17 | NO + T | Right | IIIA | – | 2 | 26 | – | 2500 | 8 | + |
4 | 14 | NO | Left | IIC | – | 5 | 18 | – | 2500 | 8 | – |
5 | 22 | Ch.S + E | Left | IIB | – | 3 | 57 | – | 1500 | 4 | – |
6 | 19 | NO | Left | IIB | – | 4 | 17 | – | 1250 | 3 | – |
7 | 15 | NO + E | Left | IIC | – | 5 | 31 | – | 1000 | 2 | – |
8 | 7 | NO + E | Right | IIC | – | 5 | 32 | – | 1000 | 2 | – |
9 | 15 | Ch.S + E | Left | IIC | – | 3 | 20 | – | 1050 | 2 | – |
10 | 15 | NO | Right | IIC | – | 4 | 28 | – | 1250 | 3 | – |
11 | 23 | E | Right | IA | – | 1 | 20 | – | 300 | – | – |
12 | 14 | NO + E | Right | IA | – | 2 | 49 | – | 1250 | 3 | – |
13 | 18 | NO | Left | IIC | – | 2 | 53 | – | 2000 | 6 | – |
14 | 14 | NO + Ch.S + E | Left | IIC | – | 4 | 8 | – | 300 | – | + |
15 | 12 | Ch.S + E | Left | IIC | – | 3 | 44 | – | 1500 | 4 | – |
16 | 19 | NO | Right | IIC | – | 1 | 13 | – | 1000 | 2 | + |

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